HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-05-29, Page 11CI
VI? firgclIg14, .111cr. 11,1
- li1E200141/.V
Tho Timos-Acivocate, Moy 29, 1940 poi )1
Unlike The Weather Classiflecls Are Alwa s Seasonal
25 words or loss 70C
More Than 25 Words
20 Per Word
200 OFF
if ad Pahl with order or by
ifn9slle°rwtii;r09 II" la"
More than 25 words —
Phi? Per Word
Semi -Display Classifiads
(Restricted to •one column)
First Insertion $1.40 Per Inch
Subsequent Insertions
$1,25 Per Inch
Minimum One Inc/.
Classified ads accepted up till
Wednesday noon. Auction sale
copy should be in Tuesday at
1S13 POTAO'Ci 1,13, ;1 0 a ton;
also Nn, 1 and No. 2 table Ptaa-
then, Theodore Soudant, 11.11.. 2
Orand Deni, phone 44-11-4 or 44-
R-2 Grand Bend. 4 :24-602*
.PION131311. SEED CORN available,
A reliable hybrid ba '1 ed. by -
rePlanting agioement Five you
free seed if for any „reason you
disu no •and replant: a Strong'
germinating aced. Lloyd
KIPPS11, phone liensali 678.paes,
TON PICKUP, Chet', used. A-1
14001 1000, 2'110 11 13 fl•r-4 D8.011"
ood, 101.1e,
, •
SEE THE NEW Surge Ilueket
milker with the "loot:leg glass
finish on tbe testae". New lid
angle milks lnw ,u n even mid Pea
better. Contact: lot ell eh:Guise,
pIto ne 511:: Winghem. Surge 13 ue-
1: et s, Siphon M Ilk Pr S, Parlor
Stalls, Wash Tanks etc.
Used Car
TDVS! TOYS! Eeavers lianement
Tovtown is open all year round. 1,
Gifts for children's parties. birth- Bargains
°aye el c. for all ages, Sea:1111as
srd 0 re
4 Inch ; 55 per M Delid
5 inch 315 per AI Dei'1
li inch 110 per 11/21 Derr! '32 FARGO 1/2. TON TRUCK a
7 inch _a:a113 per M Del'd Perfect mechanical ci ..-
3 inch 173 per Id- Ded
dition ... ..... .. ...... .. . $325
T's. T's and Elbows in Stock
Prices for 10", 12" and 14' '50 PONTIAC SEDAN
on Request s Must be' sold, A-1 condi-
RYDALL BRICK AND TILE Hon both mechanically
and in apperance
'50 METEOR COACH :3125
'49 MERCURY SEDAN ... • $ 85
- I .
.C• V. Pickard
0.11010E, brand new 3-bedrootn
home nlaY 1,0 Purchased with
Satan dowu payment or at a. very
low price for cash. This is a
beautifully finished hottSe. Let
us show it to Yota
cated in Eseter business iieetion.
Suitable for office or any bust
neon renuiring erlin ni floor
*mace. Very •comfortable living*
quarters. Terms, 2:61,1,3
Let us give you flotaile.
41.131S12 ROOM 0 DICE' wil h giarag,e.
This home is well beat and in
goad conaition. It has spacious
living,' and dieing apace and good
kitchen; full basement with oil
burning furnare. This is AO estate
IMMO and must be Sold. Sal %fp
• 00'1"1',10E, - bed mom, modern
kitchen. ii-plece bath, extra bed-
Stelliginthat.ly higher on verY easy
meet, 011 beated. Price $4,500.
room Sp(1.1.3e ra./ table, run be.3:2e;
3 -BEDROOM brick holism with SG,
acree of good garden ground.
This house is 111 perfeet condition
inside and. out. Every convee
Once. Close. to store and sellool.
Township taxes, 5;ltfc
TIDY C01".TAG la 2 bedroom.
modern le telt en, brand e w .;
piece bath, oil heated, garage,
$ 75 well local:ad, Price ;3,300.00.
EigInfield .Phone 103 Lucan
sJ u a e rs for Resat typewriter:I,
Victor addieg machines. We can
rave Yee MoneY: Exeter Timee-
vneate, photo 770. 27t1e
READER'S — New rates
in effect: one year ;4.00; two
years Mee, Order now trom The
liseter Times - Advocate, phone
770. 4:24-5:29c
Special Offers
Good until May 30
52 Issues $3.00
(Newsstand Price $7.80)
24 Issues .... . .. $2.49
(Newsstand Price .. . . $4.80)
New or Renewal Subscriptions
Phone 770
anish, eatenslon table, buffet and
6 chairs. .Phone 154-IY Exetee
after 6 p.m.
1-1E1NTZILIAN PIANO. with bench.
plain case, fully guaranteed, and
at an attractive priee. W. alertin,
535 Main Street South, Ex el Pr, 29.
These cars are
and must
NOT wrecks
be sold.
183 Wellington St. W., Phone 872
TWO 1110)1 Chair:4. oils natural
wood, and outs converting to play
table, (Teeth colored with :padded
hack. $5.00 each. Phone 171-r-1 3
Exeter. 29nc
'35 TWICE% 2 -tone, low mileage,
excellent enndition, pr Iva tely
owned. Apply Alan Hill, Clancle-
boye, phone -lateen 40-0-22, 2Pc.
'PCPS, German Shepherd. 9 weeks
old: 520: registered; obedience
stock. Phone Ed Melody,
Dublin. 2:1c
20 P1(1.S. 3 'week.% old. P. 0. Sti 1 -
1 trti 11 & Son, phone 1 6 1-r-4 Dash -
w end. 2 9c
K L'I'(lISIN CLIPBOARDS. holt ont.
7's 2a stainless steel sink with
laps and jean; also 3 -be rater
heavy duty electrie stove; reason-
able. Apply 402 William St, after
6:20 p.rn. es•
2 oot.r,1113) DOGS, born heelers.
ready for training. Phone 41
Credit on. 20c
CAMPING, TRAILED, modern. 1 -
'wheel, license. mattress, Meet's 5;
PV•11,E131,1FD l'al"1,11re 11 /"; r A' $6 30 caeli. Phone. 41 Crediton. 20c
serveo.aute age, w,t a or w, tam, t
papers, good quality. ideal for
moss -breeding. Apply John H.
fester, RD. 3, 'Forest, phone 613 -r-
e 1 . 211-3c TunNt? PLANTEn — Can. supply
some seed. Please phone 91-r-3
Zurich or eall on Harold Dignan
3 miles west of Hensel!.
