HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-05-01, Page 15Re ALF .ANDRUS bokabsi Qift 4 IIdr PoBiti Pair VVomenls:Institutes Elect New Officers —Oil Burners Hoatino, Plombing, Shoot Metal Work I 403 ANDREW ST., EXETER PHONE .719 i Natamnatte a ut om 111 1111 nUnninInifilli 1 1U I MIDAUIVII UttneninOttnInifllat 141,M10100HOIM Int Heating Problem? Right Now Is The Time To Consider it •., Whether It Be A Complete New Installation, An Alteration To Your Present System Or A .Servide Requirement Recently, we were present- ed with the "C O M F O R T CRAFTSMAN AWARD" by the LENNOX FURNACE CO. QF CANADA, in recognition of our method of HEATING layout, FURNACE and AIR- CONDITIONING INSTALLA- TIONS, Let Us Solve Your Problems rovi THUS EMBLite4 It's yOur assurance of expert healing and air conditioning installations, ONLY QUALIFIED LENNOX , DEALERS ARE AUTHORIZED N. TO DISMAY IT. Lindenfields Limited PHONE 181 • EXETER A special meeting of Pride, of Huron Rebekah Lodge, Exeter, awl Mania Rebekah Lodge, Clinton, was beld ia the local rooms fast week le hener As- sembly President Mrs. Martha !Vatter= on her offic,ial visit, Mrs. Patterson. was presented with a doll .dressed dollar bills by the two lodges. Also- in attendance were Mrs. Ada Fritzley, 0%1040, •distriet deputy president, And Mrs. 1‘1,ary Nediger, assembly color bearer,. both of Ooderich, Contests were ,enjoyed and Mrs. Margaret Fletcher sang a solo. Church parade of Oddfellows and Rehekahs will be held at Trivitt Memorial Cherch Cni May 4, This 'N That — Continued From Page 14 Combine sugar, salt .and water in large saucepan and bring to a boll, Add rhubarb, cover close- ly and simmer until tender, stir- ring occasionally but taking care not to break the pieces. Pour into seive or colander and drain well, reserving syrup, Arrange rhubarb in the baked pie shell. Measure cornstarch into a saucepan and blend in 3.# cups of the reserved syrup. add- ing water if necessary to make 1 I cups. Return to heat and stir constantly until glaze thickens and becomes clear. Add. color- ing. Spoon glaze over rhubarb, Chill, Garnish with whipped crearn.if desired. You can get mere juice from a lemon if the fruit is allowed to sit in hot water for several minutes before being squeezed. Store electric cords loosely in a drawer. Hanging them over a nail means many heeds and severe wear in one place. Opening Announcement THE Specializing In Kitchen Cabinets And Remodeling Kitchens CABINET SHOP- Seheffbuck and Miller, Proprietors PHONE 144-W; RES. 144-J DASHWOOD 40. ss'kfels %go?, • „•,„ •,, •••• • h•4:e Vv?,1 .,""4'. P-rs' USE AUTOMATIC LAUNDRY APPLIANCES live better... ELECTRICALLY iPte..40fr, electk, tAxt,.1 Enjoy new freedom—let modern automatic electric home laundry appliances help you with one of your biggest jobs. An electric water heater gives you plenty of hot water . an electric washer washes your clothes deari6I, quicker—auto- matically. Whatever the weather, ati electric dryer dries your clothes sunshine fresh—no heavy loads to carry . . and then electric ironing adds the finishing touches. You'll have the extra time you want to devote to your family, when you live better electrically. 44. "••••.1„ Co • .40? 4 4e•-•.''.••••". - • • 44 "•.> 4. • ••••v•v•.