HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-04-24, Page 14Ela 14 Th. Titnee Adxocete, April 4A `19 0 Wits Display Hooked,. A displayof 160 hooked rugs was i held n SYingham District High School on Saturday. All of the rug had been made liy Wonien't+ Institute members from Huron County who took Part .n the leadership.cersh.p. training:n g program sponsored by the Homs EEconomics service, Department P:hone 102 for HARVEY'S TAXI 24-HQ4UR SERVICE of Agriculture. Lest fall two "eiders from .each eponsn.dng ^ Institute at- tended a two day training school and then returned to their local community, to teach a group of women interested m learning the. art of repaying canvas, design- ing and dyeing and the actual technique- of hnokine. Miss Florenee Wright, of the !tome Economics service, dis- cussed the qualities of the color and design in the rugs on dis- play. Miss Isabel Leslie, also of the Home Economics service, showed a film "The Eye of an Artist". Mrs. Stewart Pepper, RR 2. Kippen, and Mrs. Alex, AleGreg,• or. RE 2. Nipped. leaders from the Kippen East WI, took part in the program and members of the institute had rugs on display. genteolle lllllmrAl uleelel rteeinellieloi IIIousfenei 1ieseeiiiiilllAlllt,mlllmill/IIIIImAl11M1/11l111111ip/p One of the f=inest Displays in Western Ontario! Ytttttttttttt W ttttttttttatttunnttflat L China Dinnerware * ROYAL DOULTON bons china and porcelain * SPODE bone china and porcelain e s1' ROYAL, A.Lt}1ART, A.Y WORCESTER, NSI.BY, ROYAL TER W , GROSYENDE, 5HELLEY brine china. * Canadian Dinnerware and Breakfast Sots S. B. TAYLOR e Main Street "A Good Place To Shop„ Exeter etquu itielesees seeseruunuaounnnunseseesseeein nuuuunmunruurnuluneseisie. ALL-NEW 58 FRIGIDAIRE "Thrifty Thirty" Range A IF W-,, , New Sheer Look Styling Keeps you in Step and in Style with the Future sl�ilarrr��!�"L1Y°`��rl. Model Rb.39C.5B 30 inches of Sheer Cooking Magic! Giant Size Oven s Automatic Cook -Master Oven Control s :Faster -than -ever Surface Cooking e 8 -inch Heat -Minder prevents burning or boil -overs e Super -fast Speed -Heat Unit --sins cooking time 404t S" All these other Golden Anniverstary Feotvres from FRIGIDAIRE Full -width Quick•Clean Qvert e High -Speed Radiantube Broiler ee Porcelain Broiler Pon and Grid n Autoniatic Interior Oven tight • One -Piece Cooking Top, raised non•spill rim a 60 -minute Electric Time Signal 0 Electric Clock with sweep -second hand a Automatic Appliance Outlet S Signal Lights for Oven and Surface Units Full -width Storage Drawer .e Easy-to.Clean Removable Drip Bowls and Control Knobs Celebrotrn4 ke Yawl eF Cenett I Mean Leederrhtp 359.95 TERMS Come Std Arnerloa's Easiest-to.Use, Easiest, te-Clean, Better Coking Ranges from Frigidaire, .Snelgrove's ,' PHONE 1>B EXETER Greta Jean Pfaff Weds Saturday •' n In a clolibteain,� ceremony at Carmel Presbyterian manse, fieneall, on Saturday, April 10, Greta Jean Pfaff. daughter of Ir. and Mrs. Nelson Pfaff, Ilrucelield. was united in 'mar- riage with Murray Baker. son of Mr. and 1Irs. Robert Baker, Sr., Neilsen. The Rev. Donald i1e- Donald performed the 2 o'clock ceremony. Given in marriage hy her fa- ther. the bride was lovely in a walte-length gown of clipped Chantilly lace over slipper satin styled with molded bodice, sa- brina neckline, lily point sleeves, bouffant skirt with back panel of row on row of net ruffles accen- tuated by large satin bow and streamers. A headdress of net scalloped with silk braid and sprinkled with sequins held her illusion net veil. She carried a white ;Bible crested with red roses. Miss Margaret Woodburn. Greenway, as maid of honor. wore pale pink taffeta with matching hat of blue flowers, sprinkled