The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-06-05, Page 811 Pap 1 The Timos-Advooate, June I 1958 10141401,114411OUU00440nOMMOUllti~4mAllmitiMOWM01001MUMAU11,040,111111*U0n04,10.i.,10114ft ; Mensal! 54 tol Store ,.., ! , e C. 1% Christie Prop. r 1 E CHILDREN'S SLIMMER WEAR • Cotton Dresses • Pedal Pushers = i• Souvenirs .. Toys Be Sure To Attend The Fair See Our .Complete Line Of fr eat ures z A varied program of tested at. tractions will feature Hensall Spring Fair and Implement Show ueU Friday afternoon. 11 The attractions which have 'made this exhibition su popular in the past—the feeder calf club, baby show, school parade and, livestoelt competitions — are be• ing offered: again by South Huron' Agricultural Soriety, sponsors of he fair. 1 in addition, the show hoasts greatly enlarged farm, equip- ment exhibition. I Some 25 boys and girls from the area will be competing for feeder calf club prizes and g: handsome array of trophies, in., I chiding The Times -Advocate's 1rose bowl for top finish. ()UV vials predict the gains will eom-• pare favorably with the best in !the past six s'ears of the unique competition. •' The show will start at 1 o'elock with a school parade down the main street to the fair grounds. Besides prizes for the best ! sehools in the parade. the secs' iety is providing individual prizes of $5.00 each for the best boy and girl in the procession. The society expects the 'Irum-: pet band from RCAF Station, eentralia, to lead the parade. I Shortly after the opening comes the popular baby show which lattracts many mothers from the sidistriet. This contest, which is sponsored by Middleton's Drug Store, is divided into two see - tions, six months and under and isix months to one year. In addi- tion to three prizes provided in each class, each entry receives one dollar. 1 McKee Harvester's PA sys- tem will be used to run off the 23 classes of the horse show which features all types from heavy draft to Hackney ponies. While Attending The Spring Fair see us about Plans for A NEW ROOF ALUMINUM ROOFING . . . METAL ROOFING ASPHALT SHINGLES We Can Supply Labour And Material A. Spencer & Son PHONE 102-W HENSALL ittlif1111111111111111111111 llllll IIIIII.1111111111/11111111111111.11111101f1.11111111.1111111.111 iiiiiiiii I iiiiiii 111111111111 iiiiii itil !V1111$11/1111.1111111 iiiiii 111111111111#11111111111111111.1111 iiiii 111111111111111,11111111111111111111,11111M111111 iii 11111j111111/Iiiiii • Treats Are Only Part Of This Year's Hensall Spring Fair Cost& Bros, Millin CO, LTD, Phone 24 Hensall 1.1411111110111111111111111111111111111Witilitii11111111111111 iii i ii 11111;1111111111111111111011111tatattIllt1111111111afitilittalllilwa Offer Over $700 In Horse Classes Another top-flight horse show will be one of the many features of Hensel SpringFair and Im- plement Show Friday, June 13. The best horses in Western On- tario will vie for some $700 in prizes. Twenty-one classes of competition, ranging front ponies to Percherons, will be shown to fair .visitors. Popular Attraction One of the most popular attrac- tions ,of any fair, the horse show has an appeal for all ages. The handsome, prancing teams of heavy horses in their colorful harnesses and spotless wagons bring back fond memories to older farmers who used to lake pride in heir own teams years ago. Tbe smooth, fast movement of the saddle horses and roadsters delight all the viewers as they go smartly through their paces. Ponies and pony teams are in- cluded in the horse show, too. Among those who will appear at the Hensall show Friday are smite of the champions of the Western Fair and the Canadian National