Huron Signal, 1850-10-24, Page 3• • Fitem;A. ceesllpa ?tis. Trier TBR ANTI -LA W Y U 4RAOUI{. . i Ile. 1. It i TO TUE ELECTORS OP CANADA.' MOW I.eherem-Is accordance with EIRRIltseslelloale pasu4 unanimously atm Stelae Ite5degt held on the 9151, sumer• e.efillsgsd reepsleby weeded. It devolves' • M s CommettSs, chosen on that otoe- illfill Wheat Ike Electors of Canada as the toter et end Reeolutioq. ♦.4 es we .re cultivators of the golf, s learned ducu. seal ewes sot be looked fur at our Mode; betjt . 4 be hoped that the humble efforts of t\Y Combiltu. May prove usefulAn tl.g the various .bade. of Peliouer• In ups memos bond for our mutual protecuo. • t•isat the aoeamoa mem v. Tb. time has y arrived when the Farmers, Muufac- toners, Itsehanlca and Merchants of Casa- da.bould In justice t. tbemeel.n and pug te, stated forth and think. speak, .ed act for Ives en all ogealone where their .we Interest sad tbat of the Crows and O.,,renseel seder which. we live ere at stoke, and in doing this we me protected from without by the wooden walls of Old EEasegl1and, and from within by British feelings end Caasdiaa liberality. It should be borne in mind that Obs oldest and met inveterate .f political partiues attended the aforesaid ...ting, who to a moo supported the Res - elation. o5 which this addr..s is founded; end moreover, this Committee were muton Idly chosen from the vertom ranks of Re- formers, Tonle and Orangemen -ell of which..rply- promo that them parties can live is good eo ghborship and work in uejty es tie hbersl soil of Canada, and under the festering are of Britain. As all of us are '.bzioe. for Reform and wish to reap its ad- msalagcc, It is the desire of 'hie Cummins* that this union of feeling may be acted epos from Gaspe to Sandwich, to the fell sacompli.l.meet of the greet object Is view, eia.: is keeping Lawyers and M- ier -airs out of tae Hew of Assembly at the nett General Election, tied we wou'ld thee ere Reform in reality, .w111eh is nothing mere nor less than improvement. Yee, fel• low-lahesrsre, i.erovement ie the order of the day; end now wbat is the improvement we most require? is it high salaries, and nu- merous and melees ogees extravagantly pald; or is it good roads to market, and schools oo fm and enlarged princtplesl- This Committee reeomerends to your favor- able notice the latter; and who are so coin. retest to seeore those sdvaotages as mein• hers cheeses from our own ranks, resident in different Comities, and Wards or Ridings. Where did Bonaparte find his ablest Gene- rales Wa. it not is the raokal Aa Britain hoe .o.oded to tee the responsibility of .aaaging our own local affairs, are w* a- letrardteg des testae to the Parent State, e.n.lvw nod children is giving all this power iste.tbe heeds IS Lawler% es tar repruestativee, who boort the entire re. seeress of 1W fine mutiny is the admtois- *ratios .f We overanaent-sod a5 it is fur- ther termed, the administration of jostle*. Sorely it meet appear se If smoothie( could be saved out of £511.000 a year to make (1 with, the remit of which meld add .atonally to tbe trade sod cnm- merino! the Parent .tate. This committee have witeee.d for .,any ,ears the manage- ment of Lawyers in the House of Assembly -both as Torus and Reformers -and have sever Foos any but Lawyers flourish under their management. Look at our sites. multiplied Court. of Law, the ofi.:ers of which ars carefully pro,i,/ed for at the path - lie impasse, with yearly salaries and little to do, tad a doer opened wide for the Jed'. es to take at their pleasure after a eertate *.tied, a portion of two-thirds of their Oris tied pay and retire from all exercise. 1s vet thin ties Ivey to ruin a young country, or at best to keep it down by filling it up with dross. at our expose*, 1s it not a +bio feet. that Lawyers lore by getting all parties by Ob. ears, end not unlike incendi- aries that seta towns ie Cameo in order to get • back at the plunder. And in lwm* ing thepersons the power 01 making aws, bars they not improved the opportu- • ity by mystifying them plainly for the pur- pose of inducing litigatioo. This commit- tee tberefore urges upon the Electors of Canada the groat propriety of joining in this bond of unite* for our mutual advantage by simply resolving that we will not under any eircamuaoees vote for soLawyer at the next