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Pogo 16 The Tines May 1, 1950
•Ctandeboye Comments
4alTitte isesiles, Meet Mr. Smith was travelling soutl
Mrs. Ernie. Lewis entertained about a mile north of Clande
the W.A. aad. Ladies' Guild boye •ahnut 2,:10 Mendesafter
Members on Thursday atter- 119011 'when the accident happen
:Coon, Mrs. Andy Carter, presi- ed -
Cent. presided for the W.A. He suffered a shaking up and
meeting. Scripture was read by injury to his shoulder.
Mrs, Ed. Flynn. Personal items
The Rev. J. P. Prost, rector. •
Mrs. ( Carter visited
gave a talk on the history nt • Airs. William Cornish last Wed -
the Parish, it being over 112 nrsOY• Mrs. Cornish has been
Years old, and that one service.
Al since last fall at the home
Neventher 16, will be taken by of her son. Mr. Tom Gilmour
a former Father. now Rt. Rev. and Airs. tithnour anti family,
ishop- 4 01 o
.Frcderictpn, New Issupswisk, i Airs. Walter Atars•hall and sou.
,Clifford Marshall, Bryanston.
President Mrs. Rae Hodgins ' on Sunday
with Mr. and
presided for the Guild meeting. ! ''"
Mrs. Andy Carter.
During the business session! Mr. Robert Hewitt, Oakville,
mer jlendrie and Mr.. .
usited lus parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Omar Cunningham were named!
John Hewitt, last week. Joe
to be the committee to get a;Hewitt returned home -with his
new sign board for the church. father alter spending a few
Wins Prise. At St. Catharines weeks with his grandparents
At the annual Lincoln County hero.
musical association spring mus Mrs. Alvin CSunningham spent
sic festival at St. Catharines. ! Wednesday with her daughter.
Barbara Zubal, age nine years. Mrs. Jack Manson, who returned
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe home from Stratford Hospital on
.Zubal jr., won third prize in' Monday, and Air. Manson of
the piano accordion dEmbro.ass with ]
O in - under . Mr. and. Mrs. Lynn Sawyer
years, last
and son. David, brought Mrs.
week. ,
Her teacher is Mrs. Joyce Ed- l'•1'11Y Tomes home on Saturday
wards of London. ; after spending three weeks with
Chosen Queen them in Petrolia.
Miss Phyllis Jean Lee, i7 -year
old daughterof Ai*'d .
Lye!. Lee. R.R. 1 Clandeboye:
a grade 13 student, represented
School in the School Queen Club, • Lets Drains
North Middlesex District High! I
Miss Lee has future plans for
a secretarial profession. She is Two drain contracts were let
* member of the Young Peoples by McGillivray Township Cum
Union; girl's basketball team ! eil Saturday afternoon.
and is vice-president of the Charles Dietrich, I.R. 3. Ailsa
Student Council. Craig, was awarded the McLean
While a member of Clande-' drain on his tender of $3,445.
boye 4-H Club Phyllis received ; Councillor Duncan Drummond
her provincial honors for cont- ( will be the commissioner.
pleting her 12 projects. I Open work on the Burley drain
Phyllis, with her mother. Mrs.' was given to Robert Nicholson,
Lyall Lee, attended the fourth West Monckton, for $2,737, and
annual banquet given hy the the tile portion went to Kelly
London Free Press at Hotel Lon- ,: Robinson, R.R. 3, Ailsa Craig,
don on Friday. for Moo. Commissioner will be
Councillor Toni Hall.
Accident • , Gravel contract was let to Ken
Mr. Fred Smith of London met • Matthews, Kerwood, for 59 cents
with an accident when his ear • a mats y,ard,
left. the road and bit a culvert Tenders will be called for con -
and overturned. Dr. Clayton struction of the Hagmeier drain.
George of Lucan was called as Council passed first reading of
was the Provincial Police. a . bylaw providing for supple-
mentary road expenditures of
840.000 for the construction of
the Bice bridge.
• Approval was given to the pro-
posed 840,000 two -room addition
to North Middlesex District High
School, Parkhill.
Fox bounties were paid to
Melvin Smith t20), Perry Wilson
(18), George McLeod 112), Wil-
liam Dixon (4), Jack Dorman
(2), and William Lee.
