HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-05-15, Page 9The Times -Advocate 1;i/ding Page ,ourturautuatinioutuaruululauttatatutfltatoaautatuouloastatululoutanuatamtuainusuntioiui SPECIALIZING IN' ROOF ,COATING (IISiDg the 135t ]and Available) PHONE 224-J carpenter Work & Pointing: seleleieleimeeentequiteueeleleneemeeteeeeeselereeemeeseseelstetulelussemislule, eilleleeleueeterlereeleilemeseeeureuellesuilluerluilesisturusierreuseueeleurreemese FRLD HATTER ExaiaR TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR. "HOME IMPROVEMENT' Ay. tif irr. • aid • lan For Alterations And Repairs (Ri•Roofing, New Garage, Siding, Recreation Room etc.) WHO IS ELIGIBLE? Any home -owner of good credit standing who has a reason. able equity in his home. WHERE DO I APPLY FOR ADVICE? Go to A. Spencer & Sont Hensel!. He will give you expert advice, examine your home if you so desire, help you to determine your exact requirements, give you a quotation, and handle the job for you. If you wish you can do the job yourself. Remember, labor costs can be included in yotir budgeting. HOW DO I ARRANGE FOR CREDIT? Fill out a simple application form at A. Spencer & Son. All transactions are confidential. ARE THERE LIMITS AS TO AMOUNT AND TIME ALLOWED FOR PAYMENT? Yes, The minimum credit is $100 and the maximum $2,000. The repayment plan provides for monthly, instalments over periods of six, twelve, eighteen or twenty-four months as you may select. You tell A. Spencer & Son how much you can afford and they will be glad to select the right plan for you. What Is The Down Payment Before 1 Can Get The Job Started? No down payment is necessary on building material but you are reminde'd that it is not good business to obtain credit for a larger amount than you need or can afford to repay out of your income. ALL LOANS LIFE INSURED AT NO EXTRA COSTI Don't Delayl See Us Today! Spencer & Son PHONE 102-W HENSALL nittitnitutoutintinintlitittointottiltilitilittitintouttutilittinntoutuntintintottotottootionottistottote Modern, automatic Lennox warm Mr heating is just about the soundest investment you can Make. It not Only prOduces personal comfort, but its'cleahlineet reduces decorating costs; its efficient}, lowers fuel t osts. <dr= Most important, its presence increases the value of your horn—makes it worth more in any real estate market.'t" r come Tfl r!. --t for FREE heating survey sr. s • GET SET FOR AIR CONOITIONING. AT HO EXTRA COST (Lennox cooling limits use same blower and duets at the Lennox heating system you buyl .2.000.0•04=1004000000.0100•00•0601 HAVE YOU CONSIDERED Complete Comfort for your home or office for the summer months . . or for all year , NOW IS THE TIME.. Don't wait till later to make- altera. tions Or to install a new heating 'Oyatem. DO IT NOW. Then you will be ready for both those hot, humid days arid/or chilly nights. We carry aCOillplot.t line of oil burners, furnaces and air conditioning units, All servide work and installations done by experienced men, LINDENFIELDS LTM Phn 1i Eketer nAmip ea‘024443 ifimaa .00110 Nat. .‘temmiudwasiumnauswitowa... 1110111101111111011111111 $ • _ ist,adr; • P tip • DESIGN 774: The full benefits of this design by architect Andrew asomick, of North Vancouver, ere obtainable on a site which slopes down from the street with the living room facing south. The total floor area of the house is 1,339 square feet while the exterior dimensions including carport: are 56 feet, six inches, by 38 feet, six inches. Working drawings for the plan may be obtained at minim= cent fronl Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation. elosoc4a 0 IE;) • 11 MIN IS GaleaDoee lite& cfr-6* 0.440gy WING Room. .17:10.+t 14!-10 111,DROOfflt 11-0"1 11.