HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-10-17, Page 4Qtii•
.f Jere. Y. rtstw•.
The seat/ hose wet em Eyelet bombe,
Th. patdre dot woo resits odae.i.g,
Whoa et b br .fd tw4 h Wm we Weana e meet way tate meow ttttsrsteg.
The wed wired timet • WM* tw.ss,
The was himself eae.d hsighi.r shisi...
As themes the p.sb the relear .l easel --
Bu ea. eosin Ratirs s look .ashrioiag.
He posted slang the dewy sward.
The blue -bird tan aloft "geed -morrow!"
Hs ;decked a bed the flower awoke
Asd smiled without ase pees of sorrow.
He spoke of ell shit etered the score..,
11% asses Mist 1.11 .Is route nosed .s,
Weklt tM Own. dewed, nor strove
T. break ..he .aft tress spell that hooted go
eA large wsdaf tot• tCYS for the boot.
• auseM venal sreal.Al0der ;hope
beet, treatise M the *O&M Phalle' hi
Nati, ,.f nte.hteery.,.».•
.1 illi[• awls, oaf Bili for The best.
-and • small ma4.1 sal tRt +•.r the nneu•d
beet, trestle., u,, the •,hke.m Sgh;b(tted to tbo
aeet,,,n of o anulactjr,
" A I. esr.tal aed £45 f.it the
;el a small medal and X10 t;,, rho
-hest, treatise iso Ibe objects eshl►slid k
the 'recites of fine arts.
"Ench treatise must •ccopy, and notex-
ceed, 80 pages of the use of the Sridgews-
tar trratieea.
"rhe society will also award its largo
medal and fib `ernes. for 'he best general
treatise upon fhe I.xhtbitioo. treated, con
mercially, politically, aed etatueally; aed
small inednle for the bent treatt.e• on any
e peeist "t•jocts or elate of object. exhibited.
'r The treattaes for which rewards are
Kier') are to be the property of the society;
and if deemed suitable for publication,
should the Council see fit, they will pause
the same to be printed and published and
will award to the author the eel amount of
any profits which may arise from the pub-
lication after the payment of til. espnnses.
"The treatise. to be delivered at the
✓ ocietv'e house au or before tam 30th of
June, 1451.
'• In eonontieing this list. there is no in
tentioa un the part of the Cot.oe4 to con-
fine the rewarde , f the society to the sub.
Jett. Hamed there. though, for the reasons
given. they du not anticipate that cominu-
eieatiosie co other subjects will be sub-
init t rd.'.
We'i.ten.I wi'h tr,yslerions awe.
atr..ntr fre'i.•.- ,singling with our pleasure,
W. heard this d,r prophetic words,
High thesehI. toe heat now always
Great Ratere'e Prion! thy calm career
With that sweet ottani, on ear'h has eeded ;
Bet who 'hall say for minion died
When, winged (or hr.tee, thy snnl ate.nded!
Advices from Ilantburph state dial on
Om Itch the Milstein erm, made a forward
movement, with the tptenl•on of attacking
the fortified bridge 'cress the Sehlre a'
Wossun.leigThe Danes were driven from
their uniortilled positions at Ko.hbnndroff
and other pnin:a into limit retrenchments;
when they rsnnnnaded the Iinl.teincrs for
about se boor, but without effect, when tt e
firing ceased and ill Holateisen began to
retire. The Dawed thea replaced the bridge,
which they had previously removed, and
crossed over with the Intention of ha
leg the retreat of the Holetelners, but found
them •o sirong as to render it unadruable
to press them closely.
Gen. W illisen took pns.eaion of }taken -
ford, and established his head quarters at
that town, in the afternoon; but was subse-
quently toreed to retire, owing to the near
proximity of the Danish .hips. The army
bivouacked at night, at. points oomewhat in
alliance of their previous position. and on
the follnwimg.day the Danes stilt" declined is.
togive them battle. 'hey reoccupied the
positions which they 1Seld previous to the
advance, and up to the 14th no further
movement had hero made. The Holstein -
ere loot about 130, and the Danes about
170 men.
In Gen. Wrllieen's proclamation he .aye:
"Ws have offered him battle in the open
field, wider the most favorable circumstan-
ces for biro. We have destroyed alt his
field work in ties east,•by Reken(ord, Hohn
and llornmolfedt, and hie camp at Knmhen-
dor& and thus proved that be is not so fully
muter of Schleswig as be gives himself out
to be."
