HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-06-12, Page 16Pa 16 The Times-Advecats, June 12, A9511
Lucci n
And District News
Correspondent. Miss Line Abbott
Hear Travelogue ' ��.r,M n Ballet
At WA Meeting n"
:a .D
She United Church Woman's � . .f
Association met in the church The Dykyl Dance studio which
parlors last Wednesday evening eased last ',remise will not
with Airs, Ivan Stanley's group'. re -open till October.
in charge of program and re Lynne Arnold, Maureen Smith,
freshnients• Heather Knight, Terri Laughton,
Mrs. Wilbert Stanley assisted ; Carole Foster, Jackie Finkbain-
in the devotions. Winners for 'er, Jenette Bezzo, Laura F'rench
duets and double trios at the and Anne and Doris Culbert
I1lusie Festival under the three- passed with first class honors
tion of Mrs. Harold Cobieigh, their Grade 1 examinations in
entertained. ballet at the Western Ontario.
Mrs. E. R. Pitt gave an in Conservatory of Music, in aca-
terestinp resume of her trip to demie co-operation with the Unl-
California and through the Can-' versity of Western Ontario.
adian West. She passed around Graduation exercise began with
snaps taken during the trip. an exhibition of ballet dancing,
It was decided to purchase a followed
le by the At s presentation I oof
dining-room suite for the par- made the presentations.
150nabe• A graduation cake was dis-
Plass were made for the ate- played and later eaten with gen-
dateual strawberryet suppersday,with the1rows second helpings of ice
date set for Tuesday, June 17 p
and also plans for the mothercream, •
and daughter banquet on Friday. Plans For 50th Anniversary
Mrs. Clarence Lewis read an The fourth meeting
to make
Interesting article called "Can- plans for the 50th anniversary of
adian Bouquet" whieh gave the the laying, of the corner stone
emblems for each of the Prov- of Holy Trinity church was held
faces. in the Parish Hall last Wednes-
Mrs. C. II. George spoke brief- day evening with the rector, Rev.
Iy on the Vacation School in e.17. P, Prest, presiding.
August. Ten dollars was votedMore plans were made for the
to the junior choir, two church services on .Tune 22
Ford -Spaulding and 29 and for the strawberry
festival, June 24.
Anglican S,S. Picnic
The staff of Holy Trinity Sun-
day School met to the Parish
Hall last Monday evening to
t As st Veteran
Mark Birthday
The Ladies' Auxiliary- to the
Canadian Legion 540, held its
monthly meeting in the Legion
Hall last Tuesday with 22 mem-
bers answering the roil call.
The president, Mrs. Dwight Ball,
During the business session it
was decided to hold no meetings
during July and August but a
travelling apron will be sent
around. It was decided to hold
the next smorgasbord Friday,
June 20.
The,niystery prize was won by,
Mrs. James Freeman,
Lunch convener was Mrs.
Richard Davis, She was assisted
by Airs, Clayton. Haskett and
Mrs. C. Ij, George,
On June 1 six Auxiliary ladies
visited their adopted veteran,
Mr. Walter Frost, of Westmin-
ster Hospital and helped himcel-
ebrate his 78th birthday. Gifts
of candy and tobacco was cli-
maxed by a birthday cake made
by the president, Mrs, Ball.
Mr. Ralph D. Ford of the U.S.
Marines, Quanico, Va. and Miss
June Spaulding of Detroit were
united in marriage May 24 al
10 a,m. in Detroit.
The bride is the daughter of make plans for the annual Stun
Mrs. Delores Spaulding and the day School picnic. Permission
late Mr. Spaulding of Detroit has been secured to hold it on
and the groom is the son of Mr. the river flats on the farm of
and Mrs, Fred H. Ford of De. Air. Wilson Hodgins on Saturday.
troit (nee Gladys Coursey for- Children are asked to meet at
inerly of Lucan), the Parish Ilfall al 2 p.m, A spe-
cial invit.atiMn is extended to all
attend and assist in
May be Warning
Backache is often caused by lazy
kidney action. When kidneys get out of
order, excess acids and wastes remain
in the system. Then backache, dis-
turbed rest or that tired -out and heavy
headed feeling may soon follow. That's
the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal
action. Then you feel better -sleep
better -work better, Get Dodd'a
Kidney Pills now. ea
rn„1,111111111, olo1,111 Illllllllllllllll,,,i)11111111111111111111111111111111,111111111111,11111111,111111111111111,11111111111111,,
parents to
Bride -Elect Feted
Miss Tena Van Busse) was
guest of honor at a miscellaneous
shower last Tuesday night at
the home of Mrs. Basil Nagle,
Market St., when over 70 of her
church friends met to extend
congratulations and best wishes.
