HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-04-10, Page 13The Times•Acrecate, April 10., 1958 This Shower Of Will ,Bring Results eforeIV Popo 13 r111111.11111011.111111111111111H11111110111MIIIIIMILI1111111111.1111111111111111.11111111. Announcements RATE$ Births . Marriages and Deaths No ...charge . 750 (Marriages and deaths arc reported without charge in news columns, This ;Karoo Applies only tolisting under Announcements.) Card s of Thanks, Engagements 7,50" In .Memoriams (4 -line. verse) $1,00 Extra yerses, each 280 BIRTHS — CARPS OF THANKF — CAAIPBELla-iiir. and Airs. Homer 1 wish to exPress 111Y sincere Campbell. nit 1 Exeter, an thanks anti alIlireciation to all POLI 110e the. birth of a sett, . 11411(1 SPA, flf1WPIT. Cards and gifts Classified ads accepted up till tiregory James, a I Snail. 1-111ron and 1 n a II who s jailed me during , Wednesday noon. Auction sale Hospital, April 3. I 9 5P. my resent 0pprat i0Il at St. p.,,,rct rtg _ i\i 1.. and mi,s. na 1,1 seph's :Hospital, London. - Mrs. COPY should be in Tuesday at Da to rs, Grand Rend, illinnutW0 Iran° 1:1('Stard• Its' n0011. t he art h of a son a 1 moth Mr. and Al re. Melvin . Res Le- a brother for Juno and Ja net. their Pine(' ra 1 ha 11 1.!S anti an - Huron Idospital. April 1. 1 5s- (mixer and Jane wish to express . , • „ . , FOR SALE — Phone 109 4at 10 ,, ,, . and neighbours for flowers, gl rte. '1:0YS: TOYS: 13eavers Basement cards and visits while Melvin 1 osttown is open allyear round.b was a patient in St, 3 oseph's nirl• 3 for children's parstiessrtli- linspli al, Lrindon. and since re- 1.1aAls!"1-F., Tor all age • Beavers3an 1 unri lig home: a Ian to the many Hardware, 0110 inquired abont, him. Itis PLLETS, Purina started, any Mr. and Mrs. 1..:111MPry I -Calumet' , Uage. We ran supply any breed of creditor' wish lo esPress their such as I he famous Mount Hope sincere thanks and appreciation Queen strain; Cross Leghorn, 1 o print Ives, friends and neigh- 1 Amea In -Cross, or any heavy hors 1.0r flowcrs. cards, 1 reats breed desired. All pullets deliver - a "'I .11(114 U hilP Alt.$. Fahrner ed. Tarist mils P n u 1 t r y Fa rm. was a pal lent in St. .loseph's , pima.. 470 Tavist nat. 111107110 home. Sperial thanks 10 Missile I, 1,,nndon, anti shwa 1'0- 1 0-4:2 4 lir. Grape, Dr, AL C. Fletcher. DRAIN TILE and Its v. Sti•ome. 10* FOR SALE— t REAL EsTATE— AABY CHICK l 0000000000,010000000010,0111it4$111MWOMMUIMEIUMMIIHIMMALHOOMMAIIIM1400.14WN 2.5 words or loss 70c Sici•Ar,, BEET DI' 711 Interna- RAVE Cliii..1NS for ,our best 5 Donal, 4 -row, on rubber, change- C V Pickard ,,,,o,,,._ eggs-. broilerE, (Some abip for corn planter ApAl Ply .• atArted millets). May -June broil - Marc Than 75 Words 7A1fiN..razu..flittioitclionro,rtia.nttehoyo, PhollP 1n. uxuTEtt .era should be on arder. 1-TeAry .20 Psi. Word 2 -IV HEEL TRAILER, good( with dern k ;rotten and. bathroom, !win- - ' i,, 5-III61)11,(K1S1 brii:k col laze, tun- choice. Get full list from BraY cockerels, SIJXP(L chicks In wlitolec good hrix and fenders, APPI,r room and dining room, attachel 1-11.11.1.etctlelr°.°12.'11°Ln'i: 246.\V,t:rPCa"""en. 200 OFF Hilton 'rruemner, ZUrich 11.1.1,1.:11s,; .st. .,.. an.,1 hem e is in gnod . •• if ad paid with order or by phnne sl -r-1 1, g a've Saturday following the last EQUIPMENT FOR RENT — vond it loP and well locAtect. Prtood 2 'ro'N.• FORT) '1011 1'. 1!L8, dual IM sell. t erins. irls*rfion svccggpiN 114 8ERTMN$ 400 - Mora than 25 Words - PAO Per Word- Semi•Display. 41440,10s (Restricted .to .one column) First Insertion 11,40 Per Inch Subsequent Insertions $1,2S Per Inch Minimum One Inch wlieets, good. tarns truck. ;75. 