HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-10-24, Page 1,*a{ j,�t►BBBw/I.I•r1141$ VOLUME m, «W Ourau 9igual, r tyres a wee trseraMW •Y TMOMA I ACOVLIEN, sores Yrs .sonsaa,oa. • !runout MAOdinsd Jeb Paan. •osatt,d •' natug, ueevited .111_ e. and Demuth Hisses esessYudesMae.—TCN SHIM- MING' per num if paid •llitdy r .ad•..... M Twgt,va Ape Oth hem with the capitalise of tin per. X. mom ineenti..ed suit snowy" are Paid sg, eases an p.Ni.ker thin/at' bio d.•. • Me Side se. llai I.Avidcal i• lb. roguery beeesise re- fer els eabserib.re, shell receive • ai 4.11knerseddineed se the Politer moult* Itallt p it« teethe, will est be Lakes seed oke past V tatty sir a*vetr l0. Mallon and seder. fent 1•sort... E0 ! 6 Roth ssba.q.eet isernis. 0 it 7i Tea Ii.ae tad Bader, Ann ia.ertiss 0 3 4 Each .sbtsgsrst I..erties 0 0 10 One ass Kees, tint jennies. per Her, 0 * 4 E ach eebsegt'w 4trrtiee. 0 0 t KT A liberal disesa*t made to thou wee say.rtter by the year. 111•11101111111S 001L111 TELF.ORAPK.—"Bets" tie Karsten." Whe.11.1 Mor Litlbteieg's wear Wooed to sbtureten of wodrr, • w..e'. .wse.d as .4b. ownerced A rMnssed win aaes4.t: Bet what err Mgeteie. srrseagss n om 1 .1.M a Nateti n. Cimmerrd se sewer ken Ele*ies-Cess % .adingreeed despatches 7 The gran selegeaph'a at world A Whin bind r(reppi.6, As if the gime e(pabliea+e Were wow Mob'apperg, Is hood i..Id C.eseetiert— Pe'h.p. he 1.. dose its. I.sewtmg• M bar Linen law. £.4; by ge tittle• IM ire—sena ,sew is the suss: Per is war wenn el tier. The egegr.n dew. b.l.w An b.rh.rl.g eke.wr kters; Awl saMtwA binner raid. T. mon iiia. rrudlse. Am W W1 wlegesplic k n& ranks Mesas saeetl.g sMtnee as firer. Drmod them werali.a &WA Bet whin they wee' t. llechretw. The apeetne tented the sables. Sees srsa.ps hen heavies siege sent.` Aed twine frees regi.« hurley?. Ad boar ..d'y ka.s. wen used Tres Kusa the great Reformer. TM .porteli' Itinerehv Rae mode sew wvel.'leee. Led eriwisa4 have ger wised n h windy eenewssiuse, Ad susdel .ismer dew" b..lsw. Asq.s.deser' *d repliers. Hen rend t\eseesa. sty daub, se be The ass.esusod lies. Wine it will ..p. Hooves Dely kens, The rtes are fast ezteedise. Ad Viaa aces Ded nes used wen 71e spirit world le wean. 7w. ears win 4.1.d sn till .e take • mew a sr'dervi mime. sty. Henn woe keened kis .. tY head. He.sk. bwk air mow la strews. • .4 TUE GREAT AT POSSIBLE ROOD TO 7M GREATEST POSSIBLE NUMBER. (IODRRICH, COUNTY OF HUIROIK, .(C.W.) THURSDAY OCTOBER 1860. AGRICULTURE.s ef twee esteems* importancethan tr t of Agriculture. The e31en1 of ieforatios seeeresry to brier Otto sythia j Irks perfection is lar greeter them le generally eepposed. Tu preaer.e the fertility of tb• tial, to free It. fees superfluous sentare, to cultivate it to the greatest *drainage, to nice its pro - ANNUAL ADDRESS 0► TIM PRM HENT OF THE AGRICULURAL AB- SOCIATION , 3 Te 0. JY.mior. of A. Agrle.frerel Aseeci- sties. is Upper Coasts. Oaget.aaaaP : Owns* M the usespecaod Await .f John %Tetma411, Esq., the the President o/ '►e A.*esiat1on fur the year 1860, the duties of tint sake base devolved open se. tb. First Vlbs Provident of the Association. By the lamented death of Mr. Weteshall, the A..00istioe has been deprived of tk.• ma►ototts of mewl Ys most sneioae supper - sera ; rte Ming reasoned from tbi.eworld is the prow of life. makes the calamity more distressing to his bereaved widow and fart ly, •W .II that pre now be done is to mto- misglo our sorrow with his family and Invade ie d•plortng hie early logs, sad their irreparable f Athwart "ren! meetings the Presides ta is meth year have prepared and delivered valuable aoa enlist addeesees to the 10110- 11... of tho Aerocialion ; in following up that practice, the difficulty will be, is eelec- ttas yuf6eient matter upon ARrieultnnl subjee•• that has sot previously been wree- ttowed .sdfully rsplsta.d by former writers. but to s• le and eosore* 0140. • M4 sa the bi.tury, senesce sod art of Agrculture. something can always he Delos - And that may not prove uotnwresting to the inh.bit.nts of this growing country therefore on so universal