HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-06-05, Page 130.• .1 Qui" Be As HaOpy As -A June Bride:With • The Tinles.Advecate, June 5, 1958 Pas. 13 hese. .Bargain$. - ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS— ANNOUNCEMENTS — pl.:DOLT. -.Mr. and 51 M. TIttilliOIT VIA 1111 t' r. Grand Demi, Dolour, Zttrielt, atintotnee the is ell 1ertalnIng at a 1404 1414'a tea birth ot a datitzliter, Clrolyn I on SH turtles', June 21, from 2 to 1.1.11411, "at soeth Huron Hospital, 5 in the afternoon and 7 to II In :11:IY 11. 1 115x-ri. sister for Susan.the ev(ning, In honor 1)1' 1141 stcollao. ' (laughter Navvy, whose marriage 1.1....„,10\11".„,stewart „ad imp will lake place on Saturday. 444(4' Sweet) Blackwell, 14.14, 2 'in" 5 are happy tu it or (la tigli t ernt annouee CARDS OF THANKS, t 1,01 •st s'eetit lint•on J11110 " " 1 9 IN a sistrr for Illary. I wish to extend my atimere nP CD ILEA 1* -•I. /cot and ;vire, lirerla 1 ion to my friends an. flnittlreati. (FrIllia 1 Fr ltd. annnum.,. netetilmitra for their many aids the birth of a daughter. Natiey nf kindness while a patient al at South 1 Itiron 1 LW i• SI loseph's I inspital, London.- Mrs. Marie, pital, June 3, 1258-a sister for 1;#(!4 "U. 'rite fitnilly nf Harold ,N, !inlay 1Di', [MY • Mr, anti Airs, 'Doug- wi811 1 (.:0114,PS their shiver, 1 • 4 Ca !berry, 141',j" Centralia, thalliss In all frlend.'4. ileighbours ,iotince. the birth of a dough- 81111 relatives their kitulness, 1. r, Cal Roth, at South Huron help, mulls. things brought to Ito:Tit:it June 2, 195R -a sister the hnuse (luring our revolt he. (01' 141411>4', VaY110 anti Janie. reavenleot, neighbours who new. ELLIOTT -F1i1 1 n ul Adeline 161- 11ott, centralia. ;ire happy to announee the birth of a daegh- ter, Lnis I\1 >', at Vietoria 140s- pital, London. .11:ty 25, 1 9541-a sister for David. 1.1:Nx.1soN—Mr. and Mrs. Ilobert Jennison, (Iranil llon.1, anutinnee t 11£ I) t It ((4' a, von 111 south Huron ilospital, .1 1>>>» 2, 11>144', CLASSIFIED RA7ES 25 words or les 70c More Than 25 Words 21 .Per •Word 200 OFF if ad paid with order Pr by Saturday ,folfowiris the lot ii1Seeti017 SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS 4P' more than 25 Words 11/20 Per Word 50nli,DISPOP .41044ifiedS (Restricted 10 one eelmnin) First Insertion .$1.40 Per Inch Subsequent '.11•17ertiOn7 $1.25 Per Inch Minimum One Inch • lirle.site11--J oh o and Carrie tins - 111 'leo ellierg 1, 1 lro wom- vine, announim I 141, pare arrival of their son. 'Harold .lames at ed with the chores and all• who helped in any way. - -Harold N. George joiteit and family wish to ('\J1 1'('841 their sloven, thanks to relatives friends littl neighboura for kind expressions or sYlimatliy, beautiful floral tri - hates and cards during their hereat ement; with spevia I thanks to Rev. linen, pall- bearers, flower bearers. Or. Gans and Misa Claypole and staff of South Huron Hospital. :moth Huron Hospital, June 4, 'We wish In extend nue heartfelt 195S -o brother for !Carl' 1..`rhall• thanks and appreciation for the alneP111:116 - Mr. and Xirs. John nets of kindness, messages of Plum. 127 Algonquin fl) 'Al" sympathy and beautiful floral Centralia, annomiee the meth of offerings received frolfl our kind a datighter„It4ne1 Lynn. •it friends and neighbours in our I'1'( ent bereavement of a beloved wife and mother, We espeeirilly hank 47114 Rev. 14. • E. liolleY, Women's Assovial ion of Grain( Bend, Dr. Fred Milner, nr, (1. Serimgeour, Mrs,. John Quinliven, Airs. .L/on Stickland, 3* The family' of the late .Taeob Messner wish to expreas their alit - erre thanks to theft' relatives neighbor:1 and friends for the 8N °1411a •7 lbs. '12 07,8., at South 1111>1)4' expressions of sympathy Hum, losoiar, mayloz,s_ shown durin' their recent sad be- reavement, for all the floral tri- m brother for Mac. butes, for the sympathy- eards; 'Alr7CAL.t.lIITUN-7" ‘Ir. and 8418. many 1 1111 11 lts tn those who (toilet- Mc14'a1141411 011. ;4!