HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-09-26, Page 3dir --"•11111111111111110 11111111111 xvi ram CANADA . 1IiDUCATIONAL. Mr. Robert Dodd, of Ayr, has . • + •s$. 17. 11..3 1 6. «waftM'w i• 14.lea • sed to mak 11101111eides Wart - 1 . rim, a Tubfor .:►£►roes et the ensuing treat W• W pgsllld gal The Hers/al of Int Preglacial Nbew, wbioh we trust will not weleb, • tb..e.gb eaelyeie el the School oily imam rim the reward of his cooatry- Asti the pbhoatioe et whi.h we bawl bees - awe is Guido. bet ..ala rim la bosoms £winced 1. etMniea by the Ntroarbc sf • as eshbiter is Leedom sl lh• Mamie, great Mead le whom perusal we embmfyed N.- Festival. The UAW swop sed of 1800 '' Yee haver' mid be • gess tri see* tem- separate *meet weed, es ssriosdy i•am- hIs is preening this ertiels, bet I mama ted aid dovetailed tato .sob ether, ss rather am its utility, akar accosding to Sec. M. to resemble • fine piee of palette` than r i is 4. the Cbief Sep.neteadat sad a couple anything constructed ro wood. t en 18 o.cbe. te diameter, and Mr. Dodd bee bees engaged nearly three months ,5 bring- ing it to perfection. -(Galt Reporter. met t/116 a fesgli of bis friends bare the power at any areae to OW mak. NM regnlatiose for tbe orgaaiation, sad dt.cipliee of Common ��a)as� tr} Del plaint= :'creole, fres. Tb. re.1 of the ALA . a bug. ` 1a ifia/i eoemoue.d as atom- a cloak, if yos pleas. w cover tk• ia* -' , w tills .s taika with all tree demo. of its (raster -4 shell to cover sorts of relseflrl;tMt Abedkis clothe, all the noxious kernel. Them lads at Toros taAsilf. beck, and It war with the grow to, can, if they like, e give you • acus Act, 1 OMNI tPult se, qhs r, betduw er made with the puoa Of a part of the Pr.a- 'i., t • tale every month or Please, acid consequent. TA'hlf glipin Mtw r,blts Mormisted, and ly make your work of analysing intermioa- p nes s far averagetf t'JlrS potato crop is ble. The mace of fustian about Trustee., s RaerieN Sap.eted. Superiotesdents, Teachers, Boards of Edu • Ile mensheill,tbet the Cbseellor e( the canoe, kc., kc., is all for toe purpose of )iglefeipSr,'hes determined l mimeo the hoodwinking the people. It iv a keels, Sir, of ted stamp duty ea , a capital though dangerous koax, through which the people must see without the •id of your analysts, for which they world The 1100111 el the Preset' King ha en- likely thank you as Itttle as they do Mr. +gggggt>,r(U.h atibeetiee. it se .aid the din Meek. for the part he played in helping to pate in the Bourbon family wtII be healed, insult them so grossly. Our friend's 11r - lain Malo le pita, Ib. Prince de gement though coetsiatng more truth than i.aavdle at the hesd of the Republic. The poetry, 0Aa concIuMve with es, and £osteal •meideet ie ser mother tear. of our analysis, we proses% cur readers DSNMARK AMD THC DOUCHiE8, with a few general remarks relative to the Pietblef unportamt has trseepired this 'manner io which we think that our Com• wft ro[ard to the two armies. moo Schools should be established, maim• R,LAN �f PIRE aimed, Ike. As we consider the People to AE. a japateb from Berlin or be the true source of power and at we are tie Ord art., mates that the moms -official "erne" toy ext shire system of centrail- ppm* of that data assouaey that is comm- sake, we would have the coarsen of ash looses of a resolution which the '•Coup• municipality intrusted with the sole "ower •it of Prime.." agreed ie, ea the 2811I oh., to regulate the size kc., of each School Section district i char locality, when all the gov.neteets of the league have .ro y, imitated the exaspie of Proses, not to at- called upon to do so by a majority of the toad or assent to the Animas Federal Diet paople is 8", ..Chun -to by Ins an at Frankfort. amount at east equal to their share of the Lord Pateerwt.0 addressed soother note i'eg'alative grams for Common School. -to 10 the Prime. Cebl.it, with a view to in. appoint • Board of Education whore duty it deme Prussia to joie and assist in tb. Sze- would be to •:amine teacher., granting to ostler of the protocol of the 4th July. Wa qualified ones certificates which would be 6.d tial this request has met with w per. valid within