HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-06-12, Page 5Dr. ani. Mrs. Archie MaeKiln- #ton, of Galt, were Sunday guests at the hence of the •fornter'.s. mother Mrs. M. MacKinnon. Mrs. Lydia Gingerich is spend- ing souse time with. relatives .arid friends in Kitchener, Miss Kathleen Hess, RN,_ Lon- don, is spending part of her vaca- lian at the hoete of her patents, 1Ir, and Mrs, Albert Bless, and Attended her brother's wedding. Miss Gloria Gingerich spout a few days vacation with her par- euts, 1Ur. and Ws. Jacob Gingerich and has returned. to her duties as nurse -in -training at the Kitchener -Waterloo I ospilai. Mr. and Mes. Orville Martin -and daughters, Doreen, of liawiesviile, Mrs. f,eah Strider, , Elmira and Mrs. Barbara Gingerich, of \ya'llenstein, were visitors at Ute .home of Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Gingerich. Mrs, E. Heintz -kb. Brantford, was a recent visitor at the home! .of herr daughter and Son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J red Habercr. Jr.1 ML'. end firs. Mortis Nell, ;A.f 1 Detroit, 0 t cit, a 14 on friends last Saturday. rill UR ICH HERA-LQ .S7`AU..$HEQ 1900 :,ORREPONDEN1,MR$r4HO ER Le SMITH Mr, and Ars. }ildebrard, of . Q School Goderich, called on the former's aunt, Mrs. Charles Weber, on Saturday :.everting, rM. O . VLU Cetelli's Reedy Cut Macaroni Catetll's Spaghetti Habitant 1G -OZ, 3 FOR 49 3 t For, 16 -DZ, Pea Soup 3 FOR 49` Tomato Juice 29 Deisey Tewin Pack Tissue 2 FOR 29' Salmon . IA Le. TING' 29t York Fancy 28-Clz. Fraser Gold Fancy Red Collo! 'n -az. BEST BUYS IN MEAT Wieners .. LeS, 79c Swift's Premium Smoked Fully Cooked Picnics. 1 La• 53 Swift's Premium Red Or Blue Brand Round Boneless 79c 77c Steak Roast 1 L.B. Swift's Eversweef Rindless — Sealed Package Bacon 1 LB. GET FREE GIFTS ! Save your pink cash register slips for our THRIFTY WALLET giveaway. DRURY'S Monday to Thursday -- 9 to 6 Friday 9 to 9 Saturday 9 to '10 t PHONE 860 FREE DELIVERY bila rks Day The Sundae School of Em- manuel E.U.,B. Church observed Children's Day on Sunday. The junior choir sang numbers and recitations were given by Ralph Geiger, Sharon Jacobe, Donnie Oesclh., Stephen Bless and Johnny Geiger. Exercises were presented by classes taught by Airs. Newell Geiger, Mrs. Clare Geiger, Miss Margaret Schade, Mrs. Peter Gingerich, Miss clary Geiger and Mrs, Melvin Brown, Donna Kipper and Linda Gasc io sang a uel, and Misses d Edith and Rebeca Steekle played two numbers on the piano and piano acordion.. The pastor presented a missionary message, Mrs, Milton Oesch presided at the piano. Attended Wedding A number of relatives from the Zurich district attended the wedding at Landon on Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Pfile, held in First -St. Andrew's United Church of that city. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kay H.. Shirtliff, London, while the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pfile, of Grand Bend, but is a .resident of Sarnia, where they will reside. Personal items Mrs, Jack Wettiaufer and fam- ily, of London, spent a few days at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. T. Haberer.' flow well do you know ONrumaI0 Check your knowledge by identifying this map However well you know Ontario, you'll enjoy getting to know it better. Make a point this year of exploring its .highways and byways, visiting its lovely lakes and vacationing at one of its modern resorts ... gee Ipperwash Provincial Park and the area surrounding shown above. Take the first step now, by filling out and mailing the coupon below; r - KNOW ONTARIO BETTER ONTARIO TRAVEL. 1152 PARLIAMENT BLDOS., TORONTO, ONTARIO Send FREE Literature and Road Map. Name Address. ... Post Office :Ontario Dopathkonl of Travel & Oubacity Hon. Bryon L. Cathcart, Minister j 4 Reasons Why so many folk invest at British Mortgage & Trust 1. They know British Mortgage certificates are SAFE, so Safe that Ontario law states that trust money can be invested in them. 2. They appreciate the GUARANTEED rate of interest. Not .only is an excellent rate paid—at present 4% for 3 to 5 years -but the rate is guaranteed for the full term.., 3. They like the CONVENIENCE of British Mortgage certificates.; Many people make their investment by mail and then get their interest by mail. British Mortgage certificates are as convenient as your nearest snail -box. 4. They find it WISE to invest for a short term. • In these days of rapid changes Ws often wise to