HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-10-24, Page 4fatty". ,errs OLD tRirt;rE><. ihno i.e 1a pleas Maid. W lee neer teeth w pale mesh Ise of. 1 ate. Nm at hie ease, With tr esateew *re. fele, (gees aid bum: (ball the emir te..m- -g Wish. AO ie1 asp whir'. hes sIMl. O MNI of Me` slosh the (itis Tame. rare away ewe Sm.. Aid the paha.. leaf Pas brows. Der and team Item wee whoa seep slaw, Dossiontsbird hie goo, W h e hies ares Wised eudght. w. sew ems Tee eseold we him rem ay. V mold elm g the wep Te his tali; 11. Mewl eight and Baia, A haat sten es gar Aad some lieu,... 1 Mail le We sail. Aad hope was high at fine. Aad the pHs. .haat be used, Til he (seed That bops w e beta tern la seed and Gamy ale• Aa4 t1. promise, p+.te r.4 item. Baum mew. R. *e'er woe raateeed bed. i.,1'.e wee him sails right glad At 'Jowled" wen. While ss rows W..M hie Gown resod Wham pearl did awed. if 'were "dem.• Lag y .. he lab.wd so, The waren( hem as goad, Prom Me syn Tin Mate are Me Mom. Fe..alas are his pawtea. Ad bas dorm, like maim( @bowels Plinio( by. Ti. Mae tea him Mehl M might. At rho rete-r•p dsW dreary Ilghe. Set3.d.g there. 'Wil edam* mesion (mead 'Mimam e'er ►s Mad. at sooty Weyer, abed Oa Wailed. Ad waw the wafer masa Py.laisee 1 sight the atom, If res room. Toe my we him, week and Gail• M his weary imps d. h11, Jemmies Wu m hews.Ilf Ha few is years w Mat. Te ►r lair a bads a lest �y grey: Ad Me teeth re dere dessys4, Aa4 lassie then taw betryod- Gre.' bustles human With hie clay. 1st epee will muds der. . 7lhe. 11e hem will pia away From your •iew, Arida. epos shall ka.w se mew* ie *vows that he here. Or the tl.ppi.teent erre That be tea.. Ua M 41111 riled to doh w ti a easellead .M M to Ilett for M ./, ter Linen. M hair ia.1n the `em pietas( Ilissty, tbsl R,1. ��W Irhtese r the iebe�w ie. Cal. IO el Mile i. the ..e1MQr slat td•tt.g41 11'tlwa. Olt„ I. 1M80. 1 TM01 i . 1 Odense ad I -4M r all spat the Mope /llwilI1 ' ewer �.( i and erlth set • hist ter Ione noirae err sf eimar fret the Iblp p•4e• 1b i !b. with a i Meta Sts 1. . Coasts. mossy of tb, old peal. the les They ewe ted woo, u 4 y rid hem (rebs watt ter, light to the Ia.t inlet. .rleatnse d e soh e.tthl d *,NW.. M- Qss.1. IMR sashod 1; t teem .4 Brett. M ire aha- T.* Virgisio.!mews, slime 11y .trtsce1e of a sow poet. TM work,. sle ++ loot their way on OW the sow is solve progress. The pert will he I oto.. eight rile. meet .! tau Math wars assessed that rervi.g, Mai sl by Nosey Innis taw. Q.sdam was mor- tally oersted, Mid aa.eher ,r. and both wesm aydused son monies-• Bu of the o.tes.te► Mass elsthss meso .ory ragged. from astir Irgseatt ema6ssi wadi hares sad maks. mesad 40 a ties rats het, weep= ems sad he* The woman es s,Mor them plsotilslly with Sermeste, Mitt* 1he heehaw* wee* to hie n eighbor., proe.nd annelsese,.ed sorter ed the rsMwsy , fey whish .anise be re- ceived a remised 4060. Two el M. De- grees are mil hid away in the mountiim-, hal the P.... Iveola menu orb aro ager for the rewards. are Met them. The .laves B ate that they all subsisted on eon and ap- ples dorieg their teasels. J*cemen, Mae. 0a1. 1. G Quitm.o hu aeon a oral mattes, galling a....ioo 01 the Legislates. on the 113.4 el Newman. Hie gine as his elate( meson., the dmissiom of Calderas. into the Uaioe as ..tats sad the message of the bill for the abohttee of the loss trade is the District of Celumhts. LATE EUROPEAN NEWS. of east diessoios•. k ii tl .,el... • env - fees of mor. (has 111 b.atarom, (R,1 scree) esisabetr'nf which .Si pp.egt • Ap* of 6 metre*, (17 fest.) lad .f whoa 4 bastes at legal well alien s nob *f e.sw lhaa 6 more. (26 frot.1 A enols is the diroetioa of north to south will shelter the pre. ie widest .ids. A refuge will tbue be created from the moot da.gerow storm. of t►tw seam. net °sly for Manse .awle of els largest 10.eage, bet also for the war may, as important remelt apo a e.pst which, for n * -utast .f forty lessees from the Cap Corso to Ports Vecchio, 4.te sat afford a B eagle harbor of refuge. Monose( o. tem Etu.or.an RR►esta- c•\s.