HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-10-17, Page 2JP'L
Casda meet sale together to donne
{heresies" from se d.grdfag and plbe` a
,...siege. The Lower CaesiIsse take
sed sore to protest spl1a Upper entomb•
.s a thou beat seats, an
Upper OneseRee seegsMn from a segue el
oesrtasy ead pr.pri.ty, 1. me ef a .ski
menet their Easters milks/est els mesh
matters, se a emend tkl.g either Weeks
from ening, et yen aticereieg to the feel-
isgs ref the qty. But with them the
they is rwweed-toy are hauled is by the
Gummiest to overbalance the Upper Ca-
nada m•j.rity, pet as s steamboat captal
mores Ns wetsbt• (rem •i
did bre vessel
to side to stea•
. Mach • .tate of things ea.•
not coatis... We don't can how amiable
or k ted. ter geed • psep . they my be (we
doubt wt that they are all the Mirror de-
smiha• then to h., and w• are a„t 'wits
aelgenn.t of their character ea rhr A/error
WSW 10 cowtder tie,) they u,t :1.1 n..', as. -
agate repeat, be allowed en legrlate ..,,
matter" purely Upper Canadian, agei•al the
.sill d the R.pr.rootetivee of this miner,.
de to their ac toe is Lord MNe•It.'•
time, on which ,ha Mirror lays Do mucb
stereo, and for r high be consider" them
'.titled to so to., h proem, if he will read
the Pilot of thud* days and the opinions
therms recorded by the lion. Mr. Hinck.,
then its Editor, of the lion. Mr. Carton his
peewit collees.0, and nther prominent
i.ower Canadians, be will be apt to oha.ga
his mind. There was far, eery far, from
bet.g the incorruptible t ielitr displayed by
Mime gentlemen a hirh the .Ni•ror claims
te give thous credid for : on the contra-
ry, they were perfectly willing as Mr. Car
on's lettere show. to join Lord Mateaife'.
Tory Cairn.'. if Choy could be permitted t•.
do se they pl• aged to their own section n(
the Province, anal let the Tunes d" the
Mee in Ul•per Connie, Thio Lord Met
calk •.d his Mieietry wnuld not core• al 1..
sad thus the oast ter ended. If the .Wire o•
will let's to his files of the Pilot to will
receive • greet deal °int.'s/de informalwn
of which' he appears at present 1. stand
much in med.-Alicia/it Mrasea;e:.
v 1 wend a1 Miaroed, has /metro tad s
of ansb.ry, withla whirl he bee 111.
severed the toe* sed sehterts ef garden?! •
• 1w, with fell mads ef that eeewarell's
• MO, eagrfaratel mellw
The following banded us for insertion fur
nlohen proof positive that Canadians are not
the men to submit to the yoke of slavery
without a struggle. They are begionin,
speak, and when the period for action at the
hustings arrive, they will assuredly act.
Ata meeting of the freeholders and house•
holden of School Section No. 19 in the
township of Brantford, called by the True -
tees on Friday the third inst. at 5 P. M„
for the pupae" of considering the present
School Act, and conducting other business
eos.ected with the School, Mr. Amos G.
Batson having been elected Chairman, and
David Bernie, Secretary, the minor bovines&
cowerntpg the school having been disport -
.ed with, the principal business of the Meet-
ing wan commenced.. An some who were
present bad not had an opportunity of perus-
ieg the act thoroughly. Vs Secretary was
called upon to reed it, and after having been
couideredattentively, the following resolu-
tions were put and carried wmamimoms/y:
Moved by George Smith, second by tenses
Patterson. and.
Resolved, That as the education received
in common schools is the base of the future
heppiosss or misery of the people of t6is
country, it is the opinion of tis meeting,
that a law for the organisation, government
and discipline of such schools is infinitely
mere Important and more worthy of the
people's undivided attention than soy other
Moved by Nelson Bassos, seconded by
Jobs Conner.
Resolved, That as parents are the natural
tutors of their children, and pones* the
right to say who shall teach and what obeli
be taught them; the School law passed dur-
isg the late session of parliament, transferr-
ing to • clique at Toronto the right to die.
tate to the people of Canada who .86611
.isteeh sad what shall be taught their child-
ren, is 11 the opinion of this meeting con -
!nary is the laws of nature, opposed to
what rejust aid right, ignnitlsg to the good
sew *the community, and humiliating
and degrades(to • free people.
Moved by saac B. Co.sor, seconded by
William Pike.
Re.desd, That the meeting, whilst they
oossder the ue►enl law as a direct attempt
to i.trodtsd* a system of Prussian despotism
!Mo the of the common schools
of C.*da, nod se a cossingly devised pl.e
to Abet the subversion of the Weenies of
the people, /eel that the cle..e competing
the Trustees of each school section to take
a saran devoted to education, is a bypse-
nttesl`sehme to extend the elro.latien of a
. , and .s insult which no
matelot and freemen should tolerate for an
Moved by Thee. Rees isk, "wooded by J.
iseehed, That on duo censedontioe of
the basehl offsets whittle must seem from
the prolonged existence of the present Dot
relative to eemmes .eboolo, this srsetisg
pledge themselves to see all cosetitotemeal
*.ease to procure tte immediate repeal, and
cell mon their fellow.subjecu tbreegho.t
the province to cooperate with them is
proeurieg the eboletios of a law e0 rrpeg-
oant to the feelings of freemen.
