HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-09-26, Page 4IRMINNIAL6 Ot T ll.NNRWC WAL. Il.Nsa..l «este., Isms set apply to the him arta. These arts are Hades ; bet it M M •LSsptieml memserce, sod Its nava sad lave see ammo to abet meat ou- ts* esstutsdr, the pub*. Take the music twkn for *.resales ; sad it will be .sen beer isalie we have se& up oqr meade as be the peeper aced& el dealing is it. in Liverpool, this week, w. ►ser �1sI� nes eSetptaieing of tb• prices d. sesded 1Svir the Iicltets to the Jeaoy Lind eeomerta. every .ee completes, but a suf. Ileum .amber g• to mak. the •pecul i.u. of the swagese pay. sad that feet le the lacteal •.esus W the complaint. In •11 ' sachets the sene►ant asks as much as he le libel, t• get t and Jobe Jones bee so right is be .Sanded because • Starr sad and Mertiever, • Humber( or • Mayer, put a lase, pries upon an unattainable Ur -each, er as iaasswible bracelet. But, it is paid, abs dealer does sot get the pace ..-the article, avid soothe setter. pockets all the mangey. After all, this is as ,t should be ; the manager la poly the middle man - the real dealer is the anter. Mdlle. Lind, Mod not Mr. Sudlow, imparts the (rename. ties, (at least to • great number of people) sad the principal, not the agent, is wet• tied to whatever money 1s going. 1t would he well, however, to remember that artists are dealers, traders in natural adv•n• tarp ; and that if there is anything wrong in themunc market, U onginatse with diem. There are bulls and beers teen io the cuu- lie'ses. Wille. Jenny Lind gets (500 for en beer's exertion. That wu her price: the managers of the concerts had to charge their tickets accordingly ; and lbs hall fill, -perhaps becan.e the tickets ars so high teed the whole affair will be leo very rahin■ We. It Ir not an exclusively English week..ss to pay these prices : poorer na- tters' are squally 'digest, when 1t is part of •the ►uan.es of fashion to be extramarital : e nd if guest artist. prefer Ragland to other meetrt.s, it is only becaans we can afford to pay liese prices for • longer season. It may he that -looking to the average of bursas rewards -swung that presidents 01 rap.bliee amid premien of monarchies think after hard work, £6,000 per annum a fabu- lously high reward ; that lord chancellors toll tis, and sight for about £200 a week ; and that some two written of our people are in workhouse" -it may be -prosaically soasmieg up theee observations, that Mdlle. Jersey Lind is too well paid. Grum, the. last teases, Stas netted mere thus Lord Cotten ham ; 8oagtag has cleared • larger enm thea Lord John Russell ; Mario gout to the continent richer than LordBrough•m-who, is appeal cash, represents, day after day, the w►ole Hoaw of Lords, from February to Aogust. !sena Lind, had she not, from some *Almy preferred singing in Swe- des and German , would, in London, have cleared enure than either Oriel or Sontag.- A.d it is here there may seem some evil : what Gee prima donna gets, tke other insist on-" there or thereabouts ;" and buses* 'seem Lind gets E500 from the Philharmo- nie Bnenity for • single concert, 8 ,ntag, who bad undertaken to sing (lora, for the same society, now refuse" as we bear, to tome, unless on the carpe terms as her rival .