HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-05-15, Page 6a a. 6 'hte. Th les -Advocate, May 1S, 1?5 n1111i111111 1111141111111111n1114111111n1111U1111111111111111MISI/IIn111111111/1111,111tllllll Let's Talk SPc..RTS Ey. ©ON "BOOM BOOM" GRAVETT Sports Editor Illll11in1441111111111111111n4111111111111 nlI1/1111nnlfUlllnl111111111111111111/e1,11111lNIII Ill HURON -PERTH SCRATLH .HITS Tlr,e Huron -Perth Intermediate Baaeball League swings Bach into .action this coming holiday Monday with' Exeter Mohawks donning their spikes to do battle with the Dashwood. Tigers in rl'igertown. it doesn't seem to matter when these two clubs meet, there is always a little .something extra for the fans ' to hoot and heel' about. One incident we re- member quite clearly and every time we go into the town -of Dashwood we are reminded of it by the Hayter brothers and Mer- vin Tiernan. It all happen- ed in a playoff game late last smiler er \when the tribe was leading the „a Tigers in the last inning. We :ay the last inning because it was so dark that even burned out floodlights wouldn't have helped. The situation had Dashwood runners on eeei second and third with two away when one of the tiger hitters sent a bloop- lrig fly out into centrefield. According to the Mo- hawk centrefielder it was so dark he couldn't see the ball and it dropped about a foot in front of him to score Dashwood'a two base runners with the win- ning runs, Did you ask why I am getting razzed? It just so happens that I was that centrefielclert Getting back to the opening day on the Dash- wood. diamond, it looks as though Steve Mitro will be called upon to do the initial starting assignment for the Bengals. Steve is well known around these parts as he toiled for the Mohawks once upon a. time. Mitro is one of the league's top hurlers and if he's on, the tribe will have their hands full in trying to knock him out of the box. By the way, Steve seems to be keeping in top shape as he played through u:, at the Grand Bend go" course last weekend. He had Bob rleharg, an- other old Mohawk standby, along with him. At first I thought it was Moe Norman coming up the fairway in such a skirmish: Steve Mitro A FAMILIAR. LOOKING $PECTICAL Leolaing over tale major league baseball stand- itt s, tt tcoles aa though it rt'ill 'be another world be:can't cert the New York Yankees and the Mil- \ c e Beavee. Maybe we shouldn't have made that ler 1 being* statirned in such close quarters to 1 71'0,1 "aleno" Wolfe as his beloved Tigers, are f 7.11111_ t" move. The Bengals have come up with f ' s " a' ,lit C'ccisions to move over the .500 per- t en ar a raaaa. Altereaagi) no pennants are won in May, at 1 -eat too of tare league leader's ball players can 'est a9out pacing.the league in the hitting depart- 1'ant. Gil McDougall and "Moose" Skowron are the pair of big names at the top of the heap. It Was pleasant listening to the radio report to hear that' Stan 'The Man" Musial collected his 3.000th hit, Although he didn't start the game in Chicago, Stan appeared in a pinch-hitting role when he was needed and being the great man he is, he drilled a long double deep into the outfield. The Cardinal manager wasn't going to ase Stan until the club arrived home for its next series but'was forced . to use him to win a ball game. We're sure the .St. Louis fans will give him a rousilig ovation when he strolls up to the plate for his first appearance at horde.. * * BUMPiNG THE GUMS Lloyd Turvey started off the racing season. with a bang in driving a winner at the Goderich /neet last Wednesday ... Wrestling at R.C.A.F. Centralia has been cancelled until the fall . , , Only 11 members took part in the first golf - tourney, Hope the second one which is on. ' the holiday Monday will have