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Page 16 The T•im...Afivocate, April 10, 1958
1Evening Auxiliary
Aids Res eryatic n
C!andebo oat er , Ilol.
y Trinity Evening Auxiliary
By MRS. PATON. !held. its April meeting at the
;home of Mrs. Jack. Hardy last
Wednesday evening, with an
attendance of -13. For the worship
service the members attended
the Holy Week service at the
:Pentecostal Church in a group.
During the business. session it
was deeded to send six putifac-
tors and two corporals to the
branch's prayer partner•, R.ev. O.
'L. Foster, of the Calgary Indian
- Reservation,•
The committee to contact •lr.
McDonald. of London, reported
that she would give a flower
demonstration Sept. 24.
Mrs. Chester Lea. `.
Funeral services were con '
ducted for Mrs. Chester Lee, 68,
the former :Hannah Jane rvlor-
,gen, at the Murdy funeral home
on Thursday. April 3 with the
Rev. I. P. Prest .officiating.
She is survived by three sons
and one daughter: William and
Frederick, Listowel, 1 Myrtle
Mrs, Frank Pearson, of Wiseni-
peg, and Kline of London: also
two brothers and two sisters:
(Lilly) Airs, Omar .Cunningham.
Ciandeboye, (Pearl) Mrs. .toy
;Shoebottotn of London '..own -
ship, Arthur Morgan of R.R. 2
Lucan and Wilfred Morgan of
Mrs. Lee, the daughter of the
tate Thomas and Jane tDunhart
,Morgan was born on concession
4 McGillivray township October
29-, 1889. She married Chester
Lee April 1, 1908, fifty years
ago, the day she passed away
at her home 469 Dufferin Aven-
ue, London, Mr. Lee died March
17. 1955.
They had farmed in A-1 Gillivray
for several years and owned
the Central Hotel in Exeter .and
a hotel in Forest, also lived in
T.ITstowel and later resided in
Mrs. Lee had spent a week in
the hospital in London with a ,
;firs. Ralph Lynn visited on Sun-
day with Mr. .and Mrs. Lynn
Sawyer of Petrone. Mrs. Tomes
plans to stay for about three
weeks with her daughter and
Air. and Airs. Bert Little of
Toronto spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Carter.
The Rev. W. S. Smith of Chat-
ham spent Sunday with his
daughter and son•in•law, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Cunningham,
Airs. J. H. Paton spent a few
days last week with her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Wilfred Logan and
fancily in Tharndale
Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Simp-
son and Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Banks 'of Sarnia left nn Satur-
day for a trip to the 1.7nited
Miss Patricia Carter of Lon-
don spent the weekend with her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Mr. Billie Northgrave and
Miss Aggie Northgrave have
taken up residence in the vil-
lage. They sold their farm to
Mr. Ab Gilmour.
Happenings In
Bd� uP
l h
Plans were made for the utak-
' ing and donating •of articles for
the Dorcas bale.
Airs. Clare Stanley and Mrs.
Pat Crudge volunteered to be the
branch's representatives on the
committee to make arrange-
, silents for the church's fiftieth
The study book, on Rural
japan was taken by Mrs. Charles
, Corbett.
Assisting Mrs. .lardy as hos-
, tosses, were Airs. Gerald Lewis,
Mrs. Clarence Baskett and .Mrs.
Calvin Haskett.
The May meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. Kay Egan.
1Dr. J. W. Orme
`Dies In Florida
heart condition hut was much By MRS. M. H. EDr. Joseph \V, Orme, 83, of
improved and was able to come . Toronto, died Tuesday. April I
home at. noon on Monday, but ' at St. Petersburg, Florida. At
suffered a heart attack.early i Mr. and Mrs. Toni Noce and ' the time of writing funeral ar-
Tuesday morning. Clayton. Ailsa Craig, spent Sun- r•angemenls have not been cam -
Interment took place in St. day evening with the Weiberg pleted but the body is to arrive
James cemetery, Clandehoye. ' families, i at the Turner and Porter, York
Pallbearers were John Morgan, Air, and Mrs. Lorne weibec•g Chapel, Bloor St. W., Toronto
Strathroy, Verne Goheen, D, and family were guests for , at 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 8.
