HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-06-19, Page 5• ride'iets .Sea The Albums .ef +► INVITATION: A SERVIETTES MATCHES • COASTERS Times -Advocate 5t1 1111111111111111111111111111 tl 11 llllll1111111111,1111n 1111111.11111 C ,i NEI 'a,'IfflIFI 11 Crop Report ' Rains of the past weekhave „IIAl11111.11/111NU/1 A11111 1l6e 4U1ullltlF 111 FI Au n ! F /014111141 n.1.11AUl4111FUN 111111161.11.1 IIIIf4 aided most tarns ,crops.. Moisture conditions ars how -ever not ana pie, Cold weather is retarding npUnium growth. , Hoed crops are •cona,lheting with «� witch, where present. as the r xl loner which is deep rooted is .Pf+, growing faster than the intended crop. Nati crop Is light, some eluting 4' and haling taking pace, Therer - is very little grass that wilt be cnsilrrl. This report features the re-' loaded with the astral trays �t l appeared in the Chamber he end Mrs. Robert ';Taylor, Zion Spring grains are comingintocep.tion for Rt, Hon. Harold Mac -:culinary knie1•knacks [hat are was greeted With prolonged desk n uncle,,. + • head .and fail wheat is proemsby the groom's the Tale :. We (,Ili t ualantee publication of any RdV ltlllll ahtillan, prints minister et lir; served at these functions; !thumping. He smiled but •other- . , r , • sing, favourably with a :fair lain, and some •eonrtarents on 'There were no seats in the wise never let on that he noticed Rev..J:abez Wass, Mrs, Wass was after our .deacllineL Please remember display acI ainount -of height. caucus meetings. froom; the members stood about anytring out of tlhe. ordinary, sic the former Bertha. Taylor and „ Milk cows art produeinmust 30c sabniitted before Tuesday resin;;; eiasStlieCls • A recepti�in was liven in hn- and visited with each other .aatd is carefully living up to his teas attended .by her sister, lila; will be accepted up to 11 ecllieSaay. Your 4U -operation eratioil heavili. The pasture is shot! nour of Mr. Macmillan by the;those nearby had .an opportunity; policy not to embarrass the .op. now Mfrs. Lila Knowles. will b 1 to but of high quality +ehtt a small l e appz'ec�a amount going a long way. speakers of the senate and the-, to compare notes with the reign- position by reference to the Mr. and Mrs. Wass have ane I house •of commons to provide ' ing star in the mother of parties election results. r 1, 11111111111II11i,Iii,1,1111711,1111111IIUtu1111111111111i41111111J the private members with an lnents, He is. a tall !roan. of dire! This forbearance '1r'ill probably -San and two daughters, I1erk n, t'T opportunity to meet him, The aplacaruncc etre! easy hearing. not he hi evidence nn the :eve .1Windsur; Marlon) Mrs. Walilarn reception line included• Mr. Mae- He was pleasant to meet. ;here nin; of June 20 when the Aa 'Rowe and ('Lorraine; Mrs. Fred T g Mel ci n liana! l t. ASsocratian will throw Swan, London and four brand - iyf OIn11110Inn111pe111111W4111111111m1,111111111111111111010411,111)IIL111111ee111nl111111111,tn,e11111111111,11en111011 r-,. ,.. m:..., .. ,, ., , w 1,a*: n .•, i • Report From Parliament finds f„!l�'s MacMiilan P!easan t And informai -Granton Couple, The Throe -Advocate, Juno t : 50 Pao: R' WEEK FOR CAREFREE MEAL$ HERE'S ANOTHER VARIETY FOOD PACKAGE: 1 Prying Chicken, 3-1b. average 6 Beef PaIiies (our own) 4 :Loin Pork Chops 1 pound fresh Beef Tier pound Side. Bacon 21/2 pounds fresh Frozen Peas 1 pkg. Frozen Raspberries 1 tin 12 -oz. Lemonade 2 bricks Ice Cream Regular Value ...... . .. .....:...... .,. $.5.80 This Week Only *4.95 Have you tried our Qwta HOME-MADE SAUSAGE? Country Style ,.., ... 550 Breakfast ,..:,.., 590 Exeter Frozen Fo Phone' 70 By W. 11. A. THOMAS wed 5Q Years. !. .. 1 1 1 l l 1.1010 101 I n.l le 1.., 1 { 1 . 1:. 0:1 Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wass.. Granton, celebrated their golden 1 wedding anniversary last week with• A £arnily dinner on Sunday w and open house to close. friends and neighbors on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wass were married June 10. 