more entrants on hand . . , We still have tot had any word on the big ones that got away , . We'd like to hear from you . , , Meetings within the text feW days will decide who and how many games the Exeter softball and hardball clubs will play 'in their respective leagues .. . Keep your fingers Crossed for a nice day on May 19. loco 1eiel1iemeieelltlltmetelefeleemeeeteieiel'emieielnnll eeeleleie1IIIIIIIl eieleiele1n11i • Join in the Fun! Mother & Daughter Night TUESDAY, MAY 20 — 8:00 P.M. Father 6. Sion Night FRIDAY, MAY 23 --- 8:00 P.M. FRE PRIZES WON EACH NIGHT kr The Highest Tripp: --- Door Prize Any ladies not having a daughter of their' own may adopt a public orhigh school girl for the evening and jour in the full. l atliet's wishing to pattleipate in their night may rise the same rules as the ladies, a 1 y :Bowling clubs filer Ktppen, (xocferiedi, � visited in Ottawa with their soli . °~' �. i Clinton and 'EXeter, will take, Mallard, his wife and family the aril Fd itoz-i► ...., a2 :1 /t�. r L : pplate in Exeter" an Wednesday,' tatter pail of the weak ratan. T'lal IIookA -..... fin ik May 28 at G 30 Ir Bir ilex on Moo 1 y r ltinn �ra� err . �� inf iI Len NticiCnigftt, Pres 1 The other three shoots will bre: Mrs. Clara yWctiington visited ii"at.;trra° oiir' Ilty _.. trr N. _'' iii GoderiCdr. , lube tic 1Ctptrarl, in Ii'ton r r Sunday aiid attend. rrrr•lcy,sanrlt's _.. n in ET R JurSe 2a, 9irfi Iititoli, Iluly lore tete batitism,�or ilei gratin- I )A rt F l/i1p inn ih: i the losing leans will pay for 1t, rdatlghtCr. Carla: Elliott, ill Byrom T,n, rep _ rclrt1nA11vitP ii+t :r tilrilfr(ltrial'IP otwiioraolturapouni(r airaufejur)ra mural iy ftilhtioratiYlinuou'ilinura'rauo( Baur rant 1 Bakal et this fan, { Tibited Church, , John woman awe ��. �. Piektid 14 . • Tribe Tangles With Tigers Monday In Huron- Pc rth Opener At Dashw d HAPPY GALS WIN "A" CHAMPIONSHIP—Front row, from left, Janet Lovell, Dot Monroe, captain; Edna Deitz; back row, Dorothy van Goozen, Norma Coleman, Anna Brock and Marg Lovell, HOT DOGS CHAMPS OF "B" GROUP --Front, Audrey McDona d, Dot Brady, Mae Wolfe, captain; back, Lois Snell, Doreen Tiernan, Pauline Brintnell, Shirley Darling. '` Ladies Bowling h mpions Receive Trophes, ares Lorraine Brock was elected! vidual trophies for their perform - president of the Exeter Ladies' ances. bowling League. for '58-'59 at the annual awards banquet in; Exeter Legion Hall last Wednes-I day night. The Happy Gals, "A" group champs, and the :[lot Dogs, who won the group title for the "B" section, also received individual Dot Munroe will serve as vice- player trophies. president, while Dolores Fuller will look after the secretary's job, with Phyllis � y s Haugh as her assistant. Maxine Loader was named as the league's new press reporter, Presentations galore took place to individual bowlers end teams following a supper served by the Ladies Auxiliary to the Legion, Dot Brady presented the Brady Plaque, emblematic of league championship, to the Pin Pop- pettes and the Jolly Jills. Members of the Poppettes, "A" group champs, were D. Fuller,. A. Fairbairn, A. Simpson, M. Gravett, A. Anderson, J. Baugh, P. Haugh and D. Wein. The "B" group champion Jolly Jilts included P. Simmons, A. N. Coleman, M. Lovell, D. Vangoozen, A, Brock, E. Dietz, D. Munroe, J. Lovell and I. Reid comprised the Happy Gals roster this vealr, while 1i. Wolfe, 1), Brady, S, Darling, L. Snell, D. Tiernan, A. • McDonald, and P. Brintnell were members of the Hot Dog club. Mrs. Elsie Tuckey presented the Whatnots, runners-up in the "A" grouping, and the Butter- cups, who placed second in the "B", with the Kist Trophy. 