• •
Contestants For
Old Time
Fiddling Contest
Pries $15 $10 $S
Wed., May 14
Send Entries to Box 333
L _an Heirs in spi
Lucs3n tit
After Talk On Saucers
In; pianets, o.f .appearingrnoun
fl tains, „and ,of 'many strange
And District .Hews
Phone Lucan
corresoontleanti Miss Mlle Abbott
In an effort
to, assist in the
"Help Keep Lucan ('lean" cam=
Paign Miss Lina Abbott spoke
briefly to the Publie School ehils
then last Friday. In grades V
to VIII each grade drew a tome
for an essay. These, Miss Abbott
] judged and the winning essays
were read at the Home and
School meetings last Tuesday,
• Two of he are given here.
Scavenger Hunt
Grade VIII
The party was pretty well
planned. We were going to have
!a seavens•er hunt. It wasn't go-
ing to he an ordinary scavenger
html but it was going to be a
!worthwhile one.
We started by drawing names,
Christopher went with Columbus,
Santa with (Inus, ete.
After we had our list of things
to find we left the house to try
to find them
Each couple had a list as fol-
lows: one gum paper. two pop-
' side sticks, an Oh Henry wrap-
per, etc, (They weren't all the
The first couple to bring all
'ten things to the trash can in
:front of the drug store would he
the winner. We found that help-
ing, to keep Lucan clean, could
be a very pleasant job.
iVisit To Lucan
I Grade VII •
1 One Saturday night as I was on
my way up town I saw a 'bunch
of country children going up
I town, I saw them go in the store
' and come out each with a choc-
olate bar, bubble gum, and a
lolly pop. They took the papers
i off and threw them on the
1 went over to them and asked
them it they had seen our new
trash cans,. They said, "No." I
told thent about them. So, as
proper children, they picked all
their papers up and said they
were sorry for not teeing them.
I have seenthese children
many other Saturday nights put-
ting paper in the trash cans. I
guess they learned their lesson.
Personal items ..
Miss Clara Howard who re-
cently underwent an operation. at
Si. J
oseph's Hospital, is back to
the Pines Haven Nursing Home
The committee in charge of
the "My Lady Beautiful," dem-
' onstration, to be held Thursday
• evening, May 1, in the Commu-
nity Centre, met in the United
Church parlors last Thursday
evening to finalize plans,
Airs. T. W. Orme, of Toronto,
I is spending a few days with her
sister-in-law, Mrs. T. D. Orme.
Mr. and Airs. Wilmer Jones
and family, of Kippen, were Sun-
day guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Irving Gibson.
Air. and Mrs. Ted Morgan and
family, and Miss Maxine Loney,
of Cass City, were Sunday guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wind-
sor. Mrs, Ralph Loney returned
home with them.
I Air. and Mrs. Levi Darling and!
(son, Morris, were guests of Mr.
! and Mrs. Cecil Armitage last
Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs, Murray Hodgins
Iattended the smorgasbord and
square dance party, sponsored
• by the Waverley Guild at the
Shute Institute in London, last
] Saturday 'evening.
i A number of. Lunn students
attended The formal deuce at
Medway School last Friday
, Fifteen members of the Luean
Irving Masonic Lodge 154 last
! Friday night attended the dedi-
cation of Granton's new Masonic
Air. W. J. Frost has been en.
gaged as caretaker of the LuCan,
Public School to replace Alr,
James Little, who, owing to III
health, had to tender his resigna-
Mrs. Ralph Strasser underwent
a major operation last •week in
Victoria Hospital.
Air, and Mrs, Wes Hodgins,
Don, and Mrs, Bruce Stewart
and family, were weekend guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Alberr•Cope.
man, of Belmont.
Misses Marie and Joan Legg
and Francis Lcgg, of Granton,
pupils of the Dykyl Dance
Studios, Luean, tap danced at an
entertainment staged by the
Foresters .of Granton hi the
Foresters' Hall there last week.
Airs. Belle Knowles is oe thel
sick last at the home :of her:
daughter, Mrs. William McFalls,(
of .Frank St. I
Mrs. Ada Jennings, of Parkhili,
nee Ada Coursey, formerly of
Lucan, had the misfortune to fall
off k ladder while painting. She i
broke her log between the knee.
and hip, Being alone in her
home, she eouldn't reach her
phoem Fortunately a nee -by
neighbour heard her cries for
help. Site :is now in St. Joseph's
Hospital, don.