the bounds of the municipality emptofy refusal no the part of Prussia. to establish a model (school or schools, if ENGLISH MARKETS. deemed .zpedteet, and to assess, when re - Boo Amu. Pork eta low figure, Salm gotred to dose by the Trustees and a ma - lewdly light ; • large parcel by the Pacific, .rity of the iobabitants, School Section's, bee weakened the market, bet gootatio•s �er the Wiliest( or repairing of Sehool- ere .paused, eau. e.osidarably wow the hooses or for the purchase of apparatus or ether s sasr.ge'xtsst; mbeeiders sell slowly at full .e.eearie. for the use of the Schools. row, wad assns ueesieable. Lard -15o Trustees, to whom ample power should be was 'mid u W.. 'lightly ie favour of the gives, %tepid contract with teachers and seller. Cheese -Mon inquiry. Tallow- lMike dread ; ed. shame. Ashes-_. Pesos casae►; sols pots, 64s • ire; pearls eared at O1., bet kw .ales. Linseed firm; Iia dd, with little offering. Wool -Good demand, at foil pekes; public sole. at Lon - doe constituted Id per Ib. advance ou for- mer rales. Mosey market en•t,naes easy; gott i• . deter In American State Stock.; prime qquite� ooeiaal; guotitiens for United Slat..BWcks watered. New Year. Sept. 17. Tbs tickets for Jeony Lord's third con- cert, which takes place this evening, were all weld .t 9 o'clock this morning. The eieitemeet in the city sesti5oee. The steamer Okie rolled to -day for Cb.gres, vu Havanoah, with 73 paessogera. NEWSFROM THE PLAINS. The stater Salads returned last night from Ceased Bleff. 8►e left the Bluffs on the 28th u11. Her officers inform us tbat the Otto. and Chyaoe Indiana had a battle, tad that it is thought numbers fell on either .ode. The Otto.. who live at the mouth of the Platte, se the math side of the Mis- souri river, hairs just returned from their Hemmer hoot. The report they were at- tacked by the Chyne' on the head water. of the Bi` Blue, and that a de.pcnte battle was fought --tie Ottos. coming off victors. The Otto.., however, bung home no maim, ad but little Beffao meat, sod the impresaiaa » that the Cbyases had the nista eke 1ght. The Otto.. Mase their return have beha- ved vert dr.gracefotty, the whole tnlie drink- ing egad 6gbttog amen themselves sad murders are et daily occurrence. A few MOW since they were attacked, no doubt by the Pewees iodians, ed lest eighteen albeit borate. Vb. Otto.. were bounty engorged oh the 16th uh in removing their wanes led children to the lows side of the river ted have some been preparing for bat• tl..-W' may impectsoo• to bear of.c.se. of blood aid carnage, not known of late rent open the Plane. Chuck -a -pe, or Big Haw, head chief of tie Ottoee, died on the 23rd and war buried on the tooth side of the Platte. It to said nes* all the tribe 'melodist his own fam- ily, were tee drank to attend the fun- eral. Andy the dawmgeta en the Saluda was - s retsruing California emigrant from New Yeti. He get so far as fort Laramie. whew tie last elf hie company died from cholera, mid beomi.g discouraged, be de- teeniiaed to retries his steps. Hie impres- sion le tint so less than one tbonseed *mi. TORQNTO AND HURON RAILROAD. We eadentsod that several respecta- ble and influential individuals is tats etty have subocnbed large sum., tc be paid is three annual instalments, io addrtioa to tbeir proportion of way sums which they may b. Keble, for tie k proportion of the proposed tax on the City, if n Mould be adopted. - Among there contributor. are the respecta- ble lime of Rees, Mitchell k Ce., GiM.. k Coulson, Bowes k Hall, and Alex. Ogil- vie k Co. We regard this** so impartial and hopeful movement for the completion of this long -talked of Railroad, and u one of the most unexceptionable modes by which it can be promoted. -Glebe. JINN'S Lino's Accoonr or Hnm.ULr.