with sequins and pearls and carried yellow num.s. Janice McClure, Win- throp. niece of the bride, was flower girl, frocked in yellow ny- lon with white plat and carried mauve and yellow 'nmms. William. Baker, Hensel!, was groomsman for his brother, A reception was held at. Arm. strong's restaurant, Exeter. For a honeymoon spent in Niagara Falls and Buffalo, the bride donned an orange ice sheath dress with thatching duster and black accessories, Mr. and Mrs. Baker will re- side in Hensall. Compares Howes For Federation Mrs. R. Van Farowe was guest speaker at the Woman's Federa- tion of James Street United Church on Monday evening. Mrs. Farowe spoke on homes comparing Canadian homes and customs with those in Holland. Miss Alma Here contributed ac- cordion selections. 11'Irs. Gordon Koch presented the concluding study on Japan. Mrs. Beverley Skinner presid- ed for the program. A contest was conducted by Mrs. Bruce Shapton, President Mrs, It. M. Sauth- cott presided for the business, SII -LINE Beauty Salon ore Located In Cook's Hotel, Centralia AIR CONDITIONED DRYERS PHONE 750-W-1 EXETER Marg Coward, Prop. 1HSY SAY PE.OPLE LIKE -fHINeS ~THAT ARE HARD 7'0 GET BUT WE LikE Mlt-k F(?OM HI ' UAND.ThuM FRY BecAusE IT'S EASY TO GET ! 1 0,161. ft I t,ltY Y Mt ikii I< P4 i 4eita Nettie' eteett,'tawi iia trial! Marts Floret's Itta No'el! 4r, Wole tlh+rl '.7A MIAl3lIIlNfU1711111411A11111A111rUr141rUAAri11AA-UIIA111rSIIS Gkir Guide Corner By CAPTAIN L.UXTON Captain was absent from. last week's meeting and so we .can- not report on that night's activi- ties. We do hope though that Jane Defter passed same of her Tenderfoot Test as was plan- ned, We understand that the Swal- low Patrol is planning an o ver- ni ht hike this weekend, and so here is hoping the weatherman secs fit to oblige the Swallows. We will be anxious to bear the detailed and varied (.no doubt) report of this hike from those who are present. The Company and leaders would like to say a heartfelt thank you to all who patronized aur Hot Cross Bun project, We do hope that inost everyone got good service from the Guides,. We sold a total of 4851 dozen buns, and it is truly a terrific job to ley to keep every little detail before the mind's eye. A great deal of praise and credit are due to Mr. and Idrs. Eesman for all their work arld kindness in helping the Guides put over this project, Our sales exceeded last year by about 40 dozen, so we are certainly well pleased with the generous re- sponse 01 the community. Of course the big topic of con- versation at present: is the Guide - Brownie mother and daughter banquet at the Legion Hall on Wednesday, April ZO, This is the first time in the history of our two Packs and Company that we have joined together for a banquet. We shall be looking forward to seeing the mothers that evening if you are in doubt about any of the plans, please phone any of the leaders and they will give you full particulars. We would stress the fact that if you or your child cannot attend to please telephone the leader of the group your daughter is in by next Monday noon, A note for the Guides --a cou- ple of points to remember: Our Division Field Day is in /I3ay- field on May 31 and your camp registration forms most be in by.May 4, Remember only Guides who are campers are truly all round good Guides, - Centralia CWL Bazaar Success The members of the Catholic Women's League RCAF Station Centralia, met last Tuesday in the J.A.D. McCurdy School. The president, Mrs. J. Kuss, expressed her deep appreciation of the work and co-operation that had resulted in a successful ba- zaar., Mrs. M. Amenity, third vice- president read an article describ. ing the sewing of altar linens. Many