Exhibition last year. One of the outstanding features of the. Hensell show is the me- thod in which the classes are ar- ranged. They are so interspersed that the program is run off with- out unnecessary delay. Visitors at the fair will be treated to a fast-movingiexhibition of the fin- est horses n the district. The classes include carriage team, pereheron, wagon team, road team, heavy draft, pony team 44" a.nd under, light draft team, Hackney pony Learn, car- riage single 15.2 and under, hest saddle horse, fine harness pony team, single roadster 15.2 and under, four -horse hitch, single pony under 44", lady driver, roadster single 15.2 and over, single wagon horse, fine harness, single pony, Hackney single pony, Hackney single 15,2 and over, gentleman's turnout, and a palk mino parade class, , "446 04, #04 • • , :Wei& 0.4 • .0t7•0c. 74! '11 ay, C Hensall F. • .4 . A IIMAInatIA11111111411111.1111111111aa1111111111111011111111111111111111i ilmomem111 ell toamillawleamummummilim% ,.., :r5 ."" •. • s • ' VA" At I 44 10'3134k COUSINS WON BABY SHOW—Three cousins shared in the prizes of last year's baby show at liensall Fair. Left to right are John Ross Kinsman and his mother, Mrs. Bob Kinsman, R.R. 2 Kippen; James Earl Ferguson, and Mrs. Russell Ferguson, R.R. 1 Hensall; Jane, Mary Ostler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ostler, e. %4, Vei'ot — • Committee expects some of the fittest horses in Western Ontario to compete at the Hensel!. fair. Because the event comes early and the owners are anxious to Lest their horses in competition, 1,13710. lensall show always attracts hig entry. Prizes loLal nearly $00 The cattle show will feature three purebred beef classes — Angus, Shorthorns and Here- fords — in addition to market cattle and a Holstein section. Society officials hope the grounds will be well covered !with farm machinery for the new implement show which has been I billed as a feature attraction this year. The society expects to 'make the farm :implement dis- ;play a major event and one !where farmers will have the opportunity Lo compare all makes at once, I Earl Dick Cromarty, president !of the society points out that no such opportunity is given far - niers in this area in the spring, 1when it's needed the most. Mr. Diek said Maple Leaf 1 rides will be set up on the Hensall District News —Continued From Page 7 Mr. Robert Drysdale is receiv- Bingo Winners ing treatment in Si. Joseph's Winners at the Legion bingo Hospital, London, on Saturday night were: Roy Mr. and Mrs. Gus Voth and Felker: P. L. McNaughton; Mrs, Jim of Detroit were weekend: Bob Baker; Mrs. .A. • Noakes; Chas, Fattier; Harry Evans, Mrs. Glen McKenzie; Fred Ken- nings; Bill Austin; Wilbur Par- ker, Mrs, L. Noakes; 'AIrs, E. Chipchase; Airs. Mae McLellan; Chas, Felker; Mrs, Glen Mc- Kenzie; Roy Pepper, Mrs, N. • Fair Week Socials! 10.2 CU. FT, DELUXE FRIGIDAIRE BOTTOM FREEZER Freezer holds 78 lbs. Roll -to -you shelf, Plan -A, Door. Has many other outstanding features. Model FD.102 1 Limited Quantity Only $319 00 Save $252.95 SPECIAL Coronado Food Freezer 1 Only -20 Cubic Foot Food Freezert 195$ Modol ' :11-914905. Sale '349.95*. HAPIOWAR AUThOttiZED DEALER DRYSDALE HARDWARE Lill HENSALL grounds to entertain the chil- dren. Welcome To: The Be Sure And See All The Attractions ri a LORNE E. HAY BLUE COAL DEALER Locker Service — Roe Feeds PHONE 10 HENSALL iiiii 'lit mom t11111 iiiii 1111111111,111111111MmilipMmIMMIMIIIIIIIMIIIIMI", all Motor Sales T. Coates, Prop. Dodge — DeSoto — Dodge Trucks SALES & SERVICE See The New 1958 Dodge On Display visitors with Mrs. Voth's mother, • • Mrs. Louis S