'l'hc 'Nots and the 'Cups will also receive a dinner at the Burklcy Restaurant, compliments of lir. Ed Burlce, Mary Cronyn, of the Whatnots, who rolled the league's high single of 335 received the trophy Preszcator, M. Frayne, P, Hen- for the "A" group, Terry Hey- wood,derson, M. Musser, A. Lawson, of the Wee hopes, with 3, Burke and N. Kraft. 308, took the honours for "B" Team Members received we, section. Mary Cronyn accepted a watch. fr'oin Mrs, Jack Smith for roll- ing the highest single in the, league. Terry Heywood Nis pre- sented with a gift from the league for being program con- vener of the banquet and for her high game. The two also accept - Sharp shooting John Anderson, ed the high single plaque from of Kippen, copped first place in ,Tuan Parsons an behalf of Tito Exeter Titnes-Ad vocalc, Leona Elliott, of the Butter- cups, received from Mrs. Len McKnight, the 1'.xeter I3owling Lanes Trophy for bowling the highest single game during the Anderson Cops Shoot a warmup shoot in Exeter Fri, day night when he tallied a per- fect total of 25 bits in as many tries. The shoot was the first of the season for Exeter, and 25 en- thusiastic competitors participat• playoffs. ed in the event, Tom Sherrill moved into sec• olid place when he wound up Town Topics only one target shy of Anderson's red-hot performanee. Several Mr, and Mr's' W, II. Waddell, Other marksmen ended close to Cuelph,Misses Marguerite and the Ieaders by scoring 23 hits, Trudy Pickard, llamilion, visit. In the junior event, Earl ed with Mr. and :airs. C. V. Deters, Grand Bend, and Bill Pickard over (he weekend. tiers. :1CeLean, Exeter, led the parade Waddell, sister of Mrs. Pickard, With 19 targets. i a td Miss T , bonelan, Guelph. Eric Ileyweod notched third, visited in Exeter on Friday and place with his 17 hits, wlril'e' attended the exhibition of (;an - Gerry Lawson and WVarren San' i adiara hand,weavilrg at the Lon - tiers shared fourth place position doh Public Library where Mrs. with 1t totals. 'Waddell won an award for d i, The first of four organized' afternoon stropping bag, shoots Comingp an ong giro! Mr, and Mrs. J. A. lr aquair High triple trophies were won by Lorraine Brock (763), of the Lollipops, and Pauline Simmons (709), of the Jolly Jilts. The high triple winners share the Dot's Beauty Shop plaque. 011ie Esscry, of the Whatnots, and Norma Caldwell, of the Wee Hopes, won the high average trophies with averages of 195 and 186 respectively. Mary Holtzman, on behalf of Fink's Meat Markel, presented fink's plaque to the two high average winners of the "A" and "B" groupings, Door prizes were won by L. 5nhale, H. Penllale, M. Lovell, III, Rowe, 13, Harrison, E. Hey- wood, D. Drake, D. Prance, N. Hooper, D. Wein, N. Carroll, A. Fairbairn and N. Wu.rrn. The TV lamp was won by Vesta thriller. Eacli team in the Ladies' Bowling League put on a skit to provide the entertainment.. a R.eve Wins Go. If'Tourney Bill McKenzie captured the low net honours in the Exeter Golf Club's early bird tome - leek over the weekend at Grand Bend width a 68 McKenzie soared to a front nine total of 50, but came hack strongly , the home stretch with a 42 for a 92 gross score. With bis 24 handicap, he salted away first place with a three -under, par low net of 68. Hal Hooke,who shot of an even 90 with an 8 handicap, copped second place on a low net of 72. Only eleven district golfer's took part in the club's first tournament as the weather was threatening and turned cold throughout the afternoon. President Claude Farrow has scheduled tile, next tournament.. for Monday, May 10, al: Grand Bunce All entrants must regis- ter at Morley Sanders driving. range before competing in the tourney, PHONE 411 7 'fele lid. t+'ili be blown off the Huron -Perth intermediate, base- ball schedule this Monday at 2,30 p,in., when Exeter Mohawks. and Dashwood Tigers hook up the Tlgertown's tenth