/11,11 ed refreshments; many thanks; to „ announce the mom the taiih,s who served the m(4al: 04 a 1104),,1/01•12.1as "arP.11", special thanks to Rev. lirotz and South Huron Hospital, .May In Rev. Gross; spechel thanks to 1 4114>41brother for Jackie. Harry Hoffman fo rthe messages 111l1,11) -lir, and Mrs. IL 'W. Read, 10 song and (0 Mrs. Alerrae for Exeter, ammunee the birth of a. playing' the organ; thanks to the snn, David John, at South liu- pallbearers; thanks to all, ron Hospital, June 1, 1 958 - a '14\'>' wish to express our sincere hr°tIler for Bobby, Cathy and appreeiation to everyone who so Steven, kindly remembered Mr. 'Heavers TINNEY Mt*. and Mrs. Ti. L. will) beautiful flowers end yards Tinney, St. Marys, are happy to while he was a Patient 111 Vietoria announce the birth •of theie Hospital and 511108 1' etur 11.111 g daughter. Tanya Jo -Anne, at St. home.-- Mr. and Mrs, 11r. Marys Memorial Hospital, May :Beavers and tallith'. 36, 1 95S -a sister for .ton, Greg, I wish lo thank everyone for Matt and Chris, their visitS, tts, flowers and . 1414IN1'HESTE11, Mr. and Mrs, many, kind deeds during' ins' slaY Robert Winchester, 7! Simeon.. in Victoria Hospital, London, and St., Exeter, annnune ethe birth since returning home. Seecial of a. son, Keith Robert, thanks to the neighbours who helped in any way. - Mrs,' Ross ENGAGEMENTS — . Olte. • Small Huron Hospital, 5l41y. 28, 14)1414. 21,0,1600 - *Mr, and IMrs. David Alcl,eati, Jr., 11..11. S I'arkltiI 4. n non nt,8 the 1)41.4 11 Of a son at South Huron Hospital, June 3, 125x. $1".U41'441t114-T4''0 and Mrs. Tlalph D. mcArtlitir (nee .1_14'1'r/. 1841 Columbia Dr„ 110.1410 ('1411- tI.41i'41 a 11 1100 rit'e I1P 1111114 of their son, Cameron James, The engagement 18 attnnuneed of Gladys Rosemary, yomigest (laughter of Mrs. Alma Dobsnn, of litrkton, 011t., and the late Mr. Montague Dobson, to .Dr, Da\ ht Schaefer, son of 51r. and Ales, Gordon Schaefer of Newton. The marriage, will take place olf Saturday, June 28, 184144, et 2 o'clock, at Iiirltion United Elirkt on, Onte.rlo. 5. 51e. and 'Mrs. Jetties If, Francis, Te.vistoek, announee the eugage- !tient of their (laughter, Jane ),ee, to...Mr. Melvin Harold P414'- 4810111. son of Mr. and Mrs, 'Wil- liam Kelly. Tavistoek. The wed- ding to take Wave Saturday, July 5,Rt. four0.00011, 411 Kt1OX United Church, Tavistock. 'Mr. and Airs. A.* A.bbott, l'illsonburg, announce the engage- ment of their (laughter, Mary Imnise, to 81r. Leo .1. Witme)', son of ,Alr. and *Mrs. W. .1, Wit- mer, .16xeter. The wedding to take place na SaturdaY, Julie 23, 141414, at. 2:30 p.m., in First Baptist Church, Tillsonburg. 3c Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Tolland; of announce the engage- ment of their only daughter. Lola Marie, to Glen Munro Nixon, son of Mr, and Mrs. Dale, Nixon, Sea - forth. The marriage will take Mace Saturday, June 28, 14)1414, at 2 o'clock, In Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, Ont, 5* From myself and members of my' faintly our most slneere and grateful thanks to all those who in any way gave of their sup- port and kindness in the bereave- ment of a, beloved sister. MN" special Clanks to 1 he Ex el er Chapter :122 0.E.15., TrIvitt 'Mem- orial W.A. and Build, Rey, :Nor- man Knox, the South 'Huron Hos- pital and the Diiiney tettneral Home.- Most sincerely, Mrs. W D. Sanders. s; 1111'. .Tames Brock, Credilon, wishes to thank his many friends who remembered him with cards, treats and, visits while. he was a, patient in Mrs. *kleywood's rest home; a special "Thank You" to Mrs. Heywood and staff. to Ink Ecker an(1 to those' who helped In any way. 5c 1 wish to express my sincere thanks • to our, neighbours and friends, the W,51.S. and Ladies Aid of Carmel Church, Nense II, the 'Rebekah Lodge of Exeter for flowers, treats, • cards and visits while I( was in hospital and shier: returning home. - Airs, Perry Campbell. ' 5* We wish to thank our many relatives, neighbours and friends for the cards, flowers and mes- se.ges or sympathy and to those who helpgd in any way during our recent sad bereavernent.