HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-06-19, Page 41
tt 4 Ths Tittles.Adifoteta, June 1 1
!'.fteport On
This Week In
ATM ray.% YoUng and (laugh+ -Paahen Band
and Mr. and Airs. Archie Alt's. Atalride and Aire, Boh aleKuileY c of .
C Talks 'Discus's Missions' Lions Elect
Mr. Hugh McBride of London over the meeting. Gwen Me.Bride N
ter, Sherry. of Hamilton, apent Goshen Mission Band met on -*******-
the weekend with Airs. Sam HON Sunday morning with Mrs. -Clare
in charge. Marlene Kos presided -• • -
spent a day la,st week with in.a read. the minutes and there were ew Pr cts
farents and friends. 27 answering the roll call.
At EUB Church
ts Rare Plant
-"Whether •you liveln
a CASTLE or corrAoa
insurer the 'modern'
way — one Plan
covers the whole family"
For information without
,Institute Exhibits pbliviiion
Did Geiger -
1 Mrs. John Bannister had an John Macdonald
eahibit of cull' • • • -
ts loin het col Norwich Union Lite
the ladies or Emmanuel - •
•Church -ente.rtained the
,adiee ot St. Peter s laitheran1 th.,11`.‘ tieler supper meeting of * . '
Mr and and Mrs. Peter Ginee.! The story •".1rin to Gifu" was Litat 'Thursday evening tlit'14 f.i. './h
ire i en Thursday. Airs Ward 1 ' '''' * • •
nenell Lions Club on Alon- ziatairtileallil lavtoni11.elan,31-liniasiitntlitaealinng+tn°ef. Representative
dell vi.alted Air. Chris Line- read hy Airs. McBride.
period si.7: eon . !".4:itiir(i)71c14.1 kalisat11111)117; 1-1(1)ft,ett..i.::goirit,i,;,, ., , ,. . .
ita, .,,,,„m„ . iht. thmunum , , „ •_ .- ,„.•Exclor end 'distil:et
rich who is .a patient in Victoria Th0 Worship. Hataa. ...as observed as Ottivera"0" . „ .
Ect.spikal. London. dueled With Vail 10, WOrAhip V*,.•.• Dominion Douse. and a good Inn,. .at.ell as viutiriady.
Sin ve this was the Woodrow 111,4,a:0,0h, mat there was a She also showed a wild flower, Telephone Collect "Orand
_Airs. Sam Hey aV aod Mrs. Marlene Keys, prayer by Petri- representation of membera aint
Archie Mustard". Mrs. Elva . eta finbinsnn, comments on -the , guests ‘1.1,, pres.ent +i. „oodic Macke birlhdaa aervice, Airs. „tii:d iutendance present, with a species of the orchid family,
' "" - * ' n' ' • a NI illicitly told about, the ' , commonly known. as the Yellow
Young and Sherry visited with sl"rY hY MN• MaKrale• :.larIP* number of items of progress and " ', - " ' •• • ' four u'llors+
74„, r.,Harold Finlay and fawnia on lure by Jacqaeline .Paak* ""ll Alevelopmeut were taken up for ' both Air. and Airs. Macke. Mrs. 'I"' 4 4, 4 ""Y " 4 44 4'44 4" 4v. 4 4‘' This particular plant Was gather -
can to missionary service of , :,,,, „,„,„,„. ,a,,„;„ „„,,,,, „ Lady Slipper or moccasin plant.
Donna Peck took up the offering • di,cu,sion. 1 vim, in the absence of
•mtlnaea. afternoon. Leonard Erb led in prayer. .s(1" cd a few years ago on the
A duet was sung by the Alisses 1'“'ll .'iohn Itnbinso,n, „and
with offertory prayer by Mar- . ' num!: Brace peninsula, near Toher-
. ,. leor Keys. Donna. Peck was at ' -
Among these was that Of Hay :
mory. it has flowered in ber
Zurich Personals the piano. Township purchasing the tract . Marion Turkhenn and Ruth mil ttttVwtttg f.111,.,111.,6, %US enjoacia
Douglas Armstrong escaped W.M.S.