Election. Look et the rdenagement of our Railroads ander the withering influence of Lawyers! Aod where ere said Road@ to be foundt Alas! not in Canada, their whole delight and aim is to got at the fingering of the funds whenever such work may pro. cased, but it is to be hoped that capitalists will pause era they commit the manage- ment of so important an undertaking to their hands. What in the came of wonder have Lawyers to do with the construction of Roads, wine o very small conveyance would Dorve to tarry all their mock in trade t. market. Their first act in all such neat - tore where Lawyers are directors, is to ap- point a Solicitor --a strap el_y qua'ified chs• roster sure:y to seanageo Public Works -the whole affair would be in our gnu Court of Chancery a dozen of times before before it would be completed, and a moat beautiful eight it would he to see We Che. - miller playing about his chamber on a Rail Road, and es poor devils, farmers, leggin our produce to market as usual, through mod to the knees ! Thin fellow cultivators and and proprie- tors of the the foil, is eat what Britain ex- pected of ua. when to former indulgeociee tl}ey leave thereto addend the responsibility • our managing our heal matters, in order that the noourees of this One Agricultural .meant might be folly developed, snit fbeir ships cnatis.ally retursng to Britain load ed with Bore any ail, the prsdnce ef Cana diaa.oil. And if those ars facia which so sea an deuy, surely the time has fully sr. rivd for Comden Farmers to (bink, .peak and set for themselves, in otdsr that the west dada may loot mecum o5 of segU- Logos •ed ingratitude, sad that o.r ebitdnn may not arses and condemn us for want of waren cam sed azyho.e, is sot pretes- ting them in- dee ukai from the hungry grasp ef Lawyers, sad In effecting • fell aid 5U4ta0teal remedy against all them et►d . We ban hat a auntie duty to per form, sed that is to stick to the text, .5d pledge o.reely.e to • sats that we will one Orale ler • Lawyer at 1 stoat Gree►al Election, sad the work le dna*, We would thea fes Canada boorish. Farmers would fed i, trey to markt ; Marolttetaten wend bed their Wordiness arotvdd wiM neck and portliness : Mechanics would bar am - pie sad ..teem. employ met with nun finery pile•.: Merchants mold have their stir and their returns before a eoneldern•g unity to tthhiinnskgthat all late weet em e eau LegWstive tuft, wbiehh s o.mp*dem by so/ setfig far lose and N there should be as iadisideal areeyst tie who Mabee so us- terteeate me N he euros tier (reap or ilei. learlerelh b all seam set vole at all, se let him nese forward esetmf,Uy sed vote W ien Lewlore, end IM. Committee vee• terse te my that Comedies Liberality would net aim ilei to eeb, 1 bet on the Metre• ry, he would iq.ertebss his same be Gee - rel hi Withal frost etmllar diSesiti.s hereaiter, sad be e0111d be handed dews to potents as a Mgtlr ia a noble cauee. W.II Ms the Z.*'s d f ~bend. Object agates& the BASS Bet, tiad pet It down as Remelt- hese ep.`hese ; sad .e have mama for tbookleg they pet Rail • Lards doers es Repetitious alto, whew NW MIA i.preesmsat extent is our land. AIad at the *ate s4tls, we OMs our seigbbw wM.Opa, elm tlsrieult.rteta eueri.h ppm .atsers ..untimed epi ee- dd, by +Lem 1 The Gettiaidtt.e tell yes by British Steteem•o ; who at the same time weeder what the • remove is that Cam, da cannot improvise. fait se eb tseighbour. Ing Republic. Thi.1eminittes would ado say dwthem that the.resources of Canada is mostly absorbed by the aforemen' Zoned with • erinp influence of the Lawyer., who In variable advocate numerous offices and bigb salaries, and io all cues where it is po.si• bis none but Lawyers aro allowed to 6U the Aires. even to a Director of a Joint Stock Company. h is evident we have been de- eeived by their public professions and pre vats eosnsastioo Is advontieg Improve meets with long speeches. and at the aims lime uasg up the funds by extrsva - if expenditure n preliminaries and '•m° iii...,wbeeh are not beaeficial to the improvement of this line country or soil. - Dom it retird enterprise and eves sip it is tbsbud, when we see ambitious enterpri- sing i.divdtiau attempting improvements es a Targe stale snapped at as mere bait for Lawyers, at the least mishap or default which ends In a ruinous course of law. Is .s