-.e augg..tion to which the society is not Is funds to secede. If Madame Sontag cannot get such • price -that is to say, if .he does not " draw" sumciently to remu- aerate the managers -she is decidedly w rong to ask it ; ter though she may deem herself gnita es excellent a singer as Mdlle. Lead -•std, a fact, may' be • hush better onager, in the varied range of operatic me- simaeysL :(.he be lass attractive, Ica aided by a fashionable cast, chs must be content to he paid leu. But this is Mn evil whish soot corrects it..lf. Sontag and Gelid, is L.odom, are paid nearly as high as Jenny Lied, becaop, through a whole "sawn, and when the furore of the drat meson as over, they draw nearly as well. A mistake is made by • manager now and thea, but it is never mode tines ; and artistes, great and small, are pard just for what they will bnng into the treseury- this something being an ordinary per ces- tage opera the capful employed and com- mission proportionate to the risk. Neither artists nor manager is to be blamed fur high pries" : if then be any fault, it Ices at the dour of the public. Before deciding If there be any fault, even hers, we must determine whether or not the public eaueroee to nus and hear such an artiste anises on a genuine love of ',name sod reel admiration of a great voice. Speaking of the mase of the public, such • supposition is obviously absurd. Men " do n et care abut music," " can't iffurd it" - het they pay the money and go ; and if they do sot get the worth of their ash in unaf fleeted enjoyment; they at least console themealves with the refieetion that they are n ot sell *Or0lar In a wet.. p 1111on than their neighbors in respect to small gossip sad owlets naw". A provincial concert - room, like a London open -hoose. is filled bunnies it is a place where theme in • car• tain class of life esn we end be seen, talk and be talked to, bow and be bowed to, and, . lss.i•e, keep themselv.a abreast of the world. Then must be first rate singers to gens aa an excuse for brtift there, but the geed eines( or finis music, is, In truth, but secondary reason for the attendants. In the esu. of Mdlle. Lind, there is sot onlv the appreciation of a very excellent vocal. 1st, but there ir immenes p.reonal interest la stimulate piblec canuety ; and, whether This be the result of a clever system, or mitre nstIve, nature!, aril ter, 11 p hap- pens that everything MillLind dorm tsods to ".hots that attractiveness which Is irrespective of her vocal merits. She earns to England just at tbe right time, the left Englaud jolt at the nght time ; she goes t. America at the right time, and she appears at two concerts in Liverpool jnet e t the right time. Very many Hoek to her concerts becomes they believe her to be the best of living vocalists : bot the majority re --because the majority go. If Mdlle. Lind gauging her attractiveness with this eisterity, Sees upon L esrtaiI pries per tick- et. and they Sr. beeg$t, (hoes who do not hug them bass nothing to do with the mat ter, ne more than a hone -dealer hoe to do with the mutest market, gad those who de bey them and complain of timer price, talk it the abee set and sseesaivly silly. 71he •beetroot tight or wrong of Mille. Lid getting £800 for w hoer's hell* week, res mashie( to ds with the gi•tiew ; it is I /Meda t right aeesrdi.g to all trades' akeea*ps M gal so merle as eke esu ; and ale may e•ausw wheel' the psblie has ie the el1bH 1. tees-• N there ne ermine pee( W llibee. ereieSet may make Nus lewd hebbsaN. anew. Wheel their ager.,. -sad yens, N liieM sum sI.. *messy w•••• t111eags to /Rf �N M via, plaaswe. For this is est tail-that-r/f, we got the 'nates to be t.aln a.a b is—(fi r isi to be enel.tereeted-Son 414 to (orret that site hoe to stature • for line for her husband, or Jenny Lind to ►s- oblivtuus.f the fact, ibis, the four. mugs, else makes the more •ke eau give •war io cb•rity,-(or. aco.rdl to the orthodox vendee, thio le all 1(4. Lind dates with her mosey -if all due were duos, we ehoold still base to change the salute of the Bones sad Bareum.