HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-06-19, Page 8R :Pan.:a The ':T imeq.A4vor•ate. June 1953 CLEAN UP DEBRIS AT TUCKERSMITH FARM — Farmers stayed a bee Tuesday to clean up the mess following the fire which destroyed the large L-shaped barn of Campbell Eyre, about three miles east of Hensall. The M3,000 loss included imple- ments and some stock. --TA Photo And District News CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maude Hedden, Phone S Mrs, Archie MacGregor, Phone 196 Of C Talks ' Kippen Woman Wins jackpot Mrs. Glen McKenzie of Kipper won the jackpot of $105.nn in 63 calls at the Legion bingo last Saturday. Sales Ideas Hensall Chamber of Commerce at their dinner meeting Wednes- day night entertained guests from Zurich, Goderich and Sea - forth, and heard Charles Fiford. new president of the organiza- tion, outline promotion and sales ideas for the town and the ob- jects and aims of the Chamber of Commerce for the coming year. Parking was discussed and it was agreed that the new system of parallel parking should prove Olher winners were Rill Aus- tin, Flint, Mich., Ed. Corbett; Eldon Jarrott; Mrs. Eldon Jar- oaci fa hetes Staff The staff and employees of General Coach Works of Can- ada were tendered a banquet by the firm and held at the pavi- lion, Goderich, Friday evening. A turkey dinner with all [he rott; Bert Horton (2i; Mrs. Tom trimmings was served followed I Brintnell; Mrs. Korman Long with dancing with music by (2); Paul Boa; Mrs. Cowan, Johnny Downs and his orchestra Exeter; Tom Flynn, Albert Be- from London.. dartl; Mrs. Clarence Reid; Mrs. Out of town guests attending Collins, Clinton; Mrs. McKen• were John Atkins, president, and zie; Mrs. lieppington, Clinton. Riley Ramsay vice-president atisfactory Jackpot this Saturday will be from Marlette, :.rich. Each lady was presented with a corsage. Meetings for July and August; $50 in 52 calls. • will take the form of a luncheon' type and will be held at the Veterans, JOOF noon hour. l A film "A Chain Miracle" was! Decorate Gravest shown in charge of president Jack Drysdale of the Kinsmen! Decoration Day services were Winner of the Frigidaire auto- matic dryer was Mrs. Pearl Passmore, Hensall. Lucky ticket was drawn by Miss Margaret. Moir. This draw was sponsored Club.held Sunday under the auspices by General Coach Sports Com- mittee. Billy Noakes sold the P.rsonat items ! of the I.O.O.F. and Legion winning ticket Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rose and Branch 468. The toaster was Avon by Miss daughter Mary of Toronto visit- ! A short service was held at Lorraine Taylor of Grand Bend. ed recently with the formers'the cenotaph in charge of Rev. aunts Misses Mary and Agnes Chas D Daniel chaplain. Tarsi- � n Sc"1 ' 1 Kinettes McEwen. ' dent R William Brown placed the Mrs. Edna Corbett, Mr. and flag at the cenotaph and color • Mrs, John. Corbett, Mr. and Airs. ,bearers were Mervyn Bell /-� and d ( o n y n ity Ed. Corbett and Mrs. Ed. ; Tom Smale. Schroeder were in Oxford, Mich. ; Mrs, John Deitz was hostess over the weekend attending the Rev. Daniel delivered the ser- at her home last Tuesday eve• olden wedding anniversary ofmod Percyn at Hensall Union cemetery ning for the meeting of lien• - anCam bell wave the fr. and Mrs. Alger Brown, l •p 1¢E PROUD OF YOUR FIGURE Wear Spencer Foundations and Brassieres designed individually bust .for you. Mrs. Pearl Bayn- am, phone 171-W, Hensall, r Oddfellows charge. The navies r of the Oddfellows and Legion • members who had passed on were read by P. L. McNaughton. and Mrs. Sherwood Wein, There; Flags were placed at both Tien- was a full attendance. I— Please Turn To Page 9 1959 meeting g for the Kinetics in sail Kinettes. Guests from Exe- ter Kinettes were Mrs, Ray Frayne, president-elect; Mrs Calvin Wein; Mrs. Lee Sherman sail and McTaggart cemeteries. Hensel].Hensel].club are holding the ; Zone D, to be held in