linens must be made far each new church that is erected. and this is a task that can suc- cessfully be done in the Homes, The 30th annual London Dire eesan convention of the Catholic Women's League will be held this year in Leamington, May 20 and 21. Two members will at- tend from this sub -division and tentative arrangements were dis- cussed. An invitation to attend St. Peter's bazaar April 23 was read and plans were made for trans-, portation,. April 26 is the feast day of Our Lady of Goori Counsel, patroness of the Catholic Wont- pn's League. firs. J. Robinson, spiritual convener read an in- structive article on Our Lady of Good Counsel who is aiwaya ready, and generous, with assist• ince and guidance. Mrs. M. Annanny conducted .x program of games and the tweet. ing concluded with a social hour. Lodge Members Present Program Zurich Church Wedding Scene settin * of s r s t. a la . l . d uu. b p a 'mums in v andtheEvangelical i, a e�c 1 g Ir United Brethren Church, Zurich, on Saturday, April 19, Kathryn Marilyn Erb, daughter of Air. and !Ileo Leonard Erb, Zurich, beeame the bride of William Douglas Dick, son of Mrs. Ida Dick. Exeter, and the late ,Ross Dick. Itev. A. AI. Antacpter per- formed the ceremony at 2:30 o'clock. and Mrs. Beatrice liess, Zurich, played traditional wed- ding music and accompanied the soloist, Loren Amacher; "The bride chose for her wed- ding a (poor -length gown of Chantilly lace and nylon tulle over nylon taffeta, fashioned lilypointl with sleeves pearl earl and sequibeaded bodice and headpiece holding her elbow lengtl. veil. She carried a bou- quet of deep pink roses and ste- phanotis. Miss Jean Koehler, licnsall, as maid of honor, wore yellow nylon chiffon net over taffeta with matching flowered head- dress and carried yellow carna- tions, white 'mums with trailing ivy. Miss Beverly Dick, London, sister of the groom, and Miss Nancy Craig, 'Toronto, wore dresses similar to the maid of honor in shades of blue and pink respectively and carries! match- ing bouquets of carnations, 'mums and ivy. Ian Dick, London, was his brother's groomsman and ushers were Richard and John Erb, brothers of the bride. A reception was held in the church parlors when the bride's mother received wearing a blue floral terylene dress with asses- sories in white, The groom's mother assisted, choosing a gown of brocade rose with gold overlay. For travelling along the St. Lawrence to Montreal the bride changed to a pink chemise trimmed with white, light green topcoat with accessories in black and white. On their return the young couple will reside in Exeter. Sanitation, Safety Jolly ,_lily` Topic Hurondale Jolly Jilts held their fifth meeting in the project "The Canadian Girl Stands on Guard" aL the house of Mrs. Hugh Love with 22 members present. Airs. Alvin Moir, leader, dis- cussed household flies and their control, infection and common colds and Mrs. Love continued with a discussion of sanitation. -- Please Turn to . Page 15 Members entertained the offi- cers during the social part of Prick of Huron Rebekah Lodge meeting 'Wednesday, April 16, The program included song, humorous readings, a panel dis• cession and a dressing coats', During the business session, the charter was draped in nlem• my of the late Muriel Haig, Mrs, Margaret :Fletcher rclidered solo. Reports were heard on the Clinton meeting Atirit 1, and friendship night WAS held of Clin- ton on Saturday, Anril 1p. • Noble Grand Mfrs, (.filbert Johns presided, FAST RELIEF FOR HEAD OLDS Marjorie Dilkes YOUR HAIRDRESSER Permanent Waving Hair Styling arid Shaping Tinting and Cold Waving Phone 146 Ethelts BEAUTY SALON PHONE 18, GRAND BEND For Latest Styling Elinor Wasnidee ETHEL