HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-06-05, Page 3.70:0 From
PcrsonaI :Items
A1r. and Mrs. Jack Bryan and:
Leroy, of Granton, were Satur-
slay evening visitor's. with. Air.
and lairs. Arnold Here,
111r. and Mrs. Joe Blomnaert
a'id family visited with their
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs,
Ed. lBiomiiiaert at'Della .on Sun
Mr. and Airs, Ray Brock, Airs.
Donna Jensen and Paui of De-
• troll; were weekend visitors with
lire form.er's daughter, Airs.
Lloyd Smitlt and Lloyd,
Mr. and Mrs. -Glen Copeland,'
Mrs. M. Copoland and Jean.
V1 ere Sunday visitors with, Air.
and Mrs. deck Vyles in London.
AIr• and Mrs. Charlie Webber,
lvinnifred and William, Rochest-
cr. Mich, were weekend visitors
with Air, . and Mrs, Barry Web-
Dennis and Michael Webb
v•N.e. Sunday evening visitors
with their grandparents, Mr. ' and
Mrs. JI. Small, St. Thomas.
Airs. Fred Payne and Donna
spent Tuesday evening with
Mrs. Robert Rundle.
Mr. and Mrs, Writ. Cameron,
Seaforth, visited (vith M.i. Ernie
1'odden on Sunday alio; in the
afternoon called on her sister,
Mi's. Ernie Vodde.n who is a pa-
tient in St, Joseph's Hospital,
London. •
Barry Slade of Belle River,
spent. Monday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Smith.
A number from Woodham at
tended Whalen anniversary on
®. csothoes 'wine Below)
"The Health `ream" is
waging a continuing bat-
tle . against disease. Re-
search physicians are ex-
ploring e v e r y possible
method that can diagnose
and treat sickness better.
Working closely with
them are the pharma-
ceutical chemists who
even create new chemic-
als. Many of the drugs
now in your prescriptions
were invented because of
the necessity to solve a
particular problem.
Our chief .duty, as phar-
macist members of "The
Health Team", is to make
certain that when any
particular that,
needed we are prepared
to dispense it.
Exeter 447
Pick up your prescrip-
tion if shopping near us,
or let us deliver prompt-
ly without extra charge:
A great many people en-
trust us with the respons-
ibility of filling their pre-
scriptions. May we com-
pound yours? -
Main St Exeter
`Quotation by TTnrbert Spencer
Coprright 1458 '(558-3)
GRAND BEND FATALITY—Gabor Horvath, 73, was killed instantly .Sunday night
when he was struck by a car while crossing the Bluewater highway four miles
south of Grand Bend at 6:30 p.m. Witnesses said he became confused by .traffic
when he tried to walk from the Horvath Motel, operated by his nephew, to a restaur-
ant across the road. Car was driven by Robert E. Passfield Mt. Clemens Mich. Above
Constable Frank Sutton, Grand Bend detachment, direPts traffic following the ac-
Grand Bend Hears Organ
'I'ie new pipe am wasT
1 w an . ]n- Ted ed Brooks
PR b and family
y in lo.
stalled in St,John's by -the -Lake I ionto.
Anglican Church last week by
Air. P. Holmes, and was used
for' the first time at last Sun-
day's service.
The organ was built by the
Holmes Organ Company, Lon-
don, Under the capable hands
of Mrs. R. Love and Mr. D.
Stanton, the new organ is a wel-
come addition along with the
new parish hall, and the only
pipe organ in Grand Bend.
Mrs. J. W. Holt
Church Worker
After a lengthy illness, Mrs. J.
W. Holt passed away at her
home in Grand Bend on Friday
morning, May 30, in her 83rd
The late Mrs. Holt, the former
Maud Statton, daughter of the
late John and Maria . Station,
was born at Devonport, Eng-
land, coming to Canada when
six months old, and educated at
Zion, Ont. On Jutn'e 25, 1903, she
was married to John William
Holt, and has resided at Grand
Bend for the past 60 years. She
was a faithful attendant and
worked in Grand Bend United
Church, of which she and her
husband were members, and
was also a member of the Wom-
en's Institute.