-ant • very prolog - 11. project. Thus It is .vide.', d we are I„ make anti •Iterstinu, it meat be le res- pect to eureelvee. To this e••mpl.xioo moat all the awaits Una epos the music market come at ia.l ; 1sd when we have got thee far, we perceive this very plainly what the world ha. eon u ntodte for each a vein long time, ea•sor do much herrn-that if there were any great evil it would, by this time, or will soon, re 4r.n smelt- and ih,t, is short, the gr. „- biers ars great bores and there's nothing whatever to complete about.-LissrJ.o/ Journal. Jenny Len D-Ticawr Avcrrom.-Not- withatasdine the copious (all of rain on Saturday morning Leet, hiledrede of people were seen meodm¢ their way towards Ca. tl. Garden, to attend the auction for the .alo of chance seats and tickets for the first rousert of Mdlle. Jenny Lind, to be gives Wednesday evening seat. 'The severe rain storm on doubt damped the ardor of maty, but not.wmthstanding we eatirnated that there were between 4000 and 5,000 people present at the open's, at the auction. The greatest .xctrement pre vuled. Mr. Leeds the altmnneer at the ap emote! tune mounted the platform which extended about 10 met in front of the stage. Loud calls were made far 'diagrams. Mr. Bern,tm, then oroon,.d the platform; Me ap pearaeee was greeted with the moll entboa ;astrc applause. He rain Mott he regretted that any chugs for adalttases had Wen askel, and that no one was more surprised at the circumstance than himself whets he heard of It. He farther seed that be had so legal right to the hewnse until Moeda,, al though he bad it by co•rteey. After his apnloge to the sadism*, Mr. Barnum aonnonoed that oo seat *hammer in any part of the house had been reesrved, with the ezoeption of • few - seats for the Pres.. Mr. Leeds made a statement of the Hies and regulations of the dam, which had been adopted, immediately eller wh.rh the_ ezeit ing struggle for the first choie. eo.a.n- ced. "How much for the first ticket, with the prmvilege of tee seats at the gems pricer "Twenty dollars." was the first bed, and from this starting pout the excitement became very great. "Twemtyfiv.." "Thu.. ty." "Thirty five." "Fitt►.' and 50 on until it reached " Two kaadrei sod twenty - flee," when Mr. Genin, Hatter, was declared the sucee..ful ►idder. The competition for Ibis ticket was very spirited, as there were many d.sirious of getting et. -The aonotinernent of Mr. Gen - e0'• success was received wttb sothusiastie applause. The seeewd choice brought St&. and wee taken by Mr. Tomlinson. The sale thee Proceeded, when the tickets wars .old is the following order: -Mr. Haward, 'irv,.,' 4 seats, including ticket., each, $25; G. G. Edge, 2. 15;'truing Hoose,' 4.15; Air. Law- rence. 2. 13; Irving Hotta' 5, 12: Mr. Boa- jamin 2, 12; W. Hall k Sun 5, 12; Mr. Wilson 2. 10.; Hall k Hoe 2. 19; Ireteg House 10, 10: Irving Hoose 10, 10; Mr. Shaw 2, U- Mr. Starr 2, 11; Hall k eon 2, 10: Johnson I, It; Hodges', 11; flail k. Nos 2, 10; Irving 5, 10: Rayne:d 1, 11: Hall k Sin 8, 10: Irving 10, 10; Taylor 2, 10; Chapman 2. 10; Leeds 1, 10; Pruitt') box 4, each $35. About 2.500 tickets were sold, from the We of which from 25 to $28,000 was re- alised. The utmost satiataction.emantled- ted at the fairs... of Mr. Barnum in plan meg the seats at auction, and not allowing speculators to purchase over ten seat- at a time. The tickets which were sold nn Sat- urday will be delivered at Castle Garden this morning after 8 o'clock, and the shill- ing refunded to the purchaser" of tickets. Mr. Le Grand Smith, late- proprietor of the Manston House, Albany, has been ap- pointed treasurer by Mr. Barnum. A DUTCH SToa?