Moved by James Patter's/4 ..co.d.d by
Archibald Campbell. •
Resolved, That this meeting, whilst they
Wmpathise with the teachers of Canada
est is the attempt mads by the framer or
framers of the settee law to redoes them to
the position ed eoedilion of men tools in
the heads of a Chief Superinteod.ot, feel
bound to call upon teachers geserally tbro'-
tog the proviuce to unite themselves to-
gether in snooist'ons, not oily for t►e pur-
pose of ....rung and maintaining their owe
sight., but also for discussing, is concert
with the people is she various localities, the
insane ssterreary to be used, end step to be
taken to obtain *school law iwhte► wosld
he agreeable to the Mabee of the people.
Moved 6) Jobs Connor, Seco edsJ by
Wm. Mrirley.
Resolved, 1►at the Secretary of this me.t-
(ng ira.smrt a sop, of the abuse rneolutio.s
to the Standard Herold. for publication.
As American paper sym, "When;cm see
agenti*wsse it midnight, sitting os the step
is hest of his lions, combing hie hair with
the deer scraper, you may so.clpd. he bas
arse mel a/ as *ening party."
M.. L•yard, in ereantl.r ►e...th the
Tessa se a evens essilsttmen-en es.iews seer
dense and engeiri.g . ears of eemtisbd hen -
urea maim
e n-
ureamaim ,i.iho thresh.., the whole Mem
party of Orad• se gown•(. It .nems as if the
pledwm se while he ...hers had beret, teat
had bees .nespeweiy kneed from ..der their
het..il as if they wen all pearled and penal -
so disecerr ee erbi.g a nand epee. It is ea
salmon nate of sites mod the teem it is al-
lowed to entities, the ..,w 18.51i gni pwplee-
;i.g will tesi dines lty become. Entry sliming
mea hes • theory ora hobby preelierl7 his owe,
and he (.4..e disealty a peneadin Noesis
that hie bobby is jest as pod and se easily riddle
as sq ether s,aa's bobby AdUMW seg* ra-
tional method as he adopted for the purples of
teems, the reel mise of time veriose hobbies,
sed of &umrtaiate' bow way of them m• ear
swtesrly pall la o.. earriagi alien we
could all j.rep Is, it will tan oat a very bis -
roes hobby roar, a which it is probable dot ens
the foremost will he only swami Iced Or, 1.
primer language, If ...Ty 0111 of *6e party eee-
tine•s to pooh forward his own peculiar imam
f w the pollnnl evils of the Prorate. with as
much enldeaa as if he were inspired, oras if
1 e wan the only man who was unable of dru-
ci.s a rational op, i,. t6em we think it is obvi-
ous that the resit will be the discomfiture, and
emsegaent defeat of the Reform party. Foe it
most be remembered that there aro no m.6ietias
opiaias-oo rival hobbies is the ranks of the Te-
rns. They have hat one bobby, end it is die
common property of every men is the party. -
John Prises may. to 611 ap the time, amuse him-
self and excite the euriou.ity of the credulous by
propouedtog some very extravagant theory about
Canadian independence ! William H. Boohoo
way gratify his fn.-led-irolis propes.ities, by as-
toeishiag the green -horse with impneticable vi -
ams of revolutionary champs! sal William Cay -
ley may admirer to hammer capital est of as
uspoped.r Provincial Tariff sr, let *the then
important het *but the Pn►iseieI Expediture is
extrevapnt beyeed ••U remo•stl.cak.latioe,
when compared with the very lie ted commer-
cial and enameledme byname of the dtry! Bet
theme m.. are all good, staunch Tori'., and how-
ever hr they may appear to depart from the good
old beaten path of Toryism, there is "■ teethed
in their madness," and se sees as t6ev seemed
in ,pilula( op the Reform party with the novel-
ty of their mnoatroas proposition., they will all
be heed cordially beetraddli.g the same old fa-
vorite hobby, called Leg w i./ Tep is the *se
object -rho begl.al.g, middle, ad oil of the
an ast1ef --se1 e8 abbe aatehem d the eel is-
taww d !he sashes Thiele set wee, tar, 116
'videos ties the mho sod Rheum* no pm
mwlltesde yf ie .lead M se a 'wilt iltmer Mee
-house keena and mese pswy me mswkds•
.d nay thea they wase sew a hanged yens
as. The brtit.eMteoefening
gal, ..d
the policy of Toryism. Every oma, whig, tory
or radial, ie aware that the Reform party hes •
policy which it le anxious to have carried
eat for the benefit of the country. He is aware
that however far the leaden of the Reformers,
however far • Reform Goverem•et or a Reform
Legidalwre may equivocate, and AIM*, ad
shirk the m.n which they promised to advocate
ad which they aro paid for edeeattag-hewev-
er far er bitterly they may disappoint the thee -
mode who have reposed coafdesee in than, yea,
though they should become more Tory: tem the
Tones; yet neither the leaden nor the Iwliria-
ton. nor the Ministry, are the Reform party. -
Ad every man we may, is aware that the Percy
her • paliy-eart•in measerm feuded Go the
g reat principle ofpolities' justice, which Reformers
are aexiew to b ave carried est -which they
cease not to advocate, sod which they will ulti-
mately ane to be carried into effect. Whes
we 'peak of the Reform party, we wIsh to in-
ched* every mag who is istelligeat-enough to be
hews, and has as interest 1a cheep Goverameet
ad equitable laws i. taking • *trefoil serve,
deb* two parties called Radial sad Tory, the
observer mast be struck with the feet, that the
first Isel.des all the iatelligest industry of dm
•o .try. It In.lades, of mane, sassy of what
an called the Muer class of *misty, that is. mer-
e••tllead profec.iGoal sass. ad los 'fwmltb
-the ether patty aim ieeldm a lop umber
* thee, ht the dibresee hum the working -
me of the Radical party .ad the
of the Tory parry, w es remarkable that it me -
n et *seeps the.tte.tle, of eves the sap.rfi isl
observer. The Radical tradam's ce p••mat s
. shrewd, thisklag ail will informed mesa, who
le *men Mees eat of twenty, has ended his
keewldv to the a.ssnsstiee .f property, sad
lies 6...me sampaeslively isdepesdmit ad rs►
p eahle. The Tory weans. s, is sinews
easel est of tweet?, a peer, *mast, 1'ickepete d,
et bass cots. who saver was pnpietor *half •
domes elm is kis 1ife, nil wham Items have
boss teen demewd le the avers er the t•p-uam
Mesh the Newspaper or the permit Omens'
ka.wkdy. i. abort, we regard • Tory eines-
sees sr laborer as as m.realy-a .ometbi.g eat
elthe seder, norm of satire. ad an to he
se.ea.sd Nr es g•7 ether p iseipl* tem tint of
pees inernee or leek sf i , W.