0110.1(1.16. brand new 3-hedrontn in 1v priee Inc cash, This is a Floor Sanders ‘v),,PungT.7,itPLA.uto Wre°"rs" n3ct shi°nLa.nri pah,tnePrititrIVSaV lsvgsiSI• '57 GENERAL ELECTRIC beautifully finished house. Let 115 5how it to Refrigerator 10 Cu. Ft. Automatic Defrost Revolving Shelf -Magnetic pont. Regular 8440 Only $320 Mr. and SI I's. ifenrY is, n.r.t. 1. Wonfiltam, an- ent:lure 1110 birth nf a son. Henry John. at Smith 11014(11 lin,spital, April 5, I ENGAGEMENTS engagement is announced or Leona Marie, daughter nf MN's. Llnyd cainploit and the lole Stewart (build. Exeter. In Sir. Loss Laverne Cottle, 9011 of ;A r. and Airs, A 1 1'j 'ffltle. Thames nead. Tnr, marriage In take plass( the latter part of .Spril, 1115 S, 10 ANNOUNCEMENTS — 11101'SS EA LI TEA--Alrs. Leonard Erb, Zurich, Is entertaining at a trousseau lea noWednes 11 a y. April 16, from 2 to 5 in 1110 an 017- ,, noon and 7 to 9 in the evening In honor 0 her de tighter, Mari- lyn, 11110Se 'marriage will tithe place nil Sal urday, April 1 S. .1 0. CARDS OF THANKS— Inch ; 5 5 per AI Del'd Air. 1411(1 Mrs. :William Thom -4, .. ,„ 11011 Wish to thank their friends i ' 10(111 65 per .111 Del'd 1 1 0 per M Del'd and neigh bora w lin remembered , 6 I.,"SSIS 1.11 Per 51 Del'd. Mr. Thomson with cards and ; ."`' ' 1 8 inch 575 per IS Del.(' 4 181 1S II 11 Hug* his recent illness at 8011 1 11 I lama Hospital and T's, T's and Elbows in Stock Silliq• IT{ timing 110111e. Special Prices for 10" ‚72" and 14" thanks In Dr. Gans, Miss ( la Y. on Request pole 1411(1 1111101014 and to the neigh- bors tor their many acts of 14711(1- RYDALL BRICK AND TILE ness. 10* LIMITED 111(0 1 071411 10 thank all who sn k 1 n ill y remembered me will) Elginfield Phone 19 2 Lucan The family of the la Er lferttor N. yards, flowers. treats arm visits Taylor, Exet er, w Ish 10 0%Pre5g while a patient In St, inseph's MOBILE 14051E, 2 -bedroom, ba.th- 't heir thanks fnr 1110 many r1V1.8 „ }Inapt ta I. London, and since I'P. room, kitcnett, living room, ft1115. 01 l'inanr*". "sssagr's of sY", '" turning home. -Ellen Broom, 1 Oc furnished, used Di ninnthal 'terms. panty, flowers and istrds during their reveal bereavement. Specie 1 IN MEMORIAM — thanks to Ili% Fletcher and staff of South Huron Hospital - Airs. Taylor, Grant and ,loan. I 0. I wish to -thank ihnse whn k n a y remembered 111P 11 cards and visits while I was a potion 111 St. 'reseal's linspit al nd since r t r n g home. Horace Ds I bridge. 1 0* Eventide Villa of Exet or wishes to thank the Eirst Exeter cub Pack fol' t he heall !NI Easier lils . 11 was Very 311 11e11 appreci- ated. ELECTRIC Exeter 10c 7,000 BAL16S 1TAIr ArtaY A. Pearee, phone 25-r-( irktnn 10' GIRLS' BIC I'M. E. used, in good condition. P110tie 559 Exeter, 1 56 'BALED TIAT--40 0 square bales of taxed timothy and alfalfa. ha.Y; 2f4e each. Phan liarv,ey HodssIns. 46-r-'" Ct•edli op. 10' TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES Good 01W typinr, paper. 1Ve also 1iao carbon paper, steno not e - hook S. typewriter ribbons and cleaner at lowest prices. See The Times -Advocate, phone 7714. lOn 010(05' WEILL PUMP and tank (Jet L Also a cheque writer. rhnnt. 141 Exeter, 10:17c 15 10 II E, Is 0 TI. BALL, purebred. Apply' .51011(6 liltlierinr, ton, pitons; 1 7 1-r-11 Exeter. 10' rt.AcKs for L's ton Chen 1 ruck, 41; plywond, Slay be seen at 1.,1 1Vill Ia.'s) St., Exeter. 10' :P.ATIAS -ty.A no:: with heavy* duty t ires, grain box; Roney stiff Phone 712-W-12 Exeter. • 3:611c tooth cultivator; set. of 3n -plate Pleury-Bissell discs. Apply Les RED CLOVER, Yellow Sweet Rindmarsh, phone 611-1-3 Ansa. 13110eK-- In loving memory of a (stover, Red Clover and Yellow Craig, 10 dear sister, Alice Ernek, 11 130 Sweet Clover m 1 X 11 r 0, good passed awes 0116 year ago, onality at attractive. prices; also IS TON 'picitasp, ctiev, used. .5 -1. April 9, 1 11 3 7. beef by quarter; also 3 range condition. Phone 37-r-4 Dash - Ln ng ighIS, long days she bore shelters. Apply Stewart Black- ovond, 1flffe. the pi; in, well, Parr Line, phone Zurich Pa wait the cure, hu I all in vain, 8S-11,-3, or David Black welk . S8- '1111 God. Himself knew what 11-5. 