•—' 1 and brother Honcs, and two oder togs, was out a hunting next week, and we drove nine woodebocks roto • .toes beep, and kilt 150 one ob de nine • them got in: AGRICULTURE. AT • Meeting of Me Committee of the New. ford Agricultural Society, the (allowing Premiums were awarded, ro be thews for at the Society's ninth Anus! Exhibiting, al Stratford, ea Toeday, the first day of October, 1050. Horses. For the best Brood Mare and Foal, LI second best, third best, For the Best 3 years old Filly, or Gelding, 0 second best, third best, Best two year old Filly or Gelding, 0 second best One year year old Colt, 0 second best, 0 Span of Farm Horses, geldings or mares, 1 second best, 0 third best, Cattle. 7'hree year old Bull, and not more than seven, 1 second best, 1 third best, o Two year old Bull, 1 nd best 0 One ear old Bull, 0 second beet, 0 Milch Cow and Calf, 0 second best, 0 third best, 0 Milch Cow, 0 second hest, third best, o 0 15 7 12 75 10 77 5 0 10 10 0 10 0 15 10 7 15 10 7 10 7 0 0 6 6 6 O 6 6 0 0 O 0 0 0 Best 2 yes. old Heifer, o 0 o second belt, o 4 6 thins best, o 5 0 Year old Heifer, a 7 6 Second best, 0 5 0 Yoke of Working Oxen 5 year old and upwards 15 0 second best, 0 10 0 third best, 0 7 6 Yoke 4 year old Steers, o 10 0 second bait, o 7 6 Yoke of 3 year (.Id Steers, 10 0 second best, 0 7 6 Yoke 2 year old Steers, 0 7 6 second best, o 5 0 Best Fat Ox. 0 15 o second best, o 10 o Fat User or Heifer, o 10 0 second best, o 7 6 Sheep and Hogs. Ram over 2, and under 5 years old, 0 12 6 second best, 0 7 6 thiel best, 0 5 o Year old Ram, 0 10 0 second best, 0 7 6 Pair Ewes (see by-law) 0 12 6 second best, o 7 6 Single Ewe, 0 7 6 second best, o 5 0 Best Fat Sheep, 0 10 0 second best, 0 7 6 third best, 0 5 0 For best Roar, 0 15 o second best, o 10 o Breeding Sow, having bred pigs during 1850. 12 6 second best, 0 7 6 Grain, Seeds & Dairy 1 0 0 O 15 0 O 10 0 O 15 O 10 0 O 7 6 0 7 6 O 5 O 7 6 O 5 0 O 7 6 Fall Wheat, second best, third best, Spring Wheat, second best, third `best, Barley, second best, Rye, second best, Oats, second best, o Peas, 0 second best, o Clover Seed, grown in. 1850 (one bushel) 0 7 6 second -best, 0 -5 0 Timothy Seed,(one bu) 0 7 6 second best, o 5 0 Firkin salt Butter, 56 lbs. packed ¢ cured, 0 12 6 second best, o IO 0 third best, 0 7 6 Newly made Butter, ten pounds, 0 7 6 second best, 0 5 0 Cheese, 25 lbs. 0 12 6 second best, O 10 0 third best, O. 7 6 Maple Sugar, (cake 25 lbs. produced • on ex hibitor's premises, 0 10 0 second best, 0 7 6 third best, 0 -5 0 MANUFACTURES. k IMPLEMENTS. l'en Yards of Home made Frilled Cloth, from Wool grown by exhibitor, and spun in tris family, (all wool, web of 1850,) 0 15 0 second best, 0 10 0 third best, 0 7 6 Ten yards of Home made 'Flannel, all wool, do. (not fulled, do.) o 10 0 ,eeoond best, o 7 6 third best, 0 5 0 Nine yards Blanketing, all wool, do. (twilled, not ful- led, do.) 0 10 second, best, 0 7 third best, 0 .5 Ten yards Linsey, cotton & wool, (not fulled) 0 7 6 second best, Il 5 0 Best New Double Wagon made by a member of the Society, 0 10 0 second best, 0 7 6 Best Plough, any improved kind, for one year, 0 12 6 second best, 0 7 6 Harness --Beat set of I)ouble, 0 15 0 second best, 10 10 0 Far say Agrie.lrent impl•n.eat, made by • member or members of ib,. R.,ei.ty. of an im- proved desr„ptreo, is be decided by the Judge. Prise re duewtua et C.nnri tt•e. PLOUGHING MATCH 5 0 7 5 NO2' CR. i BECI M Wean, Ie the W01661004 et dee 1 Tewaablpe of Qed nsh. hassle, said Cela m'.se. that emit • pewee .