HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-10-17, Page 10: TON 81IILLIK48 — "r III a .•ww0', s r tx t• .,w.:- r.: • *10 IF1""' ` VOLUMR ISI. - ! •,., . e-0• �,., , w„ alt §uron,9ignat, a P4ewraP aI4 r01L14114 [e[[1- T1111711111•11 ,Y THOMAS MACQU)I.EN, *ass%' see PsoeasaTua- • 4 naasc4T squeak, weesatce. •s• Beek anal Job Printing, ted with attar r tad diepeteb. Teas os Tanya/el Steam --TEN BIiIL• LINOS per assure if paid strictly in aJvaner, or Twat... iso Six P[[cs with the expiration of the year. • 11e paper discontinued seal arrears are pIW op, also@ the pabliaher tkisk.it his advan- tage to do so. Amy iedivid.al is. the eoaetp beeo.iog re- ap.Mible for as subscribers, *ball receive a hearty Yetis. gT Alllett.nsddreswd to the Edi tormustbe Poet paid. or they will got b. taken 0.1 of &b. poet office T alas or £Dyx$TI.Iwe. Lie limes sad seder, first insertion CO 2 fa Each sebeequest insert leo 0 0 74 Tea linefeed ender, first Insertion, 0 3 4 Each .obsequene insertion e 0 to Ourte■ lines, fir.tissertinn, per lite, 0 0 4 Each wbwq...t Imsertio., 0 e 1 LT A liberal diece..t mode is Ibsen ww advertise belles year. P1_15unruiis_lt�i i ■ ee In' halm 11 pi I u 11 T1ti;41100111,11" PO5 1$t1 "TQ,;H.GREATEST POSSUMS NL'MBl;it. - un �� COUN$i'Y 0n1RO� tv, W.) T(1liRSUaY, OCTOBER 17, 1850. .r right he should egplais that tbey.tliiragar pretwums for, •ad encouraged a great rare" ty of crosses and •mmol. of • co=Uloe, and of as age. which the society did not desk st proper this yew so esestsrage.— The row nswber of entries at tileeeew rs Mee was 1,030, tseludini implemeete, and 1,664 in 1800, The object of the present meeting was to enable his Grace and the C, mmittee to make such arriogemente so would enable them to prosecute, with tier - rector's and dispatch, the bestows of to- morrow. F• r tb*. they -were entirely de wildest' upon the active co operatrou of the smother' of Committee. He might very shortly glebes at whet had been •Iready dope. On Monaymcrning *1e yard was opened for the adrml..fon o/ Implement..— The arrangement differed very materially from that adopted on (water oecaeions.— Tbe change, he knew was an unpopular we with the exbibitues ; but to the judges it afford= greater facilities for censuring the different implementer ploughs with ploughs, harrows with barrows, kr.. and renting through with tiietr awards. I would also be foond to be a much mor interlunar and agreeable arrangement 10 the public during the exh ettu•o. They were aware that tbe trial of implements took plan that morning. It bad been con e (ed purling u the bpltar, wblob euidsy!r - I parted; over the bank he tumSfed, eel after a Somerset or two, and floundering a while Im the water, he was eatufied to remain at Aro peat h future, and break so tsars bri- e 11... A mm had beet) suited of butulg at ovary it►iag mail every body, by placing an eares- isliog effigy in articular pusitiu0. when the sudden a.aault on a wintry day; resulted in tumbling the ram into a cold bath, which Ms improved manners took good elite to avoid in future. A .beep -killing doe bas been mai, too much aeharoed ear to look a .hey fi5 the 415, by tying his hind lege to • stout nm, OD the brow of a hill, while the flock were quietly feeding eit the bottom. On being set free, end somewhat started in his bate to rejo 0 hie friends, he tumbled and thump ed mater Tray •0 madly over the .tones and gullies that he was emit" satisfied to confine him.et( to cooked mane." thereafter -- Man'. reason wow oven him to co.frul'tbe beasts of the field and the birds of the air,' t by oilier mesol than brute furls. If be e will bring thee into play, b. will have no ✓ difficulty in meeting and overcoming every em.rgeney of perverts instinct or bad habit in the dumb thing.", by I. ampeeior cue. - 'neg.—American merican a//gricmilmrist. 41 o e♦ r U ducted in a most'admlkable and most ntu- 1 WELCOME TO THE QUEEN. Air—•' The Blow Bestows ower the Border. Com.! come! heir el- our Monarchs, same! Come from thy paheee famous is story: Cue! come! 