4 ;24-6;12.
PINK baby carriage. Phone 754_j
Exeter. 31*
'31 DODGE COACH. light green,
in good condition. Slake us An of -
for! • Apply to 64 Huron Street,
Exeter, :Phone 6311-a, „ 25*
D'otlel 55-1' Baler with motoe: 1
l'ers'uson PAM). side rat: e. AWAY
th V. .Termyn, Exet er Warm 1351it ip
trent. Phone 508 :Exeter. 24:c
APARTMENT, furnished, utilities
paid, frig'. Phone 8 Crediton.
4:1 tfc
floor, steam. heated, newly deco-
rated, suitable. for two. No petn
please. Available nosy. Phone 1 2 5
Exeter. 2110.
SOPA. BED and Illatrliinfr chair ill r4 r,11111.17‘17.1,
ts'eod condition, green floral COVer.. !nfulill ;7.17 rtc..2. A ,C3,seln_trall1(1.... Jdeleri
5,23. Apply 39 St. Lawrence Ave., aio„.a.t.d, phone 41"is'
DCA Centralia, phone Exeter
• '1" -GO-BY 'BEAUTY BAP.— Apply
•DINDLES of old papers. Exeter al Tim"' elvm'a P• • 29c
Times -A dvoea t P.
THREE 6.70/15 A t la.s Cushierl.
a ire Tires with about: 8/16 ineh
tread. Phone 374 after 6 p.m. 29*
'VOLING boar pigs, hall' 'York and
half Lacombe. Approximately 2
months old. Emeason Penhala,
Phone 9S -r-7 liett nn, 3n-6*
A I,L HOT 'DIST) at 1 nent each.
Toms.1 0, ea.bbage, broccoli,' brus-
sels sproilts, sweet peppers. eatery,
snapdragon, not in (10115 taller:5.
Apnts, Mrs, Gordon SC11Walni, Hen -
FFIT of 4 discs for a tractor sca-
rlet., round shanks, Apply Gordon
llatz, phone 961-r-3 Dashwood.
'33 CHEV SE.DAN, 2 -tone green,
11 anda,rd transmission, radio, turn
eignals, 44,000 actual miles, good
body and mechanical condition,
a only Earl Dietrich, Dashwood,
phone 81 -r-S, 2:1c
RANG IET•rE, in good condition;
8,13o anlictue record pleyer with
over se records., rhone 15.1,
Creation. . 22:29c
rioniux 11051E, 26 ft. altuttinum,
volt eltripped; bargain. Writ ou,
phone Vic Dinnin, Zurich, phone.
F PIED CORN, Funiee, en:Wage
and cob, Apply Garfield (Mellish,
11.11, 1 IV ood ha in. 22:29*
Fl."TIN 1 31417 1) A 'PAR'J'AIEN'I', e
bedroom, private. entrance, im-
mediate possesnion, located at
North End, Exeter. Phone 1463 or
409-.1. 2 9e
White Rose
Service Station
* Excellent Gallonage
* Small Rental Only Required
* Liberal financial assistance
for right man
* Excellent opportunity for
Apply at station or call
Oxford St, East. London
Phone 2-6338
Att'n: Mr, Fawcett
The biahop had preached a
fine sermon on !tarried life and
Rs beauties. Two old Irish- .10‘;;telrLAlilrgil ;Tie 1 5, 2-1"dr°"1
women coming out of chUrCh ecig or oWn, 2n -111)1:0e
were heard commenting on the nmiltillY' 121 °I n•
,, . AP A ' " •T
istelivqenronon,ce wioisolda fbineealteertin.m.1 jii)ttle;-7...it'etil:iiii:111:1,1'41...;)11:11
eat CI'S
giving ellitre
us," said One to the other, leat'dware, phone 50.
"11 is, indade," was the quick
rrply, "and I wish I kneW as
little about the matter as lie
tie tit 'tap •Nekt
Floor Sanders
Floor tildgera, Pioor Polishere
Vacuole Cleanerg, Tools, Etc,
13 it Erten
, ,
tottipment; Mo. to 111 health. Ap-
ply to Dale Prodtmet Sea retell,
1 :22:2Se
SIODE;IIN I -floor, • hedrooln
heithe., battetnent, 011 fureare, 03.
eel:fent Meetien, reatentibly priced.
Apply 564 .14111 Steett, Exeter.
294.1 Itc
ONfil PLOOlt 2 bedroom buttgalOW
with 3 llieee both, coal fttrnace,
told ti aced lend, lit the Villitge
thmeerield. Peet:wee-WI 11Y AtignAt
AIIP111 11/20. Archie 11111stard, 11.11.
2, 'Zurich, be ptiOne $3-r-4
N't1 and eab I A, hydro a tut
wftfor, float Geteterleil lleat4 ens ble.
Apply 167 Hutton Street, Exeter.
To buy or sell, see C. V. Pic-
kard, flealror and General insur-
ance, 1514 Main St., Exeter, phones
165 and 628,
1 :23tfc
C OTT A 0 le. insulated,
hardwood floors. 2 bedrooms with
possible third, 3-plecet hath, fur-
nace. garage. 53,000 cash to settle
2-ST011137 14011SE, large furnace,
11 -piece ba.th, hot and cold water,
heavy duty wiring', g.s.rage.
