HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-04-24, Page 16•Pogo 16 The Times -Advocate, April 24, 19S11 Lucan Personal Items Alis Clara Reward who under- , The Lucan Public' Schnol remit went an .eneration in St. jo. ' at a meeting last Thursdae nye- - erspit's Hoepital is making sans- mug hired Mr. jule Desjardine fectory recovery. of Grand Bend to teach Grade Mr. Janis Little, caretaker of 5 and 6 next year. He will re. the Public School, is again ,un Place Mr- W. Stele's. the sick list. Mr. awl Mrs. llarold Hunter Mrs. Andrew Brown of . of Detroit were weekend visit- Lon don spent a few days last week ors netts Mr. and Mrs. john With Mr. and Mrs. Jack ilartly, Casey. mrs, .G, P. ,Graharn of Lun. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Diekins of *-.....-- . On and Mr. and -London were Thuesday guests • Mrs. Ben Wit- = of Gwen Sound were week_ if Mr. and Mrs. Boh e'oletnine : end geests of Mr. Fred Arme, Mrs. Stewart Sceli wae the ' W• 1 Ejects lege and, ,other Lunn relate, es, lucky winner of the gallon 0 t in the A & P store at Strattord name '‘wts draw). ilt the J- 8 ' ' . New late S Mr. :Bob \Vatson gees has hem :ane Glidden Kilauea when her • for the last 16 months has m•en tea' • ' epril inert isle' of he • , . , -11!. ,k. sa.e Nt. Ii'n n Spred . atm , *exit to the Cheapside store in was demonstrated last Saturtiae.: The Meand M. Ronald (-amide Ltican V, omen's Institute Was Lond.on. Before le•aving Stra•tford, he was presented with a number tif Saintsbury. a retell: bride met beet in the Community Memorial pf gifts by the staff. groom. spent Saturday esetnose Centre last Thursday evening. with Mr. and Mrs. Henry The motto was. "Thine go - Mrs. Bill Thomas, Mrs. Dean. : tine:well the coming year in last and Mrs. George Bradley of 1..or.- li°143"s• don were Tuesday guests of Mrs. Mrs- Cecil Hudgins' eroup of Y,.ear" „rut:. Tile retiring Presh Ira carting and attended the tile Anebeen Lath". "mkt' (elcg.ine‘%111.;;le,.:1;ilirildaSsitielalidogpientsf h(ensi'. W.I. Kuehre and Bridge wale eatered to the Lions Cluh rioted in the Aneete;in basement last term tlillee had not been in her. . Friday guests with Mr. and Aland** e'e:•-un2••• a rut.Roll call was answered by the Mrs. Clarence Lewis' from Yale. Mr. and etre. Cecil Robb spent - aying of fees. The school ehoir, nlich. included Mr. Hugh Hod- a flay last weile in limeardine • P gins and daughter. Mrs. lean with the,r unt•le, Mr. Gideon , ace0111Panied bY Mrs. Clarence Hardee :entertained with several Scott, also Mrs. Lloyd MeCall Math% who. is ill. Mr , ,:.. V. „„„st. .1.1, wiii,w.,1 1 10, : musical numbers. end Mrs. Ann Hayes. mr. and Airs. Owen Filer Iva,:a- ,,,eionl'y "gi'ices'i,''at'"'ille To liven up the usual annual w end daughter. Suzanne. also Su. rectory. meeting. a hat show as staged. ' Attlee and liteees were , eats itan Peters were .Sunday guests mrs • i Irene lbees and MIL of .savkee for aneiteet head gear and of Mr. and Mrs. Murree Hod- -• •*,* : . . ; . la ' - ,a '1 , ( .„‘14 ' the 'vela was most hilarious with mrs. T. nriunte ane Air. especially to the children. As and Mrs. Hamill MeFalls- Mr the prizee went to the craziest Harold Brooke. now of Toronto. bats, migh Gordon flaming \von wes a weekend visitor with Mrs. first prize with a lamp shade T.! ,171.. M.71171. Lucan And District News Phone 109 leyeall Corresponeeentt Miss Lina _Abbott gins. Mr. and Mrs. James Bawtere •heimer of Sarnia were visitors with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robb. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Windsor spent a few days in Cass City, with relatives. They returned home on Sunday bringing Mrs. 0 Newlyweds Lose Cattle Mr. and Mrs. Pat Crunicanh! recent bride and gronm. sus- !: Wined an :estimated 81.50e lnss when they lost eight two-year-; old steers from an overdose of feed and w,ater. Seventeen steers broke into a • five room in the barn and :eight • of the 1? stied as a result. feride And guchre Party 1Men s Club . The Lucan W.I. sponeored a ver 500 Visit Euehre party at the Communite • •, . Brooke a10. creatiOn and Mrs. llarold llod- Mr, and Mrs. William Aele• gins with a basket of fruit and Anglican stock spen• the past week's vaea- veget eines tied on her heatt. et the inanely; serviee the successful dessert Bridge and TBXray • Centre Tuesday afternoon. In JIflIC At the Lucas Comunity ete di a mes (: • 76 • • X • • Friday afternoon and evening entice e Ism Betel last Two Legion Auxiliary members, Mrs. 11. T. Bond and Mrs. Cecil Holmes (in uniform) welcomed the people and directed them to She X-ray truck, Assisting in the filling out of cards, numbering, and listings, were members from W.I., Home and School, churches and Legion Auxiliary. Mrs, George Paul, Mrs. R. G. Kehl, Mrs. Harold Whyte. Mrs. Aljoe Culbert and Miss Lina Abbott were on duty during the afternoon. and Mrs. Harold Ribson, Miss .Toan Hoag - ins. Mrs. Harold Corbett, Mrs, C. 11. George and Mrs, Mel -Cul- bert at night. Church News tion with their daughter Rev A• • ' s - • - In line of assisting the Lepre- nev. J. P. Prest read the tradi- Aylestock. of North Buxton , cheunes New York trip it was non!. Si Geis for Bose 11. H. Windsor's sister, Mrs. Ralph Mr. and Mrs. .T. W. Smith*. wne wevkcildguests an" , decided to donate 58.40 •towards Loney with them for a visit with' family. Anions.of Ailsa Craig, Brinsley Lucan relatives. ' Mr. and Mrs. P. O. eKuienests 01 • the payment of the t e n ' King, • . crests. a 1 s and Centralia who will be or - Mrs. Wes Atkinson is spend- . Oakville. clained a priest in the near Ing a few days in Ann Arbor. , Mrs. 11. Frost, of Alive St A number of quilt blocks were future. the guest of Dr. and Mrs, Mar- , spent last week in Aneaeter, witii • on display and Mrs. Gordon A nursery for pre-school chit - ✓ in Smout. • her relatives there.: Bunting, Mrs. N. Wasnidge, Mrs. ' dren and infants is being Mrs. Wm. Brownlee and Mari. 'The sixth annual writhe n't Tom Lee and Mrs. Cecil Robb planned. Donations of play pens, ' were named a committee to high chairs and rubber toys are Fyn last Tuesday evening at- the London Conference, Woman's choose the blocks for the block recittested, tended the mother and daughter Association, was held on Tiles- WFirst onfest.estervelt Sorority party at the day. April 15. in the rst Sc t. • During the past week, Mr, Les Mrs. Benny Saulnier reported . Woodward has installed the Highland Golf Club. The evening Andrew's Church, London. Rep- 1 was spent playing whist. resenting the Lucan United 00 the trip she and Mrs, Irving : much needed . cupboards for Mrs. W. McGowan of Hegel- Church was Mrs. Cecil Robb, Gibson made to the cancer di- t choir gowns and for the storing ton and Miss Gwen McGowan of president of the W.A. , nie. It was voted to meet once a ' of music. • month In make dressings. the ' Sunday evening, a group of the Toroeto called on Lucan friends Rev. and Airs. J. P. ',reel, • last Friday and had lunch with . Mrs. Kay Egan, Mrs, Ken : first meeting to he in the United , A.Y.P.A. again visited the Pines Mrs. Warner McRoberts at her Clarke and Mr. Howard 'Kew, • Church parlors at 8 p.m. April • Haven Nursing Horne and put on Whalen School. last Saturday night at the Trin- , 21 to which women of all corn.. a program which was much en- ity Lutheran Church, London, • munity organizations, would be joyed by the patients. They then heard the Park Road Baptist welcome to assist in this needy • returned to the Parish Hall for work. . a business meeting, presided 1 Choir, of Toronto. This musical treat was presented by the Lon- ' The president reported she bad . over by the president, Marilyn don Centre of the Canadian Col- received a donation of 36 Betty Brownlee. Ilelen Hardy'sgroup lege of Organists. As president - Crocker mixes for the Trade Was in charge of program and of the London C.C.O. branch, Fair. Twelve cakes will be made refreshments. Mr, Ken Clarke, organist of Holy each night and a winner chosen. , Five dollars was voted for the s Trinity Church. Lucan, spoke • Five cent tickets for the winning missionary project al Big see briefly. I cakes will be sold. All other I Beaver Home, Keewatin, where ahssesseeeheaseseee'• e Mr. Grant Brooke, who under- cakes will be cut and sold at the eight members of the Canter- ree"-seeseneetese - .