„. . . •"'"4 .0001X.90:n • Exeter Public- UtilitieS Commission 44,44444444i.n.1144 44,2l1444.414..."184441.414,1411441414444.,,,14.4141414,_ Klemm W.I. honorary presMrs. ident, Bea elec. t•riee Dixon; vive-presideets, - Mrs. Canipbell Eyre was Led president for 1958-50 of Kip. Mis...lhomas Kooy and Mrs. G. pentiir riaanttealWnilineleetRin'sg jai sitlitreti theonaiet j!Ho:;(1s.g.i\iniffasir;rfeny'l; Ds eirxreeleentttrrYsa:stsrm'eta,:l\,;r1 ell:. of Mrs. Zatbur Vartey, Wednes- daY evening. •.# cli'strict dgir:entor, '‘.1‘$1.ra..' L. .Ainli;- Other officers are: vice-presi- dents, Mrs. Russell Brock, Airs' Sti(nforiveners of standing cont. James Drummond anct Mrs. Wil - gam Ben; secretary, mrs. wu. Irlittees: home economics .ind lia m Kyle; treasgrer, ^Mrs. IhliesattoTicaiiea Mrs.,esrr.a0VY A/rir's,/IrhQBr: Prer ; Verne Alderdice; district direc- tors, Mrs. Stewart Pepper and Dixon; citizenship and educe - Mrs. John Sinclair; branch' dittilool' nis. Mrs,:Air0 Mrs, #1,: KJ101in' ,;psubrsoieelthel: Wiens and community activities, rectors, Mrs, Ken McKay, MS. Robert Bell, Mrs. Arthur Var- ley; pianists, Mrs. Ross Broad- Mrs. L. Shaddoek; agriculture and CiMrs L OES Contributes Trjun o Ca rs d Guests at the meeting of Exeter Chapter, 0.E.S., on Wed. neadaY evemng, were from 'rria.• ity Chapter, 0.E.S., London, Of WWI. Mrs. Lillian Beattie is worthy matron, and Mr. William Nianness, wertby patron, and from Blue Water Chapter, Code -rich, where Mrs. Claree Me• Donald is worthy matron, and Mr. William Nagle, worthy patron. The gnest chapters condueted •the opening and closing exercises. f. During a short business period, a donation of $25 was voted to the Exeter and district unit of the s Mr. and Mrs. W. J. F. Bell, Cancer Society. KlIonen, worthy patron and worthv matron of Exeter chapter, pre. .sided for the evening. . As; ubicit anadan inclestry, foot and Mrs. John Sinelair; auditors, Mrs, James MeN augellionply ,Mrs. lliram• • ton and Mrs, Stewart Pepper; .Jixun ane IYrs. Wuuam n press, Miss Margaret McKay. social welfare, Mrs. A. Erskine, Conveners of standing commit; Mrs. A. D. Steeper, Mrs, Fraser tees; agriculture and Canadian DIen, Mrs. Fred Fenton, Mrs. William, Luther; pianists, Mrs. industries, Mrs, Ernest White - Earl Dixon, Mrs. Fred Fenton, house, Mrs, Winston Werkman; citizenship and education, Mrs. Wilmer Broadfoot and Mrs. Rob- ert Upshall; historical research and current events, Mrs. Alex McGregor and Mrs, Robert Gem- mell; home economics and health, Mrs. James MeNaugh- toe. and Mrs. Arthur Finlayson; sewing committee, Mrs, Alex McGregor; sunshine, Mrs, Win- ston Workman, Mrs. Charles Eyre, Mrs, W. L. Meths. Mrs. John Sinclair conducted auditors, Mrs. M. Allison, Mrs. A. D. Steeper. Mrs. A. Erskine conducted the election and installation of offi- the auction sale held after the cers. The roll oil was answered by members giving donations for winter. A. good sum was r ized.eal- made, grown or sewn during the meeting. These articles were It was decided to hold the May, June and. July meetings in the election. Mrs. Russell Brook and Mrs. the evening at 8 o'clock. Plans Jam es Drummond were an. were made for the making of pointed delegates to the district cancer pads on May 13 at the annual at Crediton, 29, • hall..ItIrs. A. D. Teeper,' Mrs. G. May Hodgins and Mrs. E. Morley The group decided tp organize a membership drive for new were appointed to look after the members and Mrs. Verne Alder - dice and Mrs. Ken McKay ap- pointed leaders for this project. It was voted to take a bus trip to the College Royal at Guelph in March 1959, Presentations were made to Mrs, Stewart Pepper and Mrs. Alex McGregor, leaders of the