HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-10-24, Page 2=POIliWIT MOVEMIfiNT. Tian M/%116:enht ellIeteini a t a he tripods Law a% Mee M Mew sae Marsedi Meese% es Pry Remise Is.1. 11. ._u timeMeall emseltedble, being tonspeseed Orem, and Petit Jurors, Creole cpaisciikare and Walter Ethott, Erq., was milled le the Chair. anti Jemee A. Davao" apP010111d master . The Claims* opened toe ONE t log .iib a wary striated and appropr ate speech, sheering the necessity that existed for mos antiJoe te the law epidemic, winch Is ragtag throughout the land; and tirgei upon the peeple the admeteges that would remit to th• producing part nf the I temniunity, vis. tho farmers and mech.!, I ice, by the forotatiiin of arbitration scciettee • for the 'settlement of mutters of dispute a- , mong themoselbee instead of the peewit ex pensive and sometimes roi•ous 'yawn. In c order to give them an kink ot the plan con- lemplated, he would read the preliminary Decl•ra• ion:- • Whereat., tlat evil* reeultirg from the romplicated and expensive sy•trm of ling., t lion se practiced in our ordinary Cottle of Lew, having risen 10 an alarming height, and in their effectn well nigh defeating the at tainineel of Justice, often bringing ruin both upon plaintiff sal defendant (Irene the. procrastinaiiens and chicanery allowed by our rul.. of practice; -The Subscribers of this preliminary B ,nd 4.f agreemeet, in order to obtain a thorough Revirton mid Reform of the practice of Law in this Province, do hereby enter into a Bend and Agreeutoot Amociation, as ("Hew.; That they, Imiug Members of this Aimee Mallon, will neither Sol ror &tiptoed coe another, in any Ciril Cetus of Actionovie might be brought befe re the ordinary Co of Law or Equity of this Province; bt a• groe, and bird themselves, to refer al . pities and diffireneee, wlech may mite among themeelses to an Arbitration, to be chosen as hereafter agreed upon -and that they will abide and submit to such Judge meet as may be pronounced by 1 Commit- tee or Board of Arbitration, properly con. @tattled according to the Laws of this Soci ely;-And Whereas the complaints of all parties brought into our Courts being unan. imous se to the procrastination, expense, asd difficcIty of obtaining Justice, incident to their present mode of practice, the Sub.. scribers furthermore pledge Gummi/es to use theirebest a:Mestere to obtain a the. rough revision and reform of our Courts of Law, to the end that Justice may be eecu. red to every man, by clamp and simple formulas of proceedings, by extending the jurisdiction of our Inferior Courts, without increasing their costa, and by codifying their practice: -For these ends, and cone others, the Subscribers asenciate themselves toge• thee and hereby affix their names." The meeting, hit trusted. would perceive by the declaration lust read th• objects in. tended to be rarrie out, and he was sow ' prepared to receive any Resolutiops or lie. ten to sny remarks which any of the gen. thirteen present had to offer. -[Niagara Mail. i1O1 SIGNAL. OCTGBEIR $t. 1850. PULL TOG ETH Ka T would be bad policy to depute the fam that here i• • *my wrests •MOutrt merinortog a- mong the Reformers of Upper Canada •1 t would perhaps be going too lir I. soy *het here is • well' in the port y. rare Refosaiere re et logprbeeda with mai other The we hint& is not MA*. W. feel cosfidest that oa e•- efe practical or imputes; recipe to the Reform teed, on every memento which Rein, mem bays Named sad advocated for the lam tea years, here is no much ussoimity al epees to -day s bad bent m say former petted. 13411 these ter- ▪ •Onle coniustoo sad perplexity is refer- e e, to the means to be adopted Mr the pupae of urging these Meatatee fore•rd, ..id of Mimi- ng meo who will honestly carry them ere e (- keg by • straight -forward and • (mules' cures of legielatiest. Tient is no difference of opiates In regard to the objaci„ but is reprd to the best mesas of seeompliabing it there in really • hoot of conflicting apiaries; and the foot we say , it would be impoli;ic and imprudent to disguises. The actual cameo that have lel to this onset - ed state of opi•ina in the Reform pasiy, may, we think. be viewed as • comporateely oecoaela- ry cooseletation. Whether th• course pursued by them who hate long held the confidence of he Reform party lass been tech, of late, as af- fords just came of suopicion end grnmbling- ohether the unsuspecting people have bees chea- ted into the belief Mot they he•e treat mese for nein a the oarroanding country. The compel- roomy( Mr. Daly. sad wbo cannot find roots ts c • soup Pre tori were eleven in somber, via.: three from the th• washer Mile Lis& Uspreved Ceeksey guide Book 1. 