not, we are well aware, the ends of Jus- tice that would deter enterprise, but the enormouacoatscoupled with the prospect of a long period ere a noel decision can be obtained in all actions when the opportuni- ties of appeal are so seducing ; and many times ends in the titter ruin of all parties., and finally never settled unless taken out of the hands of the lawyers and settled by he parties themselves, or ontil time has teed all io the dust. To cap the climax, leak at their conduct in the House lately, when they raked for precedents the records of dirk ages, when ouches a learned Jeffries had to be see t to the Tower for safe keep- ing from an infuriated people ; wken their welfare was loot sight of for the bake of bedding up certain persona and parties. - Who for a moment could seepose that at this enlightened day of the world, the repre- sentatives of the people of • British colony whose majority consists of Lawyers, would in the broad face All justice and liberality, stand up and quote from those must, rens an unrepealed law that drove the Repor- rers for the people from the House, and leave ss 4..upple. that they were fast re- ceding to the Wind iogrisition of ancient ignorance ! Surely too much praise can, n ot be awarded to the Press for the noble an l iodepeodent position taken by them, and this Committee would earnestly urge the Electors of Caseda to • Ilk• usios, and support the Pres. in the moble position they have token, and co-operate with train keep- ing all Lawyers out of tic. House, by advo- cating sod giving publicity to the course hereafter to he pursued, to strict accordance with the Resolutions on which the humble addre.. is founded, in order that Christian pnsciplesand civil liberly may meet with due respect, and that equal justice may be measured to a11. This Committee there- fore earnestly recommend that all party feeling be laid aside and all strive together and put down our common enemies, wbo have hal seats in our legislative Hallaaince • Parliament has been established in Cana- da, and bout Tory and Reform Lawyer have invariably legislated ail in their power for the aggrandizement of their owe profession, to the utter oeglect of the people's interest. They would earnestly urge upon all Elec. tors the plain duty to themselves sad to the country, to come to the full determina- tion, under no circemetances whatever to vote fof a Lawyer or Attorney at the ap- proaehing general Election, as if would not be wise ie us, or at all to our credit to trust those Learned Friends any mere, after practising their continued imposition on • Liberal People. Moss, 28th Sept. 1150. Tannest G. GROWN*, BR.J• GaA.T, Wr. SranaLwru, Amar fl►TRu, Joe. McKAY. (To be continued.) Bssjamio Grant, Ksq., was called to the Chair. When the above Address was read to the Committee, and • numerous assemblage of Farmers, Mechanics and Merchants, whn with one voice sanctioned the above. Afterwards B. Grant, E.g.. left the Cheer and it was taken by Dr. McKellar, when a vote of thanks was given to the chairman for bis manly and upngbt conduct during the meeting. Jong MCKAT, S.c'y. "The thousand ills that fifth is heir to," is a sentence in the mouth of every reader of Shskespeesre. Tho.. ills are varioos and somero0s, se dn.bt, and the very fact that they ars .e should induce every holt man being to exert himself to the removal of them. W. are not among those who think that 'offering a the rule, and enjoy- ment the exception. We think jest the reverse. But yet we know that "man who is born of woman is prone to trouble as the . parks fly upward." These ideas aro tang - ✓ ested to us by the efforts sow put forth to induce men to rut off one at least of the "thousand" evil. --d . We are very well aware that this ..it may be M• moved. and still so many loft behind as to make even the sober men miserable. But the rereevsl of this prolific evil will most asrtainly net isrrimee tot decrease the asnust of evil. Now we neve exalted sobriety iota as apologyfor the seisors of anyremoval of evil. erre* do gee that no evil tat we are acgoatstod wftk bas each a.somerotd,pmgeny MUM playing and fol- lowing it as dreekone..s. it follows tbor.