HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-05-01, Page 11New :Poultry.Project '.• To f..:::::tress, Egg l.',.,1e.„..„..'.., A new 441 poultry club, pro.1 rirst eitib• will be started in gram is 'being .started in Heron 'Scaforth ‘vith, J. a Scott and County this year, Ilf. 'WhiHey AS club leader. In. th the. past, the emphasis has • torested Youth JIM -Contact them been .on Meat pr 0 d 401011 by tl 110 : Or :tile Clinton office. The club purpose bens. This year, how• is .open to anyone in ;Huron. ever,. •the stress will be on egg i Organizational meeting will be production with flocks being held Tuesday, 1N1ay 20, in Sea - scored by yield, management, forth high school with Earl' feed ,conversion, .cost of predttc-!.Hunt, of OAC poultry extension tionand perfect mortality. I.department as guest speaker. Club Members will be re- Parents are invited. (wired to keen., accurate' records I The club.may be a pilot pro - and be active in the •club to re- I jest for a provincial 94i poultry ecive the highest possible 'score Iprogram. Pians for the project on the propel!, I were drafted at .a .metting of .top ,Alinimum age for members in 'Huron poultry producers - 'ti- the club will be 14 years as .of , eluding Ed Miller, R.R. 3 Exe- May 1. 11141411nm 'flock .size is ' ter; Ilow.ard Johns, R.IL 1 Cwt. 50 birds. •'• 1 tralia; Edison Forrest, R.R. 2 Records will be kept for six • Hensell: Bob McKinley, Zurich months after the birds reach 20 I and Jim Scott, Seat:n.111 - with weeks of age. Latest starting I OAC officials and representa- date is September1. I lives of the Clinton office. .Down To Earth. By D. I, HOOPER The Last Straw De, you ever get to the point after it alone, or without the where you'dlike to dig a hole, farm male assistance, the pro - crawl into. it and sleep forduce thereof was not taxable at a April 30. Anyway that was the 'eek without baying someone excuse handed to me on a silver poke you into ball wakefulness to platter for the lack of manual tie a shoelace or a hair ribbon? effort - plausible, plausible. Well, I'm at that point now day- Anyway, he paid for it next light -saving time -has caught up day. My groans could be heard all over the house - 1 was sore with us again. . i in many places, So would anyone Why in heavens' name anyone be who hadn't done four solid wants to interfere • with nature fours of knee bends and back in the matter of time, 1 don't' stretches for a whole year. know. It upsets everything that 1 That was only practice though, I found out, for other things to can think of., -. appetites, bed- time, rest tithe, and Work, and come, From that we. went to shearing sheep. No, I don't shear leaves the body beautiful down- right miserable trying to gain but I walk' a few miles and do toe touchings and knee bends that hour. Just as we've gotten used to it and the hour caught, picking up fleeces when they are sheared, and throwing away we go back to slow time a fleece on a picking table requires some and readjustment all over again. Oh, Well, I guess we'll live after skill to get the neck at one end and the tail at the other without the inertia leaves - orwill it? getting them twisted inside out Anyway, that isn't what I set in the middle. Then it's a case out to grouse about, I did have ef walking Around and around a thought about spring-c:eaning. picking out 'the June grass and Having been„up to my ears in til/Roy heads, and everything papering, painting, floor-layingi else that sheep seem to ,delight curtain making - which incl. in getting onto their coats. dentally I've bogged down on. with four pair still to go - and Then there is the '1olding, ty• ing. and, the worst part of all, thinking that the usual spring . trying to pack them in those cleaning rush wasn't a rush at eight or ten -foot long bags the all this year, I got stopped in the wool merchants supply: Most of middle completely by the weather the time you find you are pack. *arming up enough for seeding. Not that I did the seeding, but ing yourself as well as the wool. Still you get pleasure out of it, you know men. You daren't be too, especially when you pick up in anything. that takes your • ' a fleece that 15 heavy, thick fine oxalic Second Section EXETER, ONTARIO, MAY 1958 Pop. POO* 01411141111:111' Growers