'mut 'emelt of trampaed dram. Come to ow Highland heart.. Royal Victoria! Oft have thy fathers led. long en they wowed the Tweed, Oft Glace we've renewed their standards to Flory : — Ifow all our ties shall be, kidly to welcome thee; Aad eery wry honor thee, Royal Vieteria: See! we! how sweetly our sellers smile( Albyn and Erie, the' fair are not fairer; • 'thee, brat., ars their 'roasts, and free ofgnile, . Pair are their maidens, ad oh! how much Jeerer! Valleys sod moustsise shalljoie is thy weleome • ll. Lake *morns frees their soars mooing sneer and ether..,; Oft le thy divot hall, thoughts ni our kidaea shall Wig thee to sigh sow ad thea tebe nearer! Comet "cove! beer of raw Monarchs, ensu! Cases" frees thy palaces renssee is story; Cans! come! theft thy Highland haw. Fir as thy "foss nae, brighter in glory. Cold lho' oar mwotsies be, warm is their love to thee. Tree ars the hearts they will =anthill before ye: Come with thy Paladio.i come with thy little Dees. 'Equal ver Isis to spotless Victoria. Emntntow D. Bare. —Bs o10hire JearaeL AGRICULTIJRR. HIGHLAND AND AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY'S SHOW AT GLASGOW. Another of these monster Agrieeltorml Meetings, alert tepee of two years hes agwiw token plane, under the auspice, of this Seeisty at Glasgow. The ihuw'yard wee opened for the reeeptinn of implements oe Tuesday. awl raw Wednesday morning, sleeve" o'cinek, the trial et the implemente selected by the juetges for lbw purpose took plan m" the farm off6errowfeld. The s were eeneluele4 .uhnnt eleven o'clock, wed an adjournment• to the show - yard took plies immediately. • • The exbrih*on of dairy 'redeem wee yr- hepithe "artist that ha.- yet eecerred sinew the bstltef tow .1 the Soe(eq. There .sere competitors free, the various district, of the shires of lAwavk, Reefrewuhite, 'Dunt. bereoeeMre, Linlithgow, Argyll, M" Loth - feat, Perth dtc. ; the rieh green dopes and plains, and the vailejs of wt;Icb show• ad.tbels prMN in wholesome, well -made choose. batter, and tasteful To b. /uts, threw wegewarrtpfee .f rattier +=worthy of meek ;.bet whsto•Nere mere so essay sae, 'einem as Seth mea eight• et expect eweei- lere of..gestky; is eft. 1b the opiates .f tlesaMeWtiltat to judge, chews trade t)1b6o itMesta miR dellbg the year was gent - rely exeehtnt, 10;41eo, be rood of those medef. from Whengd . 41.4i the same psareasd gay kaoa t%deaell ptjga d,Pkmgiiah dawn aura a. ;Prams, ' rth W tit.►irw Ma'am eadOiea enar. • Throughout the day, the tectie n WOW ted toetbewe sod bot. 141 veers d4Mly Swage. 1; ladies and riet(e.en mere tots ds le� interested to Ibbs" diurtmetyte of the $ ow ;—awd u the ge, throe* tbreeefeSd .1010 ' titrth twI�iteeOVA tine, the ol vers of t et withi. the counter. -..bad some y - ls pre taunt the asasiseew►s of .4he4SS —11111 bra= iron making ave math M rebel- Rear w wkh ske•eaapkpfev.1 'NlewtttNJMA'eNUI•M It! greater • 01111f. of Mei% alb errfo N1YY� ate" t }44 hid cor"di"al �1Ab C TTbbls Js a f30� r. factory maswr. The report of the judges TESTIMONIAL TO W. H. WILLSON. of the dairy produce was extremely gratify leg. Thequanrlty wee s.toindieg—then being no leas the. 318 entries. In regard to the quantity, it had been remarked o one description, thee it was a treat deal too good. To-morrnw morning it was intend- ed to open the show -yard for the admission of stock en early as 0 o'clock, in order that he cls-ificaiwa sad judging might be facilitated. The judge', would meet in the Quee.s Hotel at it o'clock. There was to lice • dinner in the City Hall on Thursday ftereboe, for which very complete arrears - meets bad been made ; • lecture that night o the. Trade's Rik, by Dr. Anderson, on be economy of manures, which he hoped would be well attended, and a breakfast in he Queens Hotel oo Friday moroiog at 9 onoected with the same subject. After hat, the exhibition of horses and other took place, eoneldi• - with the mice the. These were the whole arrangements, n the