Among those attending the.
London and district seetion -of
the Retail Merchants Assoda-
lion annual smorgasbord, at the.
Masonic Temple last Thursday,
night, were Mr. and Mrs.. -George [
Paul, Mr. and Mrs. W. .1, -Smith
and Mr. and Airs. A. M. Eledden.
Mr, and Mrs,. Paul, IV chance,.
WOO in the lint -up to help them-
selves, when a splendid picture
was taken of tiw group,
The 'officers' and converters of i
the -Uttar' W.T. met At the Sterile
ef (he mew 'president, Ws, Wes, '
Hakim last Wednesday Atter--
neon tet -Outline the 158.61' pro.. Z
Lucan Personals
Miss Raise. Dykyl, of the
Dykyl Dance Studio, Lucan, is
attending the Canadian Dance
Teachers' Association meeting in
the Mildred Wickson Studio, in
Toronto, on Sunday, May 4.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Armitage
and family last Sunday visited
with Miss Clara Howard at St.
Joseph's Hospital, and Airs. Tom
Flynn at Victoria Hospital.
Keith Frost. son o Mr. and
Mrs. W. .T. Frost, had his appen-
dix out at St. Joseph's Hospital
rot lllll ofurimmem,..mtiominflooluemolomommolosommoolootwooloofl000moomooloop
May 12,13 and 14
Hobby & Trade Fair
Old-Tyme Fiddlers' Contest
Send Entries for Amateur Show to Box 333, Lucan
A') l I lll 1 lllll 1111M1111111111111111,111/111111111111111.111111111,1111111MIlit1111101.1111111,111111111111111111i111111111., 1
▪ Our Malting
t 1 Barley
. Contracts
.... I I
I 1
Can. Make l'
You Money 11
IE i i
See our special contract be.
1 fort you slot. Fertilizer tup.
plied with contract. Act nowl
1 s
Seed Grain For Sale
NO. 1
NO, 1
Melly Varieties
.Scott's Elevator
1.14,0-Ntf (30:Plte 43; REL 110 LUCAN
;institute At Birr r:MD Disease
Elects Officers c1Ubf
At the April meeting of the - •.. ,S Topic
• ,Birr 1N.I., at the home of Mrs.
: William McComb, officers were
President is Airs. Norman Bit -
yea; vice - presidents, Mrs.
(Fi'ank Liddell, Is. -George
O'Neil; secretary -treasurer, Mrs.
Sherman Adams; assistant, Mrs.
] Harold Hodgins, Jr,: district
director, Airs. Reynold Keifer:
• medical services, Airs. William
1 McComb: pianists, Airs. O. H.
1 Daley, Airs, Ivan Stanley; press,
Mrs. Norman Bilyea; book, Airs.
Clarence Lewis; Institute diree-
;tors, .Airs. Ernest Aiorrow, Airs.
1 Clinton Haskell, Airs, Ivan Stan-
Iey and Airs. W. F. liocIgips,
( Mrs. Clarence Lewis reported
'on the proposed publication in
book form of the local Tweeds-
muir history. A donation of 810
was voted to the new 4-1-1 Club
I Mrs. Norman Bilyea was ap-
pointed delegate to the G pl
conference with Mrs. W. S.
O'Neil as alternate. Making of
sequin and cork jewelry was
demonstratedby Mrs. Bilyea,
Missionary Talks
To Young People
Rev. J. C. Thompson, seere-
tary of the British and Foreign
Bible Society of Western Ontario
since 1957. and former United
Church missionary in Trinidad,
was the guest speaker at the
open meeting of the Lucae-
Clandeboye Y,P.U, and their
guests, the Lieury'Y.P.U., and
friends: Air, Thompson gave an
interesting illustrated address oe
his work in Trinidad.
Marilyn Eaton's group of the
Missionary Commission, had
charge of the worship service.!
Terry Walpole read the Scrip-
ture. Nancy Elson sang a solo,
and Helen Kestle and Nancy
Scott were ushers.