1*. setae's's.- gremblieg. or whether the grumble has resulted from the mere love of grumbling, let se ecrafine toweship of Goderich. sed eight teens Tucker- Amason ether *spew, he laseolisd forth is the District of the Hareethel:ffecielY• SEEMS ACCIDOPT.....-WO ESTI Eat the r,,seee a Ad Essissips larsi,sumis mess. smith and some of the ether towaships within °entire, in the 6ret place, to the fact that there is growiliag, sod i• the second place. to the en• The sad yessagest daughter of Joh. 3"••ien• ("wee, factures, he said be worked at a maaefectery is quiry, "How eon it be removed?" ploughmen were Scotch. Eaglets, Irish, sod • Lot 13, ted Concessiee of Goderich, hems bees Ei„gisee when 11 wes mily memory to pissis The most important propmition that hes bees few fell Lred Caaarlians,rio isofa!at least aetheir "6.6°11 1"1••••"11 by the ealgaida• cd. gmce of. wool •• the Illwehluss nal num,- • erne quantity of papowder, which had been diesel, it beestne a piece ef Gee breedeleth.- Oer fried (Mr. .1. A. McCarthy) beige pewee le *Pi wowed be woo thtufw Illewahleu•S ChM tele U1 1. 6.011101 imilleme will he bend elesehame As ltsentamis Uwe** 'NM* es wet eh iesswees, sheeld Ow whir Lase eisseriaswasiosi c„„iy igemiesa. isms. ss. mirsirisos 01 inssost.s. se it to gulddrgusuur mmm 100°"•• ref restriselone adopts' et taiighbe asset. es iserems th. fas�i d swim winch!' am - siesta le maws sis Lewin. del WMhe Tate to the musk" MI' sejsctiag 41"husa Wiseolase el amend , ea lea as et 04 smoosioesess wend esselese Aim Ismemrs. oba hibikbon,. nem eel lee amen did allestalse "`;'• if* the Mies NNW sad doss reseepollsa Dos oily the what israsary bavesaveigt.80 4 of dr Boas* boa else • men her INN a 11•• ' thie - , draws sitCrtthaill.doonssetten sp. 0101111MS. -Mk deem hen ie the Seised ewes and iS egesgre-- Awe am infloltPall orawk. • . .. •, ,. water glintiviiii. taket sad wiematies. A81 alinsegh we set ele- partied by the miseileg. And although we ProlPone a eleseelseel arame sod Sloomi thilllia Ill '1=4 1.4110 I It it yta ry little valve as dm mai" dresonsomale retell, c.*107. • Aims" Is lass estrome Mews komeletilde Is ell ilellalliell worturdult bur 01 al ler almes groom * sal reedy see dm • wileserity el tallitag Lawyers embosEed in those predastieme ; yet we this mesh oil parties tioneersed may be orourod, The see hp diGeboad al ba mobs. • sissiki isisui,...miry it. its. a the Moue candidly seknewledetthat we 11/11 111010111 -II they have men nameable Win hem damage goo mime Gad 0.. merit. ft sheers that Ihe people are awe - se tho say series* biadsseee the 'ebbe bpi- aelth II•Oelt4 ••••• 1•41. •••••- ow. dam d sumikicsed Iwo akelbs ilia!" Mpg Mining to • full sena* of their yawl ister. udissis. "100.0.04"e"...dal Der."1"1444.•••••41148 "" Th* Aw°14"):7 C""Yete Illidales bm ..i.. Snide% WO WET* itailf• 11,0 • few ee01 - b "' Lawyers hel"gilleg is Ulm aa‘saifeb", " ests-that they are tweemelag aware el thek P.0.4 thif present Home, and 10 WO esteem manly ate- true cesium% see seee (bey hp. aseogeoe. dem MEE OEN • -.est *0i ,s b rsre= Pleetitutit=twees detead hew. wader 'Medea le- ed the sessigiiis Upset tree eV Comedies as Meg tie II AM' Maumee seder its preens Aar? • giststles eireW be preperly earned es mighty,' legielatien. let with all our hearty Aloe- emeagesesit. the meante�i, a sebeeriptiem maea1.k, Avows see Gorgeffp.. mad Abbe mos *Paw Lawry's. In 'hash that, through dm age"- ill'at• ID • leti•IIII•• 40°1'460 008i/0••5li be *speeded 1. d. the susses. meneeressl se, be bah. aroma isispwil b..4 JI ey of Reform Areseassieso, • eoworge ermines' al "he Pr°1711" hot. 'blab OW C•0•17 wits the amobeaksal departments a the Josrool, Then 1. .-,umiwir is 'him est Low might he 'wed as, is referees, to the hie hes- °I. z ,`" d rill mad tit eddies to the vase at its perm nesioniaer 'MOT TOE •1111,0101114 OPINISCSITIOS • EMMEN US aslisd ea Itto est lAvryers who shield be returned et seat beosuee, sates( tbe les, Lawyers We hope she eirwepapers that ham Maimed ..it ipso Hiassilienisismi alembic hare exhibited a mese of lattice, sad • de-lit••11W•146••• wfflts•• 1••• 'IN sad Am he leo Mind se Ereglishilheittealla - SIM hi preemie the autos interests of the ‘.._'•• 10 m" 01 1115 bne ""gal reply I. biesturieet EisL THE PLOUGHING MATCH. public, William Notate is ems of tile 1101,- 170.., mesas ea this ..4.4. win wpm d.