HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-10-03, Page 1.else, Na+ ,•. Waved -at lett'&. ' ,i4 to strbC _4 IasJar ear stud ;t1iQ a Nti08 Ar .i. a'. r l .karst, n.01. ft : ,. ,,. 6 0 1 ,tethaet. �, -. ,f .,.. N :sol ... -ln •..:..,tin -•. i'i : . •.1 ec.a•':.r 't dl 0 ?Ea GREATEST P06f1I8LIR 00013,1416444;',1 td i o.• monk b'u thee? t , P" + rtt�'ya�i1T rob te n •1,_t • • . „- „_.1,1 me • ' t. •1 / tamed (' ► INCH, COUN'T'Y - 0 q o 9 ,n., - ,,e,J I ` e7 bnosi1�' � ., � ,� ,. ���i o�if (�f.�e� �JLTELSDAY, C1cr08�6R 3, 18x0. ye; •+ri di'^ • OM Signal, -11 MAAt A Aeg0 4.01,'mot 1',i'* swlt�.gp3g , onta1ca. kid lob ?igtigg, sseemed with se=sed�a�i silt. 'Mas se Mirflfinti •--TZN SIM - or der aeon. if 'nide y is sdeeeei, arTwsert um lire teellth the expiration a( the roar. lie Aper dissoetisaed seta arrears an • ■h salves tkepeblisbw thighs it ►u solveslibi - to do so. isdividsal is the co.•try bounties se- • for sin sabncrIbere, shatl receive a est% espy gratis. 1117./01 let ters addressed to the Editor mast be pstp,Id or they will sot be take, est of the post Atte ► y ..... r,; ... w Ir M • 1Nstrissue sake, Is Ratters. LO 3 0 1. Boob osisotlneutlesertiee..... ..,0 0 7e Tee hoes awn seer, Stetiasertios 0 3 4 • Ease r.bsgewt imeertion,....., 0 0 10 Owe res limes. Ont insertion, per lime, 0 0 4 Each sabsrq.eet l000rties, 0 0 1 CT lihenl dimmest noes to those woo . lverttee by the year. &trim ; bot in ml opuion is N daetdedfy t{{aa ase 0100 Is threshing is this way a 1ms�the Mae of • too of bay as be t et those or foe, flooring', and three ,tonne'& to a.ch dowrisg will make it ea reify &teas. ,We then carry the chaff to the sell, whore itis cleaned in good order for market, for one dollar per bushel. The ,ataehine w m•sufactured by Harmon B•Id- aio, req. of Washtgton, LiiehfeWtom - t1, Cuooertieut, end was put up and set rueniug,tn this victoitt, for (i (bask' 110.) The machine ► uires but a entail power ti carry ht, probably y set one eighth of that re- ggirad for run of previoder 'tomes. Pursue. Latro roe s Caor.-A fanner has a Seed of cloyed loam, who* twgsiree e week's ant* st Whet to prepare it for corn, tots. ethetle,. Now how ought he t.pro- 1t is sit i osrmos to see troth lets ter- med ower and r►o farrow -site* left day after day, to dry sod bake is the son, without she least anemias till the plowing of the wheat field is completed. Well, what hotter could b. dot Reduce whet he hew plowed to • fine tiltk while it is most sod easily erosible. - not leaving it to lie see dot before be puts en the harrow or the dreg -roller. A small P p # f t• share of Wer at thea tram will do tar. as 4 � *tech to esteems the soil, •• whoo it hag hardened like •s •shunt busk. tithe tUotW'e programme.: 11 le • little q„mer that some thousand °blooess *Merid have fueled tb.i, way to Bao Peassseno, By the last European arrivals we eon that the sbolers still prevails is ferrous parte. • A bog pee was struck with hghtsbg et Cw.ct...0 lately, wad 160 of the iea.u1 teen ktllsd- The pewee rot to complained of by the New England Leaner& as having ague ap- peared. Professed gamblers here reaped a rich Moven, at Saratoga Springs this summer. The crops all over the couotry will he wonderfully abundant the preterit season. Thera are and to be a great many sharks at Newport, and all along shore. Fanny Wright, the well -knows lecturer, N enlightening the inhabitants of the wont, Henry Damao nut bas throat on board sae of tbe New York steamers. and died. The cholera has appeared in Loudon, though in a mild and yielding form. The slave Martha, captured on the coast of Africa, has been sold in New York. Mysterious knoeknigs has been heard (lotto south at 8a h, Geo., the papers VIER1N'AN EMlGRART'S BONG What! rep the plow Before 6ttt.hner tbe eat' fold! Farmers that drive ahead deet do f h+•+l+d n fwware twee&. Ehpertss.o. 50' Ann ahio fervent v Defense yew Thaw- That ie, they drive one day ahead. and din-) leave thew work ewe days behind. Hot let a eek what a the nee of plowing !noel The gut why to pot the grouse. is or- der -you could sot expect a erop wttkool it. Netlist ought ere to expect mere than half• crop wheel it is only half polv.riz ed, it we plow 8 melees deep, aad one half of this foal ,e hard clod*, how much better ,s it than to pl.w 4 lichee deep, .sd hare n thoroughly pulverised/ flow meth bet ter to a clod oe the bold than a •tonet- CrlNoarer. To Paaesata Poecwas.