1008 at the `g home of the bride's parents, Mr. millan Speaker li ten and was no formality about him ,, several assistants who kept the, either in the way of dress or i a party in his honour at the Cha ,children. members in line and made stun otherwise. lean Laurier to celebrate the t that the right naive was passed; The Conservatives staged a first anniversary of Iris becoin- along with each one as he ap-, quiet celebration of their first ing Prime Minister, preached, 'There *vete the usual anniversary in office an June i The party caucus is one of the coektaJls for everybody r'arnging 1.0, leach member of the party;io rteasring features of parka-, from. grapefruit juice and ginger', was provided with a talus ear- mc�ntary procedure. Caucuses ale ale right through the list. At-- nation to wear in his lapel, A private party conferences. At- tendants were on hand to mix' bouquet of the same flowers was tenrlance is limited to the mem- them up, clear, weak or strong; placed on the prime minister's bees of the one party concerned as requested. Tables w e r e; desk in the house. When the PM and the discussins are secret, eeeeeeeele eeee a tell11eee ,tlsee ee see ee eeeeeeee10111 ,The doors in the ea Ur.'u5. room are "maraca to prevent the meet - I '.ing being disturbed. In the gay.Looking in Viiith Liz eminent caucus, legislation that is to he introduced is presented! y. r so that the private members 1 Il / 11 ' own Show proposed or suggest changes! may raise objections to what is ;. in West that they feel would be an irn• } « Ends M:irest. provement, I w In the house, a party is ex.! peeled TOVCHETTE peeled to support his party. If i he does not agree with the par-; 1011usse11neeseesee eeWt11meee eerie sen,leesssese ss e, tv's approach to a problem, eats- i The final' Country Hoedown most of her time to her career. sus is the place to fight it out. show for the season will comae Priscilla had the misfortune ag the mhajortty of caucusr 1st from Winnipeg Because their of making a lit with her first "Pa"n"t hint, Jt is ettslomarl to 1 trip there being t l 1 11 g and go along with tile' it er.e is iein� e.evised the record and then .not being able iaj in a 1 show will remain on the air an to follow 'through with any other • ,taken iitn caucus. Jiere a is the re orespon i extra week and its replacement, successful disc. leder dad, Don sihility of each member to; Country Club, will bow in on Wright the music man, has r rig f himself what the atti-' lune of caucus is. • July 4. This works out well for worked up some new arrange-, judge '. ar hrmsi Don Francies who will still be meats for her and 1-'riscilla has appearing in Spring Thaw on the been going to expert Wishart Some times members stay out; date set originally. That revue Campbell for stage presence and of the house when a vote is taken' will finish the weekend before vocal coaching, in the 'hopes of in order In avoid voting against Country Club begins. ' , regaining loci confidence. She • their party. 11 is vert/ seldom. Doli was telling me about a has recorded several commer• In the history of parliament that ti trip he made a few years ago class which are heard quite reg• • fparty members have felt the., when he was living in Vancouv- ularlY. ! necessity of breaking entirely! with their party. Good democ'ra- er. "'1 rode a motorcycle to Mex. JimmyVan (:vera tells me I t.co and stayed there for several that herehearses with .his four tic caucus meetings are the; Exeter .i months doing lots of skin div- brothers for many hours each backbone of party unity, ing and. existing pretty well on week and that every week lltev 4 Xmin uwuwmuuuneuunmuemuutentuulmuunluuwuuunlmeulnmuunnunnn uni mtuum the fish 1 caught', he said, add a new song to shell' Pepe - 'Hi HighbQr • THIS 75 0 "Thrifty Thirty„ Range Now Sheer Look Styling Keens you in Step and in Style with the Future seeder iw-asC-as 30 Inches of Sheer Cooking Magic! • GiantSize Oven e Automatic Cook -Master Oven. Control Faster -than -ever Surface Cooking A 8 -inch Heat -Minder prevents burning or boil -overs 4, /,,,+ ' All these other Golden Anniversary Features from FRiGIDAIRE Full -width Quick -Clean Ovens High -Speed Radiantube Broiler • Porcelain Broiler Pan and Grid • Automatic Interior Overt Light • One -Piece Cooking Top, 'raised non -spill rine • 60 -minute Electric Time Signal 