„ NEWS OP MR MRS itillitLit _ moot. Tits most 'sweetie' PIesedeg Match that hu week.) Despatelies hove bees essnieed hem Sir Me beta i. the Harem Denim, took place at Cha- ILT Tee Ihaera.-We are assert sileosod tieRem that, hem talhematiss meet**. Sem Mem THE SOARTIfJt OUTROASTID. me os Tuesday the 22od 15.1. The moues 0150 am der the public hays dotormiseg to toppers - Eagetwiesa tedium. it is heed diet Illg hen 14 •••••m• the Detect RirmslimIrml &will, lied r, Daly's New Liao of Gemara' eines.- Ennui no Eat 0s10.1• newly *Darted, rissilli• ''''11 Ps", 11"41. bee* Lined A AM.- Ter Americas ships Arbierremegidatessi.*** the Hammier Snack Society; sod beim( view- The fare is cermiely 111 01108 say reseseable selfeispertato Jabs lisle Df DION assideasal ed a• • trill (1( ihm Agricultural gill aud •hillie calealatioa, aad et the 'screen of passengers. Asses anion m the Mime Meta. Smudged. Y"°'"" " /11 " "V ' bud id rho of the differeot localities, the honer of this re,- sod the impels, leaned is Mr. Daly's fever. hem* (Hans)ms good easy Mies pews' at the dr.."'" 11" 6..114 1114111641° 0 ' • ted pective sewn/kips was ismaidered at stake, sod eu.p I° it Diew.u...t time. tally wird... hiti,;,strif::: time, be rowiwesseed dowairieg se t1111 mentry Fig •11""di 11418 atifIlises huarda frog ism: as essmal degree of entreat, or raer what the sti::is ,be, aln,", peeteePecia„iseqese7rii-41,,,,, alp,- ..d Wags ia general. He saitrisok to 'reeve' b.mall'i* • •"'"'n• •il • 514 1 ' • .'• , . • 130•ICIESO Calla "51.-..-.-.."wiM eiteit_sa en sesoity, BOT is liaillffellat to than &OM future i•- the company es seamy IOW iONEVIIEMBE wet- nallIME• - a OIL, the oecosion. The bold ploughed 1. the props,. Imob.alai atrid the internee tutees whin attempt to iag emir COMM, reek so ehemptag Mom Irmo A largo lottery llo lime P(.14 WW.Ilielk ey. or Mr. William Ranenhery of the Clinton r..ed ic ...sr.' 8. W. ittitithr...4 hiria-adTbr", with crow -cat wawa, and astashisni repos to the 081•06•11( is aid the Mammies te CatMembi Ames Ise, awl lies immediately refraining the we leans that the OppnuitiougStage lee heavies Tarots. Am! as the day was. beautiful opeci- Goderich awl mitts", is asiforialy looded to the that we meld make 9w 10 drifters* varldes of P Wenches te imam them the regeited way, set Trete ie Paris sad themigheat die mow* Tehmelifiaseande :Led." ""vonlialklatiOr MI ilielltlIVM"l' • in.. of Indies Susemee, there was • large ammo- fall' °ad that teas as eltra l'""/"T•"' b•• fat" cheese from Betigormak. and Omer fro" Mit. blare of people celltd front testi' twelve , see „oda,. thins siss sis &sires. di pot. besides • beets 'Wirth« Mime start' al so sew, ta e••••4•••••• him 0001. 44.00•1; • ' 1- . i Mg betwees tie7P14111Seetlillffeedeliffinew- msestly to leave dump the mane of the day, . aier. TES New JURY LAW. -A Proclamation has been tuned in a Canada Gaulle Extra, of Monday lest, extending the time allowed to aseemors for making up the assessment Rolle; to Selectors of Jarors for retaking their Reports, Ike. The day appointed by the Jury Act, for the return of the A • meet Rolls to their proper place of deposit, was th• lat of September; the Proclamation extend. th• time t( the first dere Novem- ber. The day appointed by the Act for the assembling of the Selectors of Jurors, was 11. 81)' of September, the Ijme. is extended to the Ilth of Noventber.(-The day for the deposit 01 11. Reports of thi• Sr -lectors of Jam* with the Clerks of the Peace, and Cleo,/ of the Citi.,, Towne, Village., and Townships reepeetively, was named in lb, Act to be the 151h of September; the (lite is altered to the 18th of November. The period for the preparation of the Jurors' Book's, and making and transeribing the Jame' Rolls into tbe same, directe41 by the Act to be done between the 15t)' of Sep. tember and lot of October, trnow •ppointed to 1. .Ion.biiiw..n tI,ei8tb of uvein er and the Ifith of Decemher. The day for bringing and delivering into Court the Jurors' Honks end Ballots, with the verifi- cation thereef, th• balloting and canvassing the Jury Liles therefrom, and the ttansferr• mg the Jury Lists an balloted and canvass, etl, into the illf0T11' Books respectively; the certifying rich ballot. teams and trans. ferr in the Janet' Benke, and the final dee pns t of such Boehm with the Clerks of the Peace, and the clerks of the Recorders Courts reepectively,-directed by the Act, to be don.. Sessions and Recorders ("curt' respectively, appointed for the let day of Quarter Session' and Recorder* Courts held next after the 16th of Decem- ber. The attention of County Judges, Mayors, Townreeves Township Clerk., and As• sessnrs in Upper Canada is directed, by a notice in the Gntille, to the Proclamation containing the foreleg perimeters, and they will subject themselves to atom° penalties if their Relorne, ke., are not made at t.ho times above stwed.