HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-05-15, Page 16Pegg lel The vocate, May 1S, 1958. TRADE FAIR SUCCESS Twins Terry and Sherri 16, Lucan, admire a boat -from the collection which won first prize for Scout David Whyte, 14, at the Lucan Trade Fair this week, Children and adults displayed crafts and hobbies at the second Annual exhibition, sponsored co-operatively by .Lucan organizations, Commercial ex- hihits, entertainment also featured the fair, ---T A Photo Trade And Hobby Fair Atracts Large Crowds A tap dancing act by two' young Russell sisters from ' Tuseeldale, won first pre in the :junior division of the amateur phow which highlighted the Tues-' 'day evening program of Luean's' :Nobby and Trade Fair this week. - The girls, Linda, 7, and Karen, 5. captured top honors in a con -1 fest which attracted over 40: :talented entertainers from the: district. . Sheila House, London. another tap dancer, copped second prize, and the third award was split between Cheryl Little, Hensen, and four London girls who per- formed the "Broad Sword." I Lloyd Monteith, Motherwell pianist, took top prize in the: 'senior division. Runner-up was Allan Sherwood, Exeter, who ac -1 al: can terminate a PAUL REVERE Accident & Sickness Policy! BECAUSE all Pad Rerere Aceldva and Velma* Polle:el an Nca-CancelbFae and w Ganteed Ca,lusM- able to ate 65, *e ealklel cannel be chanted by the coln- pany...and can only b. teredeoted by the po{kykaidw, • Write for full i , , infermar;on The Paul Revere. Life Insurance Company Canadian Head Office: Hamilton, Ont McHUGH CHARLES E. Ldndon Branch 200 Queen's Ave. 7-7204 companied himself on the guitar. Gayle Atwell, another Mother- well musician, sang herself into third spot. Chil.ciren Graduate A lace -covered table, central with a bowl •of tulips, bleeding hearts and forget-me-nots to- gether with many floating earl banners formed the setting for the mass graduation service in the United Church parlors last Monday evening. For weeks, during their craft periods, Explorers worked an carp banners, a Japanese sym- bol of courage and manhood be cause of a carp's struggle to swim up stream, Each }'ear in Japan an May 5, "Children's Day festival," for each boy In each household a •carp is flown from a pole over their houses. Mrs. Alex Young, W.M.S. pre- sident, welcomed the large group of parents, Children and leaders and conducted the worship ser- vice Mrs, J. B. Ready leader of the Mission Band presided for a service of story, song and pro- motion of children into the Mis- sion Band including Donna Wal ker Janet Abbott, Iaaren Grose, Patrick Ryan, Marlene Butler, Jimmie hero, Larry Kew, Betty Park, Rose Anne Courses', James Mason. Ruth Anne Roberts and Robert Hobbs. Mrs, George Paul told a jape-- nese apa-nese story and Judy Coughlin, Daisy Cobleigh and Bobby Coch- rane were promoted from. Mis- sion Band to Explorers. Mrs. Calvin Haskett, Explorer counsellor, led her big group of Explorers in purpose, prayer and hymn before promoting 13 of her girls into C.G.LT.: Ruth Cochrane, Coralyn Donaldson, Nancy Haskett, Jean Lankin, Joan Whitehead, Janet Kehl, Ruth Frost, Judy Thomson, Mary Mathers Margaret Armitage, Sharon Blake, Marsha Ribson and Audrey Hayter, The film "Kimike of Japan" was shown with Mrs. Murray Hodgins in charge of the projec- ehandise sold by Lucan stores. for and :Mrs. Calvin Haskett Arena. manager Harold Rihson reading tlw script. is in -charge of the fair. Mrs. Sheridan Revington lead - RCAF Station Centralia Rec er of all junior groups, spoke The show packed the auditori• reatinnal Director Set. Jinx , briefly, thanking each of the urn. attracting the largest crowd Bradley and Mrs. Bradley were • leaders for her part in the train - of the three-day fair. Master of fudges for the. children's .display, ins of the: youth of Lucan and. ceremonies was Len Evans, at the Trade and Hobby Fair. Clandoboye manager of radio station CHLO, The Hodgins brothers were the : Airs. George Thomson and London. big winners. Mrs. Morris Coblcigh were in Judges included John alcC'ar- Collections charge of the lunch, which the roll, Centralia school teacher;Revs, Stanley Whitehead, and . members of the C,G.I,T. served, Sgt, Jun