HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-05-15, Page 13411, IS The 'Timoi cat , May 1.5 t1 For "Ban. i: -j,9101M 1110 0 m,l1l1ilmi IIIIII1l ml,0010,Iln1111111111111,II1111011011110100111nlllllnllll,lllnitnlltlllnlnlltr] T. 4 Births Announcements RATES No Charge ier:H+iges and Pftaths.... . 75f' (Marria es „and, deaths.ore reported with „chargearge in news columns. This charge applies only to Listing under Announcements,) I Cords of Thanks,. Engagements 751 In Melnoriems (4 -line verse) 51,00 Extras each 0000. .,. 259 131 S .. CARDS$ -=-r OFT 'THANK .S:,:,,, .MAN GCM il, — t,AC William a.nd Alts. We rant to express nuc an - 1 owls are happy to announce pre.ctation to everyone for their the birth nf a daughter, Susan prayer's, 4'ards, flowers and visits' Ann, in St. Andrew's Hosvital, while Cliff was a patient in St. 'Midland. April 23, iaaS—a sister Joseph's Hospital and slime re- fer Willie. 1 turnLl;' hotlte. Alt', aitd Arra. Cliff ]hill t111.17RrP .. 'Tarry and liar- She l•rit1. la" Tata Doe gherly,• 136 Sanders sQrir i.:-.1' wish to thank all my 5t , 1;Seter, at nottmie the birth frtenrls and nelghliors who visit - of a daughter, Heather hens: ed me and sent ane earns, flowers wit -lett R lbs„ 4 0:4s., et. Smith and treats while t was a Patient 1luron Hospital, allay LL, 1333. in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, tll.L3'+'R — 'Linya anti tie chars soil sieve r r. t u 1' n 3 n g• Monte.-• Miller (nee Barbara '''right), George ;;quire, lac 111 Yietoria St. W,, Exeter, an- N r. and Airs. Clayton Flynn pounce the birth of a son, itish to express their sincere Dandy Arthur, at South Huron thanks and appreciation to every- 1'iospit'al, Mlt' 5, 1915. one who so kindly t•emettlltet•ed Tart OSC'1f harry and Paula 'Van Mrs. Flynn with .cards, tellers, °nen, R,Tt. 3 c''raditon, announce tr•ra1S, visits. flow•e!•s and guts the birth of a daughter, Anne while a patient in St. Josephs Pilary Elizabeth, at Smith Hurou 'Hospital, May 1.0, 1955—a sister • for Liesbeth .and Gerald. 1,'111'ti'—Allen anti ns Pfaff, ('tediLon, announce' t he birth of a• daughter, Elaine Mary, s1 South :Huron Hospital. Mat' 5, 1935—a sister for Shirley and Glenda, 1,ts — Mr, and Airs, pons id Wein, Detroit, annottnee: the birth ,of a daughter, .lulie-Ann Renee, May 13, 1055—a grand- daughter for Mr. a,nd Mrs. Wesley Wein, Crediton, ENGAGEMENTS — .\ir, and, Mrs. 'Horniest 'hesJar- dine, Grand 'fiend, announce the engagement or their daughter, i4farion Yvonne, 1n Ai'r, RCurray 'Ploy Zenner. Hansall, sett of liar, and Mrs, Wesley :Vernier, Il'en- sall, The marriage will take place on Saturday, June 11 st• 13 o'clock nn0n in Grand Bend 'United Church, lac CARDS OF THANKS — Alt•. \\'illiani 11, Steplienann 'Wishes to thank his many friends, relatives and neighbours for their many arts of kindness ex -tended to hint at home and while a pa- tient in Victorfi Hospital, Lon- don. Their rands, tali.els, (reals and personal visitations meant so notch 10 hint. Special thanks to Rev. (1. Daniel and 'Hensel! and 'Varna United Churches. lac The family or the lase Lydia r; ingerich wish to express t11eh' sincere thanks to their friends and neighbours for their many osis of kindness during. iltrir recent bereavement. Sp net a I thanks to tate Sewing Circle, 'Rev. I7. Gingerlc1T and liev. .\. lfartin, group of singers and to the West- lake J+uneral Hoole. 15c 1 wish to thank all those who an kindly remembered nie in any ,,ivay while S was a Patient in Irtoria hospital, Loluinn, and inner: returning holm—Airs, .lack Traq.uatr, 15c Mr. and Mrs, Wesley ioltns wish to ex''press their sincere thanks and a pprecia tier' to rela- I'ives, 'fr'iends and neighbors for fIn r 1S treats, r lda and rlei ls l •¢ while Alt,. .lobos was ailont a P in St. Joseph's Tl'oapita1. London. end since returning home. 15• Hospital. Spee la1 thanks to 1)r. 1;cicer, Dr, Allan and hospital staff. 