Huron Signal, 1850-10-03, Page 4to et r v,. ... MOTU= 111/1141101.04 ..• tda ems. 1.. N. wilimmennt 1 thy Air resellele hattrtetienante ieleriese gun 1 Noe • Whea the lase selerese giew111. * mune/ bun "emu thick sues/. i ,ged .itimemee pruner .bow' - .4 *Sem meant the akin opus Its emu, el grecs- /VW Merl trimine floween pewhl These slerhethig Main tetanal Its weedeaseli ale num sharp sod *dn. • ihed then. la sels lee therkiagly Oak. and Mt his peers. Alien Sae battle -day. • a gill., ussaser,"-en 1 aside.. NW WARMS No. yeengest &aloe of my nye, y fair sea eel, Sea- rle wee lb. 'wife satirise feet, Tbe Iris sad mamba form. The yams. bold heart, that shrank Trent armatida hest or norm. His sinetneth nasal sumo dad, Le nod', din we auk. Ora sew home, 'mid prairies greets. That nos he lisped te make ; Bet ao, heti& kis early grave le yea temissin 'd epee A neither's booming "again Rowe-. had he regarden mot. " demeter Seassuel" -CU I hem Timis enisy • ,.,f -led ensed. Is bellow morams. Am. and low The moo nprousi need it - Ob these is midge. (Matey *eel love it 04. thy seighte re thyme, • • anistion's eh So prove, - MOM ! WWI with estleslueog TOW die Low Dine - 19 wisely mud tbe tinting hue, - 'The mat mayoii b. Oen :- Jim load lee pens of pares( hie With that despanies mese. • A BLACK SHOWER. The following better appeare in Ib. Nor- Deunptott Reread :-•-• Bulwiek Rectory, July 23, 1850. For the informaiion of your readers, 1 mature upon the Aescriptioa of urn. phe- nomena, which were amassed in this per - lett and neighborhood. The first phenomenon 1 shall allude to woe that 4 a shower of hail, as large as marbles, sod many of them the gigs of wal- nuts. This storm happened os the day following St. Swithis. on Tuesday, the IfIth Met. We heard a sort of .rumbling, u of autos', for upwards of ati hoar without ceasing, Man easterly directios. Some thought it stone from thunder, others from the violent grief and anger of at. Swithie, who wept for more than an hour, shedding hentenee tears a hail, as large as walnuts, breaking and smashing the green and hot• bottle frames at Finesbade Abbey, at Lax - ten Hall, and at Texan Homo, ke., ke., and doing immense mischief to the crops of grain. After • little pasillestion, of his esesr, be smeared store appeased mist Wednesday and Thuradav, but os Friday be &pia became so fretful and irritable that to M011181•07 poor washerwomea, be shed forth a great shower of black mit This about three or four o'clock, tendering quite black their clothes on the bedgm sad them $pr sad on the gram to dry ; alio no - detest their water taught in their tube aad vessels from the Church loads, and from their slated and tiled houses, almost the **leer of ink. Tke above are the phentsmens myself Sod Panelliellere witneseed, unlike to anythiei we had ever use before ; for the black shower I described es falling is tbis pariah last year did not blacken the water nor ere ate a black lead froth at top is the tube as thee last did ; but eel, left behind black particles, hard in mobstands, about the sins ofgunpowder. The black shower that fell last Friday came down from one particlar cloud, for tbe rais in the morning was per - fee* clear and fit for washing purpose. ; het the rain that fell between three and fear o'clock was perfectly black, mid caused a Mack -lead froth at the top of my tub, so that I myeelf collectel three or four bowls therefrom (slouch froth. Three days after turbo,' loading my wagons with clover mere rendered is block as chimney swoop ere from the black sediment the rats had left (Weep : tor shopherd's inexpres- sible., up to the keine. were rendered of the like colour after shepherding his sheep, en that it appears the shower was not con- fined to the parioh. J. T. Taves. Tee Hemmen-Dr. Mackay has eon- tnbuted another most interesting letter to the Moraine Chrowicle on the subject of Mormon emigration from Liverpool :- " The Mormons, have, 11 is and, put aside 11 tees or 94,080 fitness, of gold, leathered in Califorsia, fen the purpose of 'gathering' the poor saints from England and other pert. of Europe,.. well sa from the remote die - trice* of the American ammo, into the great Salt Lake Valley. At £4 as ennee, this would amount to £s76,320. It ts poseiblo that they may have exaggerated their re - seams, is this Teepee', but the fact le m- anta sa Mormon sothority. 