Bradley, Centralia. roc }}dyne Hod "ins. Idon, entertainment r_ 4 -leaf clovers,: specialist; Dick Newman, Lon- Stones. Wayne Hodgins; dogs, Mother ASSISTS and William Watson, also ofi Ward Noci„ins; London. Ward Hodgins; brooms, na.o; W1'�IZ Service Whitehead; coins, B111 Darling; This year's fair has been. big- sea shells, Bill Darling 1 At a Mother's Day service in ger and better in all departments' Buttons, Bill Darling, Mill'the United Church, a choir of than its predecessor last year. Parry; butterflies, Dale Hussey; :mothers led in the music. Rev. Entries of hobbies and crafts pane, Helen Tlod�ins, : Edgar Roulston was assisted by • are up considerably, and coni-. Plastic boats and ears, David Afrs. Il. George and dao hue I mercial exhibits have increased. Whyte, R. D. Atkins, Wayne C.�' r' About 200 attended a radio Anne. The fonder was in charge I ;Culbert. ! of prayers and responses, while simulated broadcast Monday! Paintings, Lorne Morley, Judy; Anne announced the hymns,; night featuring professional tal- Scott, Barbara ;Beady, Margaret; Airs, Clarence Stanley and ' ent from London and other. Armitage. dao titer, Sharon, and Mrs. Cliff centres. W. A. Stewart,. Middle-, Hand drawings, Ward Hodgins, Culbert and daughter Marilyn, sex North MLA, officially opened Linda Currie. ' acted as ushers. b the show. Stamps, Roger Brack, Bill; Four children were baptized, Tuesday's program included Darling, Ward Hodgins, Larry Robert James Barr, son of ]11x. horse racing, a recital by pupils Cooper, Wayne Culbert, and Mrs, Thomas Bart'; Patricia of Miss Bette Leake who won' Lynn Fisher, daughter. of Mr, prizes at the recent Scrap Books noteworthy od p and Mrs.. James L. Fishers Ren - Oxford Festival of Music, and ; Fashions, Diane Hickson, Joan and Thomas Wes L. Fishers , and sis- square dancing by pupils of Mrs.; Whitehead; Lucan Leprauchauns, t Warner McRoberts' Whalen Ward Hodgins; sports, Vie Neil; ter, Elizabeth Louise W estworth, school, royal tour, Lois O'Neil; birds, chrildestre to Mr, and Mrs. Ronald The fair is sponsored eo-opera- Kirk Montgomery, Lynda Mor- Memorial flowers were pre lively by Lucan organizations. row; scrap book, John Ward, Harold Whyte, HEPC manager, Copper Tooling Mrs.serd Fredr Mrs. Myron Culbert, is chairman of the ronmmittee.Mrs. Wit - Commercial exhibits include Eight to nine years, ,Toyce bert Revington, Mrs. Wes Rev - farm supplies, furniture, new Rummell, Linda England; 10 ington, Mrs, Harry Lankin and cars, appliances and other mer- years, Wayne Hodgins, Barbara Mrs. S. C. Chown, Park, Nancy Watson; 11 years; Owing to anniversary services Ward Hodgins, Judy Thomson,' at the Clandeboye United Church George Thomson; 12-13 years,' next Sunday, there will he no Lorne Morley, Marilyn Culbert,; service in the Lucan church. Dana Culbert. George Wilkinson, six-year-old Leather, -Cathie 'Slathers. Sewing, Nancy Park, Auxiliary Legion News Leary The Guitar son of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Wil- kinson, last Tuesday got one of his fingers badly cut in the lawn mower. He was taken to St, The Lucan Legion Auxiliary Joseph's. Hospital, where it was 540 held their May meeting in necessary to use several stitches, the Legion Hall last J uesda', ; nil•, Fred Maguire has pur- Modern method, at the Gil- with an attendance of 22, In the chased the home of Mr. Lloyd son School of Xusic, Lucan, absence of the president, firs.'. Acheson, on Alise St: Mr. Carl Instruments loaned fur trial A. E. Reilly, the vire-president, Murphy, who has had the house firs. Dwight Ball, presided. + rented has moved to the hotel. course in H a w a i i a n and The members plan a social: Spanish guitar. Forty-three evening and card party for Fri D years' training experience. day, May 23. A new secretaryd onate Article appointed. Lunch 'conveners were; To Boys' Home Mrs. Bob Downey and Mrs,1 James Freeman. PHONE 241 LUCAN jIra Carling ,1110 111111 n 1111111111111111111111111111111$1,11111111111111111111111111, 5 Building Supply Bargains Steel Roofing PEDDLER Stable Equipment 6use/ Jo - 1 Qualified Men To Build YOUR NEW SHED OR BARN Call And Cet Our Pricesl c 's ttl Lit:A.40st Hog And PoultryFence Barb Wire And Steel Posts a and 9 Wire SPECIAL CASH