Following the service in the
church, the Y.P.U. retired to the
church school room for a busi-
ness meeting, during which plans
were made for a tour of CFPL.
TV, at 8 p.m., June 26.
Rev. Edgar Roulston issued a
special invitation to all young
people to attend the newly -1
organized young adult discussion 1
group, held each Sunday morn-
ing at 10 a.m.
Games were directed by Sherry
Walpole, recreation and culture
convener, anda rousing sing-
, song was led by Mrs. Murray
Mrs. H. B. Langford and Mrs.
Alex Young; of the W.ALS.,
assisted in the serving of re-
Medway Club Euchre
The final three -table euchre of
the Medway Club for this season
took the form of a turkey dinner
at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Seymour White.
Ladies' prizes went to Mrs.
Austin Hobbs, for high score; to
Mrs. Earle Middleton, for lone
hands, and to Mrs. Chester MC -
Comb for consolation prize.
Meta's prizes went to Mr.
Clarence Lewis for high score;
to Mr. Grant Hughes, for bone
hands, and to Mr. Austin Hobbs
for consolation prize.
Speaking. on museular dystro-
phy, Mr. Fred Bilyea of the
London Fire Dept., was the -
guest speaker at the April meet-
ing of the Anglican Men's Club
int the parish hall last Monday
! Mr. Filip Johansen of the
Canadian Ordintwee Depot, whose
son and wife are both victims
of muscular dystrophy, ran the
. projector for an interesting ad-
dress. The London Fire Depart -
!mein is one of the five Canadian
centres for muscular dystrophy.
Rev. JP. Pres( introduced
the two men and ;Messrs. Ros-
coe o gips and Alan co 's
group had charge of the program
and refresmeniS,
Institute Ladiei
Makes Dressings
One of the latest projects of
the Lucan W.I. is the making of
cancer dressings, under the til -
rection of the Mrs. Irving Gibson
and Airs, Benny Seance, who
received previous instruction. at
the Little Red Door, recently.
! The first meeting was held in
the United Church parlors last
' Thursday night, when 35 dozen
• dressings were made. A tentative
date of the fourth Thursday of
each month has been set for
meetings so the next meeting is
scheduled for May 2e in the
Anglican parish hall.
Tite Aril
The Lucan C.G.I.T. met in the
United Church parlors last Mon-
day evening with an attendance
of nine. The meeting began with
craft. The knitting of blocks for
the quilt is nearing completion,
One girl, M a rilyn Culbert,
brought in 28 squares.
Graduation service for May 5
was discussed, also the mother
and daughter banquet.
Plans for attending Camp Cag-
Wire were made.
Ilene Donaldson read the final
chapter of the study on Japan.
Diane Hickson read the scrip-
ture lesson,
Personal Items
Cpl. Dennis Porter, now of
Portage La Prairie, has been
promoted to sergeant, and will
return to Camp Borden for an
advanced course in the fire
Last Tuesday, the Legion
Auxiliary held a stork shoWer
for the baby of Mrs. Ronald
Sprague. Thq convener, Airs,
Dave Egan, was assisted by Mrs.
Jim Avery and Airs. Cecil
Mr. John Casey, who celebrat-
ed his 95th birthday on March
29, is now a patient itt the Pines
Haven Nursing Home.
Mrs, Annie Fairies, who spent
the winter in London, HarrisWil
and Chicago, has returned home,
for the summer,
Mr. and Ati.s. Prank Browe
have sold their house on Eliza-
beth street, and are moving to
London, May 1,
Cpl. and Mrs. Prank Purington,
now ot Portage La Prairie, are
happy to announce the birth Of
a son, Donald, born March i6,
a brother for Rose Annc, Debby
and Douglas.
Marion Davidson. who
makes her home with Mr, and
Mrs. Harold Ribson when in
Wean, is visiting friends in
Miss Kate Bowyer has re-
turned home from a 10 -day visit
itt WOotibridge, where she was
the guest of her nephew, lift,
Robert. Garrod and family.
Mr. and Mrs, Al. 0. Smith
have returned front two pleasant
weekends at their eoltagehi
Penetang, where Ndi Laehie was
their guest, and at Kenmore,
N.Y., where illeY were guests
of Mt. and Mrs. Earl Burt,
Mr, and Mrs, Met Culbert and
Mr. and Mrs. Murray liortgins
Attended the London tit tic
Theatre's production "The Young-
Elitabellyr last Wednesday eve-
eting of thc
United Church W.M.S. was held
in the church parlors with Airs.