1 woe 'phone at Lerrepul mem of the gold eotriegn of their aew state of Desoto'. The An -dol- lar plume am of men California rile, with- out alloy, and sonnwhet enealler. bet much hoseises. than a envereign. The reverse beers the ineeription Helinees to the Lord,' eurmountber the eye of Jehovah, and a eap somewhat like • mitre, both very isnot, uscuted. The obverse beery tern heed. jeined, and the word. ' Five dollars.' The Mormoni have estakiliebal a perpetual ethigration fund, the nature mei °hints of whielt are mated 111 an epistle from the pre - MS head of the shack, the 'tiresome of JONI% filonttli, to their emfgatios agent 8 Liettrpeol. The (*Bowing partieulate tee - ',piing 'he run or the emigrants afoot Mir arrival at New flirluns will use, this perk of the esibpet. After reentioi • few day. In Now Ove..., the Sist?s.iSr start in contours. eamstame 4 we or three linedral more, to M. Louie, by steamboat Mt the liftesimippL The distaste is 1,3110 miles. The Milt etas*, elle by 'teem -boat, no &tau* 4 11001mIlee hots St Latium, to Die eettlenteste of Cassell Meek already mentions,. Were they_ *Rh- • or ressie to fatten their 'Ming Mitt% em the prairie's, or eqoat apse the Taolle watil 'bey am really to go ferwati 10the Meal Rah ?pito Chi. 'The fres Gesell Merl to doh flnal &Shafts ht 1,000 Mho. Ttie ..rat' tramf St_ MI Was. sad their Diva earemes Apse Weide" we% draws 101191111,3;rtrOth pow "•••••.. lk..e? 110A ROO muoes. is =re as Each eonietea • eurtiem. sail stitieveme. They seek ou tee read alp se/414 %gen Men mettle se hones getups/ im • ietertee. irlb•Y tars asps assathe le ettimilrie the jumaley frets Commit "di se the Stilt Lake City, and beteg sled with preeiairmie pmehemd at St. Lulls, they woe% emits/ hut the osessitteal mused, of the chase, in perste I eg which the male emigrants .is. theme "elves us the way. They trade with the Isdierts as the, go for buffalo mhos tad polities", wised" the tedium sulliaage lor fire -stens sad amseillece 1 engin *steed tee lemur, of them, resuierleible lateens* to a meth greater leagth. ough, hitenrer, has bees end, to props the, grwanweir of the work in which throe leaden ere eagaged, and In which the duevery of the natures of Calder'ss has gmen a etrug impetus. - When their tonna claim fur mines -too Into the Amerieu Union shall b. mama important deists, will desolation take place in Curren, sad the old sore •( "Ism, w:II mice more he leml have. Deseret ie to bus fres and aot • slave mete ; 14the whole queue will have agate to Se argu- ed. 11 1. preys 'de that it will Imo muse a its bitterness when Ate frac* despised but now powerful Illereens 'hall be the means of bringing 0 foreer I. It only reinstate to add, th.t the Illernions bI$i. is the me prosehieg deetructeia of ell the kingdoms el tb. ..,h and el^ immediate seta blot' - meet uf Chri.e• iiitedem. under Mormon llontplePP, eel trot, and eltusistaly over all Ma coot soot a America. They expert lire calmer of Christ ea a temporal enereign, sod the establishment of a Mil Irnton, of which 000* obeli "bare the bles- sing" but the Merman." The Nil, York V0 neer Moe ball the bit el MmataCP, which is by ma m. ens improbable - In the 11- pocket ship frern----, Came oUt the other day, say two week/ mgo, 1 very hesoliffil woman about thirty years old, having • hoe early - heeded boy about five years of mire with tier, and being accompanied by a young