2. :8:10:11' was best, And 1 nnk her home IrP/I1P111 I 11PI'S and )1IR! CPF. and gave her 0 INCE, EQUIPmENT - 14 ead- (lua ri.ers for Royal typewriters, by her br, -Victor adding machines. We can ins save you money! Exeter Times - Ad -Vocal P. phone 7 7 O. 271 le Crediton Comments By MRS, JOSEPH WOODALL Easter Services Easter services were held in the local churches on Sunday. Sunrise service in thc Evangeli- cal church sponsoredby the Youth . Fellowship, commenced at 6:30 a.m, with a large at- tendance. Rev. j, V. Dahms of Sebring - via, a former minister, was .guest speaker and a number was sung by the ladies quartette. Following the program break- fast was served. Regular serv- ice at 10 a.m. was conducted by Rev. Glen Strome. Service in the United Church was held at 10 a.m. Choosing as his subject "Easter Joy" Rev. A. Rapson brought an appropri- ate Easter message, Two num- bers were rendered by the choir. C. C. C. Crediton Careful Canadians held their meeting last Wednes- day. Mr;, Lorne Hodge and the girls discussed "The Club Girl Keeps Fit 'hysically". Mrs. Hodge explained the difference between a simple and compound fracture and the treatment to be given until the doctor arrives. Mrs. Ed. Lamport told ways of treating burns, and how pos. tura had its effect on health and personal appearance. She also gave some posture exercises for the members to 'try at home. Girls Were also told hew to re- vive a fainting person. Mr. and Mrs. C. Radford and Shirley spent Sunday in Kitchen- er. Friends and relatives here for the holiday weekend included: Mr. and Mrs. Oren Grace, Dearborn, with Mr. and Mrs. Haist. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Fahrner and son of Willowciale with Mr. and Mrs, E, K. Fahrner; Mr. and Mrs, A. Robertson and Anne, London, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Beaver; . Mr. and Mrs. H. Dale and sons of Brampton with Air. Fran- cis Clark; Mr. Harold Amy, 'Hamilton with Mr. and Mrs. R. Fink- beiner; Mr. and Mrs. Grant Roeszier and babe, London, with Mrs. W. Roeszler; Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hoare and son, London, with Mr, and Mrs. H . Fahrner; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ryall, London, with Mr, and Mrs. Roy Swartz • Mr. and Airs. Lewis Faist and sons, St. Thomas, with Mrs. M. Faist. .1.•••••••••*,.....,••••••••••,*•.••••••••••••••••••••*in. Topics From Elimville By MRS. ROSS SKINNER ••••••••••••••M•••••,...................,••••••14,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,040 Dr. J. W. Orme Euchre Club Friends here have learned of Eliniyille Euchre Club Was the death at St. Petersburg. held on Thursday evening at the Florida, on Tuesday, April 1, of hall with Mr. and Mrs. Ross 0 Dr. J. W. Orme of Toronto. Skinner as hosts. There were Prior to taking up residence in eight tables and winners were: Toronto, Dr. Orme practised ladies high, Mrs. Harold Bell; many years in Crediton. gents' high, Mr, Delmer Skin' Hc is survived by his wife, ner; consolation, Mr. Ken Hays. PULLE'n SALE -Start ee pullets - 11 igh Line 9 3 4-A, DeKalb pullets, 141 weeks old on April 1.0th. Vac eine led for Bronchitis and New- castle Disease and de - beaked. Contact N e m a r It e 1 'o -op al Newmarket. Phone Newmarket, '1 wining 11-716111,3:10:1 lc 671.40 DOWN BC57S the new mo- del Surge Milker tat. It's big- ger, easier cleaned. inside entire- ly visible. New Pulsator cover excludes dust and 1110181.1117e. Sante safe, fast "Tug and Pull" ('0 11' milking.: Call Lovell McGuire, phone WIngham 503 Collect. ID FIEP WELL PUMP, Beat ty. 5 yeara old, good as new. Ed -Mc- Lean. R.R. 0 TS ippon. 