--Take tea peso • of nicely peeled peaches, Iwo lem- 0.c, too poutds of leaf eager peal -the lass- oes, cut them op Ape tied pat them tato a kettle of water, with the sugar ; the kettle should be brags ; boa 004 skim it. Haw- ing lb. required queasily of peaches is • jkr pour the syrup over them and let it stead over might, then pet all tate • kettle and boil it slowly, seta the fruit looks clear ; take out the fruit aid bull the syrup to a proper • •, , and pour it over the fruit To Permutes Ptowc.-Pot eight ponnds ordain taillight poen'& of 1,10.0. ; put the plana In water in which a little atom has been die.olv,d as a brads kettle oe • hot hearth to cuddle. If necessary change the water. then if roti prefer it peel them and coddle again : dissolve the sugar to a quart .f water, and skim it well ; thee met the whole an the Ors and boil it slowly, eimaeag it well. Put then up in glass jars for use. Cutalwnwo 8r11101. -The following direc- tions for cleaning silks were by one of the 6ret Persian dyers, Half a pound of .oft seep. • tertpon.fel of brandy, and a piet_of gib, mit ell together with • sponge or 6annnef, 'mead the mixture e0 each aide of the gilt withnet greasing it ; wash it m two nr throe waters, and iron 11 on the arose side it will thea look ee good as D OW. Hemi 1 banal) /berth ! h nak ! We're .V onto Americo What shall we take teem sew Mad f An sort. of Osier" !rem every beta! C.Meretioa protocol,: Mips d ms sof budget tells: A while ship -toad of shies to gll With jest st wi14 Or M. we s the New World eons, The Germ.• will .et feel at Haar. Remit !hurrah ! hurrah ! hurrah ! Were off eats Atneriea I What abaft we take to , ..w Mad? All sorted things frees every trod A Move.apply efeeeponthe.mw; Wherry sults s Mrhrd weer: Cathodes, gay •zero to fill • be..., sad Anemia betimes • b•sdwd dimmed. Or nese we to tbe Now Weed etas, The Qerreaa will sot feel at home. Werth !hurrah ! Amish !hurrah We're s1' sato A meties ! What shell we hbe n our new land? All wire of Aiwa, from every heed! Ciembeef.i■'. keys. • pile fasnck*: Sulu of 511 bleed-d.sss.ts is peeks: Deg -claims tow sword-ehaiao y the toe: Ofordev.ribba.L boles sweaty -tome. Or 'rhea to the New World we come, Ilse Genies will not feel .t house. HmrA ! l.resh ! hemi ! kert,h Were of *Dm Animism! What *hell we rhe w ear our lied f All toes, thisr" fest sr., heed B..11eaps, periwig, old-wrid sin, Croch.a peivikgse, easy, entre, Cs..sitlas' tides, prorate Her. Mee Iteistleull asd sleety tho.sead deet.. M wMs to dm weer 1101(4 ons ewes, Tho German willow had st been Hersh ! t rob / numb ! benok 1 We're effuse.. Am lie. 1 What shalt we take to set ser Mao f AAn tore of ibises Gem evert heed ! Bterip•1 gee tax, toll, ehnsr.lag, weddl.g. .,4 f•.nrol, pa•toaria end weal,►-beebe nest wad mesal!; Plenty orioles fee eigetees iss*eeri..w, Aid Met does 'Met dareerieee. Or when se Aon New Weld weasel, Tb. Osman will sat feel et UMW THE VIOLET. t'a•eaallm Melt 10 tar*. A'Wet bla•g.rd • the lett' Nall hfdile. front the eye. Aglitel dower se yes might tee; Om there nose tnpp,**g by A d'*Ymvd eveidea, Air end teeag, air hors o rs nornat.e Cd abs aloes Mai* I •' L*.,.1 bet the raiser lower t Mumma is the les; !lot, Aar see tart!. hter, 71w tin mint. weber Ow - Clam ate is beeaGwws 110 Ttikagkt the Toed rmtfa e' 0 eke I is M slate nay Plot es boor I" Let i�veyial ilm A• ,NMet • TrAl- e/ilh'ats is* the e g ' h i rat TtioMmi gene, III l bi mydew& is levy estaeo.