mous- tached mos, a enfant iddrees sod easy manners, who appeared to be of snots 1e1 - der relationship to the beautiful and inter- esting sneerer. They 'topped three or four days at the Astor Howie, from which they removed to an exquisite villa it Hobo- ken. This was most luxuriously furnished, and money eeessed no impediment to the gratification of the cultivated tastes of the part... They strolled in the enmities along the bank. of the noble 'Lithos, and deeply impassioned dialogues were the ac- customed secompaniments of their recrea- tions. • • • On board the Canada dur- ing her fins and rapid passage, aught be "see a tall mas, of grave demeanor led .0- W. proportions. tie was eminently aris- tocratic ie book and Inane. Hs "poke but little during the mosses. Something pulp- ed bearily at his heart, and the could not enjoy the ',quire or society el any kind. He stopped at the Astor; made enquiries after a child k gentleman; tracked them to Hoboken; end discovered his own brother, the inducer of his beautiful wife, and the destroyer of hie peace for ever. Hs return- ed to Europe with hie darling boy, leaving the guilty pair to pursue their course of sin and shame as beet they might. These par- ties may be Wien daily in the Elysian fields, seeking to drowo. remores in the enjoyment (1) of each other'. society. The cnes of the lady after her adored child are mome- ntum extremely frantic. Elbe wishes she bad never been .bors. A Wnisoisa Pamesurrioa.-A Highlan- der who bad all hie hie drink of the pure usexcieed "mouatan" as freely as though it bad been the water of Loeb Oieb, was lately in an evil hour of ittebriety induced to take the teetotal pledge. Next day tbe first effort 01 14. voice wss an imperious demand for his "morning" He was re- minded however 4 what be had dose, which on tbe protestation of a cloud of witnesses he succeeded in believing. -"Well, well," said Donald, with a dejected heart broken coanteunce, 'If itt. tid to apnroinable ting, here& will keep her wort, and she'll ea be preak it though her tongue pe oot at her shriek for a tram." Donald did keep his word like a true Highlander. At last his chink grew pale, his nose instead of red as- sumed" morbid blue, his appetite failed, he became seriously itt, and a doceir being cal- led prescribed an ounce of "Miele', per day. The patient hail all his life drank witboitt measure; but he had no notion of what his shate would be when it came to be weigh- ed, se he *eked 14• 500, • boy at school, how couch of it went 10.1 ounces. The liming referee taking down .n old sooty "Grey's Arithmetic" turoed up the table and read -16 dreme one ounce. "Hurrah!" "hoo- ted Donald is edits'''. "Go for Lan bor, sheet Roy, and Tugal Gram, and bereel will ha's night before she'll tie." Velem or NITS/ AA .-A thousand timer., says the Macclesfield Courier, bave we heard this qiiitetion and answer. Two gentlemen mest-e What's the sew. T' says one. " Nothiag but what you ese in the papers." They pees on "bout their busisees. Has it ever been noticed that among Me thousand benefits of • newspa- per, sot the least is, that it does away with titUe-tettle, rum etresetyarn, foolish ex- aggerations, scandal. sod newa-mongering, whieb once tone up ito much of the time of those who were always hoarier or telling some new thing. Ono real evil of mead life is thee ended. The seen noes in tbe meeting. looks one the paper, is eatielled that be knows all Mat us worth knowing of the panne, battery of the world. at bee 'whist to tet and noting( to bear feribm. He does net speed 14. noes in elfin( to fanner'. width Ins eolith boe knew, se well as himself. Hi is not enured to the media of his bowmen 'w pessitone by the recital of afture in *ISM be 'aka 5. isterest.