- fore that we ere jesuied ti *Meg 811 peed- bie mantises to renews this eels. (r.m the o aertietag kis faith before we recognise Alm u s !sharer is the field of b..mvol..e.l W. wield ant pay a nse fes prometing lis views of religfnn, tot we sesta ►seem. rear bum for the Iacono he had .setaiim4 i. do Morseling of tie cisme.t5 'geed. Father Chieigny rr rather Mathew wjy fever se with a visit, two pruuares them 4011 hosts ted Tent seems, i. that .lois, 1 Protestant Hoeg► we boo W. shed& OS as ease Slash 01 witb/nthq soldiers from the Bald, sod the meat of Oar moult, bo- lero eft btm.sa Ihey were set of sur faith, aa to Attest is C*Ib.W priests wnklalg with se is theorist' of sobriety. Weald fes Gem t bet every priest of the C.th.Me ed every *Ober chereb, would instal* the ..- Ho example of the two ►..Dred wanes. We know no use's .reed or polities le Ibis greet work. We hail every ems as a brother, who will help to remove a Burse more sumorous sad dua.trou. Oise say contained in the box of Pandora. Drunkenness, following luxury, bu been the ruin of the proudest nations. W. went • sober legislature in Cauda, and of the Tee-totaller• are honest is the cause they hams se mesh at heart, they will have it. Let every comity in Canada West look to it, that they bring amber influence to bear oo the next erection. A drunken Reformer ie a perfect and positive contra- dictive. Thema. who talks of reform principles and reform measure. and will Dot or cermet reform bee own drunken habits. should be trusted by sober reformers to do the work of Isgtelation. We wont ampler a drinking schoolmaster or a drink. Ing minister or the Gospcl. W. give d preference to a sober tradesman, sod yet we employ drinking men to make the laws by which we are to be governed. Admira- ble consistency! No wonder that whiskey and drunkenness should disgrace us, when the men who is every county in Canada West have kept Weir priociptoe in abemmer and mads them 'object to party polities. Le: the Tce-totedlers nail their colors to the •oast, and deliberately renrlve that they will use their legal influence to put forward men, and sustain them, for Parliamentary honor,, whose sobriety is beyond auspicios When this' done, and not till then, will we see a change io our public men, as also in our laws favorable to sobriety. We dent believe is making our moral principles sebservieet any longer to party polities, as has been the practice too long. We are speaking out in tune, that men may not be taken by surprise, nor complain of require- ments being looked for that they bad pewee heard of before. -Sl. Cedartown !auras!. Canvas or BLareas.-Br • letter just received . from her Majesty's screw -sloop Rattler, dated July ]i, 1850, of the river Congo. that vessel capture,' a fine brigade - tine, called the Volume, under American colors, fully equipped for the slave trade. and about 150 tons leurdoo. On the 7th tar Rattler captured' a Dr•silien Brigantine, called L'Eamaralda, 276 tone, folly equip- ped. She was taken 160 miles from the land; she mounted viz guns, which were thrown overboard during the chasm Abe had a crew of 34 men and 8 officer., and had ev- ery appearance of being a meta -or -war, with quarter boats, and, egged se beavy ie any brigantine in her Majesty's any. 1t is said nothing bot a Mesmer could have caught her. Tb. Pbilomel's Mosinee took a schooner in the night of the 2nd: the Cy- clops had taken a brig. and the Flying Fish had taken a schooner with 110 slaves os board. The Gladiator, steam.frigate, cap- tured a slaver, the Bon Fun, 200 tons re• gister, on the 25th. The Pbcenix captured a slaver, and burnt her. On coming up with her io the night the slaver ran into the Phoenix amijebip, with the intention of ds- magIng the paddles, she believing her to be a paddle wheel steamer. The Flying Fish had takes another One prise on the 11th of July, • bnganties of 180 tons. New YORE, Oct. 18. The steamer Crescent City arrived ben this morning, fourteen days later frees Cal- ifornia. Rhe brings 342 p pre, and $1,000,000 in duet in the hands of pitmen - gees, and $13,500 is freight. -(Glebe. Same tem Minoan --The schooner Ham- ilton is ashore we are informed by Mr. G. W,nirnd., at Long Poecut, with a cargll►RPoeta cut, 11,000 bushels of wheat for Oswe- go. Vessel and cargo both insured. The Chicago Democrat says the -schooner indus- try is ashore one mile north of Waukegan. She i• a lumber I B. C. A. LIST OF LETTERS, D E9IAINING in the GODERICH POST It