HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-05-15, Page 7f1AV1/4QA Bulletin
Perth Metal industries, f,inhil-
erl..a recently incorporated cona-
zuy, will establish in Stratford.
l anufacturing under license
'rem We Chrysler Corporation,
•the new firm will manufacture
and distribute Cllitc self lubri'
eating bearings, cored ,and solid
ber stock and powder metal ma-
chine parts. :Construction of a
new 10,000 square font plant is
under way.
i,l * * *
Also from Stratford conies
clews that construction of a. new
feJeral building is expected to
start soon. Demolition of an old
bending onthe site has been
camplet.ed. a * t
Harbour improvements at a
.cost of 8236,000,00 arerojected
!ar Goderich by the Federal De -
pertinent of Public Works. Also
in t r
a i of nee 1 for that town is
construction of a new federal
building, to bo undertaken this
* *
A new hospital for retarded
children, previously reported to.
be built in :Huron County, is now
announced to be located about
two miles south of Goderich,
and to have 1,300 beds, instead
of 700, as originally expected.
Reports persist that another
Ontario Hospital is planned by
the Department of Health, to be
located in this Region, Possible
sites in Perth County will be
examined, according to the re-
* * * e
Preparation of a new industri-
al. :Brochure for the '.Lown of
Goderich is underway. From
Goderich also comes news that
manufacture of tail pipes for
the automobile industry, has
been started by Dearborn Steel
Tube Limited, a subsidiary of
Dearborn Steel Tubing, of Dear-
born, Michigan.
* * *
Advance ticket sales for the
1958 Stratford Shakespearean
Festival, which open June 23 and
runs for 12 weeks, encourage
Festival officials to anticipate a
new attendance record this year.
If You'reTIRED
Now and then everybody gets
"tired -out" feeling, and may he
bothered by backaches. Perhaps noth•
ing seriously wrong, just a temporary
condition caused by urinary irritation or
bladder discomfort. That's the time to
take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help
stimulate the kidneys to reliete this
condition which may often cause hack -
ache and tired feeling, Then you feel
better, rest better, work better. Get
Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the
blue boa with the red band at all drug
counter,. You can depend on Dodd'a. so
Last Year's :attendatice was 177,'
* as * aR
New sewage treatment plants
are planned or in the discussion
stage in Guelph, Waterloo, New
Hamburg, Preston and (,alt,.
* *
Erection of a new pattern stor-
age building will be the begin-
ningof expansion plans by Link
BelLtd., in Elmira. This will
be the first of several new build-
ings to be built on a. 40 -acre
site in Elmira. Future plans
call for the addition of a east
iron foundry, to be followed by
a steel foundry and, later, a
Malleable iron foundry.
1iespeler Industrial Plaza an-
nounces a new lease with the
arrival of Greenhalgh Dye Works
in that town.
Minor Schedulle
I Continued From Page 6
t'r uesld a y,4
FAWNS -.- Dianne Willort enp-
lain: Verla, Smith, Anne Hankey,
Dharilyn 11'rayne, ;Connie lurvey,
fully Snelgrove, Marie ('nrnr,
Il.inda LIlover, Marino S«artzen-
PiIAA F.S -- Arlene (haver, c'ap'
tai( Margie lintv'v, .Ino Marie
Clara, Shirley (r 'miner Sharon
Appleton, Ronnie llnt;ar•th, Judy
WI !son, Helen Haley. Mary
ward s, Marie lhrintnell,
Fa will; vs. b',Ilirs
u.-_pyllips Ns .+'awn.
27--Wawns vs, Fillies
r n"• F'tlllee
Maintenance Club
Studies Tractor
Exeter 4-H 'Tractor Mainten-
ance Club met at Harry Sher-
wood's shop for its second regu-
lar meeting. Tuesday evening,
May 13.
During the business session,
presided over by Gordon Strang,
it was decider) to hold the next
meeting on Tuesday, May 27.
Hank Bellman, elle club leader
took charge of the remainder of
the meeting, Aided by slides he
discussed the proper storage of
gasoline. He then described the
basic functions of tractor engine
and this Lead to a discussion on
the fuel system and a demonstra-
tion on correct carburetor ad-
justments. Mr. Bellman con-
cludedhis talk by distributing
club manuals and ether book-
lets pertaining to tractor fuels
and carburetors.
Allan Rundle thanked Mr.
Sherwood for the use of his
PiN POPPETTES "A" GROUP WINNERS—Front, from left, Anne Simpson, Irene
Haugh, Mary Gravett; back, Phyllis I;Iaugh, Dorcas Wein, Delores Fuller, Jeanette
Anderson, Audrey Fairbairn, -T-A Photos
Are you really ready
for the trip?