a "object s sus' seer portals to Agrieelennl pursuits, we way taker up for the lefomruen of mar farnwag cemwity some parts of a.ciaut history te show that the cultivation of the soil has bots eoeral-wilt the existence of the buena race, and among the ancients the the occupation of the caItivaton of the "oil and the shepherd have been prectified by the moist melds tied ♦o.nnble. The Egepti.as to the days King Phenol' most have attained co*.iderable knowledge in the eshivatws of grain, awn from that time all aloof to the retire .f King Selo - mew the Art of Agrtc*Iture ..n.1 hogs hoe. progressively improving to • veal se. tent, otherwise that monarch could not or- der supplies of Are 6•er, meal rad bailer sufficient for bit estersive hou.ehould, and (or the great somber of artisans and werk- mes employed by him and the Icing of Tyre is Oeuvres and liringing down timber `rem L.eee••., rind tetra, n sloes the sea- coast to Jopp. for the purpose of butldtnj the Holy Temple .t Jertnanm. Moreover. without 04010 r.ferringg to Ho- Jly Writ, we are informed by Josephua, the ewish, historian, in bis book Stb, that at a gnat tent flute by King Solomon to the Hebrew settee on f.iebi.g the Temple, twenty two 1►ousead ales an nee hos- g ad twenty theusaod sheep were provided for lb. octoroon. The sates historian . tutee io the 17th chapter of Asia book, that Eli.ha, whoa called for to fill his holy office, wee pleeghine with 12 yoke of oxen. Pres those passages we any infer *bet Ones were then in very general use i■ tie er'Itteetiee of the sell, ted that drivel• them nod werki., with them was rounder - ed .n honorable semploymeet, practised by the most respectable sten of the times hero- in mentioned. When the Roman Empire was is its full glory and prne,snty the ens and t'etes..t fiwrish.td e • very eminent degree ; Agn- esker...mosget the ether arts. was ear - Tao Uwle Reptid a bre the ilia riwg Pan- reed to great perfection : but spots the diso• rwphl'Tkmee6n a perry 0f St mewed ra.", lotion of that vast empire. agriculture aloe MONO aid amid,... ken finebe ii. sada tha declined, and we base .e very perfect Moto. e.ssaed of -.1. 0 Itlyspaai a make. of very rt, of the Mayen of thio an in Ksglasd ese.i./ye,s11. .lolls', ermeed *rya lorry at monk oiled/sled e ry, bFMn. wen all armed to t►k thof 16th a Comity.. terPlug.,wet.madi.d 1114it,na- Boa Est. Cal"'Tbml tare of .sill. .sd the law' of vegetation'. wen. mad es Asir wap le 70"1•• Wlu. w with philosophical attestants. Afterward' Oce midN' of the rive" *h.y'a k lie welkin ring 8tr Hugh Platt wrote ups the same sub - with keen at Melt weeps inns hod .f free- jest. aloe Messes. Evelyn ad Tal, wires ANL (Are tbey laude/'. tie British Ade. of England, pet forth "shield* works es shay gamed du, b..eh, gad .pie .w..g teelr Agrieelig s an later Sir Johs Si.clare's Im- bue end goer ..... jay, s•IeSlsi w .• cede cif Agriculture bas done moth is si tie art is the king re f Goat • wsays@ m • 111111114.11101,1s • • ass 4,w. *halm ; e.l above alit *tie rd ef Agri- 'aet, waw • isoaiss. e4.p, whist same ie New alien established isEmg1sa through the —ew m . some4 4. fechild R..ii.g, it was imenismotality et tie Det wawa dt@tia- s.ge,11t• 18.. Iyt. aezt 'Y4 ws twllsd •iskd ar patriot se the year. 1791, bdote sn jtsaMsj. u wbsi.61 ,*11I.g New.. mom to beteg the embas done of a(ncoltere Thi Nvw Yea Nim. elemen e a deal cel. maw my rttb's • eyeingoiea•mew t espb.f enwrap Ludt it Is t e death of • awn- le ening the celebrated nett, who by isg 444.4, saserd by veer -esti... er Eerie the their labors Mm bees gnat benefactors to i4�ha the public, it le set Weeded to take from ewbste as teras.' 044 • iaSli•hm•n y the suints of eumerosm usethlabored :e Caftan. e. the anew dal, 'what'. So moos yr -a 'ass r eat use ul Geldenestr w be bare labored is ay trace useful heli ; wear wham n easy elan *sen amen .n n finis r sham dein jay alulios the tate Judge Buell, a si►i- tbc we'.vo k Milofodt' 'Ca't sal.