The Germans ware oeeuptd last week,
with the sodden and precipitate flight of the
Prince of bees Cu..). Dispntes having
occurred between the Prince and the ('ham
bar, as to hie right to impose taxes without
the coarsest of the latter. and the people ha-
ving obtained the sanction of the legal tri-
bunals to tbetr resistance of the illegal taxes
imposed by the `overnmeet, the Prince
found the place too bot to hold him and he
The Heathery appear to be getting on
very well w shout the Elector and hie Infat-
uated minister., and it is said to be probes
blsthat other States will shortly follow
their example.
i nag l • . , - . ,tel... y : , , inai w :Ws*,
t+.i +phswu e/}"
a da. rues tieliwemaNnblls ANN Aga of Led'. Ws 6Nsls1
r Lice... t r . poet.; eV Altabe
►.n test se be IM$ 1* TL'TLE, dazed the 4 b Ab
til a 1'x49 1 am authorized to dlepsls all biota&1t Ol 1
.l)esi.d tt Stn at • tR .eti.P'1sf, A'••
,im• tory *saes aed ware, 'ikk a. a. Nu Ibex Tow oeh.ps,'. to coat Tole-Lee%'be ''9
M. e.Aleei all NNW, Ilse base
ileeuc. 44 a 1 hhlew nit.. *Im. h.ttitiiki'• sod to •newt DisoMeges I' r a►eased:-.aM 1 l_
I. -
troth w.tb hist, an parsipd WO; eron"sla•,, merest rest ad wa
perl.eleirted Si thrpid t
1b' 'Staub' NW bit IM.SIe mei - irri714 Ifanw de Toll*, EMw+enb to *utas en tbmi►
Lead have sere ea s.. Heat boos: epulis debts
. p
v t'b + TJI08. ftUi:li(;E:R JQ
Hi .resp the toed tihe.d.. t(;Ntslrrieb, 8th Ma,, 18* av-el Aad with lighted*. 1'M play, .ch 4/mer
I'II ,sed earth wader,
Nvw Yeah. Srp'cinber 3O, P. M•
The steamship I'htiedelphia left Chagree
no the 9th Inst., with California news to
the ISth. The fh•Indelph,i brings one
million duller. in gold, and 100 passengers.
When the Philadelphia left Chagres there
were some few eases of the pretntllog dig/
ease, which. however, were eooflted almost
entirely to the native population. No feare
need be felt by those wishing to cross the
Isthmus, as with proper attention to health,
there is little if any danger.
The fine steamer Carolina end Columba.,
from San Francisco, had both arrived at
Panama. The Carolina brings down the
Oregon and California mails, and $170,
194 in gold dust on freight and 75 passes
ger.. Not a single case of sickness of any
kind had occured on either of these stea-
mers; they both stopped at Acapulco, which
place, we are told, is as healthy ae it ever
A correspondent of the St. Louie Pepsd
limo, writing from California, closes with
this advice:-
' Advise all your friends not to come to
Cihfornia, but to content themselves with
the prosperity {bet enjoy where they are,
and be wise. 1Vhat e•itt heroine f the
thousands who reach here this fell, 1 can-
not tell. There are e000gb here now for
all the gold to be obtaoed, and the largest
portion of that falls Into the hands of a few
tacky ones."
Aod kick .t sway
Now, that's altemprtag eessid•reble for ear
mat; however, if be to wIll,sg to amens* the ne
sposubility, aed pay damage,, wile. let Ns
smash away, wr're not afraid. Be emit sem
The re show I'll straddle,
And ride on the moon;
On the ocean 1'11 peddle,
Is the bowl of a apses!
Well, that won't bort anybody. Go cheap, mad
chap; we like to seeming* a lendable spelt of
I'II set 6rs to the (osnotis,
And swallow up the rill,
111 eat up the mounuio,
And be hungry still.
Geld gracious! what a destroutive zed vore-
cieUa asimel he is: Is there no way to ■ppeasr
bis wrath cad stay his stomachi Mort we suf-
fer this. joss because hie oar gave him the sti-
in1es. and took s pities to soother? No, sever.
Down wi:h him, our we, if he continues to cos -
duct himself in this extravagant way.
The rain 'ball fall upward.
The smoke shall tumble down,
I'II dye the grass purple,
And mint the shy brows.