1111) ACRISS, all tillable, insulated
house, full bath, furnace, base-
ment barn. silo, drilled well,
pressure system; near village;
6-11.00af 1 -floor house, air condi-
tioning 051 furnace, rapiece bath,
large lot. garage, 55,700 cash,
100 ACRES ela,v loa.m, l'aborne
Township, fell set of buildinree,
mostly new roofs, 5 aeres bush,
close to school, chttreh,
toute. 4:10c
69 .:1C• RES workable loam. small
eomfortable. house, base in 0 t
barn, garage, hydro. 5:1 Ms
COSY 1 -floor Credit On house, 2
bedrooms, living room, dining
room, kitchen, 2 -piece bath, hot
water, furnace (oil), attached
garage, lati acres. 6:Stfc
Write or tome. W. C. 'Pearce,
Realtor, Exeter, phone 485; Earl
Parsons, phone 507, Fred Cole,
phone 544-35, Salesmen. lltfc
IVO-DERN 1 -storey brick house,
garage attached, 2 bedrooms, liv-
ing room, dining 1'00311, kitchen,
fireplace, full ba,seinent, oll heat-
ed, excellent: Ideation, close to
school, landscaped. Phone 667 Ex-
eter. 18:22:211
Stre ova pleased to he able to
.o.afer several Hensel' and district
homes. Priced to sell—some with
very reasonable clown payments.
"Mortgages arranased.
Additional listinga of commercial
and residential income propertie.s
—3.180 farms. Let -us discuss same
with you.
Guaranty Trust
Phone 51, Henson.
SEPTIC TANKS pumped; immed-
iate service. -Butler Bros., Lucian,
phone 130-'W or 108 Lucan,
relief from SOre burning feet,
weak ankleas, 'sore heels and
:knees, hips and back, cramps in
feet or legs. Watch corna nal -
louses and bunlone disappear.
Brings back• 'circulation.
Benairs made to other maken.
Consult W. 'A. Nauman at Lis-
towel, every Tuesday and Elmira
every Friday from HMO a.m. to
9 ;110 p.m. Walk Wee. W gh am
and other points by phoning
(collect) Listowel 94 or Elmira.
MO 9-2604-5. Central 'Hetet, Ex-
eter, on May 2, 16 and 30,
POR ARTIFICIAL insemination
serv•ice or move information, tele-
phone the Waterloo Cattle Breed-
ing Assoniation collect at: Clinton
HU 2-3441, between 7:30 ane -a:30
A,M. We supply service to lop
Quality bulls of ahe Holstein.
Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernsey, 'Brown
Swiss. Red Poll, Hereford (polled
and loaned), :Beef Shorthorn
(polled and. horned), and Dual
Purpone Sherthorn, (-1.11,V11 and
Charolalse breeds. The cost is
low, 4;2 4 tfc
0 CST() 51 CA.PON1 ZING and 1145-
beaking..Call Carl OestrIcher,
phone 57-r-23 Dasltwoocl.
FILMS DEVISLOPED in 45 'lout's.
'Exeter agent; 'Russell Eleetrie.
Ilensall agent: led [sink Plumbing'
and Heating', Prompt p.holo fin -
letting. Snoil 2:1 fle.10*
CAPABLE 13.',34V'- SITTING seta
Viees. Phone 7145 Exeter, 2 2:29e
We are equipped in care 101` your
weed problems with good speay-
Ors and Several years experience
In the cueleni spraying' busineeit.
A, new high Mon) sprayer is PX -
1100 et1 shoetly whiel) will lesion
demage 16 grain PAM mom We
endeaver 10 earry our (mit water
supply and do en tl-nround fast,
e (Melee 1, and vonscientinue Soh,
lobo' recommended radon or ap-
plication, Phone 01 -1'-$ Zurich 05",
col:start Harold 1)ignan, 3 Miles
weet ot Henssii. 211:29:30
W.A1 '(11 it's toe Matt to,
Stave 0110 grain sprayed for
secede, an WeecIS Will Ant. Step
growing iteles8 sent AfirttY7 Phone
1, V ilegartli, 20th for service or
Your Weed kill it you. 110,v0 your -
own sprayer, 'We Will pletiate yeti
With tatr priers. L. V. RegArth,
tillomt 268 Exeter . 29:5c
tt` I'MPTING- 1 10 '5'01- A
NO'r pliyhica I or financial con.
(futon for operation, protect 3,0tir•
self with orooerly ruled truss.
(Ioitioiere saiisfailtion guaranteed.
Huntley's 'Drug Store, Idscier.
ANYONE wieliing Inlve I11611'
battle tse bohliotteee Whifet sviktited
t4Ill Watson. Piletle 17-r-15
bashwor,a, Also gram or 00111.1
SI)1154'111145 'entire
yards. Path 23 feet. 1 tenth STRAYED,
cstruethin of a tr.s I 2's,42` culvert , In the Matter of secolon 21110 Itt i
rill sideroad het ween Leta 111 and '
j/4.ntinh.iiotta,(15,51.0. t R. In the r 0 m in I, r v i a 1 Zone 10. Lots 10 In 27 inclitsit to end
I1. Conceesion S. 1•14:a klay Town. ((50, ('J .
hereby referred to as Zone 0. the Illovk l', Plan P. Grand Bend. .,„ r, ..„,,,, , ' Lot .. ..„ „ .„..
klhAenrints and speelfica lions may , „ „
forms will be supplied imon re- i ',, 1,b.t. i'''.•rill'eni,il”,4 01 the 8 11,10/4"e ,
be seen at the Clerk's nifirs,, 0111. '': ille 11011er of Po' nell111•1111011. . I, Any retail SerViCe St000
non " A. Permitted Pees:
req u i rein e tit 31 shit II be as folios s.-- 1 1. ,o3.11.,coutiettlitg.4:81111.11.1%ait‘i, toapvil,23ina:::1 (11.414.‘•11.1.85111tIt;es,,idlie‘*.ielotaifil plyFE3',,tol'iy1F15-101.41410.ri,AY:1,1414,nioa:I.E);:l jlrNnisIT.tjr,..W)a.a:A;(eNt;o.}e)tTo'txSEi!:DAA:,,xpoe;.,
1101 051 a' in the menu. . .
ehip to sepply vement and Sleet.