Mrs. John Mcllhargey, Jr., as-
sisted the bride -elect in the' open-
ing of gifts.
Two scrambled word contests
were won by Miss Mary Blas-
man and Mrs, Clarence Young.
At Lucan Dry Goods
1/2 Price Sale Infants'
And Form' Wear -
Limited Quantity
• PRINTS & BROADCLOTH, 36 -inch .,.,,,,, 39t; Yard
• FINER -QUALITY NYLONS, 51.15 590 Pair
• Infants' and Tots', regular 59¢ 490
• Tots' Revelry, regular 79¢ 64
• Stretchy, fits 4 to 61/2, regular 490 390
Stretchy, fits 6 to 9, regular 490 39¢
Taffeta and nylon slips, regular $3.98 $3.19
Cotton full slips, regular $1.98 $1.49
• Cotton half slips, regular $1,59 .. ,,,,1,.,,,.,1,.., $1,19
• Sanitized rayon briefs, regular 49,E 390
Regular $1,09 ---•1 $00
Fathers' Day
We have added a new section to our store
• SOY'S' WEAR, 0.16' YEARS
• Socks, sport shirts, T-shirts, underwear, jeans,
overalls, work pants, caps, work gloves, `
Ai 000410 Special;
Marrs Stretchy Socks, regular 9&0 .... Special 690 1
I• Opening Special:
Caps, regular to .980 ,1 ...............,, Special 29¢
', rrIYYlrrrrYni'rllfrtlriYfffill'1Y1YY YYYrntI1r1Y1rrIn1Ylrnirlrn'i11Yr11rrdrl'rrrinrlrrrrrl'rrrlfOYrrYlnl'fp'rlYrrVITIT rrrYlYrrrrfrrn
Lucan Dogs Win Again
At the Sarnia Kennel Dog
Show Saturday, May 24, Mrs.
Eileen Currie showed her Zis-
ka's Snow Stormer and won first
in Open Dog and Winner's Dog,.
winning three points to finish was held in the United Church nine no:. Albert Bonk, a re -
the dog's championship. He also Sunday with the superintendent,' turned missionary to Israel, will
won Best Canadian Bred in Breed Mr. Cliff Culbert, in charge. He: give an illustrated address,
and Best Opposite Sex, was assisted by Mae Cobleigh Last Wednesday night a bug -
At the Aurora. Kennel Club and David Whyte. Rev. Edgar floss meeting was held in the
DANCERS WIN DIPLOMAS -Ten young dancers from the
district passed their grade one examinations with first
class honors last week at the Dykyl Dance Studio, Lucan,
Above, Miss Lina Abbott, Times -Advocate representative,
presents diploma to Carole Foster.
Church News
The annual Flower Sunday,
sponsored by the Church School,
don was the guest speaker at
the Young People's meeting last
Friday evening, On Friday eve -
Dog Show Saturday, May 31
Mrs. Currie showed her Ziska's
Arctic Smoky, and won first in
Senior Puppy and a trophy.
Vacation School
Another Vacation School meet-
ing was held in the Anglican number. They were directed by
church basement last Wednes- Mrs. Dave Park, The children
congreqated in the church par-
lors a! paraded into the church
which had been decorated by
Airs. Murray Hodgins and Mrs.
H, 13. Langford. A number of
canaries and budgies had been
loaned by Mrs. W. J. Frost,
Rouiston addressed the children, church and an invitation was
Four teen-agers, Wayne Culbert, extended to the Rev. Fred Thom -
,Terry Kehl, Barrie Black and son lo continue as pastor of the
Jackie Park acted as ushers. Holiness church for another two
The junior choir sang one of years.
their festival numbers and also Mr. Hugh Birch was elected
a church elder and Mr. Clarence
Frost named a delegate to the
Ontario Conference in Toronto,
June 18.20.
day evening to make plans for
the coning Vacation School,
scheduled for August 18.22.
Study books were given out,
reports on teachers secured
given and plans for a parade or
pet show discussed,
It was decided to give two. Thelatter sang throughout the
prizes this year instead of one, service but rite former believed
as formerly. June 30 was the "Silence is Golden."
date •set for the next meeting,
Scott PicnicDuring the service Anne Chris-
tine Revington, daughter of Mr.
Over 70 descendants of the late and Mrs. LeRoy Revington, was
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Scott 'sat. • baptized by Mr. Roulston.,
down Lo a Iwo -meal picnic at Anglican
the Lucan Community Centre ,
last Sunday. j Holy Trinity church is being
At a short business session "dolled up" for its 50th birthday, can assisted in the. decorations.
