HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-05-29, Page 1II
COMPARE AILMENTS—Montreal Canadiensstar left winger, Dickie Moore, and
David Wright, 14-year-olcl SHDHS student, compared notes on their respective injur-
ies Friday when the N.H.L. star visited the youth. at South Huron. Hospital. Moore, who
was guest speaker at the RCAF Station Centralia sports banquet the same evening,
had a cast on his wrist. David, son of F/0 G. F. Wright, Huron Park, suffered a con-
cussion last week when he ran into another boy playing baseball at SHDHS. The
youth was thrilled by his illustrious visitor. —T -A Photo
, •,,.•••• 24.;••: •;:;" ;.••
ARMY INVADES GRAND BEND—Kids had a picnic inspecting the equipment display-
ed by the troops of the First Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment, stationed at Ipper-
wash, when they invaded Grand Bend Saturday to celebrate Army Day. Parades, new
Weapons, calisthenics were featured in the the exhibition which attracted large crowds
in Forest and Thedford, in addition to the summer resort. —Noseworthy
New Farming Company
Plans Mass Production
Details of a farming operation
designed to mass-produce hogs
and poultry on land adjacent to
Exeter were released this week
by officials of Aleantuc Farms
Ltd., following receipt of ' the
company's charter form the On-
tario government.
First stage of the develop-
ment will be the erection of new-
tYpe buildings which will house
crops of 10,000 turkey broilers
and 400 hogs at a tine. Con-
struction of the pole -type poul-
try barn is under way.
The company has purchased
the 75 -acre farm of Warren
Sanders, on the north side of
Highway 83, Existing building
on the farm will be used as a
sow farrowing barn in which 75
sows will eventually be housed,
The firm now rias 30 sows and
A bear,
Officials expect the ...label'.
saving features of the buildings
will permit one Man to look
after the entire poultry, hog and
sow operation.
"OUr plan is to farm buildings,
rather than. land," said Carfrey
A. Cann, a direttor, who reveal-
ed the details Wednesday. "We
feel this is the trend in the live.
stoek industry today."
Almost all of the officials of
the company art from the tx..
etOr area, President is Bruce
hog parlor will be built with one
Tuekey; viee.presidefit, Arthur
Cann; treasurer, William C. Al -
Bill 'hickey will be fern mark
SI or nd steretaty of the firm.
Diredors, besides Cathey Cann,
are Oscar Tueloy and M Mot.
gab, formerly of Exeter and XIOW
Of London.
'Thi a is a Sideline for most
Of tis," 111r. Cann Said, "but we
art VerY entintaitiatie abed it.
While oat plaits are real -Wed
at the moment, there may he no
limit to the extent of this type
of operation."
The poultry building now be-
ing erected is 364 feet long and
56 feet wide and will have metal
siding and. roof, which will be
insulated by a new method. Wire
partitions in the building will
divide it into four pens,
The structure will house 10,000
turkey broilers or 20,000 chicken
There will be no windows in
the building but a recently -de-
veloped ventilating system will
be installed to change the inside
air five times an hour,
Gas brooding equipment will
be installed.
The contract for construction
has been given to Beaver Lum-
ber Co St. Marys
For the hogs, a new typo of
Where To
Find It
Announcements 3
Building Page 7
Church Notices 15
Coming Events 15
Editorials 2
Entertainment .. 15
F A em News li 10
Feminine Path . „ ,,,, , 12, la
tionsall . 6
JUne Bride Features ....,., 12
Looking hi With Liz .. ,,,,,, 3
Laurin 14
ooth„ 4, S
Waiitf Ads .. 11
h............ ••• • • ..... outfigr ...RH 0+1
side completely open. It will
m ea sur e approximately 60x50
and will contain automatic feed-
ers. and waterers.
Feeding operations will be
simplified by the use. ofbulk
feed and Ithe installation of auto-
matic hoppers.
Although farms of a similar
nature — some even larger in
scope — are .operating in On-
tario, this is the first of its kihd
to be established in this 'area.
e ex.dealtnesativcc4fe: •
Eighty -Second Year
Cut Hospital Costs
Urge Addition To
Two Sign
Town solicitor W.G. Ceehrane
said Wednesday agreements in
connection with the construction
of homes in two new subdivisions
were signed by contractors this
The agreements, relieving the
town of certain responsibilities
in .regards to roads, drainage
and other 'services, have been
accepted by Simmons brothers,
who are building north of the
river, and Arthur Whilsmith,
who has started a development
on Sanders street cast.