invest for i only a short term, British Mortgage certificates are issued l: for 1 to 5 years. At the end of the term, they can be renewed or cashed. How to invest in a British. Mortgage certificate. Mail your your Cheque—$1100 or more• --it's as easy as that. or call the British Mortgage agent ht your area. Don't delay—your money'starts to tarn interest the day you make the investment. J3nb.s:h . Motto got & Trust foamiest In :i$'77' BTRA.TOOnn VifiTtiiliiii 17ififieinitiaffin I1111YU 11iiPiUllllfli'IlrlliiillYryltll' Y51 YiffilfifiitiffifiViiiffaililiiitniffi'I iYnm inn inn nl/ililYilillilltin 111iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiii iilrUtliiii'ifisitithi VV. G. Cochraneii, 4 iniinnirnettYifsirn ourrotritttiinnifiiliif"Yilantriflirairfinl'liliiltiiiitiiifiiftioniriittiattatitatlnliTnttYlYriteir atinnistintartnitiitartiWr111antrorro S narrrtf n at Plum. `r4 ens Exefllr . Honeymoon Trip To Pennsylvania lly Glagerieh, d.aught Be ti err 0 , Mr, :and Mrs. Amos Gingerich exchanged marriage vows wit 4irilliaan Steckle, son of Mr. an Mrs. Dan Steekle, Zurich, i Zurich Mennonite Church. The bride chose a dress o white brocaded satin with hi point sleeves. She carried a whit Bible. Miss Shirley Gingerich, cousi of the bride, was bridesmaid She wore blue brocaded satin. Clayton. Steckle, cousin of th groom, was best man,i, an 1 ushers , were Melvin Gingerie and Paul Steckle, aStat For weddingtripto the j of Pennsylvania' and other points the bride changed to .a charcoa suit with white accessories an pink carnation corsage. On their return they will make their home near Bayfield. Lutheran Ladies' Aid The meeting of the Lutheran Ladies' Aid was held en Tuesday evening in the basement of the church, and was well attended. The program opened. in the usual inanner. A recording of the new liturgy which all Lutheran ,churches in the Canada Synod wilt be using, was heard, and then practised, with Mrs. 0. Win ter and Mrs. J. Turkheim con ducting. The president, Mrs, Finkbeiner conducted the business session A report from the treasurer Mrs, A. Turkheim, and the visit ing committee, Mrs. Albert Hess was given. Plans for the Vacation Church School were discussed. An invi Wien to be guests of the W. W.S. and. Ladies' Aid societies o Emmanuel E,TJ.B. Church wa accepted nw The Times,Ac vrcNto, !iiia '1Z 1l�aES p11.UUt1I.IUIilIUItU UU,UOVI OMO011 II,Utf MUUM I UUtU See .Qvr New Qc. een of sa a the Isles v CIQthe . 1E/ater pump `lil Truck Fire Dlam�nsi Iwnsern S ft B Isle 1 Monday evening about 9-.30 t the fire siren belched forth its h • shreiks of warning, which indi- d rated that someone was an n trouble with the dreaded fire !hazard, which so easily becomes 1' out of eontrol. Y It was only a matter of seconds euntil about 50 people gathered, and the fire brigade was rushing n to the scene of the fire, about two miles east :of town on High- ], way 84. Seemingly a Brady Dry Men- d, panel truck from Exeter was h traveling along the highway e when the mechanical part of the vehicle took fire. The driver hav- ing presence of mind, removed what clothing he bad in the truck to safety until the brigade arrived, Scout News BY PATRICK O'BRIEN At the Boy Scout meeting held outdoors Wednesday evening, it was decided how many of the boys were going to camp. The camping trip is made pos- - sib1e by candy and paper drives. The Scouts delivered notices to , each home for the paper drive • last Frid • First Zurich Boy Scouts are pleased with the support they have had which has made it possible for the boys to go camp- ing, * * *, * This week T wouldlike to tell you of my experience with the s Boy Scouts in. Newfoundland. For a couple of weeks after. I arrived in St. John's, Newfound- " land, I didn't know anyone at all. One Sunday, one of the ushers asked me if I was a Boy Scout. From then on I had many a t: friend. The Scouts took me into their t The ladies are catering to a wedding dinner, also to a ban wet for the Guides and Brownies to be held on June 25 in the basement of the church Lunch was served by convener 11irs. Wes Hugill and her con mittee. Fishing Trip A gYoup of fishermen: Ear Yungblut, Ross Johnston, Lei Prang, Ed Gesello, Ferd Haberer and Wilfred. Klopp were on fishing trip in Northern Ontario last week. E.U.B. Youth Meet ' The E.Y,T''. of Emmanue Evangelical 'U.)3, Church, Zurich met last 'Tuesday evening will Miss Catherine Rader 111 th chair. Miss Mary Grainger rear the Scripture, and Miss Norma Geiger read a