HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-06-12, Page 191.5
)- 1
RECEIVES DECORATION—F/L J. D. Leach, RCAF Station Centralia, was presented
with the Canadian Forces Decoration' for 12 years' service 1:ly Group Captain A. G.
Kenyon, CD, commanding officer, during a recent parade. F/L Leach is commander
of "D" flight, ?FTS.
FIND YOUTH ADRIFT—Grand Bend's new provincial police boat performed its first
rescue operation 'Sunday when it towed a cabin cruiser and six London teenagers
to the harbour after they were found adrift six miles off shore. The youths, who
ran out of gas en route to a weiner roast at 1pperwash Saturday night, were on the
lake 17 hours. Above, James B.11, Sr., owner of the bo.at and father of one of the
boys, inspects, a motor on the7ruiser. OPP Constables Frank Sutter, Grand Bend,
and Bud Brunner, Forest, are in the police boat. —Noseworthy
lilacDONALD —Mr. and Mrs. Ca-
meron MacDonald, 176 Sanders
St., Exeter, announce the birth
of a ton, Mark C.atieron, weight
5 lbs.. 12, est, at South Huron
Hotpital, June 8, 1955 — a bro-
ther for Lisa.
..TINKS—Mr. and Mrs. 'Ross :finks.
Hensall, announce the arrival
of their chosen daughter, Gail
Elizabeth, ,rune 5. 1938—a grand;
daughter for Mr. and 'Mrs.
Manley jinks, Hensel], a.nd Mr.
and Mrs.. Arthur Weaver, New
JOHNS015*-:-`01r: and Alre. Douglas
A. Johnson, Grand Bend, am -
flounce the birth of their son,
Douglas :Joseph, at. South Huron
Hospital—a brother for Cathe-
O.RE—Mr. and Mrs, 'Donald Oke,
Zurich, announce the birth of
a. son, 'Randal Scot, at South
Huron Hospital, .Tune 9, aass—a
. brother for Bradley and Wayne.
PBESZCATOR—Mr. and Mrs. Nen
Pretzeater, '11.R. 1 Clinton, an-
nounce the birth of n. daughter,
Dia,nne Marie, in Seaorth Hos-
pital, June 9. 1958—a sister for
jimmy, David and Linda.
/WIVE—Elmer and Geneva. Bowe,
R.R. 1 Exeter, announce the
birth of a daughter, Lori jo-
ann.e, weight 8 lbs„ 12 ozs., at
South Huron Hospital, June 5,
195S—a, sister for Kathy, Bobby
and JimolY.
DIETRICH—Mr, a nt1 lire. Charles
Dietrich, Mount Carmel,"wish to
announce the Willi or a sen at
St. Joseph's HoSpital, London,
June 5, 1958,
Mr. and Mrs. H,, T. Hendrick,
London, with to announce the
engagement Of their daughter,
Eileen 1,avonne, to Mr.
Edgar Flannigan, 'Hamilton, son
tit Mr. and lire, James :Flannigan,
S(30161.111. The wedding to lake
plaeti Saturclay„Ittly 9, at. 2:00
0.n, 111 the 'Pentecostal Chureh,
Seaferth, ()Mario. 12'
Mrs. Hugh 'Davidson, nf Chat-
ham, announce the marriage of
their daughter, Janet Elizabeth,
to Mr. Jamet L. Sturgis, cnn of
Mr. And Mrs, E5 L. Sturgis,
:Exeter, on June 9, 1958, 12e
Rev. and Mrs. C., W. 'Down will
be at home: to their friends and
relatives on Saturday, June 14,
3 to 5 in the afternoon, and 7:30
to 9:30 In the evening: the o' -
cation 'being their fiftieth wed-
pellnea%e..a)n n iv e re a, r y. (No gifts,
Mise Delphine Vandyck, R.11, 2
Grand Bend, wishes to thank all
the people who were so kind to
her at the time of the accident
of the late Rev. T. De Neel of
the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Church, Grand Bend, and for
many acts of kindness extended
to hor since bis passing, with
speeded thanks to Hoffman fttneral
home, Dashwood, 12e
wish lo express my sincere
thanks to many friends and rela-
tives for cards, gifts, flowers
and visitors received during tn.Y
illness in St, joseph.s Ito:mite.]
