HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-04-24, Page 4r.arlrlaPlrag,,IIIT , , Pap 4 The TimmAtIvetele, April 24, 1951t your future and tffeirs — secure with LIFE INSURANCE To every husband and father, the welfare of his family is his most vital concern. That's \shy every family needs life insmance. 'Dominion of Canada' oties you insurance tailored to your specific aceds. THIE DONVOiNiON OF CANADA GENERAL N1 SUIRANCr ccsepe.tetv 0 • JOSEPH E. GUNN AGENT zu ESTABLISHED 190Q HER LD ORRESPQNPgNI, MR51, ,ctiEST.E.R. I Wan This Week In Goshen By MRS. CARL McBRIDE :couple Honoreet Friends and neighbors of Air. and Mrs. Sam .0eseh gathered on Tuesday night of last week at the home o Mr. anct . Russell Gesell, to honour them with a frrewell party. Mr. and Mrs. Desch moved into their new home in Hedsall recently. They were presented with a lamp front the neighbors and a table and rug from the Goshen United church congrega- lion. Phan! 44 '.;.rotliton Goshen Mission Rand The April meeting of Goshen lllittlItAttltittlIt1111111$1$1111111611111111111111111=1111111111tI111111111Alt11111Millittilt!MItt711101111111111.1111t41.1',4 Mission Band was held in the basement of the clime') on Sim- i' day morning with Mrs. BO Me - i Kinley in charge. Marlene Keys presided with Joan 'Elliott at the piano. The story of Kenji was re- viewed and another ehapter read :hy Mrs, McKinley. Patricia Rob- . inson read a poem. The worship service was taken frnm the World Friends. Those laking part were Marlene Keys as leader, Larry McKinley, Jte dith McBride, Bob McBride, Karen McKinley. Gregory Arm- strong. Carolyn Robinson, Wayne Peck and Diane McKinley, Don- na Peck tool up the offering and gave the treasurer's report. Joan Elliott was the only one with .a birthday this month. Gwen McBride read the minutes and 29 answered the roll call. Personal Items. Rev. 1'. .1. Pitt spoke on "Safe- ty" on Sunday morning as April 2n was the official "Safety Sun- day." Last 'week saw the end of spring seeding for most farmers in the dikrice Spring Cleanup Time Well Give Your Cr A "Factory -Fresh" Car looting dull and drab? Watch it perk up under our expert touch!Our professional finish job will make it glow and gleam like new. Cost is Small -results, terrific! WILSON BROS, Firm Service PHONY. 657 NORTH EXETER • futimmitummiattamtsitumzsmummiumettummuluximmualmmmuntinttmlotm.sint....n..m... 0 0 • . 1:* Third Anniversary FURNITURE SALE Thurs., April 24 to Sat., May 5 1 SALE STARTS AT 4 P.M. THURSDAY Opsn All Day and Every Evening Until 10:00 As in PrConetia Ysfars WC Ars Giving Away Valuable Door Prizes Draw To Es Mads May 3, at 10:00 P.M. e Every Article In Store Reduced During Sale • VALUES CALOREI EARGAINSI BARGAINS; Westlake Furniture 1 PHONE 814 ZURICH RCAF Centralia Postings F:1., W. E. Graystone, from Trenton. LAC! D. 'Peacock. from Aylmer, LAC, R. A. Noyle, ACI J. C. Cayouette, from. Borden: ACI J. C. Semes. from Borden. AWL E, M. Alatley, from Tren, ton. ACI R. C. Warren, from 'Berrien. AC1 P. H. Coburn, from Bordcn. LAC! L. A. Duff, from Clinton. LAC R. W. Davis, -from Bor- den. FROM CENTRALIA Sgt. E. C. Seigle, to Borden. LA(' A. J. Dykeman, to Langer. LAC L. E. English, to Borden. LAC H. A. Bannister. • GINGERICH'Sbed4_, 1-1VATiNWENGINEEK . _ Mrs. Leonard Erb. entertained •on Wednesday at a trousseau tea. for .her daughter., Marilyn,. bride-eleet of Saturday. Assisting were Mrs. Ida. Diek, Mrs. Newell Geiger. Mrs. E. - S lee etre Laird e b and. Airs. :Glenn Koehler. Personel items iris '4r ) improving nicely from his recent illness. Air. Calvin SAilhaine returned home, .after visiting with his sis- ter near !flight for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs, Ward Fritz motored to London on 'business one day last sveek. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Kraft of Detroit visited with friends. over thAeirs,s. eacikiceindiere. .Jacob. Haberer and Air. and Mrs. Ivan Yungblut have returned home after a pleasantd trip where they visite with the iormer's TO1111, W110 . attending -University at. . Durham, North Carolina. Mr. and Airs. Emerson Erb. spent a day in London last week. M r. and Airs. Lennis Callas and Miss Elda Calfas of Kitchen- er were weekend visitors at the home of Mrs, Pearl Melick and Mr. and Mrs. Wes Merrier. Mrs. Wes Merner returned home after visiting with retie... lives and friends at Milverton, Elora and Elmira. e Mr, and Mrs. Harold Koehler of Toronto visited at the home of their mother, Airs, Nancy Koehler, for the weekend and also attended the Dick -Erb wed- ding on Saturday. Mrs, Koehler left with. her son to spend a few weeks in the eity. Mr. Edmund Desch is improv- ing nicely after his illness. Mr. and Airs. Carl Bum of Milverton .spent the weekend at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Merner. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Kalbfleisch of Detroit spent the weekend with the Kalbfleisch and other friends and relatives. Mr. Ed. Sippel, Lansing, Mich, called on friends oo Sunday. • Lieut, CoI, and. 'Airs. R. A, Smillie and son, .Paul, of Camp Borden spent the weekend at the hofne of Mr. and Mrs. Del- bert Geiger. The Bannister family, returned home after their week's va'ca- Lion, Mr. Bannister -is manager of Zurich Bank of Montreal. Rev. and Mrs. Knopp and son of Edmonton, Alta, spent the weekend at the 'home of Rev. and Mrs. A, Amacher and sons. The former delivered the gospel message to a well -fined U.B.Evangelical church on Sunday morning. , Mr. and Mrs. Chris Heist and Rev. A. Amaeher are, attending the Evangelical conference at Stratford this week. Mr,. Heist is the layman delegate for Zurich. Mrs. Emma Bender, of Dash• wood, Mrs. Otto Schatz, of Gar- den City,' Mich.,. called. at the home of the latter's cousin, Mrs. Pearl Melick, on Monday after- noon. Miss Robin Smith, of Exeter, was a weekend visitor with her friend, Miss Janet Gesell°. Mrs. Carrie Weber returned to her home after. spending several weeks at the Desjardine Test home, in Exeter. She is feeling fine. . The Rev.. A. E. Holley, of Grand. Bend, was a visitor at Zurich last Saturday. • Mr. R. Bolton, returning officer for the forthcoming Huron by- election, made business trip to town on MOnday, arm Trends readiness for these exercises. instructed to have things in Lion Earl Younghlut, head of e Show Trousseau tr 10f Saturday Bride L., , the 4iorninatiftg committee gas' . ..4tollioulnu.............. , ....tut...Hutt. ttttttttt ttt ... ttt . tt . 444444444444 ist.akaMAkkalaMMIWAttilitOMPAZ . SCOTT FARMS ,.i. „. gompl,.:ETE-P1;;;RS-ALSAk..E QF iPt.,t4.PWIFOK • 7 .:.• 1 SHQRTHQRN CATT-14 - 1 Herd Riree 1Z ROI 4elveS 0 Females. I •1 May 14th at the .farm .0 . ..1 at 1:00 p.m, • i • 4 sires atwr;;:Iin the sale. will be the get of eUch- ,outstandine 1 Tmeiggallorreapgehn4.Rro(lemi piling kl.mp) gulktoron .Gy Boy limp/ ! Sanford .BellyS4chlin The herd was established in 1934. TA ifthtolt$ have 411 i ,been broil on the farm. And -from outotondino .imparted double .dairy bulls- ..1 .1 Herd _Fully Accredited R.O.P. Tested.. .Forneles, Vaccinated, i ..._ions1 Topic his report and slate Inc the year 1.95.8-59, and a vote will be taken at the ilea meeting for the