The late Mrs. Holt is survived
by her husband; one brother,
Frank Statton, of Grand Bend,
and one sister, Mrs. Rhoda Bat-
ty, of Sarnia,only survivors of
a family of nine.
Funeral service was held al
her late residence on Monday
afternoon, conducted by Itev, A.
E. Holley.
Pallbearers were Messrs. El-
gin Webb, Ezra Webb, William
Love, Colin Love, Norman Turn-
bull and Rufus Turnbull, Inter-
ment was made in Grand Bend
Personal Items
Mr, and Mrs, Dennis Flear
and family of London spent the
weekend with Mr, Fiear's par-
ents, Mr. and. Mrs. Roy Flear.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence John-
son had as guests at an oyster
supper on Tuesday evening, Mr.
and Mrs. Wilson Sadler, Mr, and
Mrs.• Arthur Mathers, all. of Syl-
van, and Mr. and Mrs. Sven
Neilson of Grand Bend,
Rev, A. E, Holley is this week
attending the London. Conference
of ,the United Church in Park
Street United Church, Chatham,
from. June 3 to 6.
Mrs. Edward •Stanlake visited
on Friday and Saturday with
relatives in London.
Mr, and Mrs. Wni. Rendle
spent last: week with their daugh-
ter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs.
enion,funion„nnnn,innnn,nnnunnitnn11,1,nnnnnnn)nlu,li,l,u,n to nnnnlnnnu no „nnoto
.South End Service
Used Car Buys
'57 PONTIAC SEDAN—tutone, all new tires.
Extra Special—Let's have soine good GM. buyer
on this vehicle.
'51 CHEVROLET SEDAN—extra special, new paint,
runs like new!
'47 FORD COACH—black.
'54 IBUICK SEDAN— tutone, dynaflow trartsiiiission,
radio, sharp! Runs Like A Meteor!
'50 CHEVROLET 1/2 TON PICKUP signal lights,
deluxe cab, and it .runs.
Only 195 OO
1P -
South End Service
"Motile o f filo Better Than New Used
Russ & Chuck neH
Weekend guests with Mr, and
Mrs, J. Whiteford were Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Whiteford and. Jim-
mie, Jr,, Dir. and Mrs. Verdun
Hayter and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Miller, all of De-
Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Baird vis-
ited on Monday in London, with
Mr. Baird's mother, Mrs, John
Baird, in the Dearness Home.
Mrs, John Ridd.ocli and Mrs.
Herman Elliott of Sarnia motor-
ed up on Thursday evening to
see their relative, the late Mrs.
W. J. Holt, who was seriously
111, and •on their return two
soldiers ran into their car at
Ipperwash Camp, Mrs. Riddoch
receiveda fractured arm and
Mrs. Elliott was badly bruised
and suffered a sprained ankle.
Both ladies were taken to Sar-
nia Hospital in an ambulance,
for treatment.
Mrs, Gibb Statton and son,
Jim, of Sarnia, spent Saturday
with Mrs. Lennea Statton and
son, Lynn. •
Happenings In
Mr. and Mrs. Shaw of Arthur
spent the weekend with Mr. and.
Mrs. Wes Massey.
Mrs. Mae Stephens of St. Ma-
rys, Mrs. Lottie Jones of Ran-
noch spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Thomson.
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Thomson,
Mrs. Mae Stephens, Mrs. Lottie
Jones spent Sunday with Mrs.
Alvada Hopkins of Mitchell.
Mrs. Lloyd Thomson enter-
tained on Thursday' afternoon in
honor of Barry's eighth birthday.
He had as his .guests: Grant
Thomson, Carl and Edwin Jones,
Jimmy and Robert Mossey, Clif-
ford Langford and Tommy Hari -
Quite a number from the 8th
line attended Whalen anniver-
sary on Sunday morning and
Mrs. W. 13. Young of St. Marys
spent the weekend with her
mother, Mrs. Jas. Mossey.
Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Mossey
spent Friday evening with Mr,
and Mrs. Dav Youngson of St.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Mossey and
family spent Thursday evening
with' Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Mossey.