elleat. Tlie e:ravel to meet the "" ",enno Penn 40e alSnrol ill of '
requirements as laid down by the . , A 4nieleled, Area HY-lase 1 11111-, 1011503
ing is ineldentai to suvh
.1 • V 't • .. .. .. 5t.,$.tto
ramming on the promises 12. 14ritherInSlausiteir.iessnilfa21..feett......Idan
:1‘')ejsrtlrile.ot; ble:1"1b111°1111.11alasit;IAL'T0e1111"als'. (1;0111'1: 14.':ftgra 1:1111111:5;e0 r,e1;:111;jetn'illeilie1)no4r':giliep Hi9,11:-elt'Pli iiii'el Inti 1013 1 1 1111S1.11 088. r1op not 13. All of Lot I. Lake finad (),l,),:1)..,J°i38. ea:Ile:1110ring'. Painting'
elble after rontratst le let. Loweet owned :Men of floor space 4.1/2.11i:sill‘."1:110:42atiiquet, lying East e•s" 1110410 1:"...s5e,lier 495.
anereeiaones;i. tender uot neeeesarily buildings iiiid. strectureass
teetered are primarily for hounded 00 Go South hS" the AUCTION SALE
sind the produces 01000-, of the old Ausable Ili% er and
South boundary of the :tillage
. nf Grand Rend and bounded
sate at retail on the pre -
Hearing 3. Rest:tumult, or Licensed.
2 Off lee
on the North by the 8011111 1
limit of Plan 1. Greed Bend. "
'TENDERS WANTED, ! WAN' i gp , .z. Apar yar,,s :33,0 a the
&nth of the building let, als'1/214aYthei2"1131a•alna. 'We*t•t fd til 144T—
TOWNSHIP Or .11 'l I A PART5LENT, 2-bedrnom. for I but in no vase lose than ! 7, 1,,ois 23 to 31 Mutest:LP. Macks
lie n SMALL While terrier, 10si• In tile
cCfNCR.ETE CULVERT 111,1,'.1,..13',; 1;;',olll
un° • l " 1102(0il ;-' E. alfeet i
imininin Yarddepth. osn
s for h-
t :0c : oc0. Plai14: and
nt. St eplien. Erinsley area. Ansarers to the
N . pitiOs. churcties, Bwels, om. St, Lots I in 6 int lush e and Lot (n,AirecatbruTi'l'ylgaYa' ,bsna..eir..,81:17ilte'rall•
Sealed t alflerS Nv.1 1 1 , be received. ivrvri r 0 e f munity ceotres and public build -
by the uneeraigned until Solar- .••••• 1 I s.G...) --,• 1 inS • -. ' Grand Ilend 'Gibbs Survey). P•nl,
1 4. 010elis A and II. Plan 4.
1. Front. side and rear 9. Lots 3 to 17, „Plan 1, Grand
(las'. May 31 1 U3S, for the con- I
if. W. 11110KENSiillthl,
erk -Treasu re r,,
Township of Hass.
Zurich,: Ontario
Appointment For
Of Household Furniture
g .. iiicittnbc.1111 n8 net l'il.i 41/21 o t e I IL All of tot 2, Lake Road East
and it'a roduet inn "A esterly.
-. relit; 0 AT 5100 111 1 A 14' 11' % lt 5. Th ea t re River save anti P X Vent that
lying West of the A.ueable
Corneur,oln:;4.norirst:ee:x, amnld,ESTtinleoe
and Real Estate
rpi,:arlt1 ign.cluded in Plant S. Green
aloes. Orand Lend. P32:0111S. ,
ive of Lots 34 and 25 in said
SA:PIM/4Y, 11LA a' 31
13. All of Plan 2, Grand Bend.
1,00 O'Cleek Sharp
114, 71.3a(leapnanring4.filock 0, I'lan
17. . ll:t oI:tofNI 1 t: k l
eltatiiznr 00lsuito;oaistalle
fe:i?I:i:,,i.f1nnii1eles:140t:0:4anonrelilgva;11:::of the Old Rivr 1101:ie3i1eb0a4sballxbies
PR hwn oPlan 7,u::n.Gnils:,1iilgI.00m
La Le S11 p 1:tame;8wickereimirm:endtable;
er; Pima( erfield suite and rhairs;
17. ,a;ikt,,10;:i.el!as11111rs :is° illattill3_(.1 in,ne ifs (Lit: e.
, 00 SRI) hereto's' appoint/. TurednS • 7. bervive Station
1 the Tenth Day or ,Jun,', .1.97.18, Al S. thither Shop and Beauty
the holm er half -past one n'elork Parlor
1 ln (he nf tern0015, 100111 IlInct 5 1 55. slowling Alley
I 1 he Council Chambers, 0 ran d
Itend, Ontario. (nr (he hearing. or io. llilliard or Pool Room
15, Dance Hall
III line( len interested In :the slip- 12. Cnderia.king Establish -
poll (4 Or 022111028.10N nt MS 01/1.11 1P11- Ment
OF COAL, COKE, FUEL OIL! 1/41.'15.0 NT .14/1e0 1T0 fltim second 11, Newspaper 0 f 1 le e and
AND PROPANE GAS Fon! day or .ii ny, .105S. Plant
i(1. 'Napoli/me Exchange
T 11 E FEDERAL BUILDINGS l 0. 11. ellAr:11,1;115 Seeretarr,
to the undersigned and endorsed
An, 43
as above, will be received it .B4..1 444
To REG 1 1. ATM '1'11 0
the office of the Secretary until 1.1" N 11 A A 0
3:00 P.M. (E.D.S.T.),, THURS-
DAY, IUNE 12, 1958, for the
supply of coal, coke, fuel oil and
propane gas for Federal Build-
ings throughout the Province of
Forms of tenders 'with specifi-
cation:4 can be obtained from
the Chief of Purchasing and
Stores, Department of Public
Works, Garland I3uilding, Ot-
tawa, and the District Architect,
Department of Public .Works, 385
Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario.