At a meeting last week,
council threatened to take action
to stop construction unless the
documents, verbally agreed to
earlier, were signed. Clerk C, V.
Pickard was instructed to hold
up the building permits until
the agreements were completed.
Following the meeting, how-
ever, it appeared there was no
deliberate intention by the con-
tractors to avoid signing the
agreements. E 1 d r i d Simmena
told The Times -Advocate they
bad been waiting for word that
the documents had been prepar-
ed and.were ready for signing.
Mayor Pooley indicated Wed-
nesday the matter had. been
To Open Park
Next Summer
The pin e r y Provincial
park, south of Grand Bend,
will not be open this sum-
mer, District Forester J. K.
Reynolds, Aylmer, said in a
report this week.
"We look forward,” he
said, "to the opening of ,the
park for public use about a
year from now."
He indicated considerable
progress has been mad.e on
the building of roads, prep-
aration of camp and park
areas since the work was
started last autumn. "How-
ever, we would li1 e. to
emphasize that the Pinery
will not be open during the
summer of 1958."
School Plan
To Council
It's expect ed McGillivray
School Area Board will. present
its request for funds to build a
$160,000 central school to the
township council at its regular
meeting Saturday afternoon.
It's also expected the council
will require that a vote be held
on the proposal before it gives
its approval.
Although some supporters of
the central. school feel a vote is
not necessary, Reeve Earl Dix-
on and his councillors have
taken a firm stand that the rate-
payers should be given an op-
portunity to express their. opin-
ions, ,
The vote will probably be held
in July.
Reeve Dixon said last week he
expected little or no council op-
position to the school board pro-
posal. "It's the sensible thing
to do," he commented.
Figures pr es en t ed by the
board show that the new school
could be erected without an in-
crease in taxes. This would not
be the case if the board. attempt-
ed major repairs to tit to
ancient one -room schools in the
Increased grants front the pro-
vincial government make it pos-
sible for the board to construct
and operate the new school with
out s e e k i n g additional funds
front ratepayers,
Hits Pole, Fence Posts
AOC INSPECTS CENTRAL1A—AVM J. G. Bryans, .CDS, CD, air officer commanding
training command, inspects the guard of honor following his arrival at RCAF Station
Centralia for his annual inspection Tuesday. The inspecting officer will be at the
station. for three days. Guard commander, above, is F/O W. Harker. —RCAF Photo
Centralia Base 'On Parade'
For Its Annual Inspection
Six Months
For Check
Ronald Young, 27, R.R. 5 Gode-
rich, was sentenced in Goderich
court Thursday to six months
definite and 12 months indeter-
minate in. reformatory for pas-
sing a worthless $2,500 check in
the purchase of a new car in
He also received a seven -
months sentence for worthless
checks written in May and two
other six-month sentences for
checks cashed in March and •
April. The sentences run con-
all, the truck driver was
convicted of passing 11 checks
,t for which he had no funds in
the bank
Zurich Man Fined
Alex Masse, &Bich, was fined
$50 and costs during the same
court after he pleaded guilty to
careless driving which resulted
in an accident on No. 21 high-
way, on April 30.
Magistrate Dudley Holmes pre
sided. Acting crown attorney
was C. Van Laughton, Exeter.
David Anderson
Dies 117 Accident
David Anderson, 28. reporter
for the Hamilton Spectator and
husband of Lilian Hunter-Duvar,
formerly of Exeter, was killed
near. Hannon on Tuesday when
his ear missed a curve in the
road and overturned.
Mr. Anderson was formerly
reporter for the Sault Ste. Marie
Star. He had studied psychology
at,, Queen's University, Kingston,
and continued his studies at Mc -
M a s ter University, Hamilton,
this past year.
In 1953 he married Lilian
Hunter-Duvar. Mrs Ed Hunter -
Duval' left Wednesday to be with
her daughter and. Linda, Edward
and Guy will attend the funeral
in Hamilton at 2 p,in. today,
Rev, H. J. Snell, Exeter, will
conduct the funeral.
Car driven by Stanley Pear- mg
son, 27, Station Cen- Flan Two
Italia, suffered $400 damage
when it went out of control,
struck a telephone pole and fence
posts two miles west of Credi-
ton early Sunday morning.