-10" V ItS1, — — :1 4 AntIon, etdre11-0" matte 6:win:to au J CAlltro•T 4111111101T LEFT BACK DIGHT In And Around Plan For Seth Anniversary Mrs. R. Reid was in charge ' of worship period when the Wom- an's Auxiliary of the United Church inet on Thursday. Missionary study was conduct -I • ed by Mrs. E. Lamport and a panel study "given by Mrs. Ger- ald Zwicker, Mrs, Howard Light- I foot, Mrs. N. Lamport and Mrs, Melvin King. Mrs. E, Lamport presided for business when plans were made for packing a bale. Plans were also made for marking the 50th ' anniversary of the organization of the Ladies' Aid in the fall of Afternoon hostes'tes were Mrs. I 1908. , • W. Haviland and Mrs. S. King. 1 Crediton Evangelical W,S.W.S. Meeting Mrs. Allen Finkbeiner was in charge of the devotional period of the W.S.W.S. meeting held in the Evangelical church. Mrs, C. Hill read scripture and Judy Finkbeiner sang a solo. A playlet entitled "Sharing the Whole" was given by Mrs, Wesley Wein, Mrs. Wilmer Wein •and. Mrs. M. Feist., also a piano solo by Mrs, Royal Geiser and a vocal solo by Rev. G. Strome. Businbss was taken by the president. Letters were read from Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Mackey and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin of Korea. Delegates appointed to attend convention being held in Sebringville On May 28 and Town Topics 44•40. Items of Social and Personal Interest In and Around Exeter The Exeter Timex...Advocate Irt always plenhed to publish these itentr4. We and our reader e are Interented In you rind your friend. Phone 7'70. Mrs, Frank Bruce returned home after spending the past week visiting friends in Detroit and with • Mrs. David Bruce, Windsor. Mr. Wallace Fisher who is employed with the Canadian Na- tional Railways left Tuesday for Kamloops B; C. Before. his depar- ture friends presented him with a wallet and cigarette lighter. Mrs, W. J. Beer and. Miss May Skinner are spending a few weeks at their home in Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilkinson, Marquette, Mich., • spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. E. Hopper. Mrs, Allan Fraser returned from St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beavers, Detroit, visited with relatives in town over the weekend and also visited the former's father, B. W. F. Beavers who is improving nicely in Victoria Hospital, ilson- don. Rev. and Mrs. A. E. John, Hamilton, visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Johns. Mr. and Mrs, Emerson Cor- nish were surprised on Sunday Le receive a phone call from their daughter and sob -in-law, F/S and Mrs. IL A. Woods, Red Deer, Alta. Mr, and Mrs. S. Fiddler, Bran- don, Man., are visiting with their daughter and family Mr. and Mrs. C. S. MacNaughton and their son and family Mr. and Mrs. Fuleher. Mrs. Fred Evans, Clarkson, visited a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. C. Fer- guson and sister, 'Mrs. William Mair, Mother'i Day Visitors Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Hod- gins, Lucaii, and Mist Donna Grundy, London, with Mr, and a Mrs. Elmer Mttis. Mrs, E. G. Lloyd; Grant and Sheila, Mrs. Florence Mere and Miss Clara Down, Schom, berg, with the former's mother, Mrs. rerguson and sister, Mrs. William MAW, Mr, and Mrs. Amos Warwick, Gary and TeITY Lee, Port Huron, With Mr, and Mrs. Clark Fisher. Mr. and Mrs, Paul Wuthrick, and Edwin Xerr, Toronto, and Miss Mary Kerr, nutst•in•train, ing at, Victoria Hospital, London, with Rev, S. and Airs. Kerr, Fact. Cowen, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cowen, Deb- bie and Crystal, London with 1». and Airs. 14, Cowen at their summer cettage, GrandBend. Bend. Air. and Airs, DelmerSkiisner, Edward and Prances, Mr. and Mrs. M. 3. Margison, Bob, Barry and Glenn, Loden, with Mrs. td, johns. Miss Helen Sweet, Toronto. with her mother, Mrs, Muriel Sweet. Mrs. Sack Ori-Bittle and Toroefo, with Mr. and MrS. Wilfrid ShaPtOn. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Baker, Hensall, with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ham- ilton. Mr. Bruce Cudmore, Hamilton and Miss Nancy Cudmore, Lon- don, with Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Cudmore, Mrs. John Malcolm, Sarnia. with her mother, Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers and called on Mr. Beavers in Victoria Hospital on S t •t1 • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dykeman, Ilderton, with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bissett. Mr, and Mrs, Murray Marsh and Nancy, Mr..and Mrs, R. J. Kydd and Karen, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Moffatt, Patricia and Da`vid, Mr. and Mrs. William Kydd and Andy all of London with Mr. and Mrs. J. Kydd. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Willert and family, Exeter, CO, and Mrs, J. Z. Maillet and Piny, Orillia, Mr. and Mrs, Russell King and familst, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Neil and faintly with Mr. and Mrs, Melvin 'King. 29 are Mrs, -E. Wenzel, Mrs. Arthur Geiser Mrs. Allen Fink- beiner and Mrs. Wm. Schwartz. Used Christmas cards and stamps are to be brought in at the next meeting. A social time was enjoyed, Mother's Day Services Special Mother's Day services were held in the churches on Sunday morning, A ladies' choir sang two numbers in the Evan- gelical church and many flowers decorated the church platform. One basket was in memory of the late Mrs. Annie Heist, do- nated by her daughters. Made- line of Califorhia, Shut-ins were remembered with carnations. A combined service of church and Sunday school was held in the United church Sunday morn- ing with Rev. A, Rapson and S.S. superintendent Nelson Lam- port in charge. A ladies quartette Sang a number and Paula Bou. lianne related the story. Rev. Rapson gave an appropri- ate talk and receiving the rites of baptism were: Ferry Gordon, son of Mr. and lairs. Lorne Presz- cator; Bruce Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodge; David Owen, son of Mr, and Mrs. Ches- ter Mitton; Brenda Joan, (laugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Beck- er, and Brenda Louise, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Earl Neil, C. C. C, Crediton Careful Canadians, 4-H girls met on Saturday. Mrs. L. Hodge spoke on "Our Nation- al Pantry Shelf" and general rules for meal plannihg were discussed by Mrs. E. Lamport and the girls. For group work a meal was planned, and a skit entitled "Safety in the Horne" was shown by Ruth Roeszler, Margaret Laseson and Doreen Kenny. Personal Items Students of the intermediate and senior rooms- of Crediton school, numbering 64, with their teachers, visited Niagara Falls, Queenston Heights, the Leeks and other points on Friday of last Week. Mr. Calvin Fahrner of South Cayttga spent a few days last week with his parents, Mr. and 1111111111111101101illitillIlltift111111111111,11111111i1110111111M/1111111,11111ffill)! oo I tt illItI1101111100111111/1111i1 t i i ALF ANDRUS Oil Burners — Heating, Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work 403 ANDREW $T, EXETER PHONE 719 ttlItIliltill1111111111tliftitittli41411111111411,41111141, iiii *14,114111410ifittlttiffittltutifittitittttstittittlitm,ttitt vittoontintiltol i tot i tintittottottottonsittittnettottitittlet iiiii trittoitittiontottlentottoottiontiollottlito We Have A Good Supply Of Rose Arbors and Trellises $1.75 and Up SPECIAL! 6.FT, CtbAk. 'PICNId. ',Ant 'ONLY $15.50 Huron Lumber Co. . Limited "Build The Huron Way" P1-1Nt EXETER Mrs. M. Fahrner. Mrs. W. ,SiSSOns montreai, visit. The Times.Advec•fes May IL, 19511 ?.�14151. week with ker Parente, Mr. ounummulmilm,,,,,,,,,,,,,,m,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,tmniimilum,,,,,,Ammoi,,,,imuummitommeluktuto end Airs. Lloyd gngland. Aliss Matilda Oestricher visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oestricher. - Robert Wolfe of Detroit is con-, valescing at the home of his parents, 111,r. and Mrs. Albert: Wolfe, following an operation. ; Mr. and Mrs. J. Butler have ; returned after spending severai! months in the South. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. t Wm. Oestricher on Wednesday! were Mrs. Earl •Gibson, Mrs. Walter Tadgell and Mrs. Harry Greenwood, all of StrathroY, Mr.. H. Tetlaw, Cooksville, spent a few days last week withMr. Mr. and Mrs. George Stevenson. Mrs. E. Strome of Waterloo spent a few days with leer son, Rev. and Airs. Glen Strome. Mrs. Lena Cook of Camlachle called on IVIrs. S. 1samport on Sunday, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Preszcator were Mrs. Fred Preszcalor, _Robert and Calvin, Mr. and Airs. Ed- ward Chambers, Misses Mary and Gloria Chambers and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. P'riestly of Byron. Miss Elsie Menders of London and Mr. Carmen Leggett of Ar- kona visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Wein on Sunday eye- ning. Weekend And Sunday Visitors in Town Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Fahrner and family of London with Mr. and Mrs, Everett Fahrner. Mr. and Mrs. George Vincent, Detroit, with Mrs. S. Lamport. Miss Gertrude Beaver and friend, Detroit, with Mr, and Mrs, H. Beaver, Mr. and Mrs. H. Heist and family, Fenwick, with Mrs. H. Finkbeiner. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Roeszler and son of London and Mr, and Mrs. Don Bell of Exeter with Mrs. W. Roeszler. Mr. and Mrs. H. Renney and Morris, Detroit, with Mrs. J. Hitzel and sons. Mr, and Mrs. A. Robertson and Anne, London, with Mr. and Mrs, E. Beaver, Mr. Art Bailey, St. Catharines and Mr. James Brock of Exeter with Mr, and Mrs. C. Radford. Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Woodall and fwith11,111r. Irid. Irysa,lJoOsa. kl,•Volo‘11:Pf. Honored At Edmonton Mrs. Wm. Oestricher recently ; received word of a great honour tendered her brother, Dr. W. G. Hardy by the city of Edmon- ton, Alta. Dr. Hardy is head of the Department of Classics at the University of Alberta, Ed- monton, also the author of six novels, 100 short stories and four plays and has given more than 100 radio talks. It was to mark the sale of 100,000 copies of his novels that Edmonton tendered him a testi- monial civic dinner on April 20. In this way the city, where -she has lived for 38 years, recog- nized his numerous contributions to the fields of education, liter- ature and sports. Representatives from ,the LTni- verstiy, the Provincial govern- - ment, the Canadian Authors As- sociation, the Amateur Hockey Aesociation, as well as offieials of the city of Edmonton and of his publishing company were present to pay tribute to his achievements. •"GINGERICH:StRatle, • HEATING ENGINEER. , THESE ARE THE FACT6 YOU MUST SE FACING 44' OLD HEATING - SYSTEMS NEED REPLACING GINGERICIIS HEATIN64.16/1TINGLPLUMBIN6 OIL BURNING:41R tONDIR04116 EMCPRO; te....SUPFLI flirt (1: EILECTRICM: REPAIRlite sv+ ZURIC ',Moitik,ReIN WDING , . _ • SPECIA1,1ZING,IN Kitchen„,.Cobirieti RE.mop.guNG .KITCHENS The.Cabinet Shop 5thoffhusk .and, Millar, Prop. PHONE 144,W Pik 144-4 PASHWOOP ii i ,,,,,,,,, i ttttutittttitittlitttptitttituttitttormitiriftwifinit, For Easier, Quicker Cooking — Anywhere! No matter where you live, you can enjoy the ease and conven- ience of cooking with a modern gos range. We gas gas ter deliver bottled far beyond the lines. Enjoy bet - living with 9"I • Easy does It when .you cook with Gast Gratton & Hotson PHONE 156-W GRAND BEND LP. Gas Is Clean, Convenient, Thrifty • 'without a worry in the world That's the Gor Wood story! A lifetime of perfect heating comfort at amazingly low cost. Say goodbyeto cold rooms, high fuel bills, costly repairs, Your Gar Wood heating specialist can help you choose the unit best suited to your needs. This, action can affect your future heating comfort. See us today for o free ropy of our booklet "Proof' Gar Woad Is by far your Wisest Investment”. AUTOMATIC HEATING 'AT ITS BEST! OIL & GAS HEATING . WARM AIR & HOT WATER AIR CONDITIONING ED FINK Plumbing — Heating — Wiring PHONE 36: RES. 1)2 HENSALL MADE IN CANADA EXCLUSIVELY BY ENGINEERING INDUSTRIES (0 LTD , 650 DUPONT ST TORONTO Tradesmen Directory Consult this Directory for expert work in constructien or repair. Your local tradesmen are qualified ta give prompt, efficient service at reasonable prices. Suppliers L. H. TURNBULL AND SON CONCRETE BLOCK & TILE SAND & GRAVEL. Excavating and Grading PHONE 223.W ORAND BEND Repair DON JOLLY • TELEVISION SETS a ELECTRIC WIRING • SOUND SYSTEMS PHONE 187 Exeter lectricions GARFIELD 'THOMSON tnenniereial, industrial td Deitteatie tititltatlon PHONE 23241 EXETER Masons Per A Good Job cali JOHN WEBSTER Meson PHONE 297.W EXETER Contractors reseeneterneetmotem. ELMER. WEBB CONTRACTOR "Buildings A Specialty" Phone /0 GRAND BEND Repair POWER MOWER Salis & Service General Repair TO All 'WS LAING'S SERVICE Phone 2 Mtge', SEE YOUR LOCAL TRADESMEN FIRST • • * • * * * 4 * MY • •4 14 .0 .- 4 ;Iv • At "4