HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-05-29, Page 9"IS SHE THE BEST?"--IVluriel and Doris Cornish, Woodham, jot down their reasons for the placement of this Ayrshire ow during the Huron County livestock judging competition Saturday at Seaforth, The girls. were among 216 from the county who competed for over $150 in cash prizes, four trophies and trips to New York and Eastern Ontario. Representation from this area was light and only three were among the top winners of the competition. —T -A Photo BROTHERS GRADUATE --- Bill and Don Brock, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brock, R.R. 2 Kippen, graduated recently from OAC, Guelph, with B.S.A.. degrees. Bill is continuing his studies in mechanical engineering at To- ronto University and is presently employed at Dow Chemical Co,, Sarnia. Don will be teaching at Waterloo - Oxford District High School next term,. The brothers re- ceived their early education at Kirkton public school, later moved to Burgessville and then to Kippen with the family. They are the grandsons of Mr, and Mrs. William Morley, Sr., Whalen, and Mr. Tom Brock, Whalen. Fieldman Comments 'County Hog Producers Endorse Sales Method Representatives of county hog producer organizations met in Toronto May 21 and unanimously confirmed. Lhe action of the On- tario Hog Producers' Marketing Board in maintaining the present system of selling hogs through the co-operative sales agency. About 90% of .Ontario's hog crop is now being directed through 15 assembly marketing points of the Ontario Hog Producers' Co - Operative. Producer, support was given to the hog marketing board in face of considerable agitation in pro- cessor circles for the hog Co-ope- rative to dispose of their hogs through a Dutch Clock system, a mechanical device used in the marketing of cheese and tobacco. Hog producers at the meeting objected to the Dutch Clock sys- tem because they felt that it would place the smaller and more numerous processors in an unfair trading position and limit the effectiveness of the majority of buyers in competitive bidding. Another objection to the Dutch Clock system was that proces- sors have been unwilling to agree to minimum prices, es- sential to the Dutch Clock auc- tion method for other products. Also, it was expressed 15y pro- ducer representatives that hogs are a perishable product which could not be stored at times when unsatisfactory prices were being bid through the Dutch clock system, A resolution from the hog pro- ducer meeting further stated that the hog board accepted the challenge' of the Farm Products Marketing Board to have a vote as announced but that .it was still the opinion of, the organiza- tion that 60`, of those voting in favour should have been a satis- factory majority, as has been recommended in the past, The resolution followed the announce- ment by the government that a vote would he held on the Onta- rio Hog ' Producers' Marketing Plan, July 25 and that 66 2/3 favourite vote, of those voting, —Please Turn To Page 10 rem11 l,r1111111111111111111111,IH,11111u,111111111111111111u,1111,1111111111"11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Fresh Cement OR MORTAR MIX on hand at all. times. Large or small orders. Cement Blocks Woven Wire Steel Gates Steel and Cedar Fence Posts Barb Wire x4and •4X(1 Weed Sprays We have a full line of sprays on hand. Most grain is now ready to spray. AMiNE 80 5 Gal, .... $4,20 per gal. M.CiP. AMINE 5 Gal, .... $6.19 per gal, Steel ,And 1Alum.inu n ROOFING .EXETER DISTRICT Phare 289 Called Offeriiffeleirrneurtient ireletr01Yrrfrnitinettilii ientrr1i91Y1ateteneititilio11numununitieutteront dd Still Need Rain In Huron County There are still areas in the county that haven't received rain other than sufficient to settle the dust since February. Lack of moisture, along with severe frosts are playing havoc to the meadows, as well as seine of the more tender crops such as potatoes that have been planted in the gardens. Surprisingly most of the spring planted crops are making good growth. Some cattle are having a tough Linie to find sufficient pasture, Blocking of sugar beets is quite general and it is expected some white beans will be planted this week. imesv,hvocafe Second Section. EXETER, ONTARIO, MAY 29, 1958 Page Nin* urnip Growers To •Organize, vestigate Marketing Scheme arm ews- --- SOWW NURQN and NORTH M(ppLES'EX —ter r (I�1a► Extensive Preparations .Required For Hog Vote Election machinery for the I