Tenders will not be consider-
ed unless made on the printed
forms supplied by the Depart-
ment and in accordance with the
conditions set forth therein.
floor lainpi Beatty s acunm cleane
15. la i Ft r e 0 114' r Park a ay and
1. Lake -Road West. Townrillan r 011() 0)1111 rue:, 1 1.1x1 0; bedroonS
'Water Atee" '"l sin)" cl" MUSIC vabinet; foot sine); eewing
, block: 'Wilton rug. 12:00; 5 mats;
B. Thrilding t rea --plan 9. (hi srbat part .rif 1ot
or Etnranquel. adjoining nic' rtig, Mall11) IijW ; bed. springs and mate
1. ND bililding 'Deluding as-
Allrahlr all and l,yllig Nur' 111 tresses: clost of drawers; 2 pare
T11.1.3 5 sse OF HI I !MI .`t GS ANIS or parrel on which it is
iF.''iiirrtYf'"111::eli)1;alill'el1F0eaetrir. Bend.
, Mira' Area - - Zone 0 shall be
bureans: Small table; 2 card
sof Plan I, 6, a, and 2, Grand lour chairs: 2 trunks; 2 suitcasee;
1 beds, springs, mattress and
50 . e' ommodesa vilest of drawers' 2
Grand Rend enacts as follows— meats shall be as follows —
Tile anunot or ou., vitiaro,. or ferred in an Zone 0 the require-
:49'UL t"r 1 15ES. 9 ln the Iltu'al Zone herein ro- • Towiiaitiii of stenhen, save
anti except that, portion in -
elected in Ma it nu for the '2 -plate burner; 2 commodnelsa•t1
velvet rug, lex] 2: toilet set';
room suite (new i and bed -
1, .kil nf Ltit 1. Lake Mod East. tables: old fashioned oloek; heavy
1. In this lly-law; • A. Permitted rens: Township of Stephen.
.1/2• FamilY meatus one or mere 1. Agriculture Ileisident !al Area -- Zone A. shall Cotushoelrettilni. :rug'', 1.9 ttl 0 : Irt;'g. - 'xi ...t9 i
feat 1 c. , 1 ed 001n 1 1 1 Ill•
lumeekeeping milt In a dwelling'
111111 ane inettitles dottiest ie Ser.
persons 1 iring PS a. non -prof It . :1• The produvt inn and tratts- he deemed to include,
missinn nf by dro and elec.- 1, :AD of Grend Fiend not in-
t rie power vilified in Zone Ft commercial, ciliiieed(aii*,jolanoirt.t.) font hatop: pa: t nbnoi d; kt ri tans; 1; e nv ateaubulien.
il. Reel -ration IS; 7 rovking ehairs: kit -
and Zane C rural.
vante and roomers, or bOarderS, 011 0 11 elnek • 2 street gates 7 feet
i I, Publiv Ctilities intatiding The zoning map will hp on (us -
1 Jig': Ccate.•al ISleetric fri'gidaire•,
net eseeeding two, ,
se wags disPosal and was play in the Clerk's office, Grand
D. Dwelling Unit means a room . r0lectrio' stoive; 'radio; stool; flour
or steno of 5 wo nr 01ore rooms I tet• supply fiend, van: poreh swing; quantity of
designed or intended for use by a 1 B. :Minimum Yares: . sealers: electric washing machine;
person or family in ti hiell sant- I 1. Front yards 43 feet for a dtSCELLANECUS— real oil stove; flower pots; wash
tary VoilVente1103.8 are provided a welling ' and 11)0 feet foe . a holler and tubs; ironing board;
for looking oe the installation of all other building's kite:hen table; dishes of all kinds;
conking equipment, . EVENTIDE VILLA., a home tor
C. .1/2 One -family Dwelling nr a 2. ;Si lapel 1 i Si 'Iaut•da n3,13 7,l'oee ft e efLo ri oar
building containing' reseectivelY la The purpose for tiny land or
Tven-famlly Dwelling moans e all other buildings. no Sanders St., Eixseten:7Tinle" An'i 1 -7 ..-' (2,s,::,&::,,s, ...,1110:.,„._,I,jai a:,;(::: ,,nh'7a; i3: is, -0:Penai:::',..1.5aAL.Iliaent YlPls: osi, f''' ctu)e.''irbi t.ilae:1101-0113.
iS under th A management of Mrs.
elderly citizens.
one or 1 wo il wetting units, littildieg, shall not he changed. iv) l'• IIPA,i2:14'1111e. i'lxeler 1:5(1 l'u
D. Multiple -Le a ni 1 1 y I) w elliim ne.w bit/ling or addition in exist- ".TERalS; Cash
The lowest or any tender not means a buildieg containing three in— Imitate.' shall be erected and 113.ARN l'HE GC IT A 11 - Motlet•n
met un at I le ,,i son .a. ion o The Estate of
. or more dwelling milts. no land shall be sere rod frOin an Alrtl. Arthur Franeie
necessarily accepted. i-.1. nodding 1.01 311011 1)8 1 he . . . . . Minsk.. 'Levan. Instruments Monett
land appropriated for the exclus.
:ROBERT FoRTIER, ire IISP of one dwelling or a cont.
CHIEF OF ADMINISTRATIVE inereiai or an industrial esteb-
of such elm tigeg, ere'etion.
FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer
• . for trial 0011 1•Se in -Hawaiian and (nay Francis, Executor)
verenee is to create a situation Simill511 ForlYsibl'eu 3.5d,r5.
itt whluli any of the requirements training
Luean. ati N( 2,:iaett.; i ige. 0, 1,h:.?„,...no22;:,..4.1.1:01
Department of Public Works,
Ottawa, May 14, 1958.
Township of Stephen
Tenders -will be received by lbe
Township of Stephen on the Web-
bor alunicipal Drain. 'Plan, profile
a.nd specifteatines may be seen at
the office of the Clerk. Work lo
cOnlillenCe min an tender is
asvarded. Tenders to be in the
hands of' the Clerk at 12 n0Ori 011
or before June 10, 1 9 32. Lowest or
any tender not. necessarily acceps
.1 A SI 133 MA 1/21/2' 5 -SINN itT, Clerk
s9 -3e
Township of Hay
Sealed tenders so marked will
be received by the undersigned
municipal clerk until P2.110 p.m.,
Monday. June 2, 15558. for the Con-
struction of the A ncl croon Munie-
ipal 'Drain, consisting of approxi-
mately 1,6140 cubie yards of earth
to be removed.