carrying out of which he trusted that o the venous committees the most active n_nperatton would be extended. A correapendeet of the i:diallergl, .td 1 -fuse, wrtiog from Glasgow hat even - ng, ways, this bas been the great day of be Highland Society's exhibition, for it nmbicise the treble attraction of insole - Meets, dairy me:thee, and stock. • The djeea commenced their ardnns teak of xamining the animals entered for competi- on, and of awarding the prizes, at seven 'clock ; but it was not until tea o'clock hat the 'hew yard was 'Taped to the mat- e. The concourse of visitor' was int- ense. The vast population of Olasgot. sell, and the proximity of the richest a0d est populous agricultural districts of contend contributed to this retinal. A rest proportion of the nobility and gentry Scotland were on the (round. • Conspieu. s among other' were the Duk. of Argyle, rad Lord Blantyre, who bad taken • deep tereat in all the proceedings. The wes- er haa'b.et very favorable. The show of cattle of the vanone•breede perhaps enthralled in the annul■ of the ighland Seeiety for extent and the general :callewe of the specimens exhibited.— he xhibited — he .bort horns were very namerno•, aid presented some very eupenor models both point ofsymmetry and condition. The ',rehire. were also forward in great. mint- ers, and afforded a fine study for the torre- nt and purchaser* of dairy stack. Tie Iloway. were 001 et) ntimy,ew u we ou(d have supposed ; and were excelled Dubber, as they were probably. also in motny, by the polled Angus and Aber' &tens, which thaw-ts..esbl.d Cleanly in our and f vm. 'here woe r very forint, able and @baggy array of Highh.dere, MOO of which were highly admired. There ere seven) lots of Fieahieie, tied Dome f the heaviest baste ma the yard bsio.g- 1t was ser privilege, oo Friday cecinas last. f to attend we of the seat bermonusoe aseemblegea h hoe been our lot to be orrice' at for a length oaf time. Our readers are aware that it was coemmplet- ed to beelow a mark d eruct ea Mr. W. H. Wilton", out sly as expressive of the kid feel - imp e.tertmi.ed awards him by his friends, bet also is takes of their 'admiration of him as u es - ',redoing mod worthy member of society, and en seeusl Witte public *pint it) providing the tows with se eare.sive and well ,furnished hotel, for the 'accommodation of the tranlliog portion of the eornmasity. . To present that token' of respect the omens, d Fnd.y evening wee eooveoed, when *beet thirty of the sebecribei to the testimooial at- tended, ad bet for the wetness tithe night 'nosy more would have Wee preset. The testimonial consists of a aperb Piano -Forte, mode by Cheek• trier, of Boston, and a pair df rieh and beautiful Chandelier', pmeb.sed for the purpose in Leg - lad, by D. Robertses, Esq, On the frost of the piano a Over plate is inserted, on which the foflnwing inscription is engraved;—" Pretested es W. H. Willson, of'Brockville, by his towns- mee and friends, ae a mark of the high anthem - des to which he is held by them. 1830." A silver plate has also been placed at the base of. each chandelier, bearing the similar isseriptlee to that os the piano -forte. The ,aloe of these athletes 'meows to £150. The Piano was imported through the agency of Messrs. A. & 8. Nordheimer, of Toronto, ad who. oat of respect to Mr. Willson, made se charge for their trouble. The presentation took place in the large dining room of the hotel, the Hoe. James Monis being deputed by the seb.cribers to present Mr. Will, sea with the above mentioned. tokens of their esteem. The address of the lion. Mr. Morris wet to the fellewiog effect:— We hats assembled this evening, Mr. Will - tee, to perrorrn a duty alike pleasing to Doroelvea andareditable to you, mod I feel honored in hav- ing been regoested by the gentlemen around me to announce that we appear here es subscribers, sod the represemntiees of absent anbscriSers, to the teetimeeul which we ire ,bust to present to you. Vow friends, boils le the tows and coati - try, hale bug looked with 'desire on year on - Wrier efforts to make your boss the travellers home. Tee eommeecd bestows tmeeg m wino yon were • very ring man, and whit bet Nailed meats at year cemented, ted firri'dme the hues, is which you were =o.reiasiits re - aids wen, in eppearaeee, uehvttltgruelle eye ef s mealier, bot u seoe.i'hm bed •".herbal With - la the wens, be forgot the ioferiorttp of the dwNMsg in the wean said friendly reeeptios whieh be reteired from pm. 1 have se desire to Setter you, sad indeed 1 sin not doing ss wbeo few that it le Year Welt affable tsSnser, youi letegilty mnd'WO M i thee4 thither@ made you se deeer,idly iefedij, itida eeeu►ed you so may p.memsl Meade We have taken the grater Iaenest 1. -jeer seeress in life, beean.e vire knew 'bat you bid as lateen°. to remove at= etpead elsewhere the Ibrfy tsibich you tide ameugbt u. Ws bepteiiif�It you dere 1 rite' iee.mulkt�y 'i��a 1amiir' bilin which to eel Petals Liutiiiit tbit.Retlld 11 eO All $46.. "a9'iii. ii W. AjeapPoliftea, Rb 40.10." pit Ob.' _- - — of addr•seisg you wfibt A3 fie which tisd'aa a tnoaemeet of year eiterpnse, ` twhich 1 do .et think is egsslled, oertaiall A Ail ssrpasmill ilC.'kteet sad ereithi f.y.J 6amstyt idy toy pats *Wen A�eiLiP t1;ee•re, a good b ' 1-r t, �'•1'e eheertal, 11.4, 1 rpaiw{, them cogfoit • tivilitjr @ '. heal within this IL Itmsstbit�*s Its= eu&eaireed 'el;ll ,o to ► t year Malls daa„t11� it(1 a opt' , 544 M� tialr of eve nserpnss.,pri d'.'iiflhithtif If What `yea inn field as a eltil �i '�iMT .mice bar elided in nie.Pds beadlIAI arab I.i 111..., Jr, 1-2: .fit to a mery Fier,' ea' Yhi �Aft a tbj ,. w1114�3 Is� ' • IA ighlr Pt', �' i ,I. tie vele ZN, t ittillOjT.1.1 Md s"slL l( 4'10111 �1 n t c . tock c a1 t c ju e t1 11 m s 1 of a to th T to A b de Oa h oil d w s d to the section. . - The Horses axbibited were chiefly heavy drought weals. -There were no horse %bib 32 Mathes', all of witch bed mine e pterdid pointe. The Asst premium in sbfa Iectfs• hes filtrate • powerful brews sMlies 3efosgisg to Mr. Robert Arkiey, Pbalrp.town, Lialitbtow. Some equally . sgni6osot drasgbt mares were shown,— Several fine horses in harness, employed by stator, ss the Wrest& o4Gleegow, Unused considerable attraction. Of flhhep there was a very extensive dis- 4 la coa1gq ruin`` 11ff'ots of Leicestershire.. Z• eta OOielsei•iets, 51 tote /if h�ck-fmced. eta o3 lib of ?Muth Downs. The Cheri - 44 -With '13.4 brat covenops, attracted at r •b4 were admitted to be very it,• The floot% Dewitt wfiiclt tie In Seotlad, were a lsepee- itoeb adaltrsd. '1�ke of 14 411peY,Me4ei:ll if itrthls *Aran!JSA a %rlewted rut d/Yhgi bi iae flee, tad Mttae` Mikis ib ajsi. %AMb tai ty_df'ranti !. W iiiltt t 10 p to dIon.r Bibs he "jj pdM a the A�� 1%�•Mtd sed t-•••., tZ •t =PAM M, d ft= De we 111' l'IM LI 58 ur.aettitrl�l►IYldtt ter irauggiVe beam NW tp•t•.wi,ytttdat•w5.an brwIlialeaa Se g ne eves' bls nr*1 "flew _12:111 i' eS9y a cit s :. r eaieltlt rt11i>ieia ntlN.tt' yy�„�,, mss. ils4IMes a Ns'Y•islat. &AWN,Isgyararfl�eilr 'M :`a ig, Obledhrb•LpOt� W , Illedle ., ammo '0 lOen Sze a. ,,, ,ki 1A heat. MIM WI' Malty* M111�r.t 14s Mlle, 0 Mesut R, e1 -'e el kat red eeN '1i7Mttlt Ia -by rim to • stNf� tRINIFY riellYtlt e *Seep yArs•nt, e►N1� tegWW1411 l bees a.wss rrQh t1- • the Tool. err.4gat- etllh 12/11114011,40 the elm and theta to Ow others, eyes, with the . mad dimes of the Uuauu. To aseo.pliah tm,., (ogee of wo,oaa'e •floosie*, '• thus are the gift. associations hese been formed, whose ubfe•t a to 1 — TWELVE AND 8/X PBl4CR �= Try 401 08 TSB 1-515. NUMBER XXXV. THE Lt)WPR CANADIANS. "f wy besheed'e fiieede." Yee, wad them aro secure to every tiller of the tool! a sufficient stu• oihero who will volution'. Yoer chit r.. will (ace of lend to firm a borne for bowel(sad his lima upas them, 1 was going se aey with effec- fainly: and to prevent all futon' imbbiag 1e the ties, cad your brothers and other asl.i.ou will public lands by which, vast tracts bare herete- re)oie* to