HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-04-24, Page 5Doshwood EUB Church • • •••• • ' "."91;ion
rs Successlul Yea BYMRS. J, DYKEMAN
•Calvary ]evangelical United ing out the difference, Mrs. Tie .Mission Circle
Brethren Church had its annual man discussed "Safety in •.the
congregational attesting on Alen- home."
clay evening,. April 14. Reporis> lame assignment was :to bee,
were given by the presidents gin charts, study traffic laws,
and treasurers of the various fill in check sheets and bring
organizations within the •;eliurclt record books up to date. Roll call Shirley Jaques had charge of portion •of the Meeting and roll L ngland, Mrs. i . Hudgins and
and by the current missions and' is to be ""oi�e .accident hazard in the program, call was answered by Payitlent Airs. R. f{rtieger.
improvement fund treasurers •of ' my home and what 1 atm going Mrs. Norman Jaques,. one of ee dues. deports were given by $ociai .Evening
•the congregation. All revealed to do about LL" the leaders, took the study book. the ,officers and conveners of Members of the• Evangelical
satisfactory progress during
fiscal year closing Match 31. ,- .stash and a social hour .enjoyed.
The pastor's report revealed , Zion Lutheran Church Walther Sunshine Mission Band
the passing of four members, Leaguers. entertained their par- ,.
also several adherents. A thin- ruts, 'the newly confirmed and Zion West Mission Hand met
ore's silence and prayer was of-' their .parents .at a pot luck sup Monday al 4 p.itt. Shirley lion
feted in their memory. ' per Tuesday evening. played w piano instrumental and
The election .of officers fol• .Following supper a sing song Barbara Jlern told a story,
loved. Lloyd Eagleson was Was enjoyed followed by a vagi• Mrs. Tom liens took the study
named trustee for :three years. ety program by the Leaguers. book and Airs. Clifton ,Jaques A.rs• Bien pie
with a gift.• «eV. G. ^'i•otne is attending
Other members on the trustee Rev. K. Zorn showed a film had the worship service. The the Evangelical U.B. conference
board are Gordon Bender and "Together" followed by discus- members all made quilt blocks. President elected was Alr'
in Stratford this week. Mrs.
Addison 'Tiernan; T. Harry Hoff- sion. Closing devotions in the personal items E. Lamport; vice presidents, Strome and son Timmy are vis•
man was elected a member of church auditorium conducted by vis -
Mrs. Margaret Thwaits and •Alrs. Earl 1laist and Mrs.
G lsting with relatives in Kitchener.
the cemetery board for three Arthur Rader brought *the eve Zwicker; secretary = tieasurer, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Clark
years. Other members are 1� es ning to a close.
Dawn of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. E. Neil; ass't sec.-treas., of Detroit spent the weekend
Fngeland and Milton Baugh Personal Items Carl Jaques and cltildreit and Airs, W. Weber; district direct-
ax „v..•
Cre.c.itcr. WI Men.ber
Elect New Executive
Election of officers was held topic ""Working with Wool" was
Zion West Mission Circle held in the -Connintinity Centro 'When reviewed by Il,osemary Deitrich,
their April meeting last Sunday the annual Meeting of Crediton a member of the 4.i{ Cillb.
evening at the home of Doris Women's Institute took place on hostesses were Mrs. Jack
Cornish. The president, Greta Wednesday evening. Ars.. W. Morrissey, Mrs. Hendrick, Mrs.
Stephens, opened the meeting. Mack :conducted the business. F. Aiorlock, Mrs. Schenk, Mrs.
lite, Entertain Newly Confirriied Lunclt was. served by Mrs, Cor- standing committees• eburch choir and their friends
At.rs. Atack, ietiring pteslpden1. with the church :tr.ustees and
expressed gratitude for support their wives, weir entertained to
given her during her term of a dinner in the church school
office. She also, on behalf of rooms on Friday evening by
W. L members, .convea'ed alt- members of the Ladies' Md. A
preeiation to Airs. R. Metz for social time was later enjayed.
valuable service rendered and Personal Items
1 11 S ! k sensed her
Alis Peer' Kraft was re-elected + „ Airs. C. Jaques of St. Marys, or, Mrs. Mack; alternate, Mrs.
eisltC Russell's father, Mr, Fran•
current treasurer; Miss Beatrice Dashwood changes to daylight visited lack Saturday with Mr. L, Lamport; A1r, and Mrs. Allan Becker
saving time Saturday night, and Mrs. Norman Jaques.
Graybiel, improvement fund - April 26, and remains on it un- Conveners of standing eons- and daughter, Brenda. visited
pThe sacrament of communion
treasurer; Mr. Art ]:Laugh, nils' : til September 28. ,was administered at Zion st ntitlees: agriculture and Can -
la recently with Pearl Falhafer in
amen industries, Mrs, Gordon Kitchener.
