HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-05-15, Page 17el VRN .`1N for �in - lie Q ,1i e V u L I Q. is - ed C� c t! � ns �fa „..,,,. „....... ,,,,„„f4,44 ,i,040r..: ile it t. nd :td ge n. ad to is of st w e y a e Starlite Driv..• ....,..J.. .._,._Theatre! atr�i 5 Miles East Of Grand Bend 8,5 Miles West of No, 4 Highway on Crediton Road FRIDAY & SATURDAY May 16 end 17 "QUANTEZ" •* Fred MacMurray * Dorothy Malone TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY Lyric Theatre THURS., FRE, & SAT, May 15, 16 and 17 • "BEYOND MOMBASA" * Cornet Wilde * Donna Reid NEWS CARTOON MON., TUES. & WED. ,May 19, 20 end 21 "STOWAY GIRL" • (ADULT) •* Trevor Howard •* Elsa Martinelli & ADDED SHORTS --n COMING — ' "HELLCATS OF THE NAVY" *'Ronald Regan •* Nancy Davis and on the sante program "THE OLD WEST" * Gene Autry rereetlei Iten1s MI, and Mrs. Evart Hodgins and .Helen, were Sunday guest of .Mrs. W. Fitzsimmons .and sots w Ddatd and nl tt t attended i ded the s •v et c. i lee n St. .Georges Anglican Church, Ar, 1s Oscar t:r Io I n who o as � h. beep nursing in Strathroy, is .on the sick list at the hone of her ,d he au tr g Mr.Charles , s G o Grose. Mrs. Ellen Redden and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor, of Exeter, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Redden. 1Yenrly Weir, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weir, of - London, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McFalls, returning home an :Sunday. Mr. and Airs. Don Downs and Mrs. Irene Coursey spent Mother's Day in Detroit, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ford and fatality, Ralph Ford, how stationed in Virginia, was home on leave. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Amos and daughter, Marilyn, were. Sunday guest's .of Mr. and Mrs, William Amos. urcclay o oya•S10-day trip ft ort , she s Bahamas. After nearly sib weeks' visit' with hhea• parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wes, kfodgins, Mrs. Bruce Stew. art and family left for her home in .K.. no e i a astW e a ed sdae•. 1 Mr. and Airs. U. T. Mond ha returned the d ha nte from f a.at F' o rt St an. ley where • e t hey with Air. and Mrs eye two days dpot e. I' y i Mr. and Mrs. Walker Dur Air. and Mrs. Lloyd Durr a Heather of Parkhill were Frid guests of Mr, and Mrs. Char Windsor, Mr. and Airs. Bob Calema have returnedG front a three -da visit with Mr. and Mrs. A Dickins of London. Mr. Cecil Jackson and dough. ter,. Ella. Mr. and Mrs. J. Keen, all of Stratford, were Motier's Day ,guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1Vm, Aylestock. Air, and Mrs. Al:.0. Smith have returned from a four-day holiday at their cottage at Pen- etang, Mr. Fred Armitage of Lucan and Mr. and Mrs. Garry Graham of London spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wilcox of Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Boggs, nee. Joan Murless, and infant daugh- ter Vicky, of Montreal, were Monday guests of MIr. And Mrs. 114. 0. Smith, Guests •with Mrs. Eleanor EmerI ck and family n l last week eek included Miss Doris Dornan on Monday and Mr. and. Mrs, Mil- ard, Lorring, Mrs. L. Lawson. horn Pittsburg, Pa„ on Wed- nesday, Mr. Milton Robinson of Lon- don was a Saturday evening guest of Mr, and Mrs. Wes Hod- gins. Miss Mabel McRoberts of Lon - on was a Sunday guest of Mr. nd Mrs. Allan Westtnan, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Haskbtt nd Bruce spent two 'days last week in Toronto', the guests of Ir. and Mrs. Jack Cummins. Rev. 3. P. F•rest as rector nd Mr. Bob Coleman as lay elegate, from Holy Trinity, at - ended the three-day session and ogether with Lucan's - fogmer actor Rev, J. F. Wagland, were Wrong the scrutineers, On Monday night Rev, and Afrs. Prest and Mr. Ken Clarke ttended the service of witness, hich was also held in St. James lurch, Mr, and •Alis. Irving Gibson nd family were Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Jones Kippen. Rev. and Mrs. Edgar Roulston ere Mother's Day guests of Mr. d Mrs. Harry Roulston, of tchener. COMING EVENTS RUSSELDALE HALL Vance, Friday, May 23, 9:30 to 1. Crazy time, No lunch, Soft drink counter. Admission 500. 