10. PROPANE STOVE, Guerny, with al.p , big oven on grill. like new. Wisconsin aint sprayer, 30 . hose and gun, with or without motor. eheap. Call Carl Peterson. Oder' on. 31:10' COMBINE, All is Clia.lmers, S,P. 100, good. condition, 2 years old, complete with all attachments. Apply Box "MG", Times -Advocate. 2n:27:3;1ft Tusrpr.Firtrty CANES, Columbia, (not red 1; also strawberry plant. Apply Mrs. Emalie Cartel, No, 4 Highway, Just south of Exeter. Phone 3 2 2-.1-12. HOLSTEIN COW, carrying second calf, to freshen shortly, weight about 1,400 lbs., bred Holstein s; 1 0. also 5 range shelters, 6 s..s ; also On bales bay. Apply Wesley Itus• sell, R.14.. 1. CromarLY. :1(1' Used Washers corm T4 DA.TENO COUCH; 'Wh Ito sewing machine; bedroom furni- ture: whatnot.; old type dishes: buffet; china cabinet. Phone 6 3 6- COFFIELD .... ,..,..... ...... $25.00 .1" Exere.c, 10* STARTED POLLE'rS, Kimber 157, GENERAL ELECTRIC $49 00 " 12 to 20 weeks of age. Orders token, Available0VY at 15 wee is Both in good running condition. e 11 fs.. Cann's Mill. 1.10C • LINDENFIELDS LTD. STARTED PULLETS, Kimber 117, 8 weeks old; and Red x Sussex Phone 181 Exeter pullets, A weeks old April 26, 10 weeks old May 12. Cann's 51111, Inc R5t'OflD A,B E T; book :shelves; 2 end tables; kitchen PE N SUPPLIES - 4x4 barb enhtnei; floor -tamp; telephone wire, *8„( 5 ; farm fence and gates; table. Apply 54 Simeoe St., Ex- steel, cedar and Jack. Pine (treat - et er, phone 790, 1 Oc ed) posts, Table and seed lima toes. We deliver. Special this 2 -WHEEL, TRAILER, in good -week; 24' extension ladder, *2 2. condition. Phone A Credit on. 1 Oc Exeter pistriet Co-op. lac G IRLSP, ICY E, C. C,11.1. 'Phone Q L7ANTIT T. OF WHITE BRICK- S 7 6-r-2 3 Henson 1 0* Apply Ray In gram, Rensall, phone 6 3-1-2 2. tn. wrsmtir.t., complete. like new. Apply Rey Parsons, 11,11, 3 Ex- FRAME nryurrt-No. 14.x271'. eters alone 1 7 2-r-21, •I O. COuraey Brown, EirIcton n,n. 1. 10. Grnr..,s• COAT, all- wea,ther, blue, size 12. Slay be seen at Brady '54 DODGE Tittucr.,, rad, in first Cleaners. ., los class condition. Apply Mra Silas Stanlalte, 3 5 7 Carling St., Exeter. 1 0:1 7:2 4 '40 WILLY'S COUPE, 2 0,10 2 taloa; 35 miles to the gallon of gas; good mechanical condition. Write Box 116 or phone S0-3 Itensall. 10' DIN ENG 110055 SUITE, 6 pieces. Also hall tree. Phone 730 Exeter after 4 pan. 1 Oc FOR RENT - 4 1100.11 APARTMENT, Centrally located, partially furnished, with bath and hot water. Separate entrance; reasonable rent. Adults only, Garage available. 341 An- drew St., Exeter, 211:2 7 ;3:1110 News Budget From .nOW:s:STA.M. APARTMENT, three 10011116 and bath, nicely decorated, utlCrediton East St.. or phone 11 2-.5 'Exeter, letfe a• paId. Apply 3 5 Androw By MRS. W. MOTZ 2 APAR'L'SIENTS, furnished, tirst :Mot, steam heated, nasty decor - the former Beulah Beaver, and The final party of the year Will . - - ated. Suitable Inc two. --imitable two daughters: Mrs. 1-1. E. (Hel- be held on Friday evening at, theNrsOnaI Items April 1. Phone 131, 1 Oc en) Hookway, London, and Mrs. hall when the playoffs will take J. A. (Lois) Humphrey Of Streets. plate. and the sOcial hour fol- Mr„ and Airs... Edward, Dar- APARTMENT, fura'Shed, a il itira paid: frig. Phone 47 Ot•ndft011. inc vine. lowing. b and l' n't I, ' F. near Toronto Interment WAS ill Toronto. 4-1-1 Club spent Easter holidays with her PAST1RE.-3 00 acres, 1 --.els 11, 12 and 15,cencess1en7, illy Town - Personal Items k parents, Mr, And Mrs. J. But- ship. . 