HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-06-05, Page 7Hensall And District News CORRESPONDENTS Mrs, Maude Hedclen, Phone .5 Mrs, Archie MacGregor, Phone 196. 1 V4 It Fight Blaze ernetery Service In h9 Set For June 15 nn y llcnsall firemen worked over two hours Tuesday morning to ex ino,tiolt .a stubborn chimney fire at the .;farm home of Ross McNichol, one and one-quarter Hailey east of Kippen The lie had spread in the wills and pai- titiens with smoke and flames nning out all over and even through, t h e cracks of the shingles on the roof. Although no estimate of the damage has been given it was learned that considerable dam, - age by smoke and water was caused lo the up and downstairs rooms. Shower Mrs. Rodger Veneer, Hensall, was hostess at her home Friday anemone far a presentation for Miss Marian 1)esjardinc, bride- eleet ofthis month, whose mar- riage lo Murray Veneer of Hen- sall. takes place in Grand :Reuel United Church on Saturday,. June .14. Attending the aff,•dr were all first cousins. Miss (irate Johns of Exeter read the presentation address and assisted by Miss Joan Triebner presented the gifts. Luncheon was served with Airs, Len Purdy of Hensall, and; Mrs. Gilbert Johns of Exeter pouring tea, d,ltluf Um111111U,❑1Ot1,1111H1,1u,111110f 8HIMu1,1111111 Two new members, Stanley Kochan and William Clement, were initiated into membership Win Prizes At Opening Same 40 Hensall .and district shoppers won prizes Saturday at the .lune meeting of the lien- night in a draw climaxing the salt Legion Monday evening. nine -day re -opening celebration Meetings foi July and August of Wilson's Drug Store. will be discontinued. C. S. 111acNaughton, newly - Plans ere outlined Tor Deco. elected MPP for Huron, drew the ration service to be held Sun- lucky tickets. day, June 15, in conjunction with Major winners included Elea - the 1,0.0.1?. service at the ceno- nor Veneer, .Hensall, electric fry pan; Ed Corbett, R.R. 1, Exeter, photo gadget bag; Mrs. G. M, Drysdale, Hensall, radar lamp; Mrs. W. H. McLean, Hensall, wrist watch; Mrs, Helen Jaques, Hensel!, overnight travel bag, Other winners (unless otherwise mentioned, address is Hensall): Mrs. Raymond Hamilton, R.R. 6, Lucknow; " Beverley Hamilton, Connie Rumple, Mrs, Garnet Moussea4; Mrs, Dave Triebner, Kipuen; Mrs. W.. H. McLean; Mrs. T. W. Reid, Kippen; Mrs. Bert Thomson, Kippen; Mrs. Alex Hyde, Kippen; Mrs. E. Stone, Exeter; Mrs. Hillard Law- rence, Lorne Guenther, Dash- wood; Patsy Schwalm, Mrs, Joseph Hastings, Dublin; Jim Bengough, Mrs. Alfred Smith, Mrs. John Deitz, Kippen; Toin Fisher, Mrs. Clayton Rozell, L. Kudriatowsky, Mrs. C. Cook, Mrs. Maude Hedden, Jack Hyde, Mrs. Jack •Carbett, R.R. 1, Exeter; Mrs, Maurice Durand, Zurich; Mrs, John Heal, Bill Fairbairn, James Drummond, Kippen; Rochus Faber, Mrs. H. Dayman, W. McGregor, Kippen; Mrs. Harold :Foster, Special prizes for farmers - J'oe Denomme, R.R. 1, Zurich, electric dehorner; Ross Corbett, R.R. 1, Exeter. Crowds during the event, which marked the complete reno- vation of the store, were the largest in its history. Fete Accountant Upon Departure laph at 2 p.m. and service at Hensall 'Union Cemetery at 2.30 for which Rev. Charles D. Dan- iel will be :peeler. 