July 25 hog vote started rolling ] this week with clerks and asses -1 sors in district townships pre- i paring preliminary lists of voters for the important ballot, Regulations call for the most extensive preparations ever re -I quired for a farm marketing t vote. In many ways,• the proce-' dure parallels that used in pro- vincial and federal elections. May 31, Copies of the lists will be printed and posted and a court' of revision will be held on July 5 to amend thein, Reports frons area townships indicate municipal officials have already spent considerable time preparing the lists. Clerk Janies Mawhinney, Ste- 1 phen, says he expects there will I be approximately 330 voters there. In Usborne, Clerk Marry Strang estimates he may have 300 on the list. While all the regulations have not yet been announced, several important ones have been pro- vided clerks for guidance in pre- paring their lists. Preliminary lists of voters must be completed by Saturday, These include; "Every hog producer must vote in the township in which he re- sides." "In the list of producers, only one name should be listed for each .farm on which hogs are pro- duced. In most cases the produc- er will be the farm owner or if rented, the tenant. But if the hog producers' business on the farm is carried on by a partnership or a corporation, list the name of the partnership or corporation, or it the business is carried on by two or more persons jointly, list the names of the joint own- ers. Where a corporation or part- nership is entered on the list, the name of a person must be des- ]gnalcd i.o vote on behalf of the corporation orpartnership not later than July 4." Clerks have been advised to use a voters' list printed recent- ly for a municipal or other elec- tion. Names of non -producers are to be struck off. There will be only one polling location in each townsl.ip but there may be two booths at the poll .if the number of voters ex- ceeds 350. n7y A 1 Location of the poll is at the discretion of the clerk. In Ste- phen, it's expected to be the township office in Crediton; in Usborne, the township hall in Elimville. Hensall Fair Sells Calves I' Details of Ute open class •for fat calves, which will be nuc- ; tioned at Hensall Spring Fair fand Implement Show, were re- leaned this week by Earl Dick, 1president of the society. Entries must be 850 pounds and under and all entries must be auctioned at the sale follow- ing the show. Farmers who want to sell calves at the sale, however, need not enter them in the class if they don't wish to. Twenty-five calves belonging 'to members of the Hensall Feed- er Calf Club will also be auc. I tioned at•the sale, as in former !years. Secretary Jim McGregor says the calves have shown ex- cellent gain. "I think the members will h• make money this year at the r e it 0�Dis t r i C hopes they do so that more boys t current price," he said. He • and girls in the district will. Q a want to join next year. kg^ g JudgingPresident Earl Dick announced inners that Maple City Shows have signed a contract to bring their midway to the fair, Only three contestants from South Huron were among the 21 top winners in the Huron County livestock judging competition held at Seaforth Saturday. Ray Cann, R.R. 3, Exeter, was runner-up for .the high score in the senior section with 645 points out of a possible 700. He was only two points behind the winner, Murray Gaunt, R.R. 1, Lucknow. Tom Easton, R.R. 3, Exeter, and Gerald Wallis, R.R. 1, Gran- ton, tied for runner-up position in the beef section. They both scored 185, two point behind Robert Lyons, R.R. 1, Lucknow, the winner. This year's competition attrac- ted 215 contestants ranging from 14 to 22 years of age. It was con- ducted by ag rep Douglas Miles, assistant Art Bolton, a number of club leaders and department- al officials from other •counties. Ten Alton, R,R. 1, Lucknow, won' the Blatchford Feeds Ltd. trophy for the highest marks in the competition. Ile won the in- termediate division with 649 points, two more than the winner of the senior group, Murray Gaunt. Runner-up in the intermediale section was Harmon Broadhag- en, R.R. 2, Brussels, with 629. Ivan Howatt, R.R. 1, Belgrave, with 619, was top pian in the junior division which attracted the most contestants, 104. Peter Doig, Wroxeter, came second with 616. A girl — Kathryn Simpson, R.R, 1, Listowel, — won the novice class over a field of 74. competitors, scoring 584 points. Jetrid Cartwright, Blyth, placed second