-T1 C..elifati.aaf C a well-eafurmed esimt•lorial poblwatto•, i• Berlin. costaba the followiuR notices rala- tl.o to the projected Ceogr.se of Rental - ease is the totaled of Jerry, which, rid,eu• leis as it nay appear, may ant be unworthy of the attention of these whom it may son- ars: -"Th. grouted -work," stye the jeer's', " of this Congress is as awmbly of Republicans el all Mateo, and the re- organisation of the propaganda. The pre siding eomwittes shill, so before, rade in London: but a country more favorable then that of England for the organisation of the standing army of the potterer republic shall be selected. It proposed to tress - pert the .hole uiprovided for republican emigration of all countries, me far as it be possible, to North Arerie., ostensibly for the peruse of establiehing. a,rkuttural colonies; but for the real obj act of .R.reias tog them to arms, and organizing them milihonly." "Europe," continues the Co* ,lif,tiond Correspondence, " will probably not fees mush alarm .t the project, although ' artillery, is spoken of." aAINAU REVENGED. 1e p ♦ie..a letter of tie iltb i•ou•t. 1e the Wear !111007. we GM the ft owing etaemest: ' Yee Lose possibly fw.y win sab.senoof modes et mriiatioe far the eaten e► hacks est yellows (patriots) are prepared strut from ter aisle Qabies1. Thelma .111 they to- nere to see • weir wasomde• a skio7 his appeammo ed grwsde U.51. tied espreeai•i te the Iterate red *become of genal hie deep- klt spot fee the so rats. SSd trivia' • promise tint the o,osaos peeiahaset shell be marded te the.nm isait lens' will satisfy a..ther wet 1 poltlerias hat the titrdities et the culprits s the jeritiilties of so Aastriu ssort• Mantel. The were 1 AagMph a, .k1.1 they 1..e bees burg` is ter 1017 felt, a sew takes est lad and is ss artid.e, tied. Steed. h as sherd reamer. In the 'Cafe Dam.' which labored be eat adiwR awe wee amidst the pouita of Wow royal ihrime ars. a peau of Qoeee Vic- mrla i icy it we thee, fee it w. yesterday .s0dred • Creates offeer, who, drawing Me slew with • valley el i pr.adese, wti•ahed tt him memo, wail hie seen.s eheend and ..d •b,...' They rattled their .weed. is a � 115104.6 ...w. sed they ears the • ries the Mateet get and whom thee Meg iambw w • Iil ' as the Mawr did the pis - see d (their QOM. let of *sly abased -is. deed, ter 1.1011• are low lad ewe whin were yesterday e(/*•d s two herede s Dogfish War - ism (whose 4,... bespoke them es orb) �y avert 15eelry eaieere, smog whom woe some relative 1 Prime S.bw►•nrsberg•" Tan Rsv,IaT,ox I1 Hwa Cavi. -Ab though ...teieed by winsome or emissive .f icy hied, the revelries is Home Creel still m•Intres a formidable aspect. The d ouggle helve.. the Elector and hie po• p4..o•tiatse, aur it appear that the former estto persist is his policy. The ent 61 (0001055( is to be moved from Carmel to a nail lows in the vicinity of Fraskf rt; and Hseie•pfiu`, who remaims W holes hes seneme0•d the delimit .r- • vast" of the geverstse•t to WlbelmeMd. The people. on the otiose hand. preserve •e attitude of constitutional resistance: the e.artia bow reclaimed by the Elector, has hes sswbere refereed; red the e0u•try ,s.1i..4. • Stale of perfect tnsgnility. It is.snifestly impossible for the gov.rem.t to rotten the movement, wince the publte fsmetieaarisl, the army, and the people, are 0Mminse01 is their determlnsties to resat whet they morns an arbitrary inwinn of the eeaetiletioe. It is even said that M. H•e.s.pdug .