HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-06-05, Page 15-, — 011 Burners:— ALF ANDRUS tleating, Plumbinq, Sheet Metal Work 403 ANDREW .sT„,ExE.T.ER. pH2RE 719 dilmtmthWAVAVA10.0,s1•IVAIViVRIVAI9M114P/It. MEN WHO THINK OF TOMORROW PRACTICE MODERATION .„"*INW.iitia•MiWrii.14Norti4014WasersVidiSolihilvifO7tfr ,••••„„,„;;:ssis...Ssis...ssiss.; •• ..,sss;WASS",";S:, Toronto Quartet At Town Church Services were held: in the Nu. ;ter Pentecostal Tabernacle; ;dur- ing the weekend whets the Har- ris-Flewett quartet,. Toronto, ministered in swig And mes- sage' The YotithIly 911 Saturday night was attended by young. people; from tipderich, :Clinton, Medford, IsueOn And Exeter with Wanda Metiaren, presiding. Music was provided by organ, Piano, guitar, saxophone ond. Piano -Accordion. The quartet ministered at both services on Sunday with Evan- gelist is Winn -Butler in charge. Star Donates To Residence Exact—Chapter of the Eastern Star voted $250 to furnish a room in the new nurses' resi- dence of South liuroh Hospital at the meeting on Wednesday evening. Orphoh chapter of London with Mrs, A. Castle worthy matron and Mr. J. Thorburn, worthy patron with their corps of of- ficers performed the .opening drill, Mr. and 1VIrs, R. Payne worthy matron and worthy, patron of Strathroy chapter with their of - T ri! Wain St Auxiliary , omen s institute 1 ' - - - - • „ . —cpntiwod .From Page 14 that each new bridge, when Auctions Artic ' • les— - and Make Cents." !erected should have o name plate Airs. Robert Turnbull cOnchlets Miss Nora Creyke, Toronto, placed on it, naming the river. ect the worship service at the representative of the Extension We believe it would add a great June meeting of Main Street Serve of the Departmet. nef deal of interest for tourists Evening' _Auxiliary on AiondaY Agriculture Spoke of the courses travelling through our county to •evening. She was assisted by available and stressed the bad- know the name 'of the river over Airs. Tom Walker and Mrs ership Courses which "tend to willeh they are passing. Wayne Tuelsey develop a more abundant life in Therefore be it resolved that . ' Mrs. Siegfried Klatt: coetrib rural areas."' we request the Huron County used l'w° solos aid Misses Marion Mrs: Harold Wrier, Grand Council to place name plates Id'iuraeltk.er and Eathie Steitb, a . Bend chairman of the London on the bridses throughout this s- Arm, who was seheduled Mrs. Earl Russell auctioned y speak, was unable to attend hav- The •other resolution sera 1Articles donated bmembers of 11 the group. log a previous commitment al Seaforth W.I. reads:- „ President Mrs. Jack Doerr Eleneoe. -Her Message was read,Whereas we, the members condueted the business. A pot by the secretary, *Mrs. A- Ham:1"1Sealorth Women's Institute, be- luck supper was planned for the ton lieve that the majority of rural September meeting to, resUme president Mrs. Des Jareinsi people object most strongly to win!, was a delegate to the Na- , Daylight Saving Time: tional _Convention last fallssaidWhereas stIch time causes Leon -1 la act t es, Women's institute 'had gained a fusion, ineonveniene.e, And even CONCLUDE ACTIVITIES new prestige since the National; longer working houif rs tthe The Evening Auxiliary of rCoanuvenrati joiyn. wouldd a nbneou inncedsoitillihe :, glaelt‘hinePrr. in one room. And the especially he o is de- James- Street United Church Huron as guests of Hurondale In-! Whereas Daylight Saving when ' seyointhcliaidepdotthtetiekSUISilunpipeerr aelthivitt'hees stitute, also the second Tweeds' ! extended into October causes church on Monday evening. miiir workshop for historical re- real hardship to young school is a brief business meeting search would be held in the Le- sheds". gion Hall, I:ensall, June 12. The Therefore be it 'resolved that Lcoenocluwetitenclier,byit wParsesiddeecnitdedMrs first' svorshop- was suggested bY we request the Huron County take the' new study book in the the district convener of histori- Council to give this matter their fall. The September meeting will • cal research, Mrs. Wilfred