HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-06-05, Page 18Page 1B The Times -Advocate, June 5, 19511. Phony 109 Lucan Lucan And District News .-wiriegoORINeerisin- Ray Correspondent: Miss i,ina Abbott Flower Group i Homo -&. School ��eorganiz� [Home i SponsorsTeaf I Ricks Officers 1 The annual Blossom Tea, spoil- • Boy Q 1 C Q., i $ The May inceting of the Lu- l Gored by the Flower Committee! Lucan. Scouts were reorganized tion +tos e e and 1d chooclic ol•oau t - of the -United Church, was held i at a meeting in the Scout House itorium last Tuesday evening; in flee church parlors Saturday ,last Thursday. ' with the president, Mrs. Sheri.: afternoon. when Dirs. Cecil Robb; Scout Master is A1r. Harold dan Revington, in the chair. and Air=s. Edgar McFalls re -:Whyte; acting assistant, Keith! Mrs. Calvin Haskell was elect-; ceived at the door.,' ed president for 1958 59. Vice E'rost; instructor assistant, John , presidents are Mrs. Ivan !learn The room was artistically Conlin; troop leader, Frank i and Mrs. George Thomson; sec-, decorated with spring flowers I Egan; :rotary, Mrs. C. H. George; re - by Miss Muriel Carling, who is i Leaders of Eagle Patrol are cording secretary, Mrs. Les Ken i an adept at floral arrangements. ; Barrie Black, Paul Conlin; nedy; treasurer, A1rs. Cecil Mrs. E. M. Cook, Mrs. Edgar I Beaver Patrol, Hugh Conlin, Lumniclle,ellr .el Eric I oun. Boulston, Airs, M. Cranston and! David 1Vhytc: Fox Patrol, firs, Norman Hardy, Mrs. Harold i Graham Thompson, Pat :Egan. 11'Irs. R. J. Diurray poured tea. t Pat Egan and David Whyte - M—. Ribson and Mrs, James Free - Harold Whyte, Mrs. Ben plan taking the Silver Arrow- mail' ny .. uinier, Mrs. H. B. Lang- head Course at Duncan Lake Three members of the staff, ' for:, Mrs. Chas. Sovereign and June 30 to July 5. Mrs. Wm. Allison, firs, Art! Miss Muriel Carling served. Ira. Black and Principal Wesley the kitchen were Mrs. W. Frost, Car Checks Clow showed films: "Belly But- Islrs. John Park, Mrs, Sheridan Over 250 cars were checked terfly-' the history of a butter Revington, Mrs. W. Berryhill in Lucan last Wednesday. Thurs. fly, "We have You Covered" i •and Mrs. Ivan Stanley, day and Friday — double the the cause, care and how to avoid • In charge of the home baking number checked last year. colds, "The Tale of a Tooth - were Mrs. Wilbert Stanley, Mrs. Those in charge of the cheek- ache" showing the proper care Ira Carling and Mrs. J. R. Mur- ing included Constable Dennis of the teeth and "Study Head-! ray. Felling flowers and shrubs Atkins, Mr. Alex Young, Air. Al quarters' illustrating best con - were .i.s. E, R. Pitt and Mrs. Bromwich, Scoutmaster Harold ditions for proper study. Each N. \ :ridge. Whyte and Scouts. teacher explained the use and R results of these films in the , class•room. •43 1111111,1!1I 11nl11111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111,1111111110111111111111,11111111111,111111011111111111III 11116 Hunter-Duvar's Auto SPECIAL June 5 To June 14 • LINE THE CAR • ROTATE THE TIRES e BALANCE ALL FOUR WHEELS For Only X9.95 (Any Parts Required Extra) Hunter-Duvar & Sons Limited PHONE 38 EXETER 11111111111111111117111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111III1111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111,111, Ifs