the spring. Treasurer Mrs, George Saw- yer reported that $370 has been spent on service work in the community by this club during the past year. Mrs. Robert Reabuyn pre- sented Mrs. Ross Jinks with a Kinette spoon for her new slaugh• - ter, Gail Elizabeth. A pot luck supper meeting will be held at Drysdale's cottage, Cedarhrook. August 8. Mrs. Har- old Knight won the raffle prize. Mrs. John Ileal, president, chaired the meeting. Next regular meeting will be held at the hone of Mrs. Earl Soldan, June 24. Srigley • Reunion Seventy members of the Sri ;• ley clan from Pontiac, Mich., Sarnia, Leamington, Essex, Clin- ton, Exeter and Hensall enjoyed a reunion at Ipperwash on Sun- day. A full line of sports were run off directed by Mrs, Cecil 1Cip• fer of Hensall. Prize for the oldest person al, tenrliing went to Mr. Nelson Slag ley of Leamington, 05 years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Srig- ley of Pontiac, Mich. won the prize for coming the longest distance. The 1959 reunion will be held at Leamington. Arnold Circle Mrs. Harold=13onthron was hostess at their summer cottage at Turnbull's, Monday evening. for the June meeting of the Arnold Circle. of Carmel (,Murch. Mrs. A. Orr, the president, took the meeting. Airs. .1. E. Mc?swan was in charge of the worship, with Mrs. Glenn Bell and Mrs. Roy bell assisting. A tbineei'ttee tnrnrosr'cI of Ars. Stewart Bell and Mrs. Gurdon Schwalm was appointed to meet with the senior W.M.S. to make plans for the Presbyterial to he held in September at Caravel Church, lfensall, Mrs. S. tell presented the treasurer's report. The September meeting will be held a:t the home of Mrs. Clark 1{r nnr+dy, Grand (lend. Hostesses were Mrs. 'John taker and Mrs. Jim Sangster. 'x,c „�. •r »5 a4 yet,, , .. "'S3• - �8l- k• W. G. THOMPSON and Sons Limited White Bean Seed Michelite, Robust, Clipper, Early Pea Bean, Registered And Commercial. NOW, IN STOCK sANILAC BEANS—Michigan Certified No. 1. Soyabean Seed All popular varieties. Registered and Commercial No. 1 Blackhawks, flardome, Capital, Mandarin Comet, Seed Corn Mister, Punks, Warwick, Niagara Brand ,Spray MATERIALS' — .4,b, Limillis, Ester, Premerge, etc, Cement And Fertilizer , y , r-a.bt.'a..er „�7n..a� •.rytaaaiw'.f+,.ak,ci awJb .e... ,,rc. �.t!�.. vfr w ...x:. •sa w .►.,,:. qt, ,....,, Co WI's Indoor Picnic Er.tertairs Fa;miIics owing to inclement weather. the ilen.salt Women's Instituto picnic, scheduled to have been held at Itis erview Park. Exeter, was held in the school rooms of the United Church on Monday ' evening,. attended by over fifty members and children. , • Winners of the sports ]geld .oni the church lawn were: Races, five and under, Marjorie ept+elm. Roddy Chapman, Keith Ilarhurn; boys and girls, five to eight. Charles Schwalm, ,John Sl:ea. frill Conk; boys, nine • and tip, Bruce Shirray, (',len 'Harburn. Craig Chapman; girls. Pat Rowe, Margie .Elgie, Ann Miekle; Wheelbarrow race, Craig Chapman, Bobby Candle, Patsy and flarb•ara Schwalm; three- legged race, Margie Elgie, Mary • Payne, Bruce Shirray .and Craig Chapman; Pat Rowe and Ann 1 pickle; balloon race, Wayne Payne, .Glenn Harburn, Jnhn Skeet tug of war, Bruce Shir- ray's teem. other sports were held inside: What's an milk bottle cap, Airs. Harry Horton; number of buttons on man's shirt, Mrs. W. B. Cross. Mrs. T. Coates; calling husband to. breakfast, Miss Jen vie Buchanan; what bate was last election, Mrs. Donald. Me- Kinnan; person wearing oldest dress or suit, Airs. T. J. Sherritt; making a . hat, Mrs. R. Elgie; cock on five cent piece,, Mrs. L. Miekle, Mrs. A. Ora making ginger bread boy from piece of paper behind back, Mrs. Ed .