Mr. Donald Scott was named' June 24. A group of volunteer Among the many who attended
president for next year and Mrs. workers are making minor re the tea were Mrs. T. C. AlcFar
Joe Horner Jr. of Parkhill, sec- ; pairs. lane, Mrs. F. W. Hovey, Airs.
retary-treasurer. A number•of , Sunday afternoon Mr.- Prest Harold Isodgins, Mrs. Harold
brief addresses were given. ; baptized Cameron Roy Stiltz, Corbett, Mrs, Mitchell Hackett,
Mr. Bruce Scott of Thedford son of Mr, and Mrs. George F. Mrs. H, S. Stanley, Mrs. Al
and their family were in charge' Stiltz (nee Betty Ann Cunning -Bromwich, Mrs, C. }.f. 1 awk-
of sports. hanl)• The god -parents were shaw and Miss Kate Bowyer,
Mr. Hubert Ifodgins of Gran- ;Miss Margaret Eves, Mr. Clif-
ton was the oldest member. ; ford Cunningham and Mr, George Personal Items •
present and five -week-old Cath- Stiltz. Rev, and Mrs. J. P. Prest
erine Olive Scott, daughter of ' attended the opening of, the
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Scott of ' Pentecostal - Nurses' Residence at South
Marilyn Kerckhacrt, Rose
Mary Kopal, Paul Kopal, John
Blom, John Cardler and. Jim
Nagle received their first com-
munion at St. Patrick's church,
Biddulph, last Sunday.
Deanery Anniversary
The 50th anniversary .of West
Middlesex W.A. Deanery was
held at the Church of St. John
the Evangelist., London, last Sat-
urday. Guests were welcomed by
Mrs, A. C. Calder, formerly of
Lucan. Mrs, Jack Murdy of Lu -
Crediton the youngest Rev. George Bizenga of Lon- Huron. Hospital last Sunday.
Biddulph School Champions
At District Athletic Meet
Thirteen Biddulphand North
London schools :participated in
their annual field day last Fri-
day afternoon at the .Granton
Mrs. J. E. Conlin's S.S, No. 6.
Biddulph (St. Patrick's Separ-
ate School) was the winner with
154 points. Mr. Leonard Ma-
loney's S. S. No, 4 Biddulph.
(St, Marys Separate School) was
the runner-up with 139 pints,.
Trophy Winners
Midgets, Nancy Van Gee', S.S.
No. 4, Biddulph, 18 points; Wendy
Elston, S.S. No. 9, ,Biddulph, 16;
John Blom, `S.S, No. 6, Biddulph,
21; Ken Rush, Birr, 12.
Juniors, Frani Barrett, Gran-
ton, 22; Maureen Harrigan, S.S.
No. 6, Biddulph, 16;• Carl \'an
Geel, S . No. 4, Biddulph, 24;
Paul Winslow, Granton, 9,
Intermediate, Karen O'Neil,
S.S. No, 4, Biddulph, 17; Marilyn
Hayden, S.S. 3 and 10, London,
16; Tony Damen, S.S. No, 6,
Biddutph, 28; Wayne Carroll, S,S.
No. 9, Biddulph and Tom Kestle,
Clandeboye, 9.
Senior girls, Nancy Elson,
Clandeboye, 21; Jean Egan, S.S.
No. 4, Biddulph, 16; boys, John
Damen, S.S. No. 6, Biddulph, 19;
Hugh Conlin, S.S. No. 6, Bid-
dulph, 18,
Standing broad jump, girls,
Marilyn Powell., Nancy Jeffery;
boys, John Blom, George Gagan,
Running broad jump, Nancy
Van Geel, Janyce Grose, Glen
Parkinson, Ken Rush, " •
Newlyweds Visit
Northern Ontario
Rev. Father J. A. Mackesy
officiated at the wedding of Tiny
Van Busse) and Harry Van Box -
racer. at 9.30 a.rn. Saturday,
June 7 at St. Patrick's Church,
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Van Busse), Lu -
can and the groom is the son of
Mr, and Mrs. J. H. V,an Box-
tueer, Holland.
Given in marriage by the Rev.
Father Frank Van Busse!, the
bride wore a floor -length gown
of white lace over taffeta with
fitted bodice and full bouffant
skirt. A veil of French illusion
fell from a coronet of seed
pearls. She carried a cascade
of carnations and stephanotis,
She was attended by her sis-
ter, Miss Johanna Van Busse]
and two small flower girls, An -
toilette Van Doorne and Wilhe-
mena Willems.