e s,.me do that the Refers. party ..goes. the
Iwledlisontfe astry of she meaty, and se rein
'amble w can doubt that seek a party has •
mewls pokey i■ view, ser doubt that that policy
if married that east, weed be for the g..eel
besets Of the eoestry, bean the party who
'estrous bre it tome almost with rrop!e* be
sailed the Rut an mac n« Mase of
the Tones pars .s • policy for the beset' of
the usury. is seals world he an .'.erns,.
1n het. we an set 'wen thee Toryism lays
*islet to anything that sea be ended midis pon-
y. Ws kayo all heard of mule pet ets••.rnr♦
sub, for inelasee, as the e.dowmest of a peni.-
slar waw.i.m-the pretense, by Legislative
man poem. of mew stens.es, anent* .ees-
name sod the ewus•1 of a deep,
tmpa.able seep► bemires dame whe math ..d
these w►a d. nes Nett. Them ed like Mw. -
one wa have all heard ah..ated by the porty
milled Tay. ham se w .nor Mud .f a Teem
play fin the benefit of the pebble. Sash se
Ma 1 . sed amen dery
then, tens eay18.. W. roper s bode mea
whine, sed s.teaiss ever petilrhl Amppeles-
anus, sad nobly reseevi.g re shades polities
elsyssk« ea thteelnd twolai.e for Teri*
sail Rai..g w w eNhe haat-1 el` Intim
sea mere kn-
mw peedeseies ef .
tss.tied 1105517 speshies. me impreind
is the sash daaisram.e, 1.16 pyti_By, ensee-
17, .d istsli.stttally. had. the. 6.s she but.
heed w debt that ties. benign, Moan have
g'e.hei hem Reheat minipisA
TM great Witted erne Um w►id mmy w'
pelletal .84.6.ts sin liable w f11. Ise the leeilti
seep.slti.. diet Radicalism in persesih d by this
oma, or
"r'"51 by that ether Sas. and W
the mm falls or dies. the Radlegli.m bels an
dies .g.! This we say Is the gat pity .f en-
perfelal (\!.►era, eros smog the Rad less, sed
i... this die Tann at proems w meas ..INS.
Ns 6.4416e1 them. Bet the ides is a pslpe d" RI-
lae7. Rediesli.m se set • ma, est • parsy d
tans -it w u inerdhiy. .ser-.etfsg primal&
its the great pri.s(ple of merest, of imprwrre
most, *shame god nsemsties b has beesgbt
rte.n from the degraded state .f the 6.e .L..,
shirtless god .•tutored wrap, to \is pesent de-
nied pekoe in .etr.cs ail eiviliutiete--.d
thesgh res mss sod that ma.. Omagh seder
after leader, sed demegegw after deompgm,
. hosed prove fel* to the people, sod ileo to the
priseipk of Radicalism. yet the pimelps ase sin
ver pore false to Iter. It is the prim:ipko es-
tablished 1. wenn for die goverment of the
world, mod however much 1t may be loveddsad
opposed, and ridiculed, it meet matinee amine
till progress itself shall mese, and that cam 'sly
be with the final end of eubisury eastesesa-
Let no man dwpsir or adopt the absurd settee
that Radicalism is w heater the. Tarf.er-the
oma is the priseiple of graded prepense. the
other la the hairier wbteb ani has to overe ..-
Aad though a thees.ed greet res .heed probes
R•dideness, and though they ahead all peso
falai to their profewloe, their Ireeehery merely
proves the disboonty of the nes, bet don not is
the slightest degree, ant the .malty or elm
power of the principle. I■ oar meat we shall al-
it • few remarks ea the various peep.itime
whieh aro at present ocemp,i.g the striation of
the Redone party, and is the is ..ti.. wo ea7
to every loser of progress, Helm . , .odeacer w
forret 1ne. w►e have disspp.istsd you with fair
promime sed faithless - , and cling
closer than ever to the gat universal primas'
of pngroes sad improvemest
W. had bees I.dslgieg in a kid d a din belief
shat the s.ryrisiag small abeet,yelept the Room
[.pais*, ked, like • thegmd other ephemeral ef-
forts of igsenaee sad preseoption, slipped qui-
etly and essotleed from is esti.dy• sad brief
e:gte.eo. Bat we unexpectedly became inform-
ed yeeterdar, that the little light is mill glim-
mering •d trying to lire. A friend directed our
attention to the following paragraph :
" The " Profs" was duly noticed, and
Mr. McQtn*n of the Signal, nsppooeded in
a net and appropriate 'pooch. Ho noticed
with satisfaction, the modification, at the