-ia Dr. Cumming's " Apocalyptic Sketches," -not a very likely book, one would thick, to supply us with theatrical anecdotal, - there is a story of Jenny Lind, which may be cited in connexion with this matter :- rA singer, whose performances have re- cently made a very great impreestoe oat the public mind, and whose pommel ilbrify sod worth are equal to her artistic talents. studs the remark to a (need of mine, who told me n(it,' it is not me they admire, bet m, voice , sad that cannot make me beep,, though it gives them delight: " We do not believe the ease really to be as it ie stated by Jenny Lind ; for no artist has ever attracted so much perusal interest to- wards herself, irrespectively of the art 01 which she is so wonderful an ezponest ; but the anecdote is worth quoting as an illus. Dalton of the unsatisfying nature' of that artistic sticcese, which simply ruses admi- ration of the thing dose, and excites w interest in the doer. it is very true, with respect to authors, that the world often reeds and admires their books, but care. lute more about themselves than of they were mere composicg-machines, without any every -day life of their own apart from De work of composition. But there are see them paid tike chart(. of Schools, end„ some exceptions to this rule, and it to a School property, and see the Schools prowl- gruel rtBel..1rs rittle tc, boewths (reject of OBS. tied with feel tad other aeceesariee. We would have all persona who might (eel reel. Tan LATA DULA or CAraamoas.-We ly interested in the cause of Flotation, bays beard that the amount of property allowed to perform the duty of School Vim- left by the late dote is about £90.000. - ton whenever they could perform it with- The estate of Combe.wood, which is inberi• out inconeonventence to the teachers and ted by the present duke, produces • rental the taught, and we know of no better of L1,100 per annum. The duchess has •' Special inspectors" of `Schools, than the selected her establishment from the hoose, pomata of the pupils attending them.- bold of the late duke. and, many of the do. Superintendents, Chief and Subaltern, we toeetice have been offered place* in the es - would dispense with, not only because they tablishment of the present. -Jots Bull. aro too expensive for • young country like CANADIAN RECIPROCITY BiLL. Canada, but the teaching of the people to depend upon paid servants to do tbat whrcb Wubi•gtoe. September 90. they ca very well do themselves, has a in the Senate to -day Mr. Hamlin moved most pernicious effect. The more that to take up the Canadian Reciprocity Bill men are taught to depend upon others the and to Ax a time (or its consideration. Lost more dependent they become, whilst those by • large majority. who are taught to depeed upon themselves are alone fit for self-government. We LORD ELGIN'S RRTuaN Mum H,0 TOMS -- hays often been told, that the people are His Excellency the Governor 0.neral re - too ignorant i■ many parts of the country turned from hie Tour to the upper lakes to be intrusted witb the management of about a week ago, via Peneuoguisheoe and their Schools, and our answer has atmoet Barrie. Throughout his route to the west invariably been, would you continue them he received • most gratifying reception at ,n igooranee by continuing their dipea- the various ports where the steamer enter• dente t The people have been thought in- ed. The press in the interest ofthe ,Tories %elegant enough to be trusted • with the would give the lie to this fact; and one making and executing of the laws by which journal in particular, Huron Loyalist, ba they are governed, and we have yet to been in advance oriel compeers in the work learn that any of the numerous local of misrepresentation. The mendacioes fal- legislature. which (,hanks to the present *shoed, of that print have induced the mag - ministry, with all their - faults) have been fstrates and other gentlemen in Goderich- established in every cite, town, village, Coocenatives-to publish that its state - county and towe.hip of Canada West, have moots relative to Lord Elgin's reception been unabie to carry on their Inatome on "are utterly false and aafo.sded."-TIS account of the igaoraace of the members.- F.raiafmtr. The parents are the natural instructors of their children. Let them be eocouragsd to do their duty and depend upon them - seems, sod neither ignorance nor Super- totendeots will be long found within their GODERiCH, Sept. 99. borders. In cue, however, that our doe- WHEAT„.Fall, per bis. 3. Ijd.