Rev. Wm, Bousefield, Miss
Maude Bousefield and friends of
Collingwood spent a few days
with Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Mos-
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mossey,
Rev, Wm, Bousefield, Miss
,Maude Bousefield and friend
were Tuesday evening guests of
Mr. and Mrs. W, B. Young of
St. Marys.
Marks Anniversary
V, L. Roulston, a former Exe-
ter boy and son of Mrs, G. F.
Roulston, town, recently cele-
brated (he twenty fifth anniver-
sary 'of his drug store in Sim -
coo with a ,major sale.
'Mr. Roulston, a graduate phar-
macist, started the store with
one. employee. He now has a
staff of eight, including three
Mr. ttoulston is a past presi-
dent of the Lions and is active
in Masonic and Oddfellows work
in Simcoe.
David Russell, 81
Local Blacksmith
David Russell, 81, died at the
Heywood nursing home, Exeter,
having been a• patient for the
past week.
Mr. Russell, a native of Exe-
ter, formerly conducted a black-
smith shop ort ,itiain St. where
the Supertest Station is now, Ile
sperm the past number of years
in Toronto.
His wife, the former Annie
(Nance, . Exeter, predeceased
11e is survived by one son,
Earl, Exeter and two daughters,
(Bertha) Mrs. W, B. 'Cunning-
ham, Windsor and (Edna) Mrs,
1{, L. Werner,. London and five
Ile body is 'besting at the
tloppet~".'"Hockey funeral borne,
PAW): whet`e funeral service will
be eahclueted by Rev. A. ltap-
sdti at 2 p.m. with interment iii
Exeter" cell:' ctry.
Mr, and Mrs, Edward Stanlake
attended the annual church serv-
ice for the Eastern Star Order
in the United Church, Parkhill,
on Sunday -evening.
Mr. Wm. Love is confined to
his home through illness this
Weekend guests with Mrs. I.
Eccleston were Dr. Boyd Mell of
Toronto, who, with his orchestra,
are this summer going to Brus-
sels to represent Canada in con-
nection with music, at the
World's, Fair, and Mr. Raymond
Dudley, also of Toronto, who
was on his way hone from the
Music School of the University
of Indiana at Bloomington, Ind.
Mr. and Mrs. Thernan Hay -
tet of Detroit visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. Baird on Friday.
The Lambton County Library
will hold their exchange of books
at the local library on Thurs-
day afternoon. '
Constable and Mrs. Bert Cos-
tello of Woodstock spent the
weekend with Constable and
Mrs. Frank Sutton and fainily.
Mr. and Mrs. Ottis Swindal of
Detroit spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Turnbull.
The annual Sunday School pic-
nic of Grand Bend United Church
will be held at Turnbull's Grove
on Friday, June 6. Supper is
planned for 5.30 p.ni. and games
On Wednesday evening Mr,
and Mrs. E, Keown has as visit-
ors, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mathers
and Mr, and Mrs. Norman
Mathers and their faihilics, of
II own,:{
Mems of Soglal attd s!tg, IIs al interest #reef in. o 11 Around Exeter' i 4 La' . ety
r'i+c i;:elsr '1'idarh Advod•,ttK Is a)Ati",�•4 pieunrd NA publixr It It•
The Timea:,A,tdyosate4,. Arne '5x iii5$ Pep.. 3
We end our readers dire �interestrd in Too sod Your friends. Phone S)•4. s Mos.�
• CecilIAProgressive'
.and Skinner Mrs. Peter Bertram is .a pa -I
accompanied by M:r. ;and Mrs.' tient in Victoria hospital, Lon- —Continued k'roni Page beaches on :the :Great Lakes and
Sam Skinner anti family motored don. "2, 'Lhc Authority provides a is the last undeveloped reere;i,
to 1'.lktan and I'.igeon, Mieh, .and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd P.a sons, t tree-.pianta,ng machine, two Wren ttonal area of any mortem 4orrae ,
visited with relatives over the Lrsbornc, are moving to. Exeter;,and a tractor, free of charge, for Ing flim .Great fakes to Sautl1.ern
weekend, this week and will reside on'refoiestation of private land. • Ontario, The bald eagle still
Mr and Mrs Cecil Murray and Waterloo Street. I "a, The Authority. provides •en nests in this wild stretch .pf land
Rena, Mr Don. Morphy of Wood- Afr•. and Mrs. Arthur Abbott i.gincering services And pays 2$ and it contains unusual trees
ham were birthday dinner guests and Mary Lou. Tillsonburg. and i percent :of the cost of farm pond such AS the Sassafras ,and :the
at the l(on)e of A
irs Garnet Mur- Leo Witmer, Woodstock, visitedI:construction, To date aver 600 Tulip 'rlee, constructed
;at London, Sunday, • on Sunday with 1'1r. and Mrs. l.ponda, have been built by the Au -"`6. The Authority
Mr. and Mrs. Norman JIaniri- Wes W1'itmcr, 1 thority. The Ontario Govern- Port Franks' flood ,control than-
gan and three ,sons of Waterloo Ali. and Mrs. A. L. S+yeitzer, ; nteitt contributed 50 per cent of nel Which was completed in 1951
'Winnipegand Mrs. Larry Snider, Mr. the cost of both these services. ata cost of $137,12x, The On,
and Mrs. Olive Wilson, lWaeoo Mr.