Plans and specifications may be
seen and tender forms obtained at
the office of the undersigned. A
marked cheque made payable to
the Township of Hay for 10 per
eent of the amount of the bid
NIUST accompany each tender,
Leweat or ally tender not 110005-
sarily accept:ed.
Clerk-Treas., Township of 110y
Zurich, Ont,
Hay Township School Area
'Pile Board of Trustees of the
ETaY 'Township Settee' Area are
nailing for tenders for Lite Milo% -
A—I4EA TING' : Teor School No, 2
an d .7/0, Concession 2, la".
Complete installa.tion of a, pressure
oil burning unit, air eonditinnieg
fa.n. 3 main C011ir015, 11PC0aSalT
EilletS and a 250 gallon oil tank.
(These two scho,ols have base-
B—,P.813 No. 3 Sehonl M-
elee. No. 2 SchOol outside. No. 2
Seltool piesl ered pa.rt only.
No. 8 School outside. No. 7 Sella(/'
2 rooms inside, walls o»ly. No. 7
Schnol 1 rooin inside, walls and
toiling, All paintirtg to be leo
coats. Ceiling' Dot white and sides
light green, light erearn,
C—NEW ROOF: No. 11), New
Plumintun roof on north side eels'.
Nei. 4 new roof on 0011 1* Fitin nf
sehool and on East. side of wood
All these tetidere to he Slart stl
and rompletad the earI3,• part
Of t he summer holidays. Phl• 01000
complete details nlease rontact. the
seeretary, Separate, tenders are
asked foe each individual part.
Tenders to be in the. hands of the
ateretary by auto 10, 6 p.m. 1,0e -
est nr Any tender nol. necessarity
1-5. W. 13 110 KbINS.11 13
See.-Taoas, Zurich, Ont.
S T P TES 9'08\' N8111 r
SCHOOL, AfUll.k,
Separate 1 endere stall be Nora ea
by the undersigned until' June 1 11
ler the brush *painting or schnnts
In Stephen O'nwitsliip School Area
All paInt lised Must Nn, 1
Pain ti lig to be completed bY
..tegust 10, 1855,
(11 S.14. NO, 5 Vredlien-2 teats
ntifside anti 1 eoa 'inside, S111)10
'Roy iltilebeleer, Janitor, Credit-
V.S.S. NO. 18 basiinood 1
00,11 11131110 ening 8115101, W0111 •
APPlY Sid Baker, Dashworul,
L0117011 01' 1011(Thr 1.101 neves-
sort ty accepted.
11'11,MA ft 5). WEIN, Sec.Treas..
Ilox 12 t Cred Ron
'29 :3t,
at, oro,
25 -‘r,`: lqS!e1
GITASS for 20 head of 'yearlings.
Apply It IL 1Vilitains. 1111101P
44-1'-9, 'Kiri:ann. * 2 9*
((tut, ntlahltig in contribute
Words ear petal travelling 10 (15(011'
5051'15 TOildon /lease art
Pos.' "0", '1`iroes..‘d voca to. 295
Irioncy required on first 111ertgaSe,
security, at geoA interest rates. 11
ftrild5 Writ's :flying'
your uttm and the A.11101.1nt A vol.
alAtt nes 1004 Tilnee-Ad1/20eate.
le. Yard means an mon.
• of lite fiy-la 10 in regard to each
At the same lime and place
env toed and unoectipipa space ap-
purtenant to a building, lIns lintividna 1 remaining: building, ite.
cesanry buildings or building lot HELP WANTED
subject to a reserved bid, if not
there Will be offered for sale
ch ieront Yara means a yard. Is contravened, .4—
sold before:
extending aeress this laill whItIl 11. Provided that sub.Ssrt inns 6 ' TEACHER REQUIRED
Tile House and Let nn the C01.
.311001 fir the front boundary of rim li 1151 1)5 allnileahle I 0 any
the int anti Jim nearest portion 1 8 thi :
1 onms upstairs and bathroom.
1 ' - 0 . i
brjeli house. with 4 bed -
of the building lot between the per ef Andrew and Stmcoe Sts,
'1' 0 a c 11 s: :r required for rural
of any head the; 011 the 105, 00.0001 of lends hold uncle'. Resta. 1 school 57b5-9, Hay Iannil 1 eStnnielY yirsto
Due ownership at the, 1)1110 of • township. Dui ies t 01 11 nt e .11
H. llear Yard means a yard the passing of 1 his Fly -law that September, 1935. ... ty acam dine, One. bedroom dewnstairs, dining
room and kil 011051; garage: gond
qualifieal ions ‘zaaillantilljapitifp;(e:arite.innIcl.ea"....‘
•,-......a. g. arden; a nice bright place to
of the building Int het ween -the
(1,nit.e. mune,. eclat" the 1,111 wiarb would not be 80 fficiently Iarge , 1 o
0.ar bnilndar,,, or the lot and flip in comormihy 14'101 seri 1011 6, 7, i 4'X1) 01') 011,0 and religion, Apply to
nearest, portion of the nialn build- or 3 but further provided that a 14 let,my Erb.. sem-eters," - treasurer,
voltage or building of any hind I 13., 1L 1 Zulash. cm I •
noon which 10 build a structure .., Allill leant 5 to elate
11", ,t.
. 22:29a
of the betiding lot to the ilear-
est prof inn of the main building.
the rear yard and from the side shall ""i enver 1001e limn ars n('
te.tidt„, fsom the from, yard to be eenst met ed under thie proviso , .
.1. Ms 111 Pallid ing means the
I, Side Yard means a yard ex -
the pareel of the land 1t is Waved '
Upon and a building,- designated
for human lobit at ion Alton ed ln i
for mil It !Me 0600111 1110(1 11 0011 00 , eataalieited territory in rarkiiiii
and ‘41:1111shirgivoto'
neat appearing man with var. 100 The undersigned will sell for
ilas openinge for an aggressive.