and at home.—Mrs, Charles Hag-
gai', 12e
01re.itt 1, TitineY, of Si. Marys,
wishes to thank friends and fer-
nier neighbours for cards and
gifts received whiles a patient in
St. 'Marys Mernorial Hospital and
since returning' home hithe with
baby daughter Tanya. 12*
1 wish to thank all those who
to kindly remembered rne with
cards, treats and flowers; also to
those who visited Me while. a
Pgtient in South Huron 14ospital,
Exeter, and Since. returning home,
Special thanks to Dr. Fletcher,
Mr. and Mit. Harvey
Miss ClaYnolee and all the nurses
for their kindness, — Norman
We wish to extend our he.art-
felt thanks and appreciation for
the :tett of kindness. Messages of
sympathy and beautiful floral nf-
fering's received Troth kind friends
and neighborsin our recent be-
reavement of a, beloved father.—
Mr. and Mrs. 3. H, Delbrldge and
family, 12"
I wish to express my deep
gratitude and appreciation for
the many acts of kindness, mes-
sages Of sympathy, h e ant if u l
floral offerings, Bibles and do-
nation to the Lutheran Hour id
memory of Mrs. Maud Holt from
my kind friends, neighbors and
relatives in my recent bereave-
ment et a beloved wife. Special
thanks to Bev. pallbear-
ers, Hoffman, Mrs, Mason,
Emmen" Desjardine and those
who assisted in anY way.—J. W.
Holt, 12e
X wish to thank all those who
so kindly remembered tne with
cards, treats. flowers and visits
while a patient. in South Huron
Hostiltal and slime r 511/ rning
hon..—Mrs. Hernial) Mitchell. 12"
'We wish to extend our heart-
felt thanks and appreciation for
the acts of kindness, messages of
sympathy and beautiful floral
elAferings received from our kind
friends and neighbours In Our
recent bereavement of a beloved
wire and mother, 'We especially
thank the ile.N*, 1-1. IE. 14n1loy,
Women's Association of Grand
Bend, Dr, 'Fred Milner, Dr. Wil-
liam O. Serlmgeour, Mrs. John
Quinliven, Mrs. Don Rtlokland.—
Willtam atid fantilY, 5'
11A1ST-711 loving Memory of
dear wife and mother. Mrs.
Martha. Waist, who passed away
/our years ago, June 13, 15e4.
niemoi.v to elierish forever
Of one who was dear to us all.
—Lovingly •remembered by hus-
band and family. 12e
What has time done t
your life insurance
Everyone knows what can happen to the performance of a
cat that isnot serviced regularly. The same tisk of "peor
perfOrmance holds true for your life insuranet if you
-neglect to keep it up to date. Time brings changes itt your
lift that in turn create the need (dr b. review of yout"
polieids. Perhaps neW bertdciarice should be appointed.
Perhaps We methed by which. bcneflts are to be paid,
either by income or by single amount, is tlo longer in your
family's hest intereat. What would a careful :review of
your policies reveal? That you have mord than enough
life inSUrailed.-',Or that time has brought neW needs
for protection R.11d saving/
By keeping in touth with the Man from ManUfacturets you
earl be sure your life insurance is arranged to do the Job you
Want it lei det. Why fiat call him for a policy
°clieck-up" today?
A, E. Pym
EX Pat
telt 611-M
RCAF Potent Force
In. Deterring 'Conflict
Plying a, significant and vital
role in deterring, aggression and
maintaining the peace is VARY'S
Royal Canadian Air Force.
larger „and more operationally
potent than ever before in peace-
Although the youngest of Can.
ada's three armed services, the
RCAF now ranks aS the largest,
with more than a0,000 personnel.
Largest single operational elea
meet 16 Air Defence Command,
with headquarters at St, Hubert,
()aside Montreal, which, works
with U.S. Air Defence forces 111
the common air defense of North
Nine squadrons of the Cana-
dianadesigned and built CF -100
all-weather interceptor form the
operational "bite" of ADC. They
fly by day and by night, and
work in close conjunction with
the early warning and ground
control stations that are an
equally important part of Air
Defence operations,
Three such warning lines ex-
tend across and up the flanks of
Canada, The Pinetree Line, built
and operated jointly by Canada
and the U.S., roughly follows the
international boundary. The Mid -
Canada Line, built. and operated
entirely by Canada, extends
along the 55th parallel, and a
third chain, the Distant Early
Warning Line, built and operated
by the lJ.S. extends across the
Peacetime planning and war-
time eperational control of North
, American air defence 'operatiens
!is the responsibility of NORAD,
the North American. Air Defence
Command, its headquarters at
Colorado Springs, Colo., is oper-
ated jointly by Canadian and
• DUI:gin':etiroSn"fr?aChLadainacin UarIndcieruloSIS. al;
defence forces work together to
defend, We continent.