- The sante with mottoes. Centeno, is grate. and unmet the foes of toes. Tbe «sad& of the day has mot easpieyod a bendred bogy isedilmg tenses is re isereelsioes end . Ceempreation totes a high- er aeon. Premien" ef morals sod taste .Sr. asopieeett the sew mom. the last hook the etageretee, er Itt. rune beenewas Nee sueent or Kowa is the maser wooer. ef life, mama a•P•41 • I•Fg• den to the siewepaper. Coeueertoe rest rem Surnsee.-Tbe Emperor of Rose's has enneee tbe fume. nu alive et six lieu el Feed coonestieg tho smith of Rossi. with Odessa, in order that the tamest, eupstity of Corn prod... 14 4. thlo fort/le MI awl! wire" ..it oe; Ma slim .intedy tratireitertetl wet:port. "fi le to lie elected,' says • Reesman marree- peedeet, " that la a few tears the markets ef Romps 6 •• oeseiemed with Re. - de. ihal all iiespeatioi will be um- .haa. itiOr: war.. ampule ar Rear clistivisksge•-e' Hum last got Sy' 'Jed Weire Iadtif fue in, t" OP* • womn. • day or Aerenetese, of out don lier it=lirillilits praeormethe ebonies" a geed Sep tilWiikalli .491/41413 , 0, lv eleed *MU fair the the ' critter.' 'NI whit de pee west it. Dana 1. 's- quired he, as bo segued ber ceustanaece. '014, simply for bathing, ear; 1 memo was, the wile sniff for say other purpose.' ' mod be 'I have a hole lett, but it la not .4the beet quality. I ham Mood stuck immolatot of my lest ben.'; but 11 is ease.lest fon al/MIMI la laaaliallal 5 ig4. - jail Walk eouugh, interne Me suet dilution til water.' W.U. I'll have a bottle filled amid tsy.' said oh*. Am4 having received at left wis- dom( why sbe •boold be :quiet/oiled iro closely abort • little rem. 'Our rum is all nut. C-,' said be to hie clerk the seat inessieg. • I will ivy to powers • better article than the last hu provided bob..' All out sir !' exclaimed the astoitiebed clerk ; I eon • quart post before you MUNN sad it did ant run dry tine, ger 1 leh at running by accident, tun lest nearly gallon -there mast be seer ten 1,1110.8 left yet, for I have sold very little of it lately." Why met must be mistaken !I had to Hp the tome yesterday to 611 the miss.,,. Do "how ie s here you drew it I' ' What barrel did yon lobe it from r "eked the e'en, a little frtghtesed, Ileareig he tout have been dispensing alcohnl. ' Why this owe of curse " replied lise (pointing to one nearest On doer.) 1 have sold for a fortnight from it.' The clerk could not cantata himself asy lone,. r 'Why mid, h..ill soon as be coolie emoth- er hie laughter, 'that is a barrel of raja waf- er that i brought to use for my plants. and 1 had it filled at the bung to save the head.' Well, C keel" this entirely to youreelf-I bate been selling remfrest it for ten der. at lean ! and bate wondered that people cornplosed of it, as I saws,. try to keep the beet kited. Keep muse keep mum -(New York Spirit of the Timm. A STOW OF fiti HIOITWAYM many years aro, an Irishman. who're urea did not keep pace with the demsod made on his pocket, whams scorn of honest labor was netnews!, onfavourable to their heist leg- itimetely filled. borrowed an old pistol one day when poverty had driven him to extre- mity, and took to the highway, to rob the the first run he could moil cos. venientle, who wu likely to ham • very heavy purse. A jolly old farmer ems jogging along, and Pat put him down instantly, as a party who pueessed those requisite. be so touch stood in need of himself. Presenting the pistol, he ordered him to" semi •ad deli- ver." The poor fellow forked over some fifty dollars; but finding Pat somewhat of a run horn, begged a live to take him home a distance of about half& mile, by the .war The request was complied with, accompani- ed with the most patronizing air. Old Acres and Roods was a knowing one. Eyeing the pistol, be &eked Pat if he would sell it. 