•snot meet aeon the cordial support of his own colleagues is the csbisat; a.d there is .o rear for belies, that the nap de Net of the eleeter•1 (overeats( has bees prompted or eounte.s.oed by Astoria. pipets to that affect have indeed bees Inter, lowly circulated, although they 40 eel appear to be fronded epos Neta; bet rather epee lb* swooned aggressive - sees of Asetnpa diplesery. Il is the Mhiee to aeone that gwgr.wat of the Imeet de(.reisd abeeb1It propagandism, bet It is set 5s0.sgnry R,1 mewl la such an h paths ts to amount fes the 100.cme0t is J Tbe wast of violent In the F•lee- tra.afgbs weal .f homely (. ha Mire. t.r. ro.i5► it ..WmSs..1 to leek for emp- ties se the seams ef the j.e.{.ties w1Yi i. Mw 1. peeress Bat .1.411. thse/iste MMM attributed to the r..N.febsess..wr Ur the osprimapted el floe Prime► the *term to he 1.......tl, 4rrees. Freon the Glebe. THE FUGITIVE BILL. This infamous enouti15 l producing gnat esettetne.t le the United States. The coloured people are bolding meetings in ever, dirietio•, a l /feelers they will resist to the death. A letter from Baltimore, of 110th inst., intimates Hamlet's arrival i• that city :- The arrival of Miser Grahams, of this eity, from New York, accompanied by De- puty Marshal Talmadge sad Brown, bruit- ing with them the shave Jamo. Hamlet, h.1 caused quits an excitement, aid there is no doubt that it .MI teed to quiet moth of the agitation that still estate at the South, previa, to them, beyond doubt, ta. efficacy of the Fugitive Stave bill, in enabling the el.veholder le go tate the Northers Stat. and bring home his slaves, even though they hays been almost any years. The penalty applied to the marshals Nato as a prsvo.attim to precrestisatio.. The slave Hamlet is mow deposited is Mr. Denotes's slave jail whew he will le - lora • fire days, is order to &Nowt his Northers frauds so opportunity to buy him out at limpets' which kis owner ie effsred for %Ire. Hamlet confute" that be made his escape from Baltimore two years sire, byjumping on the night burthen train when sheet to Lave here for Philadelphia, that by beteg fiat on the top of the earl be 'reaped the vigilance of the conductors, and arrived is Philadelphia at daylight nest monist. 1 learn that there ie a party sow at the North, endeavoring to feint out and arrest the slave Douglass. who boo so often hurled faleebood and defiance at his master. sod traducod and vilified the character of the slave ownen. Nothing has been heard of bim since the adjournment of the Fugi- tive Slaves Cooroosion. Then are, also, knows to be several lbooetad fugitive slaves in Columbia, (.neuter Harrtaburgh, and Pittsburgh, the owoendf several hun- dreds of whom have already taken steps for their recovery, and there will soon be a great storm in that direction. -Herald tor. Hamlet was rter in a tuereantile house /ARUla TUTLE. had the le ArU. 1. aeee T"6"18640, Mt 1. nit Tit` Bert Soy tho wm.--adttthe se Min aha Meswe des bite, and ea rite Meeh rose he the .r. -Mod 1 honey Bei nes ell wear ideMed to tlw mord Awes as Tar le. ieelw/h to male N their M► penin trite Ts EJII.0 R JONES. May. iv - MOIR f osabeiteed willowy. 1 1's W FUOITIVL SLAVE BILL. T1. eaei,etse.t ea this iwportut eseet4. .tt11 ssatiaee7. Duerr, Oct. 8. A wire has bees "rested to -day ander the New FugitiveLsw, sad greet saritemwat is pro- datsd. Headrede of wire. "rated sad thseswa ilia arrest of the primmer. The e1uiaatiea tete place t.-l0.rrew. a151( Gdeoeh, 841 NOTICE. 