annual sports clay show. While the Tribe and Tigers ai'e battling it out with renewed rivalry n1ateh, Zurich Lumber things, under Coach 'Tom Paw- lings, , \will be guests at Mitchell .In ,tete holiday afternoon curtain raiser. Zurich, Dashwood, Mitchell and Exeter make up a four -team league this year, as Hensel). and Clinton, last year's entrants, did not file an entry. Possible Interlocking Schedule There is a strong possibility that the four Huron -Perth clubs will play an interlocking schedule with some northern WOAA base- ball clubs, • ,John Dell, president of the 1WOAA,was on hand at the Huron-Pp1'th sheeting in Zurich Four Teams In Cyclone Five teams will compete for the Cyclone League baseball championship this year, Russel - dale, Staffa, Munro, Carlingford and Kirkton have all entered clubs in a 30 -game schedule, 'rhe league opener will take place on Tuesday, May 20, with Russeldale playing at Staffa and Kirkton travelling to Munro. Gord Kraemer, Munro, presi- dent of the league, and Bob Waddell, Fullerton, acting sec- retary for this season, have passed the word along that all games must start at 7.00 pan, For any games failing to get under way by 7.15 at the latest, $2.00 fines will be assessed to the teams. The schedule is as follows: Mn y 3n-Ilusseldale vs. .Staffa I{irkton vs. Munroe 23--('arlingford vs. riusseldal e Monroe vs. Staffa 2T-Kirkton vs. :13usselrlale Staffa vs, Carlin;ot'd 30 -Munroe vs. hirl.inn Itusseldale vs, Carlingford ,, cute 2-riirlann vs, Carlingford ("arlintfoi'd vs. Monroe 4-Jtuseeldale va. 11 un roe Carl ingfrerd va. Staffs 6 -Munroe vs. Kirk ton Starra vfi. 'Russeldale 0-Kirkton vs, Carlingford Staffa vs. Munroe 11-nusseldale vs, K(rkinn Munroe vs. Catlin ;ford. 13 -Carlingford 1s, Ruaseldale :trunroe vs, Staffa 15--('arlin fo)d vs. Kington i,.usseldalr'. ts, Staffa 19 --Munroe vs. flusseldale Staffa vs, 1Z irk ton 20--11ta1'fa vs. Carlingford IiUric ton vs, fu,ssr'Jdale 23 -Kirk ton vg Carlingford l.usselclale vs. Monroe 2i -Carlingford vs, Munro Staffa vs. 1Cfrkton last Friday night, and expressed a desire from teanls ttp Listowel way to play .an loterlocking set- up. The outcome will not be known until the beginning of hext week when the Huron -Perth officials will .cir'aw up their 1958 schedule in Mitehell on 'Tuesday night, Tigers -Tribe In Opener Dashwood Tigers and Exeter Mohawks have been holding daily workouts in preparation for the season's opener on the Dash- wood diamond, and the mana- gers of each' club feel confident of victory, Either Steve Mitre, ex -Mohawk moundsman, or Jii Melville, will start for the Tigers. Exeter Manager Joe Wooden and Team Coach Bob Russell have not decided who will toe the rubber for the Mohawk aggrega- tion, but they have the choice of staring Don McI{eller, Jim Itus- sell, Fred Hunter, Bob Russell or Southpaw Bobby Dobson. Dashwood Tigers have had a fair turnout considering the num- ber of workouts to date, included in the Tiger camp are Frank Dalton, Ranimie \Vein, Jim 1 -lay - ter, Bob Hayter, Don Gnettner, Dick Regier, Gerald Mar'tenc, Jack Gasser, David Ratz, Jack Peterson, Mussell Page, Jun. 14e1 - vale and Steve Mitro. At the rnament, Dashwood's starting, infield lineup looks something like this. Catcher,. Jim Hayter; 1b, Ralnniie \Veen; 21),. Bob Hayter; ss, Don Guettner; 3b, Frank Dalton, Joe 'Wooden has several re- cruits on hand for his week-long workouts ,'nd hasn't definitely decided on a starting lineup for Dashwood on Monday, Besides Joe himself, he has Dick McFaUs after a .catchin q berth. Other infield players in - elude Bob Russell. Gib Sabourin, Jin) Hennessey, Jim Russell, Cy Blolnmaer't and. Don Me11ellar. Covering the outfield pastures Bill I.Iatten, Bill Rowe, Simon Nagel, Larry Heideman, ,lin) J-laley, Cee Henderson and Wayne Sylvester are loafing for jobs, List Minor Baseball Schedule. 