You're all set for the first big outing of the summer,
Gas in the tank. Water in the radiator, Air in the tires.
But are you really ready? Remember a defect ih your
ear or its equipment can cause a lot of trouble. It can
spoil your trip—or even lead to a major disaster on
the road, Make sure. Check your brakes and steering
system. Check your tires for wear and damage. Check
your lights, front and back. Check the exhaust system
for dangerous leaks. And do it now.. Because your
whole summer of tnotoring pleasure depends on safety.
You can't be really sure of your safety if you aren't
really sure of your car. Your Ontario Department of
Transport urges you to cheek your car—cheek your
driving—and check adcidents.
JOLLY JILLS "B" GROUP WINNE=RS—Seated, from left, Marie Musser, Norma
Kraft; standing, Pauline Simmons, Jean Burke, Marion Frayne, Annie Lawson.
Straflord Fesfival hlights
Seen 'Greater Than Er,:er'
This year during an extended
twelve -week season, from June
23 to Sept. 13, the Stratford
Festival will provide a greater
number of outstanding dramatic
and musical Highlights than ever
before. Three Shakespearean
plays will be . produced in the
new Festival Theatre.
"Henry IV, Part 1", one of
the Bard's best -loved history
plays will star' Montreal actor,
Christopher Plummer, Douglas
Campbell, Broadway actor, Ja-
son Robards Jr, and Douglas
Rain. It will 'be directed by
Michael Langhain, Artistic Di-
rector of the Festival, and Win-
nipeg -born George McCowan,
and designed by Tanya Moisci-
witsch and Marie Day of To-
The comedy, "Much Ado About
Nothing", will bring the dis-
tinguished English actress,
Eileen Herlie, to Stratford to co-
star with Christopher Plummer
as the two sharp-tongued lovers,
Beatrice and Benedick. Wilitam
Hutt of Ottawa will also star
in this production to be directed
by Michael Langham and de-
signed by Desmond Heeley.
The third play, "The Winter's
Tale", will open on July 21, and
will be directed by Douglas
Campbell, popular Festival actor
and co-founder and former di-
rector of the Canadian Players,,
Christopher Plummer and Eileen
What does it meat
to be. rated?
Not long ago men and women with coronary artery disease,
tuberculosis br diabetes were unable to obtain life insurance..
Today it is possible for many of these people to be accepted
in a special premium classification. 'technically speaking they
are said to be "rated" policyholders, i'or many years
Manufacturers Lift has contributed leadership in this special
field, Today we are well known for bur progressive outlook
and for the fabourahlc premium rates being offered.
Actually 90%. of the people applying for Manufacturers Life
oblides today are accepted at regular rates. Aiiethcr 814,,",
are offered insurance at the lowestpossible cost Considering
their particular physical cotit11tiorti, while only Phh%
Art declined. "Whatever your needs, you can, be sure of
progressive life insurance service when you Call the
Mail from Manufacturers.
11 -tit
A, E. 1 yfiti
Tell 671•M
Herne will again star with
Bruno Gerussi. Costumes will be
by Tanva''Moiseiwitsch.
The fourth annual, music festi-
val will feature a production of
the eighteenth century "musical
comedy" by John Gay, The
Beggar's Opera." The light-
hearted extravaganza will star
Robert Goulet, popular host of
C.B.C. Showtime, as the debon-
,aire highwayman, Captain Mac -
heath: A Festival production,
the music will be conducted by
Louis Applebaum and the opera
directed by Tom Brown. Brian
Jackson will design sets and
costumes for the show which
Letter From
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Sharpe
and Glen and Miss Eleanor
Sharpe, of London, were week-
end visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
13i.11 Schlinkert and faintly at
Marysville, Mich,
Mr. and Mrs, Bill Trojan, Of
Detroit, and Mrs. W. Bunscho,
of Kitchener, visited Wednesday
with Mr. and Mrs. Karl Guen-
ther and Janet.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Russell
and Mr, and Mrs. Bob Aier'line
of Essex, spent Wednesday with
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Russell and
Mrs, J. Coleman is visiting
with her sister, Airs. Frank
Brierley, at Exeter.
Sunday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Karl Guenther and Janet
were, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Nicholson, of Sarnia, Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde Nicholson, Kenneth
and Leona of C'ourtright, Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Westntan,
Barry and Cheryl and Miss Do-
rothy Halton, It,N., and friend
of London, Airs. George Sherritt
of Calgary, Mrs. George Rob-
ertson, of Wheatley, Air, and
Mrs. Herbert Sherritt, of Park-
hill, and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Webb and
)1r. Charles Webb, of St. Cath-
arines, spent the weekend with
Mr, and Airs, Cliff Mussell,
Doug, Tom, Bruce ancd Donald,
andatfencded the church service
MI Sunday when Donald Aldan
was baptized by the Rev. Alex
Rapson. Mrs. Webb is spending
several days with her daughter
and family,
and Mrs. Jim Clarke and
family visited Sunday irk iiarnil-
ton with her sister,. Mr. and Mrs,
Charles beavu and family.