s easy to borrow for Home Improvements Perhaps you are thinking of pointing the bricks., painting the house or adding a sun -porch or extra bedroom. Well, now h the time to do those outdoor repairs and improvements... to get there finished so you're free to enjoy the summer. If a shortage of ready cash is delaying your plans, see your local B of M manager about a low- cost Home Inrprorenrent Loan. 117ith interest at only 65;; per annum, II.I.L,'s are available for all kinds of worthwhile purposes. And they are repay. able in easy monthly instalments. Why not have a chat with your B of M Manager today: ou'll•like his helpful approach to your problems. And Remember: It hen you ask for a loan at the .8 of JI, you do oai ash a favour. tf your proposition is sound and reason. +; n able, there's money for yore at the M ��i n Ranh of :dont treat. tat Miff 1510011$ Bim e e• e s e e• $01! ask for your , ropy of our Rome Improvement-Gon.. ' e n /older BANK OF MONTREAL 74 Sair4 Exeter Branch; 'CHARLES S ITIf, Manager Ceiitralia (Sub -Agency): Open Tuesday and Thursday Grand Bend (Sub -Agency): Open Mort., Wed. and Fri . Gt ditoWench: aimIRWIN,Marmot (Open Tuesday, Thursday and stn Friday 4,30.6 pan.) Dashwood (Sub -Agency) : Open Mon., awed. & 11ri. LIensall Branch:. KENNBTI-f Cl-IRIS'TIAN, Manager t.ucain Branch: JACK STEACY, Manager Zurich Branch; JOlIN BANNISTER, Manager ., .. ,, Wtl81dNt3 W H CANADIANS Thi tVERy WALK Of Ott SINGE 18t7 .:Y..= M 11.1. :M ! ,.e ... 'there was a close race for the attendance. cup .between Mr. Swick's and Mrs. Allison's room, i but the latter won by a fraction 1 of a point. l The third North Middlesex Mu- Astles, 80; Bob Ealoii and Judy Clandeboye 'W.I. trophy, girl A number of records left from sic Festival opened at 9 a.m. Scott, 79. soloist, Julia Clatworthy; River - the Hobby Fair were on display, ; Thursday with Lloyd G. Queen. Open duet, Marilyn Eaton and view W.I. trophy, unison chorus, and a few sold. It was suggested ? assistant director of Music in June Lynn, 80. S.S. No. 5, S.S, No. 1 Biddulph the remainder be displayed at ` Ontario School, as adjudicator, (6 months each) tied; Mason - the Music Festival. As the ? Church Music ville Home and School Associa- records are new they are a real treasurer B iinoun ads the secria eii • junior church choirs, 16 and ation trophy, two-part chorus, bargain at 250 each. under • Lucan United junior Lucan public school; Lucan W,1, concors, Mrs. assisted Clarence `lardy as choir, 81; FIoly Trinity junior trophy, unison chorus Mason - d' airlliday Party' Chis News Iron oeougblin, sotx of Mr, anti 'J7hirty-one Cubs, (.Alc.ela) Mrs.. Mrs. Robert Coughlin, celebrated .Jens Andersen, (Bagheera) Miss. Dais ;twelfth birthday last 'Salm'. ;I'oan 11od.gins -Glad (.13:1:1(1°0;)•t 1tliss day by taking a number of his Barbara Marshall rhes boy friends to :the Soap Box Scout Hall at 10 a.m. last Sat - Oa in Lon on .and to Fairy• urday for a picnic at the river land, Sprint bank.• .flats. Ola returning' to Lucan .ill en' joyed a birthday supper, fel- Personal Items. lowed by games on the lawn. 'Those attending the Social Evening. slat annual at Ivan last weal: The Lucan Legion and Laches Were Mrs Wei Hodgins A1r's. Auxiliary Branch. 