\orminton, Mrs. R M. Peck. Mrs. F. Norminton, first vice- president, presided for the busi- ness in the absence pf the presi- dent, Airs. Carl Payne. Four new members were acl- quilted into membership. and the roll now stands at fifty five members. Discussion centred around the W.I. holiday at the Guelph. July 14 to 10Mrs. R.! M. Peek was appointed leaner,; and Airs. Sini ltnohnl, assistant leader. to attend the Leaders training School course in Huron; county, "Sew to save dollars; to make solve." Announcement Was made of the Huron County, Achievement Day to he held in • Seaforth District high School' July 3, with the: protect, "The'. Club Girl Stands on Guard." A! bus trip was discussed and a' committee appointed to look after same, Mrs. Harry Horton.! convener, Mrs. Sim ltnohnl. Mrs. L. Miekle, Airs. G. Armstrong. ! Airs. Maude Redden was ' ap- pointed public relations con-' vener; alternate, Mrs. 'George Hess. Mrs, Coates and Mrs. I(oobol gave reports on district annual, held at Crediton. A report of the district •officers for South liatron' was given by Mrs. Peck. Mrs. Noraninton extended courtesy ,remarks. A two -minute silence was observed for the late Mrs. Wilson Carlile. Announcement was made of the W.I. film day at Huron Co}lcgc, t',W.O„ Thursday,. July 17. Announeen)cnt was also made of the Provincial Cultural Project, "Words and Alclocly;" for W.I. song, entries to be fat by February 10, 1959. Program converters were Mrs. Gordon Shcwalm and Mrs. Al- bert Alexander; hostesses, Mrs. Sherritt and Mrs. McKinnon. The meetings will resume in September when Agriculture and t'anaddan industries will be the topic. Personal items Mr. and. Airs. Hagar Cudmore and Mr. and Airs, Harold Parker and: Patsy spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. .C'udmore's son-in-law and slaughter, Air. and Mrs. W. MacDonald at Brawls. ton. Mrs. Barris, of Detroit, was a weekend visitor with her brother and sister-in-law, Air. and Mrs. S. Rannic and family. Mrs. Wnt. Petty, who recently underwent an operation in St, Josephs Hospital, London, was abte to return to, her home on Friday. Air. and Mrs. .George Parker and Rickey spent the weekend with Mr. and Airs. Charles Mac- Arthur in I'ontiae, Mich. and at+ tended the golden wedding an- niversary :of Mr. ad Airs. Alger •Brown, in Oxford,. Mich. ltlrs. .George Petty of Detroit is spending a week with Air. and Airs. Wm. Petty and Ruth. Mrs. Kemp, of fai'aga, Alich., is spending a few d ys with Air. and Airs. Kenneth. Bider, YovCui� lndOn y4hrnitdnr Steil til to rrtnnt"r t`>" F A ^ artda and n•aatra harkach:r'. tiro{ frrlin8, dlsturhrd trat often innnn itndd's aiidneti t iiia Ft,ntulstr k,dnrys to normal * �?/ Yon fr,r1 hrttrr -sleep hrt oi v f t wnrk hr. rr. tt Yon ran drprnd "+++ se on Dodd's. Oct i)odd's at any ding story, eg Bargain! Royal Abbey Contemporary Semi -Porcelain 3Cups& 3 Saucers in each carton Made in England SET QF 6 PCS. With $5.00 Purchase Serve Your Own Ice Cream SUN B Frontenac Ice Cream v. GAL 89 Wagstaffe's Maraschino Cherries oz. 215c Shirriff's Ass'd Sundae Sauces 63 Oz. 29 Libby's Fruit 28 -oz. tin Cocktail 45c esetteaels r • STUPENDOUS SAVINGS! have Sg gra SUPER, SAVE c 2-01. JAR STUPENDOUS SAVINGS! Raspberry or Strawberry STUPENDOUS SAVINGS! Deep Browned Save 70 STUPENDOUS SAVINGS! Past`s New Cereal 0 STUPENDOUS SAVINGS! Heinz Tomato STUPENDOUS SAVINGS! Save 4¢—S}icoc! r STUPENDOUS SAVINGS! Lettuce FRESH FRUITS and Vegetables 2 HEAD'S 25C fan s t ln' DOZ. 49c Cauliflower EACH 294 �g �,i �" r �i n a �InelA elons v4,5 39 �t� n i p CACI-I 29' ALWAYS FRESH, ALWAYS LOW PRICED 15 -oz. tins 0 R c 20.0Z. BOTTLES SUPERSAVE 5 Off Pkg. of 30 — 350 FROZEN FOOD FEATURE! Libby's -Lem G -OZ. TINS 0 SUPER SAVE node airy Features Pasteurized Fresh Milk Cracker Barrel Med. Cheese Kraft Super Savo Creamery Butter Plus Deposit l."01,1A 22c 12.oz, wedge LEL In SilY0 70 Save 9g on Largo Economy Size 0 Full 24 -oz. loaf 1 10c4, off pkg. of 60 QUALITY MEATS Cham n Beef Grand Champion Beef at Hensall Feeder Calf Clubs will be on sale at regular beef prices this weekend. Buy some—it will be Reaay to Eat Smoked Picnic Wieners 2.1.8s. 85c Hanibuig LBS. 794 Mac et Cheese Loaf