-Spring. Mee may be considered too latitudinarian do. he to Oe Od. Floor per bbl. 18a to 30. by • Majority of the people, and that 'they 6d -Oats per be. 1s Od-Pees per bu. 2e- .boold decide upon retaining superioten- dents, we would ay retain County Seperisteedeete. oely, and let them be ap- pointed by the County Boards of Education and let they salaries be provided for by the Couuty Cooped.. The division of the yearly appointment of tbe Legislative gent, fpr the seven) eou0tiee according to their population, could not be mon tban a good day's work for a clerk in one of the govern- ment offices, and the Treasurers could ap- portion it to the different municipahtia Io to county. according to their population, the Trea' ur. for such municipslitiee mak- ing the division for the School Sections lecordiegg to their population, and paying the Teachers on the rodent of the Trustees, oulmenammlle STRAYIIID from tie mobster* of the soh - melba ea tie Bayfield Road, neer the Tows of Goderich, • Large Rad tad Whits Spotted STEER. Any Doe givl.g Infor- mation will be aortably rewarded. EDWARD YRAMANT. August 14a, *800. visit HURON BUILDING BOCiZTY THC pat Moues et the 8lawbn ldeof this 8osiety will be bell at tie Bruise Hotel re Sat.rday melee, ted 98th lamest, for the re- ceipt .( and ask .t .a* Of IMM. Sues. WM. BENNETT RICH. T. * B'y. H. B. S'y. Goethe. Sept. N. 1650. 3v-•31 CAUTION. ' Meal, ea or before SATURDAY, the Irik - 'I'AICE'IIIOTICB. dry .1 October. Li indebted to the MIs ) 711tiee Som of £1000 h•tieg bees rested A a la J. _• Goodre s by the Legislature for the ppore...* of ted N K. ii[oodn eke re i• Commi.eioe, and local sub.criptioss to • ahu� to use:u . .b. couiderabl• easiest bsti.g ecce added „au"weehe'slegallyassigned seises es thereto, the Commissbwn are prepared t. ROBERT MODiRsl award prises (amounting se the aggregate Aog. 18th, IgiO.,1111,1111114:i i to £1500) to the bat articles, maimed is the following Clasen -a. more particularly PROPERTY FOR & Lal • ' on forth is the Fria. List already published. tJ ILL be SOLD ea the mat re•sereable CLAM ♦. ,I. LOW GIBBON8,sty Wife, basing clandestinely abaeoted hermit from my house, and hiving in a very wan at. oral m , remodelled her house and help• lea• cbildreo to the cam of arranger., not only witboul any provocation or coronation my part, but also under circumstances of a most aggravatr$g character ; 1 hereby give public istimatron, tbal I will not be is any way reeponaible for any debts which .hs may contract, either in Goderich or else- where, subsequent to this date. JAMES GENTLES. Goderich, Monday, 9th Sept. Liao, 30-3 E.NGLLSH NEWSPAPERS AND PERIOD- ICALS. THE Subscribers receive regelarly by every Steamer, and are prepared to supply imme- daa tely- Eeropeen Times, British Army Dispatch. histone Times. John Ball, Ladies' Newspaper, Atlas, Ladies C'ompaaw., Bell's Life in Leaden, Illustrated .'sew., Adieu:en, Pooch, Spectator, Dirkees' Iloeaehold Weed.. Orders for t (her Eaglise papers preemily at- tended. Trey also supply the following Period- ieals- Army Lie, Monthly. Navy List, Quarterly, D Harts' Qear erly, Do. Alkets, London Qoartertr'Review. Edinburgh Review, North British Renew. W..tmuater Review, Beickwood'a Magazine, Art Urdu,. Farmers Guide, Harper. Magasiae. Orden for any of the above may be addressed to the subscriber., or to Mr. PARSONS. Glide - rich. where a catalogee of their emissive .ed varied stock of Boot. sed G.a.ral Literature Stay b. sore. Asow. 11. ARMOUR & Co. 3130 Kies Sweet, Tomato. COMMISSION STORE AT THE KINCARDINE ARMS, ,iii a r k e is . gruta died chi year ►.twee. •Fort Lars - the ani tb StaW-.aasemri rmrsr. it being the dozy of the latter to 1104 is the month of July in each year, to the local trJj Brie NIGHTS TELS(iRAPH RE- treasurers, reports of the 'wheel population PORT. kc., in order that the Treasmren might be .t. in poe.e.sioo of correct data to guide them I•>A Yeat, Uth 1850 in making the diveion of School monies, Sept,teie p which monies should be paid on the first of liss$.aa.r i .rwa..aeld from Boston Janna -y, yearly, in order that the Trustee' to.