HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-10-03, Page 311=81 Wier* teed ere, ha mir iegindeal stymy, • • Nw awn the OM& Of peers dues cootriliesed, is eases eerily paw - 11. *Pa bre led mod emorselyieg, hot the Ina must not b....11' " Do jut sod Nat Is melte by which we pass te be is- eerteedeeed a dee regard fee its adrouittee Impels es to state plasoly God essilidly our ref! seettrawato, Witch tea we have Do hesitottee la sayieg, are is items with Aloes of thanked WO of, what mood to Mos pissed es • me the gill • Rainnere• !IL= ems th. - ie Ass Vol °IC - people alit *Met light" simi O =rag e le": hlbl Coesnatio• Why of the Miele. /led Mb hoe cotemporary, • mere sergelea,4100 they could have lemocip meet that that se much shoal leminetAtlfilildempq the preserit Mir& e'er' M. Mirror, IIM a wants edireailielisea Ine peered mer warmth the emostmeel of whey wise and riMeseree. • 'ad if ethers minas as yet tiedisemetellit is orgies more to the S embeeet abeam that heel he be resethied, same amy esent.emet of thoithation remap themera- LI the ifferrer wield be delbliibisalthistiega the adieu grits" Weald elMeekevevelemiled Mooed the four Stinfil gibe moutheally repremet them in raieot, sod each an idea as the remegOffieiffiets of the Ram party mem Nopeieme eaterthipsi hot it is ..ply 1. ad the short -comings of the ‘,Ushierit, sad the little indemoduco dim &rid %If gel! oeflpersterie, that a Commi- ttee is dememied and a reletial ed tha aid piatieseheallei-fer. blew halm the Miran- tqd p01 Of their desire to deal with hare they_idesit with theim in Ueraersity Reform. he Clergy Resnais Waged the aisle party throopheet the emp- loy. " Measures he mu," most home- IWO the witUllereid el ail who desire sad if the prawn' 1.i.tey wAl persist is Wean tri carry est the wishes ef-the people, they meet he mode is ghe plug to these who "AIL With this hasty deelaration of our fee the souenaioneeet ref which, we have we thiak good names, which in (store members we will lay belong our readers, we imbed% ear 1 to their *Tweet requestiog for it re fair aed imparter. cos- soosideeedes.-/Vberfelle Maimmeer. THE "SIGNAL" AND LOCAL OFFI- CIALS. In ear beet,we gave an article from the Signed on tin 'Jetties of Local 0 ffic isle. - Wit halm ems *ethos' yet meted, however, to shaige our views that such officials shield be appoieted by the people, whose serums they are. True, Ow Sigma puts semi extreme oases 1thew that ft world he nowise to admit the abstract right of all parties to Deis privilege, became we should he ("objected to tbet it:woe's:Urines of having Indians voting for Professors of Chemistry k Msthematics. This w• consider a strong grated 01 objectioo, for most people will readily admit that the untotored Indian is unfitted for the task of deciding between 0•01")...__Tagidk_„ and coadidates for Profess La" Pveatc_ fors' chairs, but u in said before, it would r worms s ralmal 01 ih.witY be digcnIt !edged to find anything whicb is Uwe, the seat of good in priecipie, but is also susceptible of with locking courage to gated the Public corruption. It is so essentially so witb apo Demboies monegled b.Bob"' 141%,1.11em__."' pointments to office by the Crows, that a with the Imareatood BooProomotasa" "e° most powerful argummt has herrn afforded deleted Peonege Berorla h5( 1. as "1" for its discontieuance. It is not because say, the Pest-wietter Oeverate salary wee mown patrosage is is/amble of conferring NAM' Semi "ea mg,,Pmaad-,Tra°7 4°' Mugu en the lams, that we seek the N eed idoonneet• _ ""mil• piturar, n'Tmig" change, bat because the experience of all " past tinis would warn no aoalost continuing Legieleffire Cooseik thorough =OM Minedem• abort" Paruar"r" """ts"" a system that has alreedy produced more of the Reeterisa mai evert re- form lath for by others than themselves or imasediate chqoi Med yet the Mirror prelude that they haete remedied surly every share, sod prodeces Ohs os • death -Moir to the propoeitim for &Comm- its. ! la metieieg these powspapers 1 have on - assured te mower the principal Matrimon- ial objections to an Assembly ef the