5.40 held a 11'illiaiJa Brotitnlee, Dlrli Murray llodgins, Mrs Ira Carlene, Mrs. aoint soeial evening in the Le-. Eric Young, .Mrs. Harold 1i'liyte, gton Hall last Friday. ' •Dir s, Benny Saulnrei, Alrs, Eriviu The evening was spent in lite Scott, Elis, llfitehell ilasketl, Mrs. N. Wasnidgc, Mrs., Frank hardy, llrs Gonion Basting and Mrs, C. C:` Bradford, Mrs. Gus Mackenzie, Mrs. Reg l3awtcnheimer, Mr, and -Airs. J. Cater, and Mrs, Jim Bawtefi- heimer, all of Sarnia, were recent visitors of Mrs, Jim 13awtenheimer's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Robb, .playing of euchre, :bridge, crib- bage and darts. Tile draw for the five dollars was won by Mrs. F. W. Hovey.. At the close of the evening a buffet lunch, which had been prepared by the conveners. Mrs. Dwight Ball, Mrs. R. T. Brum- ' well' and Airs, Tom Weller, was served, MUSIC FESTIVAL WINNERS --This group of children were among the fust place win. ners at North Middlesex music festival held in Lucan Thursday and Friday. Paul Steacy as at the piano. Surrounding him, left to right, are Tour hardy, Gary Reving- ton, Marilyn Hearst, Lynn Arnold, Coralyn Donaldson, --T-A Photo usic Cornpettions Ken=�a once Scho.IFestival Former Resident out `of esliieldss and ineport giving. choir, 78; church choir, 16 en- villa .public school; Bank of iolnient anal over, Holy Trinity Montreal, Lucan, trophy, senior (� and Scl oo dan eRdentgt and Airs. ehgir, 82; Church solo,- Nancy piano, Larry Lewis; Paul's ir•o- Famous Doctor George Paulwerein charge of Bison, 82; Heather Acheson, 81; pliy, intermediate gill salols!, Edna Mary Guest, O.B,E., admission and programs. g alargaret Hodgins, 79. Jo -Anne Ribson and Carole Davis M.D., 74, died after a lengthyResults Spanish Guitar Section (tied) six months each, illness, at the Women's College Class one, unison chorus, S.S. Guitar, 10 years and under, The Howard Kew trophy, in - I Hospital, Toronto, Thursday, No 5 Biddulph, fit; Clandeboye. !Nomas A. Love, 81; Thomas termediate piano, Marilyn Ma - 1 DiDz. 29. Guest was horn al Elgin - field Bi81; S.S. No, 7 Hardunder, BA William Thirto \ anineckeleril well; .Clarence Lewis, Granton, award, vocal duct Judy Scott field and was one of the six 80• Fifteen years and under, and Nancy Kestle, Cecil Lewis children of Mr. a�i.cl Mrs. John Class two, unison chorus, S,S. Gerald Hamilton, 82. trans. and const. trophy, best Guest, four of whom look ani- No. 1 Biddulph, 82, boy pianist in the festival, Nut Hawaiian Guitar Section, 13 varsity degrees. She attended Class three, two-part chorus, Steacy; Lucan Home and School Birr public school and the Lucan S.S. No. 5 Biddulph, 85; Claude- Fears and udder, Leo Dewan, Association trophy, intermediate graduated in boyo public school,81• S.S, No.' 80; Danns Lightfoot, 77; Sk' . boy soloist, Gary '1'ravei•sy; !High School. She years and. under, Pat Claybutn medicine in Toronto in 1910. 