prosiest day, of that violent party spirit
which had characterised the Prase of Cana-
da. [We wish be could have addled. that
e s far as in kin lay, there should be • cessa-
tion in the profanios of the fourth estate,
of that most unprofessional vies of p.r.oeal-
Now, it.0 @racily se the ceeasio° of whish
the dieters of the Lspefisf are here epeeklsg,
vis.: the Adricultura/ Dimer, that we had seers
to the Go.elasies that the "Loyalist" was ee-
reset. Oa that oeasieo the Toast of "The
Preva," was proposed by Jobs Clark, Esq.,
Crewe Leads Agent, in a very picky and peiat-
ed little speech -is which, without eeedeoeend-
iag to game the Loyalist, he was eert•ioly very
seven as the reckless and unpriecipled mason
in which that paper commenced its career, by
maligning perc.sal character. and by the pabU-
cation of daring falsehood", which Mr. Clark ad
others, 6d felt culled on e few days peavio.sly,
to contradict, by • pblie deeleuenoe is the col-
umns of the Signal. This specie of Newspa-
per writing, Mr. Clark very justly characterised
u net oa17 degr•dtag to the dignity of the Press,
bat as positively iajarious to the public morals;
bet be hoped that mach isolated lumen of a
disregard *truth, sad each a solitary ease of
leek of taint ad hosorable principle, would not
be odd as e. arguoxat avian the character of
the Pees ponlly. Mr. Clark's remarks were
emrtaiely well-timed, sad we acknowledge that
we frit suck gratified with the happy mem is
wbieh 6e dealt out his "axons. And is panic -
e ke w. cordially agreed with Mr. Clark's view
d the Impropriety sod impieties of chrgi.g the
Prep with the outng'ess mlravagasee end
publication as the Hews Leath; knave est,
misty o.ab papers are seldom rec.gaised u ay
sordes of the public Pea Whin the comma,
nee s do justice to Mr. Cork's tout, we look-
ed assieesly Md the nag, I. eider to discov-
er which ewe of the Lsyeiet mea would buys the
daring• to sit stiff as the;repnse•ta tiere of the
Joist Steck Editorial Chair. We maw the asses
sserhs .!leer -the aUrw'Am4 editors, ad eves
the ex -Proprietor, called the "g.f/ent .f tee
Arse Hvr we;" all. the wire company, Littered
ad mooted a.., eous..ud with the esuMri-
msee wen present; but oath eas of damn need
erne with glass is head, - set .ns YOU in the
party 6d the moral courage to exhibit himself to
the eompmy as the repnee.atIve et the He -
roe Leydie t / poet, sehrtnato, dimmed, dim -
potable, fatherless Liebe / what made, that
seder ouch , we
. Auld arrive at the sasdmles that thee bales
d ipped g.IeQ7 away from ea eeg.s.vm wild,
where even this, own kind. felt ashamed «
thee! After immense ear gratintmdo for the .1..
il ad rather eomplimontary ams« is whisk ser
reply Is the teen of "The Prom." is ..deed i
thm mowger% ninth we have mewed; we has
lyse to Warm the writer, that if he wine to
she a ponds* spednes of Newspaper y.'W.d i-
ts. be gnat beat up the sewn somber of the
11era. Grp.BM-est he will th«e hail it is sock
polity that a very re+ueable •01/04.4444, W
Inland, dist Me'ems*sseer et sea $ pear
Wi nk be dual de smarmier of Milian mei-
err "
The •rwelea of ere gle n.1. dem* m* a the
e dsertiermwt sit Ise. Mlef«d. Dummies Ar•
"aro wkish wYl bin bid le nether **tem.
,'ri..$i.. .tuna,°• ... • ..t'•'41t-r ^' "'h-:tiatf -.., e.. .., .tl.,,__.-. s.' r'`►,.i: tr
CT Wow ealfsd epee how the sasmism
of the Mensual s.t►.mtGe of the United Coen
tale, le dr dessrese andl thea .f the Vane
1111Mlpsow he Little Barfield
Mk Waren
Mins. ... J -
eves, ea the Loses ieall.-
One of dm snag piens ee the mob sad of the
Didgs r falba M sb.eased. ed the Midas
be the Maio Meth of the Ike bee4 is Lyles es
its "baaneede." or et least. at es aegis fist tea -
due the peewee of 6wars, ad parde..e17 el
w ad t..m., vary d..gw.as. end in gena is •
.noen al.oer impnnl. 6M. We ase ishemed
that the delay is having is repaired, (M It Ise
bees lei several maths la .6e ahemalbi mate)
6.. ulama from a ant 1a the mini of the
Tomah* aelboritier of Hay .ad Taekennit►.