1 /LO te tela.., se ell stat is temp hose., the I hose sane a 7 ..r1Attwatero.ao7� Owl• .J to WILLIAM STORY. aetb.eisedl►un ue .West all weep dee 10 Wither by Not •4" had ate .t►erwua. sad Mot 4isrheeg00 lir the craw. Asa i hereby egn.t all wow indebted a 10 forthwith to sole the same sod ran SOW` JOHN LANCASTER. Dederish. Mob day /Slay. SW. v9m17 NOTICE. H L S.baerilw Melon bees open sued Ap1e 1 ter Ike PROVINCIAL MUTUAL AND GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, hen - by ia.mated, that he is prepared to Insist 8.b- .cripeioae for Steck is the Preschools Breech. sad applleatiws for Is.ersstw is the Mand Breach. and to gin orb Isfermatios os the subject as may 1. req.ir.d. JOHN CLARK. Goderich, 28.1 Sept. 1849. 9R,-534,. FOR SALE. TlIREE DILL PRIVILEGES, close to lhti Lake Shore, and at 6, M and 18 mi'es from God0Nkh, with .mall Fares at- tached. Also --ONE HUNDRED Boddie, 1.OTs is the new laid out Town Plot of Wicklow. op the 18 mile River, and on the main road from Godench to the firsts/opt esttl.essta is the new enuntl of Bruce. Term. -Ons fourth of the pasha's mon n7 down, the remainder in Foot instahmemta with interest. Apply (if by letter post- paid) to the proprietor, JOHN HAWKINS. Goderich, Mirth 18, 1850. 1,-o8m6 Drrserr, Oet. 9. Tae fugitive elan wag osedected t. -lay Gem jail guarded by three compere* of ool1ie.., bet althoagh • great ■amber of atgrmm* bei.ase.- bled, rely a somber of Wetbacks were'brews at the manhal'e Marriage. The slue me ern - milted for a wok for fisher 'eiders. Davison, OM'. 1I. The exeitewest cutlass. The jail ie well gaarded br military. The Megram ares.d the city are attoriae awful Siesta. Arikedwiah (1.n are at the lean talealetioa same bodied retro, who holy sawed the riser. It ie dan- gerous for a Stirs from hem to he sees among then). They in well armed. The boar of a. Irlehmes, who informed of a seem sew in )ail, was attacked last sight lad gess sad pistol were fired both by the .idler and thew heaids sere blond wee shed. A large Rossing was held by the friesds 1 freedom : t1. Mayer re- sided. 8pgghes were made by dee Hoe. R. S. Biag1m, Mears. Joy and Emma.; 1.6a0au- ry lamellate wee idsigd is at times, bet little et51lemamt. R.ded.s were passed derooui- eie( *below. Some aatieipau disturbance whew the mope torero or. He is sow awaiting hie papers. A 0155107time baa bw mien seal - ciao spacebar Ilio liberty if he is takes beak. Then was quits a large 100111ss deelers' people es the reps ef the City Hell to satin Jules Haunt, • elan who wee seemly news - ed to Balthus, bat whew Madsen has bows parebaed sat he weaned. Hamlet, 'ceemp- sied by the pestleteas who went for him, aid we or two others who came to the Park is • snrate was received with hearty sheen. A menden was ormsi ked, aid severe! e7seebn veto made. -[New York paper. Ooreaes.-At Yorkville. South Carolina, es the 15th elt. Jackson Averts was takes into me- tad?, rrtody, tarred and feathered, redo se • rail, u4 or- dered to loom the State. with en Orientate that gloved wrthia its bsdon .gds ho wield be bang. His edema weedi.bedi.ses to se order honorer' weed by •'•Com,tiItee.1Viet Isaee,' that he nerd lean Hs Sus --.me aboittes declarations which biked made huts" beta .f- fwene to the eitissu.-it:ea Adveniwr. in New York, and bore a high character with his employers. Ile had a wife lad family in New York, and the blow of hie kidoappi.g coming suddenly on hie family to said to have hotrod his wife. The colour- ed people of New York have reload the money demanded by his owe're, and he will M immediately liberated. Ws find the following notices of the ex- citement in various quarters in our ex. 'hanged :- Boerne, Oct 1, 1850. There is great ,.citem..t, both hen and at Worcester, relative to the reclamation of fugitive elan.. Al Worcester two. slave owners are prowling about with a view of catching acme fugitives there. The cot sono generally express • determination not to permit a5y to be tidos •way. A largo . umber of fugitive slaves in this city, met last evening at the Rev. Mr. Snowden's Ghereh, and appointed • eomeitte to can- nel measures to present their waren.