HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-06-19, Page 3, 4
to announce that I am leaving Exeter
i• Produce and • Storage and. will be buying and. pro-
cessing. turnips at my farm, Lot Concession 2,
Stephen Township. •
Mrs. MeInyk's Flying.
End1 •'' s With AFD Sol o
. t
eaContinned from Page 1 t that. Highlights included a fly- '
me" she said. "it must have Past of three big Argus aircraft
been that bucket seat." ; - the newest and biggest air, ;
unaware that the girdle trouble Pratt (wingspan, 140 feet) in the
was causing her erratic flying, ; RCAF' - smokewriting by Chip- a
RCAF officials thought she. was! Munks, parachute drop, and jet ;!
in, severe danger timing most or forinatiens•
her- trip and, sent out a crash A mm
echenical sergeant. fro
wagon in case of tragedy. ' !Clinton, "Sgt. Electro," starred !;:a
"Nuts," the Lucan lady ,con.1 in the gronrid show. Mre-adY
fidect to the T.A. later. "1 did ahit, at the CNE, Lo.ndon eon
pretty good, considerin', I'd : vention, and several TV pro
to see them air force guys fly grains, the mechanical giant!
a plane and unlace a girdle at ; male by five personnel in the
the- same time. If .Julius. had been technical •servIces division' at
with me, he'd a unfastened It RCAF Station Clinton waled,
quick. Next time, though. • talked and winked at the crowd.'
, ,11;11,WITAITAik....7,1770.413^, •
owri op ics
Item of Soci.41 4ncl, Porsonal Interest In And Arovnd .Exeter
Th. /4,..,,,,t,r,r1;tiigg,..4drocotoL otoso rienoed to ootitoih theme uouto.
vito am n.ur rondero are imereoted hi$00 and four rrtoodo. phone T7(I,
Mr. and Mrs.Harry Beaver; Air, and Mrs. Clark Fielier,
Ross and Mr. and Airs. Al- Air. and Mrs. Glenn Fisher and
vin Kellerman and •Calvin. Pash- family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
wood-, returned .SaturtlaY after Rowe and family, Mr. and Mrs.
•:',; spending two weeks in Winnipeg Robert. Blair .and family, Mr.
•,:a, visiting with the former -daugh- and Mrs. Alvin Baker, Bennett
ter, . andMr ,&1. Irtea .er and. ithsses Marie and
1• Prances Johns visited with Mr.
anrt sAumadoasy.Warwick, Part
OHS Awards
• Mr. and Airs. Don MacGregor!
' -Continued from Page
Sharon and Cathy, Parkhill, Air.
sevond eldest a eight; and and Airs. Elmer Powe, Elaine
Sharon Smillie is second in a and Slarie. Centralia and Air
wear one or t1ien't4lastie kinds Built to demonstrate principles la 1 Girls won a slight majority of Inn visited with Mr. and Airs.
, ami y of In e. and Airs. Robert Murrell of Bel -
with the zippurs M 'um." used in gUided missiles to RCAF I#IBERAI,, DPFICIAL _ James the 36 academic awards an, Herman Powe on Sunday.
Another Spectacular trainees, Sgt. EiectroIs powered 'sew, aermerly ofseaforth. who i.nounced. They captured 21; •the: Th
So murli for Mre 'members of Victoria
by two car batteries. For Pub- . conteeted the Huron sea t, in the i ba•Ya 15'
s, MeltlYtt. lie showings, his "brain" is es- last provincial election. has ' SHIELD AWARDS hrated their a7th anniversary
Back to Air Force Day. tablished on al* 1 If •
As usual, Centralia s big show to the side of the show ring rn been named executive director I Shield winners - the four stu- , fnllnwing
and secretary of the Ontario Lib 'dents with the highest aggregate nn Tuesday evening with a tur-
their regular meeting
- including the Mrs,. MeiN•lf• where two men operate him with
stunt, perfonned by YR. Lt. Will the guidance of a third who eral Association. 1 marks in each class are: key banquet at the Burkley
• Lorig,P L.O.B.A. 387 Luean vele-
Graystone - was a spectacular 'Restaurant, Exeter.
stays ‘vith the machine. , .„1 Grade 12 - Dick Charrette.