1t is hoped that the citizens of Hensall and dsitrict will attend this service, President William Brown chaired the meeting, • Personal Items Mr, and Mrs. Don Avery of Sarnia were weekend visitors with the tatter's parents, Mr, and j Mrs. Joe Flynn and Joyce. Mrs. Len Noakes visited last week with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Peebles in London, Mrs, Jack Duncan and Barbara of Toronto were weekend visit- ors with Mrs. Duncan's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne .Mc- Naughton, Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Ryck- man and Terry, and Mrs. Roy ftyckman, of Flint, Mich., spent last week with Mr. and Mrs, T. J. Sherritt. nnuuuwunnmm�Ptuuuuuununnuuuuunuulul. The Faiig h F WHEN IN r You Give It Your Support! HENSALL EAT AND STAY at the PHONE 148 �sr ie ci tel Harold Foster, Prop. HENSALL ?,n(111,lltlur111111111nu111111111111111M1111111111111111,11,11111111111111111,n11111,.11,1,1111,g11,11111111t111111111111t,1111111" .,,tI,II111t11,1111,11,1,Ip1,111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,111111111„1ui, 1111111 I1111111111111,1111I1 I IIIIl 111UIf11/, Lots` access to the Spring Foie !fie jure to drop in for a tasty snack while in town for the Spring Fair. Bert's Snack or "The Home of l3romo Seltzer" MAIN STREET, HENSALL .nunnunununuaunnnnulrnunuwuu111nm11n1nf pnnnunnmuunnununnunuunannuuwlanitul. ��t11111111llnitl1111114tI111111f10111uflinntutntlfntunnblmunlllllu,I1111U11II1t111111r111lltflllllllllltOf lrufutnti Y Our Fourth 11.401,011 continues All Week There are litany bargains to be had in all departments throughout the store. 41 CARESSES e DUSTERS • .SUITS • SKIRTS 4, SHORTS • PEDAL PUSHERS . CURTAJNS • YARD GOODS if MOSS • BLOUSES • JEANS . PURSES he money you save will more than pay your gas to fI I rw •iLadies Wean Mitli1M1M11111011110M111 f11111rf11111140lrlrrrrrrftlIrfftrnIMOVrlrnlrnrrrfIIMIrrrrrr7lifrrff IIMIiYr,�Fz1 Hennsal I, °'ri fa l'lo Conrad McRoberts, accountant at the Bank of Montreal here for the past 17 months and who is leaving this Wednesday for Mt. Forest, was honored at a pres- entation at the bank on Tues- day evening when members of the staff presented him with a cigarette lighter and pen, K. K. Christian, manager of the bank made the presentation. ' At a get together of the Hen- sall Kinsmen at the summer cot- tage of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bonthron. at Turnbull's Grove Thursday evening last, Conrad McRoberts was presented with a gift of cuff links. Presentation was made • by president Jack Drysdale. Mrs. W. Wallis School Teacher The death of Mrs. Walter ft. Wallis, 52, the former Oral. Fin- nigan of Nile, Ontario, occurred at her home R.R. 3 Simcoe, Thursday, May 29. Surviving are her husband, one son, Daniel, three daughters, Norma, Marilyn and Edith all at home. Mrs. Wallis taught school at S.S. 14 Hay from 1928 to 1931 and while there she made her home with Miss Flora Petty and her * brother, Mr. James Petty, who attended the funeral held Saturday from the Baldock fu- neral home, Simcoe,owith burial in Port Dover cemetery. School Section Honors Bride Complimenting Miss Donna McBride, Toronto, a former Kippen area resident and bride- t elect of Saturday, June 14 80 s relatives, neighbors and friends met at S.S. No. 14 Stanley on Tuesday evening to shower