DISCOUNTS ON CASH SAES St* Lia 'Today' Scott Elevator Ltd. PHONE 63 LUCAN . tiiti101111011 1;iirifif iIiYYIIPPn'17t�Y(IYPi'i'fti`trrYYi'YPiYftyyrPYflfYlyrlYYrytYin'IWYiiVYtfYYYI'nnYYipPPiYfi7771iiYlifinlitlYl"' Mrs. Harold Butler, Jr., was Mrs. Cecil Robb presided for Six of the eight Legion Auxili-1 the May meeting of the United aries were representel at the; Church Woman's Association in Zone rally at Mt, Brydges last j the church parlors last Tuesday Friday. Lucan was particularly; evening, instead of the usual well represented with Mrs.; Wednesday evening. Mrs, ShL'i- Dwight Ball, Mrs. Harold Butler, • dan Revington assisted by Mrs. Jr., Mrs. W, Stocks, Mrs. W. 0.' E. M. Cook, Mrs. C. H. George, Knight, Mrs. Lloyd Mason, Mrsd Mrs. 3, R. Murray and Mrs. W, Ralph Smith. Mrs. H. T. Bond, Stuart, had charge of the wor- i1frs. Pat Crudge, Alrs. John ship service and refreshments. Snihert and Mrs. Cecil Holmes 1Two new members were added to attending, the flower committee, Mrs. The second vice-president,' Ira Carling and Mrs, Benny Saul - Mrs. Hill, of Mt. Brydges, pre-! vier. For the month of May sided. Provincial Commander: Mrs. W, J. Frost and Mr. Myron Mrs. .rilhy, of Toronto, speaking i Culbert will be in charge of en auxiliary 'work, was the guest flowers for the church. speaker. Zone Commander Mrs, 1A Blossont Tea. sponsored by Quackenbush spoke. the flower committee, was plan- A buffet turkey and ham lunch; ned for May 3t to be held in the with all the trimmings followed.l church parlors, Bride -Elect ireted It was voted to donate a cans Miss Audrey Whitehead Was ister set to McKinnon }louse, feted at a pre -nuptial shower on theUnitedChurch Boy's Home, Thursday at the home of Mrs. Mrs George. as nos. William 'Knight." Mrs. Arnold tian Education secretary, gave Morley,. Mrs. Wesley Hickson a report of her work, were co -hostesses, Plans were made for the cater - An evening of games was en- ing of the mother and daughter Toyed, and a large number of IM,T, T,'f, and Explorer banquet gifts presented to the bride -elect, with a tentative date set for who will soon he exchanging Friday, Jitnc I3, marriage vows with Mr. Charles Airs. Cecil Robh reported on GAniong the guests present the London Conference were Miss Whiteheatl's` mother,'meeting which was held at St, 1 Andrew's United Church th and M rs Presbytery, 'held re- f Gordon Whitehead her two sisters, Mrs. Murray Hodgins anti Mr's. ! T''vrlyti anti 'wlxrie !gm� Bert Jackson firs Mullen STta lSheridan T3.eving[oii reported oft W,A, "ltargaret Jackson, � Mrs. Stewart! the Munro, Airs. Wes Hodgins, Mrs.'tycnlly at Centennial lrnitod W. 0, :Knight, a1rs. 't'honias I Church, Landon, England, Mrs. Itohi'rt Kehl, Mrs., Persona( nems t;ud Cooper, Mrs .1. W. Loekyer, j iii's. Wainer disc 1ir_t'is at- Mrs.slob Holland, Mrs. 'Benny, tended the ."lUshornr teaeicoes Saulnier, and "Mrs, Frank 1-1r"111 annual outing which was held (now of London). at Campbell's Restaurant, Lon P'erstnad Items don, ;May 0, followed by a theatre Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Park i pang, and l3tllie of Petrolix and Alr Mrs. Wm. ldortik was ucst of and mrs Bola park curd tlayahr i honor last Tuesday evening hi Hanover wort, Atothtes _flay, when liars. Les Woodward en - puts of 147r and Airs gave. tertarncd a number of her friends Park , , at her home on Water St, A Mr. Prank Emeriek of Wind- number ot baby gifts wore Pre' snr was a Monday night guest seated to Mrs, 1-tnruk. of Mrs, Eleanor Eme7rick, ; Mrs. If, T. Bond's group or the ilr, Robert Hamilton and Miss' Ladies Guild ealnreri to tilt Fiona Wildrong. aeeompanied bytLions Club ditinor in Maly 'rrin- 11Ir. and 1lrs, E. IisltrJrtittg, sary i itv c'hureh basement last Mon. "South Pacific" in Detroit last'ialay evening. Saturday, 1 please Turn To Page 11 ,t r.k:,M M ♦rt.1�., phana 1Q9. L4tcen Lucan And D istr; ct News corrospondenit MISS letnd Abbott Discuss Nursery For Holy Trinity Holy Trinity Evening Auxiliary held its May meeting at the home of Mrs. Kay Egan last Wednesday evening with the president, Air's, Clare Stanley, in the chair with Mrs, J, W. Smith, Mrs, Cecil Lewis and Mrs. Arnold Lewis as assistant hostesses. Mrs. Jack Bison read the scripture