HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-05-29, Page 12n YYNYtltlYYNYYY21YNYtlYAIYiiild iNuRNNYNlYditlYYYYd YYY YYYYYIYIYNYYIRYYYRRIY/YYYY Pope 12 'No Times-A(114w,, May 29, 19$11 sm. •tastern Star Chapters F Je O..,ntario ,icers !, a , The Eastern Star Chapters of Live included: Airs. Ala*. Ellen District N. 5 entertained taa of Crawford. Dutton; Airs. Norma feastwood Burlington. Mrs Mar - fleet's of tlieN Grand Chapter of ' = ' garet Kennedy and Mrs. Anne Ontario in the Legion Hall. EXe- I.Joyd, London. ter, on Friday evening. Over 300 Distelet Deputy Grand Ma we in attendance. The hall was trolls, Airs. Beryl Moffatt, %Vat - tastefully decorated and Exeter ford. and Mrs. Anne Glass, Ham - Chapter catered for the event. Mon, were also present, as well The •Grad officers present in- as Past G.M., Airs. Olive Adams, elected Airs. Lillitis B. Turriff, Hamilton; Mrs. Pearl MeDonald, Worthy •Grand Matron, Toronto, Cooksviile, and Mr. ,David Ken - a ad Mr. Joseph Whitfield, nedy, London. Worthy Grand Patron, Fruitland, Eighteen chapters were rem - Ontario. sented :from Watford. Forest, Other officers were Aire. Ethel Sarnia. Brigden, Tiverton, Strat- Spear, Dunnville: Mr. Robert ford. St. Thomas, as well as Pis - Cooper, Brampton; Miss Helen trict No, 5. Boss, Toronto; Mrs. Audrey El- Addresses were given by Mrs. Uot, Sterling; Airs. Eleanor Fc -r- Evelyn Thompson, District Dep- guson, Toronto; Mrs. Edith uty Grand Matron of District No. Pletch, Otterville; Mrs. Nettie 5, and Air. Joseph Whitfield, Dorland. Beachville; Mrs. Dolly W.G.P. Lodge, Hamilton; Rev. and Mrs. The program consisted of guar - J. W. Province, Streetsville tettes from the "Sarnia Girls Members of the Grand Execu- Quartette", dance numbers by Barbara Taylor, Parkhill; a reading by Lois Thonipson, l's Mrs. Norma Pryde. Parkhill, and a piano solo by Ethe A gift was presented the I BEAUTY SALON Worthy Grand AIM= by Mrs. PHONE la, GRAND BEND A. Culbert, London, and to the Worthy Grand Patron by 'Air. Al - For Latest Styling bert Wheppler, London. Elinor Wesnicige Some girls use pills to get rid ETHEL DESJARDINE of headaches; others use head - Proprietress aches to get rid of pills. ealmeneemeeieweeemeemeneeemeneemeleamieweemee lllll a 00000 a, ttttt ,,,,,,,emeeemie,2 Check Your Car CHECK ACCIDENTS Your car carries the most important people in the people in the world . . . you and your family. LET'S KEEP THEM SAFE! Let Us Safety Check Your Car Today! Larry Snider Motors PHONE 624 Ford • Edsel Sales & Service EXETER iiiiii 11111111itililit1011M111111111 iiiii llllll l iii vottl llllll tititt11111111111111111111/1111111illitliv11111111114,111, lllll OlUit llllll fit lllllllllllllllllllll # lllllllll '11 1f. introducing Rom- a- nce by FORMFIT e e s More Comfortable Than Any Other Bra! ,6 Features 1. Equalift straps for balanced uplift 2. No-gapelastic under arm 3. Adjustable elastic bottom band 4. Circle -stitched cups for shaping b. Ladder stitched cup sections for smoothness 6. No -band elastic back -strap releases SIZES 32A TO 38C REGULAR PRICE $2.50 Special Introductory Offer This Weekend Only,, 2.00 IRWIN'S PHONE 474 EXETER &11111111111111121.111111 ll 1 lllll itilltitttiltlitit llll 1111111stililitillftIfistslititiltlistfitilisstlittlisfilltitlitittliltiltiltilist NURSES GRADUATE—Three from this district were among the graduates of Vic- toria Hospital nursing school last week. Left, Elizabeth Hunter, youngest datighter•of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter, P.R. 3 Exeter, plans to continue on the staff at Victoria. Centre,. ,Annabelle Taylor, daughter. of Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Taylor, R.R. 1 Grand Bend, will also remain at Victoria. Right, Anne Kathryn Taylor, daughter of Mrs. Hobbs Taylor, Dashwood, plans