Morlock; citizenship and educe- Air. and Mrs. Martin Moriock
tion, Mrs. Russell rinkbeiner; and Mr. Albert Moriock, Guelph,
historical research and current visited on Sunday in the village,
sions treasurer.. 1 Miss Anne Taylor, of London, Sunday with Rev. T. Elliott of
Elect New Fire Chief !spent the weekend with her. Kirkton in charge. Air. Norman
At. a recent meeting, Dash• ! mother, Mrs. Leta Taylor. Jaques was .ordained as an .elder.
I Nlr. and Mrs. Art Koessel and
vnod volunteer firemen elected �aroi Ann Tien, >✓nnlviue, events, Ntrs. P. Boulianne; tome Alotorists definition of a slit
Plr, Emil Becker fire chief Alr. Ed Sippel, of Lansing, spent spent a few days last week with p
the weekend with Mrs, John Mr. and Mrs. Norman economics and health, Mrs. J. second: The interval of time be-
nit. James Baylor, assist -Jaques. Wade: resolutions, Mrs. Sam tween the change of a stop light
ant Kuntz and Luella. A number of ladies of the corn p g
Air. and Airs. Sant Oesctt, of munity attended the not luck
Dashwood Safety Guards Hensel!, and Mr. Mervyn Stclele, supper of the W.T. at Elimville
The 4.11 girls held their regu• of Bradford, spent Sunday with Ball last Wednesday evening,
lar meeting Wednesday evening Air. and Airs. Ed Stelck. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hein and
with 12 girls and the Jeaders, Mrs. Thos. Hoperoft, Mr. and ' Air, and Mrs. Angus Earl were
Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan and Mrs. Mrs, 1uascl1ia
pstettand Grant, t
, Sundav visitors with Mr. end
Harry Hoffman, present. Airs. Graham Arthur and Tom- Mrs. Bert Morgan, St. Marys.
Mrs: Hoffman discussed simple my motored to Bolton last Sun- Judy Hern, daughter of Mr.
and compound fractures, point- day to ace their aunt, the late and Mrs. Keith Hern, has been
Mrs. James Hoperoft, Mrs. 7.
Hoperoft remained for the fu-
neral, spending the weekend
with Mrs. -Graham Arthur at
Port Albert, Mrs. Hoperoft re-
turned home Tuesday
Mrs. William Haugh, Shirley,
Mrs. Elmer Rader and Mrs,
Will pass through our William Stade spent the week -
1 5 end at Pigeon, Mich, Mrs. Stade
hands in the next few years. attended the funeral of her' first
HOW MUCH WILL eousin, Albert .Geiger, at Sebe
Mich., Sunday.
YOU KEEP? Sunday visitors with. Mr. and
Investors Syndicate savingsMrs. Clayton Mile were Ain and.
y Airs, Art Koessel, Mr. Ed Sippel,
plans are approved by the Mrs, John Kuntz and Luella and
RCAF for payroll deductions, Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Kuntz.
Provincial Police Constable C.
,.� A. 1 -lardy, of Goderich, will be
at lh.e men's club rooms Friday
night to show films on safety
and driving. All young people of
the district or anyone interested
in driving are urged to attend.
The 4-1i girls are sponsoring
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Becker were Mr.
and Mrs. Rudolph Tetznick and
granddaughter, of Waterloo,
Mr. and Mrs, Milton Brandt and
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Brandt, of
Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. Al-
lan Becker and family of Credi-
• Mr. and Mrs. William Kirk
and family, of Preston, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Becker and family.
Members of the Lutheran Lay-
men's League attended the rally
at Monkton last Sunday.
Vic Dinnin
Your Accredited .
Represdntative for
(Savings, investments and
Topics From
The Elimville W.M.S. and W.A.
held their April meeting last
Wednesday evening in the Elim-
ville Church basement. Mrs.
Freeman Horne and Mrs, T. Bell
had charge of the program.
A film"The Crucifixion" was
shown, Miss Mary Herdman
read the scripture and Mrs. Ross
Skinner lest in prayer.
Mrs. Wm. Routly had charge
of the W.M.S, business. Mrs.
John Batten took charge of the
W.A. business, Mrs. ' Franklin
Skinner gave. a, report of the
rally held in Ontario Street
church, Clinton.
Mrs. Chas Stephen had Charge
of the display of the members'
winter activities.
Shares) Lunch was served at the close
with Mrs, Lloyd Johns and Mrs.
• Hubert Heywood as hostesses.