lesson, Mrs, Charles Corbett was in charge of the study hook and spoke on the women of Japan. Rev, J. P. Prest was present and led in a discussion re a nursery for the church. Letters on the Work Shop at Iluron College and the 50th Dean- ery anniversary were read and discussed. The next meeting will he held at the home of Mrs, .Pat, Crudgr. Presentation and Pante Mr. and Mrs. Ron ;Carroll, nee Margaret Bertram, were guests of honor at a presentation and dance in the Lucan Community Memorial Ventre last Friday evening,. when a large erowd of their friends and neighbors (net to extend best wishes and co1- gratulations, During the evening, ?dr. Clay- ton Abbott read an address, and Mr. Allot Tindall made a presen- tatidn of a purse of money, The evening was spent in dancing, Mother's Pay Present The junior congregation of holy Trinity was observing Mother's Day. The children were tolct they could tell what they gave their mothers after the story, Five - year - old Mike Culbert couldn't wait. He piped out "I didn't give my mother anything —I just, let her stay in bed and look her breakfast to her." Tells About C To Young People The Lucan-Clandeboye meeting was held in the Clande' boy e church last Sunday eve- ning with Don Lankin and Jack Park's citizenship commission in charge of the worship service. The, service was on an inter• national level commemorating Victoria Day. The guest speaker vas Mr. -ton 1t. Crosier, who spoke on British Columbia, his expert- enccs in the air force, radar, salmon earning anti lumbering. He included a number ot liumor- ous stories of personal experi- ences while there. During the business session it was voted to pay the express charges on the W.M.S, bale. The levitation to ,loin Holy 'Trinity and t St. James church A,Y.P.A, welner roast at Fan. .Plan For Third Vacation School. At :a meeting in the United chtrrelt parlors last Thursday night plans were discussed for Lucan and vicinity's Third an- nual vacation school with the date set for August 1.8.22, ?rev. J. P. Prost w.as elected. dean, Mrs. 3.1. 13. Langford, treas- urer and . Mrs, Murray Hodgins secretary, with an assistant to be chosen to take over while Mrs. 1lodgins is vacationing in the West, it was decided to again send out questionnaires to ;Weary and ,district schools and to charge 100 admission and 50 collection. Mrs. Chas. Corbett consented to he nursery superintendent to replace Ars, Ross McRoberts and to fill vacancies in her staff. 1t 'is -expected the school will operate very much as last year with a number of new teachers. It was voted to purchase three balls .for volley ball during Fee. i reation periods, shawe, May 23 was unanimously accepted. The closing meeting of the Y,P,U, is scheduled for May 25 and will take the form of a camp -fire meeting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. R. R, Crosier, The recreatiopat and culture convener-, Sherry Walpole, led in games. the Clandeboye young people were hostesses. (Certain features illustrated or mentioned are standard on some models, optional at ext ga cost on others) rice is small ssss 4. ) F else ;14 fs' ti "LtArgiNn 1. ft ut nEAti 4-1)0o5 SEDAN Ono of Ford of Canada's fine tars Want your value big? Your price small? Then look at this 1958 Meteor 4 -door Rideau Sedan, Everything about it spells v-a-l-tt-e—big value—to help you Tide more smoothly and travel more comfortably with greater economy. Like all Meteors, it gives you the smooth riding qualities of falanced Ride—the respon- siveness of Finger -Touch Ball -Race Steering (you'd think it was power steering). --the fuel -stretching per- formance of Short -Stroke Tempest V -$'s or Canada's Best Six, And inside arc touches of luxury and safety conveniences you'll have trouble matching itt even highest priced ears. Yes, only the price is small Tin Meteor, In fact, many 1958 Meteor models are actually lower priced than itt 1951. Sire your Value dealer soon— your nearby Meteor dealer. See and drive the `Greatest :Road Show of the Year'. Crcatct Raad Show of the Year I +11 (lr l `Tittle(, 58 Meteor 17,8 Olt CANADA'S 13EST 6 awr�resl s�sHetlf �Mileee.SR�VIi�F es-- t1,et-0my''sa t} . , d MOO Luton Motor SaHes PHONE'. 112 LUCAN METIORPMERCUR`YwUNCO4N