sec- Zurieh Lions met at the Do- minion House on Monday eve- ning with a good attendance, Mrs. Beatrice, Hess proisided at the piano, and Lion Alvbtlyalper etL the singing„ president Lion Bob McKinley took the business end of the meeline. Fifteen Lions are VA- Peadlo .attend the Zone meet- ing at Ilderton. Past President Leroy O'Brien introduced the guest speaker for the evening, Mr, A115013 Me- Kinley, •of Stanley Township, who gave a good account of him- self, dwelling on agricultural lines; an interesting trip to the states of Michigan and Indiana by a deleglition, where they . learned very much of the effici- • envy of managing a farm. At the close he showed a number of interesting picture slides lake en on the trip. The speaker was thanked by Lion Delbert Geiger ; for his fine talk and .pictures. international Councillor Lion Vic Dirndl) inducted the two new members. Peter Masse and Na- • poleon Corriveau. Lion Vic, among other essentials, told the new members that they now be,. long to an organization 597,000 strong, the largest of its kind in the world, having doubled its membership the past seven or eight years. They were also wel- comed by other Lions, At the next meeting the initi- ‘Q-era.2.5e GINGERICIIS 11EATING-1.16HTING-PLUMBIN6 OIL BONING -AIR tONDITIONING EOUIPMENUSUPPLIES 431,1'4,'34 ELECIRICAL REPAIRING NPR MOYOR, REWINDING This Week Ir, Thames Road By MRS. WM. RHODE Grant Hodgert had his tonsils removed at .,South Huron Hos- pital on Friday morning. Mr, and Mrs. William Ferguson moved to their new home in Exeter on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William Thom- son. of Exeter, Mrs. William ,.. Rohde and Calvin visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross of Kirkton, on Sunday afternoon, Mr. • Raymond Joyce, Melvin and Ray Jr. of Cooksville, Mrs. Melvin Joyee and Vera of Dods - land, •Sask-, were guests nn Sun- day with Mrs. Moore and Mr. and 'Ives, William Snow, Mrs. Joyce and Vera are remaining or a 'week Mrs. Gertrude Wiseman fell and fractured her hip on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. John Rodd Of Woodham visited on Sunday eve- ning With Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery. I Mr. and Mrs, Ross Cottle Nee 1 Leona Gould) were Married on i Saturday itt Exeter. I Mrs. Melvin Joyce and Vera ei Ductal:and, Sask. and Mr. Wil. i lia.in Slimy and Mrs. Moore visit. ed on Moiutay with the Moore relatives at Wyoming. . Mrs, Harry Pettibone ot Ayl- Iow, Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson t),f Exeter were Sunday evening guests with Mr. and Irs. William TOW. OnSunday roOrning at the ehureh service there.: will he A tfaMMond ' organ demonstrated i hy a wian froth the itainttond Organ CO. Miss noseillary Passmm re. Wilted In trahtThed (th Monday arter having sow a 1.0.w days' with her pareritS, Mr, and Mrs. . i - Alvin Pasgrnore. , =.:0 Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Moir of ilonsall visited on Sunday You can inveit $100 or more for 1 to 5 year ee ; in a sarid guaranteed British Mortgage certificate. rat deo— interest begins the day vbit make the inveaftnent. For full information about these wise and safe investments', fill out the coupon below and send it to ut, 13r ti li Mortgaze and Trint Pouttiled 1411 Stratford aa* To Britigb,. Mortgage Trust, .Stratord Pleate send in infetrination abOUt Poti? Safe and t' 414% guaranteed investmenttertificates. • . N411/ 6 11 Mit, ViayaalaaitiaiiiiiadisaissaiaaailaafaaiagalalaaliaallaaViaaaatailliaiiiiialiaikaa, aWaaawaa-alisataaaaaaaavianoaaaaaaiaalooraaaiiiii4aWasa.reaasaia'aiiaatiii# Actdreva. • • oh mfand 1.NI.rs. Alviiti Vas ms. ; atifilThittlYilliffifftnifilltirifillifiliti11111111110111111111101 0 filliiihrflift..1...fit tififftilfthilffibilliffnitl.fitfir..Y..11111.