to continue studies in nursing at UWO, London. (Ed. Note ---In last week's paper, the picture of Beth Taylor, a graduate . of . . . d Hall, Guelph, was inserted above the .caption referring to the graduation of Anna- belle Taylor. The Times -Advocate regrets this error.) `1%1 FANcIES WI Hears ()AC Grad Don Brock, a recent graduat of the Ontario Agricultural Col lege. Guelph, was guest speaker at the May meeting of Kippen East 1Vornen's Institute at the home of Mrs. Glen Slavin on Wednesday evening, Don showed colored slides taken during his summer vaca- tion training in the reserve navy at Halifax, and in England and Scotland, and of 1110 trip to Flo- rida which he took with six others from 0.A,C. last Christ- nias in the 1925 Reo fire truck. Mrs. Eldon Jarrett reviewed current events and the roll call was answered with a highlight [ram the 25 year's activities of the institute. Mrs. 11, Dunlop, Seaforth, favored with piano solos and four-year old Dianne McKay sang, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Ken McKay. President Mrs, Campbell Eyre presided for the business when plans were outlined for the an- nual picnic to be held at Lions Park, Seaforth, in July and ap- pointed Mr. and Mrs. Kcn Mc- Kay,. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell end Mr. aecl Airs. Howard Fink - heftier as the entertainment com- mittee. Mrs. Charles Eyre conducted• contests. Assisting the hostess were Miss Margaret McKay, Mrs, 'William Kyle, Mrs. William Bell and Mrs. Campbell Eyre. Legion Auxiliary Mark Sixth Donates To Fund Anniversary The May meeting of the Ladies e Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion on Monday evening was the con - eluding meeting until September when a pot luck supper was planned, Some day somebody is going to come up with a parking meter for a phone booth 'and make a lot, of people happy. HI -LINE Beauty Salon L ace feel in Cook's • Hotel, Centralia AIR CONDITIONED DRYERS PHONE 750 -W -I EXETER Mar b Cbwaro, Prep, ASK FOR O INVITATIONS O ANNOUNCEMENTS • INFORMALS c ACCESSORIES eV/pelt vula Oda NATIONA,, Lt' 05 a5$151 YOU WITH YOUR WebeINO PLANS COME IN AND ASK OR YOUR FREE BRIDAL GIFT REGISTER vle zefer'di me s atm °cafe • President Mrs. Stan Frayne presided and plans ler the booth at the Exeter races on June 4 were discussed. Ten dollars was voted for the Legion scholar- ship fund. Tentative arrangements were made for a visit to Westminster Hospital in June. Thirty members were present and a penny Sale concluded the meeting. \Aril Marks Ten Years Citizenship and education was the theme of the May meeting of Elimville Women's Institute held in the community hall. It was also the tenth anniversary of the founding of the Institute. Mrs. Gilbert Johns read the minutes of the first meeting held at the home of Mrs. Franklin Skinner in 1948. Miss Ruth Skin ner remembered in 'prayer six of the members who .had died since the institute was started, Mrs. George Wils�fi, Granton, was guest speaker and told about Institute work in Ceylon and showed pictures of her recent trip to the A.C.W.W. convention in Colenibe, Ceylon. She was in- troduced by Mrs. Harold Hunter, Miss Frances Johne contributed two accordion solos. The motto "Which is most responsible for bringidg up a child Home, School or Church2" wet discussed by Mrs, William Thomson. The roll call was answered with the name of "My First 'reacher and the school I attended." Airs. Harry Coates gave a reading. Mrs. Howard Pym presided for the program. President• Mrs. Delmer Skin- ner conducted the business. Mrs. Harold Hunter and Mrs. Theron Creery were named delegates to the District Annual at Crediton, May 29. Ten dollars was voted to the emergency fund. Mrs. Harold Taylor gave the Hospital Auxiliary report. Hostesses were Miss Ruth Skinner, Mrs. Philip Herm Mrs, Harold Hunter and Mrs. Don Parsons, Mrs. Thomas Bell, Mrs. Philip Murcb, Mrs. Charles Stephens and Mrs. Robert Hays all won -flower bouquets. Main St. Church Dedicates Gift Last* Sunday at the morning service Rev, A. Rapson dedicated a cabinet for the communion set, donated bY Mrs. Layton in memory of her husband, the late George Layton, and her brother and sister.in-law, the late Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Medd, Exeter. The cabinet was made b,v Air. Medd's son-in-law, Tont Moffatt of Listowel. Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Medd, Napanee, were present for the service. On Sunday Rev. Rapson con- ducted amilverSarY services at Zion West and the Worship was liken in Main Street by Mr., Marvin Streich, student min- ister of Woodham, In the first 11 months of 1057 exports of goods froni Canada had an tatilnated value of 482 million, imports at goods into Canada an estimated value of $5.226 million. Wife Preservers Certain foilich, If lelt i6o long stainless steel tablewovi. foity taus. stains. S6 If h fo whisk stainless steel OiliCOS through 6i Seep Of dateigatit vds itoroadlota, ly abet uilett. kWh end dry thopo 41UghlY to Itoto alatil The Exeter Kinettes held their sixth birthdayparty on Monday evening at Armstrong's restaur- ant., Guests included District Kin Governor, Mr. and Airs. Hart Watts, of Simcoe, Hensall Kin- ette president and husband, Mr. and Mrs. John Heal, Kinette husbands and a couple invited by each Kinette. • The meeting was chaired by President Mrs. Irvine. Armstrong who welcomed all present. The guest speaker for the eve.- ning was Paul Soles, of CFPL- He spoke of his experiences as a Canadian here in Canada, in the European countries and 1' also of bus recent trip to Nassau. He was introduced by Mrs, Don Robertson and thanked by Mrs. Les Parker. Draws were won by Mrs. Har- old Brintnell, Mrs. Gordon Mc- Tavish, Mrs, Donald Davey, Mrs, Ralph Genttner and Hart Watts. Finemaster for the evening was Mrs. John Burke, Dancing was enjoyed after the speaker. Flowers on the head table were to be. sent to Les Parker who is in the hosiptal. This W That Here Comes Th Here romes the bride eat only in the month of June and roses, but all through the year, wedding bells ring out their me -- sage of love and happiness. For every young coo* -assual- ing the responsibilities of mem- age we would suggest tucking in among the orange blossoms such things as tact and understanding, good humor, sympathy and the desire to keep alive all that is true and best in their life to- gether to attain a full measure of happiness. Whennking plans for the wedding one simply conforms to the traditional pattern. B u t whether it is to he big or small, plans should be made well in ad- vance if everything is to be smooth - running, remembering that all should be in keeping with the circumstances of the bride. Ostentation never is in good taste and the simplest wedding costing very little can be just as exquisite as a large costly affair which may drain the resources of the bride's family to the limit. Whether the wedding breakfast is at home or elsewhere all de- tails of the ceremony and the re- ception must be arranged in every detail, Color and eye ap- peal are as important as delici- ous food. Flowers must be fresh and bride -like, the silver sparkl- ing, the linen the finest and.ehe food well served and appetizing. The bride's cake may form the central table decoration' flanked with garlands of deliCate flowers and when the cake is to be re- moved for the cutting ceremony the . floral arrangement can be pushed over to take its plaee. When the wedding take t place before noon the reception is in the form of a breakfast. If al, one o'clock the refreshments