-T/is GriefpA Adrerliser. "RUIN •ND D•CAT "-A short rime ago, Mr. Wm. I.yon hIarkerve visited the Town of Guelph and neighborhood; and arterwards trassmitted to the New York Trianon', a abort aceonnt ot what he saw is our Imality. There ere few resident's In !tom arts who will not read with entor. set the following statements: "I went up the comb, ry last week as far .. Guelph, and sew rine 300 sere farm el..' to Dundee, which 1 was offered at $1,200 thirty year* Mae, but could not niiw ob- taro it for 1880,000. Guelph is 86 miles north of Minds., hy • new road, graveled and wasetedentised, sod 1 had the Wormers to go op in the elueleh. moth (her first tele) sad to return is the 'Pro.perity,' new and romfortable slave. When at Oselph 16 'awe stem. IA fOrlajOted of • few n -or it if • handprint, well•latil nut voltage with twee. itloponl reetdenees sad anal anti al Moms .04 1.... honorer, and the capital .1 1. rich 'county of W•terIner. .n named afters prosperous Penneylvarea north mile inent of 95 mare duration. in 1831, there viree .comely a psettablo road in the count y, n ow Iwo lines of .tag.. imeire Girelph theirs • day, far Dundee sad Hamilton by 'mentos ✓ oster, esd owe weekly has woes Aar k to the Gwen Notind settlement on Lake Huron, St miles distant." Tb. isehemme Bret,* of Oswego, went mince at Piot Colherwe, mouth of the Welland Canal, ere Satoyeey Nor mt. w. In. etfth 7000 Melee of whoat from neeroit to Oswego. Veesel and eerie wad * be a Wel lees: tee formai is legend for 84.000 and the lore? i)', rot 4,00,)„,, - IN Coss. offered for the purpose of uniting Reformers in emetics to Pleeehme to c"""ad- But the7 kept for • lose tom pest, te the feet boom, as sem,. der„,,,„ mods of aeiioa, 11 'bit a were die* Scatehmiem sod we asknowledge which was accidentally ignied bv • spark from a greed Reform Coaventioa, emaaatieg trent the that we felt • little proud on seeing the wide. breed which hfre Johnstoa bad beet' empleyien 51 a ',vegetate fee • csadle. Asetlur sod Couoeil of the County of 'leek. Tbis. spread plooghman reputed°. ef i'beany Ayr- torse , moursoce ais want or caution. 011 507. is the Oast impormat of the amerces, shire" eery ImirlY losimMlool by e•OVe Ot the propoeitioss that have Sees pet (.mm, be. “satrily dada" tree Carrick. especially Mr. Jaa. cans., in tits first place. it bait emsusated feat s Breetifeet end Mr. Robert McCarter,. B..,.I. Communications. legally consititated ..d.. imamate! peporatioo, 'Asset we willingly ackaewleriee • ertaaidersble and, ia the second place. because 11 bas bees share of this 10511.g 01 national pride tied eational Tosiorre, 13th October. 1850. made the subject • very enema! unmet of tlis- prejedice, still, we must bouestly metre& that The Coadoctory of the Journal it/ Einceties cession tbrough the public WEND Witeaso0t, we feel • greeter pride in seeing the seeeseefel firmest their easteliweets to the Editor .4 the by any meaty, accord eer cordial sympathy to competitio• of thorn passe men whom skill sad Homo 8i5i.4, turd reeler* him. •4 SOT of the manner is which thisiproposal of • C practice is this "art id the plough" have bent 100i••• 10 tomer' II" followise fettle sa tb• w- iles has lama alnetat nations:ay treated by ear scented is Canada, and who ens evonh•tically tact" *Pm* th• propriety el. the Jewitel Edo - Reform et:demi:emits. We caadidly aektesel- sod truly call themselves Ceasefires ploregrimems. r14•10, which were copied isto rh• Sigaml edge that we have se (sib is the probable results T• ill who calculate oe a permanset residence the 10th iost. From the ISE nether a the of the proposed Coarentioa, becsoee is this enearrythe preeperity of Canada is •10,04•1 fal•••TTOTI :- the history of roach C tions from the year seleeet worthy of :he first manderatioe: the pro- J00011•L or EDIPCATION.-We Metres that 1793, down to the "Great Leaps" Catenation gees of the plough -the practical knowledge of cecutio "w•P•lurre have orolveretal this Jurrnurd .1 1850, eau only be regarded as the history of farenag may be regarded as the Weisel'', aad 68 • •••,•• 51. Pectatore t• Obi Head Tb• certain social abortions in potiiicai eaterprise.