'Jo it to sell the pistol' Sowl an' its that mime thing I'll be after doin'. What will ye be after gives' for it r "P11 give you this Rye dollar bill for it." '1 Done Nue done's enough betwane two isotherms. Down with the dust an hero's the tool for yet.' Toe bargain was made by immodest* transfer. The moment the former got the weapon he ordered Pat to .Mel' nut; and renting the puitol, threatened to blow hia brains out if be refused. Pat looking at him with a comical hen, and buttoning his breeches pocket sue, out. "Blow away, ould boy! d-1 take the bit of powder's in it' We believe the old man never told the last part of the story only once, and that was b, the purest accident. Put moved offand" once away, for ever" has sines berm his motto. Orators have said a gond teeny "mart Mince, but it was a home -seek Irishman wbo said :- Sir 1 wee born at a very early period of life, sod if •ver I live till the dse of my death -and tbe Lord knows whether I will or not-emy "owl shall mu swat* Irelsed bolero' it leaves Armonk,. Newsrere* DON.-Tbe editor of the Freeport, Illinois• paper, chafes his dello quentimbecribere in this measured step: Come back ye sinners mean and greedy - Rich or ragged, lean or fat - Come pay the stim vim owe ue, speedy, For the Prairie Democrat. Doo't b. lurking toutid the bustle. ; Perhaps 64 a hemp cravat ! We know tbit confidence often pushes Those who cheat the Democrat ! A Eitte-Wircn INDBID -Renders will probably remember the departure, fro it thee port, a the clipper -built .hip See -Witch from San Francisco, of whose quick pessige " round the Horn," "opposing she could weather the storms Manama, all know. ing sailors Warr, very ennfident. Her ar- rival at the port of an Francisco is men- tioned among the shipping intelligence brought by rho Empire City. She has more than realised the most eanginne ex- pectations, having made the peerage ie less than a hundred day.. BF her log it le shown that ott 0110 day Phi, made Meet Au* Ind and twenty-Jhe miles thos exceeding by one mile the greatest run ever made by the steamship Atlantic between this port and Liverpool. Such mailing capacity, wP pro•OM• t. without .parallel. -X. Y. CO'.. Advertiser - A lady who heel hem jeet three days mar. ri•J, perceiving her husband enter. stole secretly behind Mao sad gave hien a kin. - The hosbsed waii merry, sod he mild she offinided *trainee &uncle 1 ! • Pardo, ma,' exclaimed the lady, ' 144. sot know it was rem.' Wontse is the heart of a family ;ma is the head. When the heart is right the betul seldom goes astray. Knees of cerominey shows a west lid breeding. That civility is the beet whirkb exoludes all serperfleou. formality. Reims one ha. defined 'polity to consist iii ..,vieam In 'deb a manner as not W (abed Salsa. resatement to the leee Peasideet talked Mut to New Yes • P1. Joeuemeile rem that Fa 11119 Flow*. of terturnelhe they feud nether woo Asa Sneers% yew eld swam. of rem I trAl .41110wimMstess ad die yelp, Oweenek,. sinte 1 Ian • du seil to disperse .1 14. in tine Tehletedilps, and ie pear Tidy b.3d -dl.hi ioott.etall Mosies due ▪ loti la greet ek.ei.r e • rer ieff ram...4Ru t ne just all person indebted te i1 ISM lieu de Torte UM wan to assets op Imre ms - pectin debut. • ie. tv ,•ir tons et. Ts ly8 ...wits •41 ed as,M,sirfes• sei rads. MERCER .10Ittl. Oederieb, Bib May, ISA le-a1Stf NOTICE. r BEG to intimate to all tint it en, usury 1 nes 1 ban trader. pewee efAttemery groat. ed to WILLIAM STORY, sethensed him et, cellect all moseys doe me either by Nieept hand or *therein, and area' discharges for ihr aillaa. And I hereby request all pererseisdebted to ma seen the some ead eon 00415. JOHN LANCASTER. flerlerieh, Vett day May. Phe .3.11 NOTICE. rrHE fiebnriher haring bees appointed Agee' for the PROVINCIAL MUTUAL AND OENERAL INPURANCE COMPANY, here- by women, that he is prepared in reeeive tieh- n riptione frit Steck in the Proprietary &goo*, ▪ applleatiores for Instance. Iv the Mosel Bremeti. sod to p1.. sisal information os the Imbeesi es may be reviewed. JOHN CLARK. Goderich, 26th Sept. 1849. 2.