OFFICE, to 21st October, 1850. Anderson Thoma Mtlter lithe 2 Acheson Robert Maher Thomas Andrew James Martie John C Aleoek Mise . M•lough Benjamin Bruce 11 Methuen John • Btggart John Morley Robt Breenla J J Miller James Berry J Morrish Mrs Ann BoaJford Mrs John Mc'Jfthan D Esq Barry Joseph McKee Duncan Barber John Mo .regor Nancy Bailer John McDonald James Bell Mn Bhubeth McDonald John Blake Mut hew McNaughton Johanna Booth Robert McIntyre Robert C •x David McGregor Donald Castles Sarah Ano McGregor Daiel Clendi,ain John McErey Mr Citation William McRae Duncan Chisholm Hugh McKinnon Robert Canton Antoine McLean Edward Connors John McKay Archibald Carter Ann Orr James Davidson Thomas O'Niel Henry Deacon Martin OtNiet Henry Black - Doolittle Dr A smith Durum B O'Grady John Dayton Thomas O'Connor Daniel Elliot Robert Park John Ellet James Peek Leonard Fisher Mrebasl Pentland Samuel Pergoseen John Paper William Gibbons Jane Ase Proctor Robt Gomm Mrs Jam Procter Ase Graham Charles Rose Alarm Gallagher James Radford Ebenezer Howland W P Rutledge Andrew H' sHarvey Red Alexi. Ha Thomas Roes Christina 2 HUbe n Smut ll,Wt Hunter William Jr Sutton William Horley John a Sanford Nathan Hay Caµ D Simons James Henry George Sturdy Christopher Harris Richard She. Derhy Iile#.rnee Mies E Behneeder Rev P 8 Jets.eloa 54 iReq Swanton George. J.... Ere Ebonn Stewart - Eslk Johnetee Elw.r. Stewart David 11 Joao, WtlThies Vaq Shesonn Robert Jewels, Mr lotus) Pitney hoes Ktrkpsllr4m gt(Iltis. Slevseoes Robert Kitty Themes Thomases Joseph Kolgbt Alfred Ttaewpeoe John KJoseph Kase►'t'h m s Tlmplotos Rl,.ab.1b '1'.rwllls.TIteetW Tarns? 'ta'Ar C S invini Lark ddweed '11 6.. Richard Meehimagy lobe ..rise Jelin M.sigs.. A F Wake tgrs Caroli.. Ref B Wittee Kee snesss'b ?W)M AS XYOpi ?..tae's. H.mberg, tbth 0 1. 111- ' 11Iarke* . OODRRICH, O.t. 11. WHEAT, Pall, per ►e. 1. 1 .-Mprisg• do. 8. to Os Od. Floor per Mil. I8. to 10. 6d -Otte per be. I.Od-P... per bu. 2•-• Potatoes per be. • Sd to Ie -Pork per hie 00.. -Butter per lb. 3d to 71 -Ha.. per Ib. 6d -Eggs per dos. 4d. Hay per toe, 865. to 40s. Nsw Yost, Oct. 14. Aeb.s ore in de.teed at $6 111 for Pole and $3 81 to SS t17 for Perils. The de- mand for Comedies Floor is moderato, and small luta bring k 75. Hant.roe.-W beat comes in freely, end prices range from 3s tad to he 10404 about the same u our last quotation. Barley end nate are plenty, at 2. 6J for the former, sud 2a 3d for the latter. Dvneae, Oct. le. During the week, large quantities of wheat have been brought to market. The miller. still Riva 3a fid; for shipments 3s 10d; and se learn that even • higher figure than that could be obtained for Targe lots suitable for shipment, if delivered immedia- tely. O.te a trifle lower, or is Id per bushel. Gvsirs, Oct. 16. Fall Wheat per lough& 3. 64 currency; spring do. 3s, at Allas'e milli. At the People's Mills, 11. 5d is paid for merchaota• ble wisest. Four, per 100 lbs, at mill, 9e 44.1: per barrel, 205.; Farmers' Flour. 8. tar per 100 ISA. Oat.. pie busbal, 1s. Butter, per Ib. 8d; Eggs, ler doz. 6d. -Herald. Toaonro, Oct. 14. Our market to -day was dull and inactive. We have no traneactaoos in Floor to quote, and prices remain without cheege.-Colo- nu). Oswego, 14th. The following transactions are reported to -day ; 1000 bush. Obio afloat, 88c : 2500 do. Mediteranean afloat, $74e ; and 2300 do. Oslo 00 pnvate terms -Journal. Cleveland, 14th. Sales 600 bis *fraigbt brands dour $3,764 9000 bash wh.at'764 a 78 ; 930 busk cora 49e. -Herald. Sandusky, 14th. Sales 1000 bush wheat dsl,es:able nett week at 75c. Sales from teams 70 a72e. Flour $3,75. Freights to Buffalo Sc for wbeat-124c for flour.-,Sa.dsskias. Toledo, 12th. No sales wheat, nominally 74 a 75c. No mules corn. Sales 440 brim floor at $3.80. Freights to Oswego 6c. -Com. Rep. Detroit, 15th. Flour market dull. Sales yesterday 1000 brim al 53,60 a $3,82 for common beads. -Advertiser. Mil week..., 12th. Price u.changed, 75e a 764e for extra.- 11'is. SIatrteb, 1. this Tows ee Thurada tar Ohs ;set.. by this Rev. E. L. Elwood, 31r. Jour Aetna, t* Mies Jess Mian, all er this place. At Forest Hill. neer Gndph, es Wedaesd.y the 16th Wiriest. by the Rev. Mr. Torraaee.(U. Pm ) 3.., Hetes, Esq. Sergees, of Stratford, (formerly of Zorra.) ve 3...., Iktrd daughter of C. J' Miekk. req. • LOST! ON SUNDAY. 