- the tend 'Wenn prosperity: sod it 1. eenejete Feleestion Office, sad that oath was the desire 11 1.trae, that the failures of the past should 001 pleases,' end tocoeregisg to see young men .1 1)'. provisions of the new Scheel Act, audio. be taker' as a coselasivie argemeat against the whose whole experience and educatios have been esiag aad rem:hies etch Trustee Corporatios to @access of the future; bet rt is also true that eon- confined to Canada-snecesIly for the benefit of their Schoolefally competing with Procure •ictioas melting frets sreperitioce are, even in the eletteismc's of a 10051)1 whom meenor &c11"' a ecPY .o�. ezeiseerelP tbeir wenn torm strong prejudices which are not kowerladga of the Memel Imo Wier los, hooves dewii""t° odoemwe • Fermin vrhe are comcions of higher than ye - misery motleys of lattice, are, of come, incapa- ble a maceiving higher mitten i• the madam eel of tie York County Council with fidICON a mil which we isbabit, they send forth as a pia- rd. *therm. Bach rielloom u. WW1 1.1. piiiedt contempt. In the present state apolitical ape- tante* splint emit .ad its atieedeat natters. han rewarmed with. And peruses who ham too throughout the Province, it moot be obviate Is •reeabletiese with them views we thisk "sem. he •007 818•111 61 their •••••••181. for to every remonable man, that unity of porpoise is every lover of Cased. meet be pleased is learn that 75515 cam. te nisroPromalt rod TEP••• sof PaMie desirable, nay, is essential to the seams of the among the Itteenraul enroPetiernat the Ploughing schaal grate° asaatiersed by lb. Ow* aad Reform party. tie the multitude el essmellers Match •t Clinton, on Tuesday last, were emend generic"' Mother toiletries, rembliess a. there is safety "and sometimes wisdom, and al- Yl Casedia• placeboes who fairly aed hen- " ca""rchicalr 10a7 expected to wee their though we cameo' entirely agree with the coon. overly rivalled the Old Column veterans who had *tole" fm's •• *Wow 0,•• th•fircuMtim Ma e el Of our fellow laborers, we min certainly gaio taught theta. Such a lendable exeibliiee eras, Awireel qf Fefuceities. though die reopeenbility hies by treating them with score, aod endears'. rieultmal skill. each emulation and such gratify- *ad Ish•or •fi4i11011 Dud Ffilthlishille Amend jug sod ',wino gi • it Ms its will. .5 , bf be • grandness mottribatio• to the EMS of i•- O( to exhibit them as objects of ridicole. Is - deed, from such condom, we recent rationally th• M•••• 111) • mem heel, *rig M.iriieei,.I1" Pr.ffr".* Several "ell" expect leas than a *pint of itaiatalle• and retake. "wercitios i• Ildeughlags thrwmffhwel natwhole eon, sod therefore we question the modem* isr esealtillies• Thom Milliehtro Jaid he propriety or using the reproachful epithets or :Doge ree•aest-iId _ilieV cr° worthy ene°°"ge. ''Clear -Grit Coovretiou" and ether Mame, wie•ti 1.4 ..waPs b. Ir01 VP 00 Iles'. "A. which may possibly do mach evil, and mi.' exteurive, that is, embracing as wide • rases ei • do soy good. W. ..," ye, settlement as possible Men learn by leen known a single instance of me. being cooTilOrti I brought isle reenact, sod. particularly, by being • of their errors by belly's, and ridicule, and nib- brought into cempositios with each (ober. 11 is eequently becoming corclialco-operaters with the) probable that 'hie united Plevehieg Match will party who had employed these oagenemeoisodee beIneductte• 0( 0111. 5114 heaefiti 1. the `elf a( easily overcome, aod, belie*, we have se faith in *ad whaulted ia aff cieirwed ""tc"•- The" the practiced teneequences of Coaventioon- pang men ore the hope of tam comstry-thee Still, we aro sot diet:weed tet treat, the prop.. 114 full or Prefel.., sad with the heettv.-fewile since, wbealejuriees ismetstioestif • peemaiery ehareeter Were made against the Chief Superie- wedeln of Schools, by one of the mwspapere which have pet teeth this sew Miami, he wrote • private mete to the proprietor of that aewonsper. °Siring in sheer him all the books or es. P4.. 