Injury when his ear left the rnad Mrs. T. J. Pitt Was hostess for Hay Tewnship Reeve V. L. played a piano solo. A. ladies• SwIrr, Parkhill+ was 00 hand mrs, William Siebert gave a
, . from the Diocese of London. „I,
1ot land along the lake trout Liebman% acrompanied by Airs. 1)+1' -11 ''' 6
trio,Turkheim. Roy McAdams I:tenter District Governor Ron silica,
n ' 11 81 p,•arcbm in Juae ev-ery year
on Saturday mnrrong, while 00 the ;time meeting of Goshen Becker spoke on the subject. compostal ot airs. K, m, ant e.ninueted the installation nrep„rt or the officers vonvention
his way to wnrk in Zurich. ti, rim an's alissionary 80e1el:•• and he introduced the Warden of Breakn. miss olive ()'Brien cerenionies capably. at Guelph. Shesuggested saving
Bev. Fr. Doyle anent eeleral M. Eimer Hayter presided with Huron County. Reeve AlorrisseY+ and Mrs. A. M. AM -eviler sang Ai.I.,ne the many officers ap- flower seeds and selling them in
days at his cottage at Bright s Mrs. Russell Erratt at the plane. of Stephen Township. who ad- accompanied by Mrs, Milton lemma+ are:' President, Delbert the fall as a money-makinn pro-
Crove Thirns ty•nme vawere reported ' vised that the Council of Huron oca.ch„ Ge•ner: vice-presidents, • Lloyd iect, also hobo teas, and each
Mr and Mra Wal'ace 6 -ten -Pr +made on sick and :, hut -ins. County will not purchase this .111.. „al Dinars told the story 4) era.n. ilerhie Turkheimer awl member bringing a dollar article
leh and fam
ik 1%ere recent Eve* year the W.M.S.enter ii -i' e
. . tract or land for a lake front (if -Jesus, Saviour. Pilot ma," anut-+.11 nehilbe; Lion Tallier, to lo,' auctioned at that meeting.
visitors at Baden.
..0110111111fliftfistm tttt m tttt 140,
Phone 156 Grand Bond
ltnlitillUll71fittRHHHIMOUlln iiiiiiiii Uflni$11011211
lain the Baby Rand and Mission pia, park. , while Minn Earl Deiehert and Oir
r:, la timer; tall. two'ler- Ronnie Klopp favored with
Band at a picnic. It is to be held
y 10 if convenient. • Among other gueos present Mrs. Fred lioberer, Jr., sang Cla• ++ Get .er; secret any. Leroy two piano numbers and readings
on Jul
committees were appointed far was the ProsPeelive new doctor the hYinn, accompanied by Mrs, 'pima, and treasurer, . Ricoh \yore given by Mrs. Menu Desch
on for Zurich, who intends locating Norman Fleischimer, Acting out iid•vrer. and Mrs. Newell Geiger. Mrs.
the lunch and sports. Those
- . the verses were Miss,- Ruth A motion carried to hold a
here this fall. Chester Smith presided at the
sports are Airs. Bruce Keys,
1 aleischauer, Mrs. Keith Thiel summer get-together. which Was piano for a short singsong.
a • Mrs. Melvin Elliott, Mrs. Robert ' . • # • .
Peek. Mrs. Anson McKinley, ' Area Biacksrnith ' and Mrs. Louise Juttner.. Mrs. len in the hands of the cum-. . • •
• Mrs. Witham. Hay and. Mrs.
Mrs. Bob McKinley and Mrs. Al- - - - - 1 7,l'hotnita Meyers read a group of minee,
• , . .1 • William Siebert were appointed,
1:1 .011
,:r4 Anthrw's am ROW.% •) wpm.