Sarris, John Reynolds, London.+ Easter with the tatter's par ' After graduating, Dr. Acme
Harold Morgan, Lucan and Roy ' ents, Mr. and Mrs. Len Purdie, Practised for two years with his
Cunningham, Clendeboye, . Hensel'. Miss Mildred Weiberg brother Dr, T, D. Orme in Lu•
Harr Kibbler , remained with her grandparents can. After marrying. he lived
Harry v' conduct. ' for the Easter holidays. in Centralia before purchasing a
Funeral services were rondo Mr. and Mrs. Alex Dobson 'drug store in Crediton where he
1 y Saturday, atAthe 5 for , and Wayne of Weston were vis- Practised for 20 years. In 1930
Han. Nibbler, SC, at Need-itors on Good Friday with lir. he moved to Toronto where he
ham Memorialndon. Chapel, Dundas and Mrs, Orville Langford and was doctor for the London Lite.
St,. London. 1 For a number of years he
He is survived by two. sons John,e
and one daughter, Mrs. Wma Mr. and Mrs. Orville Langford spent
the tintest.inPthete sabme
�(Verlie) Ward of Appin. Arthur' and John spent Sunday with aHe
ndied in the hospital therg.
E. (Ted) Kibbler of London and Mrs. Fred Pattison, Woodham.
George Lloyd Kibbler of Owen Sunday visitors with Mr, and He is survived by his wife, the
Mrs. Ross McFalls were Miss former Beulah Beaver, and two
Sound. Mr, Kibbler, a retired C.N.R. . Rowena Abbott and Mr. and daughters, Airs. ii. E. HookwaY
M I of London and Mrs. J. A, Hum-
boilermaker and a Boer War Mrs, Bob Tindall, Lucan, M r.
veteran, lived for several years Allan Tindall, Exeter, also Mr. phrey, of Streetsv elle, present, J L
and Mrs. Chas. Tindall, Lon Personal Items
Mrs. N. Gledhill introduced the BIddulph Couple
to the village here, then return -guest speaker, Mr, MacDowell,
Ing to London where be died at dm- ,ovd Stanlake of London is! Mrs. J. E. Orr and Anna of f the London Teachers' College, Wed
his home, 644 Princess Ave., a IParkhill. were Friday guests of who gave a helpful talk on the �v ed In London
after a lengthy illness, spending the Easter holidays !Mr. and Mrs. Harold Corbett. P
Interment was in Mount Pleas- with his grandparents, Mr. and ;ilr anti tics. 1W, W. Garrett teaching of music in rural A quiet wedding was solemn -
Vf CI F'sch schools, Mrs, Erickson moved a ized at 4.30 pan. Saturday,
vote of thanks. March 22,• at the home of Rev.
Inspector 1-I. G. Schlotzhauer Murray Stuart, London, when he
spoke briefly on examinations. united in marriage Freda Jean
The next meeting wilt be held Young, of London, and Jack
at S.S. 3 and 10,London Town- Arenthals, of R.R. 1, Lucan, The
at 8 p.m. with the theme "The the • week in Windsor- with her service at Holy Trinity bride is the daughter of Alta and
I day and. were guests of Mr, and 1 p' A1rs. F. W. Young, London
Seven Last Words from the sister,;Mrs. Vema Budgie. I Mrs, Evan Rodgins. Personal .ems (formerly of Lucan ), and the
Cross." I Sunday visitors with Mr. and ' Atra. Free Kerr and Mr. Jim
On Easter Sunday the c ervice `: Mrs. Chris Fischer were lir. ! f Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Ardiel of groom is the son of Mr. and Airs.
of Holy Communion was held ?and Mrs. Lloyd Stanlake and ;Downs of Exeter were Easter ; London spent Easter with Mrs. Cornelius Arenthals, of Holland.
with a good attendance and ;girls, Mr. Jared Lyons, Mr. I guests of AMr. and Mrs, A1joe Eleanor Emerack. The bride was gowned in a
special music by the choir, The WM. Fischer, Mr. and Airs. EH Culbert, ` Mrs. Raynor Alford, nee Thel- The
ensemble of em -
flowers on the retable were ;don Gable, Messrs, Bill and!
ma Wilkinson, got her arm in broidered white satin net over
placed in loving memory of herr Bert Vargo, all of London, also the wringer a week ago and had taffeta, featuring a tiered net
mother by Mrs. H. Murices.; Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Fischer, Startling Evidence, to be taken to St. Joseph's Hos- skirt, net jacket, lilypoint4
l:loweris at the chancel were in ; Danny and Tommy of Exeter, i pita. with a very sore arm, sleeves and Peter Pan collar, A
h L S d t with Ntr and lIotorforarna, a Svv+edish In• I Mrs John Colhoon of Toronto three-quarter length net veil of
In -
And District News
Phone 109 Lucan
c Cie.