� with 10 for Li- y' and others might know precisely what deepoeh tad 19 fee 45.1, . a et they would have to depend epee, .1 4. steamer Osie wiled Way for Chad- fo iving umbers, Ice. The selection of gmiti 7 . text books we would leave to a Provincial talks, of the N.1'firemen A.eeciatioe of Teacher. Chown by Cou nty �b.xeemnn�fieeet Aasnctatiose, thelatter to be eompeeod of Si nf a w et►Os 6rwme.'e feed. or manes from the Them Pro m the small- Ansi- lakel ed.r. Aside Boy, ha. or comities jos. Theme several oars lessa at iebt-. ekes' 8h 0. L. Bub of Eone could sogs with the several Board. ligfVw tfa►t81i.g e..t end came °t Ed 11 bon Is t mt.d ; bat the use of 'Mw M „yam, to the Oe,mrsor- the text books selected ; bot we would sot wick to ser other the eke or the other 0 1�8 Iia, Lied eesewt • o . BY H. MARLTON. FARMERS and Merchants having pro- duce or good. to dispose) of for cash, will find the above Commiasaon Store an eligible place to send their goods to for sale. No charge for •torsgs-five per cent charged on goods sold. Goderich, Sept. 7, 1850. v3n30 Prirafe Gorerne-ss Wanted. %VANTED a young Lady of agreeable manners and disposition, competent to superintend the Education of a few young Ladies, from the age of twelve to sixteen. References required. Enquire at the Kincardine Arms, Goderich. Galt Reporter to ropy till forbid,, and aesd ac- count m count to E. H. Marlton. Goderieb, Sept. 7, 1850. v3o30tf LIST OF LETTERS �EMAININO is the Stratford P. 0. up to September 6111, 1850. Ash Valenti/6e Mitchell Sime. Allen Rev D 2 Moore Wm 3 McFadden Wm McGregor Alex McGuire Robt McNutt' Are*. Mc -Clout Widow Nieberlia Asgore Ogilvy Robert Perry Wm Peron Respells newel George Quip Joastb•R Ronhee Mr. Robertme Jae Switzer Huey ShdDegtoe Jas Smith Wm Switzer Jae Stewart Les 8ebbiee Mir Ted Thos • Tbompeoe Wilfred Thompree Robt Willson Emanuel Will Thoma Whitey Thoe Wendel; Sam! Asder.on Dunes. Brown Richard 3 Barker Wm R,eeewie. Henry Carney Mary Crowley Joe Cambia. We Cbaceock Chu Conry Wm Drummond Patk Farling Joo Fisher Jae Gilbert Peter Helmsley Tho. Hooter Matthew Herron Mary Hall Relit Hell Tho. Hestse Joseph Horgan leo Johasto. Wm Jake. Sarni Love Robert Low Tho. Potatoes per be. s Od to Os -Pork per bbl Mack Cornelius 2 002. -Butter per 1b. 3d to 7d -Hams per Moor. George Ib. 5d -Eggs per dos. 4d. Ilay per ton, Mair Jeo 55.. to 40s. A. 8'. SICKLE, Pmtmsster. r •,� Ne- dictate t the people of what host the aro and are net teams in their schools, meets there ' larger ao'fenen gathered tee sad taw am if raw,. •coos g '41'lm NM Celt es w U. Ceoument for l>t 7 grit f• Mae sorest N is mar ._ there w.,. mfas is a very considerable mutat, and the M lett 1000 pares. prwd.mt, teed reek tumid Insetted ale isisteed rea being t shy de robbed Mt♦nala•gs tear M bes5M-Snedred. peas �y a despotism. .SIem. '.gtget8 iattmll7 se 140 reef of Castes Gerdes, . , is ►ave cry mesoneld for faelisg "ties so • lie tht.s h gk. ak d„ aed tet ha °owld searec'y his to N ire �,s Ma l 1- highly gra yieg to the friends of human ay authority in existence, permitted t .116414.- 24 Minerals, Ora, Metals, Earths, £. s. d. Tornio, • jV LOT, .costed i' die mors Glass,• Porceleh, Pottery,8tomorning of South and Seat Were Ste., adje Cement., Platen, Tiles bricks, nag the Market Square, Gotderiet.-r Slates, Its., ice 90 0 0 The Lot contains nearly half se rtes .f CLASS N. See. 1. - Whist, Barley, Rye, Oats, Corn, sad other produce, Seeds, Fruits, Starch, Ousts. Sugar, Reefs, Dy. SMfb ted TO SPECULATORS AND OTHERS. Colours, Tanning Mai male, To --The seD..riber hemp( had PARE Las basso, Vegetable Oil, kc 100 00 Noe. 435, 434, 433. 439. 431, sad part el199. Sec. 9. - Samples of Canadian ground, *oh • goal Frame (louse, end Fruit Garden on it. Por further perimeter, apply to JAMES CLEGG, Llgbtbueeeut. Goderteh, August 14111, 1850. 1te-3rf Woods is six feet Planks, Sbio- glen Staves, aid Veneers 45 0 0 Sec. 3.