- Ali ettaswdoaw bet ode Ae hot fees 1" • • - 'e ligmciap. A61L.`'iJii�it I Arriss om s Greer* Visi.-We take the following curious item from tbs. Philadelphia L.deer- Mr. Nice of Roots,iIh. grows a grape vise twined round an apple tree. The tine has for years borne blossoms, but no fruit. This year frail appear*, which ezteroatly r apple, with tt1 down, the 6woh, its tufted crows. kc., iolernally the pulpy texture is more grape than apple, but the seed .ad capsular, tegvme.t favor the apple. L*&vp,-Lea vee, buds, and tender bras - elms are peculiarly rich is the vegetable d kili ; besides which they contain other organic elementh derived from the soil, and wbkh, by being turned to the soil, enrich its sorra&., tending Co prevent its exhaus- tion, or a hen newly applied -that is to other !r octad --to earieb it more than coper- deeft]`. Fl.0 nts& Cotte.. -Yrs. &wish&!& says: " T. rm.in tins.l tante, take two ergs for a quart of sour meth, a table epeoefel of m tNd butter, ons of Boger asd • belt tem of wk. Pot .11 together Without beating the eggs. Mia it tet.. better serf eneneh to drop of a .poo Iibe en oyster. Thee hose some &.homed dseelesd is water, .ad Niru Newly until year batter belie, t. rues Be eerefui eat to pet ie emerge to sire the colour'. U the .0/lk r sely seer .sneak to Omits, • teeepeasfwl of ..loras tun isomer/ft for . quart : if it bee faremen- .d Beady regain two. had year mike will Mame. Here grtddte hat sort bees taw o•Tifeeralrerbeatt." • ikon** BerigAf M • Coed .pipe*`«... Y.ar.- 1,ake watt, eel min jeer "brutal .i.11004 ill put two Meter fell te a setter, lot the Mole ,i0, 64 tk0 ental so, �►/NwSi i ill 41/ Olaf , IOW i... .411 ., ,rr'rMi welt r r vi. ..e. -.tem. -.••? un.' -•11k sox William Goodnow of Charlton, 8. C., (bed of loekjew from a bite of • rat. Popnlatfon of Haitirnore has reached the number of 160,000 souls. Reeser!, Mawarhusete,`u to be lighted with ga. from the Bootie rat work.. It has bepo • terrible fatal season for children all over the United States. It se said that Queen Victoria will visit the Quos of Spam this year. lase Sberman aged fo.rtesee years, was married to Henry Gear aged Aileen, at Hartford. The fishermen on the atlantic eased ere doing a good business this season. The popelation of 'tendon is sow rated at two millions of souls. There are 19,000 political promotes i. the Russia. States. Mrs. Anti 8. Stephens, the editor of Po. teraos'. National Magaze.e, was at parr at the Tut account., on her way to 8t. Petereburgh. A train of one hundred and misty carts, drawn by oxen and dogs, from the Selkirk e.ttleme.t, in the *ieisiry of Hudson Bay snowed it Matrdofa, Minuets, a short time e inem. They brought furs sad came in for good. and - Anga.t 14th. tbirty-.(x years ago, the city of Washington was captured by the British foram, eo.0studed by Ge.eral Rose and all t1s superb natural structures co.- sumed by cootie/ration. The millers and immolators in bread.toff, at Rochester, owing to the great crop of 1850. bave had ate understiodin1 amd'0¢ themselves, and refuse to pay 8. 6d per bushel for wheat. - Prof. Stillman, at the late anniversary at Yale had acetates to allude to that century question,' .ed decided that 11. eighteenth, century esdod when the year "tightens. hun- dred ended. Inlay L'nd, it appears boa got a female •oeal..t with ber, a Mrs Andrews, • pupil of air George Smart, who is .aid to pose - ,we bigb vocal abilities. Some CO emigres% laborers arrived at Charleston, last week, in a 'hip from Doe - ton, to work on the Chattanooga raiiru ad, The legislature of Wi.conas have made It a penal nfTenee for the owners of the land to allow the Canada thistle to go to sued thereon. Two Gorman boys were bite.