-a34t. • FOR SALE. THREE MILL PRIVILEGES, demo to a the Lake Shore, and al 6, 8 mad 18 mi es hone Goderich with small Ferniest tech,' Ano -.4)N E I 1UN DR ED Molding LOTS in the new lil 0.0 Tees Plot of Wicklow, on the 18 mile River. and ..n 1 n uns road from Gederch to the le.iirudeug settlements is the new comity of Breve Terms -One fourth of the purchase mos ey down, the rennieder in Four instalateate with interest. • Apply (if by letter pose paid) to the proprietor, JOHN HAWKINS. Goderich, March 18, 1850. 3.-.$.,.6 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, TrIIE Subscriber begs leave to iodine's the A Inhabitants of the District of Heron, and the neighboring Diairicts, that he has Established himself in Stratford, and is repord to flee Plano and Speediest eon. of Public or Private Buildings, Bridg- es, Mill Dame. kc. &cc. ke., and will take the superinteedence of much Erections, on the moat reasonable tetras. Hie thorouge knowledge o114. profeesien and his practice as Builder, qualifier, him for any undertaking 115 thie Address poet paid, PETER FERGUSON, Builder, ke. ke. Stratford, C. W. Stratford, March etia, 1849. 9v-a7tf XTOTICE.-The aniereigeed by power of Ationtry dated the 27th day of May, 1850, given him hy Thomas B. Woodliff, to collect all orotund's' derma d•e the on Tine of Miler sod Woodliff, and himself personally -request al immediate settlement of tbe tau or they will In given to the Clerk of th. Deities Court for cellectioa. BENJ. PARSONS. Goderich, June 12th, 1850. v3s19 A VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE !! • tHE subscriber ofrars for SALE his -2- GRIST and SAW MILL, situated in the Township of McGillivray, on the Big liable, within three nide? of Flanagaie- Corner. The Mills arenow in;operation,and newly built. The Privilege is the beet on the River, and situated in the best Town- ship to the County of Hilton -well settled, and Roads opened to all directions to favour it. The Machinery and materials are of the very hes' qiiality, and pot up by the ve- ry best Machinist.. For Particulars in- quire ofJames Crumble, Esq., Galt, or ap- ply to the eubserther. PATRICK FLANAGAN, Proprietor. 15th Jenuare MO. 51•5611 ar'The Galt Reporter will insert the above sired feebid. - • CASH for WHEAT A T the Godench Mills. by WILLIAM PIPER. Goderieh Mille, Sib December. 11449 46-11 FARMER'S HOTEL, -MITCHELL, VRANCIS FISHLEIGH begs to ,.form his .1'dude tad the public gene:oily. 4/1111 be M. established him. -l( is the mbar Wiser, end hopes by strict attentioo to the coulee sod con- venieece of Travellers. to merit a Mere of their patronage. Good Stabling and an attentive Grum is attendance. Mitchell. May 15th, 1830. 3.-.16 STRATFORD IRON FOUNDRY. -Tb aubeeriber haven unhand the tater- 1 est of Mr. C. J. Wilson in the above EF-: IlibilibtDeal, is about to continue the Ben- n et, on his own responsibility. In returning thank@ to the public for the very liberal es couragement received by Ona k Witoore be begs to inlimate that he will constontlt keep on band an umortment of Superior Caine.., conceding of C 0 0 K IV 0 Parlour, and Box Stoves; Amer- ican, Scotch & Canadian Ploughs of on meet fmnroved hfouhts,_xft,-7 ROLL ERN, Turning 1,adres. Rollers. de. THRASHING MACHINES of a Superiet description to any bitberti. introdueed, and ben ter adapted to this emus try. from their lightfalm of dratighe, arid strength of construction. A cell free is- tpadiwg pasehmers 4. requnted before pee chasing doewhere. The -bon will bermes at Low Ratite for Coals ow Trade, er .0.or responding rates on 'approved credit. A. S. OIRR. Stretferd,ri June. 18041. sv_eem TO 'Be $xerl- Nar 'IN, DIA IT - LAAID C 0 NUESD RN, Tevraidtip ot adedic14,WI41I1110000mme-004whieh dared. The 404 4. of a esperlor quaii. ty, had *eft witdlId. It is sassed exact ly eine mass from the town of Goderieh 08 the Heron Road, sod at the jenctuts of .ser diffhrent reale a..11 as it is in On centre of • popototie lied prosperous locality, it is ex cellos'', adapted for a Tams naiad or Mae. Thar farm ie w.fl emitivel to the atiassives et proms desormas es .4464 siteitaim fee Immiesse, sad will be soM nee 1 tomme. Par pertlestem apg=adirJed set, Ltirst18, larobares..i' 1 THEBeheeriber bees to talons die lehalsitem te Gederich and it. vicinity, that be has re- ceiof ved. Lars. Itapply of the LATEST 111. PROVED PATTERNS el COOKING, B 0 X, AND PARLOUR STOVES, ^ which he offers for SALE at very • REDUCED PRICES TOR CASH. 