In this "Do It Yourself
Age" we now have many
amateur. plumbers and
carpenters. Should they
fail to accomplish their
task. not too much harm
is done—just some spoil-
ed material and wasted
Attempting to he.. an
amateur doctor can often
cause serious harm. The
wrong treatment at the
beginning of sickness can
give an ailment the op-
portunity to gain a firm
foothold, making a dis-
ease difficult to cure. Be
safe. Don't jest with sick-
ness. Consult your phys-
ician quickly.
Exeter 447
Pick,up your prescrip-
tion if shopping near us,
or let us deliver prompt-
ly without extra charge.
A great many people en-
trust us with the respons-
ibility of filling their pre-
scriptions. May we com-
pound yours?
Main $t., Exeter
Seniarnin Franklin
c.,,,pyrig•ht iOxA rrvt-41
Ian Armstrong: for the lunch. , poems, 1 The Lions are making mai - to attend a leaders' school in
Mrs. Clare, McBride Airs. er of the Sh chose as ' iuther hockey teams to London s„ D In • ti S "
Dies in London Mrs. u 08408. . Winter wast.tthe speak- able six ears to convey the
Elgin McKinley', Mrs, Flf,1:1d passed away
Inc many years. Edward Wenn)
(Ann+ lowatra. Christian 'Missions - honor. The Chamber of Com-.
"What is inv ,atti- hi:: Saturday evening in their •'"‘ a ala a a ens° •
Wednesday, June 18' al Ivan's •
An Institute picnic will be held
Hayter. Mrs. nichard ltnn' A former Zurich blaelismith ber subject
inson, :Mrs. Clarence Parke, Airs..
Armstrong, and Mrs. W.ader Hoz:pita]. Loncionil,1 in 1958." She said -every Chris- i mer.. -4' will also do likewise. . '
lien is on. a inission. Wc used to! The Lions moved on 141 the nrove
Seaforth in the fall on "Sew to
June 4. Ile had been a patient 1 • • .
. 1 unk that nrisaionarY work was Hess Bleck. where a social hour ' The guest speaker for the
swering roll call. Mrs, Eckel re- • the exclusive privilege of the 'was spent, in recognition of this October meeting will be E. F.
There were 2+1 members an- there for several weeks,
• ti ne 'Ina tan worker, Now • the last meeting for the 1957-58 : ‘Vheeler, District Field. Secre-
Jeuted. on the hale which was .Ntr. Weltin was burn in Dash- ban .1 ci .-„t•
serif to Manitoba. A letter \vas wond on Jamul** 11, 188a. and . we know that every Christian is ye3r. Robert McKinley, the re- ! tar Y for the ic.hr Baditaldri. National
'received from Miss Anne Davi- was in his seventy-sixth year. on a mission. Everyobe is called 1 Urine president, thanked the ,Institute for '
son, the Missionary for Prayer, • In 1922 and 1923 he operated a ' to witness in some way. In the ;Lions bir the fine co -operation -
Wins Draw At Trade Fair
by Mrs. Will Clarke and read. hlacksmith shop in tlifford, How-, early church, the number of !given (luring the past Year, and A
grew rapidly. Goa . the 111-w treasurer asked for the Mr,. joint Bannister won 1 he .
The program on Christian Giv- : ever, he spent the bigeest part diaciples :
ing was prepared by Mrs. Bruce of Ws 'time in ?atrial, and. was , still uses ordinary people," 1 same help and assistance dnurina
door prize at the Wingham i
Keys .and led by the president. a r e s i 1. e 111 at the Dominion, A ladies' quartette, composed. the forthcoming year, • Trade Fair, consisting ot $15.00
Mrs, E. Hayter. Assistine, were Hotel. of Mrs. LeRoy O'Brien, Miss I Treasurer- Lion Jeep)) Haberer The fair, which was the firal
Mrs. Allan Armstrong. Mrs. Rus- Surviving are one brother, .AI.: Olive O'Brien, Mrs, K. m, 1 reported as about aLhoo in the . one ever held in Wm„ham, was
• sell Erratt, Mrs. Kenneth Parke. bort. Victoria. B.C.. and one" BreakeS and Airs. A. M. i welfare. fund, and $600 in the termed a decided success. A
i local . firm, liaberer -Westlake,
Mrs. Pitt, Mrs. R, Peck and Mrs. • sister, Olivia Rosendahl, of St.. Amacher sang, accompanied by club's administrative fund.