Of Household Furniture
.1 AMES Grago
alloy, ed under d Eiteuceenlul leen t
frMnsrtieurri-. 'VILLAGE. OF GRAND BEND '
ill Green Acres,
blillding: in watch is carried on. vont tnervial uee
the prinelpal purpose for which
Die beading lot Is ueed, and in 1110re. than 7 Oat of the area. it Is . •
thin proviso shall • not oceans' )Ii'
Per appointment, phone 301 Exp. aATI.RDAT, jai:NE I' •
platted upon.
the )T81(1010.011 zone the dwelling, 29. •
is the 111 a i 11 1)111 lall1P; , ter.
K. Accessory Billitiing Means 15 l le ( est] urt on 01 pa a
1 And provided further that i
?.1a31. .lo 011ie t;a1.31iin'-'-' -
0 1
1 Bed 6 rity,s and mattress; tiled -
at 1:30 pan.
et; fern stand; coffee
detaelied biabling the use of struction by fire or by an art 0011r f.,7,,ApillertsSeAn:11...‘.:Csin..:\ei:V.'i...,:erstv'p11.5. • poi ; mirrors; towel rack; 2 wash
which is head ental or seeondary God of any building white)
1 g ehairs. twilight lamp; 4 table
!Co. In Goderivh end area. Salary, stands: 10 kilehert chairs; 4 rock*
to that of the main building and the date of the passing of thin
not used 'for hip man habitation, By-law was erevted or w1(5 mod
proftsinn„.1 this. , pension plan. Esperionce helpful 1 lamps: drpsser;
!eommissinit. hespitaltzation and ! .11 _
wood and coal
vontrary to the 1 but not neressary. Can start at
‘,...., 1 cook stove; heating stove; arm
with the male building and In- Ely -law shall not bring the land
located on the same building 101
slug" 86'wing ''''S -j chair; 3 card tables; end table'
chides a pHs ate garage,. on w Melt the sti id building was : mll"e• APP1Y
eret.ted withh, the i ernta or this i chine Co., Goderich, phone 1 1.3.,. 1 inonage gas stove; a cot.; 4
1., :Height moans when used
with refereneo to a building, the
vertical distanee. brt W0PI1 the ave-
rage elevation of the finished
surface of the grolind at I lie front
case of it flat root", the highest
parapet. which P0 P1' 48 1 "P great";
of the building, anti 1 1 ) In -the.
Point or the rent serfave or the
(9) in case of a mansard roof the
deck roof lino: El) and in the
case. or a gable, hip, or gamble
roof, the mean height 1101 400011
the paves and the rld3P. PS01 1181ve
Of roof construction used only aii
ornament such as a pent
cbirtmey, tower or sterple,
2. When the regulations ot any
DePartmen 1 of 00v ernmsnt im-
pose greater rest rite inns than. the
0081 1.'let Ions Imposed 117, this TlYs
la w, then such greater restric-
tions shall eontrol.
S. The 1)1'0'v:talons of this :By-
law shall apply to the following
lands der.eribe.11 in Schedtile A t many other sales -- helps provide i et 1:001 pan,
And attached thereto which SCIJED 1. LH 11
toss. Apply ilidier 51111s Ltd., 51 ,
„„„ , dinette And buffet: kitehen table
forming R part of t his Ily,laW A I ail even bet I to Outlive for sue- : Tv antennae; wain& kitchen
the purpose of this Pavslaw 11111/2'e slid nr:
for • Zone 13 shall be deemed to eon -
Superior St.. Newmarket. "" 1 and 4 theirs; large mirror; kit -
been divided into various use 1, All lands blitz "West of Pine .
i then :table: emRll table: 2 1 eran-
Zone 5 — Residential 2. All lands lying 8011511 01' I3i1V4 BUSINESS
SI rept, Plan IA. 1.,1 sphsn.
1 end blur; 2 small lamps; 2 floor
zonea as follows -- chairs; 2 leather chairs, red
Zone C. -- Rural • Street and North of Main
table; walnut desk; china. cabia
Zone 11 — Cninmercial
And Wnoths'ard Avenue, Plan welters of dream possessions such -
Street her48:00/1 Huron Street araNy avost reaa are now tee nrouti 11011115S1 2 walnut. tables; coffee
4. The pernilssable rises, the
minimum size and the dimension% 24. Stephen, as deep freemers, automat iv Men- 1 116" "10511 ellair: 3-14 le•oP• bad*
room suit 0: bedisde table; 2 rugs,
3, All lands lying South or King drys, DPW kitchens. etc., all be-
ef the building lots, the :minimum Pint: and brown: 5 mats; elothing
Street and North nf Slain causo they derided to soil Avon
step or the yard and the 'minimum !coats: window sereen with .elec-
percentage of Ilse building lot 81 re•el 110135 0011 1-1 11 von „Street Product s in 111010 contmu it it les. tric fan: 2 now: 3 ventifian blinds:
and Wood 55 10)1 Avenue, Plan You ton van sop your dreams cense *
which may be occupied by build -
respect I ve land 518e 30110.3. 4. All lands ty 1 11.3 S011 I 11 of n Lourien G•roen, District Manager, I b"I''ll 2 largP
s 1. Stephen. true. -For inroi•mat Ion a rite ales, LI dining thaire: large cornice
.,, a i rdrobe; bedroom chair; card.
'Inge are set ma herein 101' the living' room Chairs;
. i table; hoe: axe; shovel: fork; 4
-se k
herein, lots oe yards smalleta. anti
n. L se s other than those slat ed
1101 Bel (1 .0 . ant 1
line joining the South- Weet Doe 281, 'Hanover, ant,
I pictures, small; 2 large pictures;
coverage. by buildings greater 8011111 - least corner f
".- Lni 5' BABY CHICKS _ - 1 'Tents' player: stnall mirror; small
3. ,k11 tbase /ands iii matt et nuotums, order, now seta . act. ' Is ilvhen 'utensils: grams (Otters
Pian 2 4. beim,' a depth of 1 60 .
feet North of Maill Street. l
than that stated herein are pro- ' 2 Ss w Itoraes: paint brushes
6. A. Nothing. in this Ry -la w in
111 'not. wat 0 1 ng ran, roc 0
lying' 880.31 of Hight% ay 21 11) Amos th-Oross chieks, order ' a 5551
1 3 kitchen vita ire; dining 1 5 ble. wal-
A 11 P111 11 Or 207 1'0'0 W0S1 e01',/* ahead. 'Have wide choice in Isiah
in perpendicular diatom." front ; prod tt ei ng stock. Pullets, fla yet& i nut 4 halt tree; ironing' board,
the Weelerly Ilimi. of the said and some elaried. Duni :purpose
:Highway 21. ; -chicks. Ask us fer eomplet e Flray
6. All nt Plitit 30, Townahio or i Hat, from Eris.' Carseatiden, Eset or
Stephen, lying East, nf Digit- Phone 2 4 6-W. 29c ,
29e ,' chrome, (hairs: ice box; 3-pleC6
Fly- la tv i'f a latt ildilig Of. 00 great- 1 .