'P1. 0.baceih.r atm keeps oil head, as metal. at his OLD STAND, a LARGE sod very Se• perm, neutstem 01 'lINWA RE of every desergybon. The sub-crlber take. this ormertsain of retsr• neigh. endive thanes te the Pohle for the very Iftvetal mit he ha. reenivert Am. be be. been in 1.11110•119 is Gmterleh. and hope. by one? minim, to business. sod medem • pnees. Fa MI limp. to weir. a Share att lb. medic perroisage N B. -GRAINING. PAINTING, GLA- ZING. PAPER aad BELL HANGING earria rito as heretofore WILLIAM STORY. Goderieh, 6th Sept. 1849. 2v-fa3l tf TWO GOOD FARMS FOR SALE. nNE withia tulles, and Onetime with- ta about 9 miles of Gederieli T wo Plot. The first is 1,-,T 10 is let Conces- sion, Towahip of Goderich, CONTAINING 164 ACRES, Is bouned at the one and by Lake Heron, and at the utile, b a Public Rood, -ase the Inconel is LOT 8 in 8th Concession, IACRES, CONTAINIi Colborne, W • Divini. and is situated at the Junction of two Pub - tie Roads. 1?.. !1/411ielliINT801.1" 110 JNO. McDONALD, Goderich, 19th Inge; 1849. n9-tf CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE C UMPAJYY. HE Subailier having been appointed Agent of the "CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO.," is prepared to receive proposals for Assu- rance, and will be happy to afford to any person the neeessay information, as to the principles of the lostitutton. JAMES WATSON. Godevieb, 3th Inn., 1849. t2a 9tf KINCARDINE ARMS. (Near the Illorf Goderich,) BY 14. MA RLTON. HE abate Hotel has goad accomodation for travellers, Stabling, k., ke. • The Packet Mary Ann will leave Code - rich (wind & weather permitting,) regular Iv twice a week far the Kincardini Sett. - merit. For freight OF passage apply to Capt. Rowan at the Kincardine Arm". Goderich. March 251h, 1850. n8 -v3 101111111I TIN SLOOP. MOFFAT'S VESETABLE LIFE PILLS • If PHCENIX BITTERS Tim high •••I meted mktbrity oincrkohm=fa •11himit alledettm• Ir.. mforitdomi 11.14. lomPlaltee the alamer MOM Orry maim to earth M. rotraramt tea semi mamma of ream rot mtly mmemary. Ma maw- Ihr M mem. They am boom by OM, from i 11.0 good wee& twjt. am dom. use Say trim re Sy Me SAW et Se simismee. 31IL 8481- - 1...7.AL.11= iii:11=1 R• _igIBPi.1i1fft31N414,11(1.4131. .1CNDARLONPICSiRw, ASaAs.W.d rwM...nAO.l.M.isI L irNtlthV14DZNIIDNSTN swrevise a LT722 00211.21T- iheh mwaMm ism ammo rmdAM ":1""1"W."".a".-.- 11.":s.6"."1e:... ,1Lr0:COLIC.ad811OONLemo.„„ C:LD:& COVIi. COLC. co:104.m;coaturr:fiN018mvsa o Nca:.a6. urr0.:0aama.,: jacde Timm lam says. ow oft mono awe ow. swaaMT am sweirwee •IN to Head • mA. womb. sod AMIN is. Maar Niediewis hew I*.I5. sept Me nem 4 de diewee-a ma 4. 0.. miedieris a serweseft..- 'nor 111111. Ift SA711101110. *110 .1 CURS.S. I rt7 28/18 of COIIPLEXION. 63111/311/AS. DDIBILIIPT, • OMIT. OIDDIWISS, SWIM RAIIIMCNIS. Vain is.. INWARD Farm. farr.switsruar Wit0.4 Trtssma. ammo 'LOOS. JIIONDICA. LOIN I ITPD LLIV/014,71100,0200maillt IPS. A I 1111 T II. maiacussak. at SZA111111•0.- Mew Int tawnier. ogle& 54r1. Saws 4 10s.,i54. Mae mom Om dm is po= Poamali..!RoomprinSA mown' *own. NU bENILITT morrow cooroutomo 4 onaook. mourn orriorstom, rotrownos 4. 1141?. marrows csocwoo. rsz.aL The missei gesprinsir M Mot ow .54of ill mom mass ar as sa a utal2 111.1111.141We losihrs Mad. .is lei& Seis Sift awl swam latr01 ammo .0 1. me 0 inn itelleciumemieW. Limmiltazilli avers .1 visas., 10 10. irstaik gearkier, s.i.eitritoesurtal,(wlia .sIs.orI•„'..I:WMsdie. .ia, .;a7,.at*a ....4.. a4t 'pal OWN Ow '1...to 00141,61111 tellabf •011setram "IP TIN UM NUI' 1110 PNMT IMO 11111I(? 