may be served buffet style or seated at tables assuming the character of a luncheon; more elaborate dinners follow after- noon weddings. Some suggestions include: Double Ring Sandwiches Combine 2 hard -cooked eggs chopped, 1/3 cup chopped cooked bacon with 3 tbsps. mayonnaise. Use whole meat and enriched white bread. Cut each slice of bread into two-inch rounds with a cookie cutter, then cut the cen- tre from half of the rounds to . , elm enCies; spread butter on read rounds, then spread with 1. bsp. of Ole Attend Service Sixty members of Exeter Chap- ter, 0.E.S., altended church service at St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen, on Sunday morning. Following the service they were entertained to lunch at the home of the Worthy Matron and Worthy Patron, Mr. and Mrs, William Bell. AM. "NATURE'S LOVING PROXY, THE WATCHFUL MOTHER" —•(Author's 'Name Below),—, Babies are little tots who need much loving care. Fortunately, God gives us Mothers to watch over them. Mother's problems are difficu: t, but we can solve some of them. We supply special foods for baby's dietary needs, sterilizing utensils to pre- vent germ invasions, help- ful baby -aids that insure more comfort and vita- min concentratee for ex- tra energy. Most important of all, Mothers can now have less fear should any at- tacking virus threaten baby's health: In our pharmacy are the won- , derful anti -biotics phy- sicians prescribe, that o f t e rt overnight bring back baby's health. • YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE Exeter 447 „ WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE • Pia up your prescrip- tiOn if shopping net us, or let us deliver 'prompt- ly without extra charge, A great many people en- trust us with the respons- ibility of filling their pre- seriptions. May we coin. pound yours? • Andrew Johnston Drugs Main St.: Cxeter PRESCRIPTIION CHEMISTS *OuatstlanI/.eletwet-tetton IOS1/11S) tejsyright 1051k feWel GUESTS ? It's a friendly gesture to r�. port the visit of friends or relatives in The Times. Advocate. Whenever you have guests — or when you're a gUest at another home — tell us about it, Phone 770 THE TIMES -ADVOCATE Or your local correspondent' P/JP 1 THIS WEEK' Place a ,cirele .of bread over egg and Noah14g and Plane a sttafC(I. •Olive $110 "M CeNtrer .01 each eircle, The cut out .centres may he spread' with a filling and Bride C 4 '1 garnished for Additional open faced sandwiches. For a dozen double ring sandwiches you will need 6 slices each brown and — Please Turn To Page 15 pettoissettleetiotottoottositim l tettlitettlettottlettervitettestoultittottoteltiositettoltottotivittielitiettou Processing MEAT is Our Business. From the time your livestock is brought to our slaughter house or meat to our cutting room, we give it our un- divided attention, We keep a permanent record of how your meat Is out and can make any changes you wish. Why not drop in to see us? We'll be more than glad to help you. a Exeter Frozen Foods Phone 70 Main Street viittsittiotisi lllll s llll t ll ll lll tesoototitisilimittest llllllllllll t ll ttttt itit tttttt 1 t tttt I t ftt111011 ttt MI1101111111 t I ttttt RED & WHITE ANNIVERSARY Green Giant Finer" — 15 -ex, Tins eas Libby's Deep Browned — 15-0z. Tins Swift's Premium Blue BLUE BRAND BEEF • 1 BLADE ROAST• CELEBRATION!! F 0 R eons 5 0 Five Roses Flour EaiIy Riser, Coffee Emery Galefen Cream Corn • FREE Delivery Telephone 860 s-ua. dtAti Ls. Lean,Tencer, C Save 120 Slade - Out Seve 60 9, Sive 40 69' Style -1S -Oz, Save500 Drur $ 1 10 TENDER LEAN ROASTS Short 59c LE. sw,FT, PREMIUM Franks ILY 4 1Ch ot• BARGAINS IN FRESH PRODUCE! Finest Quality Cuban — Geed Sit* Pineapples 2-49c Goiciell Rte Bananas 2 L9, 29c Super olMarket MONDAY TO tHASDAY PAIDAY SATURDAY TO 10' It ti1.,i 1 fa 1,