from start 1. finich lt th
Excellent technical displays 11-
The Story In m
iington, Paul Wilson, Squadron Leader J. Ross and
first combined performanc,-
• , Allison Clarke. Mrs, Ross and F.'() Reid and
4-)Y 1UStrating gttided missile opera- •
stations Clinton and Centralia. 1 Special Commercial - Marjo- Mrs. Reid of Exeter visitethwith
tions, all phases of RCAF owe.: Grond • Bend Sararas, Zurich; Barbara Mr.a. Prieella Mach and Mr. Er -
tics -which featured former pro
Far the air show, the aerobe. rations, weather, hobby work,
etc. attracted crowds'. 'Kernick, R.A. 3 Exeter. nest Hicks, Centralia, last Thurs-
grams weren't as extensive but , Cpl. Ernie Dempster and LAC By MRS. E. KEOWN i Grade 11 - Jane Horton, Bill day evening.
Marshall. Marion Turkheim, Ma- and a
new features easily made up for Kenneth Vieking replaced an en.'.----,----.„------------ liHamil
bel ton.
' Maurice Love, Exeter.
— enuein. Ronnie Love, Parkhill
gine on a Chipmunk during the. Sunday visitors with Mr. and,: Grade 10 - David Noakes, •
The chilly wind kept hot dog ton's
Airs, Jas. Dalton were Mrs. Dal- , Sharon Smilhe, Steve Benning, who is returning to tho Navy at
are accompansing Donald Love,
sales brisk. Ten thousand were parents, Mr, and Mrs. Norma Geiger and Ross Rowe. Halifax hy car on Friday morn -
consumed. 'Frank Coughlin of London, and 1 Grade a - John Etherington. ipg They will visit for a week •
Mrs. Daltoit's brothers, Mr. Tim Bill Systma, Robert Schroeder,- and return by plane.
Hi Neighbor!
A Ha. ndsome
Wall .Mirror
Guess the time when our
mystery watch steps!
Jack Smith
Phone 510 Exeter
A parade of a million dollars' Coughlin of London and Mr. and 'Sandra Snider.
worth of mobile equipment and Mrs. Joe Coughlin of Owen I Mrs Anna Westlake, Wyoming
a gyrnnastic display were among Beam. BOARD AWARD and Mrs, Mitchell, L on d o n,
other crowd-pleasers, Miss Brenda Brenner of Far, I Winners of board of educatmn visited on Wednesday afternoon
Co-ordinators for the show ma spent the weekend with her • awards for proficiency in ape- with friends in town.
were WC Truemner, Centralia, I dried subjects are: • ,Bonnie Lan tutson. of i
and S/L R. C Parents, Mr., Mrs. G. Brenner.
Roger,g , t Mrs, AI- A, Hoggarth of Hen- Grade
Clinton. Personnel from both sta-
tions assisted in the combined salt is visiting with her nieces, Raga
Mrs, C. E. Kennedy and Mrs.
Roy,Flear for a few weeks.
Mr. Warren P,atterson of Sar- Math
Other personnel in charge of,
the program included; S/L S.science - Paul Wilson. trip to the western provinces. :
Grartdin air ro ram S/L A Sar-
nia spent Sunday with his moth- 1,-• ' •
A. John Payne
p„ies in London
der, .died Monday in St. Jo -a', 111- , I -
eePh's. Hospital, Leaden. Area Printer.
,,._, ...
Alfred John Pane, 70> .ar E.
Mr. Payne -was born m Eng- - '•••• ' - ' -::• - - — - ' '
Lzvelis 14. ant Farm.
land and after coming to Canada Frank J. Wickwire, who for 72
for several years before coming>, the printing husineas, has abs -4 a ...
worked on a farm m Ueborne years has been connected with . Equipment
to Exeter where he was :employ- ' posed of his printing' plant
leicla.: I:: jnotehae May,
department of , which he has operated at Ms
Joan :4S,; May, .afterwards the J, ;home two and a bait miles south D4114 "B"
I of Exeter, to a Kit h • , f - • -
Before leaving England.he was' which intende. moving the plant : Tr3ACT°11
.united in marriage with Eliza- , to that atty.
beth IC:ing. who survives with ; of his 1g years aa a prenter,3:
three daughters and one son-
eL0110111,aelr:l.; ,41.:10rhari• alln.d AD•10aglells1;,:aT this community. 'first With the
ronin, Mrs. William Reynolds, t
Ricci, of Hamilton and Bett •
0. „,:, the Hensall Observer and before. a :4, A -to.m A r r , LT
To- moving to his present location in 4-.-..4' 4' ''''4'4‘ 474444 '4 ‘4"4"
, Exeter Times; m Hensafl with :17rafultOlARieDaiTrTofneciftOicl.