her with a miscellaneous presenta- T q Tinn Advo stop .. o s .5x 195 Pole . ATTEND THE I wENSALIU SPRING FAIR QN JUNE 13 WE DARE TO COMPARE! Dr. Ballard's CHAMPION D G FOOD 1S -0Z, TINS WE DARE TO COMPARE! Fancy Quality 9 O 0 HOE RED S MON WE DARE TO COMPARE! Deep Browned LIBBY'S BEANS , WE DARE TO COMPARE! LLO POWDE ii WE DARE TO COMPARE! For Salads ZOLA OIL WE DARE TO COMPARE! Salad Dressing MIRACLE WHIT WE DARE TO COMPARE! Purex T'ILET TISSU u2-ciz. ELITTL 15 -DZ. 0 0 0 HAMBUR 2 lbs. 7 CookedHam , , , , � L. Loin Pork Chops L. Cubed Stewing Beef 9g L�. 49c 1IIIIIulll1111„11111I1t11111IIII IIt I,Illlllllll llllfl lltl 1, 111 �,�, 11,1x,111111111, 11tIUIIIIr I111ullIIIIIlII IIlf lllllllx1111I1,rl 111 11 1111 ltq 1111111111'1111111111Ill llr 111 lll1111111111IIIII, , `4„u111utui1„1,1i1fitu1,f11,11,u1,111,1f1111,Itlnini m11111u11f1u11111111,fl,rttuf lu1,1/f„ ninl ltt1fmilm pi The guest of honor was seated in a decorated chair and pres- entationaddress was read by Mrs. Wayne Tuckey. Karen and Kathy Hendrick presented Don- nawith a decorated basket of gifts. Features of the program were a solo lis Mrs. Warren Thorn son accompanied by Mrs. Harold Jones, reading by Gwenneth Hendrick, trumpet solo by Mrs. Clare McBride accompanied by her daughter, Gwen, and a chorus, "School Days," Mrs. Wilmer Jones directed contests and games. Mrs, Ken McLellan and Mrs. Ed. McBride convened the event. Girl Guides Hensall Girl Guides attended. the Huron division :field day at Bayfield on Saturday and placed second in Marks given tor dif- ferent activities each competed in. illi•s..11.arold Elder is captain Off Hensall Guides. Prtrsonai Items Garfield Droderiek has pur- chased die It o nt a of Prank Pierce, Riehmond St, S. Dr. and Mrs. :Hairy Joynt and Judith, Toronto Were weekend visitors With Mrs. Alice Joynt, Mrs, ri.bss Rieliardsoil, Miss Annie COMM, Mrs. Leona Park, Mrs. Alex Mcl3cath and Miss Maybelle Whiteman attended the Past Grand's social, evening last `W'ednesday, When they were eii• lettained at the (game of Mts. Mary Sutter, In Clinton. Mr. end. Mrs. Clareuefe o!" '.t'nronto `veru weekend visitors Lvitlt their w:unl, Mrs. Mtn ltichanan. *Please Turn To Page 8 FREEZER BUYS Libby's Kernel Corn 12.02. PKG. 0 R Libby's Orange Juke 6.021 TINS 0 R c ?41111111i1111fiItl141f11htit11111111r1rrtr,11r11rf11r11p11f11pr11❑11111f111rr1ir,ID4111f1111Ot11I, 1, 11u11111111111Ylfllfr d� 4 3 O 0 . 0 O 0 e 0 4 �#.is•��l�l�.,f ANANAS TOMATOES GREEN BEANS SPINACH TEXAS ONIONS Gold Medal 1 0 H 39c Half Tins 29c g 37, r 0 R 26c 69e 37' 9c L. 29c 23c 25c t�K55, 35c 3 trey. 29c tELT,1:1 16 -oz, jar PREPARED MUSTARD 17c Hot log - Hamburg - Barbecue HEINZ RELISHES oz JAIL 37c `. 4111111 intim!, tut Milo Pim t 111lIIII mill til 1111111 'till 1111,t1,intim! unit' ii i111111,III111111I1!L'fu',,z y/llltllll,l111p Hf111111111 WE DARE TO Aylm WE DARE TO Wiener Rolls OR Homburg Buns II IIIIIullfll1,1111,141uulluu11111t 11,1lllllllltl1111111111111111111t„I1I �111111IU11117�1u1tlf 11111111111H 111 Off 11,1,u,11„1„11uu1,11,1,11 PFJ COMPARE! Choice Quality pV/i r Green Peas COMPARE! Super Save Instant Coffee WE DARE TO COMPARE! 100 Off Pack Super a rl2.UAc? 15 -Oa. Tins 't:/r7.496 89` Svc Tea Bags PKt2. 6t1 65 OPEN FRIDAY Et SATURDAY EVENINGS FOR YOUR CONVENIENGE ,1015.1,11,1