7 Biddulph, 78. Mrs, Lloyd Acheson medal, best After four years of general - 83; Hawaiian guitar duet, Vat; •girl soloist iii High Class five, two-part part chorus, ', Clayburn and Donna Lightfoot, : b a School class - practice in Toronto she served Clandeboye public school and • 84• „ es, Rase Marie Hall; Mrs, Art for two years on the surgical S.S, No, 9, 82. Black medal, best boy soloist ( staff of Ludhiana Medical Col- 11-ligh School Section in High School .classes, Larry Class six, girl's vocal solo, 14 Lewis; A,is, Clarence Hard lege, India. years and under Julie Clatwor High. school section, mixed' '' y In World War I she was sta• tlty, 83;Elaine Armstrong, 81; chorus, Medway High School, 1 medal, senior boy soloist, Gary CarolyLambert, 80, 85; girls' chorus, Medway l-lighh! Revington; C.O.F. Court Valen- School, 84; male chorus. Med- Class seven, vocal solo. 12 tine trophy, Granton, senior girl years ;and under, Julie Clatwor- I way Iiiblt School, 84; boy's solo, the British War Office. Larry Lewis, 84; David Geary, 1 vocalist, Marsha Rihson, In World 'War II she served: thy, -85; Anne -Marie % estman, 83; Frank Egan, 82, on the Nutritional Council and 84; Judy Scott, 83, Girl's solo, Rosemary Ball, ! tioned in France, Corsica and England, being one of the first woman surgeons, appointed by Ration Board of Canada. Class eight, girl's solo, nine 83; Carolyn Nall, 81; Judy Nel- Following the war, Dr. Guest years and under, Wendy Elston, son, 80; girl's solo, 15 years and again took up general practice 84; Marlene O'Neil, 83; Janette under, Marjorie Donaldson, 85; in. Toronto and became Chief of Bezzo, 82. Joan Donaldson, 81; Nancy El - Surgery in the Women's College Class ten, boy's vocal solo, 12 son, 80; boys vocal solo, 15 Hospital and did much towards years and under, Paul Wallis, years and under, Larry Lewis, its expansion. 83; Donnie Jameson, 81; Brian 83; girl's vocal solo, 21 years In spite of heavy practice she Lumley, 80. and under, Joan Donaldson, 81; I3elen Hardy, 79. 'Unison chorus, grades ono and two, Lucan public school, 82; Masonvillc public school, 80; Ailsa Craig public school, 79; grades three and four, Mason- ville public school, 83; Lucan public school; 81; Sacred Heart public school Parkhill, 80; cho- rus with descant, grades five and six, Masonvillc public school, 83; Sacred Heart school, Park- hill, 80; Lucan public school, 78; grades seven and eight, Masonvllle public school, 86; Lu - can public school, 82; Sacred Heart school, Parkhill, 77; Two-part chorus, grades seven and eight, :Lucan public school, 84; Masonvillc public school, 81; girls' vocal solo, 14 years and under, Marsha, _Elliman, 85; Ilene Donaldson, 83 Donna. Thomson, 82. Girls' vocal solo, 12 years and tinder, Carole Davis. 85; Janet Kehl, 84; Marsha Ribson, 83, Solos, girls' vocal, 10 years and under, Jo -Anne Ribson, 85; Annie Hendrick, 82; Lynn Arnold, 81, Gir's' vocal, eight years and under, Marilyn Hearn, 83; Jo- sepha Michlel:sen and Carol Schleuter (tied), 82; Denise Rihson, 81. Boys' vocal • eight years and under. Chris White, 83; John 1 lfendrikx, 82; Robert. Suthcr.. ) Mild, 81. Boys vocal, 11) years and raider, Ken !tardy, 85; Gary T)aversy, 84 and Tom I Rarely (tied), 84; Bruce Thorn-, son, 82. .Boys vocal, 12 years; and under, Gary Revington, 83; . Cameron Wadsworth, 82; Dale Hussey, 80, Boys' vocal 14 years I and under, Gary Revington, 80;1 Casey Hendrikx, 76. Vocalduet, girls or boys 141 years and under, Coralyn Don -1 aldson and Marsha Ribson, '83;1' Vickie Eizenga and Donna. Thong-i'I son, 82; Barbara Park and ,lean lttaric