1 P • 's • 1 ' pp y t 1 ed N a ton, Forest. The Elitnville 4-H Hontema -- • . lac Mrs. Edward Morloek and ing Club "The Club Girl Stands • lock. phone 13.3-4 Med ford. Miss Ella motored to Windsor on Guard" held the second Mr, and Mrs, Jim Edwards 13 RIM" COTTAG 16 al; east corner , on Good Friday. Returning, they meeting on Tuesday afternoon, and Diane of Walkerton spent of Sandera street, near Belton], brought with them Miss Lulu, April 1, dt 4:30, at Winchelsca the Easter holidays with rola.. /.`,YttliAbh'. April 15, Apply 65 tsidle,v At , W. ler who spent the Easier vacation School. There were 21 members Lives hero and in Exeter. At her home, and two leaders present, Mr. wm, mono of Exeter sor..TTAIr..X1'. 01 ti r ii 1 a It s d 1411(1 51141410(1, hta1,I'senerato et'amet'sIVAN,Mr. and Mrs. R. j., Buller are Discusions on ''[mw to keep rs. Arnold.ArtaddGackstetter 151f, nn ein 11. Apply 1618 1 11. enjoying a pleasant and inter- mentally fit" by doing reading, esting vacation in Mexico. . etc., in leisure time was Rivol and family of Guelph 'visited Bain At.; Phone 40 0- W Eitel er. Saturday with Mr, and Mrs, ""IrIgs-. Mrs, E, M. Fahrner) On Ras by MrS. Norman Jaques. "First vh„ mnt.1 T..4141110 APARTA(FINt. 2-becirriem. 110011 A patient in St. Joseph's Aitr, was given by Miss Ruth "-M't,' Mot T..4141110 Mrs. Harry Lewis A vanabio i16w, Join wm,d kort. Hospital, London, returned home skinno., last week and is much improved. The roll call for the text and Ebel', Mit. Leonard Wein 1T.I.1.r;r!,l. 3 4.V1/1Y Gladys 1,. 1•16061.: . Mrs. ;lames Mawhiriney, who , meeting is to name a good hook and Mr. and Mts. Marven Wein and Gary spent Sunday at the Is confined io Victoria HosPilala id like to, read and meeting tOtoe London, is improved. be lied at Zion 515110151 011 TUeS,. home .of Mr. and Mrs. Alec Hani: Mrs, Howard Itenney and son, day April 8, at 2,80, lion at Grand tend visiting with .. Mortis, of Detroit, aro visiting ' A. 8, Barry Hamilton and Wife WANTED-- Elk wedk with Airs. J. nirtzei Mission 'Band 1 and daughter Who ate Ort holi, ---,,, . i................. --.......i. and sons, The April meeting of the mini.; days Imp VaiitotiVa 6 OR A rEATILTN(18 to take. in B.C. and for Patifure, Apply Lane Devine. Ir/C 'William McKee' left last trifle Mission Band WAS .11t1d 011 1 1..,,,,Yho, will bt now stationed at 1 ss -rt -to DaShwood. Inc week for , Moose Jaw, Sask., Saturday at the home df IVIISS I InorlAtol N.B, wherd he is -taking a flying Margaret Brock. Misses Marga, Mrs, .IOhti Neata is leaving wANtilln I'� 1'1.1•1Nt't. 1111111td 40 0. 13,,,. Modern 0 -Wraith Iloilo, wuh course. Mrs. Mateo and son, ret and Elaine Johns ]tad charge , Wednesday by plane for Brus- e;nt inn to buying' Apply Bey flrat:10', are remaining with Mr. of the program. ; telt, Belgium, for A two month "NG" TitneasAdVecal 0, •51).c. Lloyd Wein. Margaret took the worship . Visit with her parM.11,S, She will --...-..,--.....-...,.........,,,.............,......-,..; 170, li.obert Palmer of wen. period. Brenda Skinner sang a .also 'attend the Brussels Pair, REAL ESTATE ton spent the weekend with Mr, solo, Miss Sandra Walters played it is nearly eight years since •, • , . • ,, . , , I,• . And Mrs. E. M. Fahrner. Mrs. the piano and Miss Marilyn she has sten lite parents, Weh Are htrasett to to, too 15 Painter And daughters, who have. linhils read seine riddles. Miss: -- - . - - , arm sovoral or *Ronson% 111101' spent some the here, returned Ava Elford read a P0011 Anti HAM Mid ShitION "Of MO, We,1,'P Very real:tenabl down payMetita, Tinirta, roved re 'sell -56W Stith Wilk 111111, (1115 study hook was given by I &muda__y ( CVellitig guests Witli 51Ortga14'ed arranged, Misses Lulu And Ella Morlock Mr.'s, fleas Skinner, ; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Coopor tele. attended a tea itt London Sattir• It was decided to have a home Mr. Nb„, htti wt. Arms, day afternoon at the home of Mrs, Mabel Fells, it was given IA honor of MISS Madge