people. Thereat. mien area which am mot worth settee ; them are chiefs( ewes which re- fute tierseselaw. The reammee urged for a Coeveetise still remaia ...bake., sod if the people -en wisp, if they mode their ewe interest, if they wish fan a Parliament pro- tractive of geed legislatioe, they will at mice take the prolissioary steps ler otgaeisaties, by the fermatas of Reform Aseociatiees. esd in the claming winter, er before the out emend Moieties, decide in Coeventioe epee the great meemene whist' they gra wail have seceand to ties. With par- ties .10.410( 5. they are the present Mien- try,party appeal to the coheir, and be abs- tained by • majority like that with which Dropur clusig to Author four year, will users, soother four years of Whig policy, earl thee--Camega will per- haps ad mother star to the • &time ga- laxy." OUR POSITION. The wee*, which. Me fee some time poet eneted, for the setabliehout is the place of &junta', which weal truly rum - out the esetlineets ash opmthes of that parties of the Inhabitmets of Norfolk, do - "Med to liberal primetplea ant be at the some limo worthy the soseleasace sod 0.- 1 01 the virtues said well dig- -posed of all parties, se kr as other than politica guineas ars comermed, has Wo- oed the preprieur ef the Mesas:or, in Gogh Wide the creel eateitation of a and toffigeotitl member of the moat el County, to mthertake the peasant's orthe paper, the first number of which, we Uwe thie day the piessere of layiag boffin 0. readers. To war Prospectus, whisk will be feared • emother este.., we respechily beg to peisoneat" it is said to be ; but this is not Toile se lariatiee sIIbspsistksSws Propos. 'leanest important part of the affair. At ge essay Wb.. we ODIUM 10 pursue the least two score of applicants have Mee def- ames witch we have thecae 1014 4... tow appoietod, and they'retere to their Meese egt we shell he wilheg to sada rietermieed to oppose alt who wdl Nippon is bbsessammatlee end discrete" which the mem that refused to lithos to their isss er tater following every breath of claims. Now this is es extreme ease ; *1 1. faii; sod in aesis reiteratieg_ our doter- of rermy-dey camernsece ; .04what are the sheathe 10wooloaw aught width ay have chimes of successful ligialation seder such the of psnmeal maliee or an• a system 1 The i t ....sr., on corrupt Sheriffs, more time-rierving and pars tins Clerks or the Peace, and more atm- phants and toady. is venous official capac1. ties, than all things else put together. We desire to Dee public offices ash emol- uments steed before • free people u the idet sad h000rable rewards of cossistesey, heasety, 'Diego h000rable public undue', instead tog made the sneans 01 6... sod &gored corruption. We de- sire, too, to see the Government freed of the trammels of fatties, which never can be the cape as long as • facilities crowd of office - seekers are ever pesteriag than with tenor - %Goitres. We Can readily imagine, too, the islet, inflicted on the interests of the coup - try by the time of this mashers of the Gov. enema Moog taken vein the consideration of numerous claims for a recently nested ogee. We tea imagist) Mr. Baldwie, for imitance, with numerous complicated Acta of Parliament before him, train whicb he desires to compile one general measure for the better government of municipal bodies, or we can picture to mond( the Attorney General East before • table strewed with maps hid papers ; be is framing a Bill for vying increased represeetation to the peo- ple. Theo there is tbe laspector Gemini arranging the dandies of a sew School Act, or. coseeettag a new postal law . Well, all these thins are of vital importance to the ceeetry at aadthe gem's! impreseioe is that they are all toe long delayed. Jest at this moment, the Sheriff of the County of Something has bees gathered to his father", but before the weekly .rtmeaper Ms Mee able to record the meat, what about of ap- plieaste have reached the seat et governs moot ! Pereoaally and by letter the OHM - bore ante government am badgered with the superior claims 01 Mr This or Mr That, sod so progress can be made with the