15:22c • BARN DANCE -- Silver Star Ranch Barn Dance at Jim Grif- fin's new barn, 5 iniles north of St. Marys or ee mile east of 'Motherwell. • •,• •• 1 Ewell, Dancing an.n_ eve •v Fri - ay, r day, 10 to 1. Linden Orchestra playing _ May 16. Door prize and f spot prizes. 15c 1 ve r, nd ay e the t sale looping to augment the Techs ' funds by $10 to $15. So great was' ra Mastiny Lucan n District - - ewsMr. and Mrs. ';P, . P d i c M ,-la its Air. and A1rS. Harold Has)Re4 t and r. and Mrs, .Jar Elson of Detroit are spending' a fA —Continued From Page I8 Birthday Part/ ,,ale r east � Armitage, S H , Rummage Al a of Stir. and A tines, Armitage holy Trinity Parish Nall looked Its Cecil Armiaag a celebrated ebr at. , ed her like 12th ke birthday ai ii' n t -tat ,lea ua e Tin lath . Eaton's s E t n Y • 7 It ursd v a Among kh organized Lucan - Clandeboye g•an and he The T.it tei.A vecetil!, •M+y 14" 1 MS :POOP '1'7. Worn is Auxiliary I r! TheWoman's Auxiliary of Ho e, ;Trinity Church held its Al t tet n e an the at e.ho e # g in o Al I,. & I afternoon, Scott last Wednesd a ernoon, with the preside r r Airs. T. C. McFarlane in Mrs • chair and 19 members. press Mrs. Harold Corbett.:and Mr Joe Beatson led in the worshl Mrs. periled. .Sa, Stanley, Mrs., I Wes, Atkinson .and Airs. '11 illie Baskett• assisted Mrs. Scott 11#ostessea, An invitation from St. Patrick's 1 church to .attend the W.A. Bios- cont !.'ea Wednesday, June 4, 1 was read. To accept the invita- tion, meant the postponement of !the Lucan June meeting until June 11. Arrangements were made for attending the West Middlesex Deanery in St. John's Church, Strathroy, June 2, The president and Mrs. Har- old 'Hodgins volunteered to at- tend a meeting in the W.A. house, London, on Friday, May 9 to help complete plans for a big deanery tea In St. John's. the Evangelist Church, London, on June 7. Plans were also dis- cussed for attending the Work Shop at Huron College May 30 t J All tri members 1 mbei, were asked to bring n old , d (,kris.. g turas cards r s t o Eh next meeting to be sent to e service men in England and to a missionary in China. Owing to the length of the business session Mrs, Harold Hodgins had In curtail her talk on the study book. Mrs. William Brownlee offered her home for the June meeting with Mrs, Harold Hodgins, Mrs, Harold Corbett and Mrs. Irene Coursey to assist as hostesses, Trade and Hobby Fair Lucan's Trade and Hobby Fair opened Monday evening with a parade and a large crowd. With a. fine night and the promise of another fine day on Tuesday, the Fair should be a financial suc- cess. The ferris wheel and sea planes were a big attraction for the wee folk, Personas Items 1 on a guest last Saturday, when the .recently were Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Hog 1 and Peggy spent ;last ,Sunday at ria •s with ' y It the former's mot.. hat'. }aa 1 Niagara F s. $ a al. Ars. J 1 John ,Casey. ase: y IY Mt', and Mrs. Cliff Culbert and Miss :Hazel Frost" :of Londplo. ay4 fa i v ml wereS Sunday vl ' tie sktors of Wes as a .Sun dAy* guest t f o. A4, r ala�l rs, .Mrs.': LA r rne�at e t of Louden. ondon. 