HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-06-05, Page 14Pao 14 The Timvs-AcIvocate, June 5, 1958 romote Dairy To Boost Consumption Officials of the National Dairy Council of Canada today report - .ed that one of the most intensive advertising and sales promotion campaigns ever undertaken bY dairy processors will get under way u June. The main object of this June Is Dairy Month sales drive is to boost domestic consumption. of the dairy foods processed from the more than 17 billion pounds of milk which will he produced this year by Canada.'s 0,00n.o0o dairy cows. Well over 35.000,001).0a a year is now being devoted to advertis- There Is Oniy One YOU In The Crowd! And there's only one way lo solve your figure problem. MADE-TO•MEASVRE FOUNDATIONS Let your Spirella figure stylist solve 'YOUR figure .problem for YOU' with a girdle that fits YOU exactly and supports YOU properly. Let her help YOU look look and feel your very best. Mrs. V, Armstrong -89 Anne W. Phone 125 ing by the dairy processing in dustry. Newspaper advertising represents the largest share of this expenditure, followed by radio and television. Over-all value of the products of the Canadian Dairy industry reach the staggering total of $1.000,000,. 000.00 a year. Canada's dairy farmers and employees of dairy plants re- ceive aver 75 per cent of the consumer's dairy food sales dol- lar. After deducting processing costs and taxes, dairy companies are left with an average net profit of only 2 per cent. This country ranks sixth among the milk producing countries id the world. World production of. milk last year reached 60o bil- lion pounds. about 300 pounds per person. In contrast, Canadian production approximated L000 pounds per capita. Of the. total milk produced in this country, butter accounts for 43 per cent, concentrated milk and ice cream use 9 per cent and all types of cheese take 7 per rent. The balance is used on farms. The latest official count shows that Canada has 1.093 butter plants, 356 cheese factories, 281 ice cream man- ufacturers and 98n fluid milk distributors, 35 manufacturers of evaporated milk and 110 plants producing milk powder. In a recent letter to the Na- tional Dairy Council. Miss L. C. Pepper, head of the Consumer Section, Department of Agri- culture, stated— "Strange as it may seem to anyone associated with dairy products we find that public at- tention has to be drawn continual- ly and forcibly to this group of foods which stands second to whatever you make or bake it's always better with CLOVER CREAM MADE IN EXETER CANADA PACKERS •177011117 REPRESENT COUNTY AT OAC—Two girls from this district have been chosen to represent lluron at the girls' conference for 4-H Homemaking Clubs at OAC, Guelph, next. month. They, along with 200 other girls 'from the province, will spend four' days at the conference. Mary Skinner, right, 18 -year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Skinner, R.R. 3 Exeter, has completed 12 club projects and will ree.eive her, provinc- ial honors this spring. Carolyn Oke, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Lorne Oke, R.R. 1 Exeter, has completed eight girls' projects and one boys project, sugar beets. 6 ,, ., ,. , -1r , ---, 1 44.c THIS ,..: ,....... „„.,,,.. Nr TH .1 ).,.._ ,._.. -,.. .... .::. 5. 1 Illy MRS, J. •M, $, ;A AA June. is Dairy Month and we Here is an old. .old reeipe for hope it brings you new menus Scripture Cake .which, it is saki, and dishes which will enable you was a favorite in Colonial flays, to .int plenty of inilk. and milk menps, (a) 4 112 pups First 'icings, 4:22 For old and young, and those (b) 1 leatsipt ..cjitalsees, 5:25, ililt,ob.setwaenen.esisnoinnttialietirioaoilits. asal- {e) .4 30:124!zeretwah. 