poem. The topic, "What is man?" wa taken by Miss Mary Geiger. She explained that there is a Chris tion way of looking -at man. "We are all potential children of God," she said, "We should. he proud of what we are and do. God wants us to use our talents for Him," The president, Elizabeth Fin- lay, took charge of the business session. Norma Geiger was secretary, and Durward Mc- Adams gave the treasurer's re- port. Attended Convention . come, That is why the Boy Scout is a great organization. ; My first friend I met was pro- , vincial executive commission, A. J. Tomlinson. He taught me a more in leadership and Scouting than anyone else. When I ar- rived there in June, he asked me 1 to go camping with them. We drove five miles to our 1, camping sight. I was amazed at the ease with which they pre- , pared their camp. After supper e that night, we had of r first camp 1 fire, and to me this was the greatest moment of my stay in Newfoundland. I was called to s the centre, and after repeating the Scout promise., the troop - neckerchief was placed around my neck. For the next two weeks we all enjoyed camping together. The camp was well organized and well planned, and when I re- turned to St. John's I felt I had gone through a great experience and understood the fourth Scout law, ".A Scout is a friend to all and a brother to every other Scout," Good luck and good Scouting. Returned From College Mr. Ronald Bedard. who graduated from St, Mary's Col- lege, Brockville, in General Arts, has returned home, and will spend the summer at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Dennis Bedard. Rev, 0. Winter and R. F. Stade, as delegate, attended the 96th. annual convention of the Canada Synod which was held from June 2-5 in Zion Lutheran Church, Pembroke. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. J. l3echler, Mr. and Mrs. John Ruby and Mr. Peter Bechier, all of Tavistock, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Antenna last week, also visited other relatives and friends. Miss Arlene Haberer, nurse -in - training at Viotoria- Hospital, London, is enjoying some of her vacation at the hone of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Haberer. Mrs. E. Owen, of Salem, Ore- gon, Mrs. Charles Horton, of Aylmer, Mrs. W. Williamson, of London, Mrs. Sean Ivison, 01 Kippen, were guests with Miss Ann Datars last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, Herb Kraft, of Detroit, guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Stade, enjoyed a trip to Toberniory and the Bruce penin- sula -over the weekend, Mr.. and Mrs. Don Taylor and daughter, of London, spent the weekend at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Deters. Mrs, Alf Melick, Mrs. Melissa Geiger, Mrs. Clara Jacobe and son, Laird, attended the wedding of a relative in London on Satur- day.. Mr, Michael Hartman, Toronto. son of Mrs. Theresa Hartman, Zurich, left on a motor trip to Regina, Saskatchewan, where he will be attending to some busi- ness inatiers, Aeco mpanying hint are his brother Cyril, and Clare Rci;er. Mai and Mrs. td Bedard and family, of St. Clair Shores, Michigan, were weeI"nd visitors in Zurich district, also spending some time at their eottage. Report Ori Blake By ELIZABETH FINLAY Mrs. Bert Gibhings, Clinton, Mr. Harold li''ittlay and family, and Mr. and Mrs. il,thy lnrb and family of Zi,irich attended the Giternsey •tivilight Meeting held at C, Caverhill's of Iidorton. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gingerich spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Edmund I:rb aid fariiiiy, , Mr. and 4 a lilt.. Allan a tt;• a 1 5'Cf1it r entrubei' attd fancily, New Ilam- ht.trg, Mr. and IMS Heinz Bene-. dictua, Sarnia, attended the CTihige►leh •Steirlde wedding, on Saturdity, A large number or friends, neighbors end relatives attend - the 2wrinlyerieh•Steckle wed- ding on Satuida '. One e of the main drive shafts. shat in the large centrifugal deep water pump of the Zurich water supply system broke the latter part of last week, with the result that Do water was being ted into the big supply tank. T3tility manager Milfred Sehilbe soon had Gerald Gingerich and staff helping him in raising the heavy pump which is nearly tree hundred feet indepth, and a replacement 1 cen e a part was con- veyed veyed in from Toronto, and in a short time the repair was made, de t inot i • e na , infat: t did interfere with the service to the water users, only they were asked to conserve water