The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-04-17, Page 1Ph
SHOW RAISES $800 FOR HURON PARK COUNCIL — Variety show presented by
O'Keefe's at RCAF Station Centralia last week raised $800 for Huron Park Council.
The money will be used to finance summer playground activities for the children in
the housing area. Some of the performers are seen, above, with Group Captain. A.
G. Kenyon, CD, following the show. —RCAF Photo
CANCER DRIVE STARTS—District cancer campaign, with an objective of $4,000,
opened this week in Exeter and Dashwood centres and will continue in other muni-
cipalities throughout the month. Members of the Exeter Legion Ladies Auxiliary
conducted the canvass in Exeter Monday and Tuesday. Shown reporting receipts to
society officials are, left to right, Mrs, Gerald Wurm, Mrs, Doug Triebner and Mrs,
Rita Keay. Reginald Knight is campaign chairman and Ken McLaughlin, right, is
treasure', —T•A Photo
Two More Seek Permits
To Sell LiquorAf Bend
New applications for liquor li-
cences at Grand Bend have been
filed by Herbert W. Klopp, of
the Brenner Hotel, and the Grand
Bend branch of the Canadian
The applications will be heard
at a special meeting of the
liquor licence board of Ontario
to he held at the Windsor Ar•
mimes on I.rid,v, May r 19.
Mr. •Klopp has applied for a
lounge licence for the sale and
Damage $1,500
in Two Crashes
Damage totalled nearly $1,500
In two districtaccidents this
past week. No serious injuries
About 6 pan. Saturday,
driven by Jack AiciLeod, Thed-
ford, rolled .in the ditch beside
No.'4 highway about a nide south
of town after the ch•iver swerved
to avoid a collision. Your pas-
sengers in the car escaped with
a shaking up,
McLeod, who was travelling
north on the highwr y, swerved
to avoid hitting a car driven by
James Earl, Woodham, which
was moving out oT a farm lane,
Damage to the McLeod vehicle
was estimated at $450 by OPP
Constable George Aliich
Two cars collided at the main
intersection of Dashwood, Fri.
day evening, causing $1,000 dant-
Leland Restcml'ay'er, Dashwood,
who WAS travelling . south ell the.
countyzad at the
, , had stopped
intersection, then edged near
'tie highway to look for traffic.
Fred 1{eller, ,also of Dashwood,.
thought the Ttesteniayer vehicle
\vas proceeding across the, high.
.vay and swung off the road to
avoid a eollisinit. The Restelilay-
,.. ,
a Stopped and wilt hit b
rrci p daS
OPP Constable George TCit=
shell lavestigated.
consumption of liquor and a din.
ingloungelicence, once, 'for the sale
and consumption of liquor with
meals for the 38 -bedroom hotel.
The Legion branch is seeking
a club licence (restricted) for
its: new premises at Grand Bend.
At :least three other firms have
received licences. Monetta Men-
ard's Tavern,on the )each road,
began operaing
last fall, Wil-
liam Glenn and C. P. Chapman
are completing renovations to
their buildings to meet conditions
outlined with the issuance of li
cences to then'. Both expect to
begin operating soon.
To'CaII Tenders
For Pier Project
Contrary . to earlier reports,
thefederal government has i
ovc r e tnot
called for tenders for piling on
the south side of the harbour at
Grand fiend,
London office of (he depart-
ment of public works said Wed-
nesday it is preparing to Batt
for tenders for minor p rotection
work on the north side but there
is no indication of a major pro -
Where To
Find It
/announcements y
Building Page i'2
Church Notices 12
Coming Events 'VS
Editorials 1
Eitfortainment ,. 15
Farm News 9
Facts 13
......, 6' ?
Laden 14, 15
'toots ' 4
Walt: Acts . 11'
tit reit .3.
•cct on the south i
a side.
The minor involves installation
of 50 lineal feet of a steel sheet
pile wall on the' north side of
the north pier to prevent.waves
washing sand over the pier into
the harbour.
-xe�eri (gimes•
Eighty.Second Yeats
;Prieto Mir Copy 10 Cents
Ontario Liberals' Choice
At Hensall Nomination
Cancer Drive
Starts Slowly
District cancer campaign.
stalled by rain last week, is off
to a slow start. Receipts so far
are well below those of last
House-to-house canvass in Ex•
der by members of the Legion'
Auxiliary Friday night was post•
pored until Rlonday Because of
showers, About $725 was raised
Monday and Tuesday, compared
to the $900 contributed to last
year's canvass,
The town raised $1,400 towards
the district campaign last year,
Officials are still hopeful that
more donations will come in
from those who were not home
for the canvass. Contributions'
may be made at local banks,
Objective for the district is
$4,000 this year, $300 more than
Other canvasses are being con-
ducted in Dashwood, Centralia,
U s h o r n c, Stephen, Crediton,
Hensall and Zurich.