-8amplee of Furniture. • • 100 0 0 CLASS C. Preparations for Food. as Beef, Pork, Hants, Bacon, Honey, But. ter, Cheese, kc., el Oils, Lard, Candles, Soap, Glue, Leather, Wool, Hair, Bone, pickled and dried Fisb, stuffed Ao,malr, Birds, lies., Firs, kc., itc 200 0 0 CLAS. D. Machinery, as Team Engines, Boilers and Furnaces, Water Wlwets, Wind Mille, Pumps, Fire Engin, Hydraulic Rams, Traveller., Crows, Lather, Plantiog,Dnlling, Buring,S`.ear- ing, Rsvettiog, Nail and Screw Cutting, Brick, Candle, It other Machines or Model.. is metal thereof 420 0 0 Sec. 9. -Manufactures in Metal, a. Ornamental cast and wrought Iron, Neils, Screws, Auger., Axes, Edge Toole, Cutlery, Planes, Stoves, Grates, Fen- der., Pure Arms. Clocks, Type, Art ronomical, Mathematical, Surgical, Dental, and Musical lostrumeota 150 0 0 Sec. 3. -Farming Implemeou, as Ploughs, Harrow.,Cha rcuttern, Reaping, Thrashing, Smut and other Macbisee, Grass Cradles, Forks, Shovels,Seyths Scathe, ice 90 0 0 Sec. 4. -Special Specimens of Mechanical Skill, Dentist., Goldemitbs,Silversmilbs, W bite - smith., Blacksmiths, Lock- smiths, Coopers, Wheelwright'', mad Tin or Copper Smith's work 45 0 0 CLASS S. Woollen and other Manufactures, and Broad Cloth, Tweed, Flan- nel, Blankets, Cotton Goode, Iateen Goods, Wonted, Fringes, 04 Cloths, Matting, Cordage, Paper, itc 130 0 0 CLa. Ir. Manufactures is Leather, as Sad. dies. Hareem, Portmanteaus, Hose -pipe, Belting, Boot and Shoemaking, Bookbinding, kc• 50 0 0 Sec. 3-Carrirges, as Sum,mer and Pleasure Carriages, Bug- gies. Farm aed other Wagon., Stsgle aod•Doublc Sleighs• • • • 45 0 0 CLAIM' •. Specimens of Modelling, Sculp- tore, Caning is Stone and New York, Sep. 90. WASHINGTON Ashes -Market firm, fair demaed. Bales Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co., 100 bbls at $6 for pearls, $8,121 for pots. Flour -Market firm for low grades of State CAPITAL $1,000,000. flour, with • fair demand for export. .04 a EZRA HOPKINS, Hamilton, Agent for moderate demand for home trade. There rjtbs Counties of Waterloo and Huron. is less doing in the hater grades, and pri- A t 97 1850. 3,15 res are feebly sustained ; Canadian is quiet, nes , and we know of no change. TRAVELLER'S HOME. Buffalo, Sept. 90. STRASBURG, WATRRL0O, 1 Floor is easier to -day, with less inquiry 28th February, 1849. eases, 1500 blip at $4 for straight brands ; THE Subscriber hffeby intimates to bis 84,601 for choice do. Michigan and Ohio : JL friends and the Travelling Public gene - and $4,12 a $4,18 for 300 bhpcbo,ce Jootb• rally, that be has removed from New Aber - ern Ohio. edea to the Village of Srratborgh, and will ToaoNTo, Sept. 90. mow be fushwellwhouse for- Floer per barrel. 196 lbs, 17. a 184; Oat- manly occupieeddon tblyat Mr. J-knoones,n-wherehe pre rem. A..e, we Mail esters to her a'hwse ow Tr"' •-.116° ex.Maror .f favorite them., $desaatio., when we ebell WelbingM is a pet.Me; the Lieetesast fl ole vemee sus e*5s.es. eras a journey write leeskastily and ly Ile.ir 1=1.1thew an sheen 1410*.,. in crudely, sal ie *ed ssSo*6ne 0121 mein 0111/41.0•71.616, wed .1: le the may rest assured that we will net fest mei AMR! 111gjel•tee• ogh f nit of this nu Ryeenn SN erest A, near' IL r' 31• W hSsttytt, Req. e ptistar, heA Intel f} tbay shall have had an epporto.ity alRerded I y sten a• Leib theme( publicly eeadeaaeing it, .r per iely approving .f It.-.-Svtmifw'ti Niall£. meal, per barrel, 196 the, 90. a 99. 6d. - Fal Wheat, per bush, 60 Ire, 3, • 3s 6d. Spring Wheat, per bu.h, 80 Ila, 3. • 3. 3d. Rye, per bu.h, 56 Ibe, 9. • 9s 6d. Barley, per bush, 48 Ibe, 2 id ■ 9s 6d. Oats, per bush, 34 Ib., 1. 44 • 1s 5d. Rlagrltll, Oe tae 94th instant, by the Rev. Charles Fletcher, Mr. John Camteron to Musa Cattt- aril. McKenzie, both of Kincardiee. IDtttb, At Stretford, on Wedneediy the -12th nit.. Peter, Teeniest .on of lir. William McDonald, aged 9 years. NOTICE. ALL Armee indebted to the enbeeriber by NOM Of Book 5000001 previous to the Jet of January last, •re ►equated to pay ted sumo Woe. LB* 15111 of October nett; .. M will without fel. put all tact Mid es tot date is the bad e( the Clarke albs IM mad Oak Division Courts for col. Letson. AMES mt.a, Sept. bask, teen, GORDON.ennaCl1t Tii• OLD IARRRY. HNEWMAN. BREAD, CARE, Cilium. . sed Puree Rama. 8r.* law Cm* of the Clmd(Cealpmp•s OMs., Wesseeest. Side - f ,L..hssl4r IS. >Aa will be ready and able to conduce to the comfort of those who may honor biro with their patresage. And while he returns thanks fee pat favors, he hopes, by strict attention to the wants and wishes of his customers, still to merit a coitiouance of their patronage. sees the ee.we .f the Tuws of STRATFORD a.neyed and laid eat taw use-io.rth sere Lots, would respectfully call die attestioe ea Parties wishing to become purchasers in the saw .