- There ere taste .boot 900 fugitive alae. is this city, may .( whom are is bermes, .ed hie hmiIie.. About. thirty fugitive alone arrived at Boston en the Ind inst.. from New York. They .y they will go se farther but remain there, arm th.ntsolvee and .bids the result Woacsma; Man., Oct. 1. 1850. Then is eo.eilmrable excitement here, owing to a repos that there are two slave catchers . town, ie qn.t of fugitive" it being well kern that thews ere a great somber of runaway slaves among the adored popelot... Sraiw.ft.to, Oct. I, 1850. There is great emcttemest here re rose - gooses of the apposed presonee of slave "rehire. Tho enlnmd people are arming. The lows hall is shreeged by tbns.rde of emitted people who appear drummed that n et a claw' .hall he takes from Npri.,Aeld, law or to law. There well bow hard fight- ing if N is attempted. Abut fifty hgiu. f lee.e w residing here. Oswoon, Oet . I, 1850. The Fugitive alae. NII in egeitise some seevemost atoonf the eolered pepnlali. .f them enure. Tbe tiers.. probes to be lie+e that there .n eemseal wave e.tehen 1n this seigNewt..d, .sl: they hers ergs l shad mid snood tbws.NTee to Hetet oil Ogg * 70t*.ws•e.- attempt tk'1 mss 1»mbM ageless them- sesttUM ler fellowi5gl desleseag they tanner fight to the last, rj�ablest ted tweet poplesm limed b. to defeat the I.bs,t ef them- /nwted opposite to the selves s es Meade. If ie report that tete row 11 d 10 tja IMM and be•- rj1A81 s few knout• ter M fee wbe buys MINA h lye 1 twohei has is Oa wane 1 the Oa if s gl'ltMI, end Frame. ss.ght Petry le flight. 11.5 i�.� -seek alis -.R, ►. Teen► Oaz.T Maros TO RerestAT. Tse Frswnvs Low- -Sanest th.owad people, whir sad Mark. sttead.d a meeting 1a the Park at saes es 8a'orday, at which James Hamlet, the hat New York •iotim of the moa-etea1n, was ea. \inked. Th. greatest wah.iasm prevailed. "d the m etisg was addreeaed by Mess W. P. Powell, Rev. Joh■ P. Raymond. lobs' Homilies, lad Re• Charles B. Ray, all mired. Reslatio.s of nooks were ellen to tbe gea- demos eche had waved Is th. llberstioa 1 Hamlet, .ad • sung .pmt 1 wawa" mani- fested se the Fugitive Slave Law, and the per- mits who ..stained and mired its passage. - Rev. leis P. Thet.p.., Presides': Albs Lys. J. M. Bmitb, L. Napeksa sad William C. 1.en, Vise Presidents Wm. P. Pewnl, Sesretsry. Th. meet's( adjeur.ed at 1 &reek A greet rub was men by IM ep0.atoes to ere Hamlet, lad he wa here is trimmer's the emu side 1 the Park ea tlis ahoeld►n Ohio eympa- ltifiag friends, ad closed dews Sprats rms. by a larg...i.hor 1 mese who were Here to etch a glimpse of hum. 1t wee stated that mimeo the pass(. 1 the rsgiti•e Bran Reels.ti. 841 man slew bed nue easy, thee eve was kw. 1.1ae, de mei reached tie Cts 10 Seeley, S.ptomber W. w1. bad 0.d be Baltimore. Mayor Weedbell h..aoneced that use of his Parise meld aid et abet is '1. eytwo n.wya, tied sheave TOMO (b. whey Iiia ter ✓ ated. Hamlet was redly observed seen' throe mad a Fusinve seise wme gives at the elms Ghia meets` is trial s greet poria* 1 the anions jai*od. O. Th•redy wady soosh10 Repadade f meet's( w held as the Clash of Rev. Mr. Jetts, mew el Else.th mesot..ad emith Fe- ry. W,lliamabu,g\. wainh wee largely .seeded. SUN author =Wise is asm.usss1, to ors pl.. ea T.esdey overs( at the High -.,Met Cherish ansrlye. Mes-thta•tag w at a 4uso..t 1a tko •'dally 1 New Tei.-7FYtms, S .resent. Tls rd w of a serener goali- e! tor, and well warred. It is attested asaet- r orTve 4.avns-F■y..... -Ilea 1. 1t< - sire mils hem the hews of Oojsriab es Mattie * Mini ml. le so widow at the Him. (.ad, sad M the 'onstage of nR wee* theses her s Ikphiee shim .6..l /Maim reek; had. it is is w ween si orae as ler earl. 101 1 liens. �k�a a pepd.5k mid prosperous locality. 