Charge Trio
In Pig Theft
In Conservative Race
Exeter Seedsman
Seaforth Physician
Harris To Seek Seat?
Two ethers May Run
Huron Liberal officials indi• A large number of Huron Lib.
Bated this week there will be I orals will attend the provincial
two and possibly more candi- leadership convention' in Toronto
elates competing for the party this weekend and indications ars
nomination in the May 12 by- they will support Mr. Harris for
election. the leadership. He has spoken
at federal nomination meetings
sall Monday evening, April 12, twice in Huron and has made a
to pick their man. number of personal friends in
Officials declined to mention this area.names but speculation involved In fact, it has been suggested
that some Liberals from Huron
a number of prominent persons
including 1•I. H. G. Strang, Us- first got the Markdale lawyer
borne township clerk and pre- interested in the provincial lead-
sident of the Ontario Soil and lead-
ership. Huron delegates to the
Crop Improvement Association; federal convention m Ottawa
Dr. J. A. Addison, Clinton phy-
sician; James Doig, former
on severaiear occas't button-holed
t n -hole
reeve of Tucicersznitli; A. Y. Me- ,courage his entry in the previa-
ial field.
Lean, former MP for Huron. Walter Harris, in a telephone
It has even been suggested in interview, said he has given no
some quarters — not official consideration to where lie will
ones — that Walter Harris may seek a seat. "There will be no
run here if he gets the previa- thought of that until we see low
tial leadership at the convention we 'rake out at the convention "
in Toronto this week, he said.
!'Ute Liberal nomination meet- Asked how his campaign foring Monday night will be note- the leadership was progressing,
worthy in at least one. respect. Mr. Harris said: "I wouldn't
It will mark the first public know."
speech o,f the new leader of the Iii • Harris' home town of
Ontario Liberals whoever he Markdale is in the provincial
�Y° niay be, riding of Grey South, now rep
.Three young men have been `'' B, W. Tuckey, president of the resented by
Huron association, announced Farquhar Oliver.
charged. with stealing a pig from While Mr. Oliver has resigned
a Zurich district farm, owned by i y i & Wednesday that he had been as- from the provincial leadership
Ivan 'Kalbfleisch, surcd by the party that the new he has given no indication of re.
Police say the men sold the ` leader, who will be elected in linquishing his seat in the legis -
porker for $30 and enjoyed a Toronto Saturday will be guest lature. If the doesn't, this would
spree to Port Huron, " , `� � speaker at nethe li catcico meeting. mean Mr. Harris would 'have to
Charged are Benny Gignac„ #` y k seek a seat somewhere else in
Zurich; Don Koehler, R.R. 4get a firm commitment from any the province.
Hamilton, formerly of Hensall, F of the suggested candidates at People from this district who
and William Lee, Hamilton. � '' press time this week,
r� g „ plan to attend the Toronto con -
.The theft occurred during :K Mr. Strang ave a no tom I reactor include Mr. and Mrs. B..
broad daylight Sunday and the , �" meat" reply when questioned W. Tuckey. Mr. and Mrs. Bill
X Y�, about the nomination. However,
pig was sold to J!m McEwen, Mr, and Mrs. H. H.
Hensall district farmer. } x- ', r he said: "I am concerned that! G. Strang, George R.ether•, .from
OPP Constable George Mitchell too .much power is being placed ; the Exeter area•} Jim Taylor,
laid the charges Wednesday.' in the hands of one party in, Hensall Dennis Bedard, Zur-
Theft of four pigs from the F. u , Canada and I feel it is time for
farm of Russell McGregor, 11,13.. '` ' a change in Ontario," telt; Beecher Menzies and Hugh
g. � � Hawkins, Clinton; Jim Bissett.
3 Parkhill, Friday eveningis Dr. J, A. Addison, Clinton, has .Goderich;
been attendinga medical con-' and Bruce Erskine,
also being investigated. ( vention in thwest and was un A. Y. McLean, Elmer Dennis,
N. L' , Whyte and Mrs. T. Row.
Huron Warden available for comment.
clife, Seaforth.