Weekend visitors with Mr. and
Mrs, Ross Pickering were Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Pickering arid
'family of Lnndnn and Mr. arid
Mrs. Pred 'Wright t 11 fancily of
will be given 12 performances
!between July 29 and August 16.
Concerts will be given by the
Festival Singers and the New
York Pro Musica. Jacques La-
brecque and Emma Caslor, Ma-
rais and Miranda, and Richard
Dyer -Bennet will present recit-
als of folk songs.
Jazz concerts will also be
featured with such artists as
(Wilbur de Paris, Wilhelmina
. Gray, "Dizzy" Gillespie, Henry
1 "Reds' Allen, Errol Garner, Moe
Koffman, Carmen McRae' and l
Billy Taylor performing inboth
the m o d e r n and traditional t
1 Also appearing in the air -con -1
ditioned Avon Theatre inwhich
all concerts will be held, will
be. Marcel Marceau and mem-
hers of his mime troupe from
Paris July 24-26, as well as the.
E celebrated company of French;
speaking Canadian actors from I
Montreal, Le Theatre du Noveau !
Monde. This group will present
i Moliere's "Le Malade Imagin-
aire" in French from August 18
to 30.
The International Film Festi-
val will take place in the Avon
;'Theatre from June 30 to July 12
and will feature films from
many countries as well as panel
discussions by prominent figures
!in the movie -making world on
various aspects of the industry.
Exhibits of Canadian art, books,
and theatre will be on display
lin the former concert hall
throughout the season,
Correction •
t Meeting of McGillivray rate-
payers, school trustees and coun-
eillors on the school aecotnoda-
lion problem which was reported
in last week's paper was held in
Barber's school, 8.5. No. 3, and
not in the Clandeboye school as
t'htndeboye school. section is
' not in the township school area.
Native Of Exeter
Will Brooks Dies
A native of Exeter, Will
i Brooks died in Crystal CjlYr
' Manitoba on Friday, May 2.
Ile was born o , the southern
outskirts of Exeter and received
his education here. He taught
school and also assisted itt the
Express offiee with his uncle,
the late Charles Brooks before
;:going "West alid settling in Crys-
tal City.
i Ile car'r'ied on a butcher busd-
ness together with running a
foram, selling Jut to a fernhee
Exeter bey, William Walters.
The iutteral service was Bald
train the halted ehureli Ort Tuts -
day. May 'G.
H&S Fetes
Tai Times,Advoc;wf+e4 Al* a l� 1:955 Pal ' ,
and fatuity with Mr. ,;and 'aims , W.M.S. and W,A, at the bone
Il. p erguson
Speakers A r.. n AZrs: Grafton Squire, �.
i a c1 ;! nesday, everting• n1ts. tile
Sufi A ?.n and Paul in Lr ue1Ph 1, p r e :cid •e d using the thslta l
were ytroWilson
y winneels Peter Knox with Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Mc-,''l.Tnderstanding Each Otner'.a>;.
innon .anl fanhily
'Assisted by Mrs, William Merie
theakln,; •dn grades 8 and 7 at
the meeting •ot the Home and Air ,and Mrs. ltonalcd Squire Jr. in the devotional. A letter
in London with Mi. and MI S• t announcing the twenty - fourth :«"
:School udy a oke Ceyl eve• E I Fitzgerald. c,
ning..Judy spoke 00 Ceylon and M. and Mrs. Gordon Johnson:
,fie„hoot for Leaders 9i
Peter chose Life in a M.In ng Aima. College, Av tali 25 to e i.
Town.” and fanhily with Air, and Mrs.' was read. An invitation to Zion,:
The .other finalists from a for- F'A lJohands AiLl sn Ratan Neil and'' W.M.S. on id.ay 28 was accepted. ,i
nher compeiltion in grade ,8 Donald with Mr. .and Mrs. Ray , Mrs.Hammen Hodgins gave I :
were Douglas Hodgson, Ronnie ell, Clandebaye• reading. Parkinson ttogar'tli and,Marion Kerslake i Mrs. .William Morley Sr with,
Mrs. Ray was
and in, grade 7, Linda Johnston; iatr. and Stirs, Artlhut ldodgi hs leader for the W.A.,�meetrng.'1'ha
and Sandra Jory. Mr, Cecil,theme Meditation was taken,
Porter, in giving tike judges" de -
end family, Clandeboye, and also.by Mrs..Abbott and ilirs, .Cecil
cision, commended the students attended the bapti. anal service' agiaire.