- Free and eoi.cumbered Deeds will b• greeted to those purebadeg. or hoed for Deed will be given to those who cermet pay for Lois cash down, et such a kegtb of time as mey be ezreed apes. For particular, a to Pr,ce, the. apply to Mr. D. ti. Lison, Solseitov, StratfeN, w,th whole the plc of Lb. Property lies. W. F. McCULLOCI(. Stratford, ietk Jose, 1850. 3,-.99 STOKES, 41I)cmist a n IDrugaiai, W EST -STREET, C,ODLAJCIL. July 1830. 20-3 DIT'ISION COURTS. 'DHE seat Divisions Cogitator tbsDeka& 1 Cooties of Herm Perth sed Braes, will ba held at the times std places f.Ilewieg:- 1st. Divisive. -Coen hoose at GoderIck,- 3d December.A. F. Margate Eee. Clerk. 9d. Di.iaisa., -John 111.1.'. Mite,rtl,-3fdt6 December. Robert Css*, Esq., Clerk. 3d. Diieion-Wood'sT■vrre, Stratford, 3188i December. Rab, Williams, Esq., Clseb. 41b. Dieiiwoa-Q.(eka' Tsver. Ls.d.e Reda 37th December George Caner, E.(.. Clerk. 5th Di.isies--lteKe.sie's 1.a,Breceficld 91kb Dec. James Gerd.., Esq., Clerk. 6th. Dreariest -School Seger St. Mary's. ick Feb. James Colema. Esq.Clerk. The Sinter. of tb. Several Cossets wiBt.om- meses punctually .t 11 o'clock. A. M. ARTHUR ACLAI(D, J. B. C. Goderich, Sept- 11*1', '50 :l•t�e NOTICE.. PERSONS desirous of settling .a tie Durham Road in the Township. of Glenelg, Bentinck, Brant, Gra.ock. Kin- loss and Kincardine, -must apply pereosally at the Office of the undersigned, and .o lo- cations will tae confirmed except such as are made in accordance with taw All assignments of interest is location without the knowledge and approval of tie Agent, will be considered as a forfeiture el. all right io the locates or usigD... GEORGE JACKSON, Agent. CRewo LAND OTrC., Bentinck, County of Waterloo. March 141b, 1850. vim1 TO BE SOLD. An E celknt- 'Parm of Land. BEING Lot. No. t5 aed 16. onthe 14th ca- eesuoo, Township of London, ceentining 200 urea, 70 of wbieb are cleared. 7'h. Laird is of a Superior quality, gird well watered. It is attested tee miles from :be Taws of Leedom. Wood, Wood and Seal Entree - Hoses the Mwadamtzed hood. There is a From. • trig, Letter -press Lithographic How and two Prime Bans es the and Copper -plate Premum kc.. '75 0 0 It is u the centre .f • populate locality. .The g, place. is well adapted for a store or Tavern CLASS H. Indian Productions, a Canoes, Saddles, Cradles, Pouch.., Pipes, Snow Shoes, ice 27 0 0 Second. Prises are awarded in all the Classes, and a considerable amount is re- served for distribution at the discretion of the Judges to articles unenumerated in the List. All articles most bare been produced or manufactured in Canada. All articles to which Prizes have been awarded, will be held liable to transmission to England. A .petal honorary Diploma suitable to the occasion will be presented to all parties obtaining first prizes. The Judges of the various Classes will be appointed by the Commissioner., from a Int of names proposed by the various So - ciao.. and Institutes (ia each section of the Province) connected with Agriculture, Manufactures and the Mecb.orcal Arts.- Sucb Judges in no case to be exhalation in the Class to which they may be appointed. Prize Articles selected for transmission to E.gland, will be packed, warehoueec, insured and shipped at the expense of the Commission. A London Agent will be employed by the Comrnt.ion to receive, insure and de- liver such articles at the expense of the Commission. The proprietors of steam - vowels on the River St. Lawrence and Lake Ontario have liberally consented to a considerable reduction in freight charges un all articles forwarded to the Exhibit,ont and the enterprising owner of the Steamer City of Toronto has announced his Inten- tion to transmit all such articles fres be- tween Hamilton and Kingston. The Commissioner. destre, in publishing the above Programme to impress upon the public the high importance of entering zea- lously into this great competition. By the liberality of the Legislature, the Commis- sioners .re enabled to distribute l'rizee JOHN ABEL. equal in amount to those awarded by u - N. B. -Good STABLES and attentive roman Governments, and in addition to de - Grooms. v9 -e40 fray all fie expose*. incurred in the ship- ment, insureece and lnnem,ssion of the parovinciai industriaj anmitso(011 selected articles to the Great Exhibition of all Notion'. With such inducements to F, Vel •I exertion and moth incentives to Sued. This Farm ie well moiled to the attire - doe of pensees desirous of vise tato bestsose. There is also a goad Bearing Orehard on the foie Farm. mid will be sold as very resemble terms. Foe particular. apply to Wm. Marla.. We, en the siloinisg Lot, ier to JAMES MCMAj�F1q, Town e(Tiederich. Jay 3rd, 1850. 03521 In -NOTICE 4 To the Clerks and Bailiff's of the Division Courts. TIIIr increased demand for Smiwoestte end other BLANK WRiTS, its con -'+e nettle' with the business of the several Di- eiei'm Courts in the District, has warranted us in printing them in much larger quanti- tiesthan heretofore, and consequently ena- bles us to -ell them much cheaper -there- fore we intimate to the several Officer. re- quiring these Blank Forme, that from this date, Summooeee and all other Writs be- longing to the Division Court, will be Sold at the Niguel Office at the reduced price of 05i' Two SHILLINGS AN0 SIIraNCa rot H U,DRRD. „LfI Blank Deeds and Memorials, AI) all kinds of DIVISION COURT . BLANKS, and BLANK PROM18- SOltY NOTES, for ale at the Signet Office. Every description of BOOK and JOB Printing d with neatness and dispatch. ET L't UMMO128E8 required by the New Die - RT ►J triet Curt Aet, sad all other SLAM ?'OIIMS treed in the District mad Divisaea Courts, en Sale at the Sigeal Office_ Also, ell aisle of JOB PRINTING executed os the shortest notice, sod on moderate terms. Goderich, July 19, 1849. TOR PRINTING of deseeptien, neatly and promptly executed .t this office. D-re.c'•er 'YI. RAMS FOR SALE. A TWO years old, a one veer old, end " five superior RAM LAMBS, half bred. Terms -12 months cried t. Claremont, Colborne, Sept. 17111, 1850. - s vin31 AME into the enclosure of t'ie enbserl• GREAT EXHIBITION an exalted sail patriotic seal as are given in " ber about the 19th of July, a Red and TO BC HELD AT MONTREAL. the desire to .aeon to the Province that White Horned STEER, about three years high position to which it is entitled amongst THE COMMISSIONEB appe(uted sothe Colonise of Great Britain, the Coma der the Greet Seal of say to m's'ioners feel am;lred that the result will eosduct the PROVINCIAL EXHIBITiON be such as the octal/ion menti.. to be held at Meares!, with a vi to Inc hn the energ.ue co - The (•nmmmes,oners accordingly rely .else i of articles,he d tifC wit eon ecce opn tee t proare o oa- s•da. fee tea t theGRE T EX oprntion of •II elselse".rs emmen pett to std tsmat ° aed promnta tb. osd.rtakm bywhich en ALL NAT - HIBiTiON UOF THE iND[JSTRY OF g' N8, 1. take place i■ LON- operation alone can the Commi.sionen hope DON a. ibil ►er.►.giva Reties, tit ted- to bong it to a .ucetseful and honorable said Provincial Rea (1011 will be held u 0'•' MONTRFA[ en Ther day 17th October Priall[.arts may be .Mainwl by applica- The Cmmmimosers hereby farther 1105 rated Topes, the Warden. of Counties, or s'Mt. Usti tuna .ebesrpi•nt days tion is he Marorw of Cities an 'scorpn- dee•eie«. to the Secretary of the Cemmiesien. settee 01155 fol low I All artlelee hnteed64 ter ExhiNtlos most By OrderFRED. the UMBfS,ItLAND, be ad .. drsed to Jnew Latwvwq Esq., tb. Beerst.ry .1 ted Rzse.tive Committee. a.al asersievp. Tirvehtq tet\ Aug.,OM, a0 IMO be 41isar d (free ei sisrgs) ug., old. The nwner is requested to prove pro- perty, pay expenses and take him away. D. PATT1 SON. Tuckeremith, London Road, September 181h, 1850. ( v3s31 REMOVAL. JOHN ADAMS, TAILOb. nSG8les,• to intimate to the ri• tau tants R/ of Gederieh and itseieinity, that he has Removed hi. TAILORING ESTABI.LiiH- MBNT tc West Street, first door wt .f M. D. Seyeenr k Co.'s Stere, where be will le prepared to make all Weds .f GAR- MCNTS on the shortest mime. tail .s ►5e test rea.otaMs tasms. CMOs( done ea teeetesi settee. Ombe id, Sopa. *1, legs. vfies110ef