James Doig, who has been
.P'IUNCIPALS: IN PC ,;,RACE—One .o.f.• the.. bott s.t polo.tical_• reeve of TUckersmith three Years •
races in Huron's history was run Wednesday night at the • and on council six years, said
Progressive Conservative nomination in' Clinton. Four of 'be would consider the nomina-, f�
Hon if support was evident. lie i Se s Exeter
the principal candidates are shown above. indicated, however, that he
fiord Baynham, electrician at hadn't nen his candidature
g Locker Plant
RCAF Station Centralia, was much consideration.
p B r 0 t h e rFined 0 One party official suggested p ,
elected resident of Exeter Iiia„ -I A. Y. arty McLean, Seaforth u Ralph Hicks, owner of Exeter,
men Club for 1958-59 at a meet ' pub- Foods, this week an-
Psher, might run in the provin-
zng in. the Burkley Restaurant b
tial field if Walter Harris won nounccd the sale of the locker
Thursday night. � * plant to A2orley Hall, 42, of Ben•He succeeds Irvine Armstrong,! n "��'ght h Police the leadership. The two Hien be-:rto Alanitoba. The transfer will
this year's president, who con -1 came close friends when They take effect May 1,
ducted the election. Two brothers, Verne and Rob- did not retain a counsel. sat together at Ottawa and this ,
The annual election was mark -1 ert Wedge, were fined $50 each Eric Fritz. Exeter, was fined might influence Mr. McLean to i Air• hall, along with his broth-
ed by competition for all posts ; and their sister, Mrs. Hilda Day, $10 and costs for common as- support the former minister of f ar,dntoathelo and sister,
butcas her
except president and treasurer. 1$15, Wednesday afternoon after sault on March 22. Police Chief finance. i shopand groce y store for a
There were as many as four , they were convicted of obstruct- Reg Taylor testified. Fritz and Contacted Wednesday, however, ger of years in Benito. He is
candidates for other positions, ' ing police. Jack Coughlin, Exeter, tangled Mr. McLean said "it's news to
after Fritz, who lives above Red !married and has three children.
Scott's Billiards, complained Lail Campbell, former reeve ; Purchase included the house
about the noise. James Donnelly, of Hay and Huron warden, has , beside the plant, where the Hall
Goderich, represented Fritz. been mentioned frequently but, family plans to live. The abattoir
Mrs. Noreen McCann, Stephen he told The Times -Advocate Tues., and land near Huron street was
township, was fined $25 and day he would not consider at —' also included.
costs for ailing to yield right of "not in a by-election, anyway," 1 Mr. Wicks, 67, plans to retire
way in an accident which oc- he added. land expects to build a home in
cured on March 22 in Stephen, Dennis Bedard, Zurich, an of-, Oakwood, Grand Bend, this sum-
She pleaded guilty. ficial of the Liberal party organ-; mer.
Lynn Statton, 19, Grand Bend, ization for a number of years, t Mr, Hicks purchased the plant
alsoin but has been mentioned ed u he Moeyearswhen
ago, he and
pleaded guilty to a caie.ess r,"no" , g
driving charge and was fined gate The T -A a definiteMrs. Hicks moved to Exeter
$25. Wednesday, from London.
PC George Mitchell testified
he clocked Statton at 90 miles •
an hour along Highway 83. d,When
Three •G e t J a i I T e r n's,
the youth entered Dashwood, he �i �.
turned out his lights, turned
north on a county road and e `
Fai To Name Leader
The Liberals will meet in Hen -
Kin Choose
New Slate
Reeve of Exeter
First vice-president is George The three tangled with police
Noseworthy, a corporal in the outside Exeter Grill on March
photographic section at RCAF 30, giving one constable a black
Station Centralia, Bud Preszca- eys and scratching the face of
tor was elected second vice- another,
president. Evidence revealed P'C Cecil
Lee Sherman is secretary: Gibbons and Exeter constable
Don Robertson treasurer and Ernest Welts were investigating
Ward Kraft was chosen regis- skid marks on the road beside
tear. ° Exeter Grill at 2 a.m. when the
Wedges came out of the Grill.
The club laid further plans for A fight followed words and Verne
Wedge, 26, struck Constable
Wells in the eye. Mrs. Day, 25,
climbed on the back of PC Gib-
bons and clawed him about the
face. The brothers and their sis-
,Bruce Tuekcy has purchased ter had beendrinking, police
the 70 -acre farm and house of said.