011160 Office lo which tie moneys referred te were accomited fee. and the mode of seconateg for them. That offer wee not &mewed:let io the colonies of the sante paper similar impala - of typist-, spinet them. There are certainly ImPreremelt` 1° the Societies Dr Gederich ii"s hi" ble. reitera" °Isis sad assIs many good Reformers favorable to this rop000 HarParheY thee would h••• r"ci`ed (ram each is ibs Prssesi "mans. .1 all Per - of a Coaent ion, net from factions or selfish de- • Saciet, "milli had hells doses differtat Ploegh- 14.011.1°1511•• whether isch iletfmtati•a• mar per nto*, but from he mast and most ecoseciestioes iog Metchee confined exclusively itnown Iowa. forth whil • vie" ef evelleemiee tr0111 mid Pro- t motives. Ti,. Return eases, saird is berm Aad believing that in proportion to thin meri•le the Public Interests, or of eretifriee lows thew good lone hence, we (esp.,. the- sphere or extra' of the eompetition will be theaelaseeity sad adveaclag objects which it might n peelest to eve*. wisdom of the policy that would drive them.. event i"P"'"Ire°1* 110* drat us with wounded limner, 1.1. a betel and • per- the managers ef the several Brenehes of the tle• 11" Chi.(Boholita beteg au potent opposite.. For, hile we feetisfied roe District Agricultural Society, Will tare their • edlem 01" 11. °evermore". sot the Jsammil err wl sa that the abettors of a 18011011.0 migt.t ponsible i• the inlIxrul•°• rim ".et. Ww. Ea."6"rel/".4ed " the irl6•11 Walt smack larger properties at the Ponds wools 1 1•0114110 th• Delitrweest, the Ovreetrement roverread into that the proposal , if carried out, would sot he predacity* of any ! rairaald• employed la ""•r•Sisil e'N•P•Ii- 18" right is aa' •1 say lime wile*" 1 say ofliser in the department derives toy pees - practice! benefit lei the Reform came, wit aloe ti" 1.Pl.aghing e‘e be reeeetesi Tee following are the Immo ef the oseeesefel ""sisgs ft*" the "Wissliss lir till feel con6deot that they Amnia; and it is quire competent for says* - competitors sad the Prellnimere : or browbeat tato ouch a convictioa. her .4 the Legielstive Arensbly to ask foe Wm - Th• sem proposition for unitise Reformers 111 lee Robert McCarteey, £3 0 0 mattes, or to mem fer • coassaitere tie emotes a sinislianeoes mode of acting, is that of wean- • 904 -100,1141 8•1•014. 301. jar". Brisd2 1: 0 0 011)1 pawls memo rid with the Edweatiee slag Reform Awieciatiose In the various 015,1,1- ditt ire in, 9 10 0 Offiee se every particular meisected with the verifies, which shall eorrerpond with rich other. nemeel6e;:bl..e. Jr. I 0 0 receipts arid expeeditures 01 nosey ramie.; to no an msestiote of imp 'mince in our Provinces. I 6th. Henry Ford, politic*. 13thj•101j ,e rAhmagill• Them e.. thireflvl is order thst there may he a unanimity Messrs. tialksh sad Ford are as of • . 1" bit se (Meshy at say time hreefier, se there of spinosa and of senor' throes:met the Reform,' permit Society, de other foot Meng to the klar, hrne bmwsie, is siontaisi soothe, party. This proposal we beiteee, emanated from parbey Besets. the Chief Sepwisseedeet Reinas ever Moine soros of the old espetionced easeuriore C "414 .• 1° letice Wars the aloe fertilises selesatage from the Jossesiel press, sad ie more meet 'cable, tem alpettolvo, ploughing was erempleted, but we are hafnium' sod likely to be productie of mere good than a that, l• the everting, a reemetsbla porty (semen,- bet eie7 ppm, ,iisd „h. um. ssiimrs dm M071'111106. e4 of mar the Dir•elerm both 11100•015, Jeered ef Eastairtios wrItielt will ewe be mire - One thing •1 least Is emote'', sowegrog re- the Jades sed • firer others asi dews to • good. 96104i Awl h.Ises.s.riLish. quires in be (Moe ie seder tn omen the berme- substantral dieser, feraiebed by " tala• hwic" o1 ea hie ma, will be alale to kern • stress me, ateaa actio• of the entire heeds of preemie sod the Chum At.. lut., and sprat • few home i•eepli.sedos 1.6.w .mply improvement t. before seat Getters! Lleetios, arid the •1••• happy hirol00, 504 9014 hearer- Aad the maw fir the publication, apart frem the ad - the proposal of Flamm Assoentiom i •t least •1 the "paring " they 'operated es ternm whim nsii..4 is of conital headship, whims rientkid in • triad. Itorphig the iseeriests, sod siliftrasisg the mos oh- Eardt took off his *emend wey, The cooly toter propos! deserviag of twice,ly Resole's' to mem own item, day." semirere ef each • pretties'. That lobster which has recently bees pot forth, i• that of o bee bees veleateriM performed by nose ca•- ••••inese resolotioe hy the inhshitente of the meted with the telecoms'' Office without • LT We Premise*. &Morel that No LDETIO 01141.1. maim • earrgel pineal of the proceed- &mama. devise oraery three 7eGivil seeress sa switotern as A M or ens Pan- lap Ma Metres, 'alit, held at Niagara, fee the mid it win .,, smirswit a,„ 01 ssn's. " abseil "web • 004r04 of Pronerdell may merit the eve et Gaway et smite sabot part es AO lotagra Thumps% amewo. • V/PhAL Tille l• • sweepiss r..s. • Purloin* gave the mass a peculiar lea, sad iwesesdiatsiy replied, " that may le troodeefel 10 51.0 Set still was set las einnparse to • homey be lied o res at Caniek.se-liair (trotted.) Them they place the live shorp at sow gad, while at the e ther predessi • dish .4 mast issues, aad a reedy mods seat tied ap is • weellea eseller."