as se wheeh« the repaint on be....idmad me
Local 1 , ie be da...t the exposes
et thew Townships, We thigh It is se gemoies
for dtsewies. The Bridles la ea see dthe toe
leans' reds of the Coati's, sad should ..r -
testy be kept I. repair by the Cwotier Mu.i-
oip.lity. leased, we this! that swipe the pee -
est ette.Oetanwe, the Warden week be *d-
ead, et deist said order from the Council, is un-
itise arraspsseata for ba.i.a lb. work let Is dee
form eithe.t delay, to the indium who .111
engage to male • geed, sebouotial 1.6 el it, for
the lowest eaeeot. We believe as gem sew
Bridge is regained, and salaam the *aestivation
84 its eemme..od immediately, the 'deuced
messes of the yea will reeds. !te compleman he-
lm sister, geevoffy p.s•ihie. Ad shoed a bre
.Bowed to reams is its moat eagle throeg►wt
the winter, it is penes that widow accidents
may oee.r, especially i. the 'prim( seeds, that
stay 'shiest the Comities to .s amount of dam-
ages greeter than meld pay for the smiles of
the Bridge.
To TRU .dTON A Twm =NON en.AL.
Bir,-ftetwithetasdi•g your gtpaue metoyt
for "small thins," I think yes an wrong is MI-
NIM' w "sachems*" with your Godwin ..-
temporary. Ton de eea«onally tinea meg
"small tears" time, I know, would yield Tae at
least a little gretifie.tin. Fm inseams, is last
week'. Lryehst, then lea semmasiesties which
you omald set regard with Wigere.en. "Our
Certwp.Jeu" Is a somewhat cire.itoas mare
see bet 1.1016gibly withal, lase blabbed the se-
cret that year late article ea the "Bill of Bak"
has ebbed the "nue," nil that mono of the
"GsmYemen" are twitebiag aad wincing oder
the ttaativtt... Yon wesld really be .owed to
see the wily maw is whish the writes min -
von to hide his owe Idivideal chagrin ail mar-
ti6aties, ender a feigned regard for the meet
sante 1 1 Then is • tremesdeas, burst al Men-
e m. iadigesties await the Clerk of the County
Conn, for eecan aieetug te the Editor of the
Sigaa CONI& memo beioegiag se him shim
The Sigsw/ toys -"We have seem 135 Bills of
Sale monied is theo6ee of the Gaiety Curt
Clerk," bet he has set iefenod ►g readmit
whether it was the County Court e( Gederi.h
or of Ludes. He has no said whether trees
ducsmnts Deloused chiefly or is whole to the
Townehip of Biddalpb, er of North F.astbope, ter
of Aab&Id, et say sib.. Township -.he bas sot
told the same ef • sings idividuRl who is a par -
t7 to u7 rusk see of them desat...'. 1a
short, he hes ted ..thing bsmeed the very ania-
teremtiag fact that he bad seem 135 Bills .f Sale!
Still, It was vary gasgbty in res Gusty Curt
Clerk te tell even this much of the secrete un -
n etted with his other, that is, puvidieg the Ed-
itor of the Sigma did set pal the regular foe fee
the information. Aad Inas did pay the regular
fee, tela, the Clerk of the Comfy Cert win
booed to give the information i• a far plain-
er form than that employed by the Editor of tis
Sigma. Perhaps I am wrong, het I am et mea-
n t aider tbe impressioe that ea the payment of
aMummy fee, say iil:Tideal, mea or woman, is
entitled, on at least, as obtaia trona the Clerk of
the County Conn, sot only the somber of the
Bills '*Bale, but also the names o1 the parties to
each ad every ow is the MU". I roeaa, that
`the Clerk wilt let say pereoe eumiae the book
containing the somber of Mortgages, ad the
oars *ell the parties oweeraed. Aad should
any individual after bavi•g made this nere6,
Walt proper 16 pay the Sigma for p.►li1biag the
isformauoe t8.. 'squired. then in se law Ur the
Swats Book that forbids the pebbeeties. It
tins appears that the nieces erne d when
"Osr Cnraspomde,t" seesaw the Clerk ef then
County Ceen, s:oasim*. is • . g abases,
tree pang worth of thew secrete w6ish he is
heed to • im 1611 to an old woman
who may be aerine'sough to pay einem foe
the lafsemales!!! New, only &then da mea
eoliths himself sa Edda., nst only ssest.ies tad
pteMi Slag ins► •t also• se that a
.8 8 I, rube, beat wetting Liberian
of the count sad peeru.ting
views of "Or Cerreepeedni" 0, eroky! ht
Edina mem be mmadei *a sheep kid pf ember!
This. hew.vor, i• moil, es • par with the /salty
. sal prasamptiee of the mese "Editor" who after
having write. seen Widens lien• posy ard-
else, whish my ordisery sebeolby would have
'writtea, sighs eat • lamosmuon about " Ocaw.
►TT.o TVAT a1AT 07 Ttnva, a. EDITORIAL
CHAiR," jest ea if his ietelleet had been fa-
tigued an jaded est by pbddiag sweaty years
through the Editorial drudgery *the "Timer,
Really, than in we limit w the impsdases of
sem matures!