& by a cop- perhead .nokr, near Cl.,elaed, os the Id tilt. and bsib died ie a flew .hawk... A.btfd at Newark, N..1 died a few days . ince ie of ntleg ahs phoepho. roue from a ba of matches. The deaths at New tMeens for the weak &.ding 10th nit., remelted 347 -11 of which ..re from yellow fever and else from she. lean. The steamer Senior 4 wild to have cfoatud o,.r SL000,0os to •a,1gatieg the Mwctsneste nut. Mr. Merritt has proceeded downwards to visit the Temt.eotat• portage, with o view to inetroet himself as to the pteetfeabtlity asd fsclliil't. there 0my he for -.ting the prey.Ned Coital to aes.eot the 8e. Law- rN.o..ad.8t. lobe's by that note, a *ark of the highest importance to &talk North Amer'ea.--lb. ♦ot*rt.11t STatwa'Mfbn to aeons Tee . . Ostrow Wan 11.44 In Loodoe, iriemegken the bey of a eon- rwt u tag .ide pri.oe, embed Snit4 o ps g0the aharecteet and weft n417 *esteem.1g ITh years' fraeeporutios,- 4bee 1i]. Witoste he lead refected to take ley Meddeklilieet sed there was no doubt that be had starred himself to death. imCwaA.g or Porvt.a1wret,-in the quar- tet stases )tree, 13 S0, the birth, registered w.Mte f1C7rif ; the detthb tdgfit.L.4 wire, 93.E ; tee enema" .f berths over death. wee dll.7113. The natural increase of the «1 die gram" 81,721, without taking into Glielt the limbs el children who may we *Draped r gietr.itos, 4. the nem Om smeller pinata from Lon- , (the only 1•n lease N wfrMen666 taste are govern ✓ oe a greline n paw $1.776. it M , t bn nhn infsit ,eedtthe population s.nd wee mammary ; hot a great Mother of the 40,1,114taste thio Lamar - poet were, it fo'belfimed, Imes 4eel.pa asd a•` Ilas heseeste, pssre, an Monter ( effrue of ISA imeigratiwg. wheel l bherants of legiglipb Mt 1L not wtoj ptsdw th►.agre- - nee hettreaGo4 b.4 o Neter aha ewer_ le • Rds►w. I A LESSON. Eye., that bad eat only mdteted smile., gashed with burr paseio., a the tatty, doves remained seer the door, each rsdravoriag to anticipate, the other to some eddrer to the wilily twisty. He aghast sad perplexed, waited foe the de- • aoaoretn.ot. ' Madame,' red Monsieur Pierre Lavelle", ' allow me to speak.' ' Moo.teur,' said Madams Pierre Lavelle', '1 ie.i*t-' y But Madame it i. my-' But, Monomer, I say 1 mal.' • And yet 1 will.' 'Bot no-' (From Elia Cook's Jeartsal.] If society seer be wholly eorrtpt.d, it will be by the ids that It is already so. Some eyue. believe ,e eirta1, sincerity sad happtoess, sal as 'ruddier of the put, aad by ridicule seek to pwosgate eke soros. This vain aad peduue philosophy would tura all berth to stone, sed • rat every mon with m.pteios aoai.,1 all others, declaiming g against the reenter d lite as empt sestimeutelis. ; against the belief is gadaes s es yo•tb's aegrise folly ; and the bops of pure happier*, as • tascilul dram, created by •'Dong attrguauo•, to be dt eipet•d by the teaching o • year's wreak wii . the world. If tbie be wisdom, lam so philo.phet, sad I never with to be one: for wooer weld 1 6na Spon The giddy .east of Waey, to fall among quicksand. at lase, thee travel tbroegh • dull aad dreary world. unhook confidence i0 my eomp•s- iaaa. Thu we may be happy, tit we may find Morn fn.ds, that we may men the good, and copy the b..'ifrl as saki, is a e ed thatwill find titterers is all hearts ■swued by their owe sortie,... Vires will moctiiy every fireside rent we trite Ws to dwell. asd if the credo a( mia6.teee darkes tad defers the whole pureed of ear 'swear, it ate • darters that emena e (rets to rsives, and • derma/ay melted by as to ser eon• happleme. Tel this is no reining the little story which is the sheet .(toy observations. -The axiom whirr 1 lilt il t• lay dews, to maestua. .ad to peer correct, is, that married lift may be with moat mere. should be witigail, .ads with ray, • mus d happens. The reader .0ry sotile nay heddaes& hot the history of the pernes•ge.1 shall ietrodece to walk their hoer es this my fifthe stage, will piggy ay repro the arm. M. Piers Lavelles, *weer da wi•e'ytd.snr • onus village is the south of Erre*, wood . ad wedded Millie, Jobe Gonebard. Freed, where they dwelt asd all the precise arcam.ta•- e o ef their position, I do met mess to eed,.te, aad-if 1 might offer a net toy