( Amenity inose the BARON DE TUTU, Asa kr *5'' Ina. 1 •a •.thorned a depose of bis ,a ha... Tweeeiipe, and to gist Title Lia•d f p he senasw.eellathe es WWII.M Meaiee des hexa. mid is gest Anomi.. Age the ser.waseg 1 t..eby80110000 .n pees..0 i.d•bwd e. res acid Nene 4. Verb. lerah b as s.s1. tip Meister pude, deice. THOS. MZUCER JOWL G.dsriek, 8th May. 1*50. 310-615if NOTICE.. I BEG hi i.tim.tir to ee all that it may e.rra. that 1 hen seder • power Mf Aumee greet- ed to WILLIAM STORY, asdureter�kiss t• e.lket d1 mosey dee ere either by Nem n( hand or otherwise, sad snot discharges for the roto.. Asd 1 hereby noses' ail pereo.eisdeht.d 10 me forthwith to settle the same sad save coats. JOHN i.ANCAST3L Gelerich, 2St. day May. HBO. v0,17 NOTICE. TH E Sebsetiber bevies bees swarmed Agent for the PROVINCIAL MUTUAL AND GENT:RAL INSURANCE COMPANY, here- by intimates, that he is prepared to recede, 8ob- •cription.for Stock to the Proprietary Brush. Red applications for lamrsaees t. the Meisel 'trustee'. sad to giu each iu(ormalrs es the subject as may be required. JOHN CLARK. Goderich, 26th Sept. 1849. 9v -.34t. FOR SALE. TtiftEr ILL PRIVILL-GE3, close to tit's mike Shore, end at 6. 8 and 18 mi'es from Goderich. with small Farm. at• rich •d p AI o --ONE HUNDRED Ruddier TATS in the new laid nut Tuwn Plot of Wicklow, on the 18 mile River, and on ti'e main road from Godeneb to the fit"visbing settlements in the TIPw enmity of Brope. Terre. -One fourth of the purchase mon •y down, the remainder in Form in-lalmente with interest. Apply (if by letter post- paid) 1 0 th. propnetnrJO, HN HAWKiNS. Gederich, March 18, 1850. 3.-n8m6 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE Subscriber begs leave to inform the Inhabitants of the District a Heron. and th. neighboring Dietriete, that he has Established himself in Stratford, and Is pr.pord to give Plane and Specifica- tions of Publte er Private Building., Brdg- es, Mill Dams. 1tc. kc. kr., and will take the superintendence of such Ereetiobs, 00 the moat rea.otahle terms. His thorough knowledge of his prolkiinnn and his practice a Bolide?, qualifies him for ane uodertakiag in the line. Address post paid, PETER FERGUSON. Builder, kc. kc. Stratford, C. W. Stratford, March 6th, 1849. 2y-n7tf 6 NOTICE. -The sesd.rs'gaed he power of given hum by Thomas 8. Wnodliff, to.,ifelreet all nnrrandinc debts due the late Firm of Miles and Woodliff. and hitnsellperao..11y-regoeet an immediate seukment of the same or they veal be given to the Clerk of the Division Curt for Mll.etise. RENJ, PARSONS. Gaderieh, Jae. 14th, 1850. v3ol9 A VALUABLE PROPERTY 0I 6' 0 O To he at the Farm of ti. rained,. F en Fri day, the .{..sorb duke. Plrgh re be of asy C kt.d. TM greed to by pens1Aed by theran• c ..tering, er by nae est hr• namely ne mesio t nee *meth p..fe.dly .mpiny.d sod hired. 0 1st £I IMe : 1.4. EI: 34. 15s ; 4th. Ma.: Srh. 6 Ss.: -44 a 0. Tigre ix fees. Bevies at ID A M. Qemrtity of lead, b•Y an sere each. - 0 renew sx9. O A Fair will be Wilier the elle *drumStark of every Desrneewa, es the day of Phew rn 6 Gemini? The Genie. Seeds. !e , u 1. .1*.., 6 et Mrs. De.eMm', Farmer'. ise. Sek.enp Com by Members, to he pail ea et b./Mn 20th O Aerie epsl. 6JOHN J. R. La ow, me'` Ssseteri, OM hue, Ififi1. we'! - Annrney dated the 27111 day of May. 1850. FOR SALE ! ! THE subscriber ofT.ra for SALE his GRIST and SAW MILL, situated in the Township of . McGillivray, on the Big Sable, within three miles of Flanagan'. Corner. The Mille are now ioroperatiuo,and newly built. The Pnvelege 1e the beat on the River, and situated en the best Town- ship an the County of Hnrno-well ae:lled, and Roads opened in all directions to favour et. The Machinery and materials are of the very beet quality, and put up by the ve- ry best Machinists. Fur Particulars in- quire of)ames Crombie, Esq., Galt, or ape ply to the .ubscriher. PATRICK FLANAGAN, Proprietor. McGillivray, 15th January, 1850. 