Lankin, 78. Vocalduct,' girls or boys 10 years and d undt!r, Lynn Arnold andJo-Anne Rib-, son, 83; Nancy Yelio and l'ath-' trine Kraft,' 79, Margaret Ann' Slater and Marjorie Walsh, 78,1 c Gore v •tom. Vocal douhle trio, unaceom- pany..,ond can only 'Cin Meltday evening 32 nientbers parried, girls or boys, Aiason- be terminated byihi held their 1311r Expedition in ilia ville public school, 83; Sacred pelf, rhalde. United Church parlors. heart school, Parkhill81; Lu. Wire ter lu/f After outdoor games Counsel- can MIMIC sehnal, 811. Vocal inlermaflon loi' !Kap' Ilaskett began the new ensemble, Lucan public sciino.l made further study in Europe, receiving a post graduate diplo- ma .in surgery from the Uni- versity of Vienna. In 1932 Dr, Guest was present- ed at court to King George. V Class eleven, boy's vocal solo, nine years and. under, Erwin Gebel, 82; Kevin O'Connor, 81; David Elston, 80. Class twelve, vocal duet, girls or boys 14 years and under, Nan - and Queen Mary. In 1935 she ry Kestle and Judy Scott, 83; received the King's Honour, the Carolyn lambert and Julia Clat- Order of the British Empire. worthy, 80; Dorothy Newby and During her busy life she served. Laurel Westman, 78. on many clinics and social wet- Class 13, vocal duct, girls or fare committees and hada large boys, 10 years and under, Wen - circle of friends. She was a cly Elston and David Elston, 82; member of Trinity United Church, Elizabeth. Hill. and Patsy Brad - Toronto. ley, 81; Jenette Bezzo and Carol She is survived by one sister, Munn, 80. Mrs. E. M. Grose of Toronto; Class fourteen, vocal double three nephews, Mervyn J. Grose trio (unaccompanied), S.S, No. of Weston, `Lawrence L. Grose 7 Biddulph, 81; C]andehoye pub - of Tillsonburg and Frank H. lir school, 80; S.S.. No, 9 Bid - Guest of Toronto. dulph, 75. Funeral service was held in piano Results Trinity United -Church on Sat- 1 Class 57, seven years, Susan Pleasant cemetery, urday with interment in Mt.l'enning ton, 81; ,Mary Faye Corr, ncr, 80; Monica Herrington, 79; Personal items Eight years, Carolyn Jamieson, Mr. and Mrs. Nicolaas .lZi'ui, of 82; Bonnie Astles, 77; Nine years, Holland, are making an extended Maxwell i:lennick, 81; Tom visit with with their daughter, Mrs. dy, - 80; David Elston, 79; Ten Ed Butler and family. years, Sheila Elston, 82; Ann — please Turn To P'age 19 Donoldson, 81; Maxwell licnnick, 80. Piano (fuel, Under 10 years, Peter Butler and Tom Hardy, 83; Elizabeth dill and Peter But- ler, 80; Eleven years, ,Elaine Winder, 83; Michael Herrington, 81; Ruth Frost 80; 'Twelve years, Marilyn, Attivall, 84; Elizabeth Belton, 88; Patti Stcacy, 82. r•iaiio 13 years, Carol Edwards, 82; Paul Wary, 79; 111th 1 Gar- rett, 78; Fourteen years, Larry Lewis, 84; Gladys O'Neil, 19; June Lynn, 70: Sixteen years, Marilyn Eaton, 78. Piano duet, under '13 years, Carol Edwards, 82; Paul Stcacy 79; Muth Garrett, 78; Fourteen 1 years, Larry Lewis, 84; Gladys O'Ncil, 79; June Lynn, 76; Sit:• teen years, Marilyn Eaton, 78, 1 Piano duet, under 13 years, Patti Steno, and Gary Ieving- BECAusE all haul (en, 81; Bonnie Astles and Paul Revers Accident and Sicknen Pokier are Non.Conc.11ableand Explorer News Cantina. able to offs 6S, the : Las! Werk was a busy Week Policies cannot be for