20:h last., between 8t. Aa - drew's Chards sod Market Smart. • BROWN SILK NETTED PURSE, with steel clamps. oesteiaiag two key. sad s small anieaat in Silver. Any perces lading rhe Orme aid leavieg it at the algnal office will be rewarded. U.deric h. 944 0.,. 1856. 36-1 NO TICE. THE VILLAGE OF CLINTON. AN excelleeot opening for a good Wa• gon maker will et prompt be- found is the rising village of Chosen, sitwtd at the juoetwo of the road; leading from Hamilton end London to Goderich, ant being twelve miles distant from the latter. This village is surrounded by the most prosperous set- tlement io the Huron Tract, and already promises to become a place of some impor- tance. There are now several tradesmen In it, and • good workman in the above line will assuredly meet with liberal en- conragement. For further particulars, application may be made to Bsrct.y Irvin, Blacksmith Clio ton who will cheerioliy give resistance to the parson erelong to commence wagon making in the above named village. Clinton, 23rd Oct., 1850. v3-538 HURON HOTEL. THE Subscriber begs leave to intimate to his numerous respectable customer., and the travelling public generally, that the extensive repairs nod improvement. which have bees in progress on the Huron Hotel dnring the Conroe of the summer, aro now fully completed. And as bislang confi- dent Ibat bu establishment is now capable of affording acoomniodauos equal to that of any Hotel is this section of the country, he ventures to hope for a continuance of that liberal rapport which he hoe received during the period he has bun in business. JAMES GENTLER. Huron Hotel, Godencb, t October 16, 1810. S 'So8b HURON BUILDING SOCIETY THE 'est Mottleg of the Shareholder* of this Society will be held at th. British Hotel es Saturday 'wising. the 26th lastest. for the re- cite' of sebeeriprie.s ad sate; of see or more 81iarea W M. BEN N I TT RICH. T. 4. 9'e. H. B. S'y. Goderieh. Oet. 17. 1830. 3v•e35 NEXT OF KIN. Nl XT of Kis to THO- MAS MeNAMZE, formerly i• the employ of Mr. W. J. Gee - or, of Walnagh•m. sad late of Stratford i. the Hero. Diatnet, win bear of sea .thing to their &demurs by •pptyieg is Noma Fossa • vee BL•stnea, Pert R.wu, Comity of 11erb1k. C. W. 8epaesb.► 12. 1850. .1.3511 -British Amerman. $50 WJGER! ! vire, ties aattlpwl. will 1' L O U G H, et.o ew esus, MIA any thwe sen. alibi. Nese mine eta. a, Esq. beech ifest- hepe, Owe WA al till tee eeneway.- Aey kfd of 1tegtm eitund re be not Tia Creed le be obese* .4.. tar Wa Woke. •p. JOHN MJRBETT, Mn, TNOMAte COCHRAN. DIteMer. MIA STIR CNARWWORTII, OIr upsima., Ilse im if Inst , brume Oeb- Ire mid nossilise. a JSaiasd COTTON PURSE elieb•dwabis bona., ebaraeereg £S 5. dbdemll owe wirk she ...pose of es sed 1. Woo Amp poem Reaysad bevisgit er tee Curd Odes or whit the .abawtber. wilt be nwuded tat dee u able. /NATHANIEL *RADL&Y. O.deri.h. Oat. 10. 1181. .1.31 COO MINIATURES! BY DAGUERREOTYPE. THE Subscriber wield reepeetfullyr inform the Ladies and Gestlemeo of Goderich and Vicinity, that he has takes ROOMS IN THE HURON HOTEL, where he is prepared to take D4GUERL''OTYP? LACEYESSEdi with every recent Improvement, and set in ever, varietyof Pine, Rioge, Bracelet., Brooches, rames, Fancy and Common Cases, and w ted to seems their pert.c- llo• 111 soy climate. The aubocnber have( had long practical experience in the Boerne's, prole. housed' in being able to please all those who may favor him with their patronage. Pictures take. from eight A. M. until five P. M. without regard to weedier. Ladies and Gentlemen are rsei-actlully invited to call sad examine specimens. Godeneb Oct. 9tb, 1850. LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING in the Stretford P. O. op to October 6th, 1850. Andersnn James Asch V.ilentioe Bullard John Brannon James Byers Hugh Mair Brining Joseph Broden Chas Boyd Mr (clothier) Bremner Alex Black Tbos Castile Mrs Patrick Cahin Jiro Crowley Lawrence Corbis William Curry Mo.roe Coulton Ricbd 2 Coulter Samuel Crity3T Douglass Thos Dudy Desai. Elmewood Georg. Parker (bons Elgin Matthew . : Roper'Win Fisher Geo FrederickRyan Jno Fam August Rowland Mrs Grady Richard Sackrider Jno Glossae. Cornelius Sullivan Patk Goofier steamy Studer Henry Gallagher Jno Sebring Philander' Hofm.yer Joe 8lemaa Netbaniel Hamtltoa George , Scott Joe Hewer William Torry Frodk Hamilton Hugh