**".eteeteeseteete went an operation in Westmin- booth. Ladies who volunteered to bury Club of the University of • Western Ontario are giving up at refresh yoti FAST/ , ster Hospital, had a pass home be in charge ef the booth were: 11 was Ladies' Night at a ham supper in the United Church parlars last 'Wednesday night. ellen the 'United Church Men's • Chili entertained their ladles, Mr. Clarence Stanley presided, and Mr. Gordon Barging, presi- 1 denhelect, proposed a toast to the ladies. Mrs. Clarence Stan- ley replied, I The guest speaker.was Wing . Commander W. D. Ilaylett, :of 1 London. who was introduced by . Mr. Ira Carling, and tater thanked by the Rev. Edgar Rout - stole Ile chose as "his topic -elm:tele For liNiNtEMce." Ile teller:eget on Callacia's defense end referred to the bomb scare, and Canada's preparations to defend itself. other entertainers 00 the pro- gram included guitar numbers by Gerald Hamilton and Bill Van Macklin, piano solos by Miss Ruth Garrett, and readings by .. li . ;mt. on antine, Presentation And mance Mr. and Mrs. Pat ('runican, nee Bernice De Block, were elitists of honour at a presenta- tion and dance at the Lucan Community Memorial Centre last Fridry night when a large number of their relatives, neigh- bours and friends met to wish them happiness and prosperity in their wedded life. During the • evening they were ' presented with a purse of money, • Mr. Ernie O'Neil giving the ad- dress and Mr. Jack Ryan making the presenlatlon. • Area Credit Union ;Chooses Officers Speaking on the Credit Union, Mr. Bob Dixon, of London, was l the guest speaker at the annual ; meeting in the Shamrock Gar- ; dens last Thursday eveninge of • the Lucan Credit 'Union. President elected was Mr. John Affliek; vice-president, Mr. Harry Lewis; secretary, Mrs. Roy Schlueter; treasurer, Mrs. Mrs. Harold whyte, : their summer vacatien to work R. K. Montgomery; education for two days but heti to return. Monday eve., on the missionary project of ; committee, Ire. J. E. Conlin; Mrs. Earl Young and Mrs. Ce- • eueileissiiie,,,, ttttttttttt iel,111111141)1.11111f1,111111111111111111111 llllll I1111,1111111M11111111111111111111111111ete ell Robb; Tuesday eve., Mrs. H. ui c ing a e itn c , un se le , esi' )er 'iserY c =mil ter, Mr. • , leadership of Rev. John Bounard. ' .&re•Y Hodgins, Mr. F. W. B. Langford, Mrs. Wes Atkinson tur and Mrs. Harold Hodgins; Wed- A cheque for J. .EprceosinilinereAcilirl. sent to the Wesley Young People, i 526 has he"' reitT0emYittneee,v.M'il; nesday night. Mrs. Ira Carling, ' A. M. Haddon, Mr, R. K. Mont - as their share in staging their ' 'Mrs. Jack Steacy and Mrs. Mur- ' • A list of alI the prizes for the to be held in the Parish Hall on Our Malting Barley Contracts • Can Make You Money See our special contract be. fore you sign. Fertilizer sup- plied with contract. Act now! Seed Grain For Side NO. 1 MONTCALM . BRANT . HERTA PARKLAND NO. 1 REGISTERED AND COMMERCIAL OATS Many Varieties Scott's Elevator PHONE; OFFICE 63; RES. 110 LUCAN ; play here. 1 gomery ray Hocigins. • A rummage sale wee* planned. Assists At Career Expedition. 'Western Fair was react and Saturday May 10h. ,. Mrs. Merrill Edwards of Lon - everybody urged to go really ,r --A, I i 0111 1 miles, Bonnie Arnold. i . ,. . don. the former Marion Coursey now an employee of out and compete. • Martha Rummell and Graham °f Lucan, I the London Free Press last Mrs. Harold Whyte volunteered : Thompson were named a coin- i Thursday evening at the London • to take a quilt top to the the • mittee to make arranp,emeres . District Annualwas to be quilted. for a. closing party, may 25, lo Armories explained job oppor- ; which the Lucan - Clandebore tunnies in the fields of news - fol'' the Music