10+ Garnet \Vilson wishes to thank his friends, relat.i'.'es and 11ei hours for 'their cauls, treats, ftnwera and visits -while a pa., tient in' Viet nide Hospital. Lon- don, and since returning; Motor. 18' Aly sincere thanks to all those who so kindly remembered he in so Many Iw ays :while I was a patient in SI, 'Joseph's hospital, Landon, and since returning home. Mrs, Lloyd Prophey, 15e i11r, and Airs. Allan Pfaff wish to express their sincere thanks and apprec'fation to relatives a'nd frlenris for flowers. -treats, ,lifts, cards and visits while Doris and babyElaine were patients in South elurnn Hospital. Special thanks in T)r. V. l ulena and the staff of South Huron kloepilal, 13' IN MEMORIAM — IiERR-1n loving memory of a dear father and grandfather. :Frederick Kerr, who passer] away one year ago, Alay 18, 1957. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds near. Fond' memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps him near, —Ever remembered by Lunn. Al- jne, Darts, Ann, Margaret and 'Fred, 15' K. EYES -- 10 loving memory 01' Mrs, Alpert Keys whn entered into rest May 16, 1955, 'Chore is a long and winding roar] .Hong wicli we all mast: no, It leads 'heyond the hills of time Into the sunset glow. But only for a. little while Our lnved ones leave nur sight. Plot' justwait beyond the !tills they in God's ete.rna! light. Ever remembered by her hus- band, Albert, 1u• KInIt--,In loving memory or a dear husband, Frederick Herr, who passed. away one year ago, May 33, 1357. There is 00 parting from those we lore, No dtatanee ran divide, For today in nlemnries garden. We still ]walk aide by side. —:S 1 n a y a remembered by his wife Ethel, 155• ateutim1 temett,n101ua,tmnlulu,nu,11 mince 1tu00uteminetu11111letete111n1nnnunn ibis We Cannot Guarantee ... s We can't guarantee publication of any adv.rtising after our deadlines, Please remember display ads must be submitted before Tuesday noon; classifieds will be accepted up to Wednesday. Your co-operation will be appreciated. The Times -Advocate 3t,ll/l lllll011111111rt ti Amt t tiltlttitttil,tillt unt111miimtiimittitintmIt mitt,triotiemiilrtltiiittimittnit et01time 8 Htnul11iiimn:ltlntin011100001.00110010010111111011100110101001110101011 tttttt 01 tt tt 11110110/, ReaI Estate * COMMERCIAL * HOMES EXETER—New 3 -bedroom house, kitchen, living piece *beth, full basement,KW, heater, laundry furnace, attached garage. $4,000 down, terms, * FARMS * SUMMER COTTAGES EX ET E R-3•bedroont house, kitchen, 3 -piece room, basement, new oil furnace, reasotldbly down. room], 3' tubs, oil bath, living priced. 53,000 EXETER.—Frarne house, good repair, 2 blocks from down- town, furnace, bath,3 bedrooms, living room and kitchen, garden at rear of lot. EXETER-2.bedrootl1 house, 2 blocks From uptown, hard• wood floors, bathroom, good house for a retired couple. $5,800. FARMS 100 ACRGS, KIRKTON AREA—Ontt' of the beat, good land, well drained, two barns, implement shed, good, water supply, G brick house, hot water, oil heating. $7,000 clown. 100 Acres 5 15,000 I OTHER, FARMS-J10d Acres $10,500 50 Acres , . $ 9,500 in Acres . io,fioo Mi 1111114 AMER RFA ATE s10.,,fk f6 tExETe'R Ct'r ,I. Fred ba*sott (Agent) ]them Exeter. 456'r'6 !!f friiiltlitti'n'il'ifi titlttifteftnittrantttt Results Use The LASSIFIE,D RA .E'S - 2 5 words: or ;less 70c Mere Than 25 Words :20 Per labra. 