Bea that! A pretty world this would be thea!
We might es well lire in as old boot with a
dirty sole for the earth beneath, and brows upper
leather ler the heaven. above.
The ea I'II pot est,
With the whirlwind I'll play,
Tura day into night,
Aed sleep it away.
There is no doubt that if he cats that caper,
the ens will be as much put out about it as we
shall. We leave it to the whirlwind to ay
whether they are to be trifled with or set. And
as for his tents( der Iota night, aed sleeping it
away, we wield jest as soon he would do that as
aot, that is. if he ca.. But hear his again:
I'll flog the yosn, earthquake,
The weather I'll b. -physic,
Volcanoes P11 strangle,
Or choke them them with phrbisie.
Ob, b.! for shows sow. He dare sot efiseh
the old esrrbgake• sod se be threueoa te flog a
sew one, sod that of the scoter grader. Oh,
yes ootrageoes fellow, why dost yen take es*
of your awl Asd thea hi .ye:
The .on i will smother
Wl;h nightmare and we,.
Fe. 'pmt• at each a/ her,
The stars 1 will throw.
8enes.'.m right -{bey have se bootees ea M XTOT(CE.-The eodrrsigeed by power of
oat when they might be in bed. 111 Attorney dated the 27th day of May. 1850,
Th• risk. shall be preacher., I given him by Thoma B. Woodliff, to enlhet
Tee FAIR passed over quite agreeably. -
There was no quarreling and hardly any
appearance ofdissipetion. 'rhe Corpora.
tion had taken the precaution to appoint
ten special constables as Watchmen, and jn
their nightly per ambulation. they preven-
ted a hotel from being burned by hot ashes
which had 'gaited the barrel in which they
were -placed. It *ill be seen that the Ni-
agara District has kept up its good name
in regard to prizes. Notwithstanding our
caution, several pockets were picked. .,Mr.
Furster of Markham lost a pocket book con -
Ili ring notes of hand to the amount. of
£200 ; Mr. John ilarris lost another with
papers worth £125. A Rochester gent,
had 875 taken from his pocket quite quietly
and a Toronto man had his lever taken on
time, from big vest and we heard of a lady
who had her pocket cut offand carried off.
These countries are viewing the outbreak We think all who came to the Fair were
i') How Cassel with no little anxiety. it I well aecoingodated by our pcblicabe and
is stud that Atiaaru will take aides with the citizens, we only beard one man cneeplai.
Elector. ofbigbiehsipte,hut b(e mouth was one o'
bion F.NCE. the Menthe; and weeoncludedthat whoever
Ftaoa,us been
ocunuee have fluctuated; It la(1 i vacancy of considerable dime, -
but little hu been done during the week.- tionm.t9 dl1.-Nia• gara Mail.
'blr continues abundant, but ire velure• ttMB'hijy'ocresead. Th* bullion in the Bank In7tswrrere !lout Areca.+A let fir to
is . trade lame than £16,000,000. The mar- a commercial batty of Ibis city from Storm
kit ooencd o. Monday at 9fiiand closed Leone, under dote of August 8.1, says:-
watineattoy at d, a.4 oa Friday at I. The British brigentioe-ol-war &dnetta ar-
Canatlabonds 1 to 2 premium. rived ye.terdey from the leeward "mast,earl
Provisions have been in moderate demand will leave for England direct this afternoon,
at rather eanewyrtces. Pork moves more with Informa4oe thpt the I►w! of Dahomv
r,adfly; isles dry new made with diflentry. ba. ordered the wihreittearien end recaptured
} eoe n in void demand at MI p/ioes..7► Waves at"Understowd' to leave the coon,
ipbooldars, fire, are much sought Moron...try tefdinibe Bust of October. If they do
'tie, at realised rete, are now ingniis . & set, fie . that he will behead them til,
fur, Thaea have know, await into, of big b•mwteseing with. the missionaries. Cem-
at eke.,14. Far eke., tMre Is razors inquiry, Weeder Forbes, of the Bonette, hod se {M-
and the market is nearly bare. Tallow hi /MNowwith the King, and as result was
active at sixpence advance. thg tmoediat.80 S51rre of the navel he
The report* from the maaufatturing die- DKfoed•
triet• asinine favorable. Tb. Wsolles Suicide-On Monday night a girl com-
Made W. os.ttloted brisk everywhere. dud mitted suicide in Jail, in this city, by hang.
fee laws sod b otery the demand has nate- ing herself. She had been committed' few
rially ine4Aasd. In tiro cotter dtetriet day. previous os a charge of stealing a
great activity preemie, end large *Mere are wateb.-Examiner.
being executed both for borne and foreign
account. A Dr. Branders, of Erie, Pa., hu come
back (role California, after having Mod•
THE EXHIBITION OF 1801. 4100,000.