al- imporUat hothees of the mouthy, simply because the Cooaty of flossetbieg lacks • SberiE sod the extremely rosternal. solici. tede of our patroosge-lovieg (mousiest will sot allow the Cowley of Somethiog to choose for Ruff. Thee corms the ofilaal announcement that Mr. Sycophant Toothy has bees appointed Sheriff of the County of Not-to-be-troeted, sad as " excellent ap- etre Stet to sue mop ewer. num shall we upset Ile GOD pain 'ofilof Nov from • nostrils Itseregested tab pass. Aa well may Si hope to loughsir thbot by drub - I0( copiously from the IWO, SPOON of the Atlantic., to look fee patriotic measages the creatures sod hireliage ef eserrepties ! -Dewier Monier. LT T6. CAMS ef Atha" 10the Usiud Om: ties, ens spread se Toothily by Chief 'sake Raisiosse. William Names. es Queen Cosmos'. The shy ems is Me Canniest Cat - ether, we beliege, is • sire it petty deft el a Mks, earers, whish .a4..04will emus 17 10 hough lo ma. owns to the decide of the priseips/ withers. We an of opines, aid res dere say, Mr. Noumea will agree with ea that *6. 10.- amorists the silk sows at Ms Hares fission, is like somy ether beesse-re ry predthee qlsir. If weethy chimes of them fished Comities mold OW beep se hems( masses" sod thw freed, as they de of WOO Or pesithable crime, we bac' • sect of isdistioset cometies that we meld almost disposes with the experove formality of. Coen of NU Prins. Sot me-ragret se lure that the Potent Coen is to be rather ixtessivedy serropiod with sense es - ti* specimen of thw reindlies sad rascality, which we mast entien to rowed es efoesOf criminal with eosins theft. sod mem semodly sod more debeles. W. sodomised that the ormeriees cue of Miss Williams apnea ghat, McDonald, was tried yesteiday, tied • verdict of thirty meads kr Ms Plaistiff wu the result.- The verdict at lam Amara was for the Sheriff! Se meth foe the o• gloriosa Law: 0:7- We have felt much pleasure on the opening of nor assisos, on the 1.1 Utast, at witseesingacr Sherig tor/teed of briefing forward criminals for trial, presenting the Judos, clerk of wise and Queen's Comae' with white gloves, sad heariag his Lord- ship the Judge addrreseed on the muskrat as follow.. 0.41,1.6. 1st Mather. 1856. Cour Rom. To *1. ffiesrathis.reilia EMMA, ArGessos, Chier lidideCeert (.ie Bead. 14, Loao.-I ham ibe heath to euphuism yog on the opeeisreif the Adage for the UnitedCouutie. Coaaties Hero.. Perth sod Rowe. es the 'devisee that 1 have set is the Geri et the said Coesties, asy proseere so be breeght before yea kw trial. Asd it is with greet fredshetise that st have also to add, that there 1. 101 at this me - meat, aor bas there bee• for weeks parit, eves • stogie primer is my charm for dohs. I ham .6. Weer to be. My Lent, Very respectfully, Veer oberPot sem% J. McDONALD, IIMOR Varied Ceuta. Hares, Perth and Bios.. 07' Population of United Counties of Harem Perth and Bruce, from 26 to 30,000- t tif•m• NEW LINE OF STAGES earrwea GALT AND GODERIOH 1 THIROUGH 114 19 HOURS ! arreeselow mat Hearsefress lisialbse. -NOMMENCING oe TUVIDAY 1st of . October, a Wage will leave the geese's Arm Hotel, Galt, at 6 Veldck, e. and the British Hotel, Godericb, at 6 o'clock, a. m., every day (ffisonsys excepted,) worth, at each of the above Tows. st early bed. Om, es/ will anthem to res for the Att. commodettoe of Travellers, start's/ poses tually at 6 o'clock is the asoraiog. The oubscriber bopes by myself street attention to tbe coasforts *be Tramillieg Pablo so raceme • share of their support. Bogle Robes, 1*.., kraisited. Any complaints mak of Drivers will n- ame imindothe attestors, ash will be at ince redressed as far as redress practi- cable. Parcel. sent by this Lose will be convey- ed with we and peostmehty, and delivered at moderate charges. Perms' traveling by lIfis Liss will not be deprived of rest se se the Rooth from God.- rich to Hamilton, they ernes se Galt be- tween 10.54 11 o'elock st eight, and leave tor H is the morning assilato at o'clock - sad os. the Rosie from Hamilton to God.- rich the Pasesegen arrive is Galt al they choorie, at o'clock to the Aftorsoon or 12 o'clock at sight, ao‘leave for Goderieb at 5 is the mornieg. T. M. DALY, Proprietor. Stratford, Sept. 96, 111641. 