2Qg OFF if .ad paid with order ,or by Saturday following the ,Lest insertion SUCC'EEPING. :INSERTIONS 400 More than 5 Words 514+1 Per Word Semi-Pisplay Classifieds (Restricted to one column) First Insertion $1,40 Per Inch s ent Insertion*. Su. b equ 51.25 Per Inch Minimum One Incl• i campers on iltking; trips, boating St eklcerntans, 11: I o tt d y Ii. e Iliad, 1 and mountain climbing in 1353. isrand Demi. 5010, l"IIl1Cj:, brand new 3 -bedroom 11f interested write and tell ns Classified ads accepted up till home may be purchased wit 11 ;shout yourself, music, church Wednesday noon. Auction sale SEE 'attl 11.1V Sure Bus),etsmall dove n payment or at a v ery art leities ere, No e x p e r i e n e e Hiner with tie "looking ;lass 1 lily nri'e for clad). 'this is 5, ' nc•eWrite rft'e Air, and Mrs.cepy should be in Tuesday at ftnlah nit the mettle". New lid beantifully finished house. Let recti Hfod,in. 151 Avon St.. neon. , angle minks low ,uneven udders us show it to you. 'Stratford, Ontario. 15" better. ('ontac•t. Lovell Arcs, ulrr, Phone :i91 \1'in„hatr. Surge Dim- kels, Siphon AI. 111; e 1 5, Parlor Stalls, 1\as(t Tanks etc. 1:3;15:22:29c FQR ,SALE :FOR. RENT ERVI .ES;— ;,...MPLOYMENT WANTED--' BABY CHICKS, 11, .'4 ''01st ;in ton. ''11 11:S1t 'l Al Cat supplv.A",�p ,T„ Ja.\71X. SI .. ll __.. i.. - b" "I'I 1 ,a TU! 5, $ ,...a 1 . Tl.1T. - . r supply ; ABLE SITTING ser.- ODD it)BS, carpentering, pa•tn ng 7,\t.4.1�T AAiF.s 1IN.t"li(e.ra5 Calf alto 10. 1 and No, 2 tahll+e pnua.- ' some bred. Please phntte :+t-1-•1 ° 1.trrs, ''hone 7tv i Exeter. 1ino etc. Plume '1':xet1:1' 4t., a Atte Overhead. high 1 rodurtionl, Book 3015. Theodore soudant, I..11. 21 Kure It or call tui Harald Dignan ' " now for Jane - 4111Y or later. ;}bolt]+ Grand. Beni. P11000 44.11-•fao,r 4,�- Ittiles 1)051 .of Hernial,. . TO STOP,i WANT- Start a, Want.L•4T,y: Is looking; for housework, ers for August, September. Have f; -i, t11•and (lend. 4.;,4-0,1 1,24 -6 11:• 41d 1t s the speeds. (wow -111111'a' ,''hone 6S1 -r-22 41ensal1174 wide choice mixed .chtolle, pullets 1 way to ,get results. Chong 770 and fsame start ed 1, fairly PrgmStt. Pl(1S41111 SI';.1.lr c 011N avail"' 1 APARTMENT. furntaltid. utilitiesask 1.°1'a "II" AdWtitet, 1, r sh' ipment Columbian Dock 'ted A reliable, hybrid, baukerd by a paid, frig, Phone S. Crediton. i d:bion HELP WANTED-'— EQUIPMENT FOR RENT, t`rnisses. Ask ut, for t•olnplete replant in ie agreement ane you I ", 'Bray 4'h'fc'la list Erie CarsCadde.4, free sial if for any reason you . £.xeter, ,phone «d6-\\, lop digit tin and renlant; a atrnngf ' pas ul': Fl- 3 bedrooms. nil i germinating seed. Lloyd Lovett, DI11;AP \ At SIHON for month of loot Sanders 1 y 6-S-1.- '5. hinting, uilt-1a/ kitvtlen cult- July, lenses tat for 1-wo voting F 'l.lnlllsrt, phone ]lens's 1 � ext paid 24:3:3:15:2.1:290.lanrt)•di, 11Paty fluty range, ^,-pie011]ladies ,ales 1s -el with suitable ha111, 1.01 and rad w•atr• r; 5 miles 1 qualifications, interested # in i1MOBiI.1. 1I0A11 , 2•hedrnnni. hath- I frnn1S i srtrr. J11St off, hay.emrnt.:.ramping. , We are In 1114 process room, kitclten, lir titg room, ful1Y •v1'P0 1''t•e1k Dawson, Phone 1556- of building up a young people's Curnishe0. used 15 months; tertne. 11•'6 I;SefPr, 1+nr . ramp o0 an island in Northern Phone 752-W-12 1.veier. s6lfr , -.. .. .. 00__00_,. 0tatarin and are hoping In start 0, 4'fiN VICKI' P. Cher, used. A-1 world like t0 have inn young 1 . REAL ESTATE'--• Fina limited ]Suss' next year. we timid It ion1 hone37-r-4 I ,391 g t is ho can get a qua nt d v tfc with the tea are not afraid to tend. 7 � tl a fl , C. c n t i1 tin V Pickard t o It t a bit, can lead t 7 P POTATO leS, T; at;slid lrt, $1. 11 bag: 1 gram and be able to take other Alan good r seed. Apply 1. r Als 8 n I I4 e 1. s.3 r.tNyl'LII'S FOR SALE-- 9'OYSI TOYS! Iieavet's Basement 'I'nylcrn'n is open all year found. (lifts for ehtldre.n's gashes. birth- daye. rte, for all ages. Beare re Hardware. Urn it n. apply ,sox "xr", i'intP- Let its ldwoealr, . C:15* give you details, R"fit L;sPiel. DRAIN TILE a-r;ranrlfniAf rrlc'1 with garage. TOWN EXETER St'oAR, 'HEFT .ftr'LTJV TOit and 5'11 is unto, is well built and in T_ OF I.T fi fie per l peld sugar beet lifter, used, Apply good iintalti ion, It has spacious 1 TEACHER lnung and (lining space and gond kitchen; fill basement with nil 1 FOR INTERMEDIATE GRADE Minting Dieners., This is an estate 1 house anti must be sold, 2:27tIc f MALE OT FEMALE SITY11'0 ,t 1P.