Jso Haller Hugh • Watson Joseph Haider -sou Tho. Whaling Peter Irving Jno Ward Tho. Jock Wm Wllleon J.me. A. F. MICKLE, Postmaster. Johnson Monson Kennard Tiros Kiely R chd' Kennedy Anderson Littler A Mootgomery James Moore Mrs Dr 3 Diann Mrs Elizabeth Merrifield Wro Melberill Wm Merrick Robt McNamee Thee McNichol Cali- Melnlay Jim McWilliams James McDonald Jno McTan.b Chu McKay James McDermott Tongues Forme,' Throe NEW LIKE OF STAGES 5075505 GALT AND GODERICH THROUGII IN 18 HOURS ! la re,sertien Mt/ ties Stepsfrost H.teiltos. COMMENCING on TUESDAY Int of October, a Stage will leave the Union Hotel, Galt, at 6 o'clock, a. m., sod the British Hotel, Goderich, at 6 o'clock, s. m., every day (Sundspii excepted,) arriving at each of the above Towns at early bed. time, and will continue to. run for the Ac. commodation of Travellers, starting pant. wally at 5 o'clock in the morning.. The subscriber hopes by pay)u.g strict attention to the comforts of the Travelling Public to receive a share of their support. Buffalo Robes, &c., ft.rnithed. Any complaints made of Drivers will re- ccivo immedfate attention, and will be at once redressed as far as redress is practi- cable. Parcels sent by this Line wilt be convey- ed with cars and punctuality, and delivered at moderate charges. Persons traveling by this Line will not be deprived of rest as on the Route. from,Gode- rich to Hamilton, they arrive in Galt be- tween 10 and 11 o'clock •t night, and leave in the morning for Iiamilton at 8 o'clock - lied on the Route from Hamilton to Gode- rich the Passengers arrive in Galt as they choose, at 2 o'clock in the Afternoon or 12 o'clock at night, and leave for Goderich at 3 in the morning. T. M. DALY, Proprietor. Stratford, Sept. 28, 1860. 8,-833tf FOR SALE. THAT EXCELLENT FARM ON the Bayfield Road, Nine miles from GODERICH, and Three from Bayfield, cooaiuieg of 190 Acres of Land, 46 of which are cleared, and through which runs that excellent Mill Stream, the 33 Creek.. - For particulars apply to Mr. NAFTEL, at Goderich. September 27, 1860. r3 -n330 TRAVELLLE�R'S HOME. S RAS URG, AreaLoo, 28th February, 1849. THE Subeenber hereby iuumatea to his friends and the Travelling Pubin gene- rally, that he has removed from New Aber• demo to the Village ail Stresburgb, and will n ow be found in that well-known house for- merly occupied by Mr. Junes, -where he will be reedy and able to conduce to the comfort of those who may h000r bine with their patronage. And while be returss thanks (or put favors, he hope., by atrial attention to the wants and wishes ef hie customer., still to aril a eo.U.oseee of their patronage. JOHN ABEL. N. B. --Good STABLES ad attentive Groom.. vs -.4 it C' es�t ,AME I.te ties E. huoOure of the Iher, Lot 18. se the 1.t eeseeaeiee of McGillivray, on the 7th July last, • White COW, with a tittle rd as comb rade of her soak -earn red --a calf at ter feet. The 05510 u regneeted to peeve property, pay e►e►g.11 and take bur •way . JOHN HO17GIN8. M4.rllivray, Sept. M, 1760. 13 + 'LOB PRINTING of every e.eere use. semi, J ad promptly e..e.wd as this eller. D►eeidae+ lf1►► TA WE SOT! ALI. nadebead 1e the nal_ 7Iane et W. Y- le J. K. Goodie* sad ales w Jasper K Goodies are rigs/meted4o psj the .awe to ma se all debts ill p IOW ibex• parues have b.. DEftl.gaTIlyWtotIVgeE&edWto L'Ll.ne.. Goderich, Aug. 10111, 1860. %Si to PROPERTY FOR SAI.E. ` A' ILL be SOLD n0 the roost ratans(:e • Tern ., • TOWN LOT, .Ilb.erd e • ibe corners of South and Sou'b 1V'esl .t adjoining the Market iiseare,.Geriedch.- This I..t 1051.5. •esti, b■if a• Gere of ground, *6th a g.,od Vraino Nouse, anJ Fruit Garden ns u. Vor lumber particular. apply toJANEB CLEGG, Lighlhoupe et. Godetteh, Angina Ittb, Jt 0.. 16-3tf ' 'tJ SPECULATORS AJiD QTipERS. -The se►eriMu armed W PARE L••,. Sus. . 435, 434, 433. 432. 431, sed pert of 419, sear nhe centre et the Tuwe ufbTRATP'ORIJ servey,d std lard um Nle Doe-t.erth sem L-•1.. wowed ....roosted, soli IM suesiis. el Parnas wuhiog to brooms purchasers so the mow .- Free and uci,.ceuibererd Deeds will begraited tis room pu.ch•siug. er bond for Deed will Wiesen Ir throe',beoesoN pay for Lets ea.h down, at ascii • length of 11151 as may be agreed upon. Por p.rcee.l•ri se to Prior, A.e. apply to 11r. D. It Cigars, Solicitor. Biratferd, with whom the plan of the Property le. W. F. M.CVLLOCII. S raiford, 18th June. 185Q ser! - »fvf&IO1v could/. IIE neat Division Cos:tarot the 11.4,;:e.11 Counties of Uoroe Petth and Brame, 5111 ba held a the owe aid plea kllowime:-. Ise. Disisi.n.