, 57 of them have been spent in ;
The body ie resting at the R. ' 1039'
tie operated a job plant in i
C. DinneY funeral home where;
Thursday at 3 p.m Interment in weeks ago printed practically a • — • - - •
The Hamilton Spectator a few ' 1
the funeral service •wili be held , W-9 TRACTOR,
the Exeter re t a.
•_,....„.______110$$ seos
The TimeMsivot'Atcr, Juno 11/ 1950 .P.010
u page of pictures of i'Ir. (new rubber)
Wickwire and his printing plant :
along with a picture of hie home : .ree•
and of Mrs. Wickwire. ; 1—LUNDEL HARVESTEI
According to the Spectator,. ..
A.... "ic nire. aa.. -ed 84, at, the
Credit Revision age of 12 started as printer's 4 -4
, . , devil on the Leamington Post : FORAGE BLOWER
Chartes, 5 AlacNaughton, Hu- and in 1801 joined the staff of:
ron MPP, was chat:man of the the Montreal Star. In the ensu, '
Canadian Seed Trade Association mg years he left Montreal to' 1—DALE ELEVATOR
convention at London last week, .' work on papers in Peterbero '
tura! atinister Douglas Harkness, (36 -foot)
Highlight of the annual meet.' and Orillia.
ing was en address by Agnelli -I ' "In 1201 he applied to the
Exeter Times for the, poet of 1—W-30 TRACTOR
who stated the government is manager and recetved a terse.
farrn credit ss -stem.
carrying out a reappraisal of the nteorteoffro janohAnfatiitl,dhaitet,Vhfioteu.ndelearligoili I (011 rubber)
Col. Harkness said legislation ' the Paper: -"Come at once if
providing for several changes 13 1—GREEN CROP
_ ,
1 ou're a sober man; if you :are :
parliament shortly. not -stay away," Mr. Wickwire; BAY LOADER,
was hired and remained cond
expected to be introduced la
He al.4) indicated bis denart- netted with -the paper until!
a married to Margaret White, the , f„ 1,
nent was cone:Weans- a revision 1911In tae meantime he was!
12 Rwerside Drive, London. spent of the needs act, which was pals.:
youngest daughter of the White ' •ris
a few days with Misses. Yvonne cd in 1953.
family, wl k ., . PeCker & Sons
sh and history -Bill Ether and Glenda Fisher.
. member oi- tbe lara:onic'e'o-rdear •• Piitme 60-W- Detillw' cod
etnatics and agricultural have returned froni a three-week ,
' Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Perkins :
Studies Sew --1
_.._.,. . er,,ge for 60 years. .
c an atin -. Marion vsting at Estevan, Parkrnan, -Continued from Pasre 1
Piroth ground. S/L R S D '‘ er, Mrs. Wrp, Patterson. G I
The annual decoration sauce o . a &are and as far west as dicate that extensive pollution is
administration; S/L Keith Fal-
; being introduced to the Ausable
Commercial - Judy Mason, Baaff and Lake Louise.
for Grand Bend cemetery will Exeter,
b.& administration; S/L George IT.M.C.S. Able Seaman Stanley :river by the discharge of storm
Announcers for the show were The Dashwood Band led by Alr.
be held -next Sunday at 2.30 part>
Robertson, guests.
Harry Hoffman will be in attend- Park, R.C.A.F. Centralia.
Shop - David Tinline, Huron Johns of Sheanvater, NS., is
• spending lus leave with his par,
Horne economics - Ruth AnnU. sewer outlets in the town." .
"She -
and Mrs. Kenneth : e PrellY Rough!"
Flt. Lt, Bill Johnson and FO
Bob Perry. axle?. along with a special guest McBride, R.R.1 ceriiraiia.
speaker. i' Johns: Councillor Bailey, iaho had in -
Grade 11 * 1 Mr Tann Desjardine 'returned' spected the river earlier the
.At the recent County Council
HENSALL SALE PRICES James Dalton, Reeve of Grand English and history a.. jean home Tuesday from St. Joseph's : same everting, said: "She's pret-
Noakes, Hensall. I.