Hors- fall, tilted& of Art lildueation, University of TASIllatiia, Austral- ia, who this year is nn sabbati• tal leave, lit Canada arid the Ao0M—Phone 2071 t,xcter, made war and cookie canvass I :20th Wading alifliVerSA114. on Saturday, April 15, with eadlii , Mr, Elgin Skinner, of NOW To. l'"Illbtt 4611411"k -a 1:1"k4ge (A t d g the tatter eookies and a pae age ot eandy. tOn 0, 15 513P 111 Mr. And Mrs, Harold tell andholida...15.t...".11J!f CM! M111, WS. Philip Minh, 1v115 tive.Fou bio.11,F Mr. And Mir& Donald Parsons MISS Anna 11,Outly, of TOrontO, United .StateS. and Susan, or WOW"; 1111°. anti IA visiting this week with her Mr. at 'Meek railed on Mrs. itossl Skiitisor and family, parent, Mr. arid Mrs, William friends Iwo on Saturday, Mr, ,and Mrs, Norman Jaquos, Itoutly, 1 mannerist itatings 15 atipitnerelal and 1'00;14001AI 111*5151116 nronortios -arab farina Lot ne diactiSS Sante with sou. Guaranty Trust ttottltor A. 'A, Pitt-AS(1N, Phone 51, Rchaall, AilDP & PA RTMENT-Well lo- cated in Exeter business Section. Savable for office or any ;busi- ness requiring m e (1(11 ra floor space. Very comfortable living quarters. Tema. 2 :6tre Ar2s.r,TAIENT nocsr,s, riatis1S- Lek us Jos e you details, s-FIIIIIROOM BRICK with garage. This 1101116 1:11 well built and in gond randition. It has aPaCi01.15 living and dining space and gond kitehen: full basement with oil Minting furnaer. This is an estate house and must be sold, 2:2 7tto ccryrAc.o. - bet:14'00M, 'modern kitehen, 5-piese bath, extra bed- room space available, full base- ment. oil healed, Price ° ;4,5 0 0. Slightly higher on very eass' terms. 3:27 Floor Edgers, Floor P0141341'3 Vacalm cleaners, Tools, EtO, BEAVERS HARDWARE 7S X 10'I'E 66 TENDERS WANTED— Property Sale NO 4238 LAND l71acres oflaarf aPPrnx In buy nr sell, See C. V. Pic- 11111es.:e6 t of Zurich on Highway hard, Realtor and General Maur- ' 34 ' ance. S94. litatn St., Eteter, Phones 163 and 62S, Tenders will he revels. ed by the I :23t.fc TENDERS 511I'RET.5P.Y HOCSE To he removed frnm R51,tncrAT.fA1.1.A4E1 2Ni,r4.118r.r.tung3rs,K propert y. For information. inquire .1, a:Canadian Canners Istd..T017NTO 5, oNtArtio e"j u4 Entok cOTTAG E. insulated, bards; ood floors. 2 bedrooms with possible lhtrd, 3-pieee bath, fur- nace, garage. ;3,0 0 0 cash to settle estate. I yi.00rt, insul brie. living room fireplace, 2 bedrooms, full bath, nice kitchen, full cellar, furnace, hot water Lank. central location. 2 -STOREY HOUSE, large furnace, heavy:1-epie e alstai tty11, andng,gcaorlads. ater, lee ACRES, all tillable, insulated house, full bath, furnace, base- ment barn. silo, drilled well, Pressure system; near village; 6 -nom 1 -floor house, air condi- tioning nil furnace, il-piece bath, large lot, garage, settling estate. I1E.N71A5L-3 rooms, main floor; 1 upstairs: full bath, air condi- tioner oil furnace, large lot. .1:6c GOOD PASTUR E. 740 acres, Con, 5. Hay; all cleared and creek o atered, 21t111 Val ACRES clay loam, l'aborne Township. full set of buildings, mostly new roofs, 5 acres bush, (dose to school, church, 1111114 route, 4:10c Write or (tome. 17', C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter, phone 4 3 5; Earl Parsons, phone 7107, 'Fred role, phone 3.14-11, Salesmen, Iltfc Exeter Wartime House 4-hedroom, floor furace, picture window, deep 115t. Anne St„ close to Stain St. Part terms MSS be arranged with suitable purchaser. BELL & LAUGHTON Exeter Phone 4 3:1 Oc SERVICES— ATTENTION, FARMEns-Prompt. courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals, call collect rot. over 1100 lhs. El). ANDREWS, 85 1 -r-11.. Seatortli. Associated with Darling & Co.. of Canada. Ltd. 1:1111-3;27.tfc FILMS DEVELO:PED in 46 hours. Exeter agent: Russell Electric; Hensall agent: Ed Fink Plumb- ing and Heating': prompt photo finishing. 