Warren Sanders, on Highway 83. The 1111 ee escaped and drove
Possession will not be taken for uptown but were stopped by p0'
six months, Mr. Swatters has pur-
ur lice and another scuffle followed,
chased a lot from Allen Frasei The police got the three into the
on the south side of Waterloo cruiser andthe elder Wedgefin-
street and plans to build a home ally apologized for their actions,
this summer. The affair started when the
Wedges, Mrs. Day and Tien
ACTSHoldwick came to the Grill after it
had closed, When theycouldn't
getone of the brothers f
the door with his fist, Verne C
S;'.0 for pro- e S 7 d
1'4 d e w, fined �f �7 Night
perry damage in addition to the
1$50 fine. Members of James Street
Magistrate Homes warned the 'United Church A,O.T.S. enter -
new beginners group every year three he would have sent them taincd thea ladies to a banquet
so that there is a steady flow to jail except for the fact that and entertainment in the church
of musicians into the junior police had not had any previous on Monday evening.
band. trouble with them. Air. H. • L. Sturgis was guest
In order to increase ,the en All three pleaded innocent but speaker using an educational
rollment in these classes the theme. He compared education -
band is now engaging in a re-
n people
drive.So far 11 0
p p
rave answered the call alit' e i
rolled. These are: Victor Ful -
cher, Billy and Bobby Beavers,
Jimmy Huxtable and Gordon
Snell of Exeter; Billy Farquhar
of Kippen; Jimmy and Eric
Finkbciner of Crediton; and
Fleu•ettc and Marcelde Allaei`1
and Gillian Buchai of the RCAF
Station Centralia, There is'still
a need, however, for many mare
A parents night will be held
on Thursday, April 24, at which
the present band and the begin-
1101$ Cly `1
ss will iv demonstra-
g e i s
tion rehearsals. This will enable.
parents who are interested in
enrolling 111011' children to a•
Wain!: themselves with the bated
and to learn how to go about
enrolling their children. , In a draw fol° prizes, Hubert
The band is also planning a Schroeder" and Ken McLaughton
e e rt 11were the winners.
bn, e i May the exact elate
r' bio:
and roe liar 001n. h regional ��1 � T !o�• Lions
plate yet been , g na ..rat y for
cstabh.thed - at whlett the mem• • \trill be held at Ilderton on April
bers of the band whit received 29.
the highest marks will play the Arra 'i
1 ,� angenictits, ale under way
eco, they Played: .L . e-
Ya the God
e- G for a bI"bbtti'1 blitz „of Exeter and
.i.p , ,,o, . .the
ireh Alusie Festival, rltstt"3 t m April 24 prior to
-�v.... .......... .. .. . ... �' b Apt p a
Mr. Ford himself will play a supper meeting of the club. The
its old country -style dinner on
May 9 which \vitt feature profes-
sional entertainment and a draw
for $1,000 in cash. .
Junior Band Prepares
For Festival, Concert
Exeter District Junior Sand,
practicing now for over a year, ,
will blossom forth this summer
in district competitions and local'
Under the able directorship of
Mr, James Ford, the band has
ro ressed rapidly and is now
p g p Y
engaging in two practices a week 1
instead of the usual ane in order
to prepare tor, clic junior band
conipetitjon ° of the Waterloo
Festival on Saturday, June 28.
Ten of the hienibers have en•
tcred individual competitions at
the South Huron 'County Music
Festival which will be held in
Goderich in May.
Mr. Ford uses the group in-
struction method in which the
beginners r� are taught in classes
)e.., C 5
and each member graduates ;to
the junior band as lie becomes
on his ai• i u11r
proficient p tc n
strimtont. Ile intends 10 start a
it a building.
stopped behind d a g
Jacques Boucher, RCAF Clin-
ton, was fined S15 and costs :for Three Londoners who received sol for Gray and James Don -
speeding in Brucefield on March jail terms at Goderich Thursday nelly, of Goderich, who appeared
29, for uttering, forgery and pos- for both Cowan and Markin, in-
session of stolen goods involving ferred there was a mastermind
over $6,000 refused to name the in the case. Mr. Unger said that
PaParty On Beach
Opens -Season
C> n S
Grand tend tourist season
has officially _opened, ac-
cording, to OPP Corporal
Nett Chamberlain.
"i'he officer reported he
broke up ,a heath party at
1.30 a,i'ti. Sunday.
"it's started earlier than
NW n' v
a e et he commented.
. + i .
"It looks like we'll have a
good seA'soit hoe."
leader who masterminded the
siv crime operation eratior in
extensive e c i to z
Western Ontario. •
Lawyers acting for the three,
tvho cashed stolen bonds from
a }Iensall Monte ancon other
offences, said they were only
dupes for the person who plan-
ned the operations.