\l:TMEN'r—Well rated in Exeter business section. !isiA1,7, 3a0ARTt,E.F:f'FJP., state ea- Suitahte for 0fitae or arty bust- nerlenre. '''rite to Box No. '•'1s". mins requiring tit e d i n nn finer 11:%otTiTimes-As1 neat e, 15:220 space. 1 cry nomfortable livingi I�1T("ltl;ti TtA txt'. small, wood tlt.ac'trrs. 'rerrns, esesse<1'lT'IaRIk;Nt'1PD MAN fnr men's -.. _... t )lathing, business, Please suhmtt _ _. ter 4 inch 5 inch 5S per AI iyei'd 6 inch 110 per M Del'd i inett_-- - 145 per AI nerd8 Inch - 175 per Af Del'd T's, Y's and Elbows in Stock Prices for 1n", 12"wanti 14" on Request RYDALL BRICK AND TILE LIMITED. litre Mg -Infield Phone 153 Lucan John ,51ryker, rt.It, 2 Ely'th, phone I}rtlaaels I1;-.1-6, ... 15:15:221' 5S P(1.I,IITS, laying; 61t'1,,, ,apply Inc.White, phone Exeter 547-11'- 3, 1,;' Special Offers Good until 11iay 20 OF.0'LCTi liQW.Pu: isiT Head. MACLEAN'S quarters for Rova1 typewriters, 52 issues Viet or adding, machines, 11e can save you money! Exeter Times- (Newsstand Price Ad 100511', phone. 77e, 271 re CHATELAINE :RL 1111;1:,5 DIG SST --- New rates in effect: one year $4,04; 1 w years Mee. Order 11011' from The lexeter Times - Advocate, phone 770. •4:24-5:20c Comments About Cronarty By MRS. KEN McKELLAR Personal Items Air. and Mrs. Donald Wallace, Keith and Kenneth, Carlingford, and. Mr. and Mr... Ed. Brooks and George, Staffa, visited on Sunday with Itir. and Mrs. George 'Wallace. Mr. and. Mrs. Donald Scott and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Beckler, Zurich, Mr. and A'il's. 0. R. 1+rancis, Woodstock, visited with rela- tives in the village on Sunday. 24 Issues (Ne\ysstand Price New or Renewal Subscriptions THE EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE Phone 770 53.00 $7.80) 52.49 $4.80) w'Y7'RE SP7 C'1ALT.STS in the fit- ting of surgical appliances. Trus - "es, surgical belts, abdhntinal up- lifts. elastic hosiery, Consult its wit h n u t. obligation: I•tuntley's Drug Store, i.eeter. 1Se 1.`11'TN B'J1Py CA'FIR Lt,G'F7 which converts to stroller; piny Pen: and tiro htgli chap's. All 1'n a nod ('n n ri 11 inn. T.easonalily priced. '''hone 171 -r1 -I5 Tiseter, 1800 I,AfG11 G1,AD BULBS, teamed varieties: cabbage. Spanish onions and 1001510 plants: readynow. ftailey's Florists, phone 275 Ex- eter. 15c 5 Good Vehicles Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace MUST BE SOLD and Margaret Ann. and Mrs. Grace Scott attended a ballet BELOW COST PRICE dancing show in London on Wed- 1949 Austin, completely rebuilt nesday evening. engine, outstanding buy at Mr. and Mrs. Len Houghton, i t ......... $150 I Peter, t T@eSlYate) n ct Leonard .and ' 1948 Pickup , Y Chev, read for the road ._ . $1]5 1952 Dodge u2 Ton, new engine, real good, make us an of - visited on Monday with Mrs. M. Houghton. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Sarah Scott were Ml'. and Mrs. r'frl"1•.\t;re. 2 - herirnom, modern Dut'!P,a 30 commence, Sept. 1, 1555 kttohen, 1-ptr4•P hath, extra her.Salary Sohedule In Effect r0n1 space a'atlable, 'hill base.1 lnnuai IntlitIe nt-Effie0 meat, 011 healed. rrk'e t4.51e. Allowance Fey Texper'ienee S1izhtly higher on -ery east' terms, 3:2i Group 1ioepitalizatinn and 5 ATedteal Services s..1' hIls OM brick bruise. with t" arl•es n( gond garden ground..apply In 'Writing. in; 'Phis house is in perfer•rcont-litinn W. 11, 'W rC,Sf)'\ tense and mit. livery r'selinn- Secret ar3 Treasurer loner rinse In store and srhnnl. 