with 581. WINS DIPLOMA — Donald S. Pullen, R.R. 1 Granton, former Queen's Guineas winner, was one of 71 students who received their diplomas in agriculture at the recent graduation exercises for the two-year course at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. He is employed part- time by the Perth Agricultural office. America's. Best r lMPpRTANT! Let your old baler ,nj cover the down payment Buy" 511nsofional,' surgelea- swift performative. blot's o HAYtiNER, r. T 0. of engine•pow- efed models. NEW HOLLAND HA YLINER 68 FLOW -ACTION will MEASURE YOUR HAY You can put this :country's number -one baler to work in your fields right now. Chances arc good our pres- ent equipment will more than coyer the low down payment. So why not get an appraisal today's The 1iAYLINLA M actu- ally inetoui•zs hay into bale chamber in just the right amounts for neat, firmly -tied bales. Big 56 -inch wide pick-up sweeps your fields clean PLOW -ACTION. builds bales scientifically, and newly designed needles hold hay while knots arc tied. The result? HAY - LINER bales , , •« better for handling, storing and feed- ing. Call today (or more information. Exeter Farm Equipment derttiyrt, Prop. PHONE 500 EXETER 11. Trophy for highest score in the' swine section went to Ken Storey, R.R. 2, Brussels, with 195. Three were tied for second with 191 — Harmon Broadhagen, Doug Hugill and Francis Hunt, both of R.R. 2, Seafor-th, Ken Alton won the dairy sec- tion with 196 out of 200. Murray Gaunt, Garry Rintoul, White- church, and Gloria Boyd, R.R. 2, Walton, tied for runner-up honors with 188 each. The special challenge prize do- nated by. Huron Federation of Agriculture to the junior fanner club with the greatest number of competitors went to Colwanosh with Seaforth a close second. This was calculated on the per- centage of members competing. Among the farmers who pro- vided livestock for the competi- tion were Preston 'Dearing, R.R. 1, Exeter, and Keith Coates, R.R. 1, Centralia. First professor — "Everything is always going up." Secondprofessor—"Not neces- sarily—for instance, there's your opinion of Die, nine of you, and. the students' opinion of us both." Reorganize Bean Club Eight hundred pounds of dis- ease-free Sanilac beans is being made available lo boys and girls in this area who wish to join a 4-11 white bean. club.. Officials are making a strong effort to re -organize the club which will be sponsored by Huron Soil and Crop Improvement As- sociation. Agriculture Representative Huron ag rep Douglas Miles says interested members should contact .club leaders Bob Allan, Brucefield, or Jack Peck, Kip - pen, immediately. Seed will be distributed Mon- day or Tuesday. It was acquired by Huron SCIA from a disease free area in Michigan. Members will sow one acre — approxi- mately 40 pounds of seed — and the price is subsidized by the as- sociation. Members may sell their crops as disease-free seed next year. Tzunrp growers in this district don't buy turnips, he said, be, called a special meeting for cause they find them awkward tonight =-.• Thursday, May 20 to handle and. cutting thein up in Exeter town hall to discuss takes too much time and effort in these days of quick prepare- the formation of a growers' or- tion. ganization and the establishment J. J. Johnson, fruit and vege* a some type of marketing pro- table division, Canada Depart* merit of Agriculture, London, gram. said the high prices which pre This action resulted from a vailed last year would not neces. meeting last week at which both sarily be repeated this season. growers and shippers endorsed The noticeable increase in home the need for "marketing ar- market sales was due partly to a rangements to strengthen the loss of vegetable crops in the grower price under average mar- U.S. because of frost last winter. keting conditions." G. H. Berkeley, of the federal Two district shippers — Seth pathological laboratory, St. Winer, Exeter, and Erwin Scott, Catharines, discussed control of Lucan — said growers W. -iuld diseases and storage methods, organize to negotiate minimum Other speakers included Keith prices and marketing , control Riddell, Middlesex ag rep, and with shippers in order to stabil- ;Roylance Westcott, R.R. 3, Exe- ize the returns. ter, Huron County representa- tiv.e on the Ontario turnip con* wittee. Huron ag rep Douglas Miles was chairman. W. G. THOMPSON and Sons Limited White Bean Seed • Micheli.te, Robust, Clipper, ]early Pea Bean, Registered and