Lucan _ Clean'
Last week Main Street received
its annual house-cleaning, when
the winter's accumulation of de-
bris was removed. For years
Lucan sidewalks, especially on
Sunday mornings, .have been a
disgrace with a litter of :candy
wrappers, cigarette boxes and
Several months ago the
same "brain wave" ` hit the
members of the 11,L and the
"Village Fathers", to do some-
thing to remedy this condltion,
But progress moves slowly -t
even in Lucan -- so by the time
the council secured trash cans
and by the time Clifford Ache-
son, son of Air, and Mrs. Lloyd
Acheson, between hockey and
school work, could print in large •
letters, "Heap K e e p Lucan
Clean" winter was approaching.
Rather than subject the new '
cans to the winter's elements
it was decided to postpone their
"debut" tilt spring. However
last week they made their first
public appearance and one at
least, was three parts full on
Sunday morning. Reeve Lewis
reports if these cans prove suc-
cessful, more will be secured,
If every Lucanite, old and
young • and every member of the
community, would cooperate
these cans can do wonders in
beautifiying Main St, Be a Lu -
can booster—even if Ed Sulli-
van never heard of the place.
Teachers' Meeting •
The Biddulph and North Lon-
don Teachers' Association held
their April meeting at S.S. No. 2,
London (Southgate School), last
Tuesday, with Ars. Erickson as
hostess. There were 19 teachers
Former Resident.
�. �rrne
speaks To WA
In the absence ,of Mrs. 7'. C.
McFarlane, the president of the
Anglican Woman's Auxiliary;
:'firs, Erwin Scott presided for
the April meeting, eet the lcotne
of Mrs, Irene Courser` last Wed-
nesday afternoon.
'rhe Scripture lesson was read
by Miss Lulu Abbott, and Airs,
Joe Beats= led in the Litany.
This was followed by the read-
ing of an article by Mrs. Scott,
who_ then read a letter re the
50111 anniversary of the West
Middlesex Deanery, and of a tea
to he held some time in May in
London, to which :the branch was
Mrs. Roy Stanley gave an in-
teresting talk on the "Quiet
Day," held at Arra recently
which four Lucan members
Tire guest speaker was Mrs.
C. A, Calder, diocesan president,
of London, a former Lucan resi-
dent, who spoke on the recent
Dominion executive meeting Held
in Saskatchewan. She spoke of
the dire need for a larger thank -
offering. A special collection
amounting to nearly seven dol-
lays was then taken up,
Mrs. Harold Corbett and Miss
Lina. Abbott volunteered to act
as W.A. representatives for the
church's 50th year anniversary
Hostesses for the meeting to
assist Mrs. Coursey were Mrs,
Bob Coleman, Mrs. James Hodg-
ins and Miss Lina Abbott.
Owing to Mrs. Calder's un-
expected visit to the branch,
Mrs. Harold Hodgins postponed
her talk on the study book till.
the May meeting. She moved a
vote of thanks to Mrs. Calder for
her interesting talk on her trip.
Ant cemetery, London. 1 rs, tris i e , and family of Edgewood were
Church News Mr. and Mrs, Dean Gibson Easter guests of AMr, and Mrs.
spent the past week with the Bob Coleman,
At St. James Church the rec- former's mother, tics. Wm. i Mr. and Mrs. Bob Robinson
for the Rev. J. P. Prest con- Gibson, Wroxeter. i of London attended morning
ducted the Good Friday service ° Mrs.Jessie Lewis is spending; H 1 T ity last Stuc
memory of sirs. Hanna ee. ; un ay ilei ors surance Company, writes "traf French. illusion fell from a ]talo
given by her sister, Mrs, Omar Mrs. Jack Blair and Mr. andt spent a few days last week withfour assists in the Ebenezer and
d I Mrs. Robert Blair were Mrs, Lit- fic insurance"solely for abstain -
lir. and Mrs. Allan Ryan. of white gardenias, She carried Six Nations Pee Wee
Cunningham. ere. Startling evidence of the a cascade of while carnations,1 games al i
At the united Church the Rev. Tian Blair, Exeter, Mr. and. Mrs. i After, a bright sunny Easter,I Goderich last Saturday• i
tdgar Roulston, minister, took' Ronald Fletcher and fancily of role liquor plays in traffic ac-
Lucanites were surprised to find rose buds and streamers.
