HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-06-12, Page 171 t` Reception and DANCE MR, AND MRS,, EUGENE WILI.A.RR Wee Carol Kadh g). Bev, J. P. I'xest end Mr. IXen Mr. and Mrs, 1(faurice Axcl an• . hike a al I: Holy 'i" Y � timtty 'Church, . old al3d Joyce.:and MUSandra �� and Air Andy Carter, Of St. AleLinetrey, of Parlth.ill, spent ,Hailes Church, last Saturday last weekend in Qrillia and C"old- were in Bayfteid assisting in the water, guests of Mrs, ('red Duron Church Camp. Mrs. Prest Dickins. and the h boys gecornpanied M. et t?r s, HissSheridan Sevington and Mrs Cecil Robb last Wednesday ,attended the executive meeting of. the Middlesex. Presbytery in .First -St. Andrew's Church, Lon- tlon. ELUEWATER Miss Angela Armitt spent last DANCELAND weekend .at the cottage of Mr. miles and Mrs. Clarence Uaskett at B north. of •Gland Bend, Gr and Bend. 4 miles northwest of Zurich, Air. Graham ',Thompson, while Wed., June 25 Desjardine's Orchestra Eve•yone Welcome Lakeview Casino Grand Bend Dancing Saturdays Lionel Thornton and his Casa Royal Orchestra HAM & STRAWBERRY SUPPER ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Wed., June 18 Supper Served from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Admission: Adults $1.25 Children under '10, 500 Dashwood Band In Attendance Reception and DANCE M. AND MRS, HUGH RUNDLE Fri., June 20 EXETER LEGION HALL Everyone Welcome f,111111,1,111110111111111,011111,11111111111,1111111111111111111111 swimming at • the river„had the misfortune to cut his hand badly on broken glass, and lead to, re- ceive hospital treatment, Strawberry and Ham Supper GREENWAY UNITED CHURCH Friday, June 20 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. Admission: Adults $1,00 Children Under 12, 35¢. Sponsored by the W.A, NOTICE Gunning Reunion Wed,, June 18 12:00 Noon Stratford Park Aldon Theatre Grand Bend FRIDAY' & SATURDAY June 13 and 14 "THE TALL MEN" (Technicolor) •* Clark Gable * Jane Russell TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY June 16 and 17 ":STOPOVER TOKYO" (Technicolor) * Robert Wagner * Joan Collins One Show Each Night 8:30 p.m. D.S.T. 1111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIf It111,1111I111111111/L THAMES ROAD UNITED CHURCH Sunday School Anniversary ' JUNE 15, 1958 - 11:00 A,M. Sunday School Choir - Assisted by :Miss Sandra Walters and The Rowe Brothers SPEAKER REV. HUGH C. WILSON All Friends Are Cordially Invited /11111111111 q llllll 11111,1111,1111111111111111111,1111111111Illlllll lilt ll1111111 nut111111111I111111111111111111111111111Inn il hilt y o M. and Andy binders orchestra. 5tfc After his death she tnaved m Toronto had accepted Saturday and also a«fisting at were Tuesday guests of Aix. and back 'to is about 15 years their invitation to attend the .Holy Trinity's strawberry fes• i Mrs. Harold Dickins. MUSICAL Directed by Airs, mother n and daughter b of the Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Holmes Church, Thursday, ,lune 19, 8:00 While in Luean she was a mem•, Committeeswere named far There will be no meetings dui'. Jim s spent and Mr. James for churchtl e Holmes .p.m., v- m 1 �o ,.• banquet: t cion 35r• , Light lunch. Adnli2s� hex of Holy Trinity church. .and , Hickson. FrniaecoThomsonD�and ing July and August but Mrs. i Newark, gests of Mr,SandaMrs, Woman's Auxiliary. After sell- tdarence llaskcit extended anhave RoySims. HAM & STRAWBERRY Supper rng her home here she lived for }imrlev Cnlbemer anapCulbert, Judyiari- invitation atoher Grand branch .Bto end cot - $1.00 --•Tuesday, June. 24, 5:30 'p.In., a short time in Exeter and Lu -,i' Haskell, Bonnie Drennan, Ilene picnict Trivitt Memorial Church; adults can• .Donaldson, Donna Thoinsan and rage same time in July. $1.00, children 65'. 