1 Hospital, London. tit rough No fooling! It's pretty
'Weanling pigs .....$12.00 to $15.70 Bend was appointed on a five-
Chuns ..... ....:..... 17.00 to $19.75 man Larnbton County industrial „ience - Bill Marshall. I of Hensall and Mr: and Mrs. Wil -
Mr and Mrs. Joseph Ferguson I tluck in there."
Alathematics and agricultural 1 -.- - -
Sows 83.00 to 12000 firms into the county. French and Latin. V Marion . , . at - Hay and Stephen townships,just i
22.25 to 28,00 promotion coMmittee to , lure 'It's known that farmers in
,liam Horne- spent the •weekend
Turkheim. with Ian and Mrs. James Fergu, d I: ---•o - unhappy about
in roronto and with Mr.and
Commercial - Carole MeGre- son - - - the condition of the stream. s
Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter and
gor, R,R. 3 Parkhill. Council attributes part of the s
fa•mily in Guelph.
Rev. John Athenian, who ,Civ-
Home economics -Gwen Chap
man, Hensall. - - ed the Bethel Reformed Church s
durum,' the summer of 1956 as Mrs. 5. B. Taylor returned
student pastor, was installed as from London hospital on Satur-
pastor of the Reformed Church day. has-ine undergone surgery.
f l
puinumint um in tuswittnImuminInintnalln tam ':fllataintalatalUalitaniMitmlOnIJAUflininialasAli.
Holstein Cows , .. 180.00 to 195.00 Mr. August Bredow of Bad
Durham Cows ., 175,00 to 200.00 Axe, Mich., spent a few days
Holstein Calves . 25.50 to 34.00 last week with his daughter and
Durham Calves 38.00 to 60.00 son-in-lawi Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Fat cows sold up to $17.50 a Pfile and Allan, after attending
cwt, There were' 370 pigs and 160 his grandson, Dale Pfile's
head ot c e an calves sold, ding in London on Saturday. Grade 10
Aliss Beulah Holt, daughter of English and social studiee
Shop, 'Wayne Bowen, Exeter. - Problem to the, dry weather.
Turnip Growers
I plan to ,have a processing pant ready for
operation early hi the fall and will be pleased to
purchase crops from district growers at highest pos-
sible prices,
At this time, I would like to thank the growers
and businessmen for the kind co-oPeration I have
received while • at Exeter Produce and Storage and
I want to wish _the new manager every success.
Earl Neil
M • •
' s - er ' _ary Lreces, Dashwood. _. on . e . lose ati .o Mrs. Ruby Sherwood, Strat-
Mrs, Latvreece Johnson, left' nn Mathematics and agricultural attended from hare were Mr. ford, is spending a few -daya,
Friday by plane to visit for three science - Bill Parker, Hensall. and Aire John Bregman, Mrs, with her daughter and . family,
weeks in England and 'Scotland. French and Latin - Cornelia H Broeze and Rev. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Green.
Verkerk, Stephen. •
Mr. Leslie Austin of Sarnia Richard Van Farowe:
will be in charge of the Lauman Home economics -Brenda Bee, Thirteen ladies from 'Bethel
booth on Main Street for the ker, R.R. 2 Crediton. Reformed Church attended a
Shop -, Ronald Hero, A.R. 1
summer season, gathering nf: the Ladies Aid So -
Mrs. A. E. Holley will present Woodhamciehes of London, Strathroy and
her pupils in a piano recital, on' Commercial - Jean- zoinek,, Exeter, at Strathroy Tuesday
Monday evening, June 23 at 8 R.R. 8 Parkhill:, !evening, June 17,' at which time
o'clock in the Town Ha1l, Grand -
, - Grade 1 1 the" speaker was Mrs.. Henry
i • 1 'clime of London, She deseribed
Mr, and :In. Wm. Johnson of English and French - Sandra , her recent trip to London and
Waterford spent Saturday eveslanider. i the Netherlands.
