HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-05-01, Page 8Pap" S. MC Times -Advocate, May '?, 1' Hensall And District News CORRESPQNPENTE Mrs, Maude Hecklen, Phone S Mrs, Arshic, McGregjr, Phan 194 School :air 'Take Soil Tests !Fair Pushes Balance Up 1 FTrtom anikroSla ! To. Cattle Class Hensall School Fair :Hoard rontn have arrived in Henson , Promotion of the e1a.ss for decided Monday evening to hold to take soil testings of the pro. market cattle, which will he - the annual school fair September Pase;1 site of the new Dal* of auctioned along with calves of GREEN 1,2 and the speaking contest Montreal to be built in Hens -ail , the feeder (duo at the Hensall otaber 3. ' in the near future. Sprint; lair and farm Machinery Thcd laecash balance atz the end lof will lans be for *guilts an new than bowling . 41 i �ow. June direetors of Southe Huron Ag - the year of $274.42, and has re- green on :Hain street. wilt be ricuttural Society at a meeting cewed $85.1.5 since, front the draw up as soon as results of , Thursday night. agricultural society, making a soil test is completed. Officials hope a nuutbee or, GREEN balance of 8359 77. i district farmers will take ad an-' Considerable discussion took lege of the opporlunity to market: place as to revising the prize �„r 1 u \r ri ' �i their cattle on fair day. the auc- st, and several changes were: tion provides a number of ad- , xrzade.vantages to producers, they . Douglas Miles, Huron a rep.' Bean Festival claim. ,conducted the election, and the; following were named directors: t The annual bean festival, which Plans for the show. including GREEN the machinery display, baby con-: S.S. 1, Tuckersmith, Mr. and has drawn thousands of visitors -11rs, Glenn Bell; S.S. 2, Tucker -'to Hensall each summer for a test, school parade, m}dwere• smith, Jack Sinclair and Joe program unique in western On- hands and other dent cj, ns, were Lostell; , S.S. 10, Tuckersmith.: iario, will be cancelled this year advanced. he meeting. ]Nast Dick Ernie Whitehouse and Ken Mc- i because of the rising cost in- ,Conducted the meeting. Kay; S.S, 7. Hibbert, Berl Riley volved, kinsmen Club President i Two more prizes were added ' And !Felson Howe; S.S, 10. Hay. Ed Funk and Mrs, Albert Shirra1•. Chairman is P. L. Mc- Naughton, and the auditor is K. -K. Christian, ,Iames A, Paterson. who has been secretary -treasurer for the past seven years, tendered his resignation for personal reasons. Jim Taylor or Lorne Hay were ,named for the position, Personal items Mrs, Mac Greer of London visited last week with her moth- er, Mrs, B. Bonthron. 117.N M TT.'.e ^ur n. 11'n-:r1't. T.. 17 ,,m..>T. :Tv.Tl...n?I_ ", --md v .r..r..r, r. -ti, ,,, i„ .me ...mrr.,1 !Na Loot., for The .Grcen Tags This Weekend GREEN TAG FEATURE, Fancy Quality LETS CORr TAG FEATURE! Aylmer Condensed 14 -oz. Tins a ATO SOUP T',rG FEATURE! Deep -Browned Chester Lee's Barber Shop, in his home first street south of General Coach, is now open for business, The shop will be closed Mondays, open the rest of 'the week and Tues., Thurs., and Sat. until 9. adv't I BEA:;S ,BY'S TAG FEATURE! SUPER SAVE Pure a E .Tack Drysdale announced on . to the palomino horse class. r GREEN Thursday evening following a Director Otto \\•inert was ap. lengthy discussion at the dinner - pointed master- of ceremonies, • meeting of the club.Committees appointed inciud- The festival has drawn as _ ed: many as 3,o0u persons in the Cattle -- Jim . Doig, Robert past four years front many parts McGregor. of the province. Residents treated' Machinery -- Lloyd Lovell. visitors to day -long