The Society of Arte has just igened the
Boerne, Sept. 27,-1 letter from St.
following notice I• reference to the Ezhlbi John, N. H., eays:-..Thirte•o America•
ttow of 18a1r-
" The intimate eoenexiom of the moiety
of Arta with the Exhibition of the Works
of Industry of all Nations in 1851, which is
a ,object of coegratulatioe to the members
of the eeeuety as the successful enlarge
meat of es ides the eogtety bis beg aimed
to s alum, hue appeared to the Cosoctl to
render site/Wier superfluous nay attempt
o• the pert of the 5oorety :o pursue 11. fir.
*Wary contort for Ih••ecourag.sent of art.,
ms.afaeturelg, and commerce by the offs, of
the usual mine for the •ee•io. of *860 aed
"Tb• Corsdl have, therefore, co.swlored
bow they nAght moat usefully apply that
penloe of the revepw of the society to
the ppaa,+treelar are.setaeees of the rear.
▪ "
Wefts Council ars of opinion ,h.' the
moat nab! work these M. node,' eke, and
tan they believe to be letr mile eireihary In
iib• view• rel heir kneel Prseedeet, hie
IiRoyal Netbwen IbmlPv,eo•'Albert; sed of
trier Majesty's Camas renals far the Kith,
Witte will M 1. w ge the pswhdtlse
pbiloeopbld.l tNatisse to tits 6.4n/16 do-
ppwwmw to et the La►abatioa, which Ault eel
bmeh tN .paesiwg edvntaage to be dented
OMR aseh to the awn, saeufaeteroa, aid
areemeereo el the *wavy.
w Causal aeeorditt is the
semi the-Yepiety., N• me and
8 ! the t, tad the .sent • smell
ttudal Mustrod t1. for tin noon hulaIai•Wei
os the &hjowls axbeMtad is the section of
raw untwists aed redeem.
bhi.g vessels are said to be ashore, tea
Cape Breen. Many that rode not lbw- g ppmg
gale haws suffered the loge of riggieg, at the root. suddenly gave way, Whig on
chants and anchors. A fishes. vase', M- bin with each force as instantly to deprive
Innghg to Poetised, Me., has bee. totally !thee( We: his head was literally s.amaked
let, with all hands -fourteen in Dumber. with the violence of the blow. Tboogh
y BEG le imitate te all Mat it may miseave.
I dim I tom seder • Pewee at Amen? iens.
colletit all ;anew due ese eithor by Sete el
limed or otherwise, lied fri161 discharies for 'he
mew. AsJ I hereby Rigout ell wants indebted
no forthwith to settle 'be lain* aad save
JOHN Lamcmirrira.
rJ1 H E lhtbscri bar bimetal bees a ppeoned Agent
by intimates, that be ia prepared to receive Sub-
scriptions for Stock to lb* Proprietary Branch.
sod applicatioe• for Iswresees de the btutsal
Branch, sed to give .eb isformatios on the
subject es may be required.
Goderieb, 9ith Sept. 1848. 2,-a34t.
1 the Lake Shore, end at 8, 8 and 18
ntl'e. from Goderieb, with small Farms at-
tached. Also-ONEIIUNDREDBuildiog
LOTS in the new laid out Towo Plot of
Wicklow, on the 18 mile River, and oo the
main road from Goderich to the flourishing
settlements in the new county of Bruce.
Terms -One fourth of the purchase mos
ey down, the remainder in Four instalments
with interest. Apply (if by letter post-
paid) to the proprietor,
Goderich, March 18, 1850. 3v-n8m6
THE Subscriber begs leave to Worm the
inhabitants of the District of Huron,
an,l the neithbnring Diet trete, that he has
Established himself in Stratford,
and is prepard to give Plans end Specifica-
tions 6f Public or Private %tidings, Bridg-
es. Mill Dams. lite. he. ike., and will take
the superintendence of such Erections, on.
the most reaeooable terms.