Excel HOSPITAL. OFFICERS INSPECT RESIDENCE -Officers elected at the annual meet,- ing of South Huron Hospital Association Tuesday night chat with Assistant Superin• tendent Mrs, L. Learn outside the nearly -completed nurses' residence, B. W. Tuckey, left, was elected chairman of the board, succeeding A. J. Traquair, Charles Smith, right, is the new treasurer. -rf--A Photo Juniors Plan ports Here Executive meinbers of Huron and Perth junior farmer orgad nizations, meeting here Monday, decided to hold their annual track and field meet on June 14 1 ''' 110 ll I lll 11IIIII llllllll 111111111111101/11 lllllllll W11111110 Fieldman's PIan Pasture Competition Comments On Hog Losses Sugar Beet Pro, iiction Twenty growers from this (Its - Wet were among the 46 who were named to the London .diVi- GROWER sion honor roll of the Canada and Dominion Sugar Co. Ltd., on 'the basis of their 1957 crops. A David Triebner, Kippen, was Average I. u 10 44 1. 1. P-44 0 4. 0 0 < Ballantyne, ROY third top man in the division . 3.95 Blair Bros. 6.80 with a yield of 5,531 pounds of sugar per acre on a five -acre "ranch H. 22.52 Brand, Peter 5.16 crop. ' Harry Knip, Clandehoye, came HraY, Donald 2.33 fifth with a record of 5.127 Cann, Raymond . 1.16 pounds on each of 28 acres, and 'Charters, Pearson, Anne,Marjorie, Ambrose Koricina, Clandeboye, Mary and William . . 4.50 stood seventh with an average of 5,076 on five acres. Coleman, William Others in the top ten were C,,onsitt, Ray duced 4,966 on a similar acreage, Cuillerier. Edward Spruyette, Clandeboye, who pro- Coward, William . , .., _. ................ 4.00 4,993 on six acres, and Maurice Corbett, Ross order, were: Waiter McBride R.R. 1, Cen- Dougall, Others named to the roll, in Kippea, uqui, Cooper, John B. Dougall, 1j,o1Amndiew . Harry, ..... , ...... ..„ „,.... ..... .. 15.68 . 2.24 13.42 5.77 Laird Finlayson, driek, Kippen; Aubrey Farquhar, Faber, Edgbert 21061 . 2.92 2.40.492611 9.30 tralia; John R. Cooper, ICippen; Dougall, James Andrew Dougall, B.R. 3, Exeter; Dougall, William William Coleman, Kippen; Pieter Ir'sserY, William H. revery, Clandeboye; Hugh Hen- Etherington, Archie Kinn; Lloyd and Keith Lovell, Faber, Rochus Fahner, Harold Kippen,• Edward Cuillerier, Cred- 2.40 Farquhar, Aubrey iton; Alex McBeath. Kippen.; 2.26 Alois VanEsbroeck, Elgin Row- revery, Pieter Finlayson, Laird 15.45 Cliffe and William B. Rowcliffe, 6.10 all of Hensall, and William Doti - gall, Exeter. Glanville. Charles Heist, Wellington 22.73 3,32 6.00 flicks Stanley 12:1946. 14.81 8.62 8.40 4.88 Top yield the district served Hendrick. Hugh by fieldman Bill Amos, B.R. 8. Horn, Edward Parkhill, was scored by Harold Hill, Allan .. ...... ..... ..... 10.61 1.80 3.48 1.24 2.02 5.94 2810..1084 5.06 2.43 Lovell, Lloyd and Keith MacDonald, Gordon 35.521.96 Mayer, Robert P. and 2.88 Massehelein, S. 4.60 McBeath, Alex 187..4273 McBride, Elmore J. . McBride, Walter 21.70 McCarter, James ....... ...... . 3.75 9.69 McGregor, Alex D. , Oke, Ross 1,88 Parsons, Wayne 3.31 Pavkeje, Pauline 2.25 Penner, Alex G. .. ...... . 16.67 Perkins, Ray . 2.00 Prance, Gordon, Gerald and Wayne 4.08 Preszcator, W. S. 2,97 Richard, Allan Rowcliffe, Elgin 130..1897 Rowcliffe, B. Rowe, Harold ....... 11161 Rundle, Allan and Hugh A. • 10.26 Schroeder, William --------------4.06 Shapton, Bruce ......... ... .......... 3.03 Snow, William ' 3.14 Soetemans, A. L. 25.50 Spruytte, Maurice 6.00 Taylor, Victor 9.42 Triebner, Tom 31.5016..10.80 Timmermans, Henry Triebner, David VanEsbroeck, Alois 9.96 VanSteeg. B. H. 18.092.45 Walters, William Zubal, Joe Sr. 12306..1580 Willard, Eugene Willemse, Tony rahner, R.R. 1, Exeter, whose Bin, cliff average was 5,887 pounds. He did not make the honor roll, how- Hirtzel, Lawrence less than five. Huxtable, Wilfred Hyde, Harvey ever, because his acreage was William H. Essery, Gentralia; Janssens, L. E. Kennos, Frank Applicants are being sought! ,Tames Dougall, R.R. 3, Exeter; competition, launched this year Pearson Charters, Kippen; Paul- II<Cnoti'lieinfaI,arrAymbrose Lamport, Edward for the Huron County pasture, Wilfred Huxtable, Centralia; by the Soil and Crop Improve- ne a e e. en ra a. an nm By CARL HEMINGWAY anent Association, Triebner, Exeter, all topped at Exeter Community Park. The competition