.spent the weekend at the home and Airs. R. C. Dinney, Air. and 1 4. The Authority has acquired tario •Government paid 75 per
of Mrs. Mary Hannigan. Airs. A. L. Snelgrove, Mr. and !foe public use the beautiful, cent of the cyst of this. project,
Mr. and Mrs, Ed, Howe, De- Mr's. Ed Brady, Mi'. and Mrs.1 smile area .of Rock Glen at Ar. Channel imprevenent has also
Reg Beavers and Ken klockcy trona. b.ee.n done upstream from the
troll:, Mrs. Jessie Sawley, Alin• returned Wednesday after attend-` "a5, Ata tine when adeyuate harl3or at Grand Bend,
neapolat Minn., Miss Alice lipwe ing the Inions' convention at, financial supoprt for the project 7• In x953, your Authority re•
of Stratford, Miss Jill Harmon, North. Bay. ;seemed hopeless habilitated the Exeter pond at
South Lyons, Diich, were Satur- p less �rour. Authority a dost of $6,040. So careful were
day evening guests of Mr. and oMr.A. J. Luxton, • Montreal, { led a vigorous campaign to save vpur officers with the taxpay
1\irs. Cecil Murray..visited over the weekend with the Pinery, for public use and ers' d off( that l understand they
Mr. Les Parker underwent Mr, and Airs, Alfred Coates. I even acquired a small property even sold some of the mud
1 across the road to protect the
dredged from the pond. This
pond has now become a focal
point of community recreation
and with the land surrounding
icilt, providesitiesfor pienswimm,s ingsites and fa-
-"In. considering these accoinp•
lishments, I may say there is no
Authority which has done more
surgery in St, Joseph's Hospital,
London, on Monday morning, I proposed entrance. The Finery
Norman Hockey suffered a
Close Restaurant contains one of the finest sand
heart attack Saturday .afternoon • I
and on Wednesday was removedFor Renovations Richard Hunter
to Westminster Hospital, London.
Rether's C n f f e e S b o p an•'
Mr, and Dirs. Murray Alarsh
and Nancy, of London, the unced this week it would close • Usborne Farmer
weekend with Mr. and spentMrs, J. down Inc a period of two weeks
L. Kydd to effect a complete renovation ° Richard D. Bunter died in for conservrtion within the limits
of its facilities. South Huron Hospital on Mon- of its financial resources than
Mrs, klohner, of' daysBwitielcl, is George E. ,ether said the dna', June 2, having been a pa- the Ausable .Authority and none
William Smith, spending a few with Alis• front and Interior of the build-, tient for a week previous. is more deserving of the assist-
ing will be taken out and re- Mr, Iduntec farmed in Usbof the Federar Govern -
once ed.
township specializing in pure- merit."
bredHis Shortwife, hornthe cattlformer
Front of the building will he
i, I Lena
boarded un for approximately ;Pearl Miners, died 14 years ago.