Schools Plan Repairs
Fill Teaching Positions
Tenders for installation of fur- former teacher of the school who
nates in two schools; painting in replaces Mr. McQuillan,
four and new roofing for two No 15 — 141rs Mena Desjar-
have been called by Hay town- dine.
slii school area hoards, Sere No, Donald O'Brien.
tory H. W. Borkenshire ati
bounced this week.
The board plans to install new
nit turnaees in No. 2 and No. 10
schools, Painting will be done at
Nos. 2, 3, 7 and 8 and roofs will
be installed on Nos. 4 and 10.
Mr. Brokenshire also an-
nounced that contracts have been
signed for teachers for all of
the area schools. Several
mos have been made.
The teaching staff for I058-59
Will inelude:
No. 2, Charles McQuillan,
formerly or No, 8, replacing Mrs.
Fern Dougall.
No. to — Mrs, Freda N'ormitt-
No. 3 — Mrs. Margaret bele-
hert, former of No. 9 Stanley, re-
PIACing Mrs, 1, 11. G, Smith,
who has gone 1'6 'Timmins.
NO. 4 Mrs, jcssie (Welt
No, '8 Mrs, Ituby Nedb, a
Zurieh — Mrs, Greta Lam -
der, principal; Mrs. Doreen
Oesch, Miss Olive O'Brien,. Miss
Carol Thiel and Mrs, Audroy
Usborne Names Staff
• Several changes in teachers
for Usborne school area were
reported this week by Secre-
tary A. (1. Hicks, who said eon.
traet negotiations have been
Mrs, Sam Hendrick, tx.et er.
will replace Mrs. Beg Itotigert
one room ot the Winchelsea
school. Mrs. Dot Jolly remains
the principal there.
Mrs. Olive Gowan, Gra.nton,
stieeteds Mrs. Inez Meltoberts.
Lucent es teacher at No, 12,
Mal ti
Others who will return to their
peals in September aro:
No, 1, Hurondalt Mrs. •Ross
Official opening will be
held .for two major commu-
nity projects this coming
Wednesday afternoon, June
4, lion. William A. Nickel,
Ontario minister of planning
and development, will be
the guest of honor at the
ceremony lo mark the corn.
pletion of the John A. Morri-
son dam hi Usborne town-
Thd ceremony will take
plate at the dam site.
. and is open to the pub-
c.gutiday, the new $60,000
nurses' residence ler South
Huron Hospital will be
opened for public inspection
in ati afternoon program.
Hon. Waldo Montieth, We-
ral minister ot health, and
Dr. Mackinnon Phillips, pro-
vineitl health minister, have
both been invited to partici-
pate .in Vie opening,.
No. 3, Plugtown Mrs, Stew-
art Ref th
No. 4, Eden — Mrs. Alexander
No, 5, Ilvergreen Mrs. Italplt
No. I. Zion — Mrs. Murray El -
8601 CialidebOY6,
No, 10, Lumley — Mrs. Wiliam
lRi aEnCi E
EJSohnas.oAn. —RFclAt, ' Station
J.Centralia, was awarded a BA
degree at UWO'convocation last
week. He has been. attending the
university night classes and
summer school for the past two
years. He is employed on the
officer training staff of the pre-
flight school, F/L Johnson and
his family live at 134 Anne St..,
Exeter. —RCAF' Photo
Seek Approval
For GB Bylaw
Hearing on the application of
Grand Bend to establish its
planning by-law has been set for
Tuesday, June 10, it was an-
nounced this week.
The by-law which regulates
the use of land and the char-
acter, location and the use of
buildings and structures, has
been amended after an earlier
hearing resulted in considerable
opposition to the plan.
Reeve Jim Dalton said the
major changes concerned the
extension of commercial proper-
On the west side of the Blue -
water Highway, south of the
village, the commercial area
has been extended to the vil-
R.C.A.F, Station Centralia re-
eeived its annual inspection this
week, paying full cost.
Air Vice Marshall .T. G. Bry-
ans, CBE, DC, the air 'mofficer
arrived Tuesday to begin a Lions lect
commanding training comand, _ E
three-day inspection of the sta-
tion. He will remain until Thurs- • '
day when he will speak at the
graduation luncheon for Pri-
inary Flying Training School
cadets leaving Centralia to con-
Li:nue their training.
Wednesday evening, AVM Bry-
ans was guest speaker at a din-
ner in. his honor at the officer's
Recommendation that a 150.
bed addition be erected to the
Huron County home will be made
to county council when it holds
its summer meeting next month.