3e -a3311 GoLo TES Correa Rstefon.-The Lake Superior Journal says, "We were shown yesterday, by Capt. John Halloran, cif this place, a piece of quartz rock from Lake Superior, containing several dollars' worth of pore native gold. The gold shows- it- self in particles, disseminated through the quarts the largest of .61.6, as near as we could jade from the appeeramce, weighs more than a dollar. -We saw it thoroughly tested in several waye yesterday, sed there a no question a• to its being pure gold. It is met, however, the first discovery of gold on the lake; geologists bane detected it is moral instaeces. luny Lind bag given $10,000 (0, 18. fol- lowing porpoises : Firs Department Food *5000; Musical rued Society $2000; Home for the Frioad• le,. $500: Society for Relief of ledigeot Females $500; Dramatic Fund Association 51600; Home for Colored Aged Persons *300; Colored Orphan Asylum $600 ; Ly ing-io &gloat for Domestic Females $500; New York Orphan Asylum *500; Roman Catholic Htlf Orphan Society $600; Prot- estant do. $300; 011 1.4... Asylum $600. -Total $10,000. itiarkets. FOR SALE. THAT EXCELLENT FARM oN the &yield Rook Nm is*miles from GODERICH, and Three from Bayfleld, consisting of 190 Acres of Land, 46 of .61.6 are cleared, ash through which runs that excellent Mill Stream, the 33 Creek. For particulars apply to Mr. NAFTEL, at Godericb . September 27, 1860. 12-633t1 ENGLISH NEWSPAPERS AND PERIOD- ICALS. /TIRE Snliscribets receive regularly be every 1 Steamer, std are prepared to sepply item- distely- Eoropeen Times, British Army Dispatch. hietoris Time, Jolla Ball, Lathes' Newspaper, Atlas. Ladies Companies.. Bell's 1.11. 1* Lanes, Illestrawd News, Mb....., Pesch, Bereetatia. Dickens' Hoesehold Words. Orders for ether &toilet papers promptly at- tained. 'goy else 'apply the following Period - Army List. Muth',. Navy List, Qoarterly, D Harts' Qsarterly, De. Alleas, Leman Qearteriy Reviver. Ediebergit Review, North British Review Wesimiester Review, ilisekwood•s biagasis:4 Art Uaiste, Farmers Gaide, Harper" Magazime. Orders for any ado. above may be arklressed to the esbecribere, Otto Mr. PARSONS. Gode- rich, where a eatalogm of their extensive yid varied stock of Books sad General Literature may be ma. Mow. H. ARMOR & Co. 3t30 King Sum, Toreeta COMMISSION STORE AT THE KINCARDINE ARMS, BY H. MARLTON. GODERICH, Oot. 3. WHEAT, Fall, per ha lo do. Ite to Oe Od. Floor per bbl. 184 to 20e 61-0.1. per bo. le Od-Peas per W. %- Potatoes per bo. s Od to Os -Pork per bbl 00.. -Butter per lb. 5d to 7d-11ame per 16. 5d -Eggs per dos. 4d. Hay per ton, imitaty, to employ air hembie &Wines in "this\ the minteters 01161 crows Mee bees 355. 16 40.. ail pumeties a lienneey, amorality and gagaged ars either neglected, oe proderted Montreal., Sept. 21. to seek to make Mir paper • welcome ie such as thomisfactery mminer, es 0000 te Fimer--Freell grand Floor has Mot is altar to the greeiden of all alums of the ugh,. trainee. It this way we go.. good &masa thmaghoot the week, both esseenualty, le maw ft what a public your- from year to year--yobleing-Unkertag- ohm • .pet sad to ranee, bot goat - e el 1 to be, *60.541u. et imparting ietriguia/ ! No somber is a toneicipal Bill tt Offering has bus may trifling -the salsa STRAYED from the owl of the sub- liver such articles at the exposes of the toop .01 bafereastion, and the before the oemmtry, 110. ow, to some' it 1. .61.6 have taken place being waive the ''-' scriber on the Baytkid Road, Deer the Commission. The proprietors of steam - educate of whatever hos a tendency to noomeary ! no time is required to coseioce rams of Oter quotations. For "Extra -Su. Town of Godeirich, • Large Redcb, and White vessels on the River St. Lawrence and geemete the wean, and &dames the intro- us of the good or bad motets's0 of a Postal per, of fret quality, its. Id. us offered Spotted STEER. Any one giving infor- Lake Ontario base liberally cemented to a MOO .4 16. eesstry gtherelly, we eonfid- 11411, for we are sever permitted to tost without niters, mine will be suitably rewarded. cossiderable reduction is freight charts. .0017 10.84.t tita eetemi mi egbethe co. tb. 1 end a. it, the mow Bute, thety gg, Wheat--Oor last week's qnotation of 4s. EDWARD YEAMANT. uo all artkleo forwarded to the Exhibit/era operates et ell, whateger may be their peal is demanded before the Royal Assent 7id• per 60 16.. 