HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-05-29, Page 15:ns rle ell Id- sts 011 Ily at NM" ALDQN • THEATRE GRAND. BEND FRII;fey & SATURDAY May 30 and 31 "THE .PIRL CAN'T HELP IT" This 'N That Miss H. L. Knipe — Continued From Page 12 white Dr all white or all brown. Nurse In Detroit ; crtarno4 49b4ter in Patty Shells Prepare 4 cups coked or canned blaster meat and break into not too small pieces. Be sure all bits of shell have been re- moved. Melt 6 tbsps. butter in a saucepan and stir in 6 tbsps. pastry flour. Stir over low heat. until smooth and bubbly. Slowly stir in 2 eups light cream and cook until smooth and thickened. (co r byDeluxe, eblemaseepe) Add 1 cup whole milk and C011. tinue cooking about. 5 minutes, * Tom Ewell stirring constantly. * Jayne Mansefjeld Season to taste with salt and pepper and a drop or two of la - Reek '11 Roll Stars basco no more. Drain 1 small bottle stuffed olives and slice the olives. Combine withsauce and add the lobster meat. Heat and put into patty shells. Confetti Cookies Cream 1 cup butter and beat in 2 cups light brown sugar until light and fluffy. Add 2 beaten eggs, 1/4 tsp, vanilla and 1/4 tsp. almond flavoring. Mix and sift 3 1/2 cups flour and 1 tsp. baking soda. Add 1/2 cup thinly sliced walnuts, 1/4 cup red and green cheeries finely chopped. Combine with creamed mixture. Chill 1 hour then form into rolls wrap in waxed paper and chill to ratepayers at a special meet- Organist: Mrs. A. Willard overnight. Slice thin and hake in ing of council on Wednesday, 10:00 a.m.—The Church School moderate oven 375 degrees until May 21. CANADIAN LEGION HALL, delicately browned — about 8 to Reading of the ,reports on the 11:15 a.m.—Worship Service 10 minutes. Finkbeiner, O'Brien and Khiva Nursery Class up to three years One Show Each Nits BOO p.m. PLAN TO ATTEtiD Big Closing Dance Miss Harriet L. Knipe, sister, of Mrs. W. D. Sanders, Exeter, died in South Huron Hospital en Vriday,. May 23, 1058. Aliso Knipe nursed. in Detroit 1 for 40 years and had visited in ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Exeter with her sister on several DASHWOOD occasions. Besides her sister Mrs. San- Rev, K. L., Zorn, Phone 65 ders, she is survived by .a bra- 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School tiler W. J. Knipe, Kenora, and .11..00 sisters Mrs. S. E. Hargrave, Kenora and Mrs. E. Edwards, CALVARY CHURCH DeTtreitb.ody rested at the Dinney Evangelical United Brethren funeral home until Monday, MaY 26 when the funeral service. was DASHWOOD conducted in Trivitt Memorial Rev. W. F. Krotz, minister Church by Rev, N. D. Knox with Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist interment in Exeter cemetery, More Drains For Stephen Tenders have been called for the construction of the Webber drain in Stephen Townhsip fol- lowing a reading of the report Sunday, June 1, 1958 10:00 a.rn, — "Things To Mink On" 11:05 a.m.—Sundly School. MAIN STRFET The) United Church of Canada Minister: Rev, Alex. Rapson EXETER Sat., May 31 CLARENCE PETRIE & HIS NITE HAWKS Lyric Theatre THURS., FRI. & SAT. May 29, 30. and 31 "MAVERICH QUEEN" * Barbara Stanwyck * Barry Sullivan CARTOON COMEDY MON„ TUES. & WED. June 2, 3 and 4 "LES GIRLS" * Gene Kelly * Mitzi Gaynor & ADDED SHORTS — COMING — "THIS COULD BE THE NIGHT" * Jean Simmons * Paul Douglas The Saturday Matinee will be discontinued until September. By the way `the confetti angel drains will be held on Friday cake mix is on your grocer's shelves in town now, This make a rake suitable for a gala occa- sion, 111./.11.1111, 11.111•1 Brownie's Drive-in Clinton THURSDAY & FRIDAY May 29 and 30 "THE SHARKFIGHTERS" (Colour, Cinemascope) * Victor Mature * Karen Steele TWO CARTOONS SATUftDAY & MONDAY May 31 and June 2 "BANDIDO" (Colour, Cinemaseope) * Robert Mitchum * Zachary Scott TWO CARTOONS TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY , Juno 3 and 4 "MEN IN WAR" * Robert Ryan * Aldo Ray ONE CARTOON ,1111111111141.1111111111111111101111111111111.111111411410.1111111111111M11111111111,1111111111tMlfill1111111.11111111111111.1110 KIRKTON COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Preliminary Juvenile Contest Aberdeen Hall, Kirkton 1 I Friday, June 6 1 i at 8 p.m. (DST) 