Committee appointed at .the
Januarymeeting to investigate
the project will recommend that
the old part of the present home
be torn down to make way for
the 150 -bed extension.
County Clerk A. H. Ersidne
said, Wednesday no estimate of
the cost of the addition has been
made yet. "Only rough sketche3
of the proposed building will be
Presented to council'," he said,
Before the June meeting ac.
Wally gets under way, council
will take a one -day tour to a
similar institution in the prey -
ince to view its operation first
The project is an economy
measure designed to cut the -
mounting cost of hospitalization
payments made by the county.
Clerk Erskine said the hospitali-
zation budget last year amounted
to $112,000 over two mills of the
county budget.
The proposed new wing would
house 100 beds for patient care
in order to accomodate the chro-
nic patients now being looked
after by community hospitals in
the county.
Twenty-five beds will be pro-
vided for special care and 25
for normal care.
phen, heads the special commit-
mbers are Nel-
Warden Jack Morrissey, Ste -
tee which investigated the pro-
blem. Other me
50.11 Trewartha, Clinton; Ray
Adair, Wingham and Clerk Ers-
kine,Al the January meeting, E.
C. Fisher, Goderich, told coun-
ell there were at that time57
Patients in hospital or nursing
homes for which the county was
E. W. Brady was elected to
head the Exeter Lions Club for
the ensuing year at the supper
meeting of the club at Arm-
strong's Restaurant Thursday
1 Tuescray, the efficer was inet SiDet. President is Lion IL L.
on arrival by the guard of honor I Other officers elected were K.
and the Centralia hand. After G. Hockey and IL L. Beavers,
inspecting the guard he went to , vice-presidents; secretary, .A. L.
a reception in the officer's mess. j Snelgrove; treasurer, Ken Mc -
The whole station was on1Laughlin; Lion tamer, W. G.
parade Wednesday morning. t Cochrane; tail twister. Fred
AVM Bryans took the salute Darling; pianist N. E. Wainer;
during a march past led by :.director for one year, Tom Mac -
Group Captain A. G. Kenyon, Milian, W. D. May; for two
CD, commanding officer. I years, Jack Smith, Andy Johns -
In his address to personnel ton; bulletin editor, Lloyd Hen -
following the march past, AVM derson.
Bryans complimented the offi- Lions Herman Dettmer, Sohn
ccrs and men for a "fine show." Goman and Charles Smith re -
He pointed out that Centralia ceived their certificates of mem-
was the first stage of air force bership from past president
life for many of the new re- Sandy Elliot. Ladies' night was
cruils and praised its role as the announced for June 12 at Arm.
place where Canadian and NATO strong's Restaurant with a pro -
personnel were .integrated for gram arranged by Lloyd Wright
ttiroan,ining in flying and naviga- of London. C, V. Pickard wontion,
two tickets for ladies' night in
Ile asked the staff to carry on a draw.
"with the fine job you are doing
spected the different sections of Demand Light
Throughout Wednesday, he in -
Centralia and received a corn- -;
For Vaccine.
plete briefing ofits operati ons
from Group Captain Kenyon and Adult response to free polio
his senior officers, vaccine provided by the Ontario
A news report from Ottawa
Department of Health has, not
this week indicated that units
been what was originally expect -
at R.C.A.F. Station London would ed, Dr, R. M. Aldis, bead of
be absorbed by Centralia by Sep
tember 30. 'Huron County Health Unit, said
this week,
All of the units from the city Although he could not predict
station are being moved to Cen-
tralia. what percentage of the popula-
tion had received treatment, Dr.
Aldis estimated it was much be-
low the demand anticipated a
year ago when it became avail-
able for children.
All doctors in the province
have been supplied with the
serum. Only charge. to the pa-
tient is that for the doctor's
The commercial zone on the
north side ot Main street has
also been extended to the east.
The hearing will be held in
the town hall starting at 1:30.
Entire bylaw is reprinted iii
this issue on :the classified page.
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CEREMONY OPENS DAM—Hon, William Nickle, minister of planning and develop.
tient, will officially open the Morrison Dani at a ceremony at the site Wednesday
afternoon, Above, Harry and Sam 1<ingma, Tat. 8 Exeter, view the completed Ausable
Authority project which will provide water supply for Exeter as well as help control
floods, Landscaping was completed this week. 'DA Photd