is limited to , 5,000 pounds per acre, but bad On April 16, I attended an in- + less than five acres of the crop. Program includes, besides formation meeting sponsored by ale. first 25 who apply 10 the i A substantial increase in acre - track and field vents, softball the Ontario Hog Producers As- agricultural office, Clinton, I age has been contracted for tournaments for both boys and sociation and t h e Lambton Score will be made on two 1958,,according to Mr. Amos. girls, basketball competitions, a County Federation of Agricul- visits by an outside judge with I Growers have already signed for tug .of war and, square dance contests. tune at Thedford. a total of 200 points as a maxi- I 1,800 acres compared to 1,400 mum plus a bonus based on , lastyear. Mr. .Arnos said he ex - The attendance wasn't large Joint chairmen for the meeting and for the field day are Jean which seems to indicate that the pasture acres per animal unit.; peeted more land would be eon - Smith. :RR, 1 Ethel, Huron farmers are pretty well satis- udging will he about June 15 traeted for before the seeding and September 1. ' ) begins. County ,Junior Institute and Wit- fled' with the operation of the marketing agency. At least, The competition includes the liam Dougall, R.R. 3 Exeter, they had any complaints theiyf whole pasture program, not any president of the' county junior 1 t d f' id. he • farmers. Secretary is Muriel se ec e weren't serious enough to in - ie only excel). , Back Resolution duce farmers to come to a meet- I tion will be, rough unimproved Gowdy, Belgrave. t10 m, shar and the prove the situation. lar program but which may be r or Better Price ing to seek information to im-i pasture not included in the regu- , y . mind away horn wia ley are w 001 from, a ewe that has.rean- Track and field events • will first series of softball games will get under way at 10:30. doing - you've got to be just there, ready at, any moment, to aded to keep herself clean; one s ar a a. p The question of who Inies a used' occasionally for young cattle At. a recent 'meeting of the hold a bag. that covers the whole of the hog when 11 is condemned was. only. ElimvilIe local of"the Ontario prised that such a big fleece upstairs scrubbing • when Inter -county all-star contests wilt be held at 4 p.m. for the girls and 7 p.m, for the boys. The square dance competition will be conducted according to provincial regulations. Each set must dance a change of it own choosing and the compulsory change to a neutral caller. The evening will Wind up with a dance and presentation of the Whyte Packing Co. trophy to the county which accumulates the most points. experience along this line but will proceed to a regional compe-, supported a resolution urging could come from such a sinallI think I have the facts. 1tion; the winner of which will ad- I that the government pay greater need you •because that minute ewe, and when the lad of the vance in turn to the provincial! compensation for cattle con - you take to come down, .wi If the trucker accepts the hog tieveL your hands, , groan about a creak you can start enjoying the Ian°. at the farm without complaint' 1 deemed on the. brucellosis test. --Pe flock is finally in the closing pen in your knee 'or push your hair and it later arrives at the plant Directors of HSCIA believe the : The petition urged an increase lin that covers your hands. It is back, is wasting their time (how $100 to 5150 for purebred injured it is covered by instil.- competition will stimulate greater : from they waste yours doesn't count). ante regardless of whether it interest in pasture management, i cattle, and from $40 to $100 for the gift from the ewes to the packer - lanolin, free and in So for the entire time of seeding was injured at the marketingwhich is one of the most import -I grade cattle. you vegetate outside of regular the end of the run are smooth, yard or in transitt. The producer ty ant farm operations in the coun-1 This was the last meeting of heavy quantity - the hands at I the spring, Activities of the local household tasks, meals, etc., etc, chap free, callous free, and you Of course, while the drill is. wouldn't know they belonged 'to out, it's a good time to get the you at all. It: is the best hand - peas planted. True, but