Mailer major operational ole-
ment is tlic 13—A a• atrepean-
based Aid Division. This force of.
12 squadrons, flying OF -100s and
the ,anadiatubuilt Sabre daY
EfiguIrtotepre,. loans an important Fart
' of the NATO air defence force in
Carrying out another high
priority operational role is 'Mari-
time Air Command, responsible
for shore -based aerial anti-sub-
marine warfare, reconnaissance,
convoy patrols, and naval co-
, operation duties, Its headquarters
are at Halifax.. and squadrons
are based on both coasts, work-
ing closely with Canada's navy.
They fly twin -engine Neptunes
and four -engine Laneasters, con-
verted for maritime eperations.
Coming into MAC service shortly
is the big four -engine Argus, the
largest aircraft ever built in
Canada, and a deadly sub -killer
Air Transport Command, whose
headquarters are at Lachine, out-
side Montreal, provides airborne
mobility for the RCAF, as well
as providing transport services
for We other services. Its air-
craft include North Stars, Dako-
tas, C -119s, Comet jets, Otters,
Expeditors, helicopters and other
types, and the airports of the
world are familiar sights to the
widely travelled ATC crews.
Tactical Air Command has its
headquarters in Edmonton, and
ittiosntsa.sks include provision of air-
borne assistance to army forma -
General ground and aircrew
training is handled by Training
Command, whose headquarters
are at Trenton, Ont. In addition
to producing the skilled person-
nel to handle RCAF operations,
TC has trained since 1950 more
than 5,000 aircrew from other
NATO countries, to aid them In
expanding their air forces.
Air Materiel Command, whose
headquarters are at Rockcliffe,
Ottawa, looks after logistic sup-
port of the air force. It is re-
sponsible for calculating overall
RCAF requirements, and con-
trols supply, maintenance, and
technical services depots and
units across Canada.
Picnic At Grove
Unites Families
The annual Love -Forrest re-
union was held at Turnbull's
Grove on Wednesday with 150
members attending from Nor-
folk, W. Virginia, Cairo, Mich.,
Kincardine, Parkhill, Grand
Bend, Shipka, Exeter Seaforth,
Kippen and Hensall.
A program of sports was di-
rected by Jim Love and Lyle
Steeper. Winners in races for
children, one to three YCarsi
Lloyd Wl.iting, Debra Love, Jim
Steeper; four to six years, Wayne
Love, Mary Sturdevant, Kenneth
Johns; six to eight, Bobby 'Love,
Julian Birr, Julia Blanchard;
eight to twelve, Esther Whiting,
Tom Love, Linda McDonald; 12
to 15 years, Wayne Miller, Mary
Scott, Frances Blanchard. '
Wheelbarrow race, Wayne Mil-
ler, Gordon Whiting, Tom Love,
Brian Gill; peanut scramble',
orange race, Gordon Whiting,
Eddie Gil; paper plate race,
Esther .Whiting; ladies' time
race, Mrs. William Love; shoe
scramble, Gordon Whiting, Don-
na Ruth Sturdevant; young nten's
race, Keith Love, Lyle Steeper;
young wornen's race, Frances
Blanchard, Mary Scott, Mildred,
Walter Fairbairn, Kippen, was!
the oldest man present and Mrs.
William Forrest, Hensall; the
oldest lady, Kevin Deters, Grand
Bend, the youngest baby and Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Coleman, Nor-
folk, West Virginia came the
longest distance.
Robert Love, 'Medford was
elected president and Mrs. Lorne
Luker, Hensall, was appointed
• •
Looking With Liz
1—Continued From Page 18
I was picked up by the news ser-
vices and was read aeross the
I country,
The story, enlarged ,133r repe-
tion, was only partly true. The
boos and bottles were directed
not at Paul but at a member of
1 his family who stood up in the
1 auditorium and demanded that
!silence prevail while Paul was
singing. Anyone who has ever
been to a rock and roll show
knows the results of such a sug-
Pandemonium broke loose and
a good time was had by all. All
except •Paul who suffered a
bruised ego and his family who
hared his hurt feelings. It would
appear now that Ottawa has
seen the last performance of its
wunderkind, though time heals
all hoots.