0,01114 be obtainable for a August 1416, 1060. .3.31 and the enterprising oyster of the Steamer raged undeuisia who are ffirepoesd to has been given to them. We ask any tea- goad sample of either tart. Ciro of Toronto has aneouneed he atm- e la Imams diaereses', bery pun food.. seeable reso if .U. Mote a this'', is harm Astute -Pots have again declined iti oto• noel, ea ow befog, SATURDAY., the 11111 day of Osteber. The sem g21100 bane( sass gusto/ by the Legislature ha the perplexes et the 00.0orselos, amid Weal ea6criptuvee to a theeiderable thereset bean brae added theeme, the Cessenseiemen are prepeted to sword prises (emeleetemy in the 'gro(els to LI SOO) 1. 180 best ostieles, exhibited in the follow*/ Classion•-se mese particularly est forth 1. 16. Prise Lisa already publishad. CLASS 4. Miserals, One, Metals, Earths, Glass, Pamela* Pottery,Stom, Cermets, Plasters, Tiles Wawa Iwo Ina ca.ries • . sec. 1, Wheat, Borley, Rye, Oats, Coes, alid other produce, Seeds, Fruits, Starch, OutOS, Sugar, Resin, Dyrr Stuffs sad Coke's, Taaniog Mai erials, To- bacco, Vegetable Oil, kc Sm. - &espies of Casadian Woods In *ix feet Planks, Min- gles, Stave*, mid Veneers See. 3.--i:temples of Fornituse• • • CLAIN' G. Preperstions for Food, as Beef, Pork, Hams, Bacon, Hooey, But- ter, Cbeese, krt., of Oils, Lard, Cimino, Soap, Glue, Leather, Wool, Hair, Bone, pickled sod dried Fish, stuffed Amitosis, Bode, ha., Firs, lac , caass D. Machieery, as Steam Engin Boilers md Furnaces, Water Wheels, Wind Mills. Pumps, Fire Enema, Hydraulic Rams, Travellers, Crows, Lathes, Planiing,Drilling,Boriag,Shear- ing, &vetting, Nail amid Screw Cutting, Brick, Candle, other Machines or Models, th metal thereof S.c. 2.-Illanufactures in Metol, as Orem:motel cast and wrought Iron, Nails, Screws, Augers, Axes, Edge Tools, Cutlery, Planes, Stoves, Grates, Fen- der., Fire Arms. Clocks, Type, Aitroaornical, Matheinaucal, Surgical, Dental, and Musical Instruments Sec. 3.-Farosing Implements, as Plougba,llarrows,Chaff-cutters, Reaping, Thrashing, Smut and other Machises, Grain Cradles, Forks, Shovele,Scythe Spathe, kc Sec. 4. -Special Specimens of Mechanical Skill, Dentists, -Goldentitbs,Silversmiths,White- smiths, Blacksmiths, Lock- smiths, Coopers, Wheelwrights, pod TIO or Copper Smith's work VARMERS and Merchants having pro- m•- duce or goods to dispoesil of for cash, will find the above Commission Store an eligible place to seed their goods to for sale. No charge for storage -five per cent charged oo Gederich, Sept. 7, 1860. ,3o30 e. d. fie 0 0 SOO. 00 46 • 0 100 0 0 300 0 190 0 0 160 • 0 CLASS a. Woollen and other Manufactures, and Broad Cloth, Tweed, Flan- nel,. Blaokets, Cottos Goods, Linen Goods, Worsted, Fringes, Oil Cloths, Matting, Cordage, Paper, kc cLatis 1. Manufactures in Leather, as Sad- dles, Heroes*, Portmanteaus, Ho.. -pups, Belting, Boot and Shoemaking, Bookbioding, lac • Sec. 2 .-Carrirges, as Summer and Pleasure Carriages Bug- gies. Farm and other Wages., Single and Double Sleighs••• • cLass 0. Specimens of Modelling, Sculp- ture, Carving in Stowe sod Wood, Wood and Seal Engrav- ing, Letter -prem, Lithographic sod Copper -plate Printing, • . Private Governess Wanted. WANTED a yang Lady of agreeable manners and dispositios, competent to superintend the Education of a few young Ladies, from the age of twelve to sixteen. Referemes required. Esquire at the Kiscardiee Arms, Goderieb. 