osetempor•rie•, it wield be a gentle .vggesiiee the* they occupy tee math naw, paper and leaguer" is r"ogr•ph- ial sr genealogical detail&, very weeders, bi- ome spose eery oaweeesrry. Me•ielr Pierre La- velle" IHa lived is • potty hoses, sear a certain village i■ • vise-growieg diarists( the south . France, aad whet he took hie you( wile home, be showed her great nores d exeelleat things, calculated well for the comfortable obsistoee of • youthful and worthy couple. Flowers and blossoming trees shed odor sear the lattice wie- der, verdant soh aad green was spread over the garde*, and the ematli.1 vise " laid forth the psrple grape," *ver • rich std nosey platitudes near at head. The house was small, but test, .•d w.11 famished is the style of the reeler, aad Meerut Rad Madame Pierre Lavelle, lived very happily is pleat, aad mmtfart. Der. I leave them tied iatrdsee the ruder to Mossiest Antrum Perron, emery in the neigh- boring village. Let me linger ever • souse d this iadivido.l. He wee a good num, and what is more ceder as lamest lawyer. Indeed, is spite d y bappy t11.ry, I may my that each a good man, s.dea.4 a good lawyer you could seldom meet. All tb village knew him ; M mixed op in every one's quarrels ; not es tit really the ease, to make see, restos worse confounded by • double-toogeed hy- pocrisy, bat to produce coact ltatese ; he ret wiled is every one's affairs, sot to pick op profit for himself, ba to prevent the villagers from ratting loin losses and improd.t .peculation. be talked mach, ret, it was sot over mischief, bat. schemes of geed: he was knows by everybody, yet mons that hoee him re.peeted him lees.. then account. He was • little, spare, merry- leskieg mu. that semen to appear grave whoa be .es meet Melieed to merriment. and if be reordered himself a perfect genies is ba plaug foreffeeleeg geed, hie easily as be pudooed, Welter of the feed it fed on. M. Attain" Perron eoe.idered himself eery ln- - e,.ieu., end if he hod a fault, it was hie love ef ' eipnday. Hi sum liked to perform any sc- ree le a Menten way, sad ehuekled .o gaily to bim.eU, as who he had sehie.pd sots& ehari table eed by erne extraordinary Asiana • It wet saves math. after the marriage of M. Pierre Luellen, M. Antoine Pettus sat in his little ostler, •ad gazed with •'had eye epee the cheerful ten, for the shin winter was just ter- minating. l.eanr.g tetrad ee his ebair, be shaded Ma Nee with hie hand., aad steadily pe- rson, the 6g•r. -*sag the coals with a most plewat cnonten.tes. The room was wall. o.t sod comfortable, Ibr the eatery prospered, is his humble way sag seeking *sty comfort tend it. sad was &went, dddeely • viefeet ksoekisg at the door iroeted lits hes hr reverie, .ed be heard hs e4 twnot reuse' r epee i*. 1. • monies' tone peases wen erbasd itm th. rer. sed the s.rry Wooed r btehs4,fig slslisiehm.st et the cntr.sslieury alibi &&Ale Mr. Had a trader. bel, elev,o ili'i.•f tot ps0*.d through his spank reit le 1Kentree( the glebe, or had the tree, *144.4 their asked branches without the *Mime ee.tewaeed • dawn ease is emery geee.f, Ors had set icon Mme ear - tweed. ' *It Mese' Pierre Latrea m;d use P..,, loud •�j!y" Iwr•11 gt�4I 1 i.gkg NnNOVO,' Arei l NN theta beer*, as hp 011iellialirffi0411$nnatheoheres. mash will' eyes, mod aleire wets., they bed lived le hubto.4ee4 dllliie the earn tlMbthe albeit Olinda *a raiaTd.�-144erli alta, *be. they Pie .bel'+ t ont• awe/. Mem the. prsopee aad be eksimrt is their Odes, es tate had barn jtq me, 0..Elghbw• Lelia as big wvs. Nem Sew reNoel ailed seer. 'We bls Oohs ars 5,,,, - (6 g�tlrerd hie Miss. &� r1� fit, meta her 4,1 nota estsded petiesMriog *wank lire h..b•.d . ( ' Med•me, i shall.