as his sermon subject "Easter Woodhapl, Mr. and Mrs. Donald cidents is furnished by their the ground white with snow Mon• Her only attendant, Mrs. Don } Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lankin
speaks in 1958" with special ; Blair and fancily of London; also records. •I day morning, They decided the Abbott, R,I3. 1, Lucan, wore a! spent last Monday with the lat-
lnusir by the choir. The anni-Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Blair, After 14 years in business they
; March lion was making a be.gown of pink net and corsage of ions sister,
ls'a in Cath- I
versary date is Sunday, May 18. • Barbara and Donna of New West -had to pay in losses per vehicle i.ated appearance. pink carnations. 'crines Hospital. I
minster, B,C, who are visiting 38`' less than the average of 30 ; A large crowd attended the The best [ran was Mr. Don P
Personal Items ' Abbott. Mr. and. Mrs. Everett Fahrner 1
relatives here. other companies. And the num communion service in the United of Crediton called on Mrs. T.
Mr. and Mrs. John. Hewitt left Mr. and Mrs. Allan Elston held ber of claims per 100 vehicles I Church Good Frida evening. For a motor trip to Ottawa and:
en Saturday to spend Easter , a dinner party at their home on was 37ra less. Since by no means I Messrs, Frank 'and Howard points east, the bride changed to 1 D.yOrme and Murray last Sun
with their son Robert Hewitt hose resent all of the policy holders in these Aylestock of lVtontreal were
Mon evening. T p an orange ice dress, black acces-
And family in Oakville. [ were . r, andMrs. other companies were drinking ( , white
' aqua coat and corsage of I Harry Prost, small son of Rev,
weekend visitors with their par- white gardenias. � and Mrs. J. P. Prest, was rushed
Mrs, Roy McRann is a patient; Shapton and family, Exeter, Mr. drivers. alcohol had to play a 1 ents, Mr. and Mrs, William Ayle- I The garden couple will. makel to St. Joseph's Hospital last
In St, Joseph's Hospital, Lon i and 'lMrS Edwin Miller and fain- tremendous role to create the j stock• their home on the groom's r01,—. lltnndav evening fm an appendix
Says Cargo
First Kind
Of ��n
The Cecil Lewis truck which
took a Lucan Keates organ to
Edmonton last year and another
to Calgary recently, brought a
load of cattle back on each trip.
.Reeve Lewis claims his truck
was the first to bring insured
cattle from the West to Ontario.
He made the return trip in eight
days and had no trouble on the
Explorer Meeting
Thirty members of the Lucan-
Clandeboye Explorers attended
the Holy Week service in the
United Church last Monday night
for the worship part of their
electing, which began earlier in
the clnircli parlors for a business
There, plans were made Inc the
Bunny Tea April 9th, Two pro-
grams will be staged during -the
afternoon, Names of girls to sell
candy and serve were also
selected, Fortns were distributed
to Explorers wishing to attend
Explorer Catnp this year,
Most of the Explorers had on
display a Bunny Tea poster, all
of which were so well done that
the judges, Mrs. H. 13. Langford,
Miss Rose Revington and Miss
Lina Abbott, had difficulty mak-
ing the final. choice. Three Bunny
Tea tickets will be given to the
prize winners: for nine year olds,
Louise Cochrane; 10 year olds,
Joan Schleuter•, and for 11 and.
12 year olds, liarsha Ribson.
Easter- Sunday
Holy Trinity Church had 45
communicants at the 8:30 am.
service and 220 at the 11 o'clock
service on Sunday morning.
There was a splendid service at .
11 a,m. but lacked a few of be-
ing a record breaker,
However, counting visiting lit -1
Ile people, the junior congrega- !