parades, ` Grounds — Norman Jones, Bill baseball games and variety Dougall, Lorne Luker, shows, topped off by well -heaped ; Entertainment — Earl Dick, plates of beans and other garden' Otto Wiltert, George Armstrong, products of the white bean Russell Brown. belt. • Gate — Lorne Luker, Bill Jack said the club had found nougall. the project a heavy undertaking Calf —Lloyd Cooper, Arthur and has decided to drop it. des- 1'arlev Bob Parsons• nice past success, in favor of i Information -- Bill Decker. other projects still undecided. r These are being discussed and Secretary -treasurer is Jim Me - will be announced later. ti Gregor. Nomination was held and a • slate of officers selected for Bowling Group election at the next meeting. Deputy Governor elect Bill � m e s Goodwin 3liekle and Ars. .pickle, Mr. and Hrs. Jack Drysdale, will! Hensall's Lawn Bowling Club attend the District Kinsmen con -,launched its '58 activities Tliurs- vention in Hamilton May 16 to day night when at its annual - " "` s ! 19, President elect Harold Knight meeting it elected W. 0, Good - and Mrs. Knight will also attend win of Hensall president. some of the meetings. ( Wes Denner was appointed oetoru• J Tony Charrette won the raffle vice-president of the organize - prize. tion while E. R. Shaddick took `: The meeting chaired by presi-over t h e secretary -treasurer's tri refreshou fA 71, ;dent ,Tack Drysdale was held in :post. � ��� �� ;✓ the posy Korner restaurant. Other positions filled were as S iea•5 Doz. ullnlnunHnnnnllnulnnnnua,uannnnunnnuanmm�nuunntniuunnarntunnnuuunuvunnnnwg !follows: grounds committee, - ,Reeve Dorman Jones, John Hen - BROCCOLI 1 Q•oz, Tins NUT UT ` R JUKE TAG 'FEATURE! Rosedale Branch Choice ATO INTRODUCTORY OFFER! Super $ave Tea Bags 5c OFF 30 -Bag Pkg, 33c 10¢ OFF 60 -Bag Pkcg, 65c THE ELECTION ACT, 1951 Section 88 (4) NOTICE OF HOLDING AN Advance Pohl Notice is hereby given that pursuant to The Election Act, 1951 (Section 88), a poll for the Elec- toral District of Huron will be open on ThLrsday, Friday and Saturday, the 8th, 9th and 10th days of May, 1958, from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. and from 7 p.m. until 10 p.m. E.S.T. (9 a.m. until 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. until 11 p.m. D.S.T.) The polling places for the said electoral dist- rict will be locatdd at the Town Hall, Exeter, M. E. Clarke's Garage, Seaforth, and Mrs. Geo. Beacom's, East Street, Goderich, for the purpose of receiving the votes of voters who expect to be absent from the electoral district on the clay fixed for polling. The ballot boxes will be opened and the votes counted at 7 p.m. (8 p.m. D.S.T.) of the 12th day of May at the said places. Dated at Seaforth this 28th day of April, 1958. RUSSELL T. BOLTON, Returning Officer derson and Lorn Luker; tourna- OUNCH ment committee, William Brown and Sam Rannie. € i 1 The club hopes to start .the CA N T E LO PE season off on May 24. EACH '111111111111111iiintleBlmHntHHBlfill( tlItnllttnini 1P1nlnnnllnnnl1l11u1nt1,I int111 ilulu1111u111n1111t '41111111111111l1111OHI n;KrolniflIMIIIMMIIHMIHMInf,Itn1111HMIHMu,111HI/1Nln,l WIInrllnnlOr01111111U Have Just Arrived At Goo_dw n • Men's and Boys' T -Shirts • Men's and Boys' Sport Shirts • Men's and Boys' Ivy I tla9ue Caps • Ladies' Btindcraft IJresses • Men's ,sod Boys' Windbreakers • l3Oys' Dross Pants • Men's and Wontien's 'travel Cases • Melt's Felt and Ivy League Hats • Children's plastic Lined Rompers G11 l ''EMS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION! W. c:'0 Goodwin PHONE 16 HENSALE 1 . Milli'1OVIDMITH'fn7YrtWilrtrrrr