'rnwnehip taxes. a:lt.fc Exeter Public. School Board 15c • '1'111Y t•rrr'tA111:, 2 bed ennuis. mnrlrrn 1: it r'hrn, bra nd riP-r pt PrP hath, nil heard, garage, TEACHER hell Meat. ed. Price 5J,300.nn, Stephen 'Township 1+0ho01 Area 5:Atfc requires teacher for senior grade Tn her of sell, see C. Y. Pic- and to art as principal of 8-00nm kart!, Real lnr and general 1nsu1'_ school. Apply stating experience, anrP, 701 Alain St„ Exeter, phones salary exported and name of last 165 and i123. Inspector, Duties to continence in 1: Stfe September, ,AsirLT' WTLAPAr. 'WEEN Box 151 Crediton '13c nr er< t; 1') T T A G insulated, hard wiled floors. 2 bedrooms With possible third, 3 -piece bath, fur- nace, garage, $5,000 cash to settle estate. 1 FLOOR, 1118111 brie, living' room fireplace, 2 bedrooms, full bath, nice kilrhen, frill cellar, furnace, hot water tank, central location. 2 -STOREY 1-iO1'SE, large furnace. i1 -piece hath, lint and cntrl water, heat y duty wiring, gams -a. lite ,tCC,l'fi, all tillable, insulated house, full hath, furnace,, base- ment barn, silo, drilled well, pressure. system; near village; 6-11u011 1 -floor 1lnuse, air condi- 1in11 lnp nil furnace, i -piece, bath, large 101, garage, 55,700 ,.ash. 0,0(115 r'ASTCRE, 50 acres, Cnn. 5, clay; all cleared and creek watered. 25 tic Intl ,\1'FUS rlay loans, T.Ta1orne Township. full set of buildings mostly 11)1w moors, 5 acres hush close to school, church, mf11. rota e, 4:lUc 50 ACRES 'sortie hie loam. small comfortable bonse, b a s em e n t hare, garage, hydro. 5:ltfc COS\' 1- Gant. credit nn house, 2 bedrooms. living 00010, dining room, klichen. 3-310)0 bath, hot water, furuatr toil), attached garage, 1l_ acres. S:Stfc '''rite or emne. 11'. C. Pearce. 'Realtor, Exeter, phone 4.5; Earl ler. Parsons, phone 5,11, Pred Cole. J. M, Scott and family, Staffs,al phone 544.11, Salesmen. litre 1050 Pontiac, re, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott good tires, perfectniceclean n1CCllcara17 IEar (1ri.\Inisa. st•si\riss and and family. ical. condition ........ .. $350 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing 1950 Meteor, good motor, .needs and children. and Mr. and Mrs. body repair .. 0 0 00 $125 Robert Laingand Marilyn with l th Mr. and Mrs, T, Laing on Sun- EXETER AUTO WRECKERS day. & SALES Airs. T. Laing was a delegate to the 'Woolen's Institute Con- ference in Guelph last week. ' Mrs. Nelson Hunkin, Belnlore, and other members of their ram• Aly visited on Mother's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Will Hamilton. Celebrate Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kinsman were pleasantly surprised on the occasion of their thirty-fifth wedding anniversary. The fam- ily and grandchildren• spent a so- cial evening with then]. Joyce Ferguson, and Bobby Kinsman presented their grandparents with a gift from the family and refreshments were served. Family Day Service Christian Family Day service on Sunday was well attended and the prepared program was followed, with many of the young people assisting in the service, and the pastor, Rev. S, .Kerr, as leader, Scripture passages were read by Mr. Mervin. Dow, Mrs, M. Lamond and Miss Ina Scott. Donald Coleman announced the hymns and the offering was re- ceived by 13111y Ramsey and Hugh Scott. The junior choir led the singing and provided a special number. Airs. T. L. Scott react the list of rnames of the Sunday School pupils who would receive cel'• tificates for regular attendance, Margaret Coleman and' Dorothy Scott receiving spWGia'1 diplomas. The story for the children and also the address were given by Mrs, Paul Wuthrick, Toronto, who is a daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Kerr. "Those. begs are pretty thin, mister. :]'low do you keep thctn from running through the knot- holes?" "Why do you 'spose them knots are in their tails?" equipment: due in 111 health, .