learn that yon stand w high is Iho re- fore, filler into the haoda of dpeeulators to the gard of thaw by whoa' 1 am ..rrotiaded, sad .eriuus detriment of the country. At a late othets who have tied the pnvilegeofcootrtbutiug meeting is New York the (olluwiog reselutioe to the teshaosta1. Io a proceeding each u we was adopted by the party are 1104 eogsged u, them is ewa.:hiag to nay We whose earn(' ore saueeed, desirous of re. mead very pleasing; a is, 1a (0t, a " gr.., storing to man his natural rights to land. do eol- spoN' m one's his; it shows that mole sot, with emoly agree. that we will not cote for any moa (or the Presidency er rongrew, who watt mot es at least, the 'beaten pessteo; at shows that the people o1 Itrockvtlle, and of Leeds, are el- wsy• ready, sad Daly darn the eppeeteaity, to sskeowledae merit, sad thea is • form ea ..b- autial u to testify their .isesrity. But, sir, 1 twee detamed you lug ewsgk, and we ave beg your acceptance elites Piano, sod 11e.s teas Chasdeters, which, is lbs laaguapl of 111. is- seriptioe, ere presented to yea es a mark of the bigb esumauoa is which yon are held by your fellow-tewo.mes sed other (needs. ♦' the Wase of ties address, tad o0oasissaily throughout its delivery, the cotapuy joined is hearty cheer. Mr. Will.00. his hon overebwiag with etno- hoe, requited the following reply — H000rsble sir, sad Oestlemea, it) retaraieg you my 'basks toe the Aauerisg temimosul with which yea hew this eucaine prebooted ate, I criot be accused of vanity is 'rating that it has always Wee my desire, to the utmost a my ability, to deserve the support wad geed wishes of the inhabitants et Brockville wed to vicinity, bot I am obliged to confers that this ability hes 1n rummy inslamoes fall., for short of Ay Willes- den: and the credit you give tee for the ester - prize in ereetieg the building which I now oc- cupy, is doe to the jestly anticipated support of my friends in Town and Country, quite es meth as to any feeling of public spirit on my part.— Convinced as I am, that this present expression of kindness and good feeling tout= .s i* of ■ much more munificent deacriOtioo tlsaa I ells, by any meas feel'eoosctoua of deserving, I .kali consider myself doubly bound oa all rotors ec- csaioes to do my utmost to deserve much appro- bation as you bare sow bestowed epos ma.— (lac, mote, Honorable sir, and Geotlemee, re - wive my 'lacer* thanks. tad may you never re- gret the present expression of poor feeliage to- wards me: and it is needless for me to add, that I shall ever keep them, ad regard them as tseiborials of friendship, and esteem them cored w myself, sad to my Gently. The company the@ at down to se externem repast, which wee prepared by the worthy host, the Hoo. Mr. Morris in the chair, supported by Mr. Willson oa the right, and George Crawford, Esq., on the left. Numerous touts wets given and responded to, amongst which were the fol. lowing,—The Queen; Health sod prespent, to Under this beading the Toronto Afire of last week dtlatoa at conetderable length an extract from aD article which appear in the first number of the Messenger, teed the title of Retrenchment, and as bis ma object appears to be to obtain from " .'Y.rfolk Messenger, el hoe stmsr (which a slender knowledge of the Chaco learned in Ireland when we were • goes enables us to translate " other clear gr journals') enegaivocal repels* to two • plainly put q•ieetions, we will endeavor gratify hie curiosity so far as the Memento • concerned. by a candid rad totelhgest newer* as we know to give. To hegtn right, we must in the first place ordtally thank our cotemporary for is kind wishes for our prosperity and ane - ens, and when we assure him that we /ally eciprocate his generous tad friendly anti - mettle, say no more than we sincerely feel. )tar cnlemporary's " Looking Glass" bas verbeen with no *mall concern that for ome time past, we have noticed the drop- ing off of the enicke lver which enabled it o reflect so brilliantly and m truly and the