1 I 1 JOHN BRENT, WINGHAM, ADJUDICATOR ADMISSION: Adults '250 Children 1.5. Contestants and Accompanists Free Mrs, T. Alvin Crago, R.R, 1 St. Marys, Convenor GARDEN, PARTY — WEDNESDAY, JULY 16 7 .4111111111HIfill11HIMIIHMIIIIIIIItIHIMAIIIIIIMIPHMI11111141"111,111" tttttt ini/111101111111,11101,11111,11,1fliftlylltOW. evening, June 6. Engineer J. McKay was pres- ent to explain the portion of the drain requested by the New Ven- ice Corporation in Stephen, The clerk was instructed to write the. corporation requesting them to have the portion of the work in Stephen included in the McGilli- vray petition. Senior Citizens' MEETING June 3 • 8:00 pm. EXETER LEGION HALL Ladies Please Bring Lunch Starlite Drive -In Theatre 5 Miles East of Grand Bend 8.5 Miles West of No. 4 Highway on Crediton Road FRIDAY & SATURDAY May 30 and 31 "KETTLES ON OLD MacDONALD'S FARM" * Marjorie Main * Parker Fenelley JUNE 2 TO 7 "OLD YELLER" A Walt Disney Production OFFICIAL OPENING of the JOHN A. MORRISON DAM by the HONE, W M. NICKLF, QC MINISTER OI PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT will take place on Wednesday, lune 4,1958 At. 3115 P.M,. .172. Mile South Of Highway 83 And 11/4 •Miles East Of Exeter The 'Public Is-Cordally Invited in the Primary Department. Beginners, ages 4-6, will with- draw during the second hymn. Worship As A Family In The Family Church Elimville Native Receives Degree 1 Elgin Skinner, New Toronto, 1 son of Mr. And Mrs. Everett 1 Skinner, Eliroville will receive — his Master of Education at con- CAVEN RRE;BYTERJANCv,ocation of the Universityof Toronto on Friday. ate received HURCH , 11WiessteBra.A.Ontfarroimo antjelnIBv.egi.tYfroma Organist; MMiririss,tareacher at New Bobah Pryde Toronto University. He is a 9.00 a.m.—Sunday School Toronto, ner, Elimville and Mrs. Reg His sisters, Mss Ruth Skin 10:00 a.m.—Morning Dorship .flMel)°,,,r141,1;„Exinete,r,,pannrid the Mr'grMade- ASeil Modern r nS i ljlelcrt i: "Looking At Donald r''''' — "--,101.on't6,---t Nursery for children up to six "Li" cerer"nlcs in years, in Children of the Chtirci1 Meeting, WAiteSrt4b°la Berrrsieyh,Blanallard Town - Monday, June 2, at 4 p.m, in ship, was named winner of the Sunday School room. Andrew Grant scholarship in Ci jarcatlee8kpnrilelriey.t,dineag.tl'ie, i'luehsdomaye, 0,11iirrir3s., third year economies at 'UWO. Ordain Minister THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH At Hanover Kirk IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev. Ian Baehurn-Gibson. a graduate of Knox College, Tom - Rev, R. Van Farowe, Minister to, was ordained during a cere- 2:0(1LITALI—Afternoon Worship tartan Church, Hanover, Friday many at St. Andrews PreshY- evening. Rev. Raeburn-Gibson is a What We Believe About The Church" 3:30 p.m.—Sunday School AU Welcome THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH JAMES STREET EXETER UNITED CHURCH "Teach Me Thy Truth 0 Lord" 10:30 a.m.—Sunday School Rev, H. J., Snell, Pastor Mr, Lawrence Wein, A.W.C,M. 1130 a.m.—Worship Pastor: Stanley Sauder, Exeter 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 0 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Sermon Subject: "The Church and the Community" Anthem by the choir. Solo; Maxine Reeder A Warm Welcome Is Extended To All NOTE: Thursday, May 29—Jun- ior and Senior choir practise. Men's choir practise following Sunday morning service. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE The -Tabernacle presents this weekend the Harris-Flewett trio from Toronto in message and in music, Saturday, 7:30 p.m.—Youth :Bally Sunday, 9:45 a.m. — Sunday School Sunday, 11:00 a.m, and 7:30 p.m.—Brother and Sister Har- ris and Sister Shirley Flewett will minister to us. A Hearty Welcome To All "Therefore he ye ready; for in such an hour as ye think not the son of man cometh." —Matt. 24:44 Pastor: Evang, L. Winn -Butler THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Rev, Bren de Vries, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, June 1 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion Breakfast for The Brother- hood'at the'Parish Hall follow- ing the communion service. 