Festival. ! Y.P.U. are to be invited, paper, radio and television to It was decided to sponsor a , As many of the A,Y.P.A. mem- groups of students at the Lan - Dance Revue for the Lucan • bers are also choir members, it. don Career Exposition. • Dykyj Dance Studio, some time I was voted to offer to assist in The Free Press display was ; in May, to he convened by Miss • the varnishing of the cupboard. just one of the 65 displays lea- . Lina Abbott and assisted by 1 The next meeting will be tured by most professions, in - Mrs. J. 13. Roberts and Mrs, • May 4. dustries ancl institutions. :Wm. Brownlee. Mrs. coca Rob was named to Pentecostal Church attend the District Directors' Young people from Toronto put • convention May 7, 8 and 9 at on the program at the Young Guelphs People's meeting last week. It was voted to sponsor a Rev. and Mrs. Guthree, Rho - Sales Armand Beauty ecmonstra. desia missionaries, showed in - tion in the Community Centre teresting films and curios at the Thursday. May 1st. church last week. Mrs. Warner McRobert, an United Church ex -president, took over for the At the morning service, Mrs. °teeth)" of officers. Mrs' Har°14 Whyte presented the slate of of- R. J. Currie, of the Metropolitan Church, London, • spoke on the Beers, AR were unanimously interests of the students' resi- ! elected.dence on the grounds of the Vile President is Mrs. \e'es. Hod- , versity of Western Ontario. The gins; vice-presidents, Mrs, C. H. objective for this project is George and Mrs. Benny Saul- ' 8500,000 to cover a period of nier; secretary, Mrs. Win. three years. Brownlee; treasurer, Mrs. H• 25• On Friday night, Mrs. Murray Langford; district director, Mrs. Hodgins, Mrs. Alex Young, Mrs. Cecil Robb; branch directors, Cecil Neil, Mrs. N. Wasnichge and Mrs. Erwin Scott, Mrs. Sheri- Mrs. William Aylestnck of the den Revington, Mrs. Ira Carling; Evening W.M.S., Mrs. A. E. auditors, Mrs. IrvingGibson and Reilly, Mrs. Earle Youne. Mrs. • Mrs. Jack Steacy; pianists, Mrs. Ben Sauliner, Mrs. M. Coincide Murray Hodgins and Mrs. Sheri- and Miss Rein Chown, or the llllll lemmitottlutat., dan Revington. Murree Evening Auxiliary, also Mrs. G. nteteeteettineetelleeeeeelteeeneteeeitieeieeeeeeistemetee,,,,,,,teeeteeteeteene,,,,,,,,,te. Itodgens is past president. E. Nicholson, Mrs. Charles • After Ester CLEA 25c7o Off RWULAR PRICES on Tot's Coat Sets Regular $ r,.98 Regular $ 7.98 Regular $10.98 Regular $12,98 Regular $14.98 Regular $15.98 SALE PRICE $ 3.19 SALE PRICE $ 5.99 SALE PRICE $ 8,19 SALE PRICE $ 9,69 SALE PRICE $11.19 SALE PRICE $11M Tot's Regular $1.98 Regular $2.98 Straw Hats Conveners of standing Com- Sovereign, Marilyn and Dana ft:minces: agriculture and Cana- Culbert, Bonnie Drennan, Ilene dian industries, Mrs, George Donaldson, Erina Thompson, of i Paul; home economics and the C.G.I.T., attended the health, Mrs. Davis Park; his- W.M.S. at Lieury last Friday, laical research and current where Rev. Anne P. etrabane of events, Mrs. WM. Cochrane; Rowntree Memorial, was the Citizenship and education, Mrs. guest speaker. Harold Corbett; resolutions, Mrs. Explorer News A. Philpott; publicity, Miss Lima The ninth Expedition or the Abbott; sick and sunshine, Mrs. Lucan-Clandeboye Explorers was Edgar Mclealls. held in the United Church par- s All reports for the year's ae- lors last Monday evening with • deities by the various conveners t , „ an euctioanee of ee. newt! mes- . , , - tem in was emotion as a new were an evidence of an outstem , , sh prospente men, vas, Hod- m em her and Susan Bridger, gins' two year regime. who has moved back to Lucius Mrs' Warner' Mcrt°herts was from London, was also enrolled, lunch convener, She was assisted Rae Haskett as counsellor by Mrs. J. R. Murray' Mrs. took the worship service and the ving Gibson and Mrs. B. J. Rob- Japanese story. Mary Mathers read the scripture leeson. Dor- Personel items Ing the traft, period carp ban- Tomand Gordon Hardy tiers for themother and dangle . a, erts. 1.1 rpo of Mr, and elm Clarence tei' banquet were