Edgar Roulston's group in
charge of the worship service
and refreshments. airs. Roul-
ston led in the devotions assisted
by Mrs, Gordon Banking.
The highlight of the meeting
was a report of the London Con-
ference Branch at Windsor, last
week, given by the president,
Mrs, Alex Young.
Having a former pupil as a
Lucan member, enabled. the
Home and School Association to
secure :Major E. C. Shelly, of
Thamesford, and member of the
Ingersoll High School staff as
theirguest speaker,i the April
meeting in the _sehOot auditorium
last Tuesday night.
Lucanites were Indeed privi-
Former 1,ucanite glecto0
Airs. A. C. Calder, of London,
formerly of Water street, Luean,
was elected for the tenth term,
President .of the Huron Diocese
Woman's 4uxiliary, al the con-
cluding session last Thursday of
the annual meeting held at
Mrs ('alder beads a 24.in em•
ber board. Diocesan life member-
ships were conferred on 45
Organise 4-H -Club
Helen Brumwell was elected
president of the newly -organized
Birr 4-11 Homemaking Club, held
at the home of the club leader,
Mrs. Alex McComb.
prOestilideerni,ofIc;i‘eacun include Vsiecec:
retary, .Gladys • O'Neil, with:
.assistant, Carol Stanley; press,
Barbara Bilyea,
Lions Club Meeting
The president, Mr. Les Wood-
ward, presided for the dinner
meeting of the Lucan Lions Club
In the Anglican Church base-
ment last Monday cvenipg.
In an effort to raise money for
welfare work, it was decided to
sell tickets on a $50 draw.
:Dance and Presentation
Air. and Mrs. Jack Arenthals
thee 'Freda Young) recent bride
and groom, were guests of honor
at a presentation and dance in
the Lucan Conimunity Memorial
Centre last Friday evening when
a large group of relatives, friends!
and neighbors met to wisli there
happiness and prosperity in their
life together.
During. the evening, Miss'
Donna Mills read an address.i
and Mr. Don Abbott: made the;
presentation of a purse of money,
Mrs. Sheridan Revington, Mrs.
W.M.S. Visit Ailsa Craig
Erie Young, Mrs. A. E. Reilly '
and Mrs. Bert Thompson, of the
Lucan United Church W.M.S.
and Evening Auxiliary last Mon-
day attended a meeting at the
home of Mrs. A. E. Menzies,
Ailsa Craig, to discuss plans for 1
Brinsley, June 12.
the W.M.S. rally to be held at'
lllllllll 11111111111111I0111,1114 l lllll #1101191 llllll 11.1111111101111111111111111.1,111111111111111..
legdd to bear Aix'. Shelly's 1.20th
talk on "Visitors From ()titer
Sparc." During his address he
cited many startling Biblieal
quotations and excerpts from
history and literature. He began
with the. old saying: "Two Met/
look through the bars, one secs
; the mud, the other Sees the
stars." He spoke of the ILEX).
"Unidentified Foreign Objects,"
(and told of Kenneth Arnold sce-
ug first flying saucers in
To fly, was fir many YearS,
(Mega to be an impossibility,
1 but the Wright Brothers (mused
the scientists of that, age to
change their viewpoint. Ile told
, of a lost, continent, of disappear -
Mr. .Shelly made so inany
startling statements, of speed,
Sparc and prophesies Eulfilled„
that no .wonder the Rev. Edgar
Roulslott said his bead was still
a when be got Tip to
move a vote of Lthanks. Mr.
Shelly's former. pupil, Mrs. Lloyd
Acheson, introduced
Other numbers on the pro-
gram included the reading ..of
the winning essays on "Help
Keep. Lucian Man," by Miss
Line. Abbott, and numbers by
the school .choir, accompanied
by Aiiss Bette Lcakc,
A short business meeting fol.
lowed which included the naming
of a nominating helpers for the
Trade and Hobby Fair .conges-
sion, and Music Festival.
Mrs. Harold Ribsen was lunch
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