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Church Service Evensong will be discontinued for the summer months of June, July and August. CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 9:45 a.m.—Morning Worship ' (English) Student Bern, Zijlstra, Grand Rapids 2:15 p.m.—Afternoon Worship (Dutch) Student Bern. Zijlstra, Grand Rapids • 3:30 p.m.—Sunday School ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON Rev. Glen R. Strome, Minister 10:00 a.m,—Worship Rev. H. E. Koppel 11:15 a.m.—Church School Thursday W.S.W.S. Friday — Mission Band BAYF1ELD BAPTIST CHURCH 9:50 a.m.—Bible School *11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Sermon Subject: "The. Christ- ian's Source of Tranquility" 7:30 p.m.—Evening Worship Sermon Subject: "And :He Cast Him Away Itis Garment and Came He to Jesus" Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer Service. A Warm Welcome To All COMING EVENTS BARN DANCE — Silver Star Ranch Barn Dance. at Jim Grif- fin's new barn, 5 miles north of St. Marys or 12 mile east of Motherwell. Dancing every Fri- day 10 to. 1. Prairie Coyotes or- chestra playing May 30. 29c iiii lllllll llll Whalen United Church 50th Anniversary • SERVICES Sunday, June 1st 11:00 a,m.—Rev. W. M. Kiteley of London 7:30 p.m.—Rev. Harold Snell of Exeter EVERYBODY WELCOME tifilmiiiille11111111111.•111.1111111111111111111111111111111011111.1111M11111111.111111111111111111.11111111111111111111111111111111 lllllll H11111111111111 lllll 111111111111111111111111111t1111, Boys And Girls! Plan Novi To Attend The Exeter Exeter Summer Bible School at the THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH East of Blipkor Light Every Day From July 1 To 12 9 to 12 a.m. With a larger teaching staff, More classes plus a LARGE TENT accommodations will be much better. GRADES FOR ALL AGES Kindergarten (Age ti) to Grade 10 (age 16) CLASSFS 1NcLuDE Bible Study, Stories, Singing, Devotional, Handcrafts and Supervised gecreatien. EVERYONE WELCOME Pier further information contatt Director •Stanley Saucier, phone, Exeter 078-J, NilOt0011019119111I111111110Y1t1iIIICIftWriftfillirjrniilllinnifftinf111•101101ftlfi DANCING! Every Friday Night BLUEVVATER DANCELAND 10-1:30 Music by DESJARDINE ,ORCHESTRA Modern, Rock 'n Roll Square Dancing Special This Friday A ball point pen will he given to the first 50 people corning to the dance, Th. TimssAdvocett,My 1958. Pegs 15 brother of Mrs. jack Doerr and be has supplied at Caven Pres- byterian Church here on several Routly, Brock And. Skinner REUNIO.N ZION WEST SCHOOL USBORNE Sat,, June 7' Dinner 12:30 p.m. Please bring your picnic basket and cutlery. Beverage Provided 011.10.111111111,1104.11.111......1.11.11111. occasions. Mr. and 11.es. Peery and family attended the erdihe. tion. Lakeview Casino Grand Bend Dancing Saturdays Lionel Thornton and his Casa Royal Orchestra ouolool0000lowoolotoiolool0000lolootomi 2 1 Barbecue And Open House SOUTH HURON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Tuesday, June 10 (In Case of Rain, Thursday, June 12) Serving School -Raised Barbecued Chicken From 6:30 to 7;30 p.m. ADULT SERVING $1.25 CHILD'S SERVING .65 Tickets on Advcnced Sale INDOOR PROGRAM COMMENCES AT 8:00 P.M. 1.114014.•4414}444444 OOOOOO 4 O 4.44406.1044,191f44441141b44WaN411444114411444 lllllll ll l llllllllllllllllll llllll OFFICIAL OPENING South Huron Hospital Nurses Residence Sunday, June 8 2:00 p,m, The Public Is Invited To Attend. • EXETER RACES TWILIGHT MEET Wednesday, June 4 5:30 p.m. Daylight Saving Time $1,400 In Purses 2:30 CLAS I: TROT OR PACE $200 Summer Sheet Donated by LINDENFIELD'S LTD. 2:28 CLASS TROT OR PACE llll lllll $300 2:25 CLASS TROT OR PACE $300 Summer Sheet Donated by Maurice Quance, Harnessmakor 2:22 CLASS TROT OR PACE 5300 Summer Sheet Donated by JACK WEBER FREE-FOR-ALL $300 Summer Sheet Donated by E. L. CHAFE 8, SONS PRIZE OF $10 FOR FASTEST MILE OF 2:2S CLASS DONATED BY A. L. AND C. E. ACHESON SILVER 'TRAY FOR BEST DRESSED OUTFIT DONATED BY JACK SMITH, JEWELLER Twit Float Plah, Each Heat A Race VVhitSell Starting Oats BETTIHO PRIVII.E0t$ ANNOUNC1R: TORY GREG, LONDON ADMISSION: Adults VIM, Children 24; Caws 250; Grandstand SOO Children 50 SPONtORED BY EXETER TURF CLUB Jack Morrissey, chairman Harry Beavere Treasurer Dill Alllson, Secretary Summer Sheet Donated by Jones, MacNaughton Seeds Ltd.