- lhaarroam Co... " Os Saturday the 1.41 ism.. (the tley after the S tratford Society's pleogbieg =lila at Mi. Frylegles,) the rem mek place, ley two home% -haileigiag respectively to Mr. Weep Hoboes, M Haymiffe, sad Mr. Willies Melleedyes, el Stratford. The diatasee to be rya was IMO redls. Wager -the loser us pert with hie Mn., sod give 20 dollars ale* Ths greead chases wee se the mai• made to the mot of Hannille. Mr. Hoboes's bores " Remised Jeck." wee reale by a me a Mr. Lewelle 041t, sad Mr. Men- dyea's " Plosive." by • velum lad ken I.. .4.14, Levi Clarks. Usferusaately fee a fair trial, the greeted wee sek the +ember bevies bees wet --misty. Hobsee's mid by wet mazy iscbes. The Jai** wore Moore. U. Poddicembe sad T. W. Ilishiewse, oseisted by Mr. Pleas of Hayerthr. It ie said that the pie- ties of the mann rode mt. by N. Melretlyires ham. was aseddin thee tbe ether, sad that Mr. Hoboes himself. cessidered that hens Wirier to his ewe. It is eadenteed that the ram ie to bona 0•••• Sts. is s lew weeks be seedier hems arilaSt7 liehess'a. Re meal ler gruebting. sad emend sad the gentionble swan of each a practice, te improve eider UM* or Ulm. L. 'STRATFORD. The istrednitien te Ibis little Mese of heal sews woe hr palikreephisial boils fur the sub- jrct led for the esesses reedier, ease therekene, we hem atereised ow ewe diseretien ia emit- ting it. -ED. H.S. HoPRIMILLIN 801/111 EMITS/PI (Se- bring's. )-An enterprisieg eon of John Sebring, Errs., •Blaek Creek, (Mr. Philan- der 3) has *early completed • Grist mill at Mepeellle, where for some years a Saw 51111 has been to operation. TM, contractor for this. 111r. William McPedmin, (coarse - tor for Me. McCellech's mill at Stratford, which is also 'Meg ahead.) has erected several mills in the neighborhood •f Strat- ford. The erection of buildings Ilk* those, 'bows a neceireity semi ng D11,01DINI by both an intreave of population end means 1n *be settle's**, cireuesediatent to 81 ratford.- • prament there is se good cheese mode et Homed le and Black Creek, by tb• Mrs. Sehrings, as wilt comps, e with and swims, t clips* either Mrs. Chalk's or Mn. Dun • lop's, (celebrated chasm taken) in the west end of these eoueties.--Coer. • . A commeniesties respeealig the iseilents at Pernambecce has appeared ia the Prima purrs. from the nisei Admire', whirr\ ghee well groused bops that the Breathes Govestmeat will aceerd the saushatiee • denuded by ohs Go rem saes t of Fra... LIVERPOOL MARKET. Lonneam. lak.Ares Arrivals • I Plan hum bees veryhesey. "ass- • Mame a M. per band, sed•Id pot Mamba fer Whitt- At the &else, tmensetleas erste irwy large es the 481 inetbal. Gee/ deems& fru ezportiag Csrs le Ireland at ith he yam Miseries's, ef white few parcels WIWI 41a Oen. Prism Wheat seams tied ia reemeeL lee id per bans& Illisierese demandol-illsof treemetiese limited. Prises fasertioherMit Perk active-warket beni„esanst am. sualer der. Sawn mashes lease -m6 enablea 01. der 30r.--treesestiews • Ilhealleihi Is dreneed .1 1.11 prism 010,16 00' .****** D ries* si tamest 44 mine 111 NM. hi primes. Geed ammo ',Miss et hll prise, is. vessleaste. Tallow, good demeed. 411 ashrams. Anse, TOO barrels Pets at Ms hi tie 35e. Pestle rhea at 311M Telma, is red es - most. Cams Mem sad salve at prism a the Europa. fivaavvoto Stream Paw Mict..-We, in seeding you settees of the news of Streit. ford, balm omitted, enintentiosally, to draw attention to thin to which, is a good carding wisebine. This property wee bought by W. Reeehinellee, Req., sad is wider the charge of Mr. G. I. Prowl's', who es *gent for the former, bas improved it in a way which may be esnaidered Ma es- innole to the oriel pleat going folks of Stmt. ford. A sew men has twee mamba ego pot le -and tho eerier mouthing, Piece then, wetted. There le a fulling 510111.10 put op --sod by and bye a Grist mill. The piles of lesehere, be.. show the *meet of the wait Mae. That larober is understood to be mostly for de sew seldittoes. Weft may Mr. Pruning be glad of the Improve - meets art** mast hislissio.