-Cosrt home so (iodelich,- 2d December. A. F. Morpa. Esq., Clerk. 2d. Diaision.-Jobe Hack.', bliscbell,-30th December. Robert Casa, EP., Clerk. 3d. Division -Wood'. Tavern, Stratford, 31.1 December. Raby Widens, Eq. Ckrk.. 4th. Dicisiora-•Q.icka' Tavern Iwsd.. Rood. 27th December Gesege Carter, £.q.. Clerk. 5th Daimon--Mcleenai.', 1...Bro.efeld 96th Dec. James Gordo., Esq.. Clerk. 6th. Dieasie.-lebe.l house St. Mny4e. it). Feb. Jame. Coleman, Esq., Clerk: The 8ittirga of the Several Cosrt* wit) com- mence punctually *t 11 o'clock: A. M. ARTHUR ACLAND, J. Di C. Goderich, Sept. Iles, '30 ' 8y -e -nal NOTICE. �7ERSONS desirous of settling on the Durham Road in the Towoshtps of Gleoelg, Bentinck, Brant, Groomer -110 Rio - low and Kincardine, must apply personally at the Office of the 1, and no lo- cations will be confirmed except such as are made in accordance with Ohl. requirement. All assignments of Interest is locations without the knowledge and approval 8f the Agent, wiU be eons:doted as a forfeiture of all right in theloo•tee or aasigwa.N• - GEORGE JACKSON, Agent. Crow. LAND Orrcs, Bentinck, Comely of Waterloo. f March 14th, 50. ,3c7 TO BE SeiE».-As En -client Farm of Land. BEING Lou No. 15 sad Oji. ep the 141► saq. IXogees, Township of Louden, eesraf'ieg 2000 •crew. 70 of whiett are cloud. - 'Itis 34.04 O of • Superior quality,' std well *vette It is 'tented is. miles from :M TAws of Leede., on the Macadamias& Reed Them le • Frame House sad two Frame Bans ea the premisrs.- it is ie the centre of • 'melees lesdity. Tko pesos is well sdepaed fee • Lem we Tama S isal This Funs is well sanded se the setes• tion of peroses douses ef gegen late 1.... . Then is else • geed Bearing OssMsd es the nese Term. mad .ill be sold es very sapeosbie forms. Ter pinielsre apply to Wa Ms30.. bee, se tar ed simiog Let. or se - JAMtB Msi81YR11. Teww.. fL.5. sh. Jsly 3rd, 1866. trial IO-NO.TICE To the' Clerks and Bailiff's of the Division Courts. THE incensed demand for Seonoresse and other BLANK WRITS, in eon`. section with the business of the several pl. vision Courts in the District, hes warlaotS( us in printing them in crumb larger queer.- ties than heretofore, and conesqutatly maa blew us to sell them womb cheaper -them - fore we intimate to the several Officers n- qutring there Blank Forms, that from tea date, Summon,es end all other Writs be- longing to the Division Court, will be Held at the Signet Office at the reduced price of ' Two SHILLING. AOD 8IzTgnCi Pia Misname. ,alb itlank Deeds and MemariRls, AND all kinds of DIVISION COURT . BLANKS, and BLANK PROMIS- SORY NOTES, for sale at the Niguel Office. Every description of BOOK asd JOB Printing executed with artiness and dispatch. 17 QUMMONSESrequired br the New M- O' t7 trier Court Act, andel! other BLANK FORMS used in ibe District sad Divi.1,. Courts, oo Bele at the Aignel Office. Also, ell kinds of JOB PRINTING excreted o. tar shortest notice, and on moderate terms. Goderieh, July 19, 1849. GAME into the enclosure e( the .5hseti• her about the 19th of July, a Red sod White Horned STEER, about Three poem old. The owner is requested to prove pro- perty, pay rxpenaes and take him away . D. PATTERSON. Tuckersmi: h, Leedom Road, j September 16th, 1850. ( .1..31 REMOVAL. JOi1N ADAMS, TAIUW. BEGS leave in intimate Toth. irhabttan,s of Goderich and ii. 'trinity, that he h.• Removed Ma TAILORING E)TABUSH - MP.NT lo est Street, fire, d..o, Pett of M. D. Seymour k Co.'s 8tnre. 'cheer fin will be Prepared to make all kirrty of (LAR.. MENT>,, n the @hottest inure, and on tl.e. moat res able term*. Cutting dor.s i.n_ shortest tees. Gotten , Sept. 12, 1830. ,b-n3e1► TA 4E NOTICE. A 1.1. Perms. are hereby feeble to Pine my • aim Demers Doormetn aeytheng on sty account, se be ie sot of age, sod I will .nt be responsible for Ilse earner, after the Jae n(thu note er. MICH. 11(►Nt IIUB. Tp. of Gederieh, Sega. tar, 1110. M aSTRAYED from tiro encleeer,of thee/di- "scriber no the Ba fkld Read, neer the Town of Godeneb, 1 Large Red and While Spotted STEER. Any one gini.g iafur. Nation will bemitably rewarded. EDWARD YEAMAKT. Aoguat 11th, 188e. tint!