As a satisfactory explanation of feu womd.rf61
e*mm..imtiee which appears ia the oakm ay
the Lgsli.e I my Pet %entlw that the writer
aria. "0., Corxwpeadesf,' glenss is the sone
d "Asea," • bid. Asti I suppose, Me. dip*.
yes win here se difbsulty is thinking, with see,
.but this r.re bird ad t8. Leyeiss, meet he .haat
8 poet (ease .. a pmt gad /
YDox, truly,
tied es • meneesMies Ser the
Mit. sail coy el
at pimento. _ d
of the Meh. •eta whim. 8.... a been
te.skssi by omWisds msslidre/ ►i(hi . hi, t.
M. L the oi7r as* gays Irw pros ej rte is.
1.11 . ay, 1. sew the eerseN7 is a MIMI
life 1)VtaralMtfss K e.w e.embkp,gyi,,
y 1h. fisv. lie dlllig`reme
said, that the .bort oppwtuslty be beg e(
W of eines( the eaiibitl.t►.sgt►s - sI
*nide him to `ice that 'stab..!. 'simian
of the meta of the dtfbrna ytigles easier.
6i ted yw hi ch 6e meld have wla r Ji' was
ei-Y, .14!Salideli to Asti, 4meaga*
diem. setae eplesdid spsetmess of art, ori.
o nes anti masufsctmre, d the same lime he
mint to he (cask, sad fully makeided d the
what W Wks hem the President. M
anfeesad be I.lt a little dla.ppol.tmest._.
He hod Wallah/ to bays igen some leech
getter specimen •d mechanical pains and
inasefasteres than owlets, exhibited en
this messiest. lietwithets.dit.g ►le dieep-
pds1mesl is this particular, -be was ea-
tr.ma wed Owed and highly gratified
with t exhibition os the whok. He e.s-
n du.d that it dud great credit, not only to
the artisan and maaufaetorers of the oily
of Toronto, but to the Provisee gen*►nUy.
His Excellency then proceeded to distrib-
ute the prises to the aueeeseful compel/v..
oro, whose names wen red sot !w rotaries,
by his Worship the Mayer. On preemetlsg
sash perms with t6. prim .warded, His
Excellency cordially .book heeds nisi eve-
ry indt,iJual, and all returned to their .es(it
seemingly well pleased with the prise they
Ind nes, and the comm eatioea they re-
Hi. Worebipp the Mayor then moved the
following resolution, seconded by Franklin
Jscques, E.q., Warden of the Comity.
That the experienee of the present Exhi-
bition, as well as of than held in the Me-
chanism' Institute is previous years, fully
warrants this meeting in most strongly rd.
.emmeadisg their anneal centralises.
Th. Mayor, is moving tbggs.ohtien,
differed with the President gad Lord Elgin
to the views expre..el by these gentlemen,
relative to the exh,6et1.. He said that
considering the position is which the coun-
try now was, and mom sepectally the my
of Torooto, compared to what 51 wan when
ho first became a reorient of it. The prote-
an exhibition enameled big meet sea/eine
The Warden, in emending Ike resolution
followed somewhat is the seine ttnio, go-
ing a little mon minutely into details. He
considered was it unfair to judge as exhibi-
tion, such as the proses*, by .the higb.teo-
dud usually applied to similar es:bibitiose
in the old comity, and emended by stating
that although Great Britain could bout, and
proudly too, of her Arkwrights and her
Watts, yet Canada could boast of a Parkes,
a Fleming, and a Peel.
The Hoo. Robert Belden, Attonmy Gms
n eral for Upper Canada, them moved. se-
conded by Joseph C. Morrie'., Esti Al. P.P.
Than this meeting desires to record its
high appreciation of the cordial and liberal
co-operstlos of the City and Comity Cons-
eil. lied the Canada Company with the Mee
ebani& Institute in carrying into elect the
pre.est Industrial Exhibition.
The Attorney General is moving this re-
solution said. that he felt great pleasure is
deist so; that although he had bin a mem-
ber of the Mockeries' Institute for a very
long period, .till ether duties had prevent*
him taking such an octave part is its pro.
cedings u he could ban wished. He felt
highly gratified with the exhibition, and
could not at all aur.q with the opinions ex -
present] by the President and his Excellsocy
the Governor General; as • Canadian. it af-
forded hint • great deal of pleasure is wit-
nessing the proficiency displayed in the va-
rious articles exhibited; end he felt need se
a citizen of Tomato, whet be recollected
the tine he sot *sly knew everylsbabttent
of "Little York," but every eat and dog in
the place. Whoa these Ibises were takes
into consideration be looked on the exhibi-
tion as one deeerving of the greatest con.
Mr. Morrigo• i• .ecooding the resolution
said, be was called upon, in the ehmesn of
Sheriff Jarvis, eo whom the duty was to
have devolved; he expressed himself well
satisfied with the exblbitioo, sad kit arrest
Poseur* at tie •dvaoeene.t sad progress
of the Meehesics' Inmate.
Mr. Sheriff Reitan of Coloars, mond
toe third resolution, which was seconded lay
r. J, E.Peel,via•:
That this mseties considers the present
• most fitting opportusftii for nco►dlsg t1.
Doses of the beneficial isNmece .f the l[o-
chanted benne ea the whole eonlee.ity,
gad its dd.ire.thet the Institute may be eeir-
dially supported by air *wee.