\p - ply to ')ale l'rndure, : eater:b. 1:. •"2:29) We, are pleased in he able to nffrr several nr flensall's finer homes. Priced to sell—some with 188 Wellington Street Exeter very reasona.hls down payments. (Mortgages arranged. CABINET SINK OUTFIT, with !;\dditional listings nr emmnet•cial twin drain boards. white pnrre-i and residential income properties 1a in enamel, in .\-1 rnnlrtlmt. 1—also• farms. Let us discuss sane Phone :120 fsArOr. t+r with you. Used TV Sets AS LOW AS 575 17-1NCH TABLE MODEL 17 -INCH CONSOLE MODEL 21 -INCH TABLE MODELS' (2) , RUSSELL ELECTRIC PHONE 109 EXETER. LOST — C15, NG1i PURSE, black leather. 5:3 :1T E 11 C 1,7 11, S' SHDAN_ Two.nd sunt of menet', T'tnrior please Inns., w h 'Lowell s, new tires, leavesti at Times-AdvnhalA, 1.' radio with hack seat speaker, spotlight's, custom 1rin, Thunder- SERVICES --- bifid engine, spotless upholstery. };oil ('aldtve'il'c North lion buper; SEPTIC 'CANTOS pumped: mtned- test, plrnna 'll.c-, 1t,1. 1. !' tate service. Butler T3rns., Lucan, CSE ft BRICK, 10,41(0-12.005, clean- phone 130-w or 105 Lut:alt ell. Plume 62-r-5 Orerltton. 15• ;:21 CD HAYS s T n o r, 1, 1.7, 11, to sand XrAV srI11NG .''.CRL5 rnnditlnn. \Icp1Y tc6 Anne St. "I.1LENTI3LI.—SOIi'r—Co111'onr ]thane 61.'-11' (tomer. 15• C, Pnf `i'1':\I,in .\-1 poll- SOUR WALKING r.4TNs 10X1 PONT .t 71)4,04, 1 elay Ale- alar- , IN.DIVIDEALLT TREATED T,.P,. 1t:'tandeb4ye, })h^lir I raliPt frmn sore burning fret, l.urat1 16:1-21, 1 , ,' weak ankles, sore lieel5 and 10 1\'T..\NfD PIGS — Lari Ra, it'tees, hips and hail., (701111131 In 15t,1. fret or legs. 11'atelt collie. eal- 1lashwnntl. louses and hen inns disappear, Il "t S S in 1't 71 i<NIVBS. one• to If ]icing's bark circulatintl. (I05en, in ('•ommunil 'y silver, "511- Repairs made to other maitre.lady" pattern, reasonable, nr Cntt5ult W. A. 'Eastman at Lia. would eschatl •e. fnr 551111' 1 11 in towel every 'Tuesday and latmra " lubSssttdor" of "F"lair•' vitt-ern. e..wery Prides' front 10:01t a.m. in Apply Bos "1', 'rimes-Aticocafe 15:1)0 p.01. 'Walkerton, W'ingham 1 fe and other points by phoning (vollert 1 Listowel 31 hr T;hnira 11'ft1GIDAIREI, in first class con- Alo 0.2604.s, cent rat iso; el, Lx.. siltihti; china cabinet, gond as Iter, on :\•lay 2, 16 and 34 new. .\riply, '10 l"rlatl\Vyn Hen Der. 4,14 S:2s 4t, Marys 11,11. 6, phone h.h'ktrot 115-21. l:•r'1;OR ArllrTltj.\L ion C,:11W'N 11f1Wi tt, 0:0nr1 enittut1011 aerwice or more: tntnrnlal10n, tele- .\pp1Y :Lloyd Hackney, Flay 1'.o, plume the Waterloo cattle I:retel- nis \sssrtattnn cotleet at: Clinton lit ,P.A1"Ell,—Loader Mailable. \it- 111 s "141, beth Pen I7t ltflant14:,0 t" � ,1.11, 'We supply sPt`yfGP to Inn lily ,lee W'ari 11nti'fiett, :1 1 ])mato \� rsbirPot t 1Ilnst ti 10141P111, Guaranty Trust Realtor r.. C. PATERSON, Phone 51, Hensel'. lotfc MODERN 1-sl:nrey brick house, garage. attached, •3 bedrooms, liv- ing room, ,lining room, kitchen, fireplace. full basement, nil heat- ed, excellent location, ('lose to school, landscaped. Plume 661 ISa- Pter, 0000 1+.2,-9• STELO G, ynung, ambit oust 'man for mill work, Apply Cann's 51111 Ltd., Exeter, I So SALESMAN 1Y,\N7'ED Anxious to make a place for himself and fancily. Experience in saleswnrk tint necessary. The big qualifiea- I ion la that you must be willing to work. \'our chances of ad- vaneenient with our c•nmpany are excellent. please do not answer ad unless wen ()we a car, Write P.O. cos 13 Goderloh. 5:15' MISCELLANEOUS EVENTIDE VILLA, a home for elderly citizens, is 0011' open at 31) Sanders S0, Exeter, The 1'3115 is tinder the mana;;ement of Mrs, 1.. Desjardine, Exeter. 1:3tfc SPRAYERS --I have 2 new weed sprayers for sale at.very attract- ive 130.03. it Call and SP 1 i' prices. A On hand—Weed 'falls, including I1.C.P. for oats seeded to clovers. excluding' sweet clover, Amines and ester and Ina loos Ile, also Brush hill and Sinlazin for Pre - w , corn, It ()nl �•e spraying 1. 