111rs, W. J. Frost of Dia. Carmel A.Y.P.A, • staged a sucessful: i grandparents, Mr. and Mr . rurnntage sale. WUit tear and t Levi Darling, of I-'arkhill,, .end 1 trembling, the branch attempted; sonic of her girl friends. a ; Air, and Mrs. Lloyd Gook ,and Mr. and Air$. FHarald 'Burl renally of Kitchener, were e w k e and 4 , .d Air. And d A1r, o he s l L.. end .guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Miason, _spent last Sat. rd nt, l-laskett. Buffalo, p u ay . eft S. i ip,,«!l,PHHIT11nn11,111OUTATM„IRMliu111111111,l111„11R IWIMll1,n11111n1411pt111111q„ ,p1mnlITMO n11R51nE,t n the response to the request 'for? The Biddulph .and North Lan v good used clothing, that tee , ;don leachers' association lteic it members were delighted to .net a ars May meeting Tuesday after - EXETER ROLLER RINK open- ing Friday, May 16, 8 to 11 p.m, Skates •uppliecl. Refreshment booth, 110 ®:,�, NCE To The Musk Of Clarence Petrie and HI, NITE HAWKS Fri., May 16 10:00 }arta, to 1:00 a.m. ZUR�1CH COMMUNITY CENTRE Lakeview Casint.. Grand Bend Opening Saturday May 17 Lionel Thornton And His Casa Royal Orchestra Dancing Every Saturday a a NI a d 1 is I a w c a of of an Ki More people commit suicide with a fork than with a knife, ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND FRIDAY & SATURDAY May 16 and 17 "SMI L EY" (Cineniascope, Color by Deluxe) * Ralph Richardson * Colon Peterson •* Chips Rafferty One Show Each Night -8:30 p.m. Beauty Fair BEAUTY CAPSULE: CLINIC A Make -Up Demonstration and Talk by Mrs. L. Radcliffe RICHARD HUDNUT BEAUTY EXPERT Peds, May 21 8:30 p.m, Caren SUNDAY' SCHOOL ROOMS TEA -- BAKE SALE — PRIZES Tickets 35e Auspices Caven Congregational Circle LILIAN RADCLIFFE RICHARD HUDNUT BEAUTY EXPERT will be pleased to chart a Richard Hudnut Beauty Plan for you. It's a simple quick guide to teeth you fundamental hints to improve your hair, skin and make-up with DU BARRY BEAUTY TREATMENTS RICHARD HUDNUT HAIR PRODUCTS Each step to beauty will be thoroughly' explained', so that you may follow the treatments in your own home'. A generous trial size Du Barry preparation' h yours free with a Richard Hudnut purchase. °DO COME IN FOR YOUR FREE CONSULTATION! • Thursday Fridays May 22, 23 10:30 A.M. TO 4:30 P.M. Andrew Johnston Drugs -�� t+Ht�Ne 441 EXETER over $48, and still have rnnsider• l noon in D2rs. 1i. Glediifll's 3 and able clotting left over for .a ',I-0 London 1'ownslain schoril future sale. jThere were 12 teachers pre- ab1 Articles were sold at reason - annual e prices aitd many people Tlie lengthy session was given gent lianas with real bargains, over fa arrangements for the Celebrates Birthday annual Field Day, scheduler) for y June 6 at the Granton School, In Mr. Fred Armitage, of Alice case of a wet day the events will St„ a retired Birlclulph farmer, be held one week later, June 13 celebrated his 86tH birthday last beginning at 9:30 a.m. Friday at a family dinner party As the Lucan pupils do not at the home of his daughter', participate in this Field Day„ Mrs. Ken Thar, of Byron. the Lucan leachers 'Ili! not Quests present were Airs. Arn- tend the Tuesday meeting. a4 old Morley and Larry, and Mrs, Baptism Wes Hickson, of Lucan, Mrs. Laverne Allison and Mrs. Robert At the Sunday morning scrv- ice 1 IS in Al onoI f Parkhill, and Air. Cal=Holy Trinity Church Rev. vin Thar, of Byron. J, p• FY•est baptized Daniel . Clarke Hardy, infant son of Mr. 1 Mr. and the late Mrs. Arlin- and firs, Harol tage celebrated d v g bate Hr e,l fl Hardy . tern The golden 1 g d o- ar . we K ents • wedding p w g Nov. 21, 1956, but Airs. r were Air. and Airs. Arnnitage died February 9 Since' Norman Hardy, then Air, Armitage has been Synod News living alone, He is in. good health The 99th session of the Synpd and still able to drive his car up of the Anglican Diocese of Huron town, 85th Birthday Air, Alex McFarlane, of Beech rite electron of a new diocesan St„ a retired Shelbourne district executive committee of 30 cher- . celebrated lits 8Sth ical anti lay members. Among ended at St, James (1'Vestmins ter) church. last Wednesday with farmer, fail c y y them were a few local names; birthda last Sunda at the home of hie daughter, Mrs. HarryVen. C. W. Foreman, • Rev, Francis, of Shelbourne. Canon A. B. Thomas