Comments About
Creditan East
Mr, Charles Anderson is holi-
daying for a few weeks with Mr.
and Mrs, Jack Anderson: and
family in Amherstburg.
Mr. and Mrs, Alec Hamilton
and Bradley of Grand Bend vis-
ited Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs.
Leonard Wein and Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Lewis.
Mr. and Mrs. William Horney
of Exeter .spent Friday with. Mr,
and Mrs. William Mote.
Mr. Russell Clarke is putting
an addition to his home also Mr.
Cliff Gradsahl is remodeling his
home and Mr. Gordon Kenney
has the framework up for his
new home. .
Mr. and Mrs. Ridley of Walton
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Glanville and family,
iatet Week' Smog:
:fsraves 23, Dodgers 17
Braves 13. Yankees 11
-Yankees 23, Dodgers 14
Fma yes1 1 41
Dodgers 3 3 A
S'ankeet 1 5 0
At Zion ..Fartn:Th9mas Glenn 'Several Groups•
Thy TlirepAdvomto, Juno 12, 19$0 Pop sit
. .
The, Huron County Holstein
annual twilight Meeting was held
Monday evening at the farm ef
Me. and Mrs. Tom Brock.
A social hour was held in the
basement of the church. A short
musical program was held, with
Doris and Doreen. Brock and
Harry afern doing vocal select -
tions, and Alm° aiern with her
Mr. Vaughan Douglas, of
CKNX, Wingham, was guest
Zion West held their Sunday
School anniversary services at.
11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Mr. Mar-
vin Streich gave the morning
message, and Rev. H. C. Wilson
of Thames Road took the evening
worship. The Sunday School
pupils were in the choir loft.
Visitors in the community for
anniversary were;
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scott,
Woodham, Mr. and Mrs, Orville
Cann, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs.
Philip Johns and children, Elim-
ville, with Mr, and Mrs, James
Mr. and Mrs. William Morley
Jr., and children, Whalen, Mr.
and. Mrs. Carl Jaques and family,
and, Mrs. C. Jaques, St, Marys,
• with Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Jaques. '
Mr, anti: Mrs. Frayne Parsons
and children, Exeter, with Mr.
and Mrs. Everard Miller,
Mrs. Alma Dobson and family,
Dr. Bill Schaeffer, of Kirkton,
Mr, and Mrs. Bill Dixon and
Christine, Clandeboye, Mr, and
Mrs. Bev Skinner and Noel, and
Mrs Christine Here Exeter
with Mr„ and Mrs, Ward Hern,
Mr, and Mrs. Irwin Ford,
Exeter, with Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Mr. and Mrs. M. Culbert,
Lucan, with Mr. and Mrs, Harry
Mr. and Airs. Bob Hera and I
Linda, of Jarvis, with Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Hern.
Mrs. Hector Taylor, Mrs, L.
Kyle, Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Kinsmen and children, Kip -
pen, with Mr. and Mrs. Ephrialn
LBst Week's( Score* t
Fillies ts, 'Fawns 14
1 Fillies 29, Fawns
W 1, T
I 1 n 41
Fawns 2 0 2
Huron -Perth
Box Scores
jim Russell. Sb
Gib Sabnurin, 21)
'CY Blommaert, NS .-,.
Den MeNeller, P Wayne Sylvester, e
Rb -Russell, It'
Jim Hennessey, lb Simon, Nagel, rf •
R 11 E
3:4.3 n6n ilnn 0111
n A
•i A II 41
3 0 A 1
33 0A on an
TOT .5.LS 27 0 0 2
Don Ottentther, se 1, 1
Baymile Wein, Ib.,_ 1,
lilek Hagler. If . -
11ay Webb, rf (23 a
aieva antra, p a a
'nob ineharg, e „ „5 0
Jim 'Melville, 311 °
riA0e mine, If (5) 2 n
lack flaiser, if -. 2 0
I,. Restemayer, rf (5) 1 n
lorry Wartime, 2b 2 1
Mike Denomme, If n
lun Hayter Ib 15) - 1
.11eoritt•'-1; CiRatihr11110:n; 21411 '... -... d\511.' 142
: T;01)
nor( 6'1:11.1011, 111 , _ , 4 1 *. A
11111 1-ttnghltif. at) . 5 A 1 1
Tem Bawlittge, 0 2 ., 1 0 3
Ileorga Darker:, d CT) 2 n A 3
siruep ,..rt,11•, rf ,, 3 0 0 0
Don 'Reese, rf fli ,. , 2 n n 0
'Sonny rilgriar. yr .... a n tit il
taarata' Sell, rf . .. .. a 1 3 0
Jim 11,11111e, 11 ----.., 4 o o 11
'148 71 9 A
Ft 16
2 0
4 n
A 0
n A
1 n
35 6 11
IJSI'OWT61, 311 S. AT4
t.arry Wynne, 311 9
Jim Pain, 311 (8)
Berry Pryfogle, of .„.