2 7:5 :I 0:1 7* AECTI ONEER - Be rt Pc p p0 r, licensed -anctierteer, now booking sales for the coming Season. 3 Seaforth, phone Clinton HIT 2- 7584. S71510:17 - BRICKING and plastering', home and industrial r e pair s. brick pointing, chlmn el's, etc. Guaranteed work. .Ftee estimates. No job too small or large. "Write or call .1. F. Fowler, Box 430, phone 141-W Mitchell. 21:3:16:114, SEPTIC TANKS punined; immed- iate service. Baler Bros,'Lucan, phone 130-171 or 10S Lucasi. S715;;13 EXETER LAWN EQUIPMENT - Service on all mattes, sharpening, repairs, lawn rolling. Hilt Laing, phone 21 Exetets, 27;3:1 0:1 7c NEW SPRING ARCHES FLEXIBLE -SOFT -COMFORT TOUR. 'WALKING PAINS 3.....mtran.:Auer TREATED Relief from sore burning feet, n•eak ankles, sore heela and knees, hips and bark, erarnps in test or legs. "Watc:11 corns. cal- louses and bunions disappear. Brings hack circulation, Repairs made to other makes. Consult W. A. Nauman at 1,114- toWet every Tuesday and Elmira every Prides. from 50:00 a,m. to 9:0) p.m. Walk erten, Wingham and other pants by pliontnA (vollect) Listowel 94 Or Elmira ' 9-2 6 0 4-5, Central 1101141, elm% on April 1P and 'Slay 2, tette WITA'r COULD 33E EASIER 7 -By 8111115130 asking up your p110110 incl milling 7 711 you 011 1) rent that vacant roan or sell these things you no longer need. There'a fast, lew-rost 1441 10)) in The Times- 1clyneati Want Ads. tee RATS AIALls TRACTOR ('5.157 15'. - Noys'a the 1)1158 for a romplete eheolt up, Meaning, adjustment. inSpeetten. Coats little -may 8510 many 11011114 of delay in busy moans ahead. Phone 150-7121', 1" W. Huxtable, "Exeter, Ofi HELP WANTED lAtrtait'in,:sT Salea and service man, preferably a(teuatent. e5)411507'Ir,Anito•dth11,81.,ac,it;ixrgitirs.S.riply Lactose', rAAttAtttt — Applications 51111 5114 recolvott no (15 April 19 fer the Petition of caretaker for the Lucan Public Sehool; duties to eemffienee May I. 11eply Stating sala IVY onocteld to: J, C. Thirds% $011r17Yrtl: Luo 11. ritt:411 re, full 1.10;1 111 exticrienee net neetesears.: 1111451, schritil girl preferred. Write Box "NV", Times -Advocate. 1 Or • WAITRESS - Eseerienee 1)10161" red. Apply 1'116 121.1 1.1;105t, title fetd, Ate CO/111 11 1011 ed. lila „ „... A VO IV A rtbs - For telt and Country (nub. $oin14 dining robot expatiated Preferred. Atte Melt plater. Minty 111 wtitint only to Sir, atlin Slake, t'/o the Thrisa. Advnest t Ills "Wert you J815)V15115 when 'George vrotosod, darling'?" "UAW, dearie; 1L what° 12:00 NOON E.S.T. nn THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1958, Informal ion and tender forms obtainable from The 1' P n rl P r s Secretary located as shown abase or DEPARTMENT OF HIGHW.A.VS, STT Highest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. DEPARTMENT OF 1•11G-HWATS ONTA31/.0 10:17c NOTICES TO CREDITORS In the Estate. (If Elizabeth Ann Willis, deceased. All p e r so 11 s havi.ng claims against the estate or •tlicabeth Ann Willis, late of the Town ot Exeter, in the County of Huron, '1,7)0 died on or about the aril of March 1 3 5A, are required 10 file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solieitors of I6xeter. Ontario, by the 23(11 day of April , 1058, after hien date the PStat� will be distributed having regard only to those elalms of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ontario, 3:111:17c MISCELLANEOUS — EVENTIDE VILLA, a hone for I elderly citizens, is now npen at 30 Sanders St.., Exeter, The Villa is under the management of 51rs. : Desjardine, Exeter, 1 :ate • EMPLOYMENT WANTED — ODD JOBS, carpentering, paint- 1 ing etc. Phone Exeter 4 0 8. 1 0 c AUCTION SALES ..Clearint; AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate & Household Effects On the Premises. Part of Lot 3 and 14, in the VILLAGE OF CENTRALTA Directly across from Post Office. The undersigned auctioneer re- ceived instructions to ' sell by public auction on SATISIRDA,Y, A PRI 1. 