as clerical, I His other six children "and their 'Rev' J. F. Wagland, diocesan families were present, Mr, and council, Rev, E. C, Attwell, dio- Dins. eesan pensions. Forbes McFarlane, Mr. and Mrs. Earle McFarlane, of Further Wins For Local Children Shelbourne, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- Pupils of Miss Bette Leake don McFarlane, of Detroit, Mr. won further honors in the 10th! and Mrs, Gordon Banternaan of annual Oxford Music Festival, Mr, and Mrs. Earle staged the Weston,. Everley, of Bellwood, and Mr. and Mrs, Cliff White, of New- market; also Mr, and Mrs, Bert Snaith, of Erin, •and. Mr. and. Mrs. W. J. Smith' "' and family, of Lucan, Besides congratulations and flowers, Mr. McFarlane was pre- sented with a gift of money, tweeks. Larry Lewis, Granton a first; Marjorie Donaldson, Clandeboye, a second; Ilene Donaldson, a fourth. Certificates of honour went to Lorene Hodgins, Granton, Chris Bonnie Drennan, Dana Culbert, Bezzo, Clandeboye, and to both Lucan's double trios, CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., B.D. Minister' Organist: Mrs. Bob Pryde 9:00 a.na.—Sunday School 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Sermon Subject: "The Parable of tlee Empty House” Nursery for children up to six years. THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN'MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev. 'R. Van Farowe, Minister 2:00 pan.—Worship "Christ Is Coming Again" 3:30 p.m.—Sunday School All Welcome THAMES ROAD MENNONITE MISSION EXETER' "Teach Me Thy Truth 0 Lord" 10:30 a.m.—Sunday School 11:30 a.m.—Worship Pastor: Stanley Souder, Exeter PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 9:45 a.m,—Sunday School 11;00 a.m.—Morning Worship I 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service Wednesday, 8 p.m,—Bible Study and Prayer Friday — Christ Ambassador Service at the Huron County Home. "Saying, surely blessing, I will bless Thee, aicd mui''plying 11 will multiply Thee," --Heb, 6:14' Pastor: Evang. L. Winn -Butler I ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Rev. K. L. Zorn, Phone 65 10:00 a,n *.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Service ZION CHUP.CH Evangelical United Brothrert CREDITON Rev. Glen R. Strome, Minister 10:00 a.m.—Worship "C o ni p l e t i n g The Family Circle" 11:15 a.m.—Church School Friday Choir Practice CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Rev, W. F. Keefe, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist ' Sunday, May 1A 10:00 a,m,—"On tine holy Mount" 11:05 a.m.—Sunday School 7:30 p,iit.—"God's Guests" MAIN STREET Tho United Church of Canada Minister: Rev. Alex. Rejsbt Organist: Mrs. A. Willard 10:00 a.m.--The Church Sctteol 11:15 a.m.—Worship Soviet Nursery Class up to three wear's n the Primary Departinenl. eginners, ages 4.5, will with- draw eluting the socond hvnlfi. Warship As A Ican'ilty 1n 1 The Family Church BAYF1ELD BAPTIST CHURCH 10:00 a.m.—Bible School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Sermon Subject: "The Christ- ian At Work" - 7:30 p.m.—Evening Worship Sermon Subject: "And If Children—Then Heirs" Baptismal Service m, as Help Your Cancer Society At the repeat performan�c, of. the n. ateurVarietyShoo Friday, May 16 8:30 S.EAFORTH HIGH SCHOOL 30 Nanibers of Talent from fiuron • Leeal$, Farm Union. PROCEEDS TO CANCER FU,NL Bring your friends and help this worthy cause. ,1111«11, 1111,«« , ,« uu1,«,u,unuuunuunu11u11umnuuuuunueuu««l.uu,luu11rn „«,«,«uuu4nl„none „ e e , ❑.ant«uuun1111urnunn11111111«nrlul,ll11rnunwmu11111nn11un111ut1111nnn11n1111++141"t1,4,t1 X Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Spindler and family, of London, Mr. and. Mrs. Rainer Alfred and fancily, of Delaware, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howell and family, of London, spent Mother's Day with Mr, and Mrs. A. R. Wilkin- son. • Last Saturday evening, Mr., and Mrs. Erie Young held a I turkey Mother's Day family din- ner. Guests included Mr. and :lies. .George Young and family, I of Clinton, and Mr. and .Mrs.' Robert Coughlin and family, oft 1 Lucan. 