ubstitotion in its place, of a kind of drop Itteh wofully bedima its once bright ser• ace. Having thus made our bow with the elirror s permission, we will claim tbo pu- ller"* of our Cowotry, and reply to his rat question namely, " Do they, the clear rite or do they not, desire, to disfranchise he Lower Canadians r by asking another, is : What in the world ever put such a eery a that in his beard ! Ws hope he Mirror will consider our reply a weight forward one ; but for fear bet bould not, we will still further explain osr- elves by eking him, does he, .leo be omplaios of the injustice done to Ireland y the votes of English members, ms quee- ring which affect Ireland alone, mean that e " desires to disfranchise the English P' our first answer ie not quits explicit nougb we have no doubt the Mirror will content with the second. The Mirror's ;wet question is, " Do ey not desire a repeal of the Unigp of the rovinees T' This question we will as- wer English, instead of Irish fashion. If • Lower Canadians will persist in thwart- s the well understood wishes of the people Upper Canada, by a constant tntertereoee the local aBeirs of the latter mentioned eclion of the Province respecting whn'h ey cannot by possibility be a well fa- rmed as its own Representatives, tad too iter way can be devised for the pnvte- 00 of .00h interference, then we tinbeeita- ngly say, the sooner the Union 1* dieselr- the better. it is sot to be •adored that e Representatives of Lower Canada all have it in their power to do to Upper amide. that which the imperial Parla- ment itself de= Dot undertake to %o, seam- , legislate for Inhabitants on local stat- ers agalut their con•est. In ear rt umber, we gave several inetsasee of ah. e.cnption of interferesee to witch we a:- a1s, ad we now preosst oar rulers with pother ghrr.g out. Os the question of • salary el the 8 of &Wee - on for Upper Canada- s nutter oa which • bower Canalises Gould 'Wee o• just tugs for larelausg sootier, to the stoke" aerate yeomen —.. ee hos, the fol- lowing dnisios tee& phew : Oe Mr. Richard's mottos to Ax the me- at the 3 et L410 per hese= el 600, w peopen i l by hecorerserr• sent; the vow sallied, yens : .e.beve from Upper �;asda, Hyalites of orfoik, idnolio• of Termite, Crysler. Pest. opkise, M*thsh. McFarland, Mai.eao, N.te.., Raebsrds, Scott .( *town, Sey- mour, Sherwood .f &eeekvslly Stteetssd. of'"est•st., Ssstsb of Pr .tree, A.�41 sul.u,ths ebr.ss...ed Wile"—tial•." Brenn Lewes Cowin, DeWtet, Hetheekr Lausi.s; McCessoit, Pspsnwta, Asskaw►. Scott .4 Tar, M -Mass., rad Witte—B. Nay.: J .ossbore hoe Up- beat" .... of Cor..eil, Gyiy, bn.erti McNek, Morro os, , Paean n, ed LsbiMs--g. Messi..p of the Go- rnmest from U. C.: Baldwin Hirai= eDoe•ba, Monett sad Prise•—+, lain - "'pleat member. from L. C. • Armoires( glow, Boetillie,, Gabor. Cis Gha- t, Chairman, Chaste, Duero, Fortner, o•rrier, Potgaier, Oestlet, Jn►ia Luaus. termite. Laurra, Mergers. Msthot, Mee - naw. Follette, Mawg.au, Tebbe •a& Vi- ,yer---9a. Members of the C on' Lower Canada : Drussmo= U Lefo,- une-9. Making. for lbs Go.arnment—fro. Up - r Canada : or on ed OV 1-o she w common. 1t °f1 to r pledge himself in wntiag, te ewe eH the influe.eo i of les station, if elected. to prevent all further a traffic is the public I... Ir of the 8,arro and of the United Suites, tad to eau•" them to be laid c oat is !arms and lots fir the Erre and exclusive b aster aeroal we"Iers; or for any man foe the Gov- ernorship or for the Lee•slater, who will out se c pledge himself to the fr.-edom of the pubiie land., r to a limiitio of the Tomtit! of lent to be ob- tained by an(ori►idval hereafter in this to the ezempuoa sf the homestead front any fe. e tore debt or mortgage, and to a limi•atioa to ten e of the hoar. of the daily Iabnr on public works nm p is establishments chartered by law.. 1 The movement both in Ireland and the United s State* aims at the ams important object—the w eseeneg of the laboring poor arsine, the oppres- 1 stens of the rieh—the nettle of labor against the power of apitel.