12, HMS at 1100 O'Clock p.m. REAL ESTATE: ( 'onsist ins; of Part of Lot 3 and 14, Village i Centralia, on which is situated a 1 2 -storey frame dwelling. Alain ! floor consists of living and ins: room, bedroom, kitchen. and utility reorn. Second floor, 3 bed..., room*. bathroom and Onset. Col- lar throughnut, 11 it 11 171414 1>' 1)1' stalled nil furnace. Property YerY nicety situated and in good state of repair. Ample garden land or suitable building Iota Terms Of Real Estate: 1O",: nn day of sale. Balance in 30 days, Sold subject to a reasonable re- serve bia. HO USEROL,I) EFFECTS: Din 1 g room 141111.0; table and chairs; buffet: 2 wicker rockers; 2 oak rockers; 3 centre tables; Ax minster rug, 1 Oxl 2; el e c t r lc lamps; It studio couches; occa. slonal chair; Reintzman piano. 1n good venation; electric. ' radio; hall tree; kitchen table and chairs: cupboard; chest of draw- ers; A stra.1 refrigerator; 2 steel bedst earls: dressers; contrtimisa; oak bedstead; utility table; elee- trie fan; 3 toilet sets: Quebec 1 healer; it -burner electric stove: sewing mashine; trunk; pillows; blankets: elotnes basket; silver- ware; glassware; dialies; lc itehen. utensils; 2 gal)'. tubs: step lad- der; garden tools, and misc. itt‘TrilsR EAIS; Cash. :W. G. (10CH:ft ANE. Adritinititratnr foe the F,stai of the late Sadie Parsons GARNET 111(1114, Clerk ALVIN W.ALPER, Auctioneer Did You Get A SiIver This Week? If so, it. was likely part of the weekly wages paid out by Larry Snider Motors Limited We'll be paying all of our employees in .SILVER DOLLARS for the rest of the month. Look for them! LS FT '57 MONARCH RICHELIEU SEDAN — This car is equipped with all extras; automatic, power brakes, power steering, power seats, radio, tinted glass, windshield washers, backup lights, white- wall tires, tutone brown and beige. For BIG car comfort $ave dollars on this one! '56 FORD FAIRLANE SEDAN—This car is equipped with radio, automatic, power steering,lour brand new tires. For THUNDERBIRD performance, give this one a try! '56 FORD SEDAN A lovely tutone for ONLY . $1,850 '56 FORD TUDOR , A lovely performer for ONLY $1850 '56 PLYMOUTH COACH $1,695 '54 FORD COACH With radio, tutone, ONLY $1,300 '54 FORD COACH '54 METEOR SEDAN '54 CHEVROLET SEDAN 'Your choice of these beauties for $1,200 '53 FORD SEDAN—Automatic, radio, in new car condition, ONLY , $1,200 '52 MERCURY SEDAN . A gleaming black for ONLY $1,000 '53 METEOR SEDAN '53 CHEVROLET COACH '53 PONTIAC SEDAN Your choice for '52 CHEVROLET SEDAN The best one in captivity for ONLY '52 METEOR COACH—with radio . $ '51 FORD CONVERTIBLE—new paint job . $ '51 METEOR SEDAN '51 FORD COACH Your choice of these two for '50 FORD COACH '49 CHEVROLET SEDAN These two beauties at your choice for $ '49 PLYMOUTH SEDAN—motor overhauled $ '48 MERCURY SEDAN 900 800 750 700 WS' ailMOMMIPOOMOHUM1101114MNOW. 600 500 300 150 TRUCKS '56 FORD T-800 TANDUM DUMP ..... $8,000 '55 FORD 're800 TANDUM DUMP $7,500 '56 FORD T-700 TANDUM DUMP ....... ,........., S$47,020000 '56 FORD F-700 DUMP '54 FORD 3 TON DUMP '53 MERCURY PICKUP .. $, $1769505 '47 INTERNATIONAL K-7 CHASSIS & CAB $ 650 '46 INTERNATIONAL K-7 CHASSIS & CAB $ 550 '49 FORD 3 TON STAKE ... . $ 400 Larry Snider Motors Ford•Edsel Dealer PHONE 624 Solos and Servico EXETER a umimnimmutuuntmisitmutmtaffitimummumatimminiffiniiiiiiimmommutonsnimmimimmto; Canada's first family sports car SMS' ss •10.140710'f 1414,1(50, 1,0511*4614 so, s ssts..s. . Studebaker HAWK JOG it- drive Ith bo amazed by ito • LOW PRICE - • OPERATING oCONOMY ROOMY INTERIOR o'PAEULOUE ROA, • fittkftf,tiftiVIAN661 • DIETINOTIVE ftitYLINCI GRAIIAN ARTHUR MOTORS