0.11 Reporter to copy till forbid, aed need ac- count to E. H. Marlton. Godericb, Sept. '7, 1860. elln/lOtf TRAVELLER'S HOME. STRASBURG, WarnaLoo, 2816 February, 1849. S orHE Sabocriber hereby intimates to his A friends and the Travelling Public gene- rally, that he has removed from New Aber- deen to the Village of Strasburgh, mid will now be found in that well-ksown bourse for- merly occupied by Mr. Jonee,-whore he will be ready and able to cosdoce to the comfort of those who may honor high with their patronage. Aad while be returns thanks for past favors, he hopes, by strict attention to the waits and wishes of big customers, mill to merit a continuance of their patronage , JOHN ABEL. N. B. -Good STABLES and attentive Groomes. v2 -04t( CLAD* S. Indian Productioos. as Canoes, Saddle., Cradles, Pooches. Pup's, Snow Shoes, lac. • Second Prises are awarded in all the Classes, and a coesiderable amount is re- served for distribution at the diacritics of the Judges to articles upeoumerated ID the List. All articles most bare producth or manufactured in Canada. All articles to which Prism have been awarded, will be held liable to trassmission to England. A specal honorary Diploma sortable to the occasion .111 6. prompted to all parties obtaining first prizes. The Judges of the various Classes will he appointed by the Commissioners, from a list of names proposed by the various So- cieties ash Institutes (in each unties of the Province) connected with Agriculture, Manufactures and thit Mecham-teal Arta. - Such Judges in no, case to be inhibitors in the Class to which they may be appointed. Prise Articles' selected for transmission to England, will he packed, warehousec, insured and slopped at the expense of the Commission. A Load°. Agent will be employed by the Cominission to receive, insure sad de - 90 6 9 481 0 110 9 0 fit YE PI (mot. A Las tedebeed le the lotly A-116 of . L iloodlog. sad oho • Jeer. It. Goviiez ave rogmeeted to poi the same to MN ifs ill diehle gee the thou nutlet hare Mon to RO Wrs Aug. I the* PROPERTY FOR SALE. IA/ 1LL be SOLD ow the meet nameable • Tome, a LOWM LOT, Mutated • a the corners of Sofia sod Booth Wan oto., adjoining the Market Iliorno, Godench•-• Tb. Lot culottes easily half am sand prowled, with a goad Tame Home, sari Frust Goitre en S. For farther portreslare apply to JA MIES CLEGG, Lighthemes Goillerieh, After* 141114 16-811 r110 SESCULATORS AND OTH111111. -The lebrieriber braise bed PARK Lets Nos. 433, 434. 43L 43. sod pert 4610. mar the emir. the Tows el STRA7TORD earreyed mad laid oat ism, etee-teerth Mn Lem wesld rewrerithr all the sureties of Amis. perchance is the sams.-• Prot aod saiseembited Deeds will hograsted w them perobasiao, or hood Im Deed will be gime to these who caseet pay for Lout mob dews, el,. such • Isestb of time as lady be arro-th apse. ffilor D. H. Liam &Lester. Stratisid4with wham For pettiest."' tis to PM,. A.S. apply le mc tin plass of the Properwty Thee. mectaxoc)....0. Strat(ord, 18th Jose, MO. DIVISION COURTS. rirflE net Divisiess Come fee the Dotted J Cassini of Heron Perth sod Ihrine, b• held to the times and Mere ieltherissl- let. Dodder& -Coed hoese at Getiorteb,- 94 Docember. 4. F. Maya. Esq. Clerk. Deempee9d.m. Diasiarabeutwr. Ratnneb.-Jwitheticasailiolieke". ffi,loeictheisdi.411:-.1111th bd. Disisiers--Weed*. Tavern, Stratford, los oos. roecoieer-Qaieks. Tavern Ludes Roth. 27th December Grate Carter, Esq., Clerk. 5th Diaviiiim-bleKsosisto Ise,theerfteW 11*6 Dec. Jambes Gardee, Dm, Clerk. Ildt. Dioiesa--golutel hoses Mary'.. Feb. James Celsius, Esq., Cthrk. Tb. Sittimp .4 .6. Several Coons will oem- mom pootteally at 11 o'clock, A. M. ARTHUR ACLAND, J. D. C. Goderish, Sept. llib, '50 NOTICE. DERSONS desirous of settling oe the A Durham Road in the Townships of Glenelg, Bentisck, Brant, Greenock, Kin- loss and Kincardine, most apply pereonally at the Office of the uedersigned, sad no lo- cations will be confirmed except such as are made in accordance with this requirement. All assignments of laterest in locatieme without the kaowlefte and approval of the Agee*, will be consUered as • forfeiture of all right in thi locate* or assignee. GEORGE JACKSON, Argot. Bullock, County of Waterloo. Clown LAiro Orace, March 14th, 1860. yen, TO BE SOLD. -An Excellent' Farm of Land. 110EINO Lets No. *5 .4 16. emelt" 14th ems - 13 essisies, Township of Ludes, comtaisiag 900 acres, 70 of which we cleared. Th. Lath IN 0 is e/ • Seperior quality, sad well watered. It is situated tea miles from Ike Tows of Lndeiar es the Macadamised Road. There is • Frame Reese sad two Frame Boras oo the premise...