continued. Hardy, had their tonsils removed On Mendeee May 13 there will ;meows Hospital, London, he graduation extreisee for the last Friday. Another son, 1:30b, Babe Band, Mission Band, Ex - is having his sett on Tuesday. plovers and C,G,LT. el Matt Zimmerman who' SALE PRICE $1..11; wort the host actor award at the Leindon L,ittle Theatre last week, `s°4"esS „s,h,",pperse shirtless SAU1 PRICE" $2.19 at ana time played ,oehe Travel., Telt s; einigircli in snorts r. keco Month Wornen's Blouses Regular $2.98 SALE PRICE $1.mi Regular $8.08 SALE PRICE $1.00 Broken sizes in the lot. L .Dry Goo Lucan oo CUAN, Mt, e ouct ce sk es ra nlees rises (21 salesnian" iti Mr. end Mrs. a 'of 75 • • iempera tileslltirt4 Herold Ribs°"'s PlaY "R"'"e" 1958 "June in April" month, orie • vine Saturday Night" whit+, to Jong remember. t Ai., A. et. Ileddren. Mr, Zininter- frenal lfcrns 'when* put on here, MS taken by Marl is now traveling with "My Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cook and • Fair Lady." fourchildren, of London, have • t Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hudson moved Into Mr. Robert Cough- ! and family of Arva were Sun- which, he purchased !, tiay guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'from Mr. Robert Smythe some lirn 13roWnlee.months ago. Mrs, Wos, Hodgins, bort, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McFarlane bruets Stewart prod ;family were are, visiting Mr. :And Mrs. .David • guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roland McFarlane,. of Rockwood. Stewart last Wednesday everting, r • Mr, and Mrs, ,Frank Huff, he t t Mrs. Stewart; and: thildren and floss of Sr. Marys 1 remaining' over for A week's were_ Saturday pests of Rev. • •• agel Mrs. Edgar Rbulston. ,!,4ifintairinirroithtlitrtindarronvibrimmurnorsfromtrartrotrionrirtionuernillflellfill1111111111/111.1111flitifrIle ViSite ' „...,•••, e "TWO IS COMPANY, THREE IS A CROWD Aut hoes Name Below For thousands of years the two ancient profes- sions of medicine and pharmacy have unitedly served the health of everyone. In order that they may do this proper- ly all physicians and pharmacists spend years studying at a college and must pass a state exam- ination to prove their knowledge. Recently, untrained per- sons, grasing an oppor- tunity to make some quick money are selling vitamins,and other Medi- cines from door-to-door, They even presume to tell people how to take them. Your health is not to be trifled with. Be wise. You are safe when you depend on your physician and pharma- cist YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE Exeter- 441 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE Pick up your prescrip- tion if shopping near us, or let us deliver prompt- ly. without extra charge. A great many people en- trust us with the respons- ibility of filling their pre- scriptions. May we coin. pound yours; • Andrew Johnston Dru s Main St., Exeter PR ESCRI PT ION CHEMISTg Vietatirm 1' 1f:1er • '01PN- Innt) 10(1113•T.I0Iir 1NA• 2) spite of the house-cleaning and garden lure. there were six tables of Bridge and five tables of Euchre. 'rhe Bridge- prize winner was Mrs. Harold Hod- gins; the Euchre. Mrs. Allan Scott. and the mystery prize, Mrs. Roy Stanley. Mrs. Harold Ribson was von- vener and she was assisted hy Mrs. Murray Hoarsely:. Mrs. Ben- ny Saulnier and Mrs. Harold Corbett, Hold Ceremony On Anniversary A pretty wedding was solem. Muni at to a.m. last Saturday ;in St. Michael's church, London, On the twenty-fifth anniversary of the bride's parents, when the !Rev. P. E. McKeon united in marriage Theresa Manders ! of Lucan and Francis Qualm of Wolseley Barracks. The bride is the daughter of • Mr. and Mrs. Anton Manders of R.R. 1 Lucan and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Quann of Nova Scotia. Given in marriage by her fath- er the bride was gowned in a floor -length ensemble of white brocaded satin, lace bodice trim- med with rhinestones, long full sleeves and looped skirt, A fin- ger-tip veil of