Mack, careful study, and to consider open with a pot luck supper. and has become athe rights of the farmer, the There were two entries in the town or city dweller could long nounced for the last weelc of permanent feature throughout the province. essential man without whom no The school for leaders, Alma College, St. Thomas, was an - Salado Tea competition for a col- survive. August. lection of grandmothers' quilt blocks, The first prize went to s r Seaforth W.I. and the second to Sorority Roast trict High School teaching staff ncls Activities Members of Beta Sigma Phi Tweedsmuir histories were In Sorority held a wiener roast on Papple, Seaforth announced that of Mrs. William Huntley, Blake, competition and Mrs, Gordon Tuesday evening at the cottage first award was given to Grand Mrs. Howard Klumpp and Mrs. Bend W.I. and Elimville and H. G. Hooke convened the eve. Hurondale were tied for second ning's entertainment including place and Seaforth W.J. was sports, games and. contests. third. Mrs. Harrnon Morton, Aliso. The gift donated by Mrs, Don Craig and Airs. George Wilson, Geiser was won by Mrs. Mel Woodham, were the judges, Reports were given by the sec- retaries of the Institutes repre- sented; 'Crediton, Dashwood, Elimville, Grand Bend, Hensall, Hurondale, Kippen East, Sea - forth and Zurich and also by the secretaries of standing commit- tees. Musical numbers included a duet by Mrs. Harold Bell and, Mrs. Ross .Skinner of Elimville and a humorous trio by Mrs. Ervin Radar, Mrs. Charles Snell, and Mrs. Leonard Schenk with Mrs. Sidney Baker at the piano, all of Dashwood. Rev. A. Rapson conducted the devotional exercises for the af- ternoon 'session. Mrs. Ed.• Lam - pori, president of the Crediton Institute, extended a welcome to w which Mrs. Arnold Kuntz, • Dash- Dash - wood replied. Dinner was served by the Crediton ladies, An invitation to hold the An- nual next year in Grand Bend was accepted. Mrs. .Tames Scott, Seaforth, presented the resolutions to be sent to Huron County Council. One was: --Whereas we believe that bridges in Huron County should have a name plate and ficers performed the closing Dashwood W.I. Mrs, E. D. Mc drill. Quarrie of the South Huron Dis- E was the judge PLAN CONVENTION HERR Plans for an October conven. Eton in Exeter will be made by the executive of the mid -western zone of ,s the Christian Young Counsellors group at a meeting' in James Street United Church Friday evening. ' Rev. Arnold Foster, Toronto, secretary of the Boys' Work Board of the United Church, will attend. Bill Batten, Exeter, is president 9£ the zone. .0 s LYMOUT THE ED It's the lowest priced of all leading cars built in Canada. And that's not all! ,• You get the highest trade-in allow- ance of the year, right now, when you buy a new Plymouth! • You get your choice of 21 models • —all priced lower than comparable models of other leading Canadian cars! • You get at these low prices a full- - sized car with full-sized roomy com- fortable interiors—and Plymouth parks 9asier, drives easier, handles easier than any other car on the road. • You get the biggest windshield, big- gest wipers (and they're electric!) and biggest trunk in the low -price field! • You get Plymouth's advanced Torsion-AIRE Ride. (It doesn't cost a cent extra, yet independent tests show it's superior to "special" ride systems that add as much as $150 to the cost of other cars.) Check plymouth now! You'll never buy more...for less! QUALITY BUILT efoodeliq, tAKE A DeMoNttRATION totitioN,Ame tubt TobAYI Chrysler Corporation of Canada, limited MATHEWS BROS., Exeter • Phone • Yost thryster.Nytitiestit*hritit •if fifer wiFf b Oltatail V liextitte donVitstretiti MSS WI Views Handcraft The program for the May meeting of Hurondale Women's institute held Wednesday eve- ning was convened by the Agri. culture 'and Canadian IndustriesI committee. The convener, Mrs.. Frank Lostell, presided. ' Mrs. Archie Morgan intro- duced a former member, Mrs. Hubert Hunter, Elimville, who displayed her knitted doilies, laces and fancy articles. She answered any questions