Magistrate Dudley 14 o 1 in e s
promptly gave the three an op-
porLunity to take the witness
stand and identify the leader but
al methods with those of his oath declined. This refusal
prompted the magistrate to con -
early Entertain
early life, discussed the I.Q. or elude the three were principals
students •
educational testsgiven
in the operation . tt a' e
�randthat city
Fr`. and pointed out ways in which had been working together since
olic Helpers O P l)arenls in the home could Help December, x956, when the first
Exeter Lions were hosts to in their child's progress at of the forged checks were is.
members of the Canadian Legion, school. Mr. Sturgis was antroduc- succ.
en ed by Mr. Larry Snider and Elizabeth Morkin, the pretty
the Legion Banc! and K nsttie Cann.
p y
who assisted at the I.Cons' Frolic thanked by Mr. Carfrey Cann. 18 -year-old brunette who ...lead•
ll their su t er mectdng at Artti• Miss Allison Clark, Centralia, ed guilty to illegal possession of
l p ID.. . . .
strop 's restaurant Thursday eve a Si�DF1S student, gave a sclec- drivers licenses stolen from Ihe
ring together with. Squadron lion from Por tia s speech in office of W. G. &Mon, Exeter,
Leader R. S. Davis, FO Bill Shakespeare`s Julius C a c s a r and stock certificates taken from
Franklin and Sgt, Jim Bradley, which she had given in a pro- the 11001e of Alt's. Alice Jovnt,
of RCAF Centralia. vincc-wide lyrical verse -speak- received six months definite and
I�six,Following a sing sant; deet by ing competition Toronto last months indetermmale in re.
Gerry Crotlhblt with Norm \Val er Alolidayr. toric led by formator•y.
p _,
Atr._ Ray t'i'lls with ivlt. Norman She also pleaded guilty to
at tate i L b i ,Rowe
n ays
piano, S/
N Y ,
l isome It r�: •
. N � �� a er at the aro. . of the el ecus lh
an interesting film on flying, part p 1 g � ... e
of which was Mined at. the Ceti- Dr. It, 14. Cowen and Ileo. II. o►.her two were convicted of lit•
Italia airport. Thanks of the club .1. Snell led in ,a devotional tering,
., .. ... ' Graysmar-
wad G. Gra 38,tit az
were. capressed. by Andrew John. period. A toast to the ladies was ri tl withy,
stun. proposed by Dr. it. W. toad aiid c four children, who had
Tea ondecl t b itlrs. Robert previously .pleaded 11uilly to 18
p y
Southcott. Alt'. Gerald Gbdbalt g g
presided for the progralfi'.
' ,..
Ladies of the Wontan s Peck.
catered for the banquet.
char es of, uttering„ and false
pretenses hist) pleaded guilty to
h charge of uttering involving
$239.'\8 iti Woodstock. Ile was
sentenced 'to two year's iii petit-
teiitiary. The t.issetts owned a farm and:
'llruee Perry, Sllftl'18 teaeher,' Leonard G. Cowan, 28, who brickyard at Crediton East and
has purchased the home of Ralph pleaded guilty to' five Charges of Al Bissett, it mo iber of the fain'
:+tveitzer, Settibr street. Mt". tattering and false pretenses, was ily, married Bertha Snell, an
�Sweitzer plans 'to. move to the Sentenced, to six itioftths definite print of citric Steell and the
rluttibor 'of trttttt et solos arid is to dispose of 1,000 farm of the late. Richard X'ellow, in the reformatory and six Bissett nicntio'.ed t1. k
1), - . ... � . 5 _ lather cold Ita.'vqL
.lair. James Cook Of London will hrootiis, the 'proceeds 10 be used nn Thames Milo, which he pur. months indeterminate. been the lather or brother of Al..
flay Sortie plane Selections, i for Con'rtituliity work. ) chased recently. Erie 0164 of Londoiar Lout'- Bis .ett, - • -
while Gray had pleaded guilty
to the charges t c tar es he received g
ce ved none
of the money and that he had
only been a "dupe" in the plan.
Miss Morkin diel not testify
on her own behalf saying that
if she appeared in the witness
box she would be asked ques-
tions she did not want to an-
Find Brick
Dated 1862
A white brick that was made
July 11, 1862 and bears the name
of the maker was dug from the
wall of the former Steiner home
now being torn down to make
way for the new nurses' residence
opposite the South Huron
The brick bears the inscription
r, p.
,July 11, 1862, 1 . Bissett, Ste-
Shen . 11 is Flo •ithe
a , Uri& and
lettering was scratched in the
brick as it was set out to dry be,
fore bent burned it the kiln.
b I t t to k hr,
There is some speculatton as foi
the identity of R. tissett and by,
conte coincidence it has ebtme
into the hands Of a relative of, the
rnitiker..'rho hr'iok WAS fotlrlcl by
C. A. hlCeT)owell While demolish.
tY e b
ingthe oldt s
l bu a and was ]5re
seated to Ulrii Snell member
,, ,a
of the hospital building commits
t eo.