the idea cream available. ' each has of how to plant them needs discussion. One wishes to' Of course, while the Shearing plant in every row of the drill, was going on, so was the month the other in regular garden and you know what the end of rows, who won? Well, guess, that brings - income tax forms They are in garden rows, easier - and like most people most of for the children to pick, the air it is left until the last minute. So and sun can get at them better,. every night books are brought and they can'be kept clean. Who out and a tired mind is pushed always grumbled about the weeds to add up 'columns of figures in the pea patch? R certainly which as usual, won't balance, wasn't me - I didn't plant them or if they do come out, usually last year. But I have to pick end up with figures that show them, and object strongly to you owe the tax department having to set on 60 plants, more more than you think they should or less, to pick one plant of its have, but there's nothing you treasure. Anyway, we'll see hew can do about it but finish the things work out - they're planted forms off with a flourish, and now and up so we can only wait hand them to the spouse for for results, perusal and his signature - the Still no more spriag-eleaning. hardest part of all, according to The piece of land in the oat field him. where the snowbank was gone With that done, I thought: "Ah, arotind, would be pretty good for now to 'finish off that spring - Judge Live Stock Saturday, May 24 Huron 'county live stock judg- ing competitions will be held on Saturday, May 24 in Seaforth, Arthur S. Bolton, ass't Ag rep, announced this week. The competitions are open to all Huron boys and its be- tween 12 and 30 and again this year there will be four sections so that members are competiting against persons their own age and ,.experience. Judging will consist of three elassh beef, three classes dairy, two classes swine, one class of hog carcasses and one class of sheep, strawberry plants, ao we rushed cleaning!" Well, 1 was doomed b ht them and naturally to disappointment, The .final in- structions 1 received this morn- ing 'were: "Have you got your flower seeds? If so it might, be a good idea to plant that new flower bed I made before it rains." Looking at the weather with a jaundiced eye, means now apparently - so that's the last straw. The spring cleaning can rest on HS laurels, wardrobes, basement and pantry can take a raincheck. ' and botight they were -part of my garden, so I was elected to plant them. And within a lew days 1 was advised to buy iny garden seeds and get them in. .1 can Id! you I had no assist- ance, because somewhere along in his reading, the man of the house found out that if be grad- ously gave a piece of land for a garden to his Wife, and she planted it alt herself and looked 1 ttottl . .. . ... t . timmottottettittittiitillittilitutitiomtt itimitutitittittittititittitittoittitrititittotittutitomoito Home Of The Leaders! $ 1 1, Case Leads with Case41Matic Tractors NewHolland • Always the Leader in Niers :,..New Idea. The Mower That's Been Leading for Yeats Exeter :.Farm Equipment PHONE D, Jetty -Kt Prots, :EXEM CROP REPORT By D. H, Miles Spring • seeding operations are complete, Some early turnips are above the ground, sugar beet planting is general and some corn is planted, Grass is making slow progress, Warm .rain is needed. Some cattle have been turned to grass. will be paid in full. If the hog is injured in such a way that the packing plant ac- cepts it without complaint and it is later found that the carcass is unfit for human consumption and is therefore condemned the packing plant must take the loss and the producer will be paid in full. In most cases this payment will come to the producer with- out any action on his part but cwt. 660 pigs and 250 cattle and I Tentative sometimes errors occur and the calves were sold, the largest , plans have been made to hold a joint meeting of I will be resumed in the fall. HENSALL SALE PRICES I 19.00 25.60: leeders , Weanling pigs .. $ 15.00 to $ 1.8.25eek To Expand '5 Chunks 26.10 30.00! 7 Sows 72.50 113.00. L. urich 4-1-1 Clubs Holstein cows 160.00 185.00. Durham cows .. 175.00 200.00 At a meeting Saturday night,1 Holstein calves 12.50 19.50! Zurich Agricultural Society de -I ci Durham calves 20.00. 