His thorough knowledge orbits profession
and his practice as Builder, gneli6ge him for
any undertaking in the line. Address post
Builder, k.c. kc. Stratford, C. W.
Stratford, March 8th, 1849. 2v-n7tf
Th. twee do the singing, all ontetaedfng debts due the late Firm of Miles
Th. oleate 4114'1 be teaet•ers, - and Woodlif, and himmlipersonelly-request as
" Ant the coats en spreeing. immediate settlemeet of ths same or they nil I
Well, that's all right-eso.eh. except geat.isg be elves to the Clerk of the Division Cort der
the comets on a spree -we doo't'like that pretty i colkelioe. BENJ. PARSONS.
Ceoderiab, June 12th. 185,1. ",3a19
much. Our hero concludes ea follows,
I'll tie .p ibe winds A VALUABLE- PROPERTY
I■ a hostile together,
And tickle their rib.
With • monstrous feather.
Ob. tricky! now he'sdooe. We did set think I'VE
Gat subscriber
and SAW r.Mfor SALmtuaE his
iii a the gtawrd of ay nos man to halloo mech.
Really, we ;bink that such a desperate fellow the Township of McGillivray, on the Big
oeght to be eaeght zed pat ,o jut tor halt• Sable, within three miles of Flanagan
week, and saki •riled elm flea, two w- Corner. The Mills ere now to othe bon and
y g. by newly built. The Privilege is the best on
4ai toe., and tom greet sn.t-weed-coom!-Amer• the River, end situated in the best Town-
icaa Paper. ship in the County of Huron -well settled,
and Reads opened in all directions to favour
Mcaoe. -Two brothers named Finegan it. The Machinery and materials are of
were at i logging Be. i. the neighborhood the very best quality, and put up by the ve-
of Lindsay, and after their work was ry ben Machtniete.• For Parpoulare to.
the whiskey the party bad partaken of quire ofJames Crumble, Esq., Galt, or ap-
gas to prodoee its usual effects- quar►elieg ply to the subscriber.
and blows. A very peaceable, harmless PATRICK FLANAOAN, Proprietof.
man, tarried O'Boyle, unfortunately inter- McGillivray, 10th January, 1150. 2v5Otf
fared between the two Finagle* •.d two (l `The Galt Reporter will inagtt the
Twobeys who Mete fighting, end war he- above until forbid.
mediately fallen by tie men kis et
.red badly beaten-
THE Subscriber bees to Miens the lahabitasts
of Goderich and us vici.lty, dist be has re-
ceived a Large Senpl, of the LATEST 1111-
AND PARLOUR i 1 U ...$,
which he offers for BALE at vow
The Subscriber alas kermess bead, es uosl,
at hie OLD STAND, a LARGE aed very Ss -
puler atenrt see t of
TINWARE ()revery deaeriptit n.
The aobeetiber takes this spportssltr sf niter -
Ding his aineere'beaks to the retitle for the very
liberal pat restage he hes received dice he 1166
tweet* besieger' is Gednieh. aed hopes by prier
atteetigs to humane, sed sit.derale prices, to
comma* nee to rvrei re s 'hereof the 611641411a16111111•0
oa u heretofore. WILLIAM STORY.
Godericb, Gib Sept. 1849. 2v-.31 if
tempted to ' ►*Nue
O'Boyle prdptetty made his estop* and lay VA for. vv HriJ . i
down in a dietetic comer, where Fillers AT,the.0aierich/1,ilk. .
iii found him and beat him so severely
1h h Beech slick (which lied bees est to by. ,, iv 'WILLIAM rIPER.
make a broom) that he died .the fellowhg .G•derjeb, ,jtisttsbeei 1849. 46 -ti
•venI R. As inquest was held on the body - .
before T. Bird. Esq., Coroner, mad a mimes.
table Jury, when a vei'diet of WON! Mdreelf ,.
was returned against Timothy Finegan.- RANCH PiM/LEIGH begs mieform hip
The two Finegan' aro lodged in the Gael Winds. and the poblte geeerslly, that be has
in this tows. Unfortunately the maths'( etta.blieked hisrlL.aa the above Villege,ted
did not end here. A young man tamed hepta by .inlet anentioe to the eomforued e -
M'Gltn, while • going to Lindsay for the .et)rnce of Travellers, to merit a' share of their
Doctor, fell from Its bone add hid his leg r if s attendance. GoodStabiles and en dttorptdt el
broken. nal owatime ma. named
ONE within 2 Blies, and the otber with-
in about 8 tall•. of Godeiich Town
Plot. The first is I.GT 10 +a let Conte, -
sloe, Township of Goderich,
I. bounced at the eve end by Lake Hared",",
and at the tether by a Public Road, --and
the 'second i. LOT 8 in 8th ConceuielA
Colborne, W .Division,
and is .trusted at the Junction of two Peb.
iic Roads.