the ladies asked and gave many hints on knitting and crocheting. She was thanked by Mrs. Bruce Tuckey. Miss Alexia Lostell discussed the motto "The doors of wisdom are never closed." A sing song and contest were enjoyed. President Mrs. Roylance West- cott conducted the business por- tion of the meeting. Roll call was answered by telling "What I left undone to attend this meet- ing." ' Mrs. J. Ferguson gave a re- port of the Officers' Conference in Guelph for which the theme was "The Challenge of Tomor- row," There were 650 delegates. Achievement Day for 4-H Homemaking girls will be held ; in Seaforth District High School, July 3, It was announced that the second Tweedsmuir History work shop would be held in Hen- son Legion Hall, June 12, 10 a.m. to .4 p.m. The course for Senior Leaders training school this fall is "Sew , to Save Dollars and Make Cents." Mrs. William Etherington and Mrs. Garnet Hicks were named as leaders for Hurondale tute. The fall and county rally will be held in South Huron, guests of Hurondale Institute, Members of Huron Crop and Soil Associa- tion will tour South Huron on Monday, lune 16 and will be, guests of this group at the noon hour at the home of Mrs, Arthur Rundle. Events were given by ; committee convener. Mrs, Mervyn Dunn and Mrs. Frayne Parsons were hostesses assisted by Mrs. W, Sims, Mrs.! Andrew Dougall, Mrs. Frank Parsons and Mrs. H. StrAng. The members Hurondois Institute are invited to attend the opening of the now nurses'', residence of South Huron Hos- pital on Sunday. Surgeon's Work Topic At Caven 1 Guest speaker for the June meeting or Ca vett Congrega- tional Circle on Tuesday eVe-1 ning at the home of Mrs. Jack! Porde, WAS Mrs, t. W1 Corbett.; Mrs. Corbett gave an inforMS- live talk about her werk before I her marriage at, the Neurplegkai Institute in Montreal, under the; world famous flour° surgeon, br, Wilder- Penfield, Mrs, Ililion Laing presided And during the- business period tno,neY , WAS Voted for shrubs to he Muted Around th thuttli, Pions were msde, for St Mettle W. G. Cothratio. in Ady at -the cottage at Mrs. aiser. This concludes the meetings until Septexnber. Town Topics Airs, Norman Hackney re- turned home Thursday after being in St. Joseph's Hospital for two weeks for treatment. Mr. John Anderson, of Lon- don Red Cross, visited the local schools and distributed instrue- Lionel pamphlets and posters on swimming and water safety that will be given to each child dur- ing Water Safety Week, June 15 to June 21, Airs. Kathryn Bog, London, spent the weekend with Mrs. J. W. Powell. The Times•Advocate, Arne 5, 1950 Par IS • Be assiire4 of' paint • satisfaction ask for Lowe Brothers High. • Standard.. XXtetior House ..Paint /DURABLE ALKYD FINISH VEXCELLENT HIDING AND COVERAGE 1/FOR EXTERIOR SURFACES OF WOOD, METAL, BRICK, CONCRETE & STUCCO Available in many pleasing colors p, Value in General orroLleo.,bric A 6-\PP/ian cee suivimot CLEARANCE -Au. M prices way down to clear for, hew fai, -Sito cic Roll up, roll up, for the biggest bargains of your life! G -E Circus Days are here in Exeter. And that moans you can buy the best in G -E Appliances at lows low prices. Visit us for Circus- Days! 13 Foot 60. Refrialerator • 67 -POUND CAPACITY FREEZER • * SPACIOUS REFRIGERATOR WITH EXCLUSIVE REVOLVING SHELVES G -E Straight -Line Refrigerator with SPACE, SPACE, SPACE for all the frozen food and fresh food you need! Roll-out drawers for vegetables, butter and cheese compartments . . . and exclusive revolving shelves to put food at your finger tips! ORDINARILY $399.001 4 -Burner Electric RANGE, Automatic Oven Control Regular Price $219.00 CIRCUS DAYS PRICE, ONLY $169 ELEPHANT - SIZED SAVU NGS ON ALL' G.E APPLIANCES! ussell Phone 109 IT'S THE GU TEST SHOW ON E :AL RTH Bring The Kids They'll Love It! Fun and treats for the children, too, while you shop for bargains , a FREEI Christie Animal Crackers and Balloons for all children accompanied by their parents, Visit GE Circus Days At Electric • Your .0E Dealer Exeter ***,.******,****1.**4:1.4.1**********,...*o.togr urse •