2,5011 t 'The Galt Reporter will insert the above until forbid. CASH for WHEAT AT the Goderich Mills. by WiLLiAM PIPER. Goderich Mills, 5th December, 1849 46-tf FARMER'S IIOTEL,-MITCHELL. FRANCIS FiSIILEIGH ben to inform hi. uien1s, mod the public generally, that he bee setabliah.d him.-lf io the above Villas., and hopes by strict attention to the comfort and coo- remeoee 01" Traveller,. To merit • /bare of their pstraoage- Good Stabling gad ad atteealiee Groom t. art.ndanee. Mitchell. M.y 154, 1850. 3r -a15 TRATFORD IRov FOUNDRY. -Tb subscriber hanng porcha.ed the toter• est of Mr. C. J. Wilson to the above Es- tablishment, to •bone to continue the Bost - nes on his own responsrbibtt. in returning thanks to the public for the very liberal en, enuragseent received by ORR k WILSOi., be begs to intlmat• that he will conetnntl. keep cue band an assortment of Superior Careless, consisting of C 0 0 K 1 N C. Parlour, and Box Stoves ; Amer- ican, Scotch & Canadian Ploughs of the most Imt'rov.d Moulds, -.MALT ROLLERS, Truing 1.at1n. Nmita'p Rollers, 4-c. THRASHING; MACHINES of • superior description ter ditty hitherto introduced, and better adapted to thou sous • try from their lightness of draught, and strength of enastroeiron. A call from in- tending pun -Meer" is !equated beyond per chasing .l..whgre. The above will besold at Low Rues 1 Cash or Trade, or •t dor reepoisdeeg retie oe approved credit. A. B. ORR. Stratford. 20th June, 1860. 2,-n90 TO BE SOLil.—Aa het FARM. FARM. being LOT Ke. l9. MAIT- LAND CON CEMS ION, Towsshe of Otedonek, eeeraising 100 seise -110 of wbieb r+efeered. Tete land is 01 a sepenor goah- ty, tied well sneered. it to setuned sxaM- 1, sine miles Arum the teen et God.ncb on the Huron Rasd. Led at the portliest of mz differo.t resist sod es it wen the mitre of • popodeme sod preepere.• lenient", it is es elitiwU, adapted fen • Tamen mead .. • Store. rile hone ie veil entitled to the .tt.attoasf press deeiroasof ser.M1mhie THE 8.be.riber bogs a inform the ishabi !gats a( G.derieh and its vicinity, Ow he has re- ceived a Large 8sc y of the LATEST IM- PROVED PATTERNS of COOKING, B O X AND PARLOUR STOVES, which he offers far SALE at ',ere REDUCED PRICES FOR CA8H. , The 8.b.erilwr also keeps ea bend, u send. at his OI.D STAND, • LARGE sad very Be- nnie, siworimesl of • N WA RE of every description. The subscriber a►.s this opportusity of reler- isinghis sincere thesks to the Pnhlic for the very liberal pavn•sse he has received trier* he bis been in basin... is O.derieh, and hopes by strict attention to besi.eu, and weeders!, price., to cooties. to tenpin. • *hereof the p.blie pa1M•ge N. R.-(:RkINIMG. PAINTING. GLA- ZING. PAPER sod BELT. HANGING eared ns u hereiafeee. WILLIAM STORY. Goderieb, 6th Sept. 1849. 9.-x31 if TWO GOOD FARMS FOR SALE. ONE *Mai. 11 mites, and the other with- in about 3 males of O.dermch Town Plot. The Bret is 1. T 10 is let Cosecs - n en, Tnwn.hip of Goderich, CONTAINING 164 ACRES, is tumor ed at the one erd by Lake Huron, and at the other bya Public Road, -sod the second Is LO8 in 8th Concession, Colburn., W . Distal/an, CONTAINING 100 ACRES, and issituated at the Junction of two Pub- ic Roads. For Particular.. apply to JNO. McDONALD, E.q. Godericb, 19th June, 1849. n9-tf - CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. THE