For Particuianappl to
Goderieb, 12th Julie, Idyl. • n9-tf
ru en. a - ,...R tetjell, ilay 19eb,' 3ea1}0
M'Ca M `ting,to & in t`. mirreet a ::._ f..' t.,•.of
w the ural r , was t m from
TRA l r bJCJV,If•s IrQl7iti)ttY
with such ,latents that his life a despaired Se.om tCJJ iR
' purchased the
•MRLA`ICROLT Aoclpwtttowek $king in• s i of Mr, C..1. Wllaoo to tb• above Es -
Mame of the uocertafty .r ieeorr.d In ta►hebnnst, is about to death/me the Busi-
th Township f Levant on Tuesday the nes on his owes rapooa1111 itg. la,retnraigs
litter -
of Peter-boro' Despatei. - Th •eboortber hoeing pa
17th utt. While Mr. Robert Barr, of that that'1• Ib tit Yell oe lief the very Itber•i en -
place, with mime of his family, were ebp- cotiragement reeeipel bg Qua it WlpJs,
gad in clearing up a piece o' new feed. a he bora to intimal,Ella ' 1. w v
tall .tamp, tie remains of a decay d this heal) 00 band aM..rtr.I of Bre p iior
whiei bad been loft standing whey the land patties eon'ut _i -0 U.0 A jq 0 -
war Melo chopped, and which was heroin 7C /iIDC
our, and Stotts '1. -
icon, Scotch & Canadian P
of the most 'Unproved Wnnlds, - it
ROLLERR, Them Lo&, Atiitek',
Rollers, 4•s. TITRASHING 11/$IPNRS
Tww Now Toon Harrra Otrrreonen.- 1110000 00d 8sughter were within a .bort of a •vperinr description to any hitherto
Jenny Lind lest New York der Berrien ea dietaries of tye.pet. nett
h.' of them weave introduced, and better adapted te tali. now•
1Vmfsreday Inst. Tickets for the first con. aware of the .ad secideet until their attire -
Ow ween onld 0t evrn.highor mon than tion wn'srdwe.d by 11th mend of tiro
those paid ie New York, where it will be cessions on the gertb, aed on looking rosid-
I, the Ret chewer. wee beset' by toned their father Deng ostler it, sett*
a better for 111226. It apierars that lbw re. dead. Ha hu Mil a ares f•mity to modelt
ver rune higher is Bost.... lot the fah! over their trodden btlweevemeet.-La.arfi
chosen of rests they. wee kom'k.ddown le Cilhetwr'•
• Ve. atui earned )-• leo E. Dodge. for We have received the first No. of the
8815! rather an ei:revagut dodge we Lanark nor*, , a May. weekly "beet, t
ahesild Hoak. The '.ext elate went fit'lrtgetfe so large its fie $&U.ral Cow
894, the third for 8111, and the, gridsally published et Carleten'Pt.ee, by lir. 1,
fell its $5,411 each....( Mt. 1. Poole, sad os the Relerrs ticket. Lanai%
Co.n..e..osew..Wr: R'w rose iudy tat- N sow oin4 a -head, who darn to doubt 1040
formed • Ceetru i' in P .. teed, that kr ib tbtak of 11.! -loin.. Reform Jour-tti lei
chit small sum of sight tllnuoand dollar., ■01 tkle show the . Srws M ab
'u; ie pro,ngt of Qt. ty, seal well watered. _It is situated exact
mitineet Dr. Louth. heft, is
try from their lightnen of draught, and
strength of . . A cell. from in-
tendrog pnchid%re b requested 'before par
chasing j1aewbefe The above will be mold
at Levi Rata fW'Cadk or Tie, vel
twpo t 611,
rive•DE SOI:'
Mat FARM, beim,
L -CA:MC 28810
• Townf
sale in
march o
easter, a
intellect cad t
] Lind would sing'ler,' 111 that qty•
h a eeruiety that 1 Wite'fAkLeera Sweet .W
f darleh
.t of a frolic on e 000061016.zed OMR*
garotted,a dsfled. o.beodins acgsakita.•o appe.
d emi them. Meelm..d-"sleep we mem-ho
grave new; there ie a foot noting
"4 aisle yety IOWwhy deet," Mil elutb
mea to soother. •Vary likely, brit ( brie
}}sly N1* bowies 1t• my __ppeaatalooa."