-. •• 0 It is in the ceatre-of s populous locality. The place is well adapted for a Store or Tavern Stud. This Farm is well "retitled to the attn. ties of penises desirous of seise late hosisess. Them is ales a good Bearing Onions! se the mid Farrn..and will Ime sold on eery reamble terms. For parlieslaro apply to Wm. Maga- 15 • 0 bra, os the alloining Let, or to JAMES McMAIIEN, Judy 3ri, 1850. Tows of Goiseriek. .3•29 VI 0 ties to transmit ell such articles free be - NOTICE. . mai seas tosstaw ts. the eassion Me, and is it met attributable ie a greet des tootatiolea al winch the/ ars to -day iliac- A LL pampa indebted to the asbecrater Urees...._ ,olni t011 i gs D. D. PA FASO . desire, in pobliehithe geol. roe to tioll mass entail of Patcollat• la Ulm Paid, "10 "mod,, hot soh in demomd. 1-s- by Note or Book account previous to 11 "" "' avoid whatever ate be courearred a jest " As to the people beteg unfitted for the pay the Dams before the 15th rin;etober rai,m the higto onoPmtomao °I moaeling um- 6"P's"." 141h• 11/51• i ate to the thou Programme to isoprene epos the Tockereeratle, Loader. Road, t Ret Wilms futommeing me eigeolutioe to the heads of the advisers of the neve t at MI- Y. far obitlnag Fannie- the lot of January last, are veal measles of perusal alkose, eits Sean it by exercise el tomb privileges, wo bays oil • next; as be grill without fail, put all mot "mall ia" tino great nonitemMen• BY the laa-NOTICE To the Clerks and Baigfr's of the Division Courts. tfaHE Overused demand for and other BLANK WRITS, Is sims. nection with the business 0( 18. sows' Db. visits Coterie in the District, baa weriehlei of in printing them in much larger ties tithe heretofore, sad 7=lb. Wee ue to sell them mooch cheaper -therm. fore we intimate to the several Officers res. usring these Blank Forms, that from this ate, Summonses ash all other Writs be- longing to the Division Coort, will be Sithil at the Signal Ofico at the reduced price of rj• Two 810 LL1OOS MID Suzanne. PIM 1101011ZD.,(0 Blank Deeds and Memorials, AND all kinds of DIVISION COURT BLANKS, alai BLANK PROMIS- SORY NOTES, for sale at the glipal Ofgoe. Every diecription of BOOK sal 1011 Priatimg sunned with mottoes@ std dispatch. ET QUMMONSE13 required by she New Din 1.3 visit Court Ant, and ell ether MANZ rocas wed is the Qistriet aod Division Coons, oft Sale et th Mirsai Ogee Ales, all his& JOB PRINTING exmoteil es the shortest metier. and rie wedemits terms. Lely 19, 1960. (IAMB into the emlueu of the wheal- " ' her abut the of July, a Red mid White 'formal STEER. abut three year" old. The *woo" is requested to prey" pro- perty, pay.sepseees god take hut sway. ISO ISOM 10 Os oodorstoad las blobs( as to to Nemeth that they ever will be Della DO easiest es Least we a i r t paw 0,, that 00,..1. the band of the cwks liberality of the Izislature, the Composie- Prime REMOVAL. of goo. doe tu their y he eel allowed thou rights sad peivi- At pastime. ,,,, tho 95,y 'km,. dm hay a of the 1.1 and mit Divisiom Courts for col- 8 °". squill is soosot to thou awarded by FA - to moor, soinedvoroitto. lege. properly beleognig to sue. We Theme M. Etsty, gel., me am. lectioe. t tip asommi of flinching never yet weer a maa who had Mee tied by As the owes( mama... tmi, IN .1.., Mn.. JAMES GORDON. "'"" 61 . 1, and in addition to e- a1t 111. , i1lbl17teo= rioatemmr'bpffidree8es.i=dsthiet a1 . 1 1 • ttoposod whole,- sum oma . Witb, a, . -• • fraeaall ithe expiatehe:ered s he he ip .pales ea • the apree-etreg ohis meths, sewached ym. mostete. .1. 4.g64. Clona, Sept. 14th, 1850. vin39-1mt, iersoce eartraseseoa Si the Chikla Ili am- bYtb*tea*ofbe° albmitrs"ad!!AtMsded,ea tlw 27teh., Mn. P. Rseleced antehto de Great Exhibitieeo hs"m provicaahdustranic alt Nato... With each e p71..lomooeity roaotJudaea:a/ netias saeach neeueos iao ritnuspnoeolgoolymins GREAT EXHIBITION an waienpatroc ..ales e ru•iieii,thtre peat faith ms kla wseaifthem bea At isfrd,e the ffid eh., leee, "mod* e the It:- ie their . , . end le OM& itt proolot omitted Nor oolf govottot pm, tkragesor .1 14.. Robots Ur. TO 11 MILD A T 140 NT R SA L. tb• 4.55,0 1. ISSSI'S " the P10,," 1 ineteid eareditere of the public keit, inset, *.usp let them bass the see .1 1*, Is - - high pralines to which it is estitied amearit 64 6. 