+Oss. ARRIVAL OP TRE AMERICA. The Asuriat reached Miffs. tit te'eleek„ ea Twedsy. with M Armagh menegers and S Halifax. Elb• left Liverpool es dee Sth ion, sad at I P 14•4 ow etc gal, sb. mem the Asia is Usir h.'. ma at A. eon day pawed tie PorVia. The mbiset mane a 101.47110%4114100b. Thisalitieel sews is mil ' THE MUTING AT WARDSVILLL -••• The following reeolutions were adopted at Unclosing Imola hold at Wardareine.- Tbe County of Widnes: has spokes out aoLly. The Proviace Lire ere getting their eyes opened at last. Tb. sateen of the Reform now seddled epee the punk is bean Ally modernised. Poetise NW party bigotry_ _have boss hitherto Ms lemb regard's'. We rejoice •1 the movement now made, .014 11011 It will" Si nrsded throstibout Cuadik. 'Mao f tee many lawyers in the Illeees....Leaden Thies. 1.8. by 1.0, Chewer, and ..ed.4 Denjania Grant. Coq ,- That this meeting. Wing disappointed by the prosiest Homes a Assembly, as u the termer eses-kirowieg that It ie the die ablineetipldf"h• B;Sivi:trah MI in strict accordant, t tot Canada with the wises of its intake& ate, sad coo - tottering, as we do, that we have been do - calved by the,?1 learned protasis." Of the law -and as Item se such Met emend their seats in parliament, they have weed their deiegaled power to the aggveeeliso meet of their own proloosiese, to Um min neglect a the people's interests, ud against the peace sod welfare el Cam. generally. fed- Moved by Robert Therapies, Seq. and soseesiad by Cult* McKolier- That this looming osesidstr Cued* ease • tially as agricultural coastry sad se web should be represated by resident fanners ta the several comities, and by editor* eleibs" flies manufacturers, and meretiewts the eidlinerst totem mid cities, Waldo( as we do that lawyer" Amid bam se more 40 do in main laws Uses Ottani la mak- ing medicine or merchants is their own goOds-their beanies hong well their shill and Weleatfle the heel aim - tags. 504. Moved by T. J. Gremer, Rhin I" seconded by by Cassie Staring - That *bat meeting can dientme me Aga' *nee between Reform lawyer, sad Geese - main lawters, In es meet se bah se fte proteatieg thaw ewe I elvr• tag as we de that *Mee heetweee 'lark- ed (Meade seems We emeetiog .0011(1111 the propriety a all the electors in Curb in one mimes hoed for our mutual WNW tago-by est ming her a lawyer ender airy consideratioe-at Ail nut gweend enetabe -the result of which would sena find est where tie malnimienelvatise el Can adios satire tweed. 416. Moved by amineeie and aemesled by Lawn Theories Kevo, isfienlapoodems thistemedbagpesiusebbabgeighly epareeaeby the pommel saYi penote,1 . by thilef thea....intelieemor meow% el theiyi_amdt1P- that a mematteee be appoisied ee SNOW &dames Io the eimitmemf Ceeellel le seam dame 'with the crime .6 ib. Meeleeletle -,4ed -the effermal inmate le CaMede ese hereby invited Agin gablisilly nibs Moe Mt hie their east eeletit 1110611111110 Swamies/In insf-Allet saw.: NIG aswidi by De.. a,•‘, op' MORN olatee, sed lookiee el the ffitteetilter of the Ille b".1.1 ..,1.5:,"1.______641 'nig"' ruell ll liallr. Nether reward ef opperities. eiterepresestatime . man el based, la menpvieg mesh weeds% 1 An 'eneetleg 1.1111101•11111 IS Ole. promeim is the Ilene. of Aosentbly, en ...lid "Le, .11" .”7.7 w•ww"'"Igps..Y. °I? ”1"76.740. sod ohms is the Wimp sad palm .4 anew ead • essaminks has reporsed ia hoer a It to 1 whole el dm ktbeblItiltIll lbr , rialrair, say ti E timid isterseed. Sot, •Ithotagh isse.„.,1,„‘ it. senefte. , by aa, mead "how Kis, thane OW (OW Iiimwowpr, allessot het we Mae the Geeenemet. hi the 'itineibill M `11 emery home. owe vele admit that thee me fin tett, 6.q, ore isetelml tie she Nemo entamiwa- seek Arellage are emessid, ie a gems demoi, se b iesuld dm Omega Ifee a seememeiseeen. . 4.0 me., limy., i. 0,. p,..., L.64.1.,.,,, laos Of every ism we's Saps. he Se air al SIM- 41. whoop dkilesiteii aad in.* aplassimad .81 1.. ImPtwooe 080i.. *ad New Perk. Perilatmeed lbw elm am is sit' a siaT, will admit ,hi. Leery.? Leghtatsre me tb.amd 10'$ ,15105 sad semsmahribir. W. or iii pooh st 1.... volleabelloseempilleblispriellUf iltilleft. It le peopmed Mr ifs Wash theneannet meumineasser ilidilsois44111 sever reeseesher he mowed to legislate let tloi gm mop n Magarriaa attal beill mesh mere se en satishense eellselest 'MOM Mitteine :relieving's Ms iskuoirm,44.11t **MO' rams; b.s.4i th• eeier', PrI11 thielt Ow* 40° " ••/1 lub*". e VW, lesteased rember. ler As Ailites mem for 116. sal *els