11 is IS.Sut4e ?rola m M.estti4 t awn M. M.tly'4.7154 fes • Tense wad or a la• sh j J kid tae rim" If IW 1knes'a ~10 M waH aWtbd hes.. 5 lar �r•*qk1"..1=416,41111 * d /55.5.5 dtMrw. of a* .1 ora Co ip4s vil tersk/o 1=416,tni g10,. altillaikee ter 611.1 bre, es a� a, iishve:at11 isms. For psrusaiihn e�MMIh alio*II M � �ie+Mt� 1 e7.J '. • r4 er y r M THE Seb.riberben te Show the lohabisets 1 O.deriah lad its acids, tit be hes re- ceived o L.ra. nesppl1yr 1 ter LATEST IM- PROVED PATTERNS of COOKING, B 0 X AND PARLOUR STOVES, "Siete M mhos few BALE at .my REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH. Th. Sabot:10w elm ketoses hand, se reel. at hie OLD STAND, a LA !LOC sae very So - prior are"rt.u.t .f TINWARE of every d ... The eebm.eribev takes this epperte.ity Omer - slag his arm Assiut n the Plane for the very Lien( patrsoap he W ►eetrnd dame be hes bees 1• butane is Odrdeh, sod h.pre by strict steatite to beers. lad ..4.rsr sleea, to eoa r is. ti snits a Same( the ratite pur..e.e N. B. -GRAINING. PAINTING. GLA- ZING. PAPER .ad BELL HANGING carried mea heretofore. WILLIAM STORY. Godericb, 6th Sept. 1849. 1, -.Slit PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THF. Subscriber begs leave to inform the Inhabitants of the Dletrict of Horom, and the ing Dirties. that he has Established himself in Stratford, and is retard to give Plane add Specifica- tions of Public or Private Buildings, Bridg- es. Mill Dams. kis. Ikc. kr., sad will take the .uperiatesdeoce of such Erwetios., on the moot rw.aide terms. Hee thorough k.owledge 0114. prnfreetns led his practise as Builder, qualifies him for any us4ertakiag in the hoe. Addles net PETER FERGUSON, Paid, Builder. k'. Us. Stratford, C. W. Stratford, March bib, 1849. ss -alt( 'JOTiCE.-The eel rsrgsrd by power of 111 Alison dated the 27th day of Hey, 1850. given him by Thomas 8- Weodli6 to collect all ea Weeding debts dm the lot. Firm of M'Iu led Wendiiff. and himself peraeeally-ege.ot me immediate settlement of the .mew they will be gime u the Clerk 1 the Dlviwoe Coen far cellrtUso. BENJ. PARSONS. Oedeneh, feu 191h, 1850. .3.19 A VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE ! ! THE subscriber °Sere for BALE hie GRIST lad SAW MILL, situated in the Towaehip of McG,Ili.ny, ea the Big Sable, within three .ilea of Flanagan'. Coroer. The Mills renew in;opentwn,end newly built. The Privilege is the best on the River, and situated in the beet Tows - ship to the Crory of Huron -well settled, red Roads opened in ail directions to femur it. The Yaehinery ad materials self of the very beet quality, and put up by the ve- ry beat Machinists. For Particulars in- quire of lames Crombie, Esq., Galt, or ap- ply to the .uheeriteer. PATRICK FLANAGAN, Prepare,. McGillivray, 15th January, it50. 9,501( V The Galt Reporter will lomat the shore until foetid. CASH for WHEAT AT the Goderich 11,IM. by WILLIAM PiPER. Goderieb Mille, 5th December, 1849 43-14 FARMER'S HOTEL, -MITCHELL. FRANCIS F18HLEIGH beret* inferno 10. Irie.ds. and the public (.worry. that he 11m i.t.bluhrd himerlf t. t1. .bi.. Vine., ed hopes by'tort arwties to the normo,( sod tma- v.ram tef Trs.ellers, to mens • share of thekr pressen. Geed Starts" and as Mtssotive Groom ie atteed.aee. Mishit'. May 15th• 1850. 3.•515 STRATFORD IRON FOUNDRY. -Th emberr1111 bevies pertained the sw- eat of Mr. C. J. Wilms in the above K-- tabliobmeot, to about to centimes the Bus - see os hie owe reepone'bilitt. 1n retertng thanks to the mall for the very liberal es eo.ngemont received by Oen k Wrtsow. he begs to intimate that he will nester', heap tee bated am assortment of B.p.rine Corneae, cogitating of COOKING. Parlour, and Box Stoves; Amer- ican, Scotch A Canadian Ploughs of the now lharrereed Motes, -.HALT I1Ol.I.BRN, rename 1.0dk.. Smith's Rogers. 