'Wads& ot the pregame aUtillers It they an 0. 1. indeed. we doubt Alp - -- --- PRE COMMISSION1JUI aseeisted on- the Coltman et Groat &Hate, the Com- mode try OWN Oar to %I last bat day will seem arum themselves BIS bans im• IND Bomdmolor• c'r r__11° "1"ri_; ta- gee the (mei sod of tikelrovi I, mallow, foot soured that the melt will iliele8111*"la ehlAr184 4 V** alit abirbdell ithotetell ilf nlinii a ago* oni- .. he', 144 1so " tbe let ceeceeel.„,", ar asedeet the PROVINCIAL EXIIIII;116QN a° "Ila " tha"a"'" 'man" ' rely 1* ; by Ilbo pOoploot lho pa. to iffiLef metental Nth Ms hitherto kept them .,,Mrsismilara.ti am the ith i°11 beet•.„ a ..," 'IL. to be hold at Illentreel, with a view to the Th• C =Era es ' Maeda% owl threes% the There ars many le our or teemed w", *hit 8 "Ile rad no each g''. ''' "'" 001001400 sd eirthelee, the redact*. .1 Cs_ with confideece upon dos espergitie to- ga )S6 ,III Mil am Wish levialt the Illve2 OW hit Ms rrr- °I"' lea2ebe"11._._ .__111 rd" trrir"Vg P•7 HISITION OP HC INDUSTRY OF a" lonmanto the nedertaking: by "IA co- smoses le Posse M easirlassarbi tele.f hatatiog pig 009 1119 . 6011090. mewls" our pooh- merits esheele p0. wawa "art" Iwo oar owaY: , „_ whisk we .6.4.4 lag osek--oare rod -a calf at ber feet. The with him SOHN HOMINID. pop fr, youn, avineby Kim ammo, that tit. be beteg st te a sueseeeflel amid hemorabt• node. iler ' as the impair pp_ operatios of all clause eseepotest to aid ALL NATIONS, le lahe plus in LON- oreiebee alone cam *MC hope alli=71221111111sillikesa airsolait Ws Wei war .62 the sassittirisa tre 16°1. thvoir 1110. let OP. " geld Truisetel Ihdlibiiise will be bold at ii...- 158554 0.10* mortiratAt., ss Thereday, 17th Oetiebor Prime Trate may be *Maimed by septu- m/see/pi bet It ' NV them. sad Saul INN plume es te glom vosasistsot TAI YOTICL mat, owl two oebaspreet /aye. tioe to the Mayors of Cities end lecorpo- Oa lbe ,pobas, ask sasass Ruereretej ter them jlito 10., IN, We eloWly id *Mee A 5.t. P.,•98999. bow. bout to glum The C hereby further pee rated Towne, the Warden* of Comities, or sod ossioni ostooiNot, thoottebtho Sallee Uss 64*16.14 We soot .rOvi Whom is 411., 0•0 Dams Demeseis earibleg .5ay souse 01 110 following duisieltel to the Seeretery of the rogoomirolloO. sass at tom sl emir sallissrese arse son iseir es the pilaw esoloress wad .aft a reeemet. me bets eel ref sad 1.81 eet AS anthem inteetW for Foinbetion Moat lly Order .1 16. C =11144boiolooblo4to r bessur easalss• as Me yaws' is Is. BM lbo to the be roopoomeolo he IAO our the deft I* alionsed to Una Lan10111“L sin, th• ?RED. CIIII KKR LA IID. os u. 1 8. 181111, Aid - be is tha add et that of ode .worxmoGags. =ma o srsmossirsorosbisik los Ssir awls lbw . se be IIIIMVOINd Ms* el there) 411111I0.- • Tecate, kith Aug.. 1180 Aber 4.2.00 of Ibo Illoosouvo Committee, eat )OHS ADAMS, TAILOR, BROS loose to intimate toil', inhabitaats of Goderich red its vicinitv, that h• hats Iligeraved his TAILORING ESTABLISH - MINT to West Street, first door .s.101 14. D. Seymour k Co.'. Store, whore be will M prepared to lathe ap 61.4 .01 GAR- MRNTS es the sherteet deuce, ash on the suet reemestele sores. Cutting dose ea shortest moues. Othetieh, Sept. 111, lige- vs -,,sou CAUTION. COBIARLOTTE GIBBON S, say Wife, having elandestioely abseated herself my hopes, sad hiving is • airy lase et - era 11111550t, allO041000d turf ItOONS Sad help - lees childres to the care of strutters, oth • only without say provocation or comma eh my part, bet aloe seder etreumstameem si • oast aggravatieg charioteer ; 1 hereby gnat, paha 'toleration, that 1 will sot be is say way respeasibie for say debits which ette may imetrael, either is Gookerseli effik, where, sebeetpmet W the Isto. *a. JAMES 0 ederieb, Mouldy, Oth Sept. lin