HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-06-12, Page 6Pepe 6 The Times -Advocate, June: 12; 1930 • sell And District News CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maude Hadden, Phone 5 Mrs. Archie MacGregor, Phone 196 Bridle's Fast Action Fall From Fence Prevent Farrn, Fire Hensall firemen m the record r tern t'niversity andhis twin time of less than two minutes re- 4 brother, Tont, attending Water- aponded to a shed fire on the ; ton hhnivery thm for te �+•eesdtkend,e were latter passinghoe property of Dr. Tames W. Bell on at the time and noticed the King Street, east of highway 4, flames and ran to the home of en Saturday morning and pre— + Mrs. Milton Lavery who gave vented what could have proved ' the alarm. a" disastrous fire, No one is living on the place A hole had burnt in the roof of at the present time which was the shed used for storage pur-iformerly occupied by the late poses by the time they arrived.! Miss Jessie Bell, as Dr. Bell is The shed is 25 ,vards behind a. having the home renovated, in - garage and about the same 'lis-! side and nut, before taking up, tance from the house. ! residence there in the future. Bill Lavender who attends Wes -1 Damage is estimated at $50. /Z„�l,llltll ll,IIIII IIIIII IIII111111/,11111 n111tI1I11111111111111.11111111111IIIII IIIII III II IIIII m 1111111u111111„1lmulltlulu„11,IIIr, Be Ready Every car we Check or repair receives the per- sonal attention of a skill- ed mechanic. Our mechanic's 4,k, is yoiur best bet for safe, trouble-free motoring! S } , FOR THE POLICE SAFETY CHECK June 13 BRING YOL)R CAR IN TODAY ensall Motor Sales Tom Coates, Prop. 1 PHONE 31 1111111111111111111111( iiiu unlnu111111m11111amu1n1111„,,lllltll„1n1111 R,1111n111111111,Iluumnn111u11n11,Iluu11111 HENSALL AT WILSON'S REXALL DRUGS • MEN'S SETS—by Yardley and Shulton COOLERS and THERMOS for the fishing trips • GILLETTE RAZORS, complete selection—$1.29 to $7.50 • CAMERAS—movie and 135 mm. .ss BILLFOLDS by Buxton—fully guaranteed. Special — 20'To Off On All Electric• Razors Wilson s Rexall Drugs PHONE 20 HENSALL ret mai iminus tit tmtllnnlmllml111n11Itimiiinu1t11nnttnnn it'll item n-111111111/1/1 mi1m1lllt11t1rm11t mt1n11 t Wash and Wear Short Sleeve Sport Shirts from $2,95 E • Regular Short and long Sleeve Sport Shirts in all the latest patterns and colors—$1,98 to $7.95 E^ a Arrow "Iron. Cheaters” White Shirts—$S.9S R (Make Mom happy tool) e Bathing Trunks in Snug% and Shorts --=$1,95 to *4.95 • Walking Shorts in Groy, tan, Oyster and Charcoal.43Yf.t' to $L 5 1 E0 Wash and Wear Summer Slacks—$14,9S S k $]dr9S O A Regular Slacks from $8,95 and up 0 Wash and Wear Summer Suits, gOeranteed by Savile Row THESE ARE JUST A PEW OF OUR FINE SELECTIONS OF GIFTS FOR DAD' Carne In And See Our belts, Jewellery, Shirt and Dant Sets, Spirt Coats, Sut'rnier Shoos for brass aird usual Wear, I1at gift Cartlfrataa. Fractures Arm Billy Chipchase, 10 years of age, son of Mr. and Airs. Ernie Chipchase, a grade 4 pupil al Hensall Public Sheol, was treat- ed for a double break of his left forearm at South Huron District Hospital, Exeter, Monday eve- ning. Billy received the broken arm when he fell from a fence at the stockyards at the C.N.R. station here. Likes Travel Despite Age Mr. Fred Kennings left Mon- day night by train for the 'Vest Coast and will stop off to see his brother, William Kennings, at Hermiston, Oregon, whn is seriously ill, then to San Fran- cisco 676 miles south and on to Portland. Oregon to visit with the three daughters of his broth- er l�rilldam. At Berkley, California he will visit his nephew, Albert Ken- nings. From there he will travel north to Seattle in Washington, then on to Victoria and Van- couver, B.C. by boat and to Mis- sion City, B.C. to visit his oldest sister's son, Russell Payne, He will proceed east to Cal- gary for a reunion with the five sons and a daughter of his sister, Mrs. James Payne. He will tourney east to Winnipeg, North Bay, South River, where he will visit his sister, Mrs. Mary Gabel, Mr. Kennings will be away for two months and will travel some 7,000 miles. He is 78 years of age in August and is making this trip alone. Giant Toadstool Features Revel The district Brownie Revel was held in Hensall Park, Saturday afternoon. Guests of the Hensall Pack were packs from Exeter and Zurich, Miss Laurette Siegner, divi- sional commissioner, and Mrs. Robert Luxton, district commis- sioner," were present, and seemed 'delighted with the giant sized toadstool, whichwas made and donated to the Hensall Pack for this