• we w of Ne Usha Slates .f America, remi- maw, y rylsd. •v.Iwr it k beete'a •u' people dust >a she 81.te d New York, who it is me be" *bile n bey butyls-kalpg than'eater' �i linden mow by his writingsod mown is 4evesse the /nominee o'vi- N4 f etas mane err passe ohm hie also culture aenug.i hi. eowirysee ad ether. whae As pa,04'' we mild, is i Werra rwdieg to itis hemisphere thea stay other bean rte sten Sew many pink be puts se an ea the seatiseet of North Amanita. sky.' Agricultural Somietfes p.rticelaoly ibis limbs fir r*sf Ift6 res Ge sew stew Ir. Nation' *irkedIo al A..tiatro. of Upper n's. nem. hie ala smash era M de las.' COMAS. V Imo. liaadd i. peau is Prbil tend• mal a the i.Meiaw of this Previus. ; • f8M sdvutsgee of as ia0tuutne .l thin ae- Musese tree Mta.slm....,A Semen bad sew wl&I he asorrma. ; it any be wmider trade a %anu.. i. PNINdphis bj muKng ed u * jSspa+.m 4., A*ries4ngl kww- rl9M. Ms st.'ed here k ler. belle of M401; ler lag int.Wpat rasa reg for e.esseiges Os "Idph5d 4e seems eon and le og the attend mases of sul- ker A_rI levee eta .y uvatltll kid isproHtag the earth, se s to nee uNskhg hie e►oMlee, Ai stns es- r�ajmrit Ike roost fordo sed 'eminent»• A leets BIM alp► ed lie AMR Ewen het connected with the ireprnve. reg wt� d op Ike MI en, taint the soft, O UM Meek it will male- - ins, may ha eelleend. and If trent swam - HAYNAU AND THE HUNGARIANS. ROCHESTER KNOCKINGS. — W. announced in the Tribune of S•tur- Haynan's rongb-and�tady reception i• we 6•,d eeswthieg coatiaully .series a day, that Dr. Bassett was drowned from the England --or tither, ho. *memory expulsion, the prsesediap.ad dotage of these people who Southerner, oe bet way from Cleveland to via dueoeere_•.ha..basted tee hr.wer. of woe *resist... "*►. mo., ..IIg►Msed .adonis Detroit. Ws did it on good authority, but Bankside to the Out rusk of .ewep•per topica, and revived the pees and ease of the Hungarian war. Nut contest with rating, aeon.se at the Neel expense, to proem* t in polls/led phraseology ludicrously mala - ,he beet in0rumeats of Amphorae', to *•- feet the stock libel! In be the Brest profits :.le to feed them in the moat judicious awe nor and to bring thew to the most advents goose markets, to secure the harvest fa she most promisees eresose. to separate the grain (seal the strew with economy and outcrop, ani; to perform all the otheropera- tione of Agriculture in the most judicious mode., require a greater extent and variety .f koowledge than might at Kist view be fudged requisite. Bet though a /sacral knnwl.dg• of Agri- culture may be diffused over a great coma - try, Nie (owed by experienee abet it cannot M inaterlplly improved, ales by compsr- iee the various practical which wheat in Menem parts of the country. One Dis- trict has been led to pay a peculiar and sec. ces•ful attention to one branch of industry, while other Districts exrell in other par- ticulars of equal importance ; mutual bene- fit ie derived from the communication of suen local practices.' in Zhu way matter of much importance and advantage to the country may be obtained by the General Board of Agriculture of the Province, and when a Profeaorsbip doll Mrs beers "stab li.bee by the Government, connected with (be Board of Agrient►ure, the collecting end diffusing oflowed knowledge in the art will he rapid, beneficial to the growlsg genera. lion, and be tie means of promoting that science to all limes to corse. The Board of Agriculture would also be enabled to collect the best information on the nature of soils. draining leads. manures culture and management of grasses, the best Imple.neole to be used in husbandry and the price thereof, the cultivation of particular plant., rotation of crops,manaes- meet of sheep, and various other matfett- al returns sot otherwree easily obtained. Fres the g.egisphical sit1Nron of Up.. per Creeds, rich ro moil sod favowble its climate, it may be asserted that twos of the possessions of Gnat Britain can be con sidered •o purely an aericnlu'ral coup tj. Being thus favorably situated, and where the numerics! proportion of the in- baetteste aro of the agricultural els•—as trent ever be the ease ie Upper Canada— that community have always the advantage ✓