1 mer t t P F • 1 twitch will kill fox tail as well as t g rasa. hind w'ePd and 0 t ]t e r weeds. Man r)alapnli and \1 eed- azol, for twitch grass, that steri- lizes Ibe ^•round for several month, Aldrin and . Heptachlor fnr maggots and Mach flies alt your turnips. \lso 1n.D.T, and Arsenate of Lead for apple worst and firs and lnagaots. Caplan and Arierofine Sulphur for oral) nn apple tiers; .\11 ai attractive prices, ('al1 and buy where your r 1 V. business is a.ppt•eciatP I. L. llogarth, phone 266 'Itixeter.� 15...c WATCH young turnits plants fat• black flies. T cart spray and kill then] without harming' your crop. If you have wire -riven -it trouble, with your spring g'ratn. call L. '', L•Iop'arth, phone 266 Exeter. 15:22e IF TOL' l-OAl"E a brush pro hlera aloft.",' your line fences or 011 your pasture field nr any -where. it should he attended In before .lune 15. ('all 1,. V. Singe Oh for material if 5011 have your own sprayer or for servire if ) n❑ want me to do the -work. Phone 266, 15:::_0 TENDERS WANTED CONCESSION rmV1LEUES 'fenders fnr rnnressine p1'it'i- ieges at Exeter Horse Races 01) 'Wednesday, June 4. 1.9;3. startnig al 5:30 p.m.. will be accepted by the undersigned up to May 22. W, C, *ALLISON, Secretary :1Sc TENDERS FOR COAL • South ]tomo Pist0300 1•I1x•h Sehnol Board invitee tenders fnr ''nal for the srhnnl building on Oidley Street, Exeter. Tits 1n•n Livingston St ors will tr'qufr1 1115 tons of i14, 5, t:4 oil treat 8(1 stoker coal. 'rem -lore shnntd quote price 3501' Ion deli\ered at the srhnnl as ro- (411irod, and should include an analysis. plotter. address enders 1n the Secretary of the l+nard. 1.1 owes, Exeter, Ontario, by 'May 3i, 72115. 1,nw•r11 nr any tender net not ea- earily aeeepted. 1•, S2c TENDERS FOR CHURCH SHSD 1l'eilrlers n't11 he 1'Preii Aid hy" the '1'ruste5. 7;narrl of let aitg'elieal 1.-,E. Church, Zurich, for ehul'rh surd. 15nvIi0, Shed censistfi of plank flame anrd et Pel tele(. Statertals in hp re mow 0(1 and rPnlrnt 11511 neared away. TrndPM to he is ]mods of ehatrman by Aiay 24. n1;I.T;rsrt'1' c1T:10F3fl 1;5;e2e mii„ NQTiCFS-,•-' 1401 114 f ('ran$ Bend.11 " ' t ' 1 n . .'• ,;w1ss, Pert 1'011, Iterefnrrl I rinilesi ,,, 4,uminure etteleltnr11u5tunittulnl(mtnl,ni irate 1 lel -Th., Dm alae grits 1. ''hone end 11011ned ), Meer 5 li n r 1 0 0 1. 11 456-r 1,x AI Pr aftrl• G p.m. (]lolled anti Moroni}), and Dna T urpn5A bher(lim•n, Angus ant) 15" POW LA AVN ()V' f411. itt 1'1121rolalse breeds. The (nal rs gni-idrSS', 115(1 Apply Alar8hall t'I +tC11I 17. INC; 5051r1t(: Intl, i it A- etilt''eactt'n&'Lort, 4tlt'5l, r\,411 -.braking. ('511 ('ail cicstiteher, Ptlt r'nnrl}lion, $14 ''Noor. Sits .1. 1)11018 8i -r-21 Dashwood. W. c'()rh#t1. • 275-.T Eerier I••1 . , .,, -at• NTL.\1t. SKI;r1 14rt1ANS, Sint] n T'I11ts D1,3 ELOPED 118 45 hours. front loundstlett steed: a high i 15x('181' agept: Russell t•:lct'frte. •yrobiltig taxi resistant variety, 111'enealt agent, Ed Fink Plumbing Apply OTa1 1)eita, 11.51, 3 Ttiliii and treating, 3'rompt photo rm. " ishllig. Garage Sunday And Evening . .,.... 000_0 ,... Service Open this Sunday,-.Wednes- day unday, Wednes- day afternoon, and during the'evening throughout the week. Larry -iiiideii'` Motors ) OR •RENT+ -u r t ttliit.'ish" i{,t' SiCk. rinl\•tt nr 'disabled ]lnrses 5.111! pus/Nr,Iss o(' eructs sna.cp. at 5•(7 tj p vat, TSPIttl ASrrnek 1axtAAiAloft, 1 Alain Street, 'being \sertfnri by ,T. {I -all L1 tfidrelts, C.otlecr 11•'. �\ Alter. 'UFO, :I t. Apply f,. t'• l ii l Seat*lfth• t ` l i 21• .larvey, 11h Alain ,f7 St., ']hone . 11.4. . 