1'E )M).; ILA AM. ('t'peydar, find 3hllettenis) T1ORAS.-..Freddy \'ells, captain; Leroy Gould, George Armstrong, Benny \\'bods, :Gob MacDonald, Parry (±re(Mac re, Robert \\'nl'fe, Ricky BlacDona.ld, 7rredd(e 'Learn, Cord le (.1reenacre, John Grasser, (reg Harness. \\ ILDC A'1':S--John Snell, contain; Mike Cushman, George (;odbolt,' Ronald Broderick, Brian Sfveilzer, Wayne Baynham, 1lic:ky ;c'hroe- der.Bil�f• P'nbale, David (swan, L Brian aynham, Kees Z'ehusen. INDIANS --- Ted 'Wilson, eaplain ; Jackie Glover, Lai'ry 1 1'illert, Philip' DzInha, Larry i,'Intnel1, Ronald Cornish, Nell tlali111ton, 1)ennls Hockey, Doug. Stanlake, P,LuI Mason, Larry Sore. BLED SOX -Ricky 'Doyen, c'aptalit 1 Don Cooper, Larry fells. Charles Keating, Brian Marriage Barry Ford, Jan Neg,'lie n, flay rock - well, John (ribbons, Poll Higgins, Donald ,Co wan, kehednie May 1.; -Tigers vs, Wildcats 15 -Indians vs, 'reed Sox 30 -Tigers vs. 100ians 22a-Wlidcals vs, lied Sox 27 -Tigers vs, fled Bos 20-\\'lldeats vs, Indians .lune 3-'1'I ers vs. 'Wildcats 11 -Indians vs. 'Rod Sas 10 -Tigers vs. Indians 12 -Wildcats vs, here Sox 17 -Tigers ve, Red Sox 19.4Wlldcats vs. Indiana 1IA:\'T:lU1-311DGL'r' 11.111.1/13 ALL (Friday* and liondnrs) PIRATES - Blli Heywood. cap. tato; Dean I1te n1„ht, rale Tur- vey, Jack Stephan, line ,tones, Lester Heywood, John Nagel, Barry Granger, lin, Sw Itzer, Sheridan Penhate, Fred Sanders, CUBS -Pelt Irvine, captain; 'lion I IeYwood. Robert Schroeder . Lloyd Moore. ,1ercv Cooper. Mervin Tay- lor, ',Yes Sines, Gerry Broderick, Dick Planti.nge-, Doug' Hodgson, CARDINALS -Frank Boyle, eap- taln: 'Bon longs, 0 n rano. .11mMacdonald, I ee Lnekhar•t, Dutch. ' uilford, 'PetSr ,10r"nile., Don N11 leen, Peter Plan ting;t, Roger, Cann- selted ile May 12---Pirat 's vs. ('chs 10- -Pit'Ates vs. Cardinals :19-r ohs s, Cardinals :3 -Pirates vs, runs 25 •Piratea VS. Cardinals 30 --Cubs vs. Cardinals ,tune 2 -Piste's v11, ('uh4 0 Pirates is. cardinals9 C ohs ve r. 0 - fa -Pirates vs. cubs 10 -PI rates .s. Cardinals 20-•4'ttbs vs. Cardinals .1t .' IOft. DOTS Somit ALL (:Mondays and "Wednesdays) .):RAYLS -- ,lohn Pride, captain; Basil Crawford, avian McLean. Detleff Fritz, Fred Simmons, Don- ald Elliot, Victor Filcher, 13111 1) i n n e Y. 1 -lank Gustav, David Ourke, Toni Mee ll, T)O11U0fiS--'Moho Zeehusen, eti,- tain; -Donald Wolfe. Greg Smith, Peter Lawson, Jimmy Parsons, Mike Cooper, Dandy \\eher, David 1e Bayne, Larry Gould, Grant Hoopr.r, TANK 10GS.. Paul l,rtntnell, r3p- tnln; i)uvirl' granger. Paul Sims, flannv \Pitson, Freddie ileJntnel1, Monate l'a!npIi ll. Jtinhard Din- 0ey, Bruce \'an (loosen, Eric Sfvartzent:ruber, Boman Oranezuk. Schedule Slay 12• -Braves t -o 'ned„ers 11 -Braves f Yankees 19 Dodgers vs. Yankees 21 -Doe ;pis c, Braves 21i --Yankees vs, Braves 25—Yankees vs, Dodgers June 2- Brates vs. Dadgere 71 -Bra yes vs. Yankees 9—Dodgers vs, Yankees 11--JIOdgers vs. Braves 10-•-\'anicees vs. braves 1S_. -Yankees vs. Dodgers -Please Turn To Page 7 ake Us An Offer ALL CAR PRICES RE UCSD '54 Oldsmobile '54 Chevrolet Super 88 4 -door sedan, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, radio, washer, tinted glass, two-tone finish, 28,000 iniles: 153 Chevrolet , Deluxe 4 -door sedan, tinted glass, automatic transmission, low mileage. '53 Meteor • Custom 2 -door sedan, radio, turn sig- nals, washers. See this one: '53 Ford Customline, 2,door sedan, heater, turn signals, clean as a pin, '52 Chevrolet Deluxe 2 -door sedan, radio, turn 4 -door sedan, automatic transmission, signals, two-tone finish. turn-ignals. MANY OTHER MODELS. TO CHOOSE FROM . GetPriceBefore You Our Bu Snell Bros. Ltd. Che. and Did, PHONE 100 EXETER li