-.Mr. and Mrs. Ed, F. Wiliert and family. 5c iiiiiiii I lllll iii 11111111111111111111, Its Dobbs For Dodge '55 Dodge Regent Sedan Green $1,495 '54 Dodge Royal Sedan Blue '54 Chevrolet Coach Black ' $1,095 '53 Meteor Coach Blue iiiiii ....... $1,145 '53 Dodge Sedan Black 41,145 '53 Pontiac Sedan $1,495 Blue • '53 Chevrolet 'Sedan. $1,195 '51 Plymouth Sedan Orden • $ 395 151 -Dodge Sedan . ... $ 495 'Open. Every' Night Until 9 rot For Your CAtiVtnidlite $1,095 4. Exeter Motor gles 44'Prod Dobbs/ Prop,• PHONE 200 NI6HTS 1314 OR 769.M NtinttilfaritnitItitYntnialtritiralltnntlffratilltrittiliffeintrtfillItInnfinntiollitittliffintltilittiffflaMintirk‘ 1 Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday, noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at noon. FOR SALE -- SERVICES—, 25.00 11()WN 11017S the new 810de1 Surge Slither t" t bigger, eastier (*leaned, inside entirely V113 P. .NR`11, 1 11 1$0.1 cont' OXIAlitteb. dllta and 11101S4itre. Same safe. 'Fast °Pug and Pull" tow mill, ing °ail Lovell It•Iluire, phone Wing. ham 3:13 (.0 I 1(1'1.. 5:12:1:1.-'1e HELP WANTED, (`.•0A.111.16 BABY - 1 VIING sPr* MALE HELP 'WANTED 11vPs. 1910" "7' 1';xeler, 2.;1"::9e Salesman or broker lo bold open , and sell lithe lots and t•ollages et 1 our Ilea! Estate Office. 6 la milts 1 mirth of Orand liend. Ontario. Toil must hate a Val eStlia. brok. 1 (es litt•nse. A good business. and SP PAYING 1 Selder. 2181 East Jet* gond spot. See or call owner, ferson, St. Clair Shores. Alieltican. !Phone Preseott beclrilng; silverware; pots and nans; drapes: sealers: crocks; 2 lanai. mowers; pump; sink and other articlea toct 1.tt mention. TERMS: Cash. 21.0Y SMITH, Anetioneer 11.11,, 4 Thedford 11 0:5c AIJCTION SAWE Of Household 'Effects. stone boat; sal? pan n,nd ,p8,1)1:1 1 solgto plow; F. galli; WOVE IOC crate; ladder: rubber tired wheel* barrOw; borze power cradle; pea rake; reaper: linggy; 44 steel water troughs; heavy harness anti collars; light harness; bag 1.ruele; coPper .1tettle; 2 iron Itettiesi hat'. rel .04' nitrogen fertilizer; .111A111 power lawn mower: r agcy.* saws: earpenters. tools; chains; forkt3; shovels, etc. Truck Buys yearxn offered subject to reserve "D are Pe oillited to care for your t need problems with good, spray - I rs and several years experience cliev 1.1.2.-.rot4 Stake nods. Truck 51 Cher I. -Ton Truer with Heavy Steel Jinx • CVSAVA Phone 21444 , Ex Waitresses1 TI Anne Street. Tows Ote EXETER West of Snell ;Bros. Garage Terme on property: 21•1#"* daY or sale. balance in ra) •days. Posses. Mon Olt completion of this con* in the tosioni spraying business. 1 tract% limv high erop sprayer is ex- 1 eeti ,a(g1o sh l w• y haioelulnl-r w0 ZWilil t luesasl eonr,, $1.711 MteV, ,iPNE 14 Cs h aot tn eltsoT-' ecCa l•atehasahr .f o' eunttittyhoe na.e51eoXf elulhasre nd mtt.The abote frm is et4,1' o d orEperionced girls needed for a 190 P•lbe .tt.nt. andimmteentious joltresturant,opcnur %oa'AliPlY>14414414tte and buffet: kiehen table etae, ireeeindef r -t d a m ef too e d t antenna: walnut kiteltn besol S m rtly a i 31 uttyand410anlaroundfastL.onCountY.8m°8m°dPri 5 %p% aIdtt \‘ikiisltt11,7i1011036:3.Exete1.otae RETHER'S RESTAURANTS 22:29:3c LTD. ' . N e s t T at of pEEL Ai11 •01 16V, exeellentmngimed-eoha t'"iit1ltiai111;11111ea4P1")P(YA::;')itraton.Phone 91r-3uric411' .I1414 resentbuildin. 50 tokirtui vryr.vroNs, $l 11 a toll; also No, 1 and No. 2 table pow, - to( s. Theodore Soudant, It.it• 442 1" 10141 C.APONIZINCI and dnon1 and o.. for motel and liousenork, ti rand iiend, plume 44.11.4 or . bee • t' '- NH key Apply 41-2 (4181>41(4181>41nend. 4;24-6:12* phoner 7-r.23II Dhaswood. , pinedale alot):. Ora nit tiond. 3t• FOR SALE— ;I, TONPI(‚4ICCP, Obey, used. A-1 4:21-6,2Se • 1'41141) 1,1414. 