Mr. Resers is movies this ta..lsne• said, dies
he had minded this sosetisg far the purpose .f
re.dvieg the prim avoided to him; sad that this
reool.tlea was pet isle his hands at • late sage
of the sve$ing'l pese.3.mps no **addend
the exhibitive did pest wilt le the city, cad
berm • nue of the e...wy be w s a helm
mem w sff4girleteemlini: a.. mem .f them
•member • whisk •• Ms Agricultural
tmral f8.bi ty, be mom
n and poet wee to be derived lime
Meehan' Isedtstiw msd.tLi6isisnmleek M -
this: ►* week like te ere the land
the imbues p bud and hand is emitbg est
ether is the geed work -and xm.rked that is ell
0.wnies es& se Comes egrieelnn mem 1.
warm ake the. sed. Mr. Reese hen oda
enemies te sem ploughs be had .em at as age.
INDUSTRIAL E7CHIBITI . N. adtmnl exhibitio. es Alhasy, 1m the ease,.
N *w Yat, Thom plesg8, 6mm the*s..tilp-
ties elves y the NNW! are e.mldn.Ny Mild
the .pe -mad my very
m1s4 W ler the neshashal
vein ewer Wr. Pen mile some be!.f,..it. is mesd-
lag this nodutse, aided, that the Mwbu:gr
Imbues of Terms emend every Waomnrt m
r .lams .f einem w beams mrwmw mf N.
Bo 111.4 d le the sfmmedge eon dnlni Amer
the seeress .f lemma aeoeeasi•s the winder.
The liken it es ei eveeg sed sed
reams The ohms fined fir
prey estbis the tido. Is the difllereet bes.ehss
start W meioses, wad the great geed it bit.w-
d ea the eemrssaity gmmally.
George P. Ride'', e mwai{js cau-
mended by Mr.
se' That the .. i.! Mahe 4 *8.. angpd,
d awn. here Lenten W.
M W *sera tile owes tin im war=
mw•ea oath leap .her dem /pilasl sleek of
kve sewhit 9s EmsBwe, km berm plied
w eat*ed dim insi__ -
, ei.had St. a soured
..mem •.',d*1y 1Vtfp.t.eiNhi
614... h eoa thea ere g( 1ea. i harfiw-
Am. We MI einem fm • is 8.
e pealed
basted b ileas and aissally, weed 1. Mk
a pmt tome is itwl--- -
Oek. MIL
Deas Qseaah gneiss ►cies .B is
se es prwwa-1 beim as W d glary as h
end etedisimit seam hit
the nigy trade, will endeesssr is she yes
the "ee dire" Mee. tows.
The mases easepietose t► that meets the
eye, les threes .. st a i
,e, est .
q .d w
make the weed helms there .till .ages • lis-
mselag .f the Foodsi ops -mss. Est s shsI-
ksp worthy Lae est way g..'e s.... , seer. sal nes
Plt~isphws meta.. StpiedwW Mesh Is w .Id
gyim. hat .eek we W se sew N term, Dear
Mosel, w home es the three worthy killed -
gals elm them herleasly nems frwssd he
the shed. Joke Rowes, Themes Congas .sal
Mwnk Mslswsrth d H.mherg, .Whys any
three nes nein 1i mike of hyfigle'e hem, ler
the sem ef Ssnly ear Stratford plough -
noes who hue tiger* is several papers with a
list *prim alaegd,wdl nen forward rail fight,
it est mssfilly for the hem .f the Hens auk
g , Seri., 1* psngslsr.
W. w that lib s • fleeting shadow, ht
• (►mea i•ye d ameems sed el.opicity, thi.ea
here .6uged, thereon, sat►hag s sew, am
meld we weeder if wit heard of a .r. sends
a lire w the mon I. the mess. Wo, the geed
ponk d Stratford, here Zeas feasting ear optic
serves by a sight *ear "''els as eth«e ac. es."
that s, we have g.e ea.ei.g the fern eve the
.6adow soon' away se ferplfslso.. b7 the
I moss of II . r and to my that soma of
.a, a1. net pictured is life, meld be uplhiy
het truth. I have sees many Dageenootypo
anises bet es.didly I saes hen ac.s a.7 se
noel sere friend. Mr. Thrmsgse, who lusty noels,
6e gives bis Pieterea • Isiah pmallarly hie ewe.
peal to any mill • is w he la peer
g eed tow. the week. 8e I will easelsde my
Mg epistle by • weed from you ewe deer Bed.
" There'. • Wel axon" lee take' sets,
Aad faith he'll prime It."
I ramaia, dear 8tgas!,
Teat truly,
Poseo■-Feeet. Aacmwao-Sr.ATroaa-I•
the commie events of 11t, we ret with thiap
which will merinos as. O6wreaties, w6..
dols applied, will lead se to mark them *vests,
•.d when es "polio', give me a lea's. " Is -
Meet," guides the leaver missals, as eay. the
Rev 'd , bet set se altogether, we ea7-
for, whether with the "fees divine," or with
other faces of our CT5l(r's workmanship, then
is more thea Matinee. Hew do the " beast* of
the held," ham. ese herb frees wether t temp
ea it may sum, teen, or the a6i)dns of tote, are
i• • civilised state, deficient. ' We know sot
Maim ave sonde of," lays as .esiest-and bo
is right. " We as lean," says nether, eel
be is right_ Os Toady the 8th last., u Strat-
ford, some young l*ye were amsd.g thaenelvs
by picking some Pasts, and the peculiar Snit
attached to then A younger boy,'2yeareda ,
the yeasn.t see of Mr. Jolla Shame, • fi.h
little fellow, Imitated het anion; -ad by sni-
de.. got mote .f the apples *the Stnmo.isne,
(Thera apps -ire Dr. Eberk'• Treatise es
Therapeutic*, vol. 2. p. 67-3M Ed.,) sad M. -
la, brayed them with a stood. tack, as is sop-
, posed, nom* of the needs. Whet►.r from this, or
• slight 411 from the hitches steps of his father'*
bene, the hey got nick at once, ad is a few
hemp died. He was attended by 0,. Jas. Hyde,
wee did not c.Il is the medico aid of lbs.