“..iiiil +A iffloriftotinriontot Imilififilioi , ore. Nahey palsrriore retUrhisd a GO ' - oc ' rano. B. M. Francis 1 for a few days. s home with Mr. and Mrs, Atoir a. Ii . ,....:—........-- ' The 'Great Lakes-St,.tawratet AGENT ENT 'A extfe Myesystent hAvigabki for 14 Extfer !Moot '14 tie 164 Moro r than 2,000 miles, the kentio River sygent int fore dilillitillitatte(1)1101111011h1110101110110111110MMISPIIIIIMIIITIMIAMIMM1111111alfrffriffillittrttrttlYlitlitliiMMIMMIIIIIIIIIIMMIMIMIIIMITtlfifiltM10114 than 2;600 Itilleg. :retary. pereonet Items Air. and Mrs. Wilfred jervis ' of Clinton were Saturday visit-. , ors at the home of Mr. and Airs, ,e For catalogues write; James M. :Scott, Scott Poultry farms 1 Sylvanus Witmer and 3130 at- : g- . R.R. Z Seaforth, Ontario I tended the Dick -Erb wedding at ll I , e„„tememememeenemeneweeeteemmeeeeeeeenemmentemenemetteneeponememe4 the V.B. Evangelical church, I • 0 ation exercises for the five new members will be conferred, Tail Twister Lion Jack Bannister was 4 P10117 NCER With a cheek -up and a • cheque Exeter Branch Huron Unit CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Thank You Exeter and District Branch wishes to thank all those who have contributed to our "Fight Cancer” Campaign. Your donation will ensure a continua- tion of this vital. crusade. If you. have not made a contribution yet, you may do so at your local HAVE YOU HAD YOUR PERSONAL , CHECK-UP YET? See your Doctor soon. 7r. 55: • Ot ••••••.:• • • • • • • • • • af,y,:ka.,:••••• a ete" 54, ,) 4 1 4 ::i.el:l:le'l•fl' • •el elele:ri;•:•.1:':•-:".::,..•:"••:.•:•.!..;'•••,'•......a-s:::•,:!'.•••.:%:.•••••;•••:::.::••••e!••!,..•;••:i:1'e54:'e...:•,::•!::e:;•:••:•:::.:e:.,:',:•*,,„!;:,::,::::•,:::-::,;,;:;::::;.,...::::•:::::::ee••••:•:••r.:;•,:::::::a;•::i,%lie;:1$.; i.;::e::e•t,,e„,::e 5.4 t,;,::i.:„:„'•e ::::7.1:1:::•:!::.!':.::1:1:11;;;;;;:::::;.*;:::1•:..:'1:;'::::;:::::.:;•:7 '::.:1;:::..*::...i....is':::.:;•:i.:::::!;:i....:::',..:i::,:%::::',:iii..::.;;;;..:;.•.r..i..:,:k...,:ii:.:::::„.....11,i,•...,::.....iiiii:::.;.:,":,.:„•:::,,..'„::!...i.'.,.::.ii:•....1....::.......!<,:.:1,,:c.,::,..., ::,:',11:!....:,:,•::,,:.!..:!.,.i,,:,.:::,::..:::...::::....:.:•,•...:.:..,!:::.•:,...!..::::.i..:::::..!...:. :....5i$.4.::::::•4..:•.•••••••.......,........., .• fx •• • •,•• ...• 1 .1:.i.:•;•!::..a.:.5,...;;A04 :1 ,,,,....w..,::•• ..;:;;.',..:,...:1.'•-...:.t..,..:::,/,,,...,:.1.1.7.,„., : ...:: W. ........:::::, zis:;:;:::•:;,;::litit:, 4.::(0:"::!•::*::;::::::,,ip::,::. ::::,:iiii5:!:fte•i:15P:i.::::::*,::,::::::?,:::::•:, a • ::4:...:::,..':::41,/, ;•,:,,:".::::::•:•::::":5:.:::::::::••:•5:::::•::::,:5•.. .-::k::::•:::•:,44,:a.a:,•54.4,44•:,:::sittvit:, :::::;:x:•::::•:•:0..a..1:::•:;:a:::a.a,,......,....§44, •:•:::;:;:i:::1u:i:i::?.i:::miz::::s.::::::::•:::::•:,45, a:a.a:•:•:0•:•,:•:•:ft*:•:%:*::::*,,:%:` :::iiM::V:::iiiiiii:iV‘ . ” 0::i::::Mi.,.:0•:.:::ii‘:P. 4:1.:411,: .: 1:::•,::P. • , •,:a:•:•• a: V::!:::•:::' •,'5...4 •:..4::•::::, qi•C'*' 11':',1 i:•:::$.4t. .c/ ;•:".....:•:•:, a. ;•:,::•.:f4,:::::•....,::•:.:•:ik. . ...:.:•,:•:....,,,,, ::::' i: 4 re; ', • /44 •,:::,:4m::::k‘::::::::*it.351,::, .i::::•kli.:::::ftaM .,,'Ii:K1M:::Siz'St,:5,::.:i$.:.,.., Av evxm,a,:::::::5•55,:+,$: kt,kigt,.. .....40.......,•:,v,t4 " • . . ...,44 ...,OPe — •:c1::::::::!:$•?•:::ii:i:..*':.. ••••:::%**i::,:o::::•,:i,;:,,*:::.:,•::,..0 Pee el% 2411:40 sie