1 Mr. and Mrs. H. Ritchie, of London, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Calvin Haskett, The flowers in. Holy Trinity Church last Sunday were in 1o'-1 ing memory of Mrs. W, T. Bant-1 ing, and were presented ,by her; daughter -hi -law, Aire. Oswald I Bening, of Richmond, Mich. Mr. and Mrs, Sheridan Rev-. ington held a family gathering for Mother's Day. Mr. and Mrs.. Mitchell Haskell,' ell a few days in Chatham, erahagum.ests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack, tr, and Mrs. Lynn Sawyer I and small son, David, were 'Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1M. 0. Smith. Wed.. 8:00 p.m". --Bible Study, sp and Prayer Service lth A Welcome To All GD JAMES STREET • UNITED CHURCH Rey. H..1, Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W,C,M. 10:00 a.m,—Sunday School 11:00 a.m,--Morning Worship Sermon Subject: "The Christ- ian and the Community" Anthem by the Choir. Trio: Nancy Boyle, Sandra Walper and Marlene McBride 7:00 p.ni,—The sermon will be preached by Rev. Dr. Janes Semple of Egmondville. NOTE; On Friday evening at 8:00 p.th. in James St, United Church, R:ev, Howard. King will present "Mission to Le- pers" A Warm Welcome Is Extended To All Brownie's Drive-in Clinton THURSDAY 8t FRIDAY May 15 and 16 "THE HOUSE OF SECRETS" (Colour, \'istavision) •* Michael Craig * Barbara Batas TWO CARTOONS SATURDAY ONLY — MAY 17 "BEAST OF HOLLOW MOUNTAIN" (Colour, Cinemascope) * Guy Madison * Patricia Medina TWO CARTOONS SUNDAY MtDNITE & MONDAY - Mey 18 and 19 DOUBLE FEATURE -- "OUTLAW TERRITORY" (Colour) * MacDonald Carey * John Ireland •* Jeanne bru "SHAKE, RATTLE & ROCK" •* 'Touch C01111er * Fels Domino CARTOON TUESDAY 4 WEDNESDAY May 20 and 21 "PETE KELLY'S BLUES" (Colour, Cinenasce)ie) * leek Webb * Peggy Leo * Edmund N'Belart TWO CAiQT IONS �.t,e14.,r-_ ..tom Lawn Bowlers A meeting olawn bowlers will be held in the BOWLING CLUB HOUSE Thurso May 15 TO ORGANIZE FOR PRESENT SEASON An, invitation is extended to the Hensall bowlers. Ladies especially requested to attend. Woodham Sunday School ANNIVERSARY Sunday, May 18 11:00 a.m. and 7;30 p.m. DST CONDUCTED BY MR. MERVIN STREICH Student Minister Wednesday, May 21 A supper will be served in the Orange Hall conunenc- ing at 5:30 p.m. DST, followed by a program pre- sented by the VANNECK GLEE CLUB of Ilderton. Admission; Adults $1.35; Children 750 JOHN RODD, SUPERINTENDENT 41081111111111111111111111111111111t1111111111.11111101101111 lllll 1111111111111111111111111111111111111$1111111111111111111111111111/1111 1081111,11111111111111111+«,«t««««n+„1111110,1011«+n„n,111111111111111111111««11111«11$,„11111111111111111nu«11n11, n 11111111111111111111111111111111111111t1,111,l1t 11111111111,11111trnIII 101111111t11t011111111111111111111111111111111111, 1t1l1,t,1,1uy Dancing Every Friday Night 10 to 1:30 BLUEWATER DANCELAND Lake Huron's newest dance hall, 4 miles northwest i of Zurich, 8 miles north of Grand Bend—the cornier °lE St. Joseph's Airport. PRE -HOLIDAY SPECIAL Friday, May 16 First 25 ladies admitted free. Desjardine's Orchestra will play for all dances, Sunday _Midriite HOLIDAY DANCE MAY 19 •-- 12:05 A.M. 71Int1111111111,11«11l+111,'.111f «««lf11rt,f t+f tt«1!111 1111111,71i«11111111,1t11111t111„!!«,t1,t111f1111H«11 «tIt11 N,111,ltll i��{ Be Sure To Attend Dashwood s Tenth Annual SPORT$ AY OPENING GAME Of The Huron -Perth Baseball League Monday, May 19 2:30 p.m. EXETER MOHAW S DASHWOOD TIGERS OPENING CEREMONIES =-= SPECIAL A?TRACTIONS Refreshment Beeth On The Grounds Attrnission $00 Students 15 Children Uit'tdew t' F r'ee "Be Or Hard For The Battle Of The Ycar't TT