1, MAN ,N1 list IlavP $ les ability, Fair %%RAPS, good 1'0411441h1411101111. LOU FFFallei, Phone eeds. as u vett:4 will not stop 1141414,1', 144. 1411.1% 111T. 1104.813 You spray? P11011)' 1,. V, Unearth, 266, for serviee or WAN'I ED — Yout pet! kill If yott have your (mu sidaYer. We will please Yoll with (1311'prices-It, V. .k440144'1111,,p11141,e 266 Exeter . 22:3e .14.N14'0N144 wishing to have -their barns or henhouses 11 11 I 1P •waaltpri ea 11 441,41 Wa t son. Phone 17-1-19 Dustin ond, .,•!,lso grain or ('1)4(1spy:: ng. rufne c nil Rion, Phone 37-r-4 Dash- . OA SI TOYS! Iteayers Basement 104(0 Toytown is onen all year round, ellfts for children's Parties. birth- FOR RENT — (lays ete, for all ages. Beavers a Nits at P "" TC11,X1P PLANTER-- Can supplY smite Seed. Please phone 1-e-3 DRAIN TILE Zurich or call on Harold Dignan 3 miles weal. of Henson. 4 inclt 7 33 per Ai Del'd .1:2.3.44:12' 3 Inch N 14 11(1411 1 .1 ,7') 44,1) ec'tr, :Air 11.1:41:3 A PAIITM 16NI:', fit ruished, utilities 7 Inch 1 1 x per Al Deed paid. frig, 1111404114ione S Crediton. 8 inch 1 75 per AI Dere . 4:1tfc ' Ts, Y's and Elbows in Stock Prices for 10", 13" and 14" on Request RYDALL BRICK AND TILE LIMITED 11t4'n Elginfield Phone 123 Lucan OFFICE EQUIPMENT - Head- quarters for Royal typewriters. Victor adding' machines. We can save you money! Exeter Times- Advovate, phone 7711. 27tfe Landrare 410 a r s, • serviceable age with or withent APARTAIENX, centrally loeated, unfurnished. Apply Ales. Helen Howard. phone 141 114.'.t 01'. 29-5e .44 VA 1L•A 111,E ;June 114, 2.be4roorti upper farm house apartment, edge of town, 2-plece bath; 723 monthly*. Photie 35e. 29:11e APARTMENT - Furnished, sena- rate bath, hot water, utility room; available June 1. Apply Beavers Hardware, plume Stt. 5:221fe I" 1 :NIS 411140k TITARNT, on main 1' loo r, private .entrance. Phone 409-J or 863 Exeter. 5c papers, good , Idehn al f eross-breedingquality , Apply. ;JoH. EQUIPMENT FOR RENT—. I,ester, 1111. 3, Forest., phone 1481.1'- 1 ?A. 29-50 Floor Sanders 107NDLES of old pzxpers, Exeter Thnes-8dvneate. 1.`111-1Ble, 6.70/1 Atlas Cushion Aire Tires with about 11/1(4 ineh tread. Phone. 874 after 6 p.m. 5tic Y01NT1 boat' pigs, half 'York and half Lacombe. APProxinlatelY 2 months old. Emerson Penliale, Phone 92-r-7 Kirk ton. no -c. )1'1 16 0 7r 11. 1144 RANG le, Moffat t, used; Crosley Shelvador refriger- ator; suitable for summer home. Both for $100. Call at 31. 11111 St., EXPI 51.! 3 HOLSTEIN COWS, 3 fresh and 1 springer; also 2 gond erossbreti VOWS for sale. George Poortingo. 6 miles east of Exeter, 1* -mite .tv est. of 11'rit•onlistr. SOME' 14.6*1'141041) articles In- cluding chest erlields, chairs, din- ing .table, stove etc,: also girl's and junior boy's hisycle. Photp Exeter 721, local 227. HONEY ExTRAc"ron, in gond condition, :For sale cheap. Alex '11". Soott, liderton, phone 13-r-134, 3* .PLAY PEN. in new condition. Phone 1-16 T)astrivond. 3c 1 955 CHF,V, in top condition, with radio, heater. etc., very low- privet! for clutck gale; terms can he ar- lan„ed. Apply 472 Albert St, or write P.B. Box 41, Exeter, 512 19144 YORD Customl Ine 4 -door, 32,0044 miles. one owner, excellent concittion; $1,100. Tevr. Hart, 11CAV Centralia, phone Exeter 449-r-12. 11 szrALT, vi•it-xt•cs—Apply Earl Whiteford, Clandeboye, phone 42- r-2 Luca PRIVATE SAI,I6 of household ef- fects, ehesterfield And chair, small refrigerator, bedroom suite, studio cotton, ran:Tette, ches1 of drawers. Plume 212, or apply 24 Huron St„ Exet PI', 50 BICYCLES -Girls', boys', ladies', 111111S. john Nals Bicyle Repair, Ort3erliii6nc11,01, oeSt., phn oe 993-1147, Call 5* CHILD'S SLIDE, 13 ft. x 6 ft, high, excellent condition; prise $35; has to be seen to he aIl", preclat ed. Phone larkton 21-r-1 6, Mel Gardiner, 5* EXTENSION' T All 1,11, 43(41( 431'>'. a )t d 6 chairs, strong and in good con- dition; $14. Phone 322-W-3 Ex- eter. 5* ,44 (E1'44 HARVESTER, anti forage box, new 111 14)87, harvested 42 acres; (44111)4) ('14, 6 -ft. eom bine, motor drIven, lii excellent condi- tinn. Split the farm. William Graeey, 11,14. 