niil Patterson. es . 14
Nell blekel, 0 .
Ken Parrish, If
1.5n tali .
wen Armitage. 214 a
hIll Ottler, rf 4
Soh' 'Partite, p
Jim. Lawson, p 17)
‘4'; 1
TOTAlel 33 ta 8 5
ZU11.1C14 A-0 la IT 1.1
bout n'Ertan, 2h ,„ 2 2 0
aarrY, nantile, rf 4 2 1 0
bit&Priori, lb 2 1 n 41
11111 *Ylingblut, 2 1 1
Inriire 2i1nlr. if.f .3 0 1 0
flersld Roll, 1f2 1, II
Omit Thisa»rler, 1114-,:„. 2 2 1 2
(4601r0 PArkar. e .„ 8 A n n
1:en Darker. fr , 0
;tiny Rutile, 11 15) n fl 0
TOTALS 23 0 5 4
EXT6'TWIL „t11 11 14 "Pl
T'ic'k AffiPalls, r 1 1,
i:ord Strang, se 4 A fi 1
Wayne Sylvester. 4, .1 On
•,- 4 "
.me 1Vrinilen. 31, . 3 1 n
Sinden 4 41 2
14411 1-tnInhO4)4)0y, 4 ri
'Om) t3rnv011, rf 1 A
1411V flAbourtii, 31.1 14 41 1
83 2 8 2
Mr. Joe Bailey, Exeter, with
Mr, and Mrs. Milton Brock.
Mr, and Mrs. Milton, Keller
and children, Exeter, Mr, and
Mrs. Edgar Squires, Exeter, and
Mr. and Mrs. Willaam Rodd,
Granton, with Mr. and Mrs.
Allen Jaques.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Camm,
Woodham, with Mr. and Mrs.
Morris Hern.
Mr. and Alas. Milne Pullen and
Donald and Mr. George Earl, of
Whalen, Mr. Keith Stephen, An-
derson, and Mr. 13111 Spence, of
Woodharn, with Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Brock and family.
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock
attended the opening of the
nurses' residence in Exeter, Sun-
day afternoon.
Ruth Ann Dykeman, Exeter,
spent Sunday and. Monday at her
Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Cushman,
Michael and Stephea Exeter,
were Thursday evenai; visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Jud Dykernan
and family.
Brock Picnic
The Brock family held their
annual picnic Saturday at Zion
West School grounds. About 70
were in attendance,
A sports program was enjoyed
and a ball game created much
Bank :Manager • Shower Bride
miss Carole Richardson, 'WO,
elect o Friday. June 0, hats
been much feted at several -
functions in her honor. Mrs.
Robert Bell has hostess, ThUrti,,
tlay evening for 40 relatives
friends for a miscellaneous: pro-
sentation. Mrs. Glenn Weld*
read the presentation addre$
and Carol Reichert and ,GaY10:
,Richardson presented the gifts.,
A social hour was enjoyed and,
luncheon served.
The staff at Schoirs where Slip
IA employed -enjoy-ed bowling at
Grand, Bend Monday evening
after which they were enter-
tained at the home of Mr. and,
Mrs. Scholl. Dresser lamps were
presented to Carole by Jac*
* *
Mrs. Ron Mock entertained at
her home Tuesday evening for a
miscellaneous shower when over
30 neighbors were present. MarY
and Linda Mock presented the
gifts to the brlde-elect after
which contests were enjoyed and
luncheon served.
Thomas C. Given, 02, manager
of Dominion Bank. Toronto far,
.many years died suddenly on.