1.2:T9c She is survived by ane brother,:Sliirley :anmcrick, and the wet• Tlhe September meeting will he Richard Harry Neil of 'Thorn coming committee, Marilynheld at time halve of the presi- dent, hill and one sister, Miss flora Berl, Ilene Donaldson and Shir-ldent, Mrs, ('Tare Stanley, p Neil of London, 'le. Emerick. Past President Honored Alan Douglas Dickins In the Legion Hall last Tues- Alan Ijou las Dickins, five day evening the members of the years of age died suddenly at 't'onferenee at Park Street united Legion. Auxiliary honored their ()rUlia, Saturday, Alav 31. Church, Chatham, from Tuesday past president Mrs. A. E. Reilly it lay at rest at the A. An till Friday last week, and stayed by presenting her with the past 1 d f' with Mr. and Airs. George Bel- linger, former Ridgetown friends. Mr. James Holmes has re - 11 a.m. with the Rov. Cannon turned to Lucan after working II. E. Merifield officiating. ' for some nine on the east coast. ,mgr and lived where Mr. and lug er anquet, tip al and 50th anniversary ai Tien Hodgins, Centralia United Airs, Lloyd Acheson now lives.: Juni 1,,. laying of the corner stone. and IAvery 3utlm Anne, Air. Lucan And EI:.trict News Three Lucan Scouts, KeithMrs. �h arles�H.Porter er s l,ro t Gale u•i e ssandA : H e le s f Reedy x a lengthy illness. Mi n n ti nc s , y g �' Paul spent from. Saturday Cl .1 IL �1 Porter 1'd' ,C G I T G n aI a es s- • m Im am or ei died iii Bean ,.ming Auxiliary was held log till Sunday. evening eanmping!toria Hospital Thursday, June 5•:�a a, ., on Banquet at the home of Airs. Pat (rude :the river flats on Air. 'lyaltex� She lay at rest in the ey•j ,l, last 1'e ohmic y irs. g with the Dobbs' farm, and report a finer Bedford funeral .home, Toronto„,L he regular meeting of the president, Mrs. Clare Stanley, time in spite of Saturday nights till a ll.tn. Monday when in. ucan (..(z.I.l'. was held id the in the ehai;r. downpour. neral :services were held. +church parlors last Dlonday ,ev.e- „ Interment was in At, i?le.as•!'fh with g Inentbers present. The president l,ed it the Tyra- OMING EVENTS ant cemetery, Toronto. I ,time mooing began with craft, ship: service anrl. l.itarmy, the Evening .Auxilier:>' • :._.: . rot P The June meeting •of the Ang- G Ars. Forte, the fomer iso -t �4hiclm 'consisted of :the eoinptet- "Youth of Japan' ap- af; mother and ' daughter ter IA the study book taken by mass the ch BARN DANCE - Silver Star bella Neil was the daughter Ing of Lh Ranch Barn Danes at Jim OW- the late Aix, and Mrs. John :Nell banquet favors, The devotional Airs. Charles Corbett. fin's new barn, $ miles north of and was born on the edge of Lu-: period vas taken by Judy Has- Iluring the huffiness session :Hunter, to Exeter last Wednes• 1. edge Lett. Marilyn Culbert and Shir- pians wm ere .discussed for attend - St. Marys or ?z mile .east of can. She received her early edu- day. Motherwell. Dancing every Fri- cation in Orangeville then moved ley l mericic, ing and assisting at the 50th r Mrs, Frank Coates earl Iand Orangeville, day 10 to 1. AlternatingMrs. Charles Sovereign re- anniversary Deaner'' W.A, a! :St, h rcha ic4ils, of Exeter, e, .and arches- to Toronto where she married Lary ' , tras, Melody Ranch Boys and the late Mr. Porter, porter( that the C.G.T::'. secx.c- John the Evangelist, T.andnn on Mrs. Bob • Coleman, ,. I.he Tb l t►ea•Ad,ra►�dte, Juni 1�" Personal Itema ldr. Keith Frost Spent last we eke in :weekend 'ltL .nta. rP P Dir. and Mrs, Jack Steacy and Jul sent last weekend. p a in .Elora, the guests pf 4ttx, and Airs, R. C. Bruce. Mr. and. Mrs. Erwin.:Scatt ,and: Aft'. a.nd Mrs, Aaron, .Scott attend- ed ,the funeral of the late Dr, Edna Guest, at Tomlin last Saturday. Mrs. James Hodgins and. Mrs. Bob Coleman attended the funeral of their cousin, Mr. Dick and Mrs. w r PARKHILL RACES -Wednesday, dune 18, 2 p.m. Five races: 2,30 trot or pace, $200; 2,28 trot or pace, $200; 2.25 trot or pace, $200; 2,22 trot or, pace, $300; free-for-all trot or pace, $300. Dance in the Community Centre at night. 12c TAG DAY -- Saturday, June 21, for Exeter District Junior Band. Help send our hand to the Waterloo Band Competition. 12e HAM & STRAWBERRY Supper - In Croinar•ty .Presbyterian Church, Friday, June 20, 6 to 8:30 p.rn. Admission $1,25; child. - ren 50c, 12:19c BINGO - Share -the -Wealth, Le- gion Hall, Hensall, Saturday, June 14, 9 pan, 14 regular games. Jackpot $105 in 63 calls. Sponsored by Hensall Legion Branch 468. 