'l•ITT R11t ;rC of re(lrc•nral(tig, hr 1a Anyone, (Ill -stilt Ottrrtnp ('earl• rAS7't;ltti 'F'.trtsf, snout Half c(, remodelling" ''_'alt Mort 1:'ulhart, side In 5115 tray,. .t5 11115 1'(11(1 Ito Leif d. r'on. is, IfllhOn Apply 1.:49 :r,trran, for paInt 107, paver- clinical, the public i5 asked to': 3 - ' : Eft l' Tiar5 nr fi;rv'in• r.atz, pltnne top'. l'n3Atnnn, '111tng, c•arp0111ry', lcin(1ly ret-1porate. ' -.; i .-.-...0.000 --.. ,.-. .... 0;. • '. new 01'"' 1 -' 1kt t(,t•ars4 I'olastomismis(telunrionnitsmiti1ramrorrtlmnsonsi]nilill'nf1'rinr'nttnonnrintttafflun 4f44i11iitf441'lfllmhltfirl'1'1110f11i11'rillitll'inrlln1,411Ylrnrtmli'rnnrrithtllll (• 9:0 lin I411ft1r111ni1nr111111111 r1In1fllltlllllllt- 161 r•I. ')ash\t•aod. tat � ►('pah ink, I nn. CREDITON * NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS All rings 1111)111 he tied up 'frons May 13 'to October 1. t;r:1+I31To:N Yr.LSl;7 Slope i;dhera, k'loor Pollahers Vacuum'i 'cleaners,* 'Poole. f.tc, BEAVERS HARDWARE ills110')1rH WANTED 21( (A "rIIto pasture; lots of shade and running 'water. ,Apply William Oestreie1ier, phone 12"J f'red lion. S :1.1 r WJSSTERN' PONY SA3'flST,i'i, in good condition. ]''hone Lucan. 16;. r-21, 5.1Ac APA ITMENT, '2-hedrnnm, fnr adults, by June 1, Phone 205-R after 6 p.rn, 15:22;23c NOTICES TO CREDITORS In the Estate 01 Father Joseph Deneef, late of the Township of Boeanquet, in the County of AlyddleOes, deceased. ,.411 Persons . C laimtng• a>ranst the ahnve estate are required to forward full particulars to the tindersiq'ned by the 5th day •or may, 11585, after wdcleh date thi. assets will he distributed. Donnelly & Donnelly, • 35 The Square, Goderich, Ontario, Solicltore for the Estate 1:800 These men know sound investments . , . Huron & Erie - Canada Trust Debentures and Trust Certificates. On units of $ 100 or more both these safe investments pay .3%% to 4% interest for periods of 1 to 5 years, Why not call in and ask for details? Huron & Erie • Canada Trust HEAD OFFICE,, LciNDON, ONTARIO �_ I)latrlet RPprellentatires 1.1.(11.1.1 3. I3ODG50N, CFINTRALIAt F. G. BONTi1RON. *.31,3,3 W. G. COCHRA"IE, EaET)5TLt J. W. UABERESRs yT'l}'C'}lt B, IL PrtANCIS, EXETER; .DELL d: LAT:GIITON, 3 11 3 1111111 3 1„11,31111 .0001It0111111011101001011111111011111101101111101101tt111101111nitltltil0ntt Itttttllt` 3 x s z TOWNSHIP OF UttIORNE f,utnpins; tit' ruhtiath, garhaA nt s Acari animals 411 'rnt\•lishlp t nada 5 18 ;strictly prohihlLed, According{ 1n 'Ano 1'idShwav, TratfIn Art.' 3501115115' fnr' 01115 lis it 'fine nf' $.1,510 9 Have You Had Your 10 PINT Safety AT LARRY SNIDER M' TORS? ,The following 10 -point safety check procedure is recommended by the Canadian Highway Safety Con- ference for adoption by all motor vehicle dealers. Unless otherwise implied "check" entails a visual inspection to determine where corrective measures are needed: E fluid level. BRAKES—Master Linde e r d RA y Brake hydraulic system for external leaks. Foot and hand brake --- reserve and stopping ability. FRONT LIGHTS—All front lights for operation. Aiming of headlights and directional lights where applicable. REAR LIGHTS—All rear lights for operation. Directional lights where applicable. STEERING—Steering gear play. Steering linkage for wear. Front tires for evidence of misalignment. Springs and shock absorbers for condition. TiRES--Tread wear, cracks, air pressures. EXHAUST SYSTEM ---Exhaust manifold pipes and snufflers for tightness and leaks. GLASS—Condition and, where applicable, operation ,of all glass. WINDSHIELD WIPERS—Condition of blades, Operation of motor. Windshield washer, where applicable. REAR VIEW MIRRORS—Condition and mounting. HORN—Satisfactory operation. E -ER. R�J1A �1A� r, Your car carries the most important people in the world , . you and your family, Let's Keep Them Safe CHECK YOUR CAR * CHECK ACCIDENTS Larry Snider Motors PHONE 624 ford,Edsol Nato e= EXETER 4dHHH44041411444441}44H104441i11YMtNMINiSOU 1i1H1AH11HHHHM 3 5 4 5 nin11il,ttltt(Iii