4 Electric Clock with sweep -second hand • Automatic Appliance Nutlet • Signal Lights for Oven and Surface Units • Full -width Storage Drawer • Easy -to -Clean Removable Drip, Bowls and Control Knobs c l.bariorirriiho 3irYean of ererterol Motors Leadephid Amerite's tetiest-to-Use, Essiesto to-Cll an, Better Crooking !tangos ftii!lr1 Ft Idalre S;'eig ves PHONE ii EXETER Priscilla Wright, the young toire. Now they have reached singer who lived` 10 London at the 50 mark. The boys aren't the time of her big record hit slated to appear on Talent Scouts 'Man in a Raincoat', finishes till fall and though that show; school this term and will devote has lost its sponsor it had for over a dozen cars it still SCems likely that it will continue. with , Zurich Personals a new firm picking up the ex- penses, .---°Continued From :Page 4 Ken Steele leaves for Eng - Mr. Larry Bedard has returned land soon to do a summer TV hone after his studies at Brock- show. Although Ken did lots of vitle College. club work in Toronto during tltc Mr. and. Mrs. Lloyd O'Brien winter he made very .few TV visited at London last week. appearances. Last summer he Their grandson, Brien McLean, had a regular spot on a replace -1 has returned .from the hospital mens show but no offers Were l forthcoming and is progressing real well. oGi Gordonlheorrdfrom CBC this year. Mr. and Mrs. Bert }3achert, owho appeared on and family were Sunday visitors ' the sante summer show as Ken at the home of the former'slast: year has also been over - parents at Kitchener. hooked by planners hut Shane MissMaryGeiger left for Rimmer, the third member of London where she has accepted l that program, has a show of his a position with the Co-operators' j own nlle set t replace Front Page soon. Insurance Association. } Miss Carol Thiel spent Satur• 1 Lorraine Foreman Was also day in London, also called on her !offered summer work in Eng - father, Mr, Earl Thiel at St. ` land but declined. Lorraine has Joseph's Hospital, ' !often told me that although she Sunday guests at the honkie ofenjoyed England. during her two - Mrs. Alf Melick were Mr. and ! year stint there she would not Mrs. Lennis Calfas and son, Mr. ! go back, "I just can't afford the and Mrs. Carl Callas and child, 'luxury of living in England", of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Mor-, she says. "Salaries are fantasti- ris Neil, of Detroit, Mr. and catty low," Mrs. Ed Geiger, of Piegon, ; Rumor has it that CBS is ne- Mich., Mr. and Mrs. 'Clare gotiating for land in the Don Geiger and son, Melvin, of near Mills area of Toronto. Plans will London, Mr, and Mrs. Gladman ! call for a Radio -TV centre with Melick and sons of Goderich, Mr. ; all. studios and departments anti and Mrs. Laird Jacobe and i offices consolidated. To anyone family, Mrs, Clara Jacobs, ;who has made the jaunt between MIr. and Mrs. Roy Oliver, of :studios and offices and various SL Marys, were Sunday visitors 1 CBC departments this sounds at the home of their :friend, j like a wondea•ful idea. Mrs. Charles Weber, also called j Currently the CBC is spread on other relatives and friends.' across the city in rented ac - Mr. and Mrs. Clare Melick i commodation. In many cases and son, Melville, of Komoka, ! studios are housed in buildings visited at the home of their !about, ready to be condemned. parents, Mr. and Mrs, Melvin ! Perhaps if the plans go through Smith• there will be room ih the TV Rev. and Mrs. Albert Deters,' studios for audiences and we of Tavistock, were visitors at' will be able to eliminate the the home of the :fornter's sister,! Canned applause. 