4•H Girls Meet
(Balanced Mutual Fund
INVESTOR The "Canada Willing Work,
ers" held their nicetin, at k11in-
chclsea. school an last Tuesday'
with 22 members and. two lead- I
GROWTH F'*e ers present, Roll, call was ins
OF CANADA LTD. ' wored by a defect in posture. (
Misses Doris Brock and Mary
(Principally Common Stocks)' Skinner demonstrated good nos-.
lure which was well done.
Discussion was oil sanitation
Call Vic Dinnin and the pantphlcts were dlsti�l-
COLLECT 168 ZURICH luted to each club girl on "My
Homo and Myself."
With vacaifolt tine right around the sorrier,
NOW h the thne fora genera( buiiiper.to•
bumper Inspection of your car, Let us Check
it for any trouble spots..adlust it and fund it
for real peak porforiiatiee aids sprinnt
• Oedc yeasTIrestt 'GenewaI Ro pal's
Prosper Garage
Al The SFA :Stiifiot
a patient for the past week at.
St. Joseph's Hospital, London,
Zion W.M.S. and. W.A. were
guests of the Woodham
last Wednesday.
Ruth Ann Dykeman, Exeter,
spent Tuesday at her home.
The W.A. are having a bake
sale Saturday • afternoon in the
Public Library, Exeter.
Monday evening visitors with.
Mr. and Mrs. Jud Dykeman were
King; Tweedsmuir history, Mrs. to green and the fellow behind
Mack; good cheer convener, you tooting his horn,
Airs. Roy Finkbeiner; social
convener, Mrs. H, Schenk; ways
and means, Mrs. L. Hodge.
Mrs. Schenk presided
for the
program when Mrs. `F. Morlock
reviewed the motto Be'the best
of whatever you are", Young
people's orchestra furnished a
number and Jean Krueger favor•
cd with piano solos, Mrs, E.
Lamport gave a reading and the.
Mr, and Mrs, Roy Dykeman,
Merton and Mr, Gary Vowel of
London. '
Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Skin-
kimmer and Noel of Exeter, were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Ward. Bern,
Thermo -Chief
Warehouse 757 • Res. 457-r•31
Thee Tim!
,,Ad1focatpt April 24/ 195
Tool .up Iwo and now for p banner
gardening season. We've got every-
thing you meed to :get growing!
Power mower takes
the labor out of
lawn -mowing. Easy
to operate.
and up
Top quality garden
ty shovels, spades and
pitchforks. Durable.
Level -cut grass
shears, Strong
Heavy duty
hose on
reel. 50
and up
Progress Continues.
New 1300 -Bed Hospital
The Frost Government's hospital for retarded children, announced. last week as a
tribute to the untiring efforts of the late, beloved Tom Pryde, will be the first pro-
vincial institution erected in Huron. To be located on Lake Huron's shore, two
miles from God.erich, this hospital will provide employment for hundreds of Huron
people and will contribute many thousands of dollars to Huron's economy in the
purchase of supplies and equipment.
New Riad Building
Paving of No. 84 highway from 1-fensall to St. Joseph is due for completion this
summer. Reconstruction of• the Bluewater Highway, including 26 new culverts, is
well under way. County and municipal road grants are at an all-time high.
Charlie MacNaughton
New Hospi
fal Facilities
A 47 -year-old South Huron businessman, Charlie Mac -
Naughton was chosen the PC candidate. in Huron by an enthus-
iastic, overflow crowd at the Clinton nomination mooting last
Delegates from all s"ectiona of the riding recognised
that his practical experience and achievement in those activities
which vitally affect representation of Huron in the Ontario legis-
lature made him an outstanding candidate. Here are his recom-
As managing -director of Jones, MacNaughton Seeds Ltd.,
Charlie MacNauphton has been intimately associated with Huron's
farming industry for 15 years. His sound judgement and fair
treatment of farmers is reflected• by the growth and expansion
of this local. industry. His position has given him wide experience
in both domestic and export marketing of farm products.
He was a member of the Agricultural Sub -Committee at
the convention which drafted the Diefenbaker farm progra9m,
including the new Agricultural Stabilization Act under which 1958
price supports have been puf into effect."
He served as trustee and chairman of
District High School Board for nine years,
South Huron
He was one of the founders and continues as a director
of South Huron Hospital.
• Ile has given active support and leadership to many
community betterment activities, both in his hone town and
throughout the riding.
Vc-te For Charlie
Frost Government grants to Huron hospitals in 1957 and. 1958 will total nearly
$300,000 to assist in the erection of major additions and nurses' residences, to pro-
vide other important improvements, and meet rising maintenance costs.
New Tax belief
New 1958 grants to Huron municipalities for
education, roads, welfare services and for un-
conditional purposes are the highest in history.
These grants will reduce property taxes by as
much as 50 mills!
Support Good
Huron PC Canddatc
Provincial Byillectiorn May 12 .