2 Springfield, Ont. 5:12:19. SUNSHINE BICYCLE; - 'Balloon tirese good condition, Phone on Exeter. RESTAURANT FIXTURES', ava I - able Ent or after June, 9. .A.pply Retiter's Restaurant, phone 302, Exeter, . • 5c COMBINE, AMA (7halmere with motor, pielom, scour cleaner; 00110 less than 1014 aero, McLean, Henson, phOne 602 -n -l$, 5:12c 30 STEEL BOXES, aluminum painted, approximately hy 1)' by 2', bottom slides, suitable for RtIOW pltrrinses for poultry, pigeons nr any pet stoek: all In perfeet condition Albert tihirrav 143.41. 2 Hensa.11, phone 6143 -r -I 1. 11 10801. MOTORS -12 11.p Eltn with new motor blnek Assembly, 144 44: st, h,p, Ohaninion. sten: both molorit 7I1 good running condition; 14 1st4 1 4- ft, fibre glitaS covered ru(4. abotli, new $352; also 11 fibre glass eoverkl hrffif" SI .\p - ply 1f111'4. >',y Mont, 4419 Algonquin I1r.„ RCA le Station, Centralia. ;le DLCE SHIRT, size 38, new t•ontli. 11011, May bo sten at Brally Cleaners. 3* 52 ST orlTIAR 2m, to good 0011- (11 1 1011. Phonc 621.1.-4 -Ailta Craig. CO1tRINE, ills-tlitaltnes 60, in good rondition, romplete with hae-gor and bin, plekup and new C1084,1' SPIV(' fOl'agt, 4310, Av 1 11 14)1110144401'; 2>04100.1.4(1g 7' I) Ind 01', On 11111114,1', gi'PaRt, fitlinga and nil bath. Also 144426 Altulet 'A' eollne. 14 good condition, :'110:11). A1)1)14' ('10148 (SInge)'leli, '11.11. 2 Zurich, phone 71-1-211 Zurielt. 5. The sailors were iining the docks for the Admiral's insp. 1141vitig passtd down ranks, he suddenly snatched off his tap and threw it at the feet of a sailor. a "That's an incendiary boinh," 110 raPPC(1 Ont, "What are you tt going to do With it?" Sinartly he kicked the cap eVer the Side, Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers Vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc, BEAVERS HARDWARE EXE'VElt REAL ESTATE— MODERN' 1 - floor, 2 -bedroom home. basement, oil furnaee, ex- vellent loeation, reasmaably• priced, Apply 64 Hill Street, Exeter, 5:1 2:1 9c WE HAVE Potential Buyers you have rural or town property for sale, list it with us. M. J. GAISER Real Estate Phone Exeter 24 Salesman—J, Fred Dawson Phone 456-r-6 Exeter C. 1/: Pickard EXETER. 1Ye hat e clients wishing to filtr• otiose Exeter homes. If you n 1811 to sell, see us. 'We are offering; the following and other proPerticat 'WM.1,031.71E:I' brick house 18 1 11 3 acres of land. 071 edge of 16xoter. Good ineation with township taxes, Tidy barn. 0 0 7."P A 16, 2-beclrooni, brig modern kitchen, 3 -piece bath, Ex- tra, bedroom spare available. lull basement. Price S1.500.00. Slightly higher on very easy terms. BRAND N.E117 3 -bedroom home. ( nmpletely modern throughout. (1avagp. May be purehaseil for 10411 eash prom nr on eftey terms. SHOP & APA.TITAlliNT-Geant lo• ea t ion. Suitable foe off ice or shop. Very mom fort a ble 1 tying quarters, tlani be purchased on very easy terms.. A PARTAIENT HOUSES, LOTS and other properties. To fitly or sell, see ('!, PICKARD, Realtor, and General 41141)) ('8141(4, 394 'Main St., Exeter, 1110114' 165 and 628. 11:51fe IN KIPP16N--Insul brick, 44 '(1001'. 7 -room houSe: large lot; low faxes: cheap for cash, Apply 552 St. James Rt., London, phone Hudson 7-88R9. 3 -STOREY HOUSE, large furnace. 3-plece bath, hot and cold water, heavy duty garar,•c. loo ACRES, all tillabio, insulated house, Pull bath, 'furnace, base- men bai•n, silo, drilled well. pressure system; near village; 1441) Ac RES (day loam, Usbni.ne Township, full set of buildings. STIIIPITEN ToW mostly new roofs, 5 Fl (44,8 110811, Mose to school, church, Milli VO Le, BRUSH PAINTING SCHOOLS 4:1 00 Separate tendert; will be reeetved :1;0000(18111'‘Io:o111111s-1.ft(17bootrillv.ill'ilepillioll.tot:poltnib,1:114111:14;t:-; ir!g;. Theo. ubni,l,t1,1;isil4p'8111711t. 111'1=111 104 r jai -Tiro ell fal ‘vat or, fu mutes (OW, attached in Stephen 'l'01>'144111 Ip Selmol .