—[Faaminet. UNIVERSITY REFORM. 6 The Co(oautllis in dread alarm/for the eateries 1 of his (sends Mr. Murray and Drs. McCool and ' Beeves. Unable to meet the chair, that the c alarm of these gentlemen are greatly retries- s gent, our eotemporary toes to taro off the quer- s tion into an inquiry as to the alleged incoasistee- • cy of the G&W u a retrenchment advocate, and e urges strongly as a quiets/that while Mr. Bald- b win has £1100 and Mr. Hinck• £1000, Dr. t` McDeal should certainly have £1013! We ob- serve b the Colonist would find "et) caw for op- e position to the Globe's present coarse," were be at our retreochment proposal one-sided,—which means (if it mass anything) that oar proposal th to bring down Dr. McDaul's salary from £ 1013 P to £400 and fees is all right, bat that there are s other abases in other depar:meets which ought n to'be attended to also. This is all very well of about the other., but the uv to hand is that of in Dr. McCaa! & Co.,—we will settle it first, with s the Colonist's leave, mod from that proceed to tit the others. The Cotentin is the organ of the be McCaul portion of the University, e0 that its ti admtaion of the necessity for great reduction is ti certain of the salaries is wort) something, 'tad ed we hope the i'isitatioe Commissioners end th Members of Senate will make a note of it. eh Our eotemporery u very anxious to make est C that the C1oha is opposed to retrenchreeet in the Public service, and cites our attack cm Mr. Mar. iy ritt's scheme in proof thereof. That we make n Do bluster ►beet retrenchment to tickle the pub- d Mr. sad Mrs. Willson; the latter, at Mr. Will- lie palate is veiy true, but we ss'peet, when th• eon's request, was replied to by George.Craw- rival trial comes, that tits G.4. will be feud ford, Esq.: the health of W. Natthie, Eaq ; the quite in advance of three-foortha of these she Chairman, io introducing ibis touts, stating that have bees prating shout at for the last yaw till for objecja of public interest, friendship, or be- people are sick. Prating people always 'try to nevoleoce, Mr. W.'s band acid bear. wens always find • bsek-door when they are Weight to the open. The toasts then became general, ..el. Senteh fast as the C.(oausr attempts to do ahpelt •s—Tbe Press; The Mayor tad Turn Commit; Dr. McCaal'e salary. We did so: attack Ma The Warden and Coasty Cooped; the health of Merritt', scheme because it west for retreads. George Crawford, Esti.; the Young Men of oust, bat because, while it toads twat ptifss. Ikockvtlk: the Farmers of the:Dietnct; Oor upas l• 'hat way.—it suggested no . Neigabesrercroes the 1.ioe, dtc. di.c. whatever, bat was is reality • piece =as samNi- Th. evroing was "peat pleasantly and happi- gat.'d humbug's' ever graced the cola ass afar dear cotetnporary of l)e Ctefbsias--a.d that, he ksowe, t. e*yisg a great deal, *maidens. repel toe *pd the "Thinking Mu."—Gfefw. ly, and the party broke ep at tee o'clock. With siocete wishes for the Catare prosperity of Mr., Willson, whose house is icknowledeed by travel- lers to be nee of the 6neet in the Province, .ad' wbo alio -ague in aptiPllt that with Mr. W ills"• for • host, and the kiadly and obliging Mr. Jobs Breoono for aaiaant, it will be one a( the t am popular hotels is the eatery. We may state that Mr. Holmes, of this tows.. w,eiethe architect of the bedding, a fact phit , tptlat add M -Air. , Ohne.' (.rte.-- et aritclig• t • VMS 'MOM OR , If 411111 .t I.ANH TART r �ATEe Th• marries ef'Irehsd loader the oppressioo• of bar landed aristocracy have of late years reach- ed the extreme !trait beyond which is aft 'limier tions renctloa takes place. The starving mill• foes whose nlferings hate venal* bees created by the grinding eppreaios 'f the landlord@ have fallen a ae theatres upon their estates in the shape of poet rale., rendering them In wily pla- ces of h ill. or so 'aloe. To meet this alarming •tate of things it b probable that the .ugge.tlobs made by the Meads of the oppressed in order to reduce the sm.p m*.