• Theo he careful what you do; M. Penne, M. Lavelle* 1• toad.' t Thee the lady, h•vieg them emphatically de- clared herself, resigned the right of •peerh to her heehand, who began to jerk not i■ diseoaneeted ;Omer • statement of his ease, seven fiefs ago he had annoyed his wife by some incautious word: eh. had annoyed hlm by sn inesatire se- rver: he had made matters worse by •0 ewers - eating retort: and she had wid.ed the breach be a bitter reply. This little .15.11 was suceeed- .4 by ■ cool calm, and then by • settee altar, until some midden (rictloa kindled • new flame, and 6n.11y, after successive storms and tells, there bunt forth • furious co10agrsilon, sod in the violent collision of their 'mgr. the 'eves - worths' marded pair vowed to aepatate, and with that resolve had suited M. Pierre*. Re- conciliation they declared was beyond possibility, • nd they requested the emery at one* to draw up the doe,r.ots that should cargo them re different homes, to subsist oe a o6vided pain-- moay, ea loveless sod unhappy marriage. Lech told a tale in toys, and the manger of Minos added fuel to the anger of the other. Tb. teras sod seemed to have lowed out of their eLter i• the aceeseion of their passion Pity•.a that • quarrel should ever &Bete thee, hent . &load the sine of man's hand to • theeder-sto that coven direst with its black -lied dasst .gory. Neither would listen le mutt The duty .4 the artery wee to prep.re the process by. whirl' they were to separated. • Messiest,' he said, ' I will armee* the affair fee yon; bet you are segueiated with the laws of Freres in this respect 1' ' 1 know nothing of the law,' replied M. Piers Layettes. ' Madame,' end the notary, • your wish shall be eomplied with. But you know what the law ssys oe thi. bead T' 1 sever reed a Is. book,' sharply ejaculated Madame Pierre Lavelle. Tb.,' retried the sorry, • the ease is Idle. Toe mut relays to your herr, and I. will pro- ceed to settle the proceedings with the Jodie'. tory Court at Pans. They ere very strict. Yon mut Wraith me with all the dotame,s relator, to the pr.peny.' ' i have them here,' put in the hothead, by way of parenthess. ' Aad the whole affair isel.disg correspo.- dence, preparations of instruments, die., will be settled in ler than three m.tba.' ' Three teethe 1' 'Three months. Yes, in less then three I Mentha,' ' Thei will live with • friend at she village, seal it is geished,' mid Madame Lavelle*. in decided, peresspt try ton., .seal with ladies when they are a little ashamed of tbetmaelvee- e r any one etre. 0- - . ' v • • Oh, very well. Madame, -oh, very well.' • Not at all well. Madame; sot at all well, Monsieur,' rid the emery, with a sled, im- moveable voice. • You meet live a 'seal. if yea doabt my knowledge of the law, you will. by mediae %broach these ryas beaks, find that this fact is specified-' Bet the irritated couple were not deepened sdert.ke the somniferous teak, and shortly left. the house, at they had Mme, walking the same way, but •t a distance of about a yard or se one from another. Two months and twenty-seven days had mim- ed, when the notary had issued from hie house, add or -ceded toward the honer where Mon.ee.r sod Madame Lavelle* dwelt. Sisee the fatal j TWRLVQ AND SIX PBNCS ♦r=It ono01?Ng TRAIL NUMBER AJ\uk1111, breed erirese. looked *no at .ember, sad thea at the grimed, •wan'eg he address. Mse t.r, and Madame,' std the notary, 'surdas, to your desire 1 ooze* "'Rh all the dsesuesu &reentry for your separation, tad the Maratha of year property. They *sly wont your sigsattre, and ono .111 sell year sennet es oe wetof,t • Baty,' exclaimed Madame Jolts, !augbi.g at her !..hoed, • Pierre, explains M. Penna.' • Ah, Messfeer Perm,' said Meesi.ar Aate4Ss Lavelle., • we had 1•wpuea that, sad hoped yen had ire. 8. .7 sot • word d it to asp *ea' • No, nota word,' said Modesto Jolie. • We quarrelled bet Does does ws were msrrelli •od we Dever meas to quarrel ag.i..