!ling with 'Mr. Johnson's brother i Social studies -Grace aicEen. Mrs. Lou Bailey and Richard
and sister-in,law, Mr. and Mrs. 1 zie, Exeter. and Mrs Leslie Richard spent
Lawrence Johnson and daughters and agricultural!
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Johnson and, Park,. R.CA.F. Station Centre- I
I the weekend in Meaford with
Neva and ,Nancy. On Sunday science - David O'Reilly, Huron 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gardiner.
Fifty-Secend Annivereary
family of Hamilton visited: with ' lie.
, Mr, johason's brother, Mr. Law; ' Home econemics - Helen Min. On , Friday, Air and Mrs. W.
rence .Johnson, Mrs. johnson mer, Dashwood. C. Pearce celebrated their fifty -
and daughters.
Mr. Herbert Wainwright is
helping in the local- library for
ithe summer as assistant to Ales.
I Herbert Me, librarian, and
Mrs:- Lawrence Mason as assist-
ant, • -
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Flear
I, of London spent the weekend at
' their homes in town, with Mr. Thand Mrs, Roy 'ar and Mr.
and Mrs, Erle Finan.
e_iighb_or Specials
Grand'm.ere Smoothiei
Guaranteed machine washable and mothproof
PULLOVERS, Reg. $7,95 .... ..„ .. SPECIAL $5,95
CARDIGANS, Reg, $5.95 ...... ........ SPECIAL $4.50
25% Off Our Entire Stock
Of 4adies' Spring Coats
Children's Cotton
by Penman's, Sizes 2 to 6x.
Just 111 tilts for hot weather.
Reg. 89, 986 $1,35, $1.79
SPECIAL 59r, 690, 980, $1.29
English Briar koso
Axminster Mats
Wool and Viscoee, Size 27x51
Reg. $6.95 SPECIAL $4.95
Kurly Twist Mats
Heavy Loop -twist pile
• 30x.60, Reg. $10.50 $8.95
2445, Reg. $8,95 $4,95
Plastic Drapes
Valuee to $3.25 SALE $1.49
Reg. 980 to $1.95, SALE 59t,4, to 980
Reg. $2.98 to $3.95, SALE $1.98 to $2,95
Ankle Sox
Children's, Reg. 396 SALE 156 2/25
Sport Shirts
itpg. $3.15
F A 4mAy & so
Shopsecond wedding anniversary at
- William Systma.
Dash"E v e n 1 ide Villa where Mra.
wood. p
- ear ce is a patient.
; Mr. Pearce presented all the
LOW From patients and staff with a turkey
Sy MRS. JOSEPH woormi,
banquet. The table was centred
an anniversary cake in the
; shape of a lamb.
1 Mr. Witham Geiser and David
of Credifbn were present.
Baby >Band Entertained
Members of the United ChurchIT r Down
Baby Band were entertained 133: -
Mail Project
Although Councillor Bailey
members of the Women's Ault-
iary following their regular
Meeting on Thursday afternoon
The meeting ,vas presided over
by vice president Mrs. Russell
b'inkbeiner. Supply: secretary
Mrs, Melvin, King reported that
a bale had been. packed and
shipped to Western Canada and
called for helpers in providing
layettes from material on hand.
.Many Baby Band inembere,
with their mothers, were penult
and -were welcomed by Mrs
Finkbeiner. Mrs. • Robert Reid
was in charge of the program
provided chiefly by 'Band mem-
bers. Mrs. Nelson Laittport re-
lated a story after which solos,
readings and a chorus were
given by' the children. They pre.
stinted their gift boxes and en-
joyed games on the church lawn
after which lunch Was served.
Personal Items
Evangelical Church Sunday
School will hold their annual pit -
nit at Riverview Park, Exeter
Friday evening at 6.30 p.m.
Many from this coitirtrAity at-
tended the 26th Lamport reunion
held in Exeter on Saturday,
Mrs. R, Molitor and Mrs, F.
Matlock have been re-engaged
AS teachers in Crediton Public
&hog Mrs, G. Tripp of Cen
tralia has-been engaged as
teacher of e junior room.
Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Zwicker
attended the seed convention in
Lortiori last week,
IAir. and Mill Hugo Sehonk
and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hodge '
and sons, Bobby and Murray.
spent Sunday in Antstor.
Mr, .and Mrs. C. Radford and
i Shirley spent Sunday in Wind-
; sor.