%pasperiam first by an equi- table heed real'ir tit land, mad aeewity by an eq►seiilei i'i( the inert of *be former I n Ib•,Pre�wt M h war; ale, be received ,ed ' sod epde 1 Ih'. Lai tits as a meals tf roust. %Jaait Lt t '1 a.reveset'la ail. :limed bt . •.ii lib. a«ak>i Perrier of Ira- Iaaa. 14 itawrn:W ea ilia raise *hey w arara s� ' • err- is ►ed►*aa the vat j} two physical re - iota me W ° ' t: 'IV late soefrr.ee rah!, t' itl�ah ej w &, a toad.d tt7'rs of "eery locale • p, t sed era Ii�aa feet te erelN a j estefel that era* ', Ir biles - IL �a It is a fat worthy of record in honer of I this District, that trot • single case of ''a i ahead 'attire was before the Court during Ow Amar wbteb elesad on Saturday het. Net only woe the pnsoa free of prisoners r airs lbs SM if.ithast a =leader, but the "' Gated Jury, from the time they went sworn M o I their dismissal, had not a shills Y ;craw/obit preferred before Anes. Long a th t1- th Pro rI N H w sky emit a state of things continue. s intended, in ihre number to refer to tsie�t10 of lye eivil came dhpoeed of during tilt eitttngef theAonn, but ether natter pwstag upon es obligees' to dnfer donee to 5W1 Veit maw.—Bedksiral Courier. Sts Rowans Pest, rte CWIL4►soe..--A forwards ss (Maneheaser Cserdia.) the following anecdote respec- ting the late Sir Robert Peel :--" Ole &r Robert woe extremely solicitous in advan- cing his son in hie tender years. To this end, he requested him to furnish the heads of the sermon* be hetrd at Bury church, upde arriving hems from Divine service.--- (& one oeeaiton, a stranger having to oA{. elate, be was invited to partake of the bon. pttalttiesof Comber ball. As weal. the future statesman was called uiten to go through his duty. When he had comple- ted, Mt father turned to tho Munster and inspired whether he had given a proper ac- count. " o, efr," he 'spited, " be haw preached a moth better &orates *has ewer 1 did in my hie." ,8s11aaaow OUTsaos.--the the 3rd an - steel the premises pf Mr. John Coban. el thio (ewnbip, were entered by Dots" wre- tch.i'wh7i hane.tnnged tad otherwise mat. .mted • yoke of Oxen and est Ars f. a .reek of strew btelengtsg 16 Mr. Cowles. It A seldom that week nets of brws.Wty eve Me Pe Bad bo F L. 1i' ft I 14 ti e Of th w independent Member, 8 Agei.st them 1e 11 For the govern meet from hewer Cassa Independent Members 24 Against them - B 1. C. majority Inc got. 10 Here, ten, we obvert. a ainwlar 4...w - n• of the (ieveran.ent by the Reformers flipper Canoeist, as we Instanced tut eek, and a like jonet ee between the AJ- ien'ratinn and a pert of the C the eight Independent esemh@re from to towline of the Prostheses who sided ith the M'wro/ry. Ave, coast+, Comer= n1 Cornwall, Ceyl.y, Sir Alun McNa b, Prince and Robison. are Toni.. ; lawviei the other three. lobelia, M.r►b.n and Perry, the note Refnrware frets Upper Cs - ads, who did not =poor them. And bed he eight Tories toted against mead of tib them ; with all the it Lower Canada reel rat their bask they weil1 have been deresided by a majority of flnr ; a fact which with others of as @rattly ,k" atom, elisrly proses that the Misisery I. kat In seA- Mce a0( by the se.l0e.nee e/ t)ppri Ma- ds 11N.wesete ad hewer Crash Reform - n. but by the womb of tb@ Moat OkA'h- nnis the Helve arab the French. We might p on to esomarate eery asassler tut -awes dour cosapiete subjection e Lowy, C.naaia. power. Is it saeeeter hal we Weald say more. Ula sue a rutted h this osestry, eta we trues Met ' the talesman mowers who rould he guilty 1n of such conduct, will be discovered and use punished that the sample .ani. of them Di will 'terve es well a *arum, to others, if other, thug er• ert 'inert,' lowered. 'file is wismostes. Pee as eora , la sag sfsisiarsiallgRibia to tio Iiiiireol pewits for the dissuem slaw =rpm ?titan of thing diabolical Nue.— The Brantford =met iti am oriA SOO =mode ireassetaacies party heeling sad partyiiewe est be ust sadly end the - -