• • Not •slew toe provoke it,' said vdks, tsdacioesly, ' But M. Pam, bl take breakfast with es.' ' n 'e • Yw're • wicked wretch ' aid Msd��7gMi toppesg hire se the cheek- ' After itr.a Yt, IL. Perms, we WGl ergs the papers' tom_• ' After breakfast,' mid M. Pierre I.l,.fl . • we wall hero them.' • W • •►all tee,' rid dm notary. • Sigs them or bora there. Madame Jals Levslla, year coffee is charming.' After ser. months' harmony, do not let ores days' quarrel d*rroy the happier, of bone- Do' sot follow the directions of • penal, in a pewios, allele him to cool aad oonaider his purpose. THE 118W.00WEi ACT. . -. An Ida Aker the pssslienef W Lae. (wwri` g. a, • Werra* it is expedient sed tueesary to af- ter the preetioe of the Law We the r,to,ery of Dower, sed to gives more Gamy sod les ezpw.- sire a..fdy for the metier thereof than ower emits se tippet Goads -Bs 11 therefore M- asted, &e. fled it is beech, eegstell by the authority of the arse, That from sed lifter thed this Aet, the settee of Dower at Leer,&bold osiir meseed by filing a deer/sties et rano le Ao form heretofore woad, sed i. the .63oe of Ai Cloths of the Crews sr Cesna& Thar, er K say Deputy Cleat of the Crews or PMa.i is nig Griot' where the setter is breaghu Pr4widdd always, That nu Setae of 0..., shell M brs.gbt w the Comity er Vetted Comdes is the Muds ef t...m.,te of which Dowel l& , mgt t to he reemm d r• . seb metloa e, sheer% t ed that the deehntise may be semi ea a* anaat d the keened isy port of Upper Casa - da either stiubI. 0e with. lbs limits of the Cbuaty se United Cessna" is which the oeties M bro.'bt. 1I. Aad be it erred, That a espy of each D.eianileo, sod dm settee to this Act newt: d, marked schedele A, nog be served by any lite- rate person pertrally within ono year from the fihag thereof, a the reset or freehold, if wail& the jeriedietiee tl the Ceun, sod if set. thse .p - on the wont of the Ind of which Dowser de. weeded, sod ih.demaodaot thereon, .poa slide. wit of the due Genies of tori declaration awl notice being triode sad filed, shall be retitled to proceed thereon rt. personal smite.. H1. And be it 'elected, That if the laid if which Dower is destaoded is meant sod the tesa.t of the freehold cease' be pertosslty .14'v. ed with deehrstioe as herentefeee prettied, them end in such sae, service may be made ante sties of ejectment: Provided always, that seek service, whet not personal apse the Ie.. *, shall be allowed by the Court, or & Jodg'ee than. of, and filing such declaration and affidavit of service, sod the Order of Role of 'Power* thereof, the demaodant'm•y, after the time he pleading hag expired, proceed tbereea u If per- u sal terrier had bees effected. IV. And be it enacted, That wheliever the term d the lead shelf sot be personally served with declaration if sot pn.olallyReread. 'sad the dem•udes'shall proceed lathe trial of the right of Dower is the land, the red demr.dset, before the entry of ley verdict ib favour of rich right, shall prove the marriage, ,e,zui and death d the hothead, is the game manner as if the teasel had pleaded traversing inch marriage, Moist and death of the hesb•nd. V. And he it enacted, That eons shall be allowed to the dmaodent, is all eases,. whether dam••es be recoverable or not, it the sane rsan- ner as eau are bow allowed to a plaintiff or de- fendant in perseoal echo.&; provided it shall he made appear on the trial the • demand in writ- ten had bees made of the Dower claimed from the tenant, one moth before action brought, the action lobe brought eithiu • year from demand as akor'uid; provided also, that the tenant shall n ot rake it appear oe the trial the be or elle, oil red to .riga 1110 Dower demanded, before action brought. VI. Aed he it enacted, That every tenant to whom -any Declaration or Plaiet io Dower shall be (delivered, shall forthwith give sere thereof to hes landlord, or to the serer t,attorney, agent, bailiff, or recetyer of hes radioed, getter the penalty of forfeiting 3 years improved, or seek ent of the premiere to demanded, holden, or in the postmortem of such tense', to the person of whom be holds, to he recovered by a0io0 of debt to be brought e0 any or fl.r Meje.,y'. Conte of Record to this Prov1,r: Pmeided al- ways, that a armory bed, against a mere nccn- pier of the Mad end mitre' Notice to the sgb- *sgst, stall have no greeter effect than a re- eovery is eyecup's' would have bad for the quantity of had argued ea Dower te such re. eovery. SCHEDULE A. 1n the Q.eee'. Bench, Cnmmo. Pleas asd (as the eta, may be.) A B who wee (e► is) the .'