Lucan-Clandeboye 'Explorers,h db t,` Positively NO RIDERS CAN BE ADDED to a Paul Revere Accident & Sickness Policy by the Company after issuance! The Paul Revere Life Insurance Company Canadian Head Office Htrnilton, Cttit. CtIARLES 'E, MCH1lGl•1 London Orantb 260 Gluten's Ave. 1.7204. Biblical Limedition.. Joan While• i hear! was In charge of the candle 1 lighting and Sean Lankin and !Joan Schlueter assiled iii the worship service, Duri,ig the e craft period favors' for ilia Inether and ciattghtel' banquet were continued. On Saturday morning the Ex- Morers Had a successful co8t- Cianger collection. Al 1.30 t k i.n1., 21 Members attended I t t Itticl• 1e grams one, 82; Lucan public t selilool group tivo, 78. The festival closed Fr'ititty eve- ning with all winners present- ing a concert, 'Trophies. and Medals were 1)1'06'01'1W.:LucAft Lions Clitb trophy, junior girls soloist, Marilyn Hearn; Ilearn's dairy 'trophy, junior" piano, (»ar. olyti Jatihioson; , Lltran branch of Canadian Legion trophy, junior boy soloist, Kiri !lardy: E'irr dlosex coiitny 'pally at the Ent- WI, trophy, bay soloist ((Tirol), presS United Church, London, Paul Wallis; x ..n . 1, a . W e _ - 4 $ ,. , •- 71 - . . . e nit u e HERE IS YOUR OPPORTU- NITY TO GET QUiCK INEXPENSIVE RELIEF FROM ALL COMMON FOOT TROUBLES. D &holll PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE WiLL BE HERE Friday, June 13, 11 you have corns, callouses,' bunions, crooked toes, Ingrown nails, Athlete's Foot, perspiring, odorous feet, weak ankles, weak or fallen arches, come in and let this representative of the world's leading foot authority show you how millions of foot sufferers have found quick, inexpensive relief through the use of Dr, Scholl's Foot Comfort Appliances, Rem- edies, Arch Supports. Remember the date. He Charge—No Obligation DON'T MiSS THIS OPPORTUNITY! Smyth's Shoe PHONE 376 DR. SCHOLL'S FOOTiEASER for relief of foot troubles due to week or fallen arches. DR. SCHOLL'S BUNION RE- DUCER relieves shoe ores. CM and hides deformity DR. SCHOLL'S TOE.FLtX helps straighten croaked toes X -Ray Fittings if Desired Store EXETER 1G� + Gw. ;rla for a GIFTP We're proud to offer you a terrific selection of 'gifts for any occasion ... unique • CHiNA pieces , . t !handsome McBRINE LUGGAGE in 1-, 2-, and 3 -pec, sets (you can always buy one and add to it) . , beautiful KENWOOO BLANKETS . , . pretty TOWEL SETS , , „ always -welcome 'SHEET SETS . .. big choice Of TABLECLOTHS . , , And of course, our men's dcpartnient offers CLOTHING GIFTS he'll ap- preciate for FATHER'S DAY, JUNE BUYS IN -BEST BEST FOOD SCHNEiDER'S CHEESE 2 -ib, loaf „111,11,,... MAXWELL HOUSL COFFEE 990 Reg. or drip grind, 1-1b.. tin 91g PEANUT BUTTER !Harry 1lorne s, Mason jar ,..,,,.•.. 35g STUFFED OLIVES Club House, f3•oz, 290 PORK AND BEANS Clark's, 20•oz. .111,,,., 2 for 370 RASPBERRY JAM Wagstaffe1 s, 24•oz. ..,,,,,,,,, 450 KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES 12 -oz. pkg.. . .. .... 25¢, 2 for 490 AYLMER BARTLETT PEARS Fancy, 20 -oz tilts 2 for 65 AYLMER CATSUP 11 -oz. bottles :.. 2 for 35g STOKELY CREAM CORN 15 -oz. tins 2 for 290 'iSSE"T''S ICE CREAM AND FROZEN FQOOS • PHONE 97`4 EXETER OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS 'Tit 10 O'CLOCK •