Setroversis preen a *eine ldb-,.. t.her
**shee . bottom
tlyhs WhootlaMter, le . •1'roadl As ,to the rss'Rr•1, raid eta tb►tssetittt,of
Jivielo. retake ppaalui llige. Q ere ah *Wig .{• Wide; a se it Mt is thet/istewef
to Hn-aad IN His, ere Ines so- e+jai l65 a popietetirata pt MhaAlt M'ie es-
t• 111e •$,raid getting bis Air., althsngle Narwly f*f i Thorn *{tit of e
is lite pteopeetus M elated 'het the Want atone. w"'afbtl 0Nd'te the
of W Coney was 110 iiddueetsl nit In PA- stymies 1 aN41faisaii4. 1.01
baa eligible
tok lty lttlMtp M bra an .ttolexlua fire .be sold oe
time. • Pm pertle.lah
as far as the peon 10 « .a!'LL rk t. t alt D H t *& :iwd ,
• .i.
w, misers f4
' ir1IS --' i .VPJCM. 'ueis .
PI -y
Aflii $D W. v fhf . sl
61i etul _ -_A t /k C411"."1"11. (lt11C J!'17TDOforAccou TDt '4
Oil. 1, tail. f.iSL
Solicitor to Ckaecery. Cl ' ,
Has hie oSee io West Street, Cod.rteb
Goderich, 2nd January, 1150. 1,-.4Y
sol C , ..elkihr in Chewer?'
Hes his office as formerly, i. Btntftee.
Stestfoid, Sod January, 1801. t' -.N
N. B. -Mr. Sunbelt, of lke late 4ga o.
Straeban k Losers, eootiaoge to est ma
Agent aed Cannel for Mr. Llan le all
matters referred to Wei hos Ptreffoed.
BARR1QTER AT r.4W &c. &c. .44
Tate of the firm o(Heetor, Weller an Williams'.
Barristers. ho.Terosto, having this day mitered'
isle nellsallnetshIP. is the Practice', aid Profee-,
Mal of Law. CuAiciar sad C •,
will ii future keep their Offices at Goderich l•n
Stratford. respectively. seder the sante. atyla
end firm of Wands cad WILLIAM.
Dana Wanes, Goti,
Gaoaua WrtuArs, Straeriehtford,
24th December. 1849. 2,•d7tf
A.d Geoenl Deafen 1 Greenies, Ltpaas,
Adam, 0,1e, Nartsiabee, Dye Steffi,
Hsrdwow, ate.,
Preeeriptioea diepessed with amuse•• sad
pre.plltode. 11"-•15.
W 'LL attend SALES in arty part of the
County on reasonable Terme. Ap-
ply.' his Residence, Light -Hone Strut.
Goderich, April 41b 1849. e -•aa
77tess her. East of W Coeds Ci'a. gr/a,
Ait•nt 2714, 1849. div -a30
Roar aid SHOE Maker, endow W.nt
L of Kr. George %deao'e, Bieckomitb,
hest shaft, Goderich.
April lath, 185e. vats II
*0? A a T PUBLIC,
Cumnzissioner Queen's Bandl,
Ci).HP.4VY. -
THE Snhnriber having been appointed
Agent of the
is prepared to receive proposals for Mew.
ranee, and will be happy to afford to any
per,on the necessary informatioo,,u to ties
principles of the Institution.
Goderich, 3th June, 1849. v2n 9tf
(fear tAe WAarf Coder -m.10
THE above Hotel haft good accemodation
for travellers, Stabling, btc., /we.
The Packet Mary Ann will leave Gode-
rich (wind alt weather permitti ,) regular-
ly twice a week for the Kisear ins 8eN:e-
meat. For freight or salvage apply to
Copt. Rows. at the Kincardine Arms.
.Goderich, March 25th, 1860. . masa
tIIllifT fI! 1.,i1IIil).