.r.. of C. D. de- eweed, D.feeduet, rad L. 1'. Testae. - Take notice that a D.elaraane of wire) the sewed is • tree espy. was this As, fled r the Mired the Clerk .e Dept, (ea the ease may be) at i. the Comity of or pelted Coesties of(.. the east way he) mad sakes you pled thereto within tw,.y days from the ra- ke thereof, jvdemp•t mil! 1. taped against you y default, and .iba,goest roc.. ti.,o sod m- atins three( follow therwo aeenrdeeg ro l... Dor the thy of 18 ToGP.ofthe Taw..( e ight I have described, be bed not eecoastered them. and he ROW. with ■ bend face aad eoafi- d.t head, eppraehed the dwelling. It was a petty place. Passing 'berth the beady vineytrda where the spring wee tont call- ing out the 1 , and the yoasg shoots is their tints of feeder greets were 'praline' in the warmth of • pleasant day; the emery entered a mordea Here the flowers, is infant bloom, had prepared the earth for the eomies reaea, lee simmer W her gay suere was uippeae from the math, and es she pared, name wove Weida t. .darts her heed, and wreath* about her arms Early blears* lent sweetser to the berth el the Ale wends that loitered ea this delightful spot, and the fair young primrose was seem fere the parterres. with other Gowers of spring, the moat &Nieto and **(fly fngrwt, 'het nome stn to hen their beer a made.oy and safety, while the e.rth affords them tonrt end before the bright tied goody bloom d a riper seism, eclipses thei beset, Widths them %lashing. *lone their peter. v Early reties ;Weed of silbv ode et the peril. b .ed as the eatery mitered, swine* snub him men Chas the tett sod cheerful .ppeara se of theplea.. A demoiselle .sherd bun isle a tittle relay, where Moores? Pier birdies, ofd 4454.... Jail Lamle,, WON, sat dews le per tisk. beetibMr A sate l table sir draws ep close to the opus .endow, avid I bore* foetid mel.-eme t. the .hfresh.,. A 00wy .lath hese dew. te rh. woil-polished Saar, sed tail white esp. wore rood •p''• ii t. r,ral it t pretty tool Srtwe.- Cake* e( bread, bread as is oily had is France, with d'lieinr. hatter, end rich brows (o•niise es11e. *wibrd will errant, Wer. spiral Wore theta. and • rake, of froth mem/ Snw.r., semi - Hag with dew sod hee.tifel'y odornu, rested dui whole ersion.,. itk • tkhew, pr,Ssm. The b..basd .me waif oat side by side. with Welk .anti se se1Pr"d is !lobe est sees- mernottite. that they hardly goosed the ee►Noce N 441 emery. The ser./ had '..'.104 a sad I4R.. weal. lion i N tort, Ssshe..f twee. meta M..Ai.gtb and tiowerow Iu.ao+N 'hoes bed asemd,.=elsew smiles. sod eyesli• e0, with stm ied khnfetisNs,a eesine Sod IMt& 1NN *Mies, et seserwel. ".i«i: Whom w Awe•iMilwenn 11110.0011p obey& & .d. at Mega, ted thee ss.gwtlag hhi** mesa&' r the ease ere b., the sheen /.est. J. K. Attorsey. Av., reenlist at se the Cutty .( r Unite Custom a the eau cry k THE GENEROUS SWEDE. if homy Liad .es sot the lowa.prebbe Artist the rural vexes preelaim. Mr, w.tow* hardly the ler admin ad It 'MOON We beer*. teeth f.r the profuse vat wetly d r-et.4 ��t,- airs .�1h what, she hes d.vetted he 619 OlIw.4 more seeming to bat flew ter Ont oke& li Amoll ee to da lender penile ei•yi'1w d 1.r City Other Arias hat, lore lretwemeiteLlhe Moths M rwwfp l --bee creator half s masifeeet woo ever brae, pretrwd kw by maser lm. lambed ea see•efleree. The ire • .f Ion ...vacs ammo( es mese bestows& awl bea.rNdy they .rye !"sewn. M M r Maw the apever .L beiseAt4 to the eters e we. .M eyed/ and the ee As ting the .gat •f Charity, site beg •M•(y list t►irehdbly 0w geMlsm Wheat re her psy.n sad her Or. sat M INA will bgge t .tint Mtwi ebb ale Menige of 1M 11.plm N Relit