4'e. THRASHING MACHINP.I$ of • .pterinr desenptton to say hitherto i.trodtred, and baits adapted to this ems - try from tier leeriness of draught, .rd strength d s.uetrsettnn. A sell from it (.esti., purchasers M ngnostod bias per chasing oloewbore. The eters .i11 be acid M i.ow Rales Mr Cosh or Trade, or at Mor eepooding rates w approved unlit. A. B. ORR• Stratford, 1011 hew 1860. Se TO BB SOLD. -An Excel - 1154 !ASM. b.iog LOT Re. 04, MAIT- A Onderfek, U..aretelog lie ler...-30 of wbieb e TWO GOOD FARMS FOR BALE. ONE within 9 miles, Mad the other with• is about 3 melee of Goderich T. w. Plot. The Brat ip LCT 10 in let Cores - elan, Township of Goderith. CONTAINING 164 ACRES, le bounced at the ems end ay Lake Heron, and at the tither b a Porn Road, -sed the second is LOT 8 is gib Costes es, Celbor.e. W.Dieision, CONTAINING 100 ACRES, and is situated at tbe J.Setion .f two Pub - lie Roads. For Partieslare appl to JNO. iMcDONALD, E.q. dsderieb, 19th 3..., 1849. 59-14 Da. P. A. )%DOUGALL, CAN be ees•.Mrer ed at all beaes Mn. Mi. J` ilbeidlesewilatiodallt Oodenc b, kept. 11144 l 4 Mr • I. LE, s, sARR..'i'sR, A0gmy's% es, 3.... iSM 0OD12IC11. ALFRED W. O'i'l'; General AReet & Ceamiritronr CANADA Lire ASSURANCE C0A( PANY. THE Bub.riber having bees appointed Agost of the "CANADA LIPS ASSURANCE CO.," ie pretested to rearm proposal for Assu- rance, red will be happy is afford to say person the 0eeo..ry ,.formatio., 5a to the principles of the biotite' ton. JAMES WATSON• Godericb, Ilia Jose. 1849. elm 90 KINCARDINE ARMS. (Near foe Wharf Cddrnd,) BY H. MARLTON. THE above hotel has good •ccomodation for travellers, Stabling, tar., ire. The Packet Mary Ann will leave Gods - rich (wind Si weather permitting,) regular- ly twtee a weak for the Kincardine Settle- ment. For freight or passage apply to Capt. Rowan st the Kincardine Arms. Goderich, March 25th, 1850. x8-13 P11 I1T TiIB BLISS. MOFFAT'S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS •BL PHCENIX Bi 1 =mt3 Tia hid. ad ..•M1 e•bb• Iy visa doom pee-eesi.' Me4eshw bow agwi,11 br the' i.wr4b 4 .Maar in as IMO 4011.101 .bha they pdo to eon. tem 1.41011 'he swat goalie of pig woe a.ma.am y. Ike uoww- ty of thea limy .n looms by Asir bubo; thole pod soras tardy iter Wm, sod 1•.r Naive .d by dol and ew en4.laor. MC ow J!•LL t1O /LIMB 1w1• le arra MA ACOTI and CSROafC 1110liTI$1a 4II gvTIuiS N w 64.4•0111110•11as [I.?t1 tel wow111/2002!= ILtOOa V/as It LIT=LITOOM7L•ISSTf.- wow sad further p.wieeln e s to u. Mees w .a ."w.10. Ammo tow+ duo of ALEX. M. R , North t■.St. r s.....rt. a tem.. brew... aims. lose eG.1.,ios. Msy 11. 1858. .3m MN w e macaw win maw aims.* to Mellor ikon 1it"itwa clfoua w MOUS titomem, au.♦r. DAVID H. LiZARS, „ ,,, ,,.,, ,00LD»•eacir=0Clu4'C. Ooaatr►risuro`a_ uwl .is` TO penara4 to etteed saes is 007 pert an., is (tell r s*Oaan.arrmilam --- . 1 the Moiled Celesta* en the most teems- stllr0ne td me atm ssrav/sa . FL4MM able ts,w.• Apply at abs Rarer,ry 00M ✓ 10V Ltghtheues Siren. IMr1iR iter ATOS. rrowiuest10e.ttMw ase o.r10w datum eisalw loo . Senor a i . *. w Ooderieh, A pr 11 11, 1861. vi-. serer word. Masai sdbbs We tis. are. lobo r e w eave af the malar -0 awl* 'bare mad+ m tes..at- Tat' TMt *. on aaTIrl.. 550 OS CVs... 'odaifISS al culftsxf0x. OSINIZILAIL DiSILITY a,07..I/me5111L ORIIfi .. /UO4W V * "r.. IMWIR1 mu. IN/LAMMA1 Ttstr 11014 TISK fallen MLOs. 4.4055101. LO.. ♦ MPSTy;r.*..� wag),LLoosittte RL L ! x 1 s r Mta0 US/AL Da.SAaIBC- Nam heseew/m.wads w5tbalasdMama ei atilt ..r oro ale raw gross l meets •ra..wwa cnLLLCTOR Or ACCOV,I' .lk af- Oet. 1, 1841 Adr JOHN STRAC'NIAl1` - BARRISTER, A1ND ATIT)L. AT LAW, Solicits iw Chieverrp. C . , NOTARY PUlUC. Has hie ogles In Weil Streets GONNA Goderieb, fed January, 1850. 