1 wicker set; -" flower stands; lin-
height Is w i t 11 111 100 :i'ParS of ,
er grotind area and of no greater i
MALE HELP iNANTED I Mount rug; lawn ehairs: dishes:
such destruct Inn or partial de- : Salesman or heel, er to hnld npsn : bedding: silverware: pots and
strut:tine relmilt again and eons - and sell lake lots and cot !ages at • Pans; draPes; sealers; crocks; 2
dewiest's" usetl In ths sanio lean- our Real Nato t e ()Mee. V.', miles lawn rnowei•s; pump: sink and
Her ns before its destruction ur ' north of Grand Bend, Ontario. Von , ether articles too numerous te
partial destruction. 1 must have a salesman's or broli- , mention,
era license. A good busitsese, and 1 TErzaisa cash.
12, Any person eonviet ed Of a
breach of the provisions ot this . good snnt. See or car) nwIler, 1 110 I" SAIITH. Atte -1 2, As
n.r.. 4 Thedford
magistrsae epee' ty
'FI:, -law shall forfeit and psy, at i r%arlutedill. Fstilittreliadieir,s121303rela4, I;Itliainsiti,247...19a-e;iirlo-. 111
the discretion. of the von vim ints
the sum of $300.110 for eavit of ,
frece eXt.IIISIVP of eosts.
'not esceedinr, Plinio Preseott 5-7,622.
f 10 11.ANCHIF,S0 ONALF111. want sr' , AUCTION SALE
D.coal tho first time this :last day' 1 sfe011:111,1.elis oairettotif014'0‘rolorysaillelsinini..11.114.11 i
Of Household Effects
of April 15158
Read the second time this 21st ; aa,S).110. 11157 .p., 111,11,(4'111etdialli.7,1 1,.1,,tenvernainirrnini,1 i
Tow.s‘nnce).FS t.tr;;Ne ..lt , T IT; B.
day of ,Spril 15)85
this 21st day of April 1953
Read tits third 1 inis and passed ! Parlours. 011151)055. Pail and 0111- 1
1. 1.1 lIgle Milli PI'S, .1/2 firAl ,'l98$ earn- : 1
2 A P,lock West• of Snell Brott,
r,s,,,,%4 i ins 01100intinit .0 for an aggreSSI've 1
JAMES H. ii.wros, full, or individual. Co-operiti is e I
.5112.11.R.A.Y a. 1)133 JARDIN8, clerk. ad% ert ising. dealer 1 raillillg a1111 ' SA T1 41.DAN', .1 I .N.0 14
ail caste 8118.11 prevent file 1100 Or
any land ae 3 11 b 1 1c perk. torn -
triunity centre, playground or
hi gliw ay.
124. No building' shall es toed 415
feet in height. awl en a ccossory
building shall e•xceed 52 feet in
C. le valculating the height or
a building any construct ion used
115 1411 ornament or for the metal -
an teal operation of the
stili as it pentlintoo, ihimuey,
tower, (Supoith or steeple, shall
not bo included.
3). No building includ Inv 0-
c6ns0rY 1015 ld 1004:8 811311 Cleeltpy
11100e than 50e2, of 1 he arra of the
betiding 101. 0114 14, hich IL is situet-
, 7. 144 the Resident ia I 70110,
'herein referred to ast 8010(1111e .44,
the rerativements 51111411 be as fol.
1 o ws—
A, Perini e.d Vacs:
1, ono le011111:1; Dvphliu1g
trwn 5014.11111y :Dwelling
11, Itospitala
4. l'hurcheS
5. 1401 Ania
5. 1"o1i1n11.15111 venires
7. roll ie Buildinge
8, Atoeseriry 11111111 in es tn.
rtdental to the ftbnyr Vara
8. 14411 19151" or Dort Ora' Of«
rit.051 or Profess'cittai or-
rIvos 10,15 W &thin 1110)5'
Own resnienee.
11. Nothing' in this Ily.iaw shall
Prevent a persem re:siding in a
dwelling milt from carrying on
0,/13' derneallt. nr household n rt
Whielt does not af feet the amenity
of the neighborhood or, it A. den-
tist or s (Motor, 5011140111 In the
build -the, from using one or 111151'?
rooms as an ark c, provided that;
1. There is no display •of
000d5 nr 01I1 Srt faint other
11 an au unilluminated
5115)) 100 ON:Or six square
Trot in area.
1', iSllfllmL,111 lilac of building
Ott —
1, Poe 15 one•fatnily 1115 pilIng'
--73.foot front:este 1V1115
minimum area. of 15,01,11
511111800 fool.
2. 1.`nr 3 151 n..(1.151111'S' Pil-
ing -45400t rrontrme with
A 15511-5-115111111 arta 'Or 1 3,0150
so'n re feel,
11. "Minimum 'strds for (1384511-
14)1515 .-
1. Vront yards 23 feet
Xtt one side yard 5145
IoSA than 10 feet 111 width:
11so yards shall 1101 he
leen than 23' 0( 1110 width
tf the building lot,
1-101.AND Pron.
lert.kNK TAYLOR, Auctioneer
C 1,.1 Clerk
73/4 -oz, tin 3,50
Wishbone, 8 -oz, 2 for 350
2 lbs. . 290
Monarch (tutterseoleh) . 290
Aylmer, 20 -oz. tin S . 2 for 37e
Fresh, ripe, lb.
St. Williams, 24 -oz,
Xing size soap
31, • SID