PHC l I , criS
The Gita W weSIwere . predawn
dtserta. fee..ehak is.l,le .awe r ah
the &usees+ white . w
t. ewe. Wu reeded the
watt preitlee tit 15.a i paw.ewwy, w www
t y d then. 'Iberia* Wows it thew Gabe 1 tWr geed
weeks testify he dem oM !Mr lari.a rt 11 the 561 df
the e.adaMbs
abi:rear, ylt lt. aCIJat•tstt1_ '
1Y,1ir?U*A. ACO* aril CRROMC:Rr)tt
.1•p M a. ILA..* =IMES.
V aha wet►'d wwl where thus d..aa roma, la. wet
SeMaliu esIr ili ta.asr.ir.w, re alas.. wb ion
ens Rhes ars4te-. onlesemenieremier to lithe* ser..
stuorrs coot..1.441 mous L.Us.w, 1115..
coarlr6arlsg. C In it 11.5005, caws,
Cbl5i1M►t101.' 0YYgwatetret•ee51111mlbank
0111 err *VMos4ei SRO Pallid. a e..
=..k.iwk, wok tai ille
wpftoso d'irsgi.r, psi tMs!'a
wo s* si• n 411lt, * twdrsir eeld'a.war
win ammo, -dew Maas.- .ta be I'M a 1ttt. wetly. W
sees. towed, Ohm .dwitw haw zee .ewe 011erstle •
mem of W dissim-ef w by •.e isolla.- le yer.1Ms-
inS oiKa irty qfJmit.: ,ayZt alater
/ t ar_ ale .Mob
rum • R - rrrvaa J g1rDICs L of
save /irarrz-asWOO*
=e*ncu ♦-L IDla*Ain*fie-.
lesiw Y r era- t wanly Ibr lhals..1 r•iwsyYL
C 0 116.11•661.116.
Na. . #I WTv. Rev vw•tt
• rAd d is gtdar, r 4 010u0,
twat rri ak• as.
M M tr m ♦ tint ire Pte
crass b rest 011d1"INK Ow.
or a7.71indimb irifif»:I l
*we an.. 0.101•11. *' ewe al..ewua
W 0 a mss, ere. hhik, e. eswu areele l
eawalee*Weaser law
Med weilMsttlK,►1•••••aY•
swoprat l IFd 1111.41) .aid
Nli1.1 111kHdr tg I- S 01asps
tet.. to w.Mrlrw.?emypoup 7•, yr
1.'.4' . ` orcAP
doe.Muss 1 W
y se mit
an es -.
sh...ae. she .,h. it a,M watt waves
te awe WOr aesMtit
little IIRr
rru•n. aitiotWOJO.mil.
Gomisrla‘aff4114. MM.
.....a :.....sea -.«. ... . ... .-
‘xTI8HE8 to intimate to the iekaYasste of
YY Goderich cad the oermending essear7
the( be haeemme.ced besiawuCosgepsanr,
General Agent an Acceemeet. aed by amide.
Dos aurones, accuracy, sad asn.mte •iters
hope* t. be 51.1.1 m smith ao ray ...les W
tterrutes. Tbsss whittles is employ him irt city
of the above brioches will pieties eaM es gin
Resisiry Creta, Lighthouse target.
Goderich, 13th Mash, 1140. sloop
rams neer taro
DILE 1II-C61.A"11-
y 11
Ja1. IMA "". • r 11117141
o WM. REIN),
HOUSE .BND SIGN P4,074% eel
95, 1849. . , . . 111.38
karat' r.J
THATHAT tied oil r rr T,anw ettsIR•g ease
lately occupied rel ?edge Arlan, ts-
ralKately oppoalte bl prr..et ,tenial..... 1.r
letms gad fgrtb , I•ra e e1
*LiiZ. #1. RIt6lIr, ll.,*•i.
Dederick, mole, iai0. tthtSS
r9 pretend to att4ad Sake toes psw41t
1 the Dolled 1311••••• •• Dwane Valh> &
Ws terns Apply** the itagaary Attu
Li httnee street.'
edo►leb, Apr8111, team tyles f.
THE-Beb•et'iber bath__.t RENT® tie
log to the Meters. Dmvetdaert,
bee established himoftf
mimeses. 1017 r'titi ititIWWIR,
Any orders ns eommints*'
chant" of Goderich,
Winger, batch, 7: S +•1 ;
H U R O N W;C1' .a
War o
lAt"el ger'-VPI