‘rea. garage. acres. e, VIT paint used must he No, 1. 3:3'- Painting to he completed by Write or conle, W, C. Pearce, Allgust 12, 1958. Ilealt0r, EXeter phone 433; 16arj fl 1 S.S. No. 3 Credit 011.-2 coala l'arsons, phone' 507, Fred Cole', nu(SIde and 1 coat inside. AnnlY 'phone 544.11, Saleatuen, MN 110y Einkheiner, janitor, Credit. dn. MODERN 1..storty brick bottse, (2) r.S.S. No. 111 llashwontl-- 1 garage attaelted, .2 bedrooms, Hy- vont Wald 0 Iming SuPer 1et11" ing room, dining 100111, 1, 41,111411. Tone, Apply Sid Baker, Dasliwood. firephiee, foil basement, oll heat,. 0(1, excellent Inettt inn. (dose to Lowtat or any tender not neces. $4'111701, landSeaped. Phone 667 sarilY aCc4p(ed. vier, 44:12l1* 1V11451,111 See.Treas., tes: 181 Creditot1 \YHA' 'til it's too late to have 8(1111' giltin spraYed for Turnip Spraying • Special Equipment For Turnips (11 •1111'Yl'14E, good eond 4( 44)1), 24" wheel. Phone 4 43.J.1 2 Exei pr. 3e Money required 00 first Alort gage, seeurity, at good intern$1 rates, if you have idle funds write giving your name and the amount avail- )] t 11 lot 211-51. cm:. Top cArtalmit--rhone 11,4,. 14-444 or apply T. Lawrenee, rt0AP Centralia. 3c MISCELLANEGUS— EVENTIDE VILLA, a home for • elderly citizens, is now open at 31) Sanders St., Exeter, The Villa is under the management of Mrs. i 1)esjardine, Exeter. 1 Otte BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES W0.51162.7 whit nerd ,extra income. 1 N011' represent 411iros are making • Special Contract .Avallahle —'$311.())) 01' nm" weekly represent - No Payment Necessary Until! A"" ("°s'neties. lim'7"1" territories open in South Huron Crop Sold. rural seetions. Please write Lourien Green. District manager, Hos. 214!, Hanover, Ont. EXETER TURNIP SALES Phone 899-J Exeter or 987-W after 6 p.m. 5:12:19c •WORTH REPEATING - For Sale ads sell it. Tor Sale ads sell it: Poi. Sale ads sell it; res. For Sate ads sell it-whate-ver it is - refrigerator. rug, bed. hies vie, washer, anything at all. Phone EMPLOYMENT WANTED 77n, 1311.11,D A SfelNE business'. Full Dine work with numerous advan- tages. Learn how you 1:11.71 sell 27,0 household necessities and farm specialties, Openings in your 811 1* - 1'0011C1 11SA: T1 ayf d, Brussels, Clinton, Dasitwood, Goderich, Sea - forth. AttraetiV8' way to make nloneY, selling* experience 11 11- nevpssa vy, Write for free cata- logue to T. Gardner, f)ept, S, 0,11. 33, Station C, INIontreal. 5;12:19:26c Lawn Mower Troubles.? Expert repairs and sharpening. We'll fix It right. Fi.8 it CR.'S 'HAIM WA IR E Main St., Exeter 5(t TENDERS WANTED— TENDERS WANTED Township of Stephen WEBBER CONCESSION MUNICIPAL DRAIN Tenders will he received by the Township 04' Stephen on the WP11- ber Alunieipal Drain, Plan, tumble and specifications may be 411(11 t the office of the' Clerk, Wnrk. 4114 commence AA soon as 1011drr 1$ awarded. Tptiflt.1.5 to be in the hands of the. Clerk at 12 n(mn on or before June IR, 011414. Lowest or any Lender not necehsarily accep- ted. JAMES MA.WHINNEV, Clerk 22-5c Hay Township School Area TENDERS The Board of Trusters of the Hay Township School A.rea. are calling for tenders for the follow- ing: A -HEATING: For Sehool No, 2 and No. 1!), Conression 2, )lay. Complete. installation of a pressure oil burning' unit. air conditioning' fan, 3 main cnntrols, necessary tlutts and a 25e gallon olt tank. (These t wo schools have base- ments). 11-.P.1 NT [XII: ?Co. 3 St•hool in- side. 'No. 2 School outside. No. 2 School hall, plastered Part oniY. No. $ School outside. Nn. 7 School 2 rooms inside, wells 01114'. NO. 7 School 1 room inside, walls and veiling. All painting to be Iwn vitals. Ceiling' fiat while and sides light green,' light. cream, (1-NE1V '51.001•': No. le. NPAV AlUnlitl UM roof on north ludo only. No. 4 new roof on north side or 5011001 and on East side ot wood shed. All these tenders to he started and erimPleted in the early part of 411>' summer- holidays. )"or More complete details please contact the secretary. Separate tenders are asked for each Individual Part, renders to be in the hands or the gccretarY by June 10. 