The best man was Louis Van
Boxmeer of London, brother of
the groom.
Airs, .T, E. Conlin of Lucan
was organist and the bride's
brother, Chris Van Bussel, solo-
At a reception at the home of
the bride's parents, Mrs. Van
Bussel received in a navy gown
with corsage of white carna•
For a .honeymoon trip to
Northern Ontario t h e bride
changed to a blue suit dress
with white mural corsage.
The couple will make their
'home on R.R. 6 London.
Distance, Wendy Elston, Dant+y
vagi Geel, John B10m, ;hobby•
Skill, Nancy Van Geel, Wendy
tBistor; George Cagan, Charles
Dash, Shirley Mitchell, Maryke
;Muriel)] John Blom, Charles
{ HigJump, Nancy Van Geel,
Maryke Marlen.
{ oJup Frrnces ltarr,
MauBrreenad lImaritgan; C,arilVan
Ceel, Don Hughes.
Distance, Iris 1assatine, Shci-
! la Elston; Carl Van •Geel, Bruee
• McFarlane.
( Skill, Patsy Trudgeont Mau -
1 reen Harrigan; Murray Simpson,
Tominy Ross.
Dash, V ranees Harrel, Mau-
reen Harrigan; Paul Winslow,
Carl. Van Gee!.
iligh Juinp, Frances }ferret,
Jeanette Roberts; Carl Vac; Geel,
f Billie Damen,
1 Running Broad Jump, Rika
• Vander Lean, Anne Damen;
Tony Damen, Tom McLaughlin,
Distance, Karen O'Neil, Mary
brumwell; Tony Damen, Glen
Skill, Marilyn Hayden, Janet
Bruniwell; Tony Damen, Tonunyl
1)asli, Karen [)'Neil,. Marilyn
Hayden and Dorothy Newby;
(tied); Wayne Carroll, Tommy,
high 'Jump, Lorene Hodgins,
,Shirley Sherwood; `Tony Damen;
Peter Manders.
Broad ,lump, Anne Dairen;l
-:Karen O'Neil; Tony Datiten;
Wayne Carroll.
Distance, Nancy Bison, Patsy
i`tarri an• Jerry Harrigan Job
Skill, Nancy Bison, Mary Da•
men; Leo Dewan, Httgh Conlin,
Dash, 'ean Egan, Patsy Har;
Tigan; Hugh Conlin, Leyroyi
Bryan. -
High Jump, jean Tigan, Mary
Kelly; John Damen, Hugh Cont
Iia. I
Broad Jump, Nancy Elson,.
Mary Damen; John Darien, Mere,
vin Cannon.•
Running Broad Jump, Carol
Stanley, Patsy Ilarrigan; Hugh
Conlin, John Damen,
' l W1rylnln,111111fl1talo,,,,**tl,IN11H11N,1,1ryup166NIN11,µN1R1u11,11411uRµg1µ1u11111111r1111r11111111U11111111.
South End Service
Used Car Buys
'57 PONTIAC SEDAN-tutone, new tires.
'54 BUICK "SPECIAL" SEDAN - dynaflow trans-
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'51 CHEVROLET SEDAN --excellent condition, driven
by a feeble, old, old, old man!
'53 MONARCH SEDAN - tutone, radio, rear seat
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'49 .PACKARD TUDOR-tutone, new paint, interior.
just like new!
'52 AUSTIN SEDAN --It's sharp!
'50 CHEVROLET MOTOR -recently overhauled.
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a, father ?
JeelM Yf. kende a Z.
When you are small, a father is two huge
hands. These hands help you cross the street,
They put worms on hooks better than any
other hands in the world.
A father is th.e malt who sits at the head of
the table. He' gets two lamb chops , .. you get
one. He is nice to be near when there's
thunder and -lightning . , or trouble.
A father understands when you think you're
too old to be .kissed goodnight„ He is the one
who teaches you how to tie your tie, who buys
your first razor, who gives you perrriission •
to take the tar , , : and who comforts Mother
when you aren't home on time. Sometimes '
he helps you fail algebra,
A Father spends 'most of his life reaching
in his pocket for money to give someone
for something, His favourite words are,
"Now, when I was your age ..."
A father is the person you want to be like
when you grow up. 'Sou can ignore hire,
but you can never forget him. A father
is a small boy grown talker and wiser.
A good father's wisdom bi shown in many ways.
And not small etriong their, is his practice of
moderation in *11 things. On the of Father's
1?aiy,• 1958, the House of Seagram says once :agabit
True happiness bpringii irons Moderation.
TH ' S 1 .