Alre. William 'Pinkbeiner auf- ,
, '
1 fcred a stroke at her home, oil
Friday and has been. reeitated
to the Imine of her eon and
I daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
i Ltiiiit rinkbeiller. I
i Misses Margaret t eek,- Morita
• Wolfe and Marion Pearce of
1 London were Weekend visitors
with Mrs. William Motioe.
I Iti. Fralleie :Clark who spent
; the ittael: few weeks in trampton •
returned home _oft &aide at-
; ctiattianied bv Mr Med Met. H.
Dalt who returned to trampton
Sunday evening..
1 ;Decoration SSI*Vite veil be
' held at the timittery MI Sued!,
!Steatite Will be the tboaket arid
June •g2 at gliti n.in. key. Glee
tht-y I the. Exeter Junior tolid twill pro.11
iodde molt. i 1
moved it, no other councillor
t would support a resolution from
Tilbury requesting the post of -
flee department to establish
' home mail delivery in small
towns. :Members indicated al, an
t earlier meeting they felt the
' expense would be prohibitive.
Asked by Councillor Bailey ii
, he wouldn't like his mail de-
; livered to his home, Deputy -
Reeve Mawhinney said: "No! I
wouldn't have an excuse to go
Because it fel(' the delegation
might do more harm than good,
council turned dowe. a request
from Councillor Greene, chair-
man of the industrial committee,
for permission to send repro-
sentatives to meet with Canad-
ian Canners Ltd. officials in
Hamilton to dismiss the future
of the local factory.
Councillor Greene. produced a
report on the canned pea situa-
tion in Canada which, he said,
could form the basis for discus.;
sion with the company. The re
port had been prepared by the
Mid -Western Ontario Develop,
ment Associatierl, which was
prepared to assist the delega,
li°11.1Leeve McKenzie strongly ad
rued that the delegation should
he of , an agricultural, rather
than biduetrial, nature and he
Was supported by Deputy -Reeve
Stawhinney. Referenee was made
In the company's recent vigor-
ous denial Of reports that the
lural plant would be sold. '
In oilier business. council: 1,
nulled over to the committee '
atudyiag drainage in the district
a petition for sidewalk on Huron !
and ttlward street from Lee '
Sherman, Mrs. C. L. Straitens. :
Briber!, Muldoon, aohn L Hen-
derson And Arniur whilstnith.
Approved a tell telephone an- ,
plieation for tho la mg of 82(1
tr.m. of underground cable -on
Herbil „Stred.
Granted building permits ter,
Wilfred Donne, ter a house on
HUM street; Arthur Whilsmith,
TIOUS6 611:1$alltistrS; CilatieS 111
&VAL hellAiJ 011 Victoria; Arnold
Ford, kitchen onWilliam.
Docided to insert a \Yarning
itOtle6 atitIA about dogs, after
tWert detoribori by Rtat'
McXentie. as -one tt tno worst
itadathes All councils hate to
Obtain The
Highest Prices
FQr Your Poaultry!
se!, To Ths
Riverside Py
• Company', L United 5
Lenden 7-12.30 Phone Collect Herisall 680-r-2 1
11141111:101511120MIttlItilllitt111111:0:11111:1714:=!!!::117$12=31 1112:211.211M031210:=3!!!IMM11111111111116,14
Happiness— no strings attached
Honeymoons get off to a
tied to the bumper.
Marriages get off to a good start when that brand new
husband assumes all his new responsibilities. One 11.6V7
responsibility is to provide for a secure future. The mature
young man knows he can't predict his future so he safeguards
it for his family— with life insurance. A policy with
The Mutual Life of Canada means family protection
at low net cost it's the company with the
outstanding dividend record,
good z•itart when there are tin cans
C3118 kfigLOLUAL.
VtANJAM WS. ktAh rnelLea.Ct
, "fief
i,,,,,,,:!: r ri,./4/41 04/2/./. .,.. • - ,,,./7/AA,
., .,
, /.., ..
. 7 :4 ',AO 0/4 '.3.1
4..,*1.4'-',)% 7,4 A
' ,•,,,,;,0:::,,, ' y: 1 / . /
/40 p
. --. - rt
CdtlitiP & edwartIA 6141.0.
Voteler, Phi '4$