12c MID -NIGHT DANCE in Lucan Arena, Sunday, June 29, at -12:05, Admission $1.00 -- advance 75C', Music by Derek Knight and his Orchestra, direct from Summer Ga r d e n s, Port Dover. Derek Knight }.rings to Canada a world of musical knowledge, having played two years with famous English bandleader, Ted Heath -also Denny Vaughan, Cyril Stapleton of the B.B.C. 12;i9:26c DANCE at Bluewater Danceland EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT To The Music Of DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA Modern,. Rock 'n Roll, Square Dancing Admission 7514 SPECIAL THIS FRIDAY 5 Lucky Draws For Door Prizes ENJOY EATING OUT? Come to the Strawberry And Ham Supper LUCAN UNITED CHURCH Tues., June 17 5 to 8 p.m. Adults $1,25 Children 12 and under 75¢ Pre-school children free HENSALL Spring Fair & Implement Show.. . ! FRIDAY, JUNE 13 CATTLE HORSE SHOW WIN A SOW! Draw for young York Sow bred to La>adra2ita Get your tickets now. Space Contributed In The Service Of The Community y John Labatt Limited Hensall Feeder CALF CLUB Achievement Day * JUDGING * AUCTION SALE * SHOWMANSHIP Special CALF SALE Open to syone having (et calves from 700 *900 Ibsr See the big display of farm machinery . . .l BABY SHOW * It k41 SCHOOL PARADE MIDWAY LABATT'S CRYSTAL LAGER ,BREWERY LIMITED Personal Items Rev. and Mrs. Edgar Rotrl- ston attended the London U.C. president's ribbon and pin. Mrs, ar reor e funeral home, Lon - Reilly served as president for don till Tuesday. June 3 when five years, a private service was held at Personal items Airs. Calvin Haskell attended open house al the Errington Dance Studio, London, last Sat; Interment was in WoodlandMrs, 0. Girven, of Peterboro, cemetery. is visiting her daughter, Mrs. He was the .son of Air and Jack Stoney and family. urday, where her daughter Judy Mrs, Harold Dickins of London Mr. and Mrs. H. Tuninga. of received her Grade 111 ballet and grandson of Mr. Alf Dick- holland, who are on a six-week i ins, diploma, o•vacation in d 1 a, formerly of Bidduli.h, atioi Canada, are at pros• Among those attending St. Ile is survived by his parents ent guests of Mr. and Mrs, Austin Patrick's Blossom Tea from and one brother, Robert, at llodgins. Lucan were Mrs, William Dick- home. ins, 'Airs.. Hem•y Hodgins, Mrs, W.A. Spring Deanery Edgar AicFalls, Airs, Roy i- n,j - Miss (lolly Martin, of London. was a weekend guest of Mr. and, Mrs. T. A. Hodgins. ton, Mrs, William Brownlee Mrs The Anglican Woman's Auxil Miss Merle Law, of London Wes Atkinson, Mr•s, Ira Carling, iary held their Spring Deanery was a weekend guest with Air. Mrs. Jack Lankin, Airs, lack at St. John the Evangelist: church and Mrs. Murray Hodgins. ', Airs. John Park, Mrs, in Strathroy last Monday, Those Steacs Erle Young, Mrs. Jack i\iurcly, from the Lucan branch who al - Erie Mrs. Ervin and Allan Scott and (ended included the president, Mrs. E. Bridges. Mrs. T. ('. McFarlane, Mrs. The United Church junior choir llarolrl Hodgins, Mrs, if, W. held an enjoyable picnic last Havey, secretary, sail I1rs, Saturday at li anshawe. GainesHarold Corbett, Mrs. Roy Stan., swimming and refreshments were ley and Miss Kate Bowyer. the special features. Personal Items Mr% and Mrs, Eric Lambtoh, of The 13 winners in the naming Toronto, are• happy to announce of Springbank's Fairy Land, the birth of a daughter, Karen among whom was Ward Hodgins, Elsie, a sister for Wendy, in the son of Mr, and Mrs. Murray Western :Hospital, April 20th, The Iba.by's mother is the grand- da.ughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Sadlier, and the daughter. of Dr. Ernest Sadleir, formerly of Lucan, Attention Teenagers Pat Boone won't go along. Why should you? "All through an ex- ample set by me, a single boy or girl became a drunkard, how da you suppose 1 would. feel?" We quote Pat in a recent article, At 22, Pat has found a way to stir the blood of teen-agers, But be is particular about the kind job he accepts. He turned down two offers by cigarette companies and a third by a brewer. "I realized these people wanted me because of my in- fluence with