6:20. people have the good fortune to (d): cops First .satutto,, be really fond of it and -drink plenty sof sweet milk .or butter- (e) 2 clips , Nahum, 3:12 milk to twin ensure balanced cf, 2 cups Ntnbers, 178 nourishment and assist in mani- ig.). 2 tbsps. rirst sanutet, taining good health. 14:25 Yor those a PI" farn3Y will" (h) 1 pinch Leviticus, 2:13 wilt not. drink milk a little strat- egy must be used to gain your ends by incorporating it in a (it . (1 j. 6 aerenii alt, Seasoning, 7s: le le on d 1/2 cup Judges, 4:19. great variety of dishes — every, Oa Chronicles, 9:9 thing from soup to ice cream. Enjoy milk in .custard pie. Custard Pie .1,tT.a.'ovielortbvs We directions of Solo. mon for bringing up a. elitist, 23:14 Line a pie plate with your No i favorite pastry. For the filling ous to wait tiout, 1 k... Now rt case yoyuouarceant0000.euurii; take: scripture. Oka proaucts yoor family 3 eggs slightly beaten thlelersee theyare: in the Bible - 1 lbsp. sugar for each egg (o).•flour; (b) butler; (c) 1/4 tsp. salt for each egg gar; Id) raisins; (e) figs; (f) al - ands; (g) honey; (h) salt; (1) Ilse 2 cups milk vi 1/2 to 1 tsp. vanilla eggs; (j) milk; (k) spices, The Combine :nd pour int directions are "beat him with a o pie , crust. Sprinkle nutmeg over top. Place in 450 degree oven for 30 minutes, then lower to 325 de• gres for 30 minutes more. Have you tried keeping a white sauce mix on hand. to small make up white sauces in a hur- ry? White Sauce Mix 1 1/2 cups pastry flour 1 Ogg. salt Wedding? 1/2 tsp. pepper ,,,wwimmiumm,,,,,,/,,now,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,, ii.CAllAPIAN • I GAS 1: 4. APPLIANCES I : P.• I. RATTOW8c. 1 1 lb, box powdi:red milk Combine flour, salt, pepper and milk powder. Mix well in a pigs - tic bag and keep in covered an l . but not necessarily in the refrig- 1 st r i ct Women s Institute erator, For Medium sauce use 1/2 cup mix and 1 cup water. Heat together until thickened. For thick sauce use 2/3 cup mix and proceed i.n the same way.. mplete Local Histories Mrs. Emery Des ,lardins was Kenneth Johns, Woodham R.R. for 4-11 projects is that a girl- re•elected president of Smith 1; district delegate, Miss Thel-. must. he 12 years of age before Huron District Women's Insti- ma. Elgie, Seaforth; auditors, enrolling for the homemaking tine at the annual meetin.g held Mrs. Letta Taylor and Mrs. H. projects, This is. to be effective in Crediton Community Centre Kellerman, Dashwood; September 1. as the girls start oConveners of Standing Com- their fall project "The Cereal on Thursday. Vice.presidents are Mrs. John mittees: agriculture and Cana- Shelf." McLean, Seaforth, R.R. 3 and dian Industries, Mrs, Harry lior. Miss Patterson spoke of the Mrs. H. H. Strang, Henson, R.R. teo, Hensalls citizenship and Senior Women's Institute Lead. - 1; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Alex education, Mrs. Charles Snell, ership Training as a new von - Hamilton, Grand Bend; assis- Dashwood; historicrl research ture for the extension service. tont. Mrs. Gordon McKenzie, and current events, Mrs. Arthur Last fall there were 77 courses Seaforth R.R. 1; Federated re- Rundle, Exeter R.R. 3; home in rugmaking given and these presentative, Mrs. Newell Geiger, economics add. health, Mrs, women returned to their home- Zurieh, R.R. 1; alternate, .Mrs. James Drummond, Kippen R.R. community and relayed their Crediton R.R. 1; Junior W.I.' This fall the leadership course none in. contributing to good nu- trition. .In these days when a multiplicity of appealing items, both fond and drink, are com- peting for a share of the con- sumer dollar the high return dairy proditib:. _give in health promotion ai,7111r'appetite satisfac- tion must be widely proclaimed." ""htfeett...7;t7.: AA4...,•n•-t-tr- • • MOCOCS904544001,0.4.---.A. Ai4te.AAA.A.,...„..........„.