49.00tided to expand the calf club it! Good steers sold. up to 24.60 ' sponsors to include 'a dairy sec- ' i ld't' to bcef farmer only receives the salvage sale to date, value. If this happens 'the pro- ducer should notify his shipper that contract farming and the marketing agency so te very iew returns for that they can trace the ship- Cr. lucid and collect from either the packing company or the insur- ance company. If, however the shipper notices anything suspicious about the hog he should inform the far- mer that he will not be respon- sible for damage in shipping.and if, on arrival at the plant the hog is tagged "subject to kill" by the processor the farmer will then only receive the carcass value which may be very little. Mother point of interest was the statement that contracts for feeding hogs were being Id in that district for as little as $2.00 per hog marketed. This is a new low in my experience and indicates, 1 think, very clearly ‘,1 Ilt 11,111 Au At ti I it' It it 'Aim t A1114 4111i I .... .. .. i i .......... ...... 11111111111Uti0111111111111111i111 It 11111 CO-OP Power Lawn Mowers 2 Cycle $49 4 Cycle $73 ELECTRIC FENCE BATTERIES 0.90 Each Pfister & DeKalis See Us For Hybrid Corn EXETER DISTRICT Phone 167 Collect Weed Sprays 7.4yrriyarivatoweirorrimmiratriTiiiimuliThilintiiiffilffift111111100111111111111611110filifeillinfittiivialinwitill* can the • members interested in both heel I and dairy on Monday. May 12. lead I If there are enough interested, feed -1 two separate clubs may be formed. RUGGED NEW OWERS to match your power Mounted-semi-moun tcd- trail behind -whatever type your tractor takes! There's rt tiew hi -speed McCormick mower to meet your need and wo hat' U. The 11017 McCormick No. 32 trailing model can he equipped with amazing new 11-1. apover.and.doult mechanical lift -zips cutterbar owl.* stumps hud stones like Magic, Withottt Slowdown. Nobody matches McCormick's mower progress'. Come and see us for mower information. cifouroun. Thltl* F. W, Hxtoble PHONE 1-5341 EWER 4 I 8 8 11.19 10.91 12.86 11.26 1.3.84 12.75 14.68 16.44 17.6 16.6 16,9 16.5- 16.5 15.8 15.64 16.5 14.42 16.2 12,74 16.6 15.39 10.5 11,51 16.9 10,95 13.52 12.44 14,12 15,16 16.13 13.47 16,52 10.96 12.53 12.15 11.84 13.74 14.03 15.04 14.11 12.49 13.99 11.38 12,71 11.31 13.53 11.80 15.63 12.02. 11,09 11.70 15.08 15.11. 12.84 14.50 11.99 11.70 13.16 13,49 12.40 '15.24 12.22 11.41 13:52 12.68 15.90 11.32 15.61 11.62 11.41. 11.71 13.51. 13,20 11.06 12.17 11.06 13.31. 11.26 14.62 15.52 11.98 12.69 16.27 14.59 13.23 11.97 13.62 12.05 12.45 13.41 17.1 16,7 16,4 16.6 16,8 16,4 16.1 16.6 17.2 16.6 16.6 16.5 16.8 16.5 16.6 15.7 17,0 16.5 16.2 16,7 16,3 16,2 16.6' 16,6 16.9 16.8 16,2 17.0 16.8 17.4 15.6 16.7 161 16.3 16.7 16.2 ' 16.1 16.8 16.3 15.6 16.5 15.8 16.7 16.0 16.8 16.6 16.2 1.6.5 16.7 16,7 16.9 17.1 17.4 17.5 16.2 16.0 16.7 16.1 17.0 17.2 16,9 15.7 16.1 17.1 15.9 16.8 _MO 3849 4269 280$ 4561 420? 408 5161 4672 4229 4710 3890 3744 4515 4680 4687 5093 5290 4337 5484 3770 4159 4033 5887 4616 4629 4993 4430 4246 4616 3687 4245 3687 4383 3917 5189 4062 3726 3790 5127 5076 4468 4524 3837 3767 4290 4505 4017 4907 4105 3719 4218 4184 5024 3780 4995 3904 3788 3794 . 4458 4408 3694 4113 3782 4771 3941 4736 4966 4001 4086 5531 5018 4471 3758 4385 4121 3959 4505 )1111111151111M 4111UW1141U1111111111(1111114111111111MIMMU11.111t I U111111111( I 1111111111111111111111111111M1H1H1 ...... 5 0 LOCAL TRApsWalliS, 144.. ONE HALF OF THE. WORLD DOESN'T KNOW WHAT THE OTHER HALF U.S FOR MONEY Control Of Weeds In Corn Use Simazine the greatest recent boom to help growers of corn. • E 5 5 3 a KILL TWITCH GRASS, MILK 'MED, CANADA THISTLE and bther hard to kill weeds with We offer these two new herbicides as recommended by the 0.A.C„ Guelph. Let us give you these room- mendations and help you with your weed problem. 3 Seed Potatoes IRISH COBBLER, SEBAGO, KATAHDIN Amino Triazole Garden Supplies PEAT MOSS, VIGORO IPERTILIZER SEED PEAS, CORN, VEGETABLE & MOWER SEED ' E LAWN SEED 1 SPECIAL Only Ono Merry Tiller Garden Tractor NOTE --$,M0 Duty Tax has just been added, but t a: this last, ono is duty frte. Let the tractor do the 1 work for you and do it well. '''' EXETER .•WHALEN CORNERS YA.A.v KIRK TON 35 R . 4 '46; 41.