two weeks to facilitate the opera- Shortly after, Mr. Hunter return-
eturn- -
tionplae, i ed to Exeter where he has lived
It was announced that the since thai time,
firm has become a limited coin- I He is survived by one daugh-
party under the name of. Rether's, ter (Marjorie), Mrs. John Del-
Rcstaurants Ltd. The firm ope- brige, Exeter, and one son,
rates another restaurant at the Howard Hunter, Calgary, who
spent the weekend with Mrs. C.N.E. !was home for the Erni{al,
Lillian Blair, ' The body restedat the Hop -
Miss Margaret Rogers, Color-
1per Hockey funeral home, Ex•
ado Springs, U.S,A„ is spending eter, where funeral service was
a.r vacation with. Mr, and Mrs. Charges Pending I conducted by Rev, H. J. Snell
R. R. Sillery.'Aliss Rogers is aion Wednesday, .Time 4, with in -
granddaughter of the late Dir. and Mrs. William Jeckell, Lon- Over Accident i ferment in Exeter cemetery.
. A nephew, Sgt. Jack Hunter,
don Road north. Charges are pending as a re- : RCMP, Ottawa, attended the
sult of anaccident on No, 4 funeral,
`highway near Hensall Sunday! Pallbearers. were John and ■
afternoon which c a u s e d $500 Harold Hunter, Fred Huxtable, gUY NOW ■•
Town Council damage.Lincoln and Joseph White and
— Continued From Page 1 Truck driven by George S,' Alfred Dickins.
Habkirk, Seaforth, was pulling
lots are already serviced, out of a service station when
Councillor Farrow suggested it was struck by a car driven by Ministers Attend
council must be careful about John F, Robinson, London, tra-
development to the east because veiling south. ,
of the drainage problem. "It Hensall Chief E. R. Davis and. Area Conference
PC Harry Reid investigated. Rev. H. J. Snell is this week
presiding at the sessions of the
Base London Conference being held Cream Base iChathn Parakm, Streetthisweek. United Church,
Boono TApiarists Rev. Gordon Butt. of Giles
R Boulevard United Church, Wind.
Royal jelly, a glandular secre- sor, was elected president of the
lion of the worker honeybee, is Conference on Tuesday. He suc-
being used in the formulation of seeds Rev. Snell who remains
facial creams by most of the chairman of the conference sea -
leading manufacturers of cosme- sions. Dir. Butt is the son of
tics. the late Robert Butt who was
• The price paid to the producer stationed at Centralia Methodist
appeared before council to dis- for royal jelly last year ranged Church,
cuss the drainage problem. He from $15.00 to $20.00 per ounce, Ret • C. W. Down, Messrs. Ed
was told council was prepared which is sufficiently attractive Lindenfield and Hugh Love are
to deepen the ditch along the to increase the number of bee- attending the s e s s i o n today
roadside in front of his house keepers interested in production (Thursday). PHONE 968 or 509 EXETER
and he would be responsible or during 1958, says the Canada Rev. A. Rapson of Main Street
putting in culverts. This, it was Dep't of Agriculture. United Churchis also attending. (Days) (Evenings)
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Coulthard,
Clearwater, Man., and Mr, and
Mrs. Robert Walker and Bobbie,
Barrie, were weekend guests of
Air. and Airs. W. R. Sillery
when a reunion was enjoyed by
relay Crom-
from. Merton, Cron.
arty and Exeter.Mr.and Mrs.
Coulthard are visiting with
friends in the vicinity this week,
Mrs, A. Drummond, Elimville,
could affect the whole town."
The discussion arose following
announcement that the agree-
ments with builders Simmons
brothers and Arthur Whilsmith
had been signed. Some members
questioned the strength of the
agreements, which were de-
signed to absolve the town of re-
sponsibility for drainage prob-
lems and services.
Controversy between camel
and property owner Lee Sher-
man, Huron street, was amic-
ably settled when Mr. Sherman
Tutone, low m i l e a g e,
very clean inside and,
T u t on e, spotless, low
Radio, A-1 condition.
All Cars Guaranteed!
Larry's i
Su ertest
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