11 V .1400D, *4 1... remove .8 41...,. Rom the system. PNh MI Iiii vi°1 T fin Iliwbereellkito. rssetPI tittiormerelad filiWo 1. 5. oalmadm of .any *het. The imoulmi 0 &ea Modifibm *IMMO eta up 1. *Sr aIMluiatimeimnre d 014 1.554, it k 1.554,ms 0...10 ‘w'aRe =t,rii .1mstiro Gedidr"1=. .7a.. es Ibl' e• imroll=ial eon 1.oi 01M. NI& epa(M ..mi_____ 1.4 wstrwerr am Iy SWrsso O&r Omag•i11Z1•1 Sew as es lest sassa saws ., • Valtii4natitttt Yoe eas bp • • A • aballilib- illaglOgeleir • • lel demi; 11110.mmi eldDIDIS0111. eses GeseitirAphira couhIIWNNbeilPfieeoMIWa st ediummoft r tta 4,1. 1, imp- • r IMO ,t• BARRISTRR AMID'sweIlINSIPP,I1Mr Delleffee /4011411, 11 lies big 'Dm b.4111.0 asierish, •DANIEL t lijasim4 ATTORNRY ore Obtlimpostwo 111111111111111tesiessoll:diusaliftr'l- 44.4 d • 1a141 Hes 11, iffiest as n thrstfotd, Ind January, $ greeirdy,41111111256 Strachey k Limns metthls110" N. Sttselain, oftlar41011.01kirt Artist sad Ceessel for Wk. 1.011001114111 Matifitit Aifieveft to'hIon her Hereethei,- ., WATSON ilV OWE rrarecur_ TIARR1STER AT 1411,i' AR* 13 ozone: .triestissa of Steer dm Am of Dieter, Wise Daryiesera dts.Vemesee.Sershiethiniaswisined Moe ere powwow I% ditr Patmient seal Itellis Mee -I Law. Csammar and C „iii 4 few. Lem their oils» at 120404164101i esasiferel, retentively, Ver a., faik ead fine of w.n.A. and attune Ilete feeeenen. 1840. Dung Waimea, Gerterleb GIOy Liore IMaa Mratinell, R. WILLIAMS. & Co. CHEMISTS AN14,111R13•1/0011. And Grossal Deane is Oras -is, UPI* Paieits, 0410, Sendlebes. Dye leents. 11 • 4 were. PIO., • STRATFORD. Prineriptiess Smeared' writ\ sumer end promptitede J. K. GO 01)I AUCTIONEER, 19p 'LL attend SALES in soy pert 01 11.. • County oe reasuable Tarns. Ap- ply at hie Residence, Light -House theeet. Goderich, April 410 1849. e -9a DANIEL GORDON, CABINET MAKER' Than dun Ease eat came& CV. ojko. 0 OMER/CIL August lefth, 1840. flo-ne0 R. YOUNG. ROOT mad SHOE Maker, one door Well AA of Mr. George Videan's, Blacksmith. Front street, Gmierseh. Apri: 28th, 1850. 8 • JOHN I • E. LINTON, NOT•liT PV81.18. Commissioner Queen's Ben* AND CONVEYANCER. STRATFORD. DAVID H. LIZARS, WISHES to Menem" to the imbibition 01V If G•dericb sod serren•ding country, tut tithe. eernmeneed beelsees me Commune, General Areal and Auresten t, end by ...i4.. nes attelMitta, aecersey, sad satervate Merges, hopes tete seen' to each as may require Lis eervices. Than wishing to employ him is "ay or the .h,, breaches will please call al the Rogirira Offiet. LietthOOMP Men, Goderieb,13tti March, 1850. vdmall DR. JOHN HYDE, DATE 110111 D11IFIF1aClik E011 AIL ELL, STRATFORD. Jan 31, 1849. Soule WM. REED, NousE AND siGN PAINTER. i.e., LIGHT-HOUBI ST. GOD/MICH. Oet. 96, 1846. 84.30 TO LET, TNAT tis. Gooey Testae Dwelltsulisess lately ossepied by Jed". /lased. • ilia Medlately ompamle Ws present sesitlearte. 1 nue sad further particularespply to ALKX. M. ROSS, Nub St. (Wench, May 23, 1850. vtalett DAVID H. LIZARD, A ITC TIO NEE R. IS prepared to mesa Sales is any pant Of the Coiled Comities on the most muse able terms. Apply at the Registry Office, Lighthouse street. Gedericle April 11,1860. alas NOTICE. THE noweribso howieg RENTED .16 1 WAREHOUSE rattl WHARF belong- ing to the Demme. Davenport, of 'hue plata has established istootelf sa a FORWARDS& ADD 41Al0P. Any orders or comminion fres the UNT- O% alum* of Haien* *Dentate. Windom, Mettlili H(JRrOPO .14 ..,••••••MF, 113i, Or. air Tim • 11. 3•T iilttlIiet it,*; wT_orr azet. 3,117 1330. melS1' s.: LI1_1 SEW AM. TRULL) EJLE Orr agest Canada Caspen6„ rit40011/104.4111: WASITO Partners, illIused 04,1147, x VT" tune Err. off..10.1.1'"1.--ftwwarias Aerie, /ISO. 41110 NW° tre j mit ere.5 e -o