1 of her grandson, Patti Thomas Mrs. •feel squire was appoipt
for their interesting material, Hodgins.
good posture, ease of manner 'ed secretary and. Airs, Cleve,
and audibility. The other judges Mr. and Airs. Ward Vern, Pullman,` assistant, to finish the
were Mrs. R. Molitor, other judges
io'Jean Mr. George Arksey, year. An invitation to Saintsbur,Y
and W. Heywood, *teacher at, Blossom Tea on June 4 was re*
J.A..D. McCurdy school. Mrs.', w,M,S, .And W.A. ! ceived. Plans concerning: the
Gerald Gadbolt presented the Fifteen members were present fiftieth anniversary of tike church
trophies. , at the May meeting of,the 1 were made.
Trophy winners in sports were;
announced; girl,; senior boy, Bev Ir-j',I�,UunuUlu,,,,umU1t11u,rHlnu,uulu,mmo.n,nnlu,unn„nWW,U1,t,11i1lnnl„nIonniugnflo oioni�
win; girl, Judy Snelgrove; 1n-1
termediate boy, John Nage]; r
girl, Judy 'Wilson; junior boy,
Jack Glover; girl, Elsie Cesar;
pee wee boy, Grant Hooper; •
girl, Linda Wells,
Airs. Gerald Godbolt was in-
stalled as president for 1958.59,
Vice-presidents are Mrs, R. C.
Dinney and Mrs. Eugene Bea-
ver; recording secretary, Mrs.
Ken McLaughlin; treasurer,
Mrs. Glen Mickle; correspond-
ing secretary, Mrs, Harry Cole;
elected members, Mrs. Mur- e
ray Greene, Mrs. Ward Kraft,
Mrs, Harold Broderick, Mrs
Glen Fisher and Mrs, Hilton
Laing. Mrs. Warren Sanders
conducted the installation.
Interspersed with the verse
speaking were musical numbers
by Connie Mackie, Pamela Ers-
man, Sharon Sanders, Glen ShIp-
ma.n and duets by Grant Hooper
and Peter Lawson and Carole
Hogarth and Mary Shaw,
Mrs. William Huntley presid-
ed for the meeting. In the busi-
ness $10 was voted to the Cancer
Attends Conference
Johannes Negrijn, 512 'Alain
Street, representative in Exeter
and district for the Sun Life
Assurance Company of Canada,
has returned home from a busi-
ness trip to the Sun Life head '
office in Montreal. While there,
he attended a week-long corn-
pany conference at nearby Ste.
Adele. !111111,111,1111/1111/11111/.Im11111,1111111,111m,11111111111111.mI11RCt1111,111111111nm1”111111111,III1II11/1m,11111mUa,1111114
The conference, for qualifying ....e meeeleiese nu11111III,,,,eeleemeeemee nlulum ul neeee nanuntu einem enee1N1"u tlmm,-
agents in centres throughout
Canada and the United States,
dealt with new trends in life
insurance, current underwriting
problems, marketing techniques
and policy programming.
Mr. J. Negrijn is associated
with Sun Life's London branch.
His phone number is 545.
(Adv't )
of Mrs. Milne Pullen an Wed'
May I express my
grateful appreciation
to all who supported
me on Monday, May
I will dg my best in
the interest of all the
people in Huron.
Message From
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Froats
and Paul, London,�`visited Sun-
day with Mr. Geoi°ge Arksey
and Jean.
Mr. Morris Brooks of Spring-
field, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs,
Bob Hamilton, London, spent
Thursday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Duffield.
Mrs. Bert Duffield, Betty and
Gayle visited in London Sunday
with the former's mother, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. George Currie,
Wingbam, called on Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Bantle recently.
Mrs, William Morley ,Jr, and
children spent Monday with Mrs.
Sam Skinner, near Centralia.
Mother's Day Visitors'
Mr. and Mrs. David Hord, of
Parkhill, Mr. and Mrs. Keith
Hern and daughter, Zion, and
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ferguson
300 for $1.75
Use them an .Letterheads, Envelopes, Books,
Records etc.
11111Itutnlllnllt111,1111111„1u11111,1 llllll1 tutut11111i11tI11tmt1111tntl llll u Milli uttuutottu tmuutt11111,ul lll1 Ittt
Its In Action! -- Exeter's First
J. D. Carw s er
The Machine
That Gives
A Real
Wash Job
Polishing And InteriorShampooing
The whole inside is vacuumed thoroughly and completely
SHAMPOOED— It makes the inside look like new!
With every $2,00 or more purchase of yasollne, receive
250 discount on a wash job for yt>ur car,
iIsoi Bros. Fina Service
',HONE 6$7
"Yet, Lori" Rat filer b islor"