teen-agers, 1 am personally opposed to both smok- ing and drinking and do not! want to be responsible for in- fluencing anyone else in taking thein up." "What I do carries my stamp of approval with millions of youngsters who often pay fame the. tribute of inmitation. Among those who would drink because 1 do would be some who, with- out knowing it, are vulnerable to drink." This advt. sponsored by The Huron County Temperance Fede• I ration. Decoration Day SERVICES Under auspices of I,O,O.F, and Hensall Legion Branch' 468. Sunday, June 15 Short service at Cenotaph at 2 p.m. followed by service• at HENSALL UNION CEMETERY 2:30 p.m. SPEAKER -- REV. C. D. DANIEL Brownie5 w Drivernin Clinton THURSDAY & FRIDAY June 12 and 13 "MIRACLE IN SOHO" (Colour) * John Gregson * Belinda Lee TWO CARTOONS SATURDAY &. MONDAY ,luno 14 and 16 "THE 810 LAND" (Colour) * Alan Ladd * Virginia' Mayo TWO CARTOONS TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY June 11 and 1�8 "THE O. * Jbek WIbb TWO 'CARTOONS' Hodgins of Lucan appeared on TV last Thursday evening. 'Each in turn told why they chose the name (hey submitted. Of the 7,000 entries Mary Olckerse of N. Dorchester won first prize of 320 on her choice of name, "Story -book Gardens." After four weeks in St. Joseph's Hospital, baby John Henson was again able to be brought home last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Reving- ton spent last weekend in River- side, guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, Miss Dorothy Holmes, who has been a patient in Victoria Hos. pital, was able to be brought hone last. Sunday. Sunday visitors with Bev. and Mrs, Edgar Roulston were Mr. and Mrs. Nei Popham and. son Robert, and Airs, Charles LaornIs, of St. Thomas. Lyric Theatre THIJRS„ FRI, & SAT. June 12, 13 and 14 "PERRI" Walt Disney MON., TUES. & WED. June 16, 17 and 18 "HIGH COST OF LOVING" * Jose Ferrer * Gena Rowlands COMEDY CARTOON COMING , "DEVIL'S HAIRPIN" *Cornet Wilde * Jean Wallace Dance and RECEPTION FOR DR. AND MRS. LETTS OF, AILSA CRAIG LUCAN ARENA Wed., June 18 Everyone Welcome Ladies Please Briny Cakes 95 . r Stcrtite Drive -In Theatre 8.5 Milos West .of No. 4 Highwelr on Crediton ad n Rn 5 Miles East of Grand Bond JUNE 12 AND 13 "THE 0..1.-f * Jack Webb * Monica Lewis JUNE 14 AND 16 "THE TALL. T" * Randolph Scott •* Maureen O'Sullivan JUNE 17 AND 111 -1 "ROCK PRETTY BABY" * Sal Mine* * John Saxon TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY 3 431111111111111111111,1,111111111111111111111111111111111 II11n 1111111 IIInn41111111n1Wllll1lu14111111111111111,1111111/11111n111r1 CKNX BARN DANCE BROADCAST HENSALL COMMUNITY ARENA Saturday June 14 - 8:30 p.m. FEATURING- STARS OF RADIO & TELEVISION Adults 75Q Children 50¢ DANCE TO FOLLOW y4nlluuuunluuuulnmululuuuuuunluwlulllnuuuwulnuuuuwuwulunuuuluuulwuuuuninl ulllJ .,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111kI TWILIGHT AUCTION! s Monday Ev'g, June 16, 6:30 p.m. Hawken Motors & Farm [q'ipt NO. 7 HIGHWAY, ARKONA Large Quantity of all types of Farm Machinery, Cars and Small Trucks to be sold at this auction. Be sure and look over our ed in the London Fres Piles on Saturday, June 14, for a complete list of Machines and Cars that are offered, Liberal Guarantees on all the best items, 25% Down Payment the night of sale on large items. Liberal Guarana tees. Financing can be arranged. s 3 1 Sales Yard will be floed•lighted. ', 0111111111111 /11111,11111111111111111111111 111 n 111111111111111 W 1111011/ 111111111111111111111/111101111111,1111111111111111111111114 Exeter Salutes RCAF • -Station Centralia On behalf of the (embers of Council and all the Citizens of the Community, I wish to take this opportunity to pay tribute to the Officers and Men of P.("Ai'" Station Centralia who aro playing a vital role. in Canada's defence program, We are proud Lo have this Air Force Station and its personnel as our neighbours, As Mayo(". I urge all Exeter citizens to attend the Air Force Day show at Centralia 111 order that they may appreciate the job this statins is doing for Canada. MAYOR :. 1. POOL TheTovm Of Exeter Mt 1