Subsriber having been appointed Agent of the "CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO.," is prepared to receive proposals fur Alma - ranee, and will be happy to afford to any person the necessary information, as to the principles of the Institution. JAMES WATSON- Godermeh, 3th June. 1849. v2n 911 KINCARDINE ARMS. (Peer the Wharf CoderlcA,) BY H. MARLTON. TITE shove Hotel butgood ace.modatioo for traveller., Stalling, ke., ke. The Packet Mary Ann 0,111 leave Gode- rich (wind is weather permitting,) regular• Ir twmee a week for the Kineardep..8ettls- meat. For freight or pa..age apply to Capt. Rowan at the Kincardine Arm.. Gnderieh, Marsh 25th, 1850. n8-43 WIEiFT ?iI 110111. M 0FFAT'S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS • N D PHCENIX BITTERS The Ates sad envied e.t.iwity wildest Jar pro -•mbsed Seems.. Aam sen.h.4 lar thole btnvrb. agree, I. all the drowse Wild. they proem to eon, W rsa ..,d IM erai ionmt w of phial ao may someeemory, bet ween Jy of rho.. They an bmm by their fe.b. ; lean pod works tawdryfor doom, sad Jey tart.s err by w the endow.. ea Mt 1W" ANL—L /tea —IMMO (V ASTHMA. ACME ars“ CHRONIC RHEUII4TIRM. AFIECTIONs of 1./, BLADDER .d KIDNEYS. IILIOVS /*ETERS a LIVER OOMPLAI*'fi— r it mono sed nen. lobs. tene deco. pw•ri. Iter wad le Lend te•onebb. Pb.,. tenon. aa* .1....l map M dew Mwb,ar. Ind .,..r sear.a.r le wvraa Sew BILrwUR CNOLIC. ant 0110*7S [ranee.. DIL.* COSTIVENESS. COLDS t CO VOISI, C5u&'4 COOMIMI 11041. Uri web oral mama r nlr cashes. cussorT HUMORS. DSUPSIIS. D?SlalSl�. tr war .a► no mamas me eco., Amid Ery mate ,--w. iema-- BAtIPTH/Nm .1 MI Bim. SAI MIPALA&, ELA27 ss.Cr. sod eovr. Pus tales. ors etUr ww We emery 11.. n 400se will be a.d s oma.. trust,, and sero. wordy. Otho modis.r Yea dr mem whim r• whys of IM *.anti ora by tr.. oakum • pmmbamtv. TRY THEM. SI siT1811er>. ASD at CURED. Pl,ULNIH5 y 10NPL EXON. •'WLaaL DelniI.I?? • piUT. OIDDI1'ESA GRAVEL. HEADACHES. Vowel Med. INWARD FEVER. INILAVMA?uR y R11301113 Their IMPURE 11.000. JAUNDICE. LUSS rI APED, TITE. LIVE'S 0031PLAINTIlls Lionise. LOORL.BM, AticMCt,RIAL DIStAI1111B.- M 104.10 masses 1.110, ter ebt saes 4Ilsonyda► MST pee teen elm era world snienda. of *..,..ria WIuNr swum risk room '!Story. NCRru CORIPLAIMLW 4 ea PAIL orwtssIC Ancor PALPITATION Vega HEAR?. PA/NTRrs OHM ? I L IIS 3 . ,.r miring w.• .e.. d tins ..+seam .a , ..d of Pam d M aeon 4a.ip b say fon ashen IAa Rede.... dr. PAIN. ,o Os ROA, 00.7•6 ash. Sial aid mom R U ICU M A T I. M. Thr abased .aa ,1le tn.r,1 i.eA 1e sem of ROW M e. U. Mdyi.a Reap of 1111.4141 IP be Sloe esUSD. Nowa►ri SIL1'R/BUM. SWEALBwan. SCROFULA. ea ZING'S AVIL, tats *scut laws, O L C E R S. N mos .servos.. Ola rs S , 4 .11 kW.. w annoonly mM5d 1r Sow t•.iaA.r Pons mid no .Ata ebbe m.. Oen e..ewm . eeeyms . 0.14f ...Rio emir I'll LIFE PILLS I11 PRIM IITTIE: PINIFY 701 BLOOD, Amid Ther/ tem,* all disease from the r,n... Ar.w ww j*rm w LIFE 11111 ad ►M(II1r BITLE1fi5atmiltherasa„fseises u e r nae •010•0 et .eery potions. The c•••1••et them ..ober.... . pi up r IAB wwnrupv�v••ww ad tabula, sgel*r arida Daly/ s Gar Ir.asbra," mosam. mase es .aaa1 M s *Oahe .1 nikMwy Mm vin e.oul r 5. 11Aes, b► .1111 .O.gwe ached lbw wiry .a. wiv e= ERE R Tho ..app., gad is U.r Ns4v eae.ea,. Mor sus pure M MIN .bub tt .y be own. d ort sky yes 0 s,.i let. b. Mise./ WA w .o,dt�YiTwaam s o emtuiet.wl imab thou. sSt. w11Lir s. 1111!!A!, at neem.•► gran ea manse +ow Pao lsit •i1Yy.a ase Mat.ammm, MM telt M. 14a Pus 1eM y very reseene ' term. Pse pAfeniMae UIf7. 1TAIlDt)A apply t• D. 9- L.1ZARS, Inad Aisle, Oereeieir 78M11, SOW !te►�si QeissAis, Eats MMM. srmir.c • n,. r Jia 'Gt'!