Lion lead a record crowd. One
Pause From Busy ��e
TQ ObserveHoly Week
Once again the people of Lu- Pentecostal. Church, Mr, 'l'honi-,
can and vicinity paused in the 1 son .and Ali•. Roulston carried
busy whirl of life's activities, to 'on, alone, 'the latter giving :the
join in a united .holy Week wor-
ship. .these union services of said "refuse to look on Christ
Pentecostal, United and Anglican to be healed lust as the lsrae-
residents create a harmonious riles refused to look on the ser-
spirit of brotherhood in the vii Pent in the siaYs of Moses," Mr,
g Coulston urged alis by example,
Monday word. of month, .and spirit to IlQld
On Monday evening in the LW Christ,
United Church, Tiev. 'cigar Members of the Auxiliary to
Roulston presided, ftev. lrred,� th.e Legion and :the C,G.LT, and
Thompson read the lesson and leaders, attended in a body.
in the .absence of the Rev. J. P. Misses Tena and Margaret Eiz-
crest (whose son, Harvey, was enga, 'Velma Birch, Audrey
very sick), the Rev. Rieliard Gagnon .and Mrs. Jack Eizenga,
Anions of Ailsa Craig gave the sang.
address, taking as his text Wednesday
"Love your enemies, bless thein Wednesday nicht i t the
that curse you, do good to theca On d • 4 r.
that hate you and pray for 'them
Pentecostal Church the three
which despitefully use you and ministers were again able to be
P present with the Rev. J. F. -
persecute you."' Prost
Mr, Anions enlarged. 00 the . ""1 giving " touching sermon
love in the Ironic, lite love Dict an Prayer. Be cited many
ray -
Instances of the power of pray
side the home caul love in the . er He closed his address with
business world. With 30 g �plor- three short fancily prayers from
ers and •some 40 Cubs filling the the Prayer Book. The members
:central portion .of the church, of the Anglican Evening Auxil-
hc directed many of his remarks iary attended in a body and. the
to .the young people, same rive Pentecostal young
Tuesday ladies, who sang Tuesday night,
On Tuesday evening in • the again sang.
On. Thursday night.:in the Ang-
lican Church Mr. Prest was as-
sisted by Mr. Roulston who read
the lesson and 'Mr, Thomson
who • preached from the text
""And they did not receive Trim
dent, Marilyn Brownlee, the because his face was as though
vice president, Al 'lirontwick, he would go to Jerusalem," Mr,
Thomson presented word pic-
tures of many faces from the
old and. new testament,
The senior choir who sang an
In Anniversary
in the absence of the pros',
presided at the regular [meeting
of Holy Trinity A,Y.P.A. last
Sunday evening. In spite of the
holiday 14 members, one advisor
and , two visitors were present. anthem and the junior choirs
In the absence of both pianists, from the Anglican and United
a visitor, Miss Arlene Stanley, churches were out in large num-
presided at the piano, The scrip. bers, Groups of young people,
tuie lesson was read by Pat the Senior W.A. and C,G,T.T. at -
Egan. tended in bodies and helped to
Clare Paton and Loreen Hod make up the largest attendance
of the week,
gins were voted representatives
to meet representatives from
outer organizations to arrange
Inc the church's fiftieth anni-
versary, next June.
Owing to the ice being taken
i out, it was necessary to cancel
the skating party.
In the absence of Rev, J. P.
Prest, Miss Lina Abbott spoke
briefly on the ve.lue of setting
a good example. She also con- Addresses on the seven say -
ducted a game. Frank Egan's, ings from the cross were given,
group was responsible for the interspersed with hymns and
program and refreshments,. meditations.
new member, Lynne Arnold, re-
ceived her enrolment button for
having attended five consecu-'
tive Sundays.
Personal items
Mrs, Wiliiain Dickins is holm-
daying in Springfield, the guest
of . Mr, and Mrs. Harry Noels, 1
Miss Pat Watson of Lucan and j
her friend, Miss Dorothy Flan.;
nigan of London, returned home
on Monday from a month's visit
at Pearl Harbor Naval bast,
where they were the guests of ;-
the tatter's sister and husband. t
Perhaps the happiest boy in I
Lucan over the weekend was
11 -year-old Don Coughlin, son of
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Coughlin,
who chalked up five goals and
d and ---.difference between the two
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Downing.
Karen and Joan of Chatham
Spent the weekend with the lat-
ter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Al -
mer Hendrie.
Miss Jackie Williams of Sari ; A prominent businessman was
ria spent the weekend with her asked to describe an expert.