and other future events by the General Coach Works of Canada, At lunch time, treats were pro- vided for all by the local asso- ciation of Hensall. Brown Owl Mrs. G. McTavish, Exeter, and Brown Owl, Mrs, H. Flaxbard, Zurich, assisted the Hensall Brown Owl, Mrs. Earle E. Rowe, with the day's pro- gram, and after three hours of activities, the Brownies left for home, tired but happy. Pack 400 Pounds Of Used Clothing; At the June meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society of 1 Hensall United church on. Thurs- clay afternoon it was reported that 400 pounds of used clothing valued at $526,50 had been packed Tuesday and Wednesday of the same week. Fourteen boxes were forwarded Lo Toronto for overseas relief and one box containing five quilts, uniforms, ladies and chil- dren's clothing was sent to Dr. J. E. Whiting at the mission hos- pital, Hazelton, B.C. Mrs. Nor- man. Jones is convener of the supply committee. A panel discussion on the fin- ancial responsibility towards the world church was participated in by Mrs. Sim. Roobol, Miss A Con- sitt, Mrs. Norman Tones, Mrs. George Armstrong and Mrs. Tom. Coates who presided for the pro- gram. The group sang a chorus with Mrs. T. Sherrill at the pia- no. Mrs. Elgin Rowcliffe as- sisted Mrs. Coates with the de- votional. President Mrs, George Arm- strong conducted the business when arrangements were made for the annual baby band party, June 19 at 2:30 p.m. An invita- tion was accepted to attend the W.M.S. birthday party of Car- mel church. The School for Leaders is being held in Alma College, St. Thomas, August 25 tb 29 * a delegate is expected to, attend from this group. '.Che July nieeling will take. the Corm of a picnic at the church the first Wednesday in July, Walkerton Man At Anniversary 3 Large congregatiotis attended i anniversary services in Carmel Presbyterian church on Sunday. Guest minister for the day was Rev. William Henderson of Wadk- ertoti who delivered two helpful messages. At the morning service the choir under direction M Mrs. Malcolm Dougall rendered an anth'eiti and ar itinier quartette eom_pbsed of Jim Love, Patsy Re11, Mrs. John Baker and ,.dirt Dougall, sang. Soloist for the evening service was Mts. William Brown. Bev.II, J. Lane, Minister. of St: An. drew's Presbyterian: ohureh, Clirltb it a88isted with the eve. tying Servide. Shop And Save For F9t1'Ntr's Day At T. C. Joynt & Son x PHONE 62 HENSALt 1 1 IgLririt'tiYYirllll'ril'I' JirrrflY'trnlOrnlYlilii..'I IYIrl�frarilYrYfrrrrr OttititYlillrtiffinrirrrlriliti 011lrrrrrIiri'iitta ti BRASSIERE PROBLEMS individually solved in; Spencers Ct'eated to Meet livery need of your flgute, Mrs. Pearl !Rayfi- hath, Pli6t'ie 1 1 Wr Hensall, • 4,1 ,,IYI,IY,IIIIIIIY,rY,,,,1n 111111,1111111 u11111111111111141nnu111r 11111111 1111❑1111 YYIIlpll111,IV ar ROYAL ABBEY CONTEMPORARY 3 Cups And 3 Saucers in Each Carton *CO• Made In England SET OF 0 PCS, WITH $5.00 PURCHASE /YII11M11111111AI/g1111111t11171111111111111111r111111111111YYlYYllinimi tI11II11111111111111111A, WHY PAY MORE! Clark's, With Pork, In Chili Sauce BE NS . WHY PAY MORE! Granulated SUGAR . WHY PAY MORE! Gold Seal Sockeye. Fancy SALAAON, WHY PAY MORE! Del Monte Pineapple and JUICE .. 10 Grapefruit • • • WHY PAY MORE! Monarch White F 0 R F 0 R 20 -oz. tins 1/2's tins 1 3 AKE MIX 2 WHY PAY MORE! Corn 1BLY .:.. TS Cereal LUM WHY PAY MORE! Why Pay More For Top Quality Side con Sir!;iin S _Inde Ham Head Cheese Meats? L S. 65, 75` 59° Tr n, 89 c Why Pay More For Fresh Produce? Serve Kraft MINIATURE MARSHMALLOWS TOMATOES NFW POTATOES HFAD LETTUCE CARROTS ceLLo GRAPEFRUIT 3 FDR 25 Serve A Gypsy Geld' Salad FEATURE! Salad Dressing, A.. Giant 32.oz, jar Whip Sunkist Oranges . i Gypsy Gold Salad Recipes Available at Al's Super S cello bag 291. TUBE 23s 1(. POUNDS 59c 2 FOR 254 2 PKGS, 25c auxin 43' Save Market • O 1 • • 48 -oz. tins 0 wT„ R 17 -oz, pkgs. STOCK UP FOR THE Summer Cottage SAVE 180! York Fancy Tomato Juice SAVE 240! Stokely's Fancy Creamed Corn 48 -oz. tins I: F Q R .69 15 -oz, tins Q 1 ./4 SAVE 36¢! Lincoln Brand 15 -oz. tins Golden Peaches SAVE 23¢ 12198 Libby's Spaghetti 12 SAVE 110' Aylmer Tomato Soup 12 • 15 -oz tins o e63 10 -oz tins Q F 9 Christie's Chippers Tender, Cri%p ;TEA BAG G Potato Crackers 11!1 S¢. Off Super Sava • al,.G. 29c ox' ao 35c 1111111111111/flt1111111,❑IIII,IIIY 1111111II II IY11u1111 miY111111tlitm W111runY11nn11ili11Y11111111Y1YY11111WItill OPEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS New Low Prig BIRDS EYE Dinners Turkey, Chicken Pot Roast 1t -n ,,. 71c dicta i