Ifil'Yrrrrrnitorsi' 11101MTHIIllPrrnnnYtnlilliM MUNI flMIPIIIIVI r MIlil Facts On Alcohol CUKFS 29c 29c EACH 1 9c Topic For YPU A meeting of Hensall and • Chiselhurst Young People's / /a �'/� ® Whip Union, conducted b;',- the officers of Huron Presbytery, was held in. the "United Church Sunday evening, The meeting was brought to order by the president, Nelson McClinehey, and the members of the executive were introduced, Don Hemingway, vice-president of the executive, led a singsong, with Marguerite Lyons accont paving at the piano. Worship service was conducted by Don Hemingway on the topic, "Facts About Alcohol." After the general meeting, a period of recreation on Bible topics and Bible quiz was en- oyed, Neighbors Honor Departing Couple Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson and rift. and Mrs, Stanley Phe cltelt were joint hostesses at the former's home on Friday eve- oiled Pot. Roast Hing, when a farewell party was G or in honor of Mr. and firs. George Parker and family who have taken up residence in Hen- i n r . . A short program was enjoyed under the direction of Mrs. •Stan•Mi e ley Mitchell. During g tthhe social hear TtIr. n u t S t e a k Mitchell presented. 3Ir, and Mrs, Parker witha wall mirror, and FRESH PORK SHOULDERS Joyce and Linda Fergusonusn pre- seated gifts to Rickey and Cindy Parker, George expressed thanks to all, I FRESH PORK SUITS Refreshments were served to ; about 40 neighbors. Sunday School PORK' BUTT CHOPS ' 'Honors Member Nelson McClinchey,, who is leaving to take up residence in Clinton, was honored at a pre- sentation during the Sunday School hour at the 'United Church Sunday morning by Mrs. E. 71owe's Sunday School class of which he is a member, llensall and Chiselhurst United Church !Young People's, of which he is president, and a few of his friends. Nelson was presented with a travelling bag, presentation ad dress read by Jerry MoClinchey and presentation made. by Miss. ,trine Horton. Nelson who has til- : ways taken an active part in the Sunday School, Young Peoples and a valued member of the choir will be much missed, Kinsmen Canv;%is For Cancer OPEN 'FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9 'P.10. SALAD DRESSING 16 -OZ, JAR • 3 9C • 15 -oz, Tins 16 -oz. Mason Jars 48 -or, Tins GREEN TAG FEATURE! Culverhouse Choice Diced Beets 4 20-0Z, TINS GREEN TAG FEATURE! Pineapple and Grapefruit Lj1t:by'S Juice GREEN TAG FEATURE! Aylmer Choice Peas GREEN TAG FEATURE! Pillsbury Layer Cake Mixes 411-0z. TING is -DZ' • iNs tc az. PKGG, 3 F 0 R F 0 R io R F 4 F . _ 3 C1 R 8F Q R 3 GREEN TAG FEATURE! Colored or White White Swan 9 GREEN TAG FEATURE! F A KelIog's 'K' Cereal 4 ; s1 GREEN TAG FEATURE! Libby's Fancy Fruit Cocktail GREEN TAG FEATURE! Wagstaffe's Two -Fruit arm cel ad e 1S -DZ. TING, GREEN TAG FEATURE! Chubby or Regular TS-CiZ, TINS 3 $I Kleenex Tissues 6si $uper $ave E h GREEN TAG FEATURE! Libby's Fresh Frozen 12 -oz. pk9s, Lu. 45' 5Lt3S. c 79.' La, 40c L0, 49c LEI, 55c LEL. PEAS 6 w §1 WRIGLEY'S --Spearmint, Juicy Fruit, Doublemint Gum 130X OF 2E1 SOUTHERN CROSS SOLID LiGHT Tuna Fish. 5 R sT AYLMER TOMATO - Catsup 13o11-tn5 TTLE'S R $ 1 JOHNSON'S HARD GLOSS GloCoat ZANY TIN $ 1 LOWNEY'S ANGELUS Ib, bags Marsmaliows 3J1 , IensaIl 1 ittstnen were pleased; with the success of their house to 'house canvass of the village ) rlday evening fors the Cana- dian Cancer Sociefy, Prank Ell- wooer, chairman of the projeci, stated that over $500,00 was real. izr`d, Pletfso 'ruin to Page fl - OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS- UNtIL 10 -IP.M $UPCR 41 AVE f673'th€PAC€�'