1 think the ll Miss ' Anna Datars and other; sante recording of applause and relatives and friends. laughter` is used for everyll]ing Mrs. Lydia G.ingerich has roc -1 and nothing is rluite so tinny nir turned home from. her visit with grating as the noise that fol. relatives anti friends in Kitchen- lows every number on a variety cr. i show. Mr. and Mrs„Samos Parkins; And how about that laughter and Mr, and Mrs. :Harold Wil -!on Tugboat Annie? Must he the lert, London, spent a few days 'rncrmaids since the show is sup on Manitoulin. Island. • posed to be 'realistically filmed Mrs. Wegenest and daughter, at sea', Pauline, of Stratford, are visit- ing with the fornier's brother, Mr. George ]Oeiehert, attd other relatives and friends. Mr, and 1.trs. Ward Fritz left for their summer Cottage at Georgian Inlet. They were ac- conmpanicd by Air. and Mr's. Blake Pierce of Windsor who wilt spend the weekendwith them. Mr. and Mrs, Tom Rawlings and children have returned home Hog Marketin s Show Increase AL marketing yards of the Un- tario' Hog Producers' Co -opera• live last week, the general price range tor grade A flogs is as follows \Monday, $34.50; Tues- day, $34,50 and $33.50; Wedncs-, after enjoying a vacation with day and Thursday, $33.50. parents, relatives and friends at Ontario heavy sows weaved all Windsor, week at $25, light sows at $27 Mr. ,oh n 'lab ° r of fluke- and stags at $16. University at Durham, North Last week on the westernmar- Carolina, is Spending •a few flet., prices were: Winnipeg. Mon• weeks at the borne of his par- day and Tuesday, $32 to $32,30; eras, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wednesday, $31 to 531,50; Ed- 'flaherer. hnonton, Monday and Tuesday, Mr, and Mrs. Harry McAdams $30.75, "(Wednesday $29.65; Cal- anl son and Mrs. Tillie Tctreau gary, Monday, $30, Tuesday, attended the funeral of a rola- $20.20 and Wednesday, $28.90. live one day last week at Lon- Curreet hog prices on the Mon - don. treat markets were; West Erred Mr. and Mrs: Ed Stelek. Dash- market. Monday, $35, "Tuesday wood, were guests at the honk anJ Wednesday, $31.50. The at Mr, and Mt`s Newell Geiger. East End market remained Mr. Gustav :Sohn waa a recent steady at $32.00, visitor at the honlco.f Mr. and Total hog, gradings for tantn- Mr s. Attars Gingerieh, rio during the wCck of June 2'8 Mrs. Clayton Smll.h and sons were 33,948, which was up 323 of LOW Bdue Water highway were from the previous week. 1Thruput visitors at Goderich enc day last of hogs at the is marketing yards i week; of the Tres; Co•o.p during the week Mrs. Pitrk and friends 0f Lamne at Ju2.6 'WAS 29,891 which was rn �ittvisittU AL the tai to ar the g7rc 0C gtadiogs. Miss PC 'Wort?, last Thursday. Mr. Lorne Metride. 1 intaett, ' In 1957 Cartadi;art labour in - was A vieitoi'. in Zurich t'riciav, • tome reached a record high of Mr. Earl Thiel returned home $15,444,k14,000, e0rlipared 110 t14.- frattt St. Joseph's Hospital), Lori. 84,000,000 its 1;136, 3;t.Gii,00+l.nnn dors, • 111 1931 and $4,930,11(),000 ifr 1343. ,e Cannot Guarantee e The Times -Advocate vacate Iv We Have $10 That Says You Can Buy A New All -Wool SuitFOR $44.95 Regular Value $69.00 Save $15.0511 Hi Neighbor Specials! 10% OFF ALL DRESS PANTS 20% OFF ALL SPORT JACKETS 10% OFF A.LL WORK CLOTHES SPORT SHIRT & T-SHIRT .... $1.98 SOX, SOX, SOX 3 PAiR $1,49 Don't Miss The Bargains! 99c Bargain Table It's Out Of This Neighborhood * k 0 Lloyd 5 Mesa's & Boys' Wear PHONE 299 EXETER l NEIGHBOR BUDGET -EASING Peng\ �1"� WITH rur'ACHABa or GiANT Sia' -E_ COLLATE DENTAL. CRAM ONLY '. tt Frozen Foods- Libby's Golden Wax • HI NEIGHBOR! Deep Brown Libby's Beans HI NEIGHBOR! Salad Dressing Miracle Whip HI NEIGHBOR! Nabisco 32 -oz. qt. jar Shreded het a2Em. HI NEIGHBOR! Del Monte Unsweetened Orange Juice 4E -C1 -Z. TIN Redpath Suer BEANS 12 Oz. 2 FOR 49 Aylmer Red Pitted —Far Pies CHERRIES as TIN 31 Fraser Vale—Serves 4 FISH 'N CHIPS 59' 2 rtiN 45; Minute Maid Blended JUICE G r)z. rlrr Meats Maple Oaf MINCED HAM Maple Loaf -- Sliced Dr In The Piece BOLOGNA. Maple Leaf BACON ]�x 1.13. tot: Li, Maisie Loaf --•• Fully Cooked PICNIC HAMS , L. " 49 produce i w4r,r :::�.1:_.:.�.s-5�. :.�.�t�.:.::-_ �Y.-..•::..J=.-:.3:-_::`m.:.i`::a!`:.e . i California Jumbo Size cANTELOUPES 2 t t3N 454 Plot Hous, TOMATOES Lf1. 39' Fresh guil•cl'i BEETSt UNLta 10' Florida WATERMELON Zt1•2 L . 99' Koine 532 Free Deliver Margene Margarine New ivery Liquid Large Sias Detergent 44c St. William's Assorted Jams, Jellies 2 White Cross r • Toilet Tissue Liquid Floor Wax Success Wax Giant Tide Kadana Se off 104's Tea Bags Mapla Leaf '/2.db, pkv. Cheese times Swift's Pasteurized Cheese c .1"*"!' 3c Off LL. Pkg, 30c Giant She 9.oz, jars 3 10e off qt. tin i,09 2, Lig.. i1tJX 34 1