6 P.m. Low- est or any tender not necessarily' accepted. lt. W. 1.3rtoi:P^,Nsittn.t.1 See,-Treati., Zurieli. Ont. SC'11001., 11.168 SERVICES- 1t.l'iPri'n.r.;D:' It you al•P not to physical 04' fittithelal condifinn for operation, See (444 for custom - (it I ed truss. ttalisfarttou guaran- t('ed, Huntley's 1)r4ig store, vier. Plf,818 Tf)tiv14t,ot,MI1 in 44411011 1 A. 14XOt et' agent : Iluss611 Electric. liens:01 agent: Ed bink 4>701141144(14 and Heating. PrOttipt photo fin- ishing, 20;5:12:1 11:26* 10011. TVPIT0 TO,Y A If insemination 44„,,70t, 04. yorree informnt fon hone Ott 11 Merlon' t'allie Ttrettl. .142)11n,'144,7 704') colleet ('111)4011 111 2-3441, between 7:811 and 0::110 We supply tem•Ice to top bons or tuo 110137e1i1 ThcrAcY. AYrahlre, tinornetNy, TIrr,wit 1111.1,1;rr15, IL8'1911,t); $))11141 II131'1- 8W199, 7114d Poll, I141'01.01'11 moiled ell. Drellora (order now Sept - and hOrned 11001' 15 0 r 71> >5 1' 11 11(.1.1. '2>111.ed eltielo, nigh 411'4144111r'' 4184118(1 14ox1 Ii,ovnedy, nut! Dual ing Alvscic. 1/11(1•1 11)11./fillr' 01141>1411.itrport zoorl 110111, 119 and .1440 043 11).7'('41$14, tied 111 I44 4 e Chat olitiSts 1Jre4ria, Tho ea:Al lArtlY Chlelt that from Vrie 101414>. 4441ra .tatitlellf EIttOrt bbonts A we. TowNstrry 01e STEPHEN POWER MOWER TM:401n \8:11 4,414 (411 the ('01111011 of the T0 1% 1(11111)3 Or 81" 101811 104' a mounted 410114 4')' 1114111.01, To ru o 1441:48 word travror. movtpt to he equipped \tint n 5 -ft, "Mt bar with lleatY dilly guards Tenders lo' be 111 1 he hawk's of Hu clerk by Noon on Tuebtlay, June 1 7, JOHN' 11101111 ISMV, 11e16> MAINS ^ritAWIIINNEV, tierk •S:1.1,e BABY CHICKS' = ODD ;JOBS, carpentering., painting ete, Phone Exeter 403, 5:Stfe 1 (AVE Y017 ANY' typewriting that van be done in the 'home? if so, please call Mrs, NV, 1. Thomson, iiom, 011-81 Exeter, 5* DOI% 114, wants job for summer on a farm, Oalt CI 11VA tractor. Ex- perieneed. Apply 'Mrs. 1. Budden, Kirkton, phone 70. 5* AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture The undersigned will sell for JAMES GRIGG al Green .Aeres, VILLAGE Ole GRAND BEND SAW,. ,RDAY, :11"8E et :30 41,111. Bed springs and mattress; rned- ielne ealdnet; fern stand; coffee pot: mirrors: (Owe' raek; 2 wash, standa: 10 kitchen ehairs; 4 ((mix- ing chairs: twilight lamp; 4 table lamps; dresser; wood and root cook stove; heat Mg, stove; arra eha ; 44 card taliles; end table; propane gas stove; 3 cots: 4 and 4 hairs; large mirror; kit. P11011 table: small table; 2 veran- dah chairs: 2 leather chairs, red and blue: 2 small lamps: 2 floor lamps; 2 walnut tables: coffee table; walnut desk; china cabi- ne.1; walnut .chair; 3-Pleoe bed, room suite; bedisde table; 2 rags. pink awl brown: 5 mats: clothing coats: window screen with ON. - t1114 fan: 3 tubs: 3 venetian, 111111(18; 4 dining chairs; large cornice board; " large living rnom chairs: wardrobe; bedroom e iair; rant table; he; axe; shov 1; fork; 4 Pictures, small; 2 large pictures; LAKEVIEW HATCHERY LTD. ie',,orll player: small mirror: small EXETER, ONTARIO 2 sa w horses; paint brushes: 14'e have been instructed by 1.11P11 ut e 11811a: graSs clittv'S.• F. 0. Kum s„, co.. Trustee, to It lawn mower; watering earl; root(); • s 11 the cernolete offive and kitchen ('114(141, (11)144141 table. 814441-P • poultry equipment and propertY KEN ZleRELLAR, GORDON IfOOGAIITH, F.xecutors W. E. NAIRN & SON, Auctioneera So Bankruptcy AUCTION SALE TOWN OF EXETER sAerf ftlfLty .#1010:11:),C,1, 14, 195S, a1, J0,00 11,01., 47, VI'. nut; hall tree; ironing board. of the above mentioned firm who BOLAND 13 RINT'NELL, Prop. have entered into Bankruptcy. FILANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer Property and building will he (1.,An.K. EISNER. Clerk offered at 11:30 A.M., subject tb reserve bid. AUCTION SALE Of Fresh & Springer Cows Yorkshire Hogs and . Standing Hay W. E. 