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Rupert "An expert," he said,. ""is a man
Williams. !wearing a tie and an important
Mrs. Emily Tomes, Stanley look on his face, who knows
end Tom Tomes, and Mr. and how to complicate simplicity."
ily, Thames Road; Mr. ales. e f tui. brant Brooke is now a
Harry Dougall and family, Hen- groups.
salt; Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Powe
and family, Centralia.
How does alcohol do that?
1. It slows down reactions.
2. It creates false confidence.
3. It impairs concentration
and dulls judgment.
4. 11 affects vision.
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P a !Concession 4. Biddulph, 'just. operation. He is progressing as i
tient in Westminster Hospital, • north of Lucan,
having gone in for treatment
last Tuesday. While he is .hos- Personal Items 1
pitalized Mrs. Brooke is staying f Mr. and Mrs. Lionel -Hendrick,
with her slaughter in London. j of Exeter, have taken an apai;t-
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graham ent with Mrs. Warner Me-
family of Chatham were' Roberts.
holiday guests of Mr, and Mrs. I Mr. and Mrs. William Brown-
: Mitchell Haskett and Mr. and lee and Marilyn, spent a few
Mrs. Melvin Plaskett. 1 days in Welland, guests of Mr.
The village council have had and Mrs, P, J. Laverty.
I the fluorescent lighting installed I Miss Hattie Hodgins, of Green
on Main St. North. from Water 1 Gables Nursing Home, Parkhill,
'St. to the arena, They hope to was a Tuesday guest of Mr. and
{ do the same on the south end Aiis, Alvin McLean.
at a later date. I Mrs. Wm. Cochrane and family
) Guests with Mrs. T. Brooker spent a few days last week at
included Ars, Ronald Coleman' Lake Charles, where they were
of London .for the weekend, Mr, i guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. David -
and Mrs, Art Ford, Mr. and Mrs, i son,
R. Pepper and Mrs, an Wilson I Mrs, Frank Hardy and Mrs.
all of Exeter, on Sunday, Leroy Revington and family
John Smibert, 17, has enlisted were Wednesday guests of Mr.
in the RCAF and left on Sunday and Mrs. John Knight of lin-
for St, Johns, Quebec. tore:
Mrs, T. D. Orme and her Messrs, Walter Creery and S.
niece, Miss Dorothy \Vildern of
t. Catharines, spent Good Fri-
day in Seaforth, guests of Dr.
and Mrs. Munn.
Mrs, Maurice Dupuis has r•e•
turned home after a week's visit
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Vincent Moran of 011 Springs.
Air's. T. Brooke who has been
confined to her. hone :for the
past six months was able to
walk as far as the Hub on Sat,
urday and had dinner with Mr.
and Mrs, Harold lifeJ'alls on
Sunday. She is gradually gain-
ing strength.
Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Rev-
ington held a family turkey din-
ner last Sunday. Guests included
1». and Mrs. t., Lohsinger and
family of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs.
Art McLean and family of Lon-
don, Mr, and Mrs, Lyle Rev•
innton and family of Moores-
ville. Mr. and Mrs. john Park
Betts of Huron College were
Sui,day guests of Mrs, Warner
McRoberts. erts. •
Mr. Willis Darling of Latidoti
was a Friday visitor with Mr.
and Mrs. Cecil Armitage end
Mr, and Mrs. Levi Darling.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Garrod
of Woodbridge were weekend
guests of Miss Kate Bowyer,
Miss Dorothy Wildern of St.
Catharines spent the holiday
weekendwith her aunt, Mrs, T.
D. Orme and. Murray.
Mr. Frank Hardy has arrived
home front a business trip to
the %Vest.
Tilrs. Frank Pearson of Winni-
peg, Mi. and Mrs, Will Lee and
Mr. ir;red Lee of Listowel alit
Mr. TCline Lee of London, Min
attended the funeral of the late.
Mrs. Chester Lee, called on Lu-
ean relatives last week,
Miss Clara Howerd is on the
and fancily and Mr, and Mrs, sick list again at her hone.