Monday in Sunnybrook
He was born bit Vshorne Town-
ship, son of the late Mr. and
Mrs. John Glenn.
Surviving are his wife and one
SOB .12b31., Toronto,
'rhe funeral service will be 1,
heJd Thursday in Eaton
Memorial church, Toronto.
Persona) Items
Rev. Charles D. Daniel will he
guest minister at Wesley Willis
United Church, Clinton, anni-
versary services, Sunday eve
ring, June 15,
Happenings In
Personal Items
Mt. and Mrs, Leonard Thacker
spent, Sunday afternoon with Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Haziewdod of
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Thomson,
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Baker at-
tended the funeral of their uncle,
Mr, John Batson, of Oshawa, on
Mrs. T, Waugh, London, spent
Tuesday with Mr, and Mrs.
Leonard Thacker.
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Thomson
i •
of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Baker
of Zion,
Mr. and Mrs, Giadwin Lank
ford and family of Dorchester
spent Sunday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Langford.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomson
visited Sunday with Mrs. James
Maloney at Clinton General
Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A.,
Organist; Mrs, Bob laryclo
9:00 a.m.—Sunday School
10:00 a . m .—Morn log Wars WO
"A Father Of Old"
Lessons we need to learn.
Praise led by choir of boys
and girls.
Nursery for children up to six
9:45 a.m.—Bible School
11:00 a.m.—Morning Service
Sdrmon Subject: "Cause Of A
Christian's Thanksgiving"
7:30 p.m.—Evening Service
Subject; "A Momentous Quest-
Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Bible Study
and Prayer Service
A Welcome To All
The United Church
of Canada
Minister: Rev. Alex. Rapson
Organist; Mrs. A. Willard
110:00 aar.—The Church School
"1"1:15 a.m.—Worship Service
i Nursery Class up to three years
in the Primary Department.
Beginners, ages 4.6, will with -
interest. draw during the second hymn.
Worship As A Family In
The Family Church
Miro, pitching ace of the Dash-
wood Tigers, hurled a perfect
no -hit, no -run nine -Inning game
against the Exeter Mohawks last
Friday night. The Tiger mounds -
man didn't allow an Exeter man
to reach first base, and chalked
up nine strikeouts.
9;45 a.m.---Sunday School
11:00 a.m. — Father's Day Ser-
vice with Rev. Fred Thomson
of Lucan as ehe speaker.
7:30 p.m.—The pastor will speak.
Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Bible Study
and Prayer
Thursday, 2:30 p.m. —
meeting at the home of Miss
Peart. Subject; "The Jing
dont of God."
Friday, 8 pan.—Thedford Young
People will be the guests of
the Christ Ambassadors,
". behold, We kingdom of
God is Within you,"
—St. Luke 17;21
Pastor: Evang. L. Winn -Butler
Rev, K. L. Zorn, Phone 65
10:00 a.m.—Sunday School
11:00 a.m.—Service
Rev, H. J. Snell, Pastor •
M. Lawrence Wein, A,W.C,M.
10:00 a.m.—Sunday School
11;00 a.m.—Morning Worship
Sermon Subject: "The New
Senior Choir
Solo; Mrs. Clare Green
Sacrament of Lord's Supper
will be observed at this sera
A Warm Welcome
Is Extended To All
NOTE: Men' choir practice fola
lowing the service.
Evangelical United Brethren
Rev. W. F. Kroll, Minister
Mrs, Ken McCrae, Organist
Sunday, June 15
30:30 a an .—Children' s Day
Thursday, June 19 — Sunday
School Picnic, Exeter' Park
"Teach Me Thy Truth 0 Lore
10:30 a.m.—Sunday School
11:30 a.m.—Worship
Pastor: Stanley Sauer, Exeter
Evangelical United Brethren
Rev. Glen R. Strome, Minister
10:00 a.m.—Worship
"Is That You?"
11:15 a.m.—Church School
Friday, June 20—Annual Picnic
Sunday, June 22 — Cemetery
Decoration Service
Rey, R. Van Farowe, Minister
2:00 pan,—Worship and. Sermon
3;30 p.m.—Sunday School
All Are Welcotne
Trivitt Memorial, Exeter
Rev. Bran de Vries, Rector
Robert Cameron, Organist
Sunday, June 15
8:30 a an .—Holy Communion
10:00 a.m.—Sunday School
11:00 a.m,—/vlorning Prayer
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