pad a display
of concrete vaults
William Hayter. Therese, Que. Ars. M. Oesch. 1Sells Printing Plant at the event,
l The body rested at the Vest - Mrs, Delbert Ceigeit00k
Personal Items .
lake funeral home until Friday charge of the. business •s ion ! Me6sr'.• Isaac Gower and . Acapts Position
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Keys se s ' 4 Frank Wickwire, of the Crediton . Miss Judy IN'illert ,has accept -
spent Sunday at Brumfield. They morning. when Requiem Mass . Mrs.0scar tGreb and Mrs. Leon -
Intel., we're in WWII one day !
was held in St. Bonirace R.C. ' ar5. Erb ac ed .as ushers to re.,!11,is, r.. d. m, el a position in the office of
attended thy golden jubilee an- , eeive tho offering. The secre- as aeek, calling on uen. s.. i. ,., . ,
:Church. Zurich. .• aegmaid Black at the fire in-
niversary service. Mrs. Keys as- ,
sisted in the choir. ' • interment was' in the ehurch tary Mrs. Harold Rader, calledWickwire, who is now 8.)„ was a
1 former printer and publisher in ' surance and telephone system.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Elliott ' cemetery, tile Rev. Father Doyle , the roll, , ..
and family spent Sunday at St.officiating. 1 The committee in charge was' Zurich, being associated with Successful With :Exam
i Mrs. Ward Fritz, Mrs. Leonard i The Zurich Herald. • Miss nlary Louise Fritz bas
. Mrs. ., . s, Mrs. , , , , . years,eourse in Home
Marys. : Erb Thomas Meyer 1 For the past number of completed her
Observe Deceration Day
• Sunday a ernoon was 0 1- William Hay. Mrs,Virile Hey, ''" ''Itie oPeraten a small Prtmlng Economics at the Ryerson in.
and Mrs. Bruce -Keys and. ft 1 •
Mr. and Airs. Ansnn McKinley ;served as Decoration Day in the ' • 1 '' - -- ' ' plant on his farm hnme -in the '• Toronto,' - •
,,. .. . IJ,B. i and •A rs. Sylvanus Witmer. i etediton cus,vici‘ whie:i he has
stiaute, and will enter
went an a bus trip to York ('000' ;Bronson Line E •
‘, an,encat. L'..b. , I has Teachers College this fall. She
!recently sold to a party from has accepted a position at Honey
ty last Thursday which Wat; - COMetery, with a large atten-' Attends Banking Course
sponsored by the Huron -Perth d fromhear1 farto .1 Ti
anee anc Pa.) —le manager of the Rica/. !Kitchener, who will move the Harbor for the summer months.
Shorthorn clubs. tribute ' to their departed loved ; branch of the Bank of• Montreal, ' same to tbat city.
: Mr. and Mrs. Bert McBride „no, Mr. Jack' Bannister, attended a: Mr. Wickwire will now enjoy a Personal Items '
The Salvation Army of London: bank manager's course in To- • well earned rest in retirement, ' Mrs. Melissa Geiger is atay-
1 and Mr. and Mrs. Clare McBride " '' • •
1 motored to Brampton on Sunday.. conducted the program and - ronto for two weeks. In his ab- • ing a few weeks al the home of
Iran Coleman, Parr Line. was Celebrates 89th Birthday 1 Mr. and Mrs. William Dinnin,
broueht along its band. An offi-,senee, Mr. James Wild, the ae-,
' nal of •the army gave a stirring militant here in Zurich, was in . Airs. Charles {Phoebe) Weber, . near Brueefiew.
taken to Victoria Hospital fol- • '
lowing a ear accident o'n the • address which was received , charee, : of town, on Tuesday, quietly ; air. and 'airs+. Wilfred slaw
ent uslasin. The proceeds . 1. and Mrs. John 'Wilhelm celebrated her 50th. birthuq.' of laidverlon were Sunday guests
Goshen Line on Friday. The car . semi — b • ' m '," ., , ..
d r 'In f B• den-• MISS Mabel • liming lived all her illetime in at the home of the formet's
was wreeke amounted to some $80.