French illusion fell from a flower tiara. She carried red roses and white lilacs. Misses Mary and Lily Men- ders were their sister's only at- tendants. They chose wahzeength gowns of blue nylon with flower headdresses. They carried white MUMS. Two brothers, Gary and Joe :ganders, acted as ushers and also attended the groom, The church organist, Mrs. Ag- nes Waugh and a ehureh soloist, provided the music. At a reception in The Barn restaurant the bride's mother received in a light blue crepe gown, pink hat and pink carna- tion corsage. For a honeymoon trip to the U.S.A. the bride Changed 10 a blue crepe gown and white cor- sage. The young couple will make their home in Barrie. Loca1 guests included Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Conlin, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ryan, Mr. and Mrs.' Tim Toohey, Mr. and Mrs. A. Vlas- man and'Mr. and Mrs. J. Van Lcrshout. OWN A BUSINESS, N„Citt • fou con run cv en lt 80)1 cm ployed • Rim ws MO Alloy Sralson n4 prolluct la needed all rear round • Consist* of scrt Icing retail accounts • B e quires Ao Ortiblif," or salcsmanailtiit 4 IN cell* 110 roYitopt ,especign a' plan 14 sintri 10 • VAN been tested nod HAompicti by 11to publio It 1,011 have ambition 10 succeed in a business of your own mid ha v the f inanma I means to ma lie an investment bet wren 511,11.att end rh122.4in depending on time avails hie anti persontt (inn 1 ;rival :nos ctrt creel lty ('1)1're- is ntroit ase ,prograrn. 'Ph is person must 38 11 a fa iv hnntviedg e or the area and only since i•e applicants need a poly as i territory is rim ilY for 88( 8.0. IIsI;rnEnt 118IV! Cos( en rds t nno I be n nawercd. We need a corn - plot(' letter shout yourself Includ ing name. address, ithrinn nil miler. your ambitions, y nitr •experience and financial re. tiClurves, Address nti nicks '1'01 41 titI1 •C4. Dept 41:4 Inriv 51. Toronto, Canada "Yes, Doctor...Wednesday will be fine' When it's time to have the dentist ch'eck daughter's teedi, Mrs, Smith naturally reaches for the telephone, that helpful "member -of -the: family" with the habit of getting things done. When you look back over your day, it's some- times surprising to realize in just how many little ways thc telephone has helped you how it adds• so much convenience and comfort to everyday living. THE IBELL.TELEPHONE COMPANY OP CANADA What are YOUR profits on the North Quarter? 4" -" ;''':':"••::'''''44:::k.::::::4--'*m4Y':::::.;:t1:.:;'L'Cit:':::t. ,........:,,,..;,..,...‘,:i.„..... „„•:•,..„....lo..1'..s .4,..4,.."•••*. 1:11•774:0.'''' ' ''.2:•:•ktte4t•.• '... • % • - . X.1,,,,eee„.W. ....$0 .....4•3'ect, '.... '. e,e4'.... '''' -,„ ••• e e oe,„,, • r7W616.7.... 'RE'...e...... ''.'... ."'''' '",•/, ex.' e e. Simply rick tot your nearest 8 of ?of Branch 10r your complitnentary copy. lances are you'd have to sit down, and figure out the answer. Panting today ' is a highly complex business . it's no. longer possible to carry all the facts • and figures 10 yotir head. That's why the 13 of ?i's Farm Account Book is se popular. leoffers farmers a simple, yet comprehensive, book- keeping system to meet their special ncede By vending a few minutes each day or so, eou'll know At a glance the over-all financial position of ,our farm which operations are paying off --which are only breaking -even - and wlfi'ch are even losing money, eVliv not put the 13 of et's FarnaAccount Book to work for you? You'll wonder bow you seer got along without it - especially when income-tax time rolls 'round next year. "M BANH' 70,1111101f aliAblANI BANK or MONTittAt ev444 414e gu4 xotOt CfrARLLS SMITH, Manager Commits. (Sub -A): Open Tuesday and Thursday Grand tend (Sub -Agency); Opt Mon,, Wed. eed Fth Crediton Breach: CLARE 'BMW, Maimed (Opth Tuesdays Thursday and on Pridey 4.e() - 6 pee) Dasliwork1 (Sub-Agetics): Opch Moe., Weil, es N. ilrenchi KENNETH CIIRISTIAN, Managef Lucite trarichi JACK STEACY, figer 'Zurich Brandt: JOHN IIANNISTM, Managct Weliteletes Witle CANAblANS EVelleY WALK OP LrE INCE