Baird. • Jackpot next Saturday will be worth $100 in 62 calls. Departing Pastor Honored 13cv, Donald MacDonald, min- ister of Carmel Church for the past three years. who has ac- cepted a call to Burn's Presby- terian Church, Masa, preached his farewell sermon on Sunday morning and with Mrs. MacDon- ald left Tuesday for his new charge. At the conclusion of the serv- ice of 'Knox Presbyterian Church, Bayfield, Sunday afternoon, the congregation presented Rev. Don - aid and Mrs. MacDonald with a coffee percolator, William Arm- strong. elder and manager of ttlitoechurch making the presenta- n. The Arnold Circle. of Carmel Church presented Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald with a foot rest at the manse Sunday evening. Mrs. A. E. Orr and Mrs. William Brown presenting the gift. Personal Items Cameron Henry, son of Mr.. and Mrs. William Henry, Hen- sall, received the degree of Doc- tor of Philosophy at the Convo- cation held at the University of Toronto 'as( Friday afternoon. Mrs. Henry attended the Convo- cation and also visited with rela- tives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Moffatt, Patricia and David of London visited over the weekend with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. D. A. Moffatt of Kippen. Miss Mae McNaughton of Lon- don visited last week with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Peter McNaughton and Robert. Mrs. Men Buchanan has sold her property 00 Alain Street to Mrs. Cyril Cornish of Kineardine. Mrs. Buchanan's plans for the future are indefinite. Rev, R. A. Brook, of Blue - vale, was guest minister at Bated:mid 'United church Sun- dallr.('h ester Lee is a patient. at South Tluron Hospital, Exeter, with a herrt condition and is expected to remain there for a few weeks. Anniversary stIliets Will bt observed in Carmel, church Sttn- day, June 8 at 11 a.in. and 7,30 p.m. Guest minister for the day will be Rev. William Henderson of Walkerton, Airs, Leonard Noakes spent a few days last week with bet I sister and brother-in.law, Mr.1 and Mrs. Jack Peebles and fam1 - Hy, of London. Mrs. Dr, Burley, of Antonin, Mich., and Mrs. Wesley Card- well, of London, visited last week for a few days with Mr - and Mrs. '1'. J. Moffitt. Mrs. Graen iferton !eft 00 Tuesday for Ottawa where she will spew( Et few weeks with her sort -in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Peacock and family, Mrs. Olin Horton go- companied Mrs. Donate to Brockville 011 to Montreal where site will visit with her soft and tlaughtor-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, Stewart Horton and family. Mrs, William Petty underWoOt art 4perallon in St. JoAdPItE HOSPititly "ANION, Ort MotidaY, I always admire the wisdom of those who come to Inc for advice. AND BE SURE TO Take A Ride In The Demonstrator ON FAIR DAY 44. 444,0,...47,4X 8i- 04- 4, . 8 • • • .4" , , , spimenceemememmeemumMIENacini110.1111.111::: uniemaansammemin1100111100111111110001101011011 0111101111limmilenmilill010010011101001101111010inti •61:0Rrjiiiiillatriatain 00111111weam 11 omettehill--= 01 Om 01 0111 01 4114 00 01 00100k. • r.:40..9. Specials • 3-Pce Bathroom Set Only 141/5 1-5' Recons Bath with Overrirn Tub Filler, Waste and Overflow, 1-19x17 Vitreous China Basin with 4" centre set Faucets, Chrome Plated Trap, Close Coupled Closet, complete with Seat, ALL GRADE "A" FIXTURES .44,44414148,...4444 *0.444 ,.4444 xstroir Special! Crane Electric •Giasslined Water Heater 22 imperial •Gallons ONLY .'7500 .GUARANTEED 10CY0 ON ALL PAINTS FF. Soo Ow' Complete Lino Of Glidden •Painis Intluding ROXATONE PHONE 36 'FI 1 numblog And Heatiir PREE ESTIMATES HENSALL