itESJARAINE Proprietress • Spring FIowor Decor for Vow lklarg,aret Bertram, Exeter;it .daughter of Mr. and Mrs. pan Dertrem, King Edward, Banff- shire, Scotland, became the bride of Ronald llarry Carroll, SOU. of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Car- roll, R.R. 1 Centralia, on Satur- day. April 12at o° lock. Rev, pPeterDymond officiated in Saintsbury Anglican church .decorated with spring flowers, feZ'n and candlebra. Given in marriage hy her grandfather, Mr. Peter Bertram, Exeter, the bride wore a strap- less floor -length gown in white chantilly lace and net over satin with lace bolero, lily point sleeves, peter pan collar em- broidered with pearls. A pearl - studded headdress held her fin- ger-tip veil of illusion. and she carried a white Bible crested with red roses. !!piss Pat. Cann, Exeter, cousin of the bride, was maid of honor gowned in ballerina -length ballet- blue chiffon with white flowered headdress and carried a cascade of blue carnations and yellow roses. Miss Rowena Abbott, Lu. can, and Miss Ruth Ann Mullins, London, as bridesmaids, wore strapless ballerina -length dress- es of yellow nylon anrl net with matching boleros. Accessories and flowers were similar to those of the meld of honor. Muriel Ab• boli, Centralia, was flower girl wearing pink nylon with pink flowered headdress and carried a basket of spring flowers. Allen Tindall, Centralia, was groomsman and ushers were Wayne Carroll and DonaldCann,' Exeter. Mrs. Hugh Davis played tra- ditional wedding music and ac- companied the soloist, Mr. Car - Frey Cann, Exeter who sang "Wedding Prayer" and "0 Per - feet Love." A reception was held in the parish hall when the bride's grandmother, Mrs. Peter :Ser - r. #rani, received gee .ts wearing flowered liavy and the groom's another chose aura mist blue Jame with navy accessories and mink earnatioti corsage. The couple called at a Lon- don hospital to see the groom's Sprighily Cottons See our pretty range of Broadcloths, polished cottons, damp drys, shag bark and denims. You'll find the right material, the perfect color or pat- tern for that sewing pro- ject. FOR THE GALS WHO LIKE TO SEW' ewing Accessories We now stock thread, seam binding, pins, but- tons etc. You can buy all your materials at , grwmrs Phage 474 Exeter grandmother ands continued for Delius north. '!'lie !bride travelled in a .eharcoal ,.and pink tweed suit with pink and )black at•ees, sories and pink corsage. On their return they will resido at R.R. 1. Centralia.. Why risk (Image to precious furs? Send them to the safest place on earth, CLE HERS Banded Storage Vaults The better kind of care we give those furs of yours actually keeps them beautiful ever so much longer, This is more than storage ... much more. It includes expert cleaning and glaz- ing—repairs if needed—storage in modern vaults at scientifically con- trolled temperature and 100% in- surance against damage by fire, theft or moths, Why take chances? Call as today for bonded pick-up service. Let Us Store All Your Winter Clothes BRA Y CLEANERS LAIJNIDETERIA LTD. Phone 106 Exeter LEMON FLAVOR s tl iusU ri CONSISTIEINICY. 'Mtn. you use Jell -0 Lemon Pic Filling you /aww you have a hit on your hands! It's full of trite home -meads goodness a» makes lemon pie a family favorite. You get golden smoothnes3 moat tenion flttver . . ncvor4c.il resell$ . , .: You add your owit fresh egg yolks to Jell -0 Lemon Pic Pilling for extra richness. When, just whip the whites into a flufTy cloud to crowrt the iota of your pie , ., glorious MVO toot ,e�C1.4lS rel A Ateit.4Telktt0 **Abe MA ilk 5Ao*, rM aAaAeA fw beNe*A4 *date*. 4lhrlmo, JELL-O Lemon PIE FILLING Ali you could wish for ind lenorn pie.