rug -making course and to Mrs. John Sinclair and Mrs, Wilmer Broadfoot, leaders for the gar- den club last year. Mrs. Robert 'Upshall reviewed current events. Yearly reports were given by the secretaries. The group spon- sored millinery and rug.making courses, made layettes for Uni- tarian Relief,, quilts and sewing for the War Memorial Sick Chit- dren's Hospital, London, don- ated to the caner society and cancer gift cupboard, CNIB, Children's Shelter, Goderich, and sponsored the 441 Girls Garden Club, McGillivray W.I. The April meeting and the election of officers of McGilli- vray Women's Institute was held in West McGillivray Hall 'with the president, Mrs. L. Alli- son, in the chair. President is Mrs. Wes. Lewis; Trivitt Aux. diary Plans Festival The senior girls of Trivia Memorial Church junior auxili- ary have completed their smocked babies' nighties, and the juniors have completed their knitted- babies' bonnets. These will be on display at the Deanery J.A. Festival to be held in Exeter for the first time on Saturday, May 10. The :festival will begin with a church service at 2.30. The girls from the dif- ferent churches in the Deanery with parade with their branch banners. Mrs. Fleming, wife of the late flying bishop of the arctic, Known as Archibald of the Arc- tic, whose latest book "Archi- bald, The Arctic," has been recently published, will be the special speaker. Mrs. N. D. Knox is president of J.A, branches in the deanery of Huron, and she has arranged for most of the branches to demonstrate plays, games, songs and hobbycraft. .The Trivitt branch is the big- gest moneymaker in the whole Diocese. They have already sold over $350 worth of foam nylon flowers in the past two months, which is a record for children so young. The money will he spent directly for missionary work outside the parish. exhibits for Parkhill Fair. -The Story In Saintsbury By MR$. H..DAVIS •••••••••••••••••••••••*•••••••.V.W..0..,•••••••,..........•••••••••••••••••••...0.• Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Fred Guilfoyle and Norman of Simcot and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greenlee and boys were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Greenlee. Mrs. W. J, Dickins, ,Lucan, and Mrs. Rd. Diekins, Exeter, spent a few days this past week with Mrs. Fred Davis. Mrs. Jim Lucan, and Mrs. Robt. Tindall spent some time with her also. Mrs. Maurice McDonald, Lu - can, and Mrs. If, Davis attended the Huron Diocesan Board of the Women's Auxiliary annual meeting at Windsor this past week. Miss Lena. Tindall and Mr, Duncan Tindall, Atwood, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Tin• dell recently. Si. Patrick's' church Sunday School will commence for the summer next Sunday at 2 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Carroll were recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Carroll, London. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Latta and family were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Latta of Ballymote. Mr. and Mrs. Don Maguire and boys were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. B, Maguire, Loie- don, Happenings In H urondale By MRS. MERVIN DUNN Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Van Wieren, Mrs. Dirk Van Wieren and Irene of Hensall and Mrs. Hiram Van Wieren from St. Marys attended a wedding in Hamilton last weekend. Saturday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parsons were Mr. and