Only YOU
tan terminate a
Accident & Sickness
Groff of Kitchener \yore guests ; Zurich and vieinitY, she is well aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, .
, .
!Chester L. Smith.
of the. former's sister, Mr.' anti : and .favourably known.
Mrs. Clayton Smith' aud sons, 1 To Mrs. Weber 11 was just _ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Widricht
• 1 another day, busy with her fine I and daughter Lois and Airs.
last Sunday.
Mr. Norman Geromctte, Lon-, garden, housework, and SO many 'Chris Swartaeoruher spent save.
don, was a visitor with. Mr. and . hours devoted to her lifetime cal days at Lowville, N.Y., with
Mrs. Remi Denomme, Drysdale, - trade of dressmaking, which she relatives and -friends. •
Scoutmaster .Patrick O'Brien 'nig a a I Mrs ' has followed for some 63 years. 1 Mr, and Mrs. Victor Dinnin
The first Zurich Boy Scouts Fred Dueharme mn his return. 1 During that time she has fitted and son, Witham, spent a few
held their meeting last Wedncs- Mr. Simon Jantzi, Lauville, up in grandeur many a happy days at their cottage at Georg -
day outdoors at the school New York' spent the weekend ! bride, who shall never • forget Ian Inlet
; Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Jarvis
grounds. For an hour they with Mr, and Mrs. Gordan Erb. her art and personality.
played baseball and. then went to Mr. and Mrs. George Ross of • She has one spin Morris, at of Clinton were Thursclq visit -
the church shed and -transferred Winnipeg, Manitoba, visited with home; two daughters, Mrs. Hugh ors at. the haw, of their par -
the paper collected in the paper, their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wes ' Thiel, of the lith Cnn., Hay. and. ', exits. Mr. and Airs. Sylvanus
drive to the Scoutmaster's place. Alerner, last week. 1 Mrs. Gertrude Deters, in .Zurich,i Witmer. :
On Saturday afternoon, Thiel's
truck was loaded with the papers
to be taken to London,
This 'week, I want to telt you
about a "Good Turn." As a par-.
ent, it is your aim to make your
boy accept 500100511' and faith -
BECAUSE all hot fully the obligation to do a good
Room Accitiont one' turn daily to which they pledged
51eltnees Penes* Om
Naa-Caasallabk*aad ' themselves the day they became
13++00"4" caatann Scouts You can help them in
We to ale 65, 1414 '
POHCIO tank.. bo this respect by your own ex-
ClielKit i nb71.;'.4e, il• 1 =pie and by planning special
peora+0 d !"--.Itt • good turns from time to lime.
+•,, locoLloated by ble .
• • Eight boys can . manage a 'good
turn that a single boy couldn't
Wrifx for to
infor9,0uon possibly handle. To keep a wood
box full all winter, for an eget]
couple would be a rather hard
. task for one Scout. but it could+
+ il • token c re of by a 1
Bend 9"1
powea,,,,, soda, ."
rounded 1808
Branch Office 200 Queen's Ayenue, Lonclom, Ontario
The., alit 0ca, , be a
l Oft. losiltalce;0641 whole patrol.