5,-Nll DANIKL HOME LIZARS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, led C . , Solicitor in Cheaters Has his ogles as formerly, la Btestt.zd. Stir fold, ked January. 1150. 7,...49 N. B. -Hr. Stretches, of the We demo. fitness k Li u's, cosliu.ao to 'e4 se Agent lad Counsel for Mr. Limn Is ell m.'cers referred to him from Bteeafnr4. WATSON & WILLIAMS, DJ%!E WATSON of Galore. TIARRINTER AT LA !s. Alt sod OtuRott/ILLUR df oat. ctor, late of the Ire of He, Weds .d Mamas. Banisters, Aa.Taroste. bevies this da rotetad in* ip, in the f►eetke. est hoer ries of Law. Common sod C.Isn, w ill is foam Item then Odle. es Oedwbb sod 8mtf.d. rs eeti.ely, ed sank, sorb e nd bre of W iseao sod wIlbs ar ate Des Worse. 0.04.1, Gem... Mime. pitied, Sikh D..reber. 1148. fly -e474 R. WILLIAMS, & Co. CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Aad Oeaa.l Delis is Geniis, Choses. Palau, Oils. Nantes., Dye Stat, Hardware. am, 7TRATPORD. Ro.eriptieea iapeeed with aakw.y tie J. K. GOODING, • AUCTIONEER, w `LL mused SALES is icy pert N lb* , meaty o. ressoseble Terser. Ap- ply .t i. *Residence, Light -Home Serest. Ood.rich, April M► 1849. *-8a! DANIEL TGORDON, C7� deers Lull( IL cones. cin E($....i Wl -.TRI►.► T. OODERICR. Aog}et t7tb. 1649. ko-.38 '•I R. YOUNG, BOOT asd SHOE Maker, otsedeer West et Mr. George Videos'., Ill..0.ritb, Prest et rem. Ooderf.b, Apri: 26th, 1865. .N JOHN J. E. LiNTON, w 01.1 r 10.110, Cbmmissioner Queen's $nch AND CONVEYANCER, STRATFORD. DAVID H. LIZARS, WIRHE$ to intimate to the isM►ivate e G.derieh and the eern..diee cowry. uh.t he he''l costarred 104... ea Ceausescu. G.5om' Algot and Aee.eotsst, esti by amino .ea alte.rues, oniony. eat ms4e1ate elmgey b.pn to be ~fel to such . may require Ms services. T1.or wires( to employ him in wor- et the abase lesseh , will plre. Meer at M Remiesy Crew. Lighthouse street, °enrich. 111th Mareb. 1855. .3�6 DR. JOHN HYDE, (1.5T2 few Row. I II IE IID II AIL IhIAA/IL, STRATFORD. July 31. 1819. _...M WM. REED, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER 4••. LIGHT -HOUSE ST. GODERICH. Owe. 95, 1849. LET, /veil TO TnTHAT two ern Fr ae Dwells, Mame rely sleevelet by Jody Ache. rod Im- mediately opposite ►Is present nein... Fee AUCTIONEER. xm1T SMUTS. NIS MOP ns•rurr. xisrumr 8(01504150• N .a tsar, UIUIMC errxer5lak /41AITITt01 V es 51411. 1AS0TMa•/ 0500/1. sic mold • arty. t oad4 weeetwatal eisaof'\re tab MMat,m also NOTICE. THE Pnh.riior heater RENTED the WAREHOUSE red WHARF ho1o5E- isg to rhe Messrs. Davenport, of tier plan ba.sta►lisbed himself ell a IORw•R55• •w. courgette,' alkali(. Any orders or commission floss Its Mer- chants of Dederick, will tecetve 7•e.40 atr.nties. 10017 MEW AK. Windsor, Karel, 1849. .2v -Tett HURON HOTEL.. PAWN 1a Ss twe4 rids heel. Waw air wares 0ODERICH, aatUneATa•*. owe "mew wehebb D1lAXGs O1eNT i 'mile webs mw sr gab! M the LW ...arra re el. meal etaLOO a to the MISA D, ea.ae7. i.A, tempt. 111. 1500. vs -.se a.1.r71aiN, iWZLLlwdw, .canto..... 76.04'I $VSE, i S T 0 K B 8, s 10. amt► e.wrotm "rel �i".ttae.:'"".i n • m tar, r rues. TY LW illi( W MINT NRW J"Ir 5530. 1.. PURIFY ea TIE •till. TOO OLD �tUQt % . And 0." remove d dismiss heli ter Russ. NEWMAN. MAD. CA C'1•esetta M 111 E/ILLS Wind H a a.d my" hail(. .14.., of tee awl it ter Ilse 4tsmeg�rs Camas �.e �� y OeM. r�~�w b.1M GedeOW we1, Sapaeeabae116, 68*. 61M seir��. ei�til'ii .b.r..'reM'm -. tee lam AO WIT WASHINGTON Tie �y w w �4. Farman' Mnteal LIswalla Co. b. ��.h, w.�jw,ia�m� rile �. �..e tri � umaippani apgT.i. I,00e,eoo. savidwildow must ani Maria w aim's"+ Wald loo lo W MT -STRUT. REL7. OOD /al. trisersos. Palos 1 atirvi sot 5 or • i►`wb. IMF ae. sees Ie. Of Or - mm * iA BOtkfl'1 1lkeatttttw Y .s �t p �i iiiaZ stile E ilia Cwsew M titMtl.e g9 r Aafast 111,1/SA. r i6rhlk�ss■Ini►*waII* st. a Teas Pli a " .. - 14 •, w . o.'•