as much as pos- sible until things were in repair again, What is known as the old well which is operated on the jerk rad system is not in very good condition, and could not be used as an emergency, but this is be- ing looked after and put back into good condition again. • Joins Zurich Ball Club Mr. James Ruttle, a student of the University of Western Ontario, and whose !borne is in Dresden has joined the Zurich Ball Club for the summer sea- son, taking a position at the Kalbfleisch Mills. He is in resi- dence at the home of Mrs. A. Mel) ck. Mr, Ruttle is a capable ball player and will be a big help to the Zurich team, having proven himself a good all round player, including pitching. The Zurich Lumber Kings have so far proven themselves worthy to be called "Kings," having won each of the five games they played this year, and most of them by a big margin. Sold Property Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Laidlaw have sold their home on Zurich road., No. 84, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bedard,' Blue Water Highway, Mr. and Mrs. Laidlaw will reside at the home of Mrs. Laidlaw's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Reichert, for the present. Personal items Mr. Harold Soper returned. from a London . hospital and is getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gemming and family, of Rochester, spent the recent weekend at the home of their mother, Mrs. Melville Johnston, and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Johnston. Miss Meda Sararas and Miss Jean McKay, of Toronto, spent the weekend at the former's hone and brother, Mr. Gordon Sararas. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Truenurer•, of 14 Con., Mr. and Mrs. Fuss and daughters, of Hensall, were Sunday visitors with relatives and friends in Milverton, Mrs. Don Brintnell and baby. Andrew, of Sarnia, are spending. several days. at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Alma Haberer, Rl I II RIDfl Iay urs urIm UUI ISO Intl rlrlhihlilrtltrtM Inspired by the warmth, beauty and charm of Hawaii, this Bluebird diamond tria is the newest of the new. The happy couple will wear each ring proudly for, • ever. See it in our window now. • S. B. TAYLOR Phone 426-W 4EWELLeR Main St., :Exeter fl, , II 1 it 1, , 111111 4 1.111 1 , / 111. , 11 1 III t 11 _ 1 1 1 1 i i II 111 Iltt ,1.1 1111 IUI! 1,11 1 II 1 1 11, i. i u I l l l un nnnnuurauuurnlquaxuul, , Feet Hurt . HERE" IS YOUR OPPORTV- LAITY TO GET QUICK INEXPENSIVE RELIEF FROM ALL COMMON FOOT TROUBLES. DfSchoi PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE WiLT. BE HERE iFiriday, June 13 11 you have terns, callouses, bunions, crooked toes, Ingrown nails, Athlete's Foot, perspiring, odorous feet, weak ankles, weak or fallen arches, some in and let this representative of the world's lolling foot authority show you how millions of foot sufferers have found quick, inexpensive relief through the use of Dr. Scholl's Foot Comfort Appliances, Rem- edies, Arch Supports. Remember the date. No Charge --No Obligatioe. DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY! OR. SCHOLL'S FOOT -EASES for relief of loot troubles duo to weak or fallen arches., OR. SCHOLL'S BUNION RE. DUCER relieves shoe ares. sure ar14 hides deformity 0R. SCHOLL'S TOE-FLEK helps straighten 6rpok.d tae& Smyth's Shoe Store PHONE 376 X -Ray Fittings if Desired EXETER TfEliEfiliE ,r FOIR You're sure to please Dad .. . when you choose his gift from our wide assortment of winning wearables! TOBACCO GIFTS Cigars, Cigarettes�y 'Tobaccos Popular Brands $7,95 $1.00 Up Pipes ELECTRIC SHAVERS Phitishave, Schick, Sunbeam, Remington Mag,na•Lite Shaving Mirror ........................ CAMERAS $5.95 Brownie Holiday $5.90 Outfit .......... ........ '$11.75 BroWnie Starftash $9.95 outfit $11.95 Brownie 5tarfle5t $12.45 Outfit $18.85 Neckties Styled $20.75 to please dads $3.95 Short -sleeved spar# shirt* Cool, light. weight slacks 52.95 Kodak Duaflex IV ........ (Kodef Lens) SHULTON OLD SPICE After Shave Lotion ,... $1.35, $2,00 Brilliantine 750 Electric Shave $1,25 Hair Groom 'T'orrid $1.25 Shampoo for Men $1.50 Shaving Mug $1,50 soleoth Shave Bomb $1,23. Candy L1NTLLT DRUG S'tlha r. 'ul 1 ,s /1L EXE1 EIt Phere ;Sfl $4.95 Famous Van HeUsial%- DreSS' Shirts Na iron .r ie $S.OS Loyd Knitted sport shirts, Father's choice of color, pattern Cuff Links & Tie Bars Certain To Pleasol Free e Tie.! - To The YOUNGEST i OLDEST' Fathers MEWS 'EC?YS' WEAR PHONE "290 omit •