Commercial, NOW IN STOCK SANILAC BEANS—Michigan Certified No. 1. Soyabean Seed Y All popular varieties. Registered and Commercial No. 13lackhawks, Iardome, Capital, Mandarin, Comet. Seed Corn Pfister, Funks, Warwick, Niagaraara Brand Spray MATERIALS 2.41), thine, Ester, lilt merge, etc, Cement And FeitM iter v Agitation for such a program has been going onfor several years and a provincial commit- tee has been appointed to inves- tigate the possibilities. A number of local growers felt they should organize to strengthen this move. ry Huron, Middlesex and Perth Plan tell ay producers have been invited to isproposed Guelph tonight's meeting, at which, t, OAC proposed to alert a president, t viee•presidendirecttt secretary-treasur- Completion of the second year ez and ors. of operation of Ontario's per - Seth Winer; manager of Exe- ter Turnip Sales, said "any ac- beef cattle will be marked. by tion to stabilize the price in the fall would he for the betterment the holding of a Field Day at of the whole industry." He felt the Ontario Agricultural College, that drastic declines and up- Guelph, on Thursday, June 5, swings in price could be avoided, W. P. Watson, Ontario Live Erwin Scott suggested steps Stock Commissioner, announced should be taken by the growers recently. to avoid flooding the market and Dr. A. E. Darlow, vice-presi- forcing prices down. dent of Oklahoma A. & M., a One question puzzling a num- well known authority on beef ber of growers was why the price cattle, will be the chief speaker. to the consumer remained the lie will discuss the responsibility same when the return to the of the purebred breeder to the growers jumped from 40 cents Livestock industry. to $1.40 per bushel last fall. Guest speaker at last night's meeting was R. A. Goodin, sec- retary of the Ontario Committee, who stressed the importance of care and handling of turnips at a quality product. Mr. Watson, who is also secre- He also outlined new forms in Lary of the A. R. Board, will which turnips were being offered review the testing program and to consumers. Experiments were interpret the results obtained being made in freezing, dieing during the two years of opera- tion of the plan. Those attending the Field Day will also visit the Test. Station Dr. Darlow is well known in Ontario having judged Short- horns and Aberdeen Angus at the Canadian National Exhibi- tion and the Royal Winter Fair' harvest time in order to market on a number of occasions. and canning, he said. He felt home markets could be expanded if some means could be found to make it easier for, located near Arkell, where they housewives to prepare turnips i will have the opportunity of in - for the table. Many housewives specting the bulls on test, ,,,,",",,,,,,,,1111,11„11,1111111111111111111„1,111111,11111111111111111,,,,,,111111111111111111",,,111111111111111111111111,11111111114,.1 torted Pullets ? LOCAL TRADEMARKS_lnc, • MERELY HAVING GOOD GEk1SE DOESN'T i 'O A MAN ANY 5000 - kiE'S e0T TO USE iT • FOR SALE KIMBER 137 — 18 Weeks Old KIMRER 137 — 12 Weeks Old RED x SUSSEX - 12 Weeks Old SUSSEX x RED - 12 Weeks Old WE CAN ORDER DAY-OLD ON REQUEST - Feed Grain Delivered direct to you from storage elevator. With our bulk truck unloader we can save handling charges to keep the cost as low as possible and yet give you the service you want. Grainprices are at- tractive now. Let us quote delivered into your bins. OATS, BARLEY, SCREENINGS, MIXED GRAIN CORN Our Bulk Delivery Service is yours for the asking. These are some of the feeds we are delivering bulk: HOG FEEDS, LAYING AND HATCHING RATIONS, GROWING MASHES AND PELLETS, BROILER FEED, TURKEY FEEDS, DAIRY RATION, BEEF FATTENING RATION, as well as all kinds of GRAINS. We can eliminate the work for you, give you good service and save you money in the one process, Why not set yourself up for bulk delivery? You'll never regret it. ueee4euecua +4MANIna Purina Baby Pig Chow is olie of the latest developments of good pig feed- ing. Each week some new customer comes in and asks for this feed because he heard of the results it gave his neighbor. If you haven't used it, do so DOW on that present Jitter of baby pigs. Use only 50 lbs, per litter while they are still nursing. What a difference it will make in size and health, of the baby pigs—they like it, too, and will eat it early. Try it now. Use Weed Spray That Is Safe And 'effective BOY CHIPMAN SPRAYS AT GRAIN -FEED -SEED EXETER.w'w, 735••WNAIEN CORNERS kk., KIRKT©N 35P15