' Snow shovelling. guarding 1
. dangerous crossroads, distribut-1
t • ing ellureh bulletins, maintain-
ing bird feeding stations, gather -
•a+ ing books or toys for Christmas
distribution, visiting an invalid
.+, or taking him out for a walk are
ii all worth while doing for a
+ -- aa• .,:e,,r
1 patrol. Divided among eight
• ittlillt11111111111111/11111111M11111111111M111111111110,11111111111111m11,111111,41111e1MMAAAMMAISAIMMAI,IAAMMAO,„ ' boys, they are no hardship al
all, but a wonlerfut chance to
show what Scouting means.
Special Scouting: gooti turns
are always in order. In prepara-
tion for summer camp, the
patrol might earn muney to pay
the camp fee for some bay in
the troop who could not other-
wise afford to go. On a patrol
camping, trip, the gang could
volunteer to help a farmer mend
his fences, harvest his hay or
pick his apples. The work and
; the shared sacrifice and the
, loyalty needed to carry mit
projects of this kintl are a good
Horne Baking , . means of developing and deepen -
1 ing patrol unity,
.1 .
A Scout must realize that an
1 :41 et ot service, whether big or
t• 1:Iittle, is nOt: a real good turn
s; unless it is done unpretentinusly
I 1, and without thought or reward,
` except the satisfaction of doing
. 14. Done in that spirit. a patrol
.1- good turn will Wan every boy
I I i ; beenme a better Scout and a
. • # . ON BAKED GOOD ;better citizen, Good Scouting!
E i ' Personal Items
i 1, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur r,
I Aulerieli and their son. Richard.
ti of Whitmore, Mich., visited with
i Mrs. Aulerielf0parents, Mr, and.
Mrs. Lotus Prang, -over the
Extra Special Treats Thursday Afternoon, Friday f ,mrPekettd, Richard is a. recent:
; graduate of Michigan State 11111
I. I versitY, Lansing, receiving his
it :Bathelor of Science degree.
in IMr. and Mrs. Edward Leila,
1 1 +London, visited Milt Mrs, Letts'
Ersmatis Baker Eparents. Mr. anti Mrs, Ivari
i , Kalbfleiselt on Sunday,
'Alin Eithl ("OMR, Or ICITHT.
PROWL Stltl . eXtIttt ,t+ mite, Was Sunday guest at the
i lime of her aunt end nide,
I . at , , \Ti's, oil,. and .ors. v14,t, '1411,11451".
* •r t
Mast Turn TO Pagt S 1
1111011tittlIttlititilltittiatottilalltilttlIttstIMMIWIllttuttlItalltIttlitttlItstffittilltitttstttiliittitTIMMItIttllie IA
London Branch
200 Queen's Ave. 7.7104
Hi Neighbor
Leek Over Our Gott! Supply Of
Sp ecial Pricos
June 1 To
June 21
Afternoon and PMning, till D:30
Oa .$
As true today as always...
Biggest Selection In All:Of Huron County
undreds Are
• Sacrifke- -Prices!
fff0ufff furttKtPVK
smOsmliffltillltIlltlitttltitt111111111111111101111M1111111111111111111111111111111t1111111)10111M111101111111111illitill iiii rij
For styling, dependable performance and pride of' ownet.
ship there's nothing to match the magnificent B-58 Buick!
Never before has 'the pride of owning a Buick heen More t1irg
than it is today, ,Vrorn D3 mistar grille to gleaming tail towere,
Buick sets an unbeatable, pace in std le. And 110 other ear in. its field
can match 'Buick for per fOrm ancc, ilependability and absolute
ing luxury 1 See t our lova' dealer today for the beg buy (in
hest. Buick
These Big Buick Features .4re Standard Equipmenti
/Or MIGHT Y TINGINA , . delivers 12,60(1 pounds of thrthtt
behind each piston stroke,
* TH VIIII,ACLt big, buoyant chit springs on all four wheel!,
* CONTOTJR.FAAMV CHASSIS , makes Buick the first big Or
• i .
that's light on its fret.
* DYNA'S'X'Ma GRILLE,, „ the fare or fashion for '13
... .
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4141 •,.1„
Exo or
• .... ;path,.
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