Waugh or Porter, both 1. tow.. This was a
lad bereay.rm, for Mr. .d Mrs. Sherman: The
writer of this has attended six funerals 1a the
mum family, is Stratford. As • mac endowed
with peed fwGsge. Mr. 86*rm•• bore this IgM:
--ail may eatesded to him the " mint" heed.
with a ghettoise ye of pity. Still it eras w
6•p,. and all the eats •d m1iet7 of mem,
oo.id set and. It has ben wegseat*d that as
Imam mhe.k hen beer held, het then is a
law act of the PToTiocial Parliament which pre-
el.dee tide -Cos.
la redraw te the saltiest *the lenges'
C , ' , we have merely to remark, that
w. wag the Legislature n needs' thee thane
Mortgages .f Mattel property mhd*d be sled,
ad lenerdsd with the Gusty Caen Cork, did
MN !.deed se g&Vs bassists a grater fasilit, u
pustisisg tbt6 ywdrdioa. by hryimg the r.
aerie of it m oyerery w lames. het se the ses-
twsy, M i.add le /nest the piles asks
slaws /end or eseastise , y .05-
ing tis dsereat le be Is}ti mills *See,
whim w yobbo might have se appermrity of
w arYssti.g dint validity ad oarsman- The
• /iyllmeg Os Ser ides etia.. m a ssi Busies Ielea•
.,leo=r'. r' 4.,
. ,. .,• r e . ' et r
As advertised, this Ploughing Match took
place, on the excellent farm of our friend
Mr. 8ehastim Fryfogle, Berne Cantle,
South Eaatbope. The day, Friday the 11th
instant, was rather of • scotch misty char-
acter, but notwithstanding, then was a
a gnat assemblage of the farmers, and
" their eons." Never was a fiver nerve at
a plough, than on that day. The field Na
• good one, -being the ow) wait of Fry's
orchard. (A propos to that, the Ent eider
made in tied* United Comities, was made
the day before, by Herr Fry himself.) The
competitors were 8 in number, viz.: -
William Bimpeen got first prise, LI 10 0
Peter Curer, Junior 2nd 1 0 0
George Hyde, Senior Srd 0 15 0
Duncan Aodereoe 4th 0 10 0
Donald McTavish Son (Son of
Barker McTarieh) 6th 0 a 0
As then were only five prises slowed by
the Society, the other three competitors,
n amely, Hyde Junior, William
Dell (son of Mr. D. Bell), John Fraser
(Hemet et J. Helly,) were allowed by the
Committee of the Society, .ten and then
s s , one dollar each. It was said y many
present, that swab geed .p.eimees atFlew-
lag were set saes in *him quarter. The
Jedgoe were : Mown. James Patterns,
hales Mama-, William Dogs. Then
was a good dieser afterwards. when the
" Lode of the coil" me}oyed thesedvee.--
Mr. Wm. Smith. (Biatecreek) the Prean
dent is the Chair.
This Exhibition was broagbt to a elms
on Wedaeday eves!.( last, the filth last•
The Rooms were crowded to overlowing,
in the early part of the mean, with a
highly respectable and intelligent portion
of our citizens, among whom t6. fur e.-
tion Mid the . IIle Extxtmi•
4ocy the Govoroor Goons!. who had cos -
noted to distribute the different prism,
awarded to the successful mentors, mods
6!e appaara.ea fa ri. EmhlbRoomy
ghosts o'clock. sccomp*nlod byitioo Lady EI•
t is, Lodi Elena Bruce, tad Cd. Drees. -
O. W Eicellescy table` his (teat, of the
platform, the Band streak a tis Hatiiosal
atbe, w6s6 wee received `y tie midis
ems with marked ',thorium.
Profile** Croft, the President of the He-
ehssk*' last*ste, orb. oee.pbd the ,
ties roes and addressed the eseetieg. He
.head, at ewe berth, the object of reit
exhfbidoe, ad hew *he isdestrial Fair
bd ►seone 1 with t8. whir
I11sWities, this year. H. else
gave a briar asemat .f ter rise mid prose
*the Meehaskr imtit.ts, and Mgtfted tin
the steed ] (too es whin, N i,
sew Ma
AAm Wham( le the thwrsnt ~Se Mahe
mimes Openness of tarts seism aid
e.t.rs, whish 6d hes neat M the elthi- one the world. 9. -. ,J dire est WI
thea. b ampr...J versa ed lesppat.t. sea the lamas, d 'Ibmle
met. se wenn of .ems pantalar sett. IlWtsd to Bis >bm.M.y beta as tibia
sates ami ul.e.(*bwrere eel ems*: bewared m7-4a10040k m he W ae.mrnr
and lM ( their old M theem►iWieeh M aa oat sa leo►
___ lm W epi -,. (r wall m i. w a mel lataaMa trN
=lee am edam massMn of iht strat..yi owswomwfei h Ig e(
-e .
Vier -Art ee.4
Al M. e. • .• :. Vt.1• . -. r