Mrs. Ron Simpson of Lucan, Mr. and Mrs. Bev Parsons, Judy and David, Mr, and Mrs. Don Parsons and Susan, Mr, and Mrs. Laird Findlayson of Kippen, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ducharme, Kathy and Frank of Dashwood, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Parsons of Exeter, Mr, Wayne Clausius and Mr. Pat O'Brien of; Zurich. The occasion was the birthday of Mrs, Bev Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. Don Parsons, Mar - 1 ion and Wayne P'arsons, Ron 41 ..... it lllllll 1111 ll it ll 1111111i11110111 llll lllll 1111111111111111111i111111111111 lllll llllllllllllllllll 1111111111 llllllllllllllll • Building Supply Bargains Steel Roofing PEDDLER Stable Equipment .., #14 ""nliterolift ;7.4 ..•-4 t."-_-•—",-,,---•- ow • •-,•• omit" •r•,e,,,-_..-o# ....--, ,--•toot '1 •---,--, -",-, , -,•-•Sil0 41,-, r • .11,..... ,_... - =,... -7. -,-111111. .illtalriallir ---> - WM. ANdrAlKalrr ii- -' -UM ArAirdiardlir 4 4/0710,2311, Agrairdpre 411111Pardir 4111rdrargr •,,024/14tiar Quaiificd Men TO Build YOUR, NEW SHED OR BARN Cali And Get th' Prides! Lock -Fast Fencing 8 and 9 Wire Pull Chin Hog Fence Barb Wire And Steel Posts isPECIAL CASH Oi$COUNTS ON CASH SALES See Us TadAyi Scott Elevator Ltd. P1 -10141t 6 William lit. 'LLIdAN f !1/24iitiluftltiiilltUttniticomturtuvramommurinfourromitinitiotifirroyomnorrifincnimmtnuinumits A,n Simpson and Ted and Frank Du. charme. Allan Knight three and a half year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Knight is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. London, reeovering from a crushed foot having been eaught in the grain drill at his home. Mrs. Ross Oke is a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital, London. Tito Timos-Ariyocate, May I, a ,IS Live Better Electrically! Planning To. Build Or Remodel? Let us handle the wiring assigriment. FREE ESTIMATES. Expert work at moderate prices. W. L. Hodge ns»�+rtewinwsfnpHN a a Plumbing Heating Wiring PHONE 7 .CREDITON lllll l ttt l Mitt ll IIIIIIIIIIItIIIIIIIIIII11 l 111.4 N WI 0 Those Fa MOUS Glidden Paints Come To HENSALL ED FINK has been appointed dealer for Glidden Paint Co. Ltd., manu- facturers of famous SPRED SATIN — SPRED LUSTRE — ENDURANCE HOUSE PAINT — RIPOLIN ULTRA WHITE ENAMEL and other fine paint products. WITH YOUR SPRING PAINTING • •••:-!•••,•'• •! N THE LATEX WONDER PAINT It pays to be an "Early Bird" with your SPRED SATIN decorating. You'll enjoy living in bright beautiful rooms right now and you'll have more time for outdoor living this Spring. You'll save hours of cleaning time, too. SPArlD SA.TIN "Stay -Fresh" colors resist dirt, keep looking new for years. $8.25 $2.60 See our giant color card of 180 heat:till:a shades—from lightest ,pastels to deepest tones. Paint with the windows closed without •drafts, irritating calors or annoying fumes. A OtUART A GALLON Standard Colors Guaranteed washable— 40,6001 scrubbing strokes can't changer' the color or mar the texture,: FREE Sample Ask for your free sample of RIPOLIN ULTRA 'WHITE ENAMEL—the white dnamel that stays white! DROP IN TO SEE OUR COMPLETE DISPLAY OF QUALITY GLIDDEN PAINT PRODUCTS lc SALE! \.,.; BUYS ENOUGH VARNIti FOR 1/2 YOUR FLOORS TWO CANS (sante size) for the price of one PLUS 10 ROCKSPAR VARNJSH FOR WOODWORKFURNITUAI AND TLOOR$ ,,arts $3.35 TWO FOR „$3.0 Glidden ROCE.SPAI 40#####,##$ ••• 11.11R111110 Half -Pin -4 $t3/ TWO POR ED FINK'S PlUrbirt- HtiNt 36 Keating Wiring MENSAL '