•t atiTBRi1 Ila. P. A. McDOUG CAN be epaselsei - N A' Abs. Mea F• Gsd(iig' aresda, Sept. tette, Ism BA I. L "fiatileStari Jesse MIS ' - 4101111111M. :1sY 1&LSR*D�'i 1 614General ►:r omosimoub. av •. *M a Ont. 1. Milk T.:aye! ,r J Jd'I* �TR/AROARO*I BA RRLST1t * tLT LiA W, Solisiew IcaElksierris6 1101411 Has hie cel.. t. Wes Il� Otrdeekel Godsrisk Md Jam..vv. saki. Sere DANIEL MOMS LIZARS1, ATTORNWf AT LAW, sed Co•agseser, /b(lsMpp Se 'tj'9ett11/A liar hie WW2. f ..., ,1♦'/1p.gurd. aneroid, Sod Je.e.,y, 2163. S5.S* N. B. -Mr. Ntr.rbsa. of the We I ne Streehas 0 Liss., seplwess to net Agent and Counsel foe Yr. Liam j aK mailers referred to him front Mrvitfsed, - . WA'I'S( IN & WILLIAM$, DIXiE IF4TBOX of gildgrp,k RARRISTER AT LAW, As. As GEORGE WILL1A18 km of the Sr. dHeer•I. Weare sid WI iimwl� Barristers. 31.. Termite: bowleg tide d”, into .Ip, ie the Tt'smtl.t, and 'r/edls area e1 Lew, C/saORUT ..d Coremeg will is future keep Moir OO... ei Stadielek eel Stratford. respectively. sake the mese, .tyle ad firm .f Mums sod Was ea& Duns Wane,. Gererlik. GRoaos Wat.saas. St.t3ud. 24th D.e.mh.r. i841. • Se -meld R. WILLIAMS, & Co. CHEMISTS AND DLUBO11TS, Asti Gemini Maley. is dowries. Lippe, Palate, Oita, 8.ni.kee. Dye SISI, Hardware, ere • STRATFORD. Preseriptien ieMsed with ammo std promptitude,. >w -elle. J. K. GOODING, su—,1,1,6 w LL wised SALES is key part et til. Cne.ey ea resso.sMs Teinfo Ap- ply poply at hie Resides's, L1wkbe: s... 'Wet. Ood.rieh, April N► 1341. vgs DANIEL GORDON, CABINET MAKER: Vow door East e/ 11. Canada Co's. Vets. W EST.BT*P•f T.• OODERJCN. Angnet 27th, 1849. reale R. YOUNG; BOOT and SHOE Hiker, swells'► Wert of Mr. George ♦iiess's, Blecbe.Hb, Front rarest. Gndme\. Apn: 960, 1850. typo JOHN J. E. LINTON, NOTAIF PUBLIC, el, •,.,, AFD CONVEYARCMs g STRATFORD . DAVID H. LIZARS, 77 18Mame tIES i. ie se the IsheMs..m of Gedeneh and slair rrramdi.j ....L Chet he hos anmrseee1d be ierreYCaerigessik Geoenl Amen sad A.es..mrt, sad by aside. nes atte0tiar, aesreey, mad meireete.kegmb haps to be motet le nisi vim may repin W service.. Tbs a wlaisg i. employ bis le soy e/ the shine breeches wil1 phew earl el es It/wawa Osier. Lhabbke.•e sq.eI, Codrnek.13th Heed. 11111.mSeat DR. JOHN fell, I IE ID e ALATS MISR Ut1, soildarom July 31, 1849. • Sv'e1M Wm. RRPD, . HOUSE AND RiON Pdi]YTE$ fiat, LiGHT-HOUSE ST. GOD><llC& Oct. 25, 1849. fid TO LET, milAT two story Far Derslusg Beep ` lately occupied by .1•4p AsIsd, twit {ma stediatety opposite Ms prom reddass.. YNg terms and further pare instant sygI y to ALEI(. M. 111.0611,Nani St. O.derieh, M.y 93, ISM. DAVID 11. LiZARB, A UCTIO IVE11R. 18 reeved to shoed Sege li sigy if the United comities ee thorn/.i MAW - Ole teemsa the Lighthouse .t�g4 � 08110, Goderieh, April 11, VOL •6-3 • T WAREEHOUSE sod WHARF w ing to the Messrs. Dsveepon, etthis pieesj has established bim.etf.s s roawaao ars • Any orders or robbel ibt, � 1147 MR - clients of (iedeylq �� attention. ` n Windom, Par2r, MMM. . alit , 11 morrow sea tettltMMIa Min 111111.11.0 BY TNOMA• N.tfavitin awns. ager Pe.e..B1111 1. •..d.' GFIICO MAS(/l s�g•10 ••• Emit amid Joh �ntit16,= n eatness Gad dirpsrsk. Tarns or ria Home L►N(IS prr ase.. W et Twirl vs ARV 312 POMO .f the veer. N. perm dionoo taari Map Arid .p. .sheik a1pI AkiksYgaih i � adiiiirks ii. kr oeanlrA r aplomb,* for nix srbesltlemss sews, OSP 1 irstimeN., rr ATI lin tees me Peet peid. es cher mil alt pretsf.. vo . aey'r» ' `www`' a in Ir.tenlAr.W .MOM tntis «,.1 Sia Rom end min. Sees Tsrn lir:ese iyyiasr.l..,,e..►. anitemeeret • res Llan•. fret. b' A 1 dogrel•+ M thi