•••••,..! • ,• .,••••," ' 2; resolutions, Mrs. Sam King; 'knowledge to interested women. convener, • Mrs. Hugh Rundle, will be Sow to SaveDollars Centralia, R.R. 1; custodian .of A,- Please Turn To Page 15 Tweedsmuir histories, Mrs. Wil- fred. Mack; public :,:elations re- presentative, Mrs. J. M. South e°11:the' election DE officers was conducted by Mrs. ,J. Hos• sack, Provincial Board director. Mrs. Delrer Skinner, Elimville, presented the slate of officers. Mrs, Hossaek in her address said the highlight of the work of the Provincial Board was the promoting of .the - Officers' Con- ference at Guelph each year in May. The report. of. this year's conference was . given previously by Mrs. W. A. Siebert, Zurich, Mrs. Jackson Woods, Elimville, f• aonrcith.Mrs. Joh'n Hillebrecht, Sea - Mrs. Hossaek announced that South Huron was the first dis- •-•,:meesg: trict to have every Institute •.....-e-s=rg -compiling Tweedsmuir History. ..-- She also referred to the quilt block project as a means of pre- serving grandmothers' handcraft and mentioned a book of rail "4e.stiei fences as anotherlway of record- •.. -- mg community history. The dates for the W.I. Hon- es.*Th-Z-sh day at Guelph was announced by Mrs. Hossaek for July 14 to 18 and the next ACWW confer- encei . s to he in Edinburgh, Scotland in August, 1959. The Provincial Board recommend the appointment of a public re- lations representative in the In- stitute, and in. the district to spread the news of the work of the W.I. and to report all dona- tions of any nature made by the Institute. Miss Shirley Patterson, home economist for Huron, urged all parents and , Institute members to attend Achievement Day in Seaforth July 3. A new ruling Serve a savory snack.. or a cool summer salad with crisp crackers and pats of golden butter, an elegant desseite, and tali., frosty glasses of fresh, cold milk! DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 110 thIside ttre,:r • ttslltesbAett omo arm '14,t' ••.,?'"•: ^A A..:, dt ‘44 • •••:.• 0ollts,r0,110,1 A lie, V' "t a' 't c•tel, 400 Huron Ghoet, Torordo 041:Ste**00-9 Ethers BEAUTY SALON PHONE 18, GRAND BEND For Latest Styling Elinor Wasnidgo ETHEL DESJARDINE Proprietress When Uncle Bill and Aunt Mary ceinti*0 visit—or you visit thorn—toll us about it. We like ta repot tha sial aelivifies of the folks in this distrith 6 Phone 770 THE TIMES,ADVOCATE - Or -me local -tortsspottlont tlizabeth Arden. „ . Ys.,) DUNcon Blue Grass Flower Mist Special Packaged with its own Gift Atomizer worth 100 Iteguiar 3.50 valiie 250 8 oz. with,atomiser 4,00 inve Grose Flower Mist, o lighter version nt Enzolusth Artien'a great classic pert lime imported from France. otlISCR 131110 Grass pusting Powder Beii1ttr1.50ow Both offers for a Umiird litinr 0 UNTLEY DRUG Villa EXETERPhalle SO ',111)e Modern Beauty Salon 314 Main St. Phone 349 HIGH STYLING PERMANENTS IIAIR TREATMENTS TINTING Open Monday to Friday Tuesday and Friday , Evenings VERA KUMPULA, Mgr. PEARL HENDERSON, Prop. PROPANE HOT5ON Photic 15.4 Grand 13.e.ncl St/ 4.11141t11111.11111114.lillitttIMAAMIIIMIRIIIIIMIRMI HUINE Beauty. „Solon Logatecl Cook's \ Hotel, Centralia AIR CONDITIONED DRYERS PHONE 750-W-1 EXETER Mara Cowaru, Prop. Pretty nylon lace, Princess style wedding dress with three-quarter sleeve jacket. Only $26,95 Going -Away Ensemble , „ . 'IV hi t e embroidered linen dress with matching three- quarter length coat. Only $25.00 IRWIN S Phone 474 Exeter , • ' Exeter Dairy • BUTTERMILK • $HOCOLATE MILK • NON-FAT MILK • HOMOGENIZED MILK Drink Glasses A Day! Exeter Dairy Ltd. , PHONE 331 DAILY DELIVERY Ifs Our Second SUNDAY, JUNE 8 FULL COURSE MEALS SPECIAL ATTRACTION Norma Pryde will provide dinner music en the piano from 12 to 2 p.m. and 5 to 5 pa, • Armstrong's. Restaurant 'PHONE SII1 WIRTH ENO tx-ettg, • .1 r A', • E ,•