'Nairn & Spn will sell by public auction on LOT 22, (10N, 13, BIDDULP)I 1 1111e South of Granton, on MONDAY CV.RAING, J1; 9 nt 7:00 pan. the following: Holstein cow with Hereford calf at fool; Holstein and Hereford t'011 '18043 11 calf at foot; Jersey and Holstein cow with ealf at fool; Jersey cow, springer• Durham Holstein t'n148, due time of sale; litter of 144; Tani and York sow with litter of 10; 17 pigs, S weeks old. HAT - 16 acres of .alfalfa. and timothy hay on field, No Reserve, TERMS; Cash_ 41.1.01<tA2>i.1301711NE, Prop, W. E. NAIRN & SON, Auctioneers CHATTELS: Cash day of gals. On view day before sale from 1:30 p.m. 4111 5:00 p.m. For further information COM tact Ie. 0. EIME & CV,'Trustee 312 Queens Axe., London Dial HU 3-4322 MILTON E. BROCK & SONS, Auctioneers 329 Eleanor St., London 'Dial (IL 1-2320 30 AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects 33 Huron St. 'W., Towx BxETER Holstein cow, dile time of sale: Holstein cows, dtte Durham Holstein cow, fresh; 3 ' • . ' ' S 4.TU1FIDA,1" NE "1 1.30 r chrome Ix it ellen table and 4 110t1S-Tam and 'York sow with Pilairs; dinette suite, table, 4 eliairs and china (•abinet: 2 beds. springs. '2 mattresses; 2 chests; 2 dressers: cedar vilest; matching upholstered chair and chest; Pair of dresser lamps; pair pin-uls lamps; tri -lite. lainp; mats; blan- kets; bridge lamp; drapes; ilnena; end tables odd tables: curtains; bed spreads: pictures: oriental rog, 2x4 12; electric paint sprayer: pedestal basin; rakes: hoes: tools: shovels; mirrors; crocks: seaterS; NOTE -Time of sale 7:00 p.m. . clothes horse; dishes; pots. pans 5c and kitchen ware: girls' bicycle; 2 electric trains; Hely Beaver eleetric saw; Sherlock 'Manning apartment size piano and bench: other articles too numerous to mention. Subject to reserve bid. LEN DILKES, Prop. 'MANIC TAYLOR. Auctioneer cLATI.X FISHER, Clerk se Clearing AUCTION SALE 150 Acre Farm, Chev. ½ Ton Truck Dodge Sedan, Implements Lumber, Wood and Carpenters' Tools 'yr . E. Nairn. & Son will sell by pubtic autclon on Lot 16 and 17, Hibbert, Con. 11, Perth Counts% adjoining the Village of Crom- arty, on TUESDAY, Jux.c 10, less at 1:00 p811.• The farm of 3410 acres, more or less, all seeded, with ares of choice maple, rock elm, soft elm and beech timber: large hank barn, ROx34: strawshed, 811x34: drive shed, 70x9$: all steel ronfs•, 1 12 -storey white brick house with slate roof; furnace; abundance of water; no waste land. A gPod ineation on a main road, 5 miles 5011111 of Dublin: 400 bales of hay. Dodge sedan with low mileage, like new: (they 1,2 ton truck, 1951, 1,000 miles, like new. IMPLEMENTS - )i -ft, Inter. hinder: M-11 5 -ft. mower: manure spreader; .eultivator; disc harrow 8, iron ha rrows; seed drill ; land roller; scalier: wagon and rack: ehrome (hairs; lee box; 3 -piece set truck 15.011,8 set of wicker set; 2 flower stands; 1111.- seales: 3 sets• of sleighs; fanning oletim rug; lawn ehairs; dishes; 111111; grass seeder; turnip drill; What Is It? See This Page Next Week BEST BUY! Good Morning MARMALADE 24.oz, 49' BEST BUY! Clark's 1S.oz. tins BEANS WITH PORK ron 48c BEST BUYI Your Favorite Cereal SHRED. WHEAT 2-35c BEST BUYI Welch's 24.oz, jar GRAPE JUICE 35' BEST BUYI Bright's 49.oz, tin' TOMATO JUICE 29' 1 FREE Bonus. Gifts with the exciting Thrift Wallet Just save those Pink Cash Register Slips! Get Your Catalogue OF WONDERFUL GIRTS N.B.—Nylon Offer Expires June 9 PRODUCE BUYS! Green Beans LEL MEAT VALUES! Prime Standing 29c EACI-r 29c 2 LIUNCI-Itt 15c Always reshl Always Tasty! Rib Roast Boneless Pot Roast Sliced Pork Liver Sliced Macaroni & Cho*t Loaf „ .69c LEI 53c Lt. 29' LL .49c rury s AistuAlltEr • MONDAY TO THURSDAY PlkitlAY 'TO '9 SATURDAY 9 TO. 10 ,•14,0.11.