,Tack Lankin and family of Lit. On their way to California to
can. visit Dr. and Airs. A. L. %Virile,
Mr. Orville smith of London Mr•, and Alis, Neil hackie, Ghat`
spent a few days last week with lone and Danny visied with Mr,
1 Mr:, and Mrs. ,fames Avery, and Mrs. M. O. Smith, who ec-
t Airs. G. A, Mort end family conmpanied hent as far AA
nf Rockwood are holidaying with trait, where they all spent'. Fri-
i Ott t -
Ilii' A� br C fi parents, da
together. CI . � Sun-
s o evening g
114r � y ..
Mrs. T1', F. Staley and will at. day Mr. and Mrs. Smith attend-
land her grandmother's 14Q birth- ed service at Si. llarittl s irr•iht•-
' clay celebration on April 10, Geld and visited with Rev, and
Mr, Wes f.evington, Hose and Mrs, 1T`, 1" Wagland,
Anne were taster visitors of John Ward, grandson Of Mr..
Mr. and Mrs. W. Walker of De- and Mts. Georg. Ward cele -
Mr, and Mrs. A. M. Redden
spent Good rriday in St. Thont-
as, guests' of Mr, and Mrs. Care
mach betted a.nd Mr. and IM's,
Cliff flrittal,
Miss Ruth O'iVeif bf London •
•willed n' WA,Creorge Young !Oria Leaden Vvertm iasfrt ,Neste
prated his ninth birthday last
Wednesday with his mother andf
friends surprising hirci with a j
birthday party!
Mr. and Mrs. TTehdrrt Ttttw 1t
and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Artlittirr Spindler and family or
'GnodVidayr Mr, and Nil's. A, it, Wilkinson,
Weil as can be expected.
Good Friday
The Good Friday three-hour
service began with Mr. Prest
and two choir members., Ken
Clarke and Frank Egan, remov-
ing the brass and linens from
the altar, leaving only the shrotkt-
ed cross. The four records of the
crucifixion were read from the
1,1111,1111111111,111117111111111„1,1111111111111111111111111111111141111111,11114111110111111M111 lllllllllll1111111111,11111111111,,7
T. Pryde Fr Son
• The above firm will continue to operate
under the ownership of Jack Pryde, who was long
associated with his father, the late Thomas Pryde.
Your continued patronage will be appreciated.
Seaforth Clinton
$1111,11111111111111111111111111,111111111111111,1111111111111111VIII 111,1111111111111,11111111111111111,111111111111111111111111111111111
.rf cs ase
iz N 'uric
from design
to delivery
1 - . ••••• ? }ter
For [many a businessman on his way
up, the vital bdhloll•the.Jccnes Berk
between the design of his product
scut its delivery to the market is the
littanrial Counsel and support lie has
had from his 13 of M Manager, 1-1e
counts on the 3iauk to sec hint
through the financial rcquircnrents
of his dayto•day -Operations,
If you have a new product itt the
making, why not talk over your plans
with your nearest 33 of M Aianager,
You can taunt on his helpful, in-
terested arr Coach. You Will find this;
too: when you ask for a loan at the
33 of M, your eio not ask a favour.•, . ,
if your proposition r
s sound and tea
there's [money Mr yotx at
the 11 of 1%
W't5 lt 'IC f J `d- WI I' 14 C A KC A 'b. I A
ria'✓?y"�t id>,7' �? rr.� n4 k y.rx.Mx � , ri��•fr ra,+, ;>� sr,� N `* .^"r+ �v3S
. s.;F:^.• �s?.,?w...; x yr:4 �:`r s . _ ya9 ,fit. a';.y,. }f�
t.��':,.E'.�v..>:u'sw:St .+"+.✓.ai�✓�i:'a3fi:,wa.a..,u. ,si..c�.ew,rok.., n.4.wl,in e;..
Mem Bratiehi CHARLES SMI'I"I•T, Manager
C,erttralra (Sub•Agcnty)•; (,neon Tuesday and Thursday
(hand .lend (Sub -Agency): Opcn Mott, Wed, and 1't,.
Crediton 1irattrh: C1.ATtT1 IltWl 4 Manages.
(upon Tucsday,'irhutsctay and on Friday 4.